Proper breastfeeding. An important element of proper growth and development is feeding newborns in the first days: suitable postures, diet and useful tips for young mothers

How to breastfeed correctly? Dozens of doubts of a young mother lie in this issue. How to apply? What posture to take? When is the breast removed? How often to give? Can I feed lying down or sitting down? About choosing the right position to start and successfully continue breastfeeding.

Proper breastfeeding begins at birth. This is the first requirement that WHO imposes on maternity hospital staff, and which should be brought to the attention of expectant mothers by obstetricians and gynecologists during the period of bearing babies. During the first thirty minutes of life, the baby should receive your breast milk, because this is important for both of you!

The importance of the first application is due to a number of reasons.

  • The moment of meeting with my mother. During childbirth, the child has come a long and hard way. He is tired, he needs the warmth of his mother's body and the calmness that only breast milk can give him. As part of the colostrum, which is already being produced by a woman in these minutes, there are analgesic components and hormones that allow the baby to fall asleep peacefully after hard work.
  • Bleeding protection. Stimulation of the breast by sucking promotes the separation of the placenta in the mother's body, causes the multiply enlarged uterus to rapidly decrease. This becomes the best and safest way to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
  • The development of lactation. It is in the first minutes after childbirth that the work of the female body begins to produce milk. Already, the foundations of lactation are being laid, in particular, the amount of food required by the baby. The first correct attachment to the chest gives the body a signal: it's time! The most wonderful time in the life of mom and baby begins!

Unfortunately, many maternity hospitals still have outdated approaches to breastfeeding. Women are not taught the basic positions, the rules of attachment, which is extremely important for successful feeding. Let us dwell on two postulates of how to properly feed an infant, which are important for every mother to know.

Breastfeeding Basics

Lactation consultants take a position on demand feeding. This means that the baby should be applied to the breast as many times as he needs.

“Feeding on demand is the most important thing in successful feeding, because only in this case your body will produce enough milk,” says Irina Ryukhova, AKEV breastfeeding consultant. - Demand and supply are the main factors in stimulating lactation. The more the baby sucks, the more food there is for him.”

Proper "on-demand" feeding of an infant is essential to avoid pumping. The need to express breasts was "invented" in the twentieth century to help women to somehow maintain lactation and protect them from mastitis. The main threat was the need to breastfeed by the hour, no more than six times a day.

Today, the complete inconsistency of this approach with the physiology of a woman and a newborn has been proven by numerous studies. The absence of the need to pump, if you give the baby a breast whenever he needs it, is confirmed by WHO recommendations.


  • Regularly. It is important to offer the baby a breast “at the first squeak”. Discard the stereotypes and prejudices that grandmothers and experienced aunts actively supply to every young mother. Their prejudices are formed by the stereotypes of the last century, in which the longest lactation did not exceed four months. Feed the baby when he started to sob, woke up, tries to sleep. In the early days, it will seem to you that you spend all the time with him "in your arms." Gradually, your regimen will come to ten to twelve feedings during the day.
  • Day and night. Night feedings are important for stimulating lactation. They maintain a sufficient level of prolactin, on which the production of breast milk depends.
  • One breast. In order for the baby to eat up, do not rush to change breasts during feeding. Try to feed him only one breast in one feeding, as with prolonged sucking of the mammary gland, the baby "gets" to the hind milk. It is thicker than the front, it contains fats, nutrients that support satiety. With the first liquid milk, the baby will rather get drunk than eat. But it is also necessary to quench the thirst of the child.
  • No supplement. The lack of supplementary feeding and water supplementation is the main factor in the question of how to properly breastfeed a newborn. Until the age of six months, he does not need anything but your milk. Supplementation and supplementation violate the natural intestinal microflora, prolong the process of maturation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • No blanks. The nipple, bottle, pacifier are the main enemies of full breastfeeding. They form the wrong sucking habits in the baby, which negatively affects the level of lactation, excludes the full emptying of the breast, creates a risk of injury to the mother's nipples due to improper grip.

These rules are easy to follow. They only testify to the fact that for a successful start and continuation of breastfeeding, mother and baby do not need anything at all, except for constant stay nearby.


It is believed that nature has laid a sucking reflex in every child, so the baby will definitely suckle the breast correctly. This is not true. The sucking reflex really exists, but only a mother can realize it so that breastfeeding does not cause discomfort to the mother. The baby can suck anything: from the pacifier to his finger. But breast sucking is fundamentally different from sucking foreign objects.

Proper attachment during breastfeeding is the basis of all the basics. Only by learning it, the mother will avoid injury to the nipples and the appearance of cracks, greatly reduce the risk of congestion and mastitis, or never encounter them at all! Breastfeeding should not be perceived as a source of numerous problems, since the violation of its basic rules causes problems.

Let us dwell in more detail on the technique of applying to the chest.

  1. Take the baby in your arms or place it next to you. The baby should lie flat, face turned to the chest.
  2. Swipe your nipple over your bottom lip. A light touch encourages the baby to open his mouth. Do not touch the upper lip, as the child closes his mouth when exposed to it.
  3. Make sure your mouth is wide open and put your breasts in it. To do this, combine two movements. You should push the baby's head onto the nipple and lean forward a little. "Chest to baby - baby to chest," breastfeeding consultants call this movement. In this case, the location of the nipple in the mouth will be correct.
  4. Examine the grip. The nipple should be in the oral cavity (it is located in the region of the sky in the mouth of the baby) and the main part of the areola. Visually, its edge or protrusion for a couple of centimeters can be noticeable (if the areola of the breast is large). The baby's lips are turned outward. The chin touches the chest.
  5. Rate your feelings. Proper attachment to the breast eliminates pain during feeding. If it hurts, it means that the baby has captured only the nipple or the skin of the breast has already been damaged as a result of improper capture. The latter is always traumatic, causing the formation of painful cracks. If the skin is slightly damaged, which happens in the first 6-7 weeks of feeding, the mother may feel some soreness only at the beginning of feeding, literally for a few seconds. Then she does not feel pain. Maintaining the pain requires stopping feeding, gently removing the breast from the baby's mouth, and offering it again with proper latch control. Pulling the chest is unacceptable. Get your little finger around the corner of your baby's mouth to loosen the grip.

Proper attachment ensures silent sucking of the crumbs. You should be able to hear him swallow. His mouth is always relaxed, and a tongue may show under his chest.

In these situations, breastfeeding the baby is fraught with damage to the mother's breasts:

  • the baby sucks loudly, smacks his lips, makes chewing movements;
  • only the nipple is in the mouth;
  • the chin is far from the chest, the child is not located under it, but opposite you;
  • the mouth is slightly open, the lips and cheeks are retracted;
  • sponges or gums of the baby are located on the nipple;
  • you feel pain.

These signs indicate improper attachment. They are dangerous, as they can cause damage to the mother's breast with the development of inflammatory processes. The mammary glands cannot be fully released, so the question of how to properly breastfeed a newborn, with natural and mixed feeding, is extremely important.

Basic postures

There are at least fifteen positions for breastfeeding. There is no need to master everything, although mothers of “adult” six-month-old babies easily use most of them without noting any difficulties. The child can be fed sitting, lying, standing. The main thing is that you both feel comfortable at the same time.

Choosing a feeding position depends on several factors.

  • Mom's convenience. After childbirth, it is usually difficult for a woman to feed while sitting, there is pain from tears and stitches. The best positions are when the mother lies on her side, and the baby is located nearby.
  • Motion sickness. Babies of the first year of life quickly fall asleep only under the breast. You can use this advantage to put the crumbs to bed as soon as possible. A standing pose with a uniform swaying of the baby is suitable.
  • Solution of problems. As a rule, feeding in one position provides a uniform release of only some of the milk lobes. In others, located on the other side of the mammary gland, milk stagnation may form, which provokes the development of lactostasis. In order to prevent this or effectively eliminate the already formed lactostasis, you should use positions that are unusual for you, allowing you to release other chest lobes.

Regardless of what the correct position for breastfeeding is, both mother and baby should be comfortable. You can relax and sleep, enjoying each other's company. You can cover yourself with pillows to avoid discomfort in the back, arms. You can purchase a rocking chair so that both you and your baby can relax during feeding.


The technique of how to attach a baby while feeding while sitting is considered a classic. This is the same "cradle" in which the baby lies with his mother in crossed arms and peacefully snuffles under her breasts.

Pre-prepare a place for feeding, put a pillow under your back. The technique of applying in a sitting position is as follows.

  1. Take the baby in your arms. Place his head on your forearm.
  2. Press your tummy against your stomach. In this case, the legs should be extended, and the ear, shoulder and thigh should be located on the same line. The nose and belly of the child look in one direction.
  3. Hold the baby with one hand. You can fix the ass with your elbow, and the head with your palm. With the correct position, the baby will be under the breast, with a slightly tilted head. In this case, he will be able to open his mouth wide.
  4. Give your chest with your free hand. At the same time, place your fingers parallel to the baby's lips, tighten the skin so that the nipple "looks" at the baby's nose. Place your breasts only in a wide open mouth.

When the baby captures the mammary gland well, you can correct it in your arms. If the spout rested on the skin, you do not need to hold it with your finger, so you interfere with the outflow of milk. Lower the baby down a little.


The technique of how to properly feed a newborn lying down is quickly mastered by every mother. It is the most comfortable, as it allows a woman to fully relax. Feeding and sleeping at the same time is the perfect solution during the day when mom wants to relax. At night, the pose will be the key to a restful sleep for the whole family.

  1. Lie down on a bed or sofa. Ideally, when there is support behind your back. Avoid leaning on your elbow, as you will quickly feel uncomfortable. Put a pillow under your head and relax.
  2. Put the crumb opposite, on the barrel. His body should be like a straight line. Press your tummy to yourself, lower it a little below your chest so that the head is raised up. Hold the baby under the shoulder blades.
  3. Touch the nipple of the lower sponge, wait until the baby opens his mouth wide. Place your chest in your mouth with your free hand, pushing it with your thumb.
  4. Change your hand to hold the baby when he takes the breast well. It is convenient to grab it with the same hand on which you just lay. So you will hold both the shoulder blades and the baby's bottom.

In each case, you should stop feeding if it causes you pain. Loosen the grip of the breast with your little finger, and attach the baby again.

The question of how to properly breastfeed a child includes many nuances. But it's easy to deal with them. With experience comes the understanding that feeding is not at all the “hard work” that our grandmothers represent it. A real pleasure and the possibility of a comfortable stay with your baby.


In this article:

Breastfeeding is a process that causes many questions among the fair sex. How to properly apply to the chest? What difficulties may arise? Why is breastfeeding newborns sometimes contraindicated? We have to find answers to these questions.

Breastfeeding technique

All women want to breastfeed their baby after giving birth. Mom's milk is the perfect food for him. Breastfeeding is a natural process. However, various difficulties may arise during it.

It is difficult for a newborn to figure out how to drink milk from the breast. In order for the feeding process to be successful, every mother should familiarize herself with the technique of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding a baby is easy. Women should pay attention to the following main points:

  1. breast capture by the baby;
  2. breast selection;
  3. the position of the child in the arms;
  4. feeding frequency.

chest grip

Every newborn has reflexes. Thanks to them, he finds the nipple, takes it into his mouth, sucks the breast and swallows the milk. The child is only unable to independently hold the breast. It is also difficult for a newborn to properly grasp the nipple. Mom's help is needed. The task of a woman is to correctly put her breast in the baby's mouth, to help him hold it.

With proper attachment, the baby captures the nipple and the dark circle around it - the areola. With his nose, he presses against his chest and remains in this position until the end of feeding. Thanks to proper attachment, the newborn will be able to fully satisfy his nutritional needs by sucking the maximum amount of mother's milk.

Breast selection

What breast to give the child? Is it possible to offer the same breast? These questions are often asked by new mothers. Mother's milk is divided into two types: foremilk and hindmilk. The difference between them lies in the saturation of useful substances, consistency. The foremilk is more watery. His baby gets in the first minutes of suckling. Hindmilk begins to be produced a little later. It is richer and richer in nutrients.

The baby must receive both foremilk and hindmilk, so the same breast should not be offered frequently. It is also worth considering that the composition and consistency of mother's milk changes in 3 hours. It is not necessary to give a new breast for every demand of the child, because he will receive only one type of milk.

The position of the baby in the arms

For breastfeeding to be successful, the baby must be comfortable in the mother's arms. The position is correct if:
the body of the baby is turned towards the woman;
the baby's face is at a close distance from the chest;
the mouth is wide open;
a much larger area of ​​the areola is visible above the upper lip than under the lower lip.

If the body is not properly turned towards the mother, the lips are extended and a large area of ​​the areola is visible under the lower lip, then this means that the child is not positioned correctly. It will be uncomfortable for him to be in the arms of his mother. The baby will begin to get nervous, act up, refuse to breastfeed.

Feeding frequency

Often, young mothers hear from their friends or doctors that a feeding regimen is important for a child. This is true, but not for newborns, but for children older than 6 months. A newborn should be fed on his first demand. Each baby is individual, so the interval between feedings for different children may vary.

Difficulties with breastfeeding

During the period of breastfeeding a child, you can encounter various problems:

  • refusal of the child to breastfeed;
  • the formation of cracks in the nipples;
  • lactostasis.

Let's look at these difficulties and how to overcome them.

Sometimes women who have given birth to a child are faced with the fact that their baby refuses to breastfeed. In the maternity hospital, he could eat well, but at home he began to act up. One possible reason is improper breastfeeding. Mom should help the baby make the right grip on the nipple, put it more comfortably in her arms. Before feeding, it is recommended to drink a warm liquid, take a shower. Thanks to these simple measures, the milk ducts will expand. It will be easier for the child to suckle the breast, he will become less capricious.

At the age of 2-4 months, children often refuse to breastfeed. The reason is that milk no longer flows easily into the baby's mouth in response to active sucking. The kid has to make extra efforts. Because of this, children begin to be capricious, offended, as they stop quickly getting what they want. The only solution to the problem is to continue to put the baby to the breast, to be persistent, not to give a bottle, since after it it will be difficult for the child to transfer to breastfeeding.

The reason for refusal sometimes lies in the poor health of the child. Mom may not understand this, because the baby cannot speak, and the symptoms are not always visible. Stomatitis, dermatitis, gas, a slight runny nose can complicate the sucking process. If the child refuses to breastfeed, then you should call a doctor.

Because of breastfeeding, cracked nipples are very common in women. The feeding process is much more complicated. Mothers experience discomfort, pain, when the baby takes the nipple in his mouth. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to buy a special cream at the pharmacy that will relieve inflammation, protect the skin from drying out, and make it more elastic.

Lactostasis is another difficulty that can be encountered with breastfeeding. The term refers to blockage of the milk duct. The chest begins to hurt, hardens, the body temperature rises. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. He will give advice on how to overcome the problem.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises following several breastfeeding rules. They are guided by many specialists, advising women on feeding children.

  • the first breastfeeding should be carried out within an hour after the birth of the crumbs;
  • feed a newborn with mother's milk until 6 months of age, without introducing complementary foods, water;
  • carry out feeding at any time of the day at the first request of the crumbs;
  • at 6 months, introduce complementary foods into the baby’s diet without giving up breastfeeding.

Experts note that mother's milk is a natural food product that contains the energy and nutrients needed by the baby in the first months of life. Milk satisfies the need for vitamins, microelements and in older children: by 1/2 during the second half of the first year of life and by 1/3 during the second year of life. That is why WHO recommends breastfeeding for two or more years.

Contraindications to breastfeeding

Not all women can breastfeed a newborn. There are contraindications to breastfeeding. A mother is forbidden to feed a baby if she has the following problems:

  • oncological diseases (heavy drugs are used for treatment, which can enter the body of a child with milk and harm);
  • dangerous infectious diseases (cholera, typhus, smallpox, anthrax);
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • HIV-positive status in a woman;
  • serious mental illness (drugs are used for treatment that can adversely affect the condition of the newborn, and there is also a possibility that a sick mother will harm her baby);
  • during childbirth, there was heavy bleeding (doctors are engaged in restoring the health of the mother and, after normalizing the condition, they allow breastfeeding).

Contraindications to breastfeeding can be not only on the part of the mother, but also on the part of the crumbs. A newborn should not be traditionally fed if certain hereditary conditions (eg, phenylketonuria, galactosemia, maple syrup disease) have been identified. Also, breastfeeding is contraindicated in case of severe prematurity of the child, his low birth weight, severe condition (respiratory failure, hypoglycemia, exicosis).

Thus, when feeding a child, a young mother needs to adhere to the above rules, listen to the doctor and not give breasts when breastfeeding is contraindicated. The well-being and health of the child depends on this.

Video on how to breastfeed while in the maternity hospital

The body of a little man is a very delicate and receptive system. What the baby eats in the first year of life has the biggest impact on his health in the future. This is a time of active development - at no other time in life there are such significant changes, and everything that your child eats now provides him with energy to support such rapid growth. Make sure that your baby gets all the best, useful and necessary. After all, what foundation you lay, such will be the house.

Newborn (1 month). At this stage, breast milk is the ideal food for your baby. It provides the baby with all the substances necessary for full mental and physical development. The psychological moment is also important - the minutes of breastfeeding give mother and child great pleasure, and happy moments of mutual communication make your life beautiful.

In addition, breast milk is a guarantee of good immunity of the child. Breastfed children are much less likely to get sick with infectious diseases, they rarely have food allergies. In addition, mother's milk is "always ready" and at the right temperature, which greatly facilitates and improves the digestion process. Despite the variety of different breast milk substitutes, in fact, he has no real competitors. But if breastfeeding is not possible, then the baby's immunity will need additional support - a number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that should be ingested with baby food.

Breastfeeding also makes it easier to control the baby's appetite - when the baby has let go of the breast, turns away, looks contented and sleepy, you can be sure that he is full. If the child is bottle-fed and drinks milk less than the norm, then there is a desire to feed him more. But remember: not the marks on the bottle, but the natural desire of the child should be your best guide.

Already holding my head (2-3 months). The baby has already grown and grown so strong that he can confidently hold his head and rise on his arms, looking at everything around. At this stage, the baby's only food should still be breast milk. Only during this period of life the child grows so fast: every month the growth of the baby increases by three centimeters, and the weight - by 600 grams! At the same time, the baby is very actively developing, mastering new skills.

In the first months of living together with a newborn, 90% of parents are faced with one of the most unpleasant features in the digestion of crumbs - infantile colic. The child tells you about the aching tummy with desperate crying, sometimes lasting for several hours. The fact is that his immature gastrointestinal tract is still only adapting to self-digestion of food, and this process is accompanied by painful symptoms: increased gas formation, bloating and abdominal cramps, belching, etc.

Therefore, you must remember that colic is not a disease, and a child with colic may still develop normally and gain weight well. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of colic, but it is also impossible to leave the baby inconsolably sobbing.

First, try to calm him down: carry him in your arms, cuddle him, rock him, take him out into the fresh air, massage your baby's tummy and put a warm heating pad wrapped in a diaper on your back, lull him to songs or quiet music.

Secondly, you can regularly give your child the natural preparation Plantex for the prevention and treatment of infantile colic. Plantex consists of fruit extract and fennel essential oil. It helps to eliminate spasms, prevent the accumulation of gases in the intestines, and promotes their discharge. Plantex is also useful during the introduction of complementary foods, when the child's gastrointestinal tract adapts to new food.

I sit with support (4-6 months). Your little one has grown a little. He is increasingly paying attention to the world around him and even begins to “chat”, imitates the sounds he hears, gradually moving from simple sounds to complex ones: “gu-gu”, “agu”, “yes-yes”. The baby's digestion has already returned to normal: the intestinal microflora has formed, intestinal peristalsis has strengthened. At the same time, the sucking reflex decreases - it is replaced by the chewing one. All this opens the door to the world of new tastes for the baby - it's time to give the baby a taste of the first food from a spoon in addition to breast milk. A child's readiness to introduce more solid foods into the menu can be determined by four signs of physical development:

  • baby sitting with support
  • he confidently holds and turns his head
  • the baby's weight has doubled, and now he weighs about 6 kg
  • the baby remains hungry after 8-9 breastfeeds.

Complementary foods should be started with one-component products: fruit or vegetable purees and cereals. In these months of life, the baby must be carefully protected from the occurrence of allergies. If an allergy does appear (most often in the form of a rash on the skin), the main thing is to identify the allergen and exclude it from the child's diet. And, of course, be sure to see a doctor. In no case should you ignore the manifestations of allergic reactions in a child, since this triggers a pathological mechanism that causes the body to respond to new allergens!

I sit by myself (7-8 months). The kid is already sitting on his own and begins to explore everything around. The first tooth will appear very soon - which means that it's time to try new dishes. Now you can add a little variety to the menu by offering him meat purees, cereals from several cereals, delicious dairy desserts, as well as vegetable and fruit purees, consisting of several components. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, starting from this age, mothers can try to transfer their children to five meals a day.

As the child grows older, the signs of an emerging appetite become more noticeable: your baby signals “I want to eat!” By grabbing a spoon, or shows “I don’t want to anymore!” By pushing the plate away and pursing his lips tightly. At the same age, the baby begins to move a lot: try to crawl, sit down, lie down. He is drawn to take everything into his own hands. Let the baby tinker with his food a little - this develops fine motor skills of hands and imagination well.

I crawl (9-11 months). During this period, children gain an average of 500 g in weight and 2 cm in height every month. Growth rates are slightly reduced, but physical skills and psyche are developing rapidly. This is a special and very important period when the personality of the baby is revealed, and he begins to show his abilities and behaves almost like an adult! At this stage, continue to feed your baby cereals fortified with iron and zinc. Iron is absorbed better when cereals are given with foods rich in vitamin C, such as apple, pear or peach fruit purees. The baby is already familiar with many fruits and vegetables, so during these months, start giving him to taste the same familiar dishes, but in small pieces.

Learning to walk (11-13 months). Your baby is almost a year old. He walks more confidently on his own. The babbling, which consisted mainly of individual sounds and syllables, gradually transforms into the words "mother" and "dad". A baby at this age can already tell you about his appetite with the simplest words, for example, “no” or “juice”, or with gestures. Now that your baby has enough teeth to chew food and knows how to eat with a spoon, it's time to start giving him food with a thicker consistency: coarsely chopped vegetables, fruits and meat, fish, hard-boiled eggs that are easy to chew, as well as pieces of soft cheese , pasta, small pieces of bread, soft boiled vegetables and whole milk.

Pediatricians advise parents not to rush to transfer the baby to the “common table”. After all, the digestive system of a child at the age of about 1 year is still very different from the digestive system of an adult. So just follow the rules of healthy eating and cooking. And remember: all the anxieties and difficulties of the first year will pass and be forgotten, and only parental joy and happiness will remain!


The benefits of breastfeeding have been proven for a long time, and there is no point in repeating. Today we will talk about proper nutrition. Oddly enough, this also needs to be learned. Moreover, both you and the baby. How to avoid the difficulties that arise in the early stages of breastfeeding?

The process of feeding should be comfortable for mother and child. To do this, you need to choose a position that tires you the most and does not cause discomfort.

When feeding, the baby's body should be located in one straight line, the neck should also be even. The face and belly of the baby should cling to the mother. Don't hesitate to use force. Your task is to tell the baby the right direction, and nothing more.

During feeding, the baby should completely capture the nipple and areola. So the possibility of injury to the chest will be negligible. The baby will suck out milk efficiently. The breasts receive the right stimulation, thereby increasing milk production (lactation). Be sure to pay attention to how you feel while feeding. If you feel pain or discomfort, you need to gently remove the breast from the baby and repeat the application.

(photo 1. Clickable)

1) The head and body of the child should be on the same line.
2) Press the child's body against yours at a right angle to your body.
3) The baby should be facing the breast and nose to the nipple.
4) The position should be comfortable for you and for the child.
5) The child's head is thrown back, and the mouth is wide open.
6) Bring the baby to the chest, and not vice versa.
7) The child should take the nipple, areoluk and some part of the surrounding breast tissue with his mouth.
8) The baby should start with a few quick sucking movements and then slow them down as the milk is released from the breast.

Some babies are so weak that they manage to fall asleep during feeding. In this case, draw his attention to the process with gentle strokes of sweet cheeks.

The correctness of the capture also depends on whether you know how to properly “feed” the breast to the baby. It is important to place your fingers outside the boundaries of the areola. To make the child open his mouth wider, you can slightly move the nipple at the mouth of the crumbs. When the mouth is open, insert the nipple so that it touches the child's palate. Note that after the start of feeding, you can not move the breast and correct it, it is better to repeat the application.

(Photo illustrations 2,3,4,5,6 show how to properly breastfeed a baby. All pictures are clickable)

Video: about the application technique

Are we eating right?

We have already talked about the correct grip on the chest a little higher. It can be added that the correct grip on the breast allows the baby to do without swallowing air. Accordingly, there is less colic, and the baby does not spit up so much, and eats better.
With a correctly taken breast, the nipple and areola are in the crumbs' mouth, and his chin and nose are tightly pressed against his mother's breast. The baby's cheeks should be inflated, and the lips turned outward. You should also pay attention to sounds. You should be able to hear the baby swallowing, but any whistling sounds will indicate that the baby is catching air. This should not be.


It is recommended to breastfeed according to the principle "one breast per feed". This alternation allows you to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of milk. After all, its filling is directly proportional to the previous emptying. In addition, the child must first receive "front milk"(with which he quenches his thirst), and at the end "hind milk" with which the child satisfies hunger. ( see material).

But everyone is well aware that situations are different, and not all rules apply to all children. It happens that in the first days of your baby's life, milk production has not yet been debugged, and the baby really does not get enough. In this case, you can supplement it with a second breast. Only the next feeding should be started from the breast that was the “additive” in the previous feeding.

If you are lucky enough to become a mother of twins, you should not worry about the sufficiency of milk at all. Don't forget that the milk arrives according to the "request". If your babies empty both breasts in one feeding, then they will both fill up at the same time.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the issue of feeding during those periods when the baby cries a lot. Many breastfeeding mothers try to soothe the baby with their breasts at this moment. On the one hand, they are right. But don't forget about yourself. During moments of intense crying, the baby may not properly latch on to the breast. The baby is emotional. Incorrect grip is fraught with nipple cracks and pain. These are the most insignificant consequences. Therefore, before offering the baby a breast, try to calm him down a little in another way. For example, wiggle on the handles or just hold the nipple on the cheek.

Number of feedings and their duration

Old school people advise breastfeeding mothers to feed their babies on a schedule. This approach has long been outdated and causes nothing but indignation. You don't have to force your baby. Do you yourself when you eat? When you want or when forced?

The modern approach is feeding on demand. But a nursing mother needs to learn to distinguish between the causes of her baby's crying. The whims of the baby do not always mean a desire to eat; in another way, he cannot yet express his dissatisfaction. To get started, remember that newborn babies eat up to 14 times a day and only then develop their own nutrition schedule. With age, the number of feedings per day will slightly decrease.

Eliminate long breaks between meals. Night feedings should be the rule, not the exception.

The duration of feeding is also left to the discretion of the crumbs. The kid himself knows how much time he needs to get enough. Babies are different, in the weak, the duration of feeding is higher than in their peers who are more well developed. Premature babies can generally suck for an hour at intervals of an hour. And for them it's okay.

Related post: how many times does a newborn baby eat during the day and how many minutes does he suckle his breast -

Try also to get special clothes for feeding. So you can breastfeed your baby when you need it, and without unnecessary obstacles.

How to determine if the baby is full? Can he overeat?

Getting milk from a mother's breast is much more difficult than from a bottle. Therefore, a baby eats less per feeding than artificial babies of the same age. Don't be surprised if your little one often asks to be breastfed. This does not mean that there is not enough milk. Just last time he got tired of eating and continued this activity a little later.

The first sign that the child is full is his good mood. With insufficient milk, the baby will not tolerate, but will immediately show you his displeasure. You can also judge the sufficiency of milk by the following signs:

  • the breast became soft after feeding;
  • the baby has a good weight gain;
  • the child regularly soils diapers.

Some babies immediately start playing with mom and smiling at her. There are also those who simply fall asleep and continue to "procrastinate" their breasts like a dummy. In this case, gently pull the nipple towards the corner of the baby's mouth.

Remember! Baby can't overeat! After all, it depends not so much on the desire of the crumbs, but on the self-regulation of the body. Even if the child sucked out a little too much, all this will definitely burp.

Also, do not worry too much about the digestion of milk by the body of the child. Mom's milk is surprisingly balanced in composition and absorbed quickly. Moreover, in different periods of the day, milk of different fat content is produced. Accordingly, the load on the gastrointestinal tract of the child is also different, there are also periods of rest.

How to take a breast

We have already said that if the breast is not properly grasped, it must be gently taken away. How to do it correctly and without unnecessary whims on the part of the crumbs?

You can gently press on the chin or open the gums with your finger. If this "number" does not work, you can gently pinch the nose of the crumbs. In this case, in search of air, he will automatically open his mouth and release his chest.

Common GW Related Mistakes

In the process of establishing breastfeeding, no one is immune from mistakes. But it's better to learn from strangers than to replenish your stock. The most common mistakes breastfeeding moms make:

  1. No need to hold your chest with your hands. The baby will not suffocate, do not be afraid. And the movement of milk is associated with the sucking manipulations of the crumbs, and not with the position of the breast.
  2. Don't try to wash your breasts with soap before each feed. You are only washing away the natural defenses. A daily shower is enough.
  3. Don't give the child a drink. All his needs, including drinking, are 100% satisfied with breast milk up to the age of six months. Even in extreme heat.
  4. Do not refuse breast milk to your baby because of breast problems or illness of the nursing mother. For damaged nipples, there are now many silicone pads, use them. When the mother is ill, it is enough to use barrier methods of protection. With milk, only antibodies to your disease will get to the baby, and nothing more.
  5. Pumping is a thing of the past. You don't have to do this after every feed. Milk will begin to be produced in an increased amount, and you risk "earning"

The birth of a baby is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman. And the most important thing that a mother can give to a newborn is complete and proper nutrition. For an infant, this food is breast milk. Doctors around the world insist that as many women as possible practice breastfeeding. The fact is that in its composition this product is an ideal food for a barely born little man, and there simply cannot be analogues to this food. However, more and more women around the world are experiencing difficulty with lactation. Often it is not possible to establish or it lasts a very short time. Why is this happening?

Doctors tend to believe that mothers themselves are primarily to blame - their behavior is completely wrong. So, women in labor do not know at all how to feed a newborn. In this article, we will look at what you need to pay attention to when breastfeeding, how to learn to understand the baby, how you can avoid most mistakes.

Correct attachment

So how do you breastfeed your newborn? First you need to understand how to do it right. And the most important thing is the first application, which must be carried out correctly. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the reaction of both the mother and the newborn can be extremely negative, up to the refusal of the breast. Modern ones provide the necessary assistance in establishing breastfeeding, as they have special consultants on staff. But still, there are maternity hospitals that do not provide such support, so the mother herself needs to know how to feed the newborn:

  • You need to choose a comfortable position. We must not forget that feeding a baby is a rather lengthy procedure, so you need to position yourself so as not to get tired during this. You can feed the baby in a variety of positions, so any woman can find one in which it will be convenient for her. Whatever position the mother takes, the child should be placed with her tummy towards her, and the face should be placed opposite the nipple. In addition, the baby's head must be able to move so that he can control the position of the nipple in his mouth, and at the end of feeding, he can independently complete the process.
  • The baby's nose should be close to the breast, but not sink into it, as a superficial grip of the nipple is possible. Special care should be taken by women with large breasts.
  • In no case should you put the nipple in the baby's mouth - this will almost certainly lead to improper capture with all the ensuing problems. If the baby has grabbed only the very tip of the nipple, gently press on the chin to release it, give the baby the opportunity to try again.


To make sure that the baby is properly attached to the breast, you need to carefully look at how the feeding takes place. With the right grip:

  • The child captured both the nipple and the areola. At the same time, his lips should be slightly turned outward.
  • The nose is pressed against the chest, but not immersed in it.
  • There are no other sounds when sucking, except for the baby's sips.
  • Mom has no negative feelings.


An important question is how often do newborns feed? The previous generation of moms were taught that it was only necessary by the clock to have at least 2 hours between meals. But pediatricians today have come to the conclusion that it is better to feed on demand. This is also important because the amount of milk produced depends on how much the baby eats. That is, the more often you feed the baby, the better the mother's lactation will be.

Amount of food

There are no clear boundaries as to how much to feed a newborn. The amount of food eaten at one meal depends on the needs of the baby. It is generally accepted that the minimum time that babies spend on food is approximately equal to half an hour. If the baby eats faster, it is likely that he is not full. There is no maximum allowed feeding time. A child can suckle as much as he needs, it depends on the strength of the child, and on the fat content of milk, and on the fullness of the breast, and even on the mood of the baby.

The time a baby spends at the breast is very individual. Someone actively sucks, very quickly saturates and releases the breast. Another child eats very slowly, occasionally falling asleep. If, when trying to take the breast, the baby continues to suck, then he has not yet eaten.

The duration of breastfeeding depends on the desire of the mother, the needs of the child and on external factors (the need to go to work, nutrition, illness).

On average, you can answer the question of how much you need to feed a newborn as follows: at the very beginning of feeding, the baby is applied to the breast about 10 times a day. As the child grows, the number is reduced to 7-8 times.


While the child is small, he has few needs. And when they are all satisfied, the baby is satisfied. But it is not always possible to understand whether he is full and whether he will be satisfied. Determining if the baby is full is quite simple:

  • the child himself let go of the breast after feeding;
  • he is gaining weight well and gaining height;
  • the child is active and usually sleeps well.


In addition to how many times newborns are fed, it is important to know how much to feed at one time. Namely - whether to feed him from one breast or offer a second one. In most cases, one breast is given per meal. The next feeding - the second. This alternation makes it possible to ensure the correct functioning of the mammary glands. Sucking one breast in one “approach” makes it possible for the child to receive both “front” milk, which replenishes the baby’s fluid loss, and “back”, thick and nutritious, which contains the bulk of the necessary elements. If it is noticeable that the child remains hungry, you need to offer him another breast.

Although there are situations when less milk is produced than the baby needs. This usually happens at times of sharp jumps in the growth of the baby. Then, in order not to be tormented by the question of what to feed the newborn, so that he still eats up, you need to offer him both breasts at each feeding. The next feeding should begin with the breast, which was the second in the previous process.

Some believe that soft breasts indicate a lack of milk. But that's not the case at all. And offering a second breast just because it seems that there is not enough milk is a direct path to overfeeding the crumbs.

Feeding frequency

And yet, how to feed newborns if there is a possibility of overfeeding? Of course, you need to focus on the needs of the child. If he ate a heavy meal, then he is unlikely to have time to get hungry earlier than after 2-3 hours. However, if the baby asks for the breast more often, it is necessary to feed him more often. Perhaps he did not have time to eat last time, or milk is really not enough, or it is not nutritious enough. Thus, on-demand feeding is the main idea behind breastfeeding these days.

Feeding questions

Many people worry that if they do not know how to feed a newborn, then they will overfeed him. But, despite this possibility, no harm will be done to health. After all, the baby will simply spit up excess milk.

If a baby is fed too often, will he have time to digest the food? There is no need to worry about this. Breast milk is a perfectly balanced food, so it takes almost no energy to digest. Almost immediately, milk passes into the intestines, where it is absorbed very quickly.

Some new mothers face unexpected situations. For example, a baby may, being at the breast, cry a lot. The logical question of how to feed a newborn if he cries like that appears in most mothers in this situation. To feed a child, you need to calm him down. Try to squeeze, talk, show a bright rattle, walk around the room, rock you. If these are tears of resentment that it is impossible to take a breast, you can sprinkle milk in his mouth, touch his nipple to his cheek, etc. For any baby, the best way to calm down is to get a breast. So for a long time to persuade the baby will not have to.

How to properly take the breast?

You need to know not only how to feed newborns, but also how to wean in a way that avoids injury and negative feelings. Therefore, it is impossible to tear out the chest from a closed mouth. It is necessary to achieve that the baby himself opens his mouth: press his finger on his chin, gently put his little finger in the corner of his mouth and turn a little. This action will cause the child to loosen the grip. Now you can take the breast.


Almost every woman knows about the possible problems during breastfeeding. For example, if there is a lot of milk, the baby is simply unable to eat everything. Milk stasis occurs. At the same time, it seems that the chest is “made” of stone. If you miss this symptom, not far from mastitis with a mandatory operation. What should be the reaction to the discovered problem? When lumps are felt in the chest and the temperature has risen, you need to start acting as soon as possible. First aid - breast massage under a warm shower, active pumping or more frequent feeding. Of course, the baby will help best, but he can not always eat so much. Stagnation is well absorbed by honey compresses with cabbage leaves. You need to massage the chest very carefully so as not to damage it. Compresses should be done after each feeding. You need to decant constantly, achieving the resorption of lumps. Most often, all these manipulations are quite painful, but you can not leave everything as it is. If, after 2-3 days, relief does not come, and the temperature persists, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Mom's nutrition

Of course, during the time you have to revise your diet. Many products need to be abandoned for a while. Do not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, carbonated drinks. Of course, it is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic beverages. You should be very careful when eating spicy foods and various flavorings. Even for a healthy baby, these products are not useful, and if he has an allergy, then forget about it for a long time.

But a special regimen does not mean that you need to eat only steamed chicken and cottage cheese with sour cream. A nursing mother should eat varied and tasty so as not to experience the negative emotions associated with breastfeeding.

Recipes for nursing mothers of newborn babies are easy to find. With the growth of the baby, you can introduce more and more diverse foods into your diet, because, in the end, the child also needs to get used to eating varied. Here is an example of one of these dishes.

This For cooking you will need: potatoes - 10 pcs., 30 g of butter, basil, parsley, dill, garlic clove, olive oil (any vegetable oil is possible), pine nuts.

Wash the potatoes, peel, make deep cuts over the entire surface. Put the product in a mold, salt. Place butter on top of each potato. Remove to a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

Cut the greens, mix in a blender with garlic, salt and olive oil to a paste.

After 50-60 minutes, take out the potatoes, arrange on plates (you can pre-cover with lettuce), pour sauce on top and sprinkle with nuts.
