Purebred big cats. The largest cat breeds: photos and facts

Oh, these purrs. Some are quite miniature, while others have such dimensions that some dogs are even smaller. Some owners boast that their pet is so polished, well-fed, large. However, seeing the photo of the largest domestic cat, he understands that his cat, compared to the record holder, is just a newborn kitten who has yet to grow and eat.

So what is the largest cat breed? Believe it or not, there is even a top of big fluffy purrs. And mini-cheetahs and mini-lynxes found a place in it. In general, get acquainted!

Below is a list of the largest and beautiful breeds domestic cats.


By right, the first place is given to this species of the cat family. In length, such a pet reaches a meter, body weight is almost 14 kilos. This breed was the result of a hybrid cross between a domestic cat, an African serval and an Asian leopard kitty. Oh, those scientists. In 2006, their experiment paid off. And so, now you can buy a kitten of the biggest cat for only 22 thousand dollars. The amount is considerable, but do not believe it, the queue for such a kitten is scheduled for a year ahead! Scientists raise only 100 kittens per year. Since this is a hybrid, it cannot be bred at home.

Due to the fact that the cat is rather big, it is still better to walk it on a leash. However, do not be afraid of its intimidating appearance. Although this is a mini-leopard, it is very affectionate, it also rubs against the legs, asks for hands and plays with the kids with pleasure.

This is where the scientists "came off" not childishly, mixing so many genes, combining them in one kitten. This is an African serval, and a Bengal shorthair, Egyptian and Siamese Mau, oriental shorthair, and, of course, a domestic cat. As a result, scientists managed to breed a kitten, which was given the name Savannah.

The ears are round, and the physique is athletic, so to speak. It can be seen that the cat in the family are real predators. Although their body weight reaches 15 kilos, however, they “did not come out” in “growth” (more precisely, body length) compared to the first place - only 60 cm. But if you measure at the withers, then the figure will surprise you. It can reach 45 centimeters!

Kittens cost from five to ten thousand dollars, but females are considered the most valuable. After all, the boys are sterile (up to 4 generations, kittens). Received in the 4th generation, the boys can participate in breeding. However, the cost of a kitten depends not only on gender, but also on how much "blood" of the serval is in the savannah. The more it is, the more expensive the pet will be.

Housing is not suitable for them. They need a private house with free range. And if there is still a small pond, then from tenderness when watching how the savannah frolics, you can burst into tears. The cat loves to play, run, rush. Yes, and loves water, unlike other cats.

Maine Coon

Truly a beautiful cat. It is a cross between a raccoon and a lynx. The Maine Coon breed, compared to other hybrids, is quite old - more than a century. beautiful cats, are capable of reproduction at home, but reach fertile age only after 4 years of life. Very hardy and affectionate cats. They weigh about 15 kilos, but the length can be very different. For some owners, cats reach a length of 70 cm, but there are also coons that grow up to a meter. Kittens are not cheap. The cost of one such handsome man is one thousand or two euros!

The cat is big, but it is almost invisible in the apartment. Under the feet will not be confused. But it won't hide from you. With pleasure she will climb into your arms and sing a song, full of tenderness and love. They purr loudly. And the voice is unique for each individual.

Chausi (chausi, house)

For a long time, the predecessor of this breed was wild, but in 2003 it was possible not only to accustom this reed cat, but also to put it on public view. Chausi is a mix Abyssinian and a wild reed cat. By appearance Chausi is very similar to the Abyssinian cat, but much larger. Representative from wildlife reaches a mass of 16 kilos, but the domestic "version" of the reed cat ranges from 6 to 12. The cat loves affection and attention to his person. If you do not provide it with all this, then the chausi will become sad and may lose interest in life altogether.

Nobody breeds this breed in Russia yet, it is very rare and dear cat. In addition, the pet needs not only your attention, but also space for games. In apartments, these cats are extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable. But a private house is perfect. Especially if there is an opportunity to go to the site and frolic in nature.

pixie bob

Perhaps this is not the largest domestic cat in the world, but far from medium in size. This breed has recently been bred. And it came from wild forest cats and lynx that live in Canada and the United States. The kitty is very similar to a lynx, the same triangular eyes recessed into the muzzle, the same physique, the ears are very similar. And if you remember the tail of a lynx, then it’s immediately clear where the pixie bob got its name from.

If you translate the name of the breed, you get something like a short-tailed elf. Boys reach a mass of 10 kilos, but females are twice as light.

Very affectionate and gentle pets, love to play with the kids. Find quickly mutual language with other pets, absolutely conflict-free. The cost of a kitten ranges from one to five thousand dollars.

British Shorthair

The Briton completes the list of domestic biggest cats in the world. The females are not that big. Their body weight is usually about three kilos, but males ... Sometimes the figure on the scale becomes 12. Therefore, this is one of the most large breeds cats in the world. Moreover, the British have become very popular. Their nurseries are becoming more and more. British kittens are no longer a rarity in our animal market. If a pixie-bob, savannah or chausie is almost exotic for our places, then the British can no longer surprise anyone.

Despite their massiveness, these cats are very dexterous. They look like cubs, so soft, plush, which you don’t want to let go of your hands. I want to constantly squeeze and cuddle. In addition, they have a wide variety of colors. Much depends on the parents. And what kind of eyes they have. Huge, warm, you can drown in them.

The British tolerate loneliness calmly. Therefore, they can be started by those who spend a lot of time at work, but want to feel loved and needed when they come home.

Ashera is an exotic hybrid breed of domestic cat that looks like a leopard. It was bred in 2006 by Lifestyle Pets and today is the largest cat in the world.. The leopard cat was obtained by mixing the genes of an Asian leopard cat, an African serval, a simple domestic cat and named after the pagan goddess Ashera. Such a kitten costs from $22,000. Ashera is the largest domestic cat in the world, reaching a weight of up to 14 kg and has a length of 1 m. Such a cat looks like a sphinx, and is considered hypoallergenic. The high price of a kitten does not bother those who want to buy it, they are recorded in the queue for 8 - 12 months in advance, as the company grows this breed in the amount of 100 pieces per year. Such a cat is an ideal pet, although it has a menacing appearance. However, he likes to sleep, rub his legs, play with children. Eats simple cat food. This is the only representative of the cat breed with which you can walk, leading on a leash.

Savannah is a large cat with large round ears. The breeders wanted to get a cat similar to servals, a domestic cat, an African serval, Egyptian and Siamese Mau, Bengal and Oriental Shorthair participated in the crossing. It turned out a cat with thick hair, long neck, powerful body up to 60 cm tall and weighing 15 kg, with a chocolate, golden, silver, brown color. They are active, curious, behave calmly, adapt to life in any conditions. They demand for themselves great attention, with any animals will find a common language. They have good jumping ability. The price of such a breed is from $ 5-10 thousand. Savannah cats are the most valuable, since the male sex of this breed is barren until the fourth generation. The more Serval blood in the breed, the more it is valued.

The Maine Coon is a hardy cat breed bred 100 years ago. They reach maturity by 4 years, males gain weight up to 15 kg, females weigh much less. These are beautiful, gentle, good-natured giants. The voice distinguishes them from the general mass of cats, it has a bright distinct vibration. Maine Coons do not meow, but give a gentle voice. A distinctive feature of this breed is the shape of the body, head and coat texture. The head is elongated slightly in length, with a curved profile and wide ears with tassels at the base. The tail reaches a length corresponding to the length of the body. Maine Coons are amazing agile cats, they combine power and strength with a gentle character, the look of a wild animal with a gentle purr. They are curious, trying to help you everywhere, tireless hunters. The cost of such a kitten is from 1000-2000 euros.

Chausi is a reed cat breed, named after a cat that lives in South Asia - Felis chaus nilotika. For a long time such a breed was considered wild, but since 2003 Chausi has been performing at TICA shows. This species was obtained by crossing Abyssinian cats and wild reed cats, which have a gray-yellowish color or gray-brown. All cats are powerfully built with muscular paws, a narrow head, a wide chest, almond eyes, short hair adjacent to the body. Wild cat has a weight of up to 16 kg, but homemade reed from 6 to 12 kg. A short tail with a black tip, the ears are set wide apart with tassels, and there is a lot of fringing in the middle of the auricles. A kind and docile animal with a royal posture impresses with its grace and obedience. They love affection, communication, if they do not receive this, they can become sad and lose interest in life. The price of a kitten starts from $1000.

Closes the list of the largest cats in the world such a breed as Pixie-Bob. Pixie-bob (pixie-bob) - American young breed, translated from English. sounds like an Elf and the bob is a short tail. Such a cat short tail, powerful paws and body, similar to a lynx. The only breed in the world that has multi-toed feet. Pixie body weight is small: up to 10 kg of males and up to 5 kg of females. The nature of cats is reserved, tactful, unobtrusive. They have great devotion to their owners, like dogs. Outsiders are wary, but not aggressive. They love games and affection. They have a gentle quiet voice, but are mostly silent when they play, emit a sonorous growl. They walk on trees, never scratch, love to play with children. The price of a kitten starts from $1000 to $5000.

Most domestic cats are very modest in size, even animals fattened by their owners out of the kindness of their hearts rarely weigh more than 5-7 kilograms.

Not every person decides to have a large animal in the house, which in the future will weigh 10, or even all 15 kilograms. There are a lot of fears: it will be difficult to feed, it will be difficult to maintain, it will lie on its feet - it will crush it, and so on and so forth. We hasten to dispel doubts: big cats they are no less elegant and amazingly graceful, they will not intentionally harm you, and they do not consume food in buckets. The only difference is that they, like good man, "should be a lot."

TOP 5 largest cat breeds

5. Maine Coon

« Maine raccoon "- this is how the name of the species is translated, and indeed, these cats look like a raccoon. Maine Coons are officially native to the state of Maine (USA). It is not known exactly when the breed was bred, but at the beginning of the last century, cats were already at the peak of their fame, a lot has been written about them. beautiful stories. The weight of adult cats is up to 11 kilograms, smaller cats are 8-9 kilograms, height at the withers ranges from 25 to 41 centimeters. By the way, only the tail of the Maine Coon reaches 35-37 centimeters in length. By nature, these cats are sociable and socially oriented, love to take part in family affairs, To strangers are wary. As for care, the main thing is to take care of the coat, it needs to be combed out once a week, water procedures for many Maine Coons are a pleasure, they are not indifferent to water. An interesting feature cat is her voice: in a large Maine Coon it is thin, even a little squeaky, but in the arsenal there are several dozen sounds of different tones.

4. Chausie

One of the most rare breeds in the world, it was tamed not so long ago. The Chausie is the result of crossing the Jang Cat and the Abyssinian cat, and owes its Chausie ancestors to its athletic build and restless disposition. They began to be bred in the 60s of the last century, but the breed did not become widespread, since it is very difficult to breed Chausie, ordinary kittens are often born from titled parents. Representatives of this species are very reminiscent of cougars in miniature. Males weigh 10-13 kilograms, females are thinner and smaller, the height of the animal at the withers is up to 40 centimeters. Despite their colorful and wild appearance, these cats become attached to their owners, get along well with other cats, dogs, play with children, and love to be in the spotlight. In Russia, they do not breed this breed, so it is extremely difficult to get a kitten. Chausie are unpretentious, the only caveat: they have a sensitive digestive system Therefore, the food is selected according to the needs of the animal.

3. Ragdoll

This breed was bred quite by accident in California in the 60s, since then it has gained a lot of admirers. A characteristic feature of the species is late physical maturation - it occurs in 4 summer age. Adult males weigh up to 12 kilograms, females - 2-3 kilograms less, body length is up to 1 meter. "Ragdoll" in English means " Ragdoll”, the name is associated with the peculiarity of the cat’s muscles: when the owner picks her up, she completely goes limp and relaxes, she can lie in the most unthinkable poses. Actually, therefore, ragdolls need careful handling: reduced pain threshold and compliance is a threat to the cat itself, it may not have time to group itself when it falls and be seriously injured. These are smart pets that are very attached to their owners. Care is simple: once a day they need to be combed, regularly cleaned ears, teeth, pick up proper diet Bathing is kept to a minimum – these cats hate water.

2. Savannah

Large breed: the weight of males reaches 15 kilograms, females are somewhat smaller. Growth at the withers - 50-60 centimeters. This is a hybrid of an African serval and a domestic cat, and the temperament of the savannah was inherited from both ancestors. They are very active, cheerful, love long walks and demonstrate high intelligence. Savannahs are partial to water procedures, but in relation to the owners they are more like dogs: savannahs are very devoted pets. The history of the breed began in the 80s, but the standard was adopted only in 2001. Feature species - from the first generation only females can breed, but males are sterile. In general, it is not difficult to care for representatives of this species, they can even be walked on a leash, they are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

1. Ashera

The first place rightfully goes to the Ashera breed - these animals are quite rare, the species was bred only in 2006 and is considered not only the largest, but also the most expensive. The growth of pets reaches a meter, weight - more than 15 kilograms. Ashera is the result of crossing a leopard and domestic cat with an African serval. Despite the abundance wild ancestors, these pets have a rather peaceful disposition, they adapt well to the new environment and get used to the owners. One of the varieties of ashera is positioned as hypoallergenic, there are also snow, royal and ordinary ashera. Caring for an animal is no different from caring for a yard Barsik: suitable nutrition, regular nail trimming, cleaning of ears and teeth, sometimes you need to comb the coat. However, it is still not known for certain whether such a breed actually exists or whether it is a modified Savannah cat.

Cats that, with a high-calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle, usually gain weight of 5-6 kg. But there are those who are champions in big weight and gigantic sizes. Cats and cats of such breeds reach the external proportions of the average.

Maine Coon

The clear leader of large sizes is the Maine Coon. This ancient breed originated in North America in the state of Maine about 150 years ago. By numerous legends the ancestors of cats of this breed were the North American lynx, jungle cat and even a raccoon. Indeed, the tassels on the ears of Maine Coon cats are the same as those of a lynx, and fluffy tail, long hair and coloration resembles . In addition, the name Maine Coon translates as "raccoon cat from Maine."

The breed is small, but very popular, so this breed is very expensive. Maine Coon cats are distinguished by a calm, friendly disposition, which is very much appreciated at exhibitions, as well as “dog-like” devotion to the owner. By the age of four, cats grow up to 8-10 kg, cats - up to 13 kg, in isolated cases - up to 15-18 kg. The length of individuals reaches 135 cm, and the height at the withers is 30-45 cm. Despite the large size and weight, representatives of this breed are mobile and graceful.


Another breed of cats, whose representatives differ large sizes, is a savannah. This is a short-haired breed with a leopard color. Savannah cats originated from artificial breeding of a domestic cat with a wild African serval.

Not all felinologists recognize this breed as a domestic one. Like many hybrids, the Savannah is an unstable breed that does not pass on clear traits to offspring. And males up to the 4th generation are sterile. Due to such breeding difficulties, Savannah kittens are extremely expensive, the price can reach up to $ 20,000.

Savannah cats inherited from their wild ancestors a flexible, graceful body, long limbs and extraordinary jumping ability. The height at the withers of animals can reach 60 cm, and the weight of large ones reaches 15 kg. Cats weigh less - 7-8 kg.

Savannah cats are difficult to litter train, so it is preferable to keep them in a private home. Cats are easy to train, love to walk on a leash.


The young Ragdoll breed was bred by crossing Burmese and persian breeds. It is interesting that the most sedentary, calm and peaceful cats who did not know the streets were taken to obtain a new breed. As a result, representatives of this breed are distinguished by a calm disposition, reduced muscle tone and patience.

Semi-longhaired ragdoll cats have a significant weight - 7-10 kg, for which they are called "good-natured giants." Ragdolls do not jump well, they can sit on their knees for hours. At good nutrition their thick beautiful coat of white or lilac color never falls off. One more hallmark rocks are huge bright blue eyes.

Along with dogs, cats are the most popular pets for people. They are often called companion animals that try to be on a par with their owners, and not be content with the role of a faithful assistant.

It was once thought that domestic cats were a separate biological species, but in fact they were born predators and belong to the mammals of the cat family.

Domestic modern cats are considered descendants forest cats that were domesticated tens of thousands of years ago. According to statistics, about 600 million domestic cats now live in the world. And there are 256 breeds, and they are all completely different. But there are also champion cats. Today we will talk about the biggest cats in the world.

The largest domestic cats in the world

Cats and cats in terms of size can be different. Much depends on their breed. So, for example, the smallest cats in the world are representatives of the Singapura breed, whose weight in adulthood reaches 2 kg.

As for the biggest cats, these two breeds are fighting for this title:

  • Asher;
  • Maine Coon (Maine Coon).

Below we will consider their features and characteristics in more detail.

Characteristics of big Maine Coon cats and representatives of the breed

An adult cat belonging to this breed can weigh about 10 kg and may resemble a lynx. Like this animal, cats of this breed have a similar tiger gait and tassels on their ears. Maine Coons also look like reeds wild cats but, compared to them, they are friendlier.

Cat Stewie, living in the city of Reno (Nevada, USA), a representative of this breed, was recognized not only as the largest, but as the most long cat in the world. In the stretched state from the head to the coccyx, the length of the animal is 123 cm. Such a record was officially registered by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records.

An application to the Book was submitted by the owner of the animal, when all the acquaintances began to marvel at its length. And here is the cat Lobster, who lives in Melbourne (Australia), will be slightly shorter in length, 120 cm. He even has his own page on social networks. Lobster also belongs to the Maine Coon breed. When his owners took this red-colored baby into their home in 2013, they could not imagine that their pet would grow into one of the largest cats in the world.

Those who wish can watch it through social media. See how the cat plays in the yard, sleeps and runs around the house. The owner says that their huge pet needs special nutrition. The only meat he eats is raw kangaroo meat, which they buy from the local supermarket. In addition to him, the cat eats regular dry food.

Lobster's weight is 14 kilograms. Not only is it big, but it also has an incredibly large coat. The hostess complains that she constantly has to be found in all corners of the house.

She also notes that the pet does not particularly like his popularity, he has a skittish character and often mopes when he, instead of living a simple life. pet, have to pose for your blog.

Ashera, or leopard cat

Representatives of this breed are also among the largest cats in the world. Ashera was bred artificially by American biotechnologists relatively recently. As a result, such cat breeds were crossed as:

The breed was named Ashera in honor of the pagan goddess.

Specialists who took part in the breeding of this breed, not so long ago, brought out another breed - a hypoallergenic cat. Thanks to this, anyone who would like to have a pet cat, but suffers from allergies, can afford it. However, not for modest money, this is the only negative.

The Ashers were recognized as the largest cat breeds in the world, but this title is disputed by the creators of another artificial breed - Savannahs, which were bred in the 80s. At the same time, specialists conduct DNA tests, and the case itself is considered in court. External Description Usher is:

  • the height of the cat is about a meter;
  • average weight animal - about 15 kilograms;
  • predatory grin;
  • paws are powerful.

However, despite their outward menacingness, Ashers are friendly and accommodating They are very fond of playing with children and sleeping.

Ashers though good breed but are not included in the budget. You can buy a pet for about 2 thousand dollars. But this applies to the economy option. But if you want to purchase a special option for allergy sufferers, then such a kitten will cost about 6 thousand dollars. But the cost will include not only the animal, but also such a package:

  • animal vaccination;
  • insurance for a year;
  • 10 consultations with the doctor Ronald Tripp (one of the famous veterinarians in the world);
  • pet care kit
  • elite diet food;
  • vinyl tips for claws;
  • implanted microchip identifier.

Savannah big cat

Another record-breaking cat is Trouble which belongs to the Savannah breed. She was bred by crossing domestic non-pedigreed cats and African wild cats. The height of Trouble is the highest in the world and is 48 centimeters. But the weight of this cat is only 9 kilograms. Despite the fact that the cat is very active image life, it is not distinguished by voracity. And she loves to run just like the real one wild cat. The record holder lives in the USA.

The fattest cat in the world

Record holders and world celebrities often become cats with non-standard parameters.

For example, the Himalayan cat named Tinker Toy that weighed less than a kilogram. He was 18 centimeters long and 7 centimeters high. These settings are the result hormonal disorders in an animal.

The largest cat in the world is often called an animal with overweight. For the owners of the cat, such an achievement seems not the most pleasant, because overweight extremely negatively affect the health of the pet.

The fattest cat in the world was recognized Himmy from Australia. He weighs 21 kilograms and has a belly circumference of 84 centimeters. Before Himmy, the fattest cat in the world was Spice, a cat from Connecticut. He weighed 20 kilograms, he gained his weight solely because of natural laziness.

But the category "The fattest cat in the world" by the administration of the Guinness Book of Records was canceled. The reason for this is that the owners, wanting to become famous thanks to their pets, do not harm them. As for the fate of the Australian Himmy, he died at the age of ten from respiratory arrest, having previously lost the ability to move independently.

Big Hercules

According to experts from the Guinness Book of Records, the largest pet in the world is Hercules. His daily diet consists of 45 kilograms of food. Despite the fact that this is not a domestic breed, this cat is able to live with people. This breed is a hybrid and is called a liger. The father of the animal is a lion, and the mother is a tigress.

Unlike predators, ligers are very obedient and kind. Hercules, who loves his master so much, is proof of this. Its weight is 408 kilograms, its height is 1.8 m, and its body length is 3.6 m. Domestic cats are different, someone likes small ones, someone likes large ones, someone likes bald breeds, and others like long hair. However, a few can boast that their pets have been recognized as the largest representatives of the cat family in the world.
