Cool congratulations on the day of internal troops. Congratulations on the day of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Congratulations on the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
I wish you successful work today
To work honestly in all directions,
And in the heart - goodness and love to settle.
I want to wish you no worries,
And do not know sadness, and do not lose heart.
May only victories await you ahead,
All troubles go away, I wish you love!

You look like real fellows, heroes, and how good it is that the content is fully consistent with your uniform of internal troops! Happy holiday! Knowing no disappointments in life, build your houses, plant trees and raise sons to replace you!

There are no breaks in their service,
They are always, to match the traditions,
Without unnecessary words and without other people's calls
Ready to fulfill your holy duty.
They protect the state
And therefore in the internal troops
Such people serve! Let's congratulate them
All together, together, wishing happiness

For your noble hearts
I want to say thank you guys!
You with honor, with valor, to the very end
All serve your country. Happy
I want to wish life now
To all those who protect our peace!
Who in the middle of the day and night every time
Saves us all from a variety of troubles.

Congratulations on the Day of Internal Troops! It's amazing to me how so many qualities are combined in one person? And a brave warrior, you can set an example for colleagues! And the master of all trades, the soul of the company, the gentleman, the support of his family! Today we decisively deservedly bring down on you a waterfall of admiration!

Not everyone is capable of serving the Fatherland: this is a painstaking and difficult task that only the most faithful, most devoted of her sons can do. And you are one of them! I wish you success in a difficult field, good luck on your life path and take-off in your career! Work confidently, valiantly, professionally. Do not stop halfway - complete all the tasks assigned to you to the end. Look ahead boldly, take care of yourself and loved ones, trust your friends. Happy holiday to you!

We live, frankly, well. Well, who stands behind us with a mountain, protects us from evil? The answer is simple and it contains such power - the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! I congratulate you, a respectable man belonging to the elite of our defenders and wish you all the best!

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Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
And earlier - the inner guard,
In all corners of Russia, everywhere,
Day of those who protect peace of our citizens.

I wish you this March day
Fearlessly stop ways that are criminal.
I'm never too lazy to congratulate you
Your glorious example is accessible to many.

Internal forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Today we congratulate together,
We wish happiness to the troops,
It will be a joy to always serve them,
Let them protect citizens
They catch all dangerous criminals,
A lot of victories await them in the future,
Achievements and successes different!

Happy day of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
We congratulate the beautiful state.
These people protect us from troubles,
We wish you great courage and good health.

You are worthy of the greatest awards,
Today's holiday is just for you.
We are grateful to you for your great service,
We wish you happiness, each of us!

Law and order on your shoulders
You are the guarantor of peace and honor.
Our peace is in your hands
And each of us is only happy

What is you. And on this March day
Your great holiday has come.
We wish that each of you find
At the service of your pedestal!

We congratulate the fighters
Internal brave troops.
I only wish you to save
Nobility, honor gloss.

Happy service to you, brothers,
You are always our pride.
Happiness in families, peace, luck,
Understanding, warmth.

Let the hard work
It won't just make you angrier.
Every day let your heart
It only makes it better.

If trouble suddenly in Russia,
That is used everywhere
Our inner strength
From the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Your service is not easy,
No weekends at work
And saving others from troubles -
You are losing your friends.

We are happy to congratulate you
You serve - with dignity,
And the main reward -
The country lives in peace!

Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Today they honor their fighters,
Since they make sure that they live peacefully
All the people of our country are big.

Your service is both dangerous and difficult,
Do not risk yourself in vain,
After all, everyone has their own family,
Which is always waiting back.

I wish only harmony in the family,
And in the service only good luck.
And so that peace reigns in the soul.
Let it be so, and not otherwise.

Maintain peace and order
Inside the country we need an army
Service strong and confident people.
Troops are always a reliable shield,
Who can protect
The whole range of national interests and ideas.

Allow me, on this day and hour,
We congratulate you on the holiday
And we wish you all success in your service.
So that we live peacefully in the country -
You be doubly vigilant
A big country always needs order!

Boldly you fight back
Criminal throughout the environment,
Thank you guys today
To all who serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For peace and protection
We will thank you
We wish you strength, health,
Give all repulse to enemies.

Order in the state is important!
And for a long time he needs "archers",
So in the battalions of the strong and brave,
Russia has always been served by daring people ...

And if someone breaks the law,
Encroaching in life on our peace and honor,
Stand up for defense - the best of the best ...
There are such employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

On March 19, 1996, a Decree was issued, signed by the President of Russia, on the establishment of a professional holiday for military personnel and civilian personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The date of the holiday - March 27 - was not chosen by chance. Until the 19th century, there were no special formations in Russia that would be engaged in law enforcement, providing assistance to the civilian population in case of natural disasters, fires and other unforeseen circumstances. Only in 1811, Emperor Alexander I issued a decree ordering the creation of an internal guard, which became the prototype of modern internal troops. Internal troops in a modern state play a very important role. Their duty is to protect the peace and tranquility of citizens, to protect them from dangers, disasters and cataclysms. Date, we celebrate the day of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - March 27.

To the clink of glasses, we congratulate you,
And on this day we wish to live long.
We also wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Well, love your job.
Happy Ministry of Internal Affairs Day, relatives, do not get sick!
May any trouble pass you by
Catch the criminals, don't be sorry
And be happy always!

Yes, your work is not easy,
After all, you keep the citizens calm,
And, perhaps, sometimes
Take the criminal, and with a firm hand,
Show him how to live by honor!
And for this you our honor and awards.
We couldn't live without you
Ministry of Internal Affairs, we will appreciate you!

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is difficult,
But she brings peace to everyone.
After all, if it were not for the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We would all be in big trouble!
And a crook, a thief, or a bandit
No wonder he's always in jail!
We want to congratulate you on your day
And wish you luck in everything!

Thank you for your protection
People can sleep peacefully at night!
That we can address you openly
For help, and we know in advance
That you guys will not refuse us this!
We congratulate you today, Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We wish your salary to grow,
And happiness in your life and destiny!

For your noble hearts
I want to say thank you guys!
You with honor, with valor, to the very end
All serve your country. Happy
I want to wish life now
To all those who protect our peace!
Who in the middle of the day and night every time
Saves us all from a variety of troubles.

Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - a holiday of real men,
You are full of energy, endurance and strength,
You are on duty - it means that the country lives quietly,
You will always be the first to help.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you all the best in life
Let your house be a full bowl,
May joy and love dwell in it.

Internal troops are the strength, pride and honor of the country,
You are always on guard for the interests of citizens,
You are sons worthy of Russia,
Low bow to you, honor and praise.
Happy holiday, we sincerely congratulate you,
We sincerely wish you career growth,
May you be lucky in everything, always
May the Lord keep you from troubles and evil.

In defense of personal interests
Russian soldiers stand
There are many of them: brave, honest
Brave, heroic guys.
Our security is guarded
And risking my life every time
Giving all my heart to work,
Sometimes they even sacrifice their lives.
May fortune never leave them
The sky will be clear, bright,
Happiness, peace, joy wishes
On a holiday, a grateful people to you.

Brave people are needed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
To protect the people in his state.
On guard of peace and quiet constantly,
And sometimes we do not notice their work.
The fight against terrorism and the security of the country
We need it the most at this time.
For your merits and for your valor
And for a conscientious service.
We will thank you for everything
And life is smooth without bends!

You are on guard around the clock
You will win no matter what the odds.
You are servants of the internal troops
You are responsible for the safety of the country with your head!
We wish you success
In this difficult matter.
Let the nerves not be on the chapel
And there will be no interference in the service!

Congratulations on the day of internal troops


I wish the warrior from the internal troops on his holiday to remain the same optimist!

I hope that my SMS on the Day of the MVD and best wishes will arrive to you one of the first on this day!

Congratulations on the Day of the MVD! May your hand be firm, your heart hot, your life happy!

I won’t talk much about courage… I’ll just say that you embody it! Happy Internal Troops Day!

Congratulations on the VV MVD! Why do I appreciate you? For courage, honesty, kindness ... For beautiful eyes! Truth!

It is very important to know a person from whom you can take an example ... It's you! Happy MVD Day!

On the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - accept congratulations! You are so strong and amazing! Stay the same!

Happy Internal Troops Day! How the form suits you and the fire of justice in your eyes!

In whose eyes do I see the spirit of a tiger? Who is doing justice? Happy Internal Troops Day!

Happy Internal Troops Day! There are fairy tales about magic swords... And you will defeat evil with your bare hands!

Where else was there to send so much courage and masculinity? Only in the MVD! Congratulations!

On the holiday of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I wholeheartedly congratulate the guys who make our world a better place!

The world is not perfect... But, risking yourself, you improve it and save it! Happy Internal Troops Day!

You serve in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not just like that, but at the behest of the soul, and this is so noble! Congratulations!

The guy from the Interior Ministry! Congratulations on your day! May Fate keep you and reward you in every possible way!

Happy MVD Day! It is good that there are people in the world who are ready to do everything in the world for the security of the Fatherland!

Our hero from the ranks of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! Accept congratulations on the holiday!

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and at the same time a military man! Happy MVD Day! Be happy, you already deserve it a thousand times!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate on the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the one who so bravely keeps the peace of the country!

Just say "Thank you!" will be few! Happy MVD Day! May all your dreams come true!
