The most effective whitening face creams. budget cosmetics

Age spots on the face is a cosmetic defect that occurs in 23-25% of people with skin diseases. In most cases, they are caused by ultraviolet radiation, but hyperpigmentation also occurs due to hormonal disorders, exposure to chemical factors. Dark spots also appear in the outcome of skin diseases, and may also indicate diseases of the internal organs.

Although pigmentation does not cause pain, they are that significant defect that you want to quickly eliminate. And sometimes even means that can harm the body are used. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you the basic rules by which you need to choose a face whitening cream.

How is a pigment spot formed?

A dark spot on the skin is formed with the help of melanocyte cells. They are located in the superficial skin layer, the epidermis, among the cells that give rise to the entire epidermal layer. The task of the melanocyte is to synthesize the melanin pigment (it has a dark brown color) and transfer it to the cells of the epidermis. Then such cells with pigment, lined up in a row, will be able to protect the deep layers of the epidermis (especially its lowest, growth layer) from ultraviolet radiation.

Melanocytes transmit the pigment synthesized in them through their processes, which stretch for long distances from the cell body. Melanin is produced in special organelles - melanosomes, it is formed from the amino acid tyrosine, and the enzyme tyrosinase is involved in the reaction of converting tyrosine into melanin. For the formation of melanin, zinc, copper ions, and molecular oxygen are also needed.

The central endocrine organs are responsible for the formation of melanin: the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The pineal gland, on the contrary, inhibits the production of melanin. The process is also influenced by sex hormones, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

The number of melanocyte cells in people of any race is almost the same: 1200 cells per 1 square centimeter of skin (1 melanocyte per 36 "normal" epidermal cells). Only the activity of pigment-forming cells differs. The development of this process depends on the amount of antioxidants in the skin. With their deficiency, melanocyte DNA is damaged, local immunity cells are involved in the process, which leads to the production of a large amount of pigment. The starting factor for the formation of hyperpigmentation in almost all cases is ultraviolet radiation.

Skin Whitening Basics

Given the mechanisms of melanin formation, in order to whiten the skin, you need to:

  1. “Turn off” the tyrosinase enzyme so that melanin is not formed from tyrosine.
  2. Block the transfer of melanin from the cells in which it is formed to the main epidermal cells.
  3. Accelerate the process of desquamation of those cells in which there is a large number of melanin.
  4. During treatment with a cream to eliminate age spots and after a course of treatment, it is imperative to apply sunscreen creams or sprays, even if you live in a city with little sunshine.

Each individual topical remedy performs only one function, so there are several types of skin lightening creams. To enhance the effect, you need to competently, with the help of a doctor, choose a combination of these drugs.

The pharmacy sells only some local products. Usually these are the brands Vichy, Hirudo Derm, Vitex, as well as the drug "Skinoren". Most creams (these are Revlon, Clinicians Complex, Natura Siberica and others) can be found on the shelves of cosmetics stores. Similar clarifying agents are produced by Avon, Faberlic, TianDe, Yves Rocher. They can be ordered through the catalog, on official websites and in specialized stores.

Tyrosinase inhibitors

The fact that a skin whitening cream for age spots belongs to this group of drugs is indicated by the presence in the composition (can be read on the label) of one of the following substances:

  • hydroquinone

It reduces the activity of tyrosinase by 90%, and also has a toxic effect on the genome (DNA) of melanocytes. Therapeutic effect has hydroquinone at a concentration of 2-10%; at a higher concentration, the effect will come faster, but the risk of side effects is higher. And although earlier this substance was the main component of whitening creams, now it is prohibited for use.

  • Arbutin

Consists of 1 molecule of hydroquinone associated with the same amount of glucose. Get arbutin from pear leaves and some herbs. In rare cases, the use of a whitening cream for the skin around the eyes and integuments of other localization based on arbutin can lead to the opposite effect - increased pigmentation. Instead of arbutin, its more purified analogue, deoxyarbutin, which has fewer side effects, can be used.

  • Aloesin

The substance is isolated from aloe. It inhibits tyrosinase, but does so slowly, as it penetrates the skin slowly. Other substances should be added to the aloesin in the cream, which will make the integumentary tissue more passable.

  • Licorice extract (licorice)

Which contains glabridin (sometimes just indicate - "glabridin"). The substance inhibits tyrosinase, but does not affect DNA.

  • Kojic acid

It is obtained from the fungi Aspergillus, Penicillium, as well as acetic acid bacteria. The acid acts on the copper ion, which is needed for the reaction of converting tyrosine to melanin. Does not affect DNA. It can only be used at a concentration of 1%, otherwise it may cause.

Vitamins E and C (tocopherol and ascorbic acid) in combination also have an inhibitory effect on tyrosinase.

Skin whitening cream by killing melanocytes

Azelaic acid belongs to this group of drugs. It is found in medicines that are prescribed by a doctor and sold in pharmacies. These are "Skinoren", "Aziks-derm", "Azelik".

The preparations can be used for men and women. They are usually used on the face, after thorough cleansing, twice a day. If irritation appears at the site of application, they switch to a single use of the drug. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Skin Lightening with Peeling Agents

If the preparation contains fruit or AHA acids, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), tretinoin or Jessner's solution, they are whitening. Their effect is based on the destruction of bonds between the superficial or middle layers of the epidermis and cell exfoliation.

Such peels (almost every cosmetic company has them, for example, Faberlic AHA Chemical Peel) are good in combination with tyrosinase inhibitors. However, the peeling cream is not suitable for lightening the skin around the eyes, but it can be effectively used in all other localizations. Tretinoin products are most effective for whitening blemishes that appear after inflammation of the skin or acne.

Other substances that have a whitening effect

As brightening can also be used:

  • ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant. If it is in the composition of the cream in its natural state - in the form of an acid, then its whitening ability is doubtful, since it is extremely unstable and quickly collapses. Only ascorbic acid esters can be stable;
  • soy milk. It "knows how" to regulate the number of melanosomes that will pass from the melanocyte to the skin cell.

Which cream is better to use

Here are examples of the best skin whitening creams, depending on the location of pigmentation.

Face brightening

For this localization, such creams are suitable:

  1. F Radiance. This includes glycolic acid for peeling, arbutin, antioxidants glutathione and sodium ascorbate, licorice extract, azelaic acid, bearberry extract. Can be applied to the entire face except for the area under the eyes and eyelids.
  2. Meladerm, which is based on licorice extract and a combination of AHA acids.
  3. Clinicians Complex 6% whitening cream. Contains hydroquinone, bearberry extract, kojic acid, vitamins C and E, fruit acids.
  4. Eldan, Premium lightening dimension 24h. The cream is based on the extract of bearberry leaves, vitamin E. It also contains panthenol, nicotinic acid, lecithin.
  5. Cream from Faberlic Expert series "Microdermabrasion and Enzymatic Micropeeling" (applied after the product of the same series with AHA acids). It is based on the Novaftem-O2 oxygen complex, the composition is not indicated, in combination with other components.
  6. Oxygen whitening cream. Consists of licorice root, ginseng, camellia sinensis.
  7. "Microcellulaire" with kojic acid. Its basis is kojic acid, as well as other acids: glycolic, lactic, citric. It also contains lemon and cucumber extracts.
  8. Vichy Idealia Pro is a pigment spot correcting serum. It has a complex composition, which includes glabridin, tocopherol, salicylic acid.

Lightening of the skin of the hands

Body lightening

To whiten the skin of the body, you can use creams:

  • "Skinoren" and analogues, the main active ingredient of which is azelaic acid;
  • "Melanative", consisting of arbutin and kojic acid;
  • "Achromin" from "Alen Mak", which is based on hydroquinone;
  • Donell Super Skin Crystal Scrub - scrub and cleansing gel;
  • "Meladerm", the product can be used not only for the face, but also for the body;
  • "Alpha" based on green tea, kojic acid and mulberry extract.

For whitening underarm skin, Lakshma MAXXI cream is suitable. It is also used to whiten the bikini and intimate area. The product is based on kojic acid. Manufacturers report its high efficiency for representatives of any race, including Mongoloid and Negroid. It is reported that epilation is not required before using this remedy.

  1. Start whitening at the time of the year when the sun's rays are inactive: in autumn and winter. Before using any remedy, apply a drop of it on the forearm and leave it on for 20 minutes. The appearance of redness and / or itching indicates that the drug is not suitable for you.
  2. Before using the product, be sure to cleanse the skin, and before going outside, treat the exposed areas of the body with a sunscreen. You need to use a local cosmetic product for no more than 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a break.
  3. And finally, if the cream did not help whiten your skin, consult a beautician. In the arsenal of these specialists are a large number of different procedures: from microdermabrasion to.

Whitening face cream is a specially designed product with which you can reduce skin pigmentation in the form of moles, dark spots, freckles. The epidermis can change its structure as a result of pregnancy or due to age-related processes, and pigmentation can also be a normal condition of the skin. In all cases, bleaching agents will always come to the rescue.

The appearance of pigmentation may be a feature of the skin, but most often it is provoked by various reasons: pathologies in the genitourinary system, problems with the stomach and intestines, lack of necessary vitamins. Also, the condition of the skin is affected by prolonged exposure to the sun.

To choose the right whitening cream, you need to pay attention to its composition. The components contained in it directly depend on the tasks that such a drug should perform. Therefore, when buying, it is worth reading the composition.

The main tasks of the whitening cream:

  • decreased production of melanin (a substance that causes darkening of the skin);
  • cleansing the skin from the upper keratinized layer of cells with melanin;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • giving the skin softness, elasticity and firmness.

To achieve the goals, the following components must be present in the cream:

  1. Ascorbic acid- a substance that inhibits the synthesis of melanin, strengthens the shells of the capillaries, which are located almost outside.
  2. Panthenol- a component of a whitening cream that promotes rapid skin renewal after removal of dead skin particles.
  3. Natural substances of plant origin with high whitening properties - aloe juice, angelica extract, jojoba oil, parsley.

It is these components that should be present in a safe cream against
skin pigmentation. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the presence of hydroquinone in ointments indicates their toxicity. This is a dangerous substance. Hydroquinone, although it effectively suppresses melanin, is still very toxic. You should also avoid bleaching agents that contain terminal acid, arbutin. Such substances are allergens and can cause a negative reaction of the body.

A good cream contains, in addition to the listed ingredients, almond oil and lactic acid. Such substances naturally lighten the skin without causing harm.

How to use the cream for age spots correctly

All whitening products act on the skin in two directions - they cleanse the skin of obsolete cells and reduce the production of melanin. Due to this, the cells are renewed and the skin brightens. The daily use of anti-stain creams creates a peeling effect, that is, the skin is constantly cleaned. Because of this, she becomes more sensitive to external stimuli.

To protect the skin, it is necessary to take into account several nuances of the correct use of skin whitening cream:

  1. Anti-pigmentation products are best applied a few hours before a night's sleep. The use of the cream during the day should be avoided.
  2. You do not need to do whitening all the time. Using the cream for 14-21 days is enough for a noticeable effect. Then you need to take a break until the spots begin to appear again. This is a gentle method of using a whitening cream.
  3. Apply the product with massage movements and in small portions. This will prevent clogging the pores with an excess amount of cream.

It is worth noting that whitening preparations do not have UV protection. And the skin with age spots is very responsive to solar radiation. Therefore, in combination with whitening creams, it is necessary to use products with components from sun exposure.

Effective creams for freckles and age spots

The appearance of small brown spots can be not only on the face, but throughout the body. For some, they are not very noticeable, others try to disguise them in every possible way. Freckles are especially pronounced in the warm season, when the sun begins to warm after winter. At this time, the skin begins to "bloom".

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin may be the result of age-related changes in the dermis or a consequence of disorders in the internal organs. In any case, whitening creams can help, temporarily, by eliminating unwanted defects in the form of dark spots.

The main effect of the cream from freckles and age spots is to give the skin a lighter and more even tone. Beta-carotenes, vegetable oils and extracts of parsley, citrus fruit and cucumber help to achieve this effect.

Review of the best creams with whitening properties


  • Milk Skin means unique in its composition and action. Milk Skin eliminates age spots of any etiology and prevents their further formation. In other words, the cream once and for all eliminates all skin defects (spots, freckles, acne, rashes and inflammation of the dermis). The product has been tested and recognized as the best among all whitening products. The cream is certified, does not cause allergies, as well as other negative reactions. Price up to 2000 rubles.

An effective whitening face cream does not always have a high cost. Among the popular products you can find inexpensive products that successfully fight pigmentation.

To choose the right cream, you need to follow the advice of cosmetologists. It is important to pay attention to:

  • skin type. You should buy a cream according to your skin type. Products are available for dry, oily, normal or combination types. This information is indicated on the packaging.
  • Compound.It is worth paying attention to the presence of components that effectively cope with pigmentation.
  • Application time. On sale are day and night creams that are effective in a certain period of the day.
  • Availability of SPF filters. Skin of any type needs protection from ultraviolet rays. And skin prone to pigmentation, especially. SPF 15 is enough for winter, SPF 30 is enough for summer.
  • Packaging. The most hygienic form of cream release is a tube with a dispenser. Ordinary jars are inferior to them, since microbes get into them during the use of the cream. A tube with a dispenser protects the agent from the penetration of microorganisms.

Dermatologists and beauty industry experts remind you that you need to be very careful when choosing a face cream. Be sure to read the composition of the cosmetic product and if it contains parabens, mineral oils, fragrances or dyes, refuse to buy. Doctors recommend using only natural cosmetics. The leader in its production is the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. All cosmetic products produced by the company are completely natural and have certificates confirming their high quality and safety. We recommend visiting the site

Oftentimes, it's not just the tan that's reminiscent of summer vacation, but the brown islands of pigmentation that pop up here and there, regardless of the SPF level of our sunscreen. Popular recipes against this misunderstanding are more of a guide to food misuse. Perhaps someone is ready to wipe their face several times a day with cucumber-lemon infusion, scare their neighbors with yogurt or yogurt frozen on the skin (which must be removed with a cotton pad dipped in a decoction of lime blossom) or knead sour milk with horseradish and oatmeal to make whitening compresses. Maybe...

But progress does not stand still and, fortunately, Today there are much more effective and aesthetic methods for whitening the skin of the face and body. Let's leave fruits and vegetables, and take a closer look at cosmetics and procedures in clinics and beauty salons.

Species theory: hyperpigmentation comes in many forms

A few years ago in London, at the presentation of Even Better Clinical, Clinique, a serum for correcting skin tone, Paolo Giacomoni, Doctor of Biochemistry, explained to reporters,. “It's very simple,” said the scientist. - Melanin, which is produced by melanocytes, is involved in skin pigmentation. Sometimes it happens that too much melanin is produced, and then a problem arises in the form of thickening of the horny standing and the appearance of dark spots of various sizes and shades.

Just do not confuse congenital and acquired pigmentation. As a rule, whitening products work more on uneven skin tone and specifically on age spots, but in no case on freckles. You don’t have to fight freckles at all!”

The same idea is confirmed by Sofia Bigvava, Ph.D., dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the clinic of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine Bellefontaine: “Pigmentation is divided into congenital and acquired. For us, cosmetologists, acquired is of the greatest importance. These are cases when the sensitivity of melanocytes to various adverse factors increases.

What else to fear? Some drugs: there are groups of antibiotics, as well as hormonal contraceptives, the use of which literally affects the skin. But it's all very individual."

Skin whitening preparations

For a long time, doctors have considered hydroquinone to be the “gold standard” in the treatment of hyperpigmentation of various origins. This is a substance that stops the production of melanin molecules by simply blocking the tyrosinase enzyme. But the matter is not limited to this. Hydroquinone promotes the destruction of previously accumulated melanocytes, gradually brightening the affected areas of the skin.

As a rule, creams with hydroquinone are used to effectively whiten the skin - the doctor will tell you what concentration you need. If you do everything right, the first results will appear in five to seven weeks. However, not everything is so simple here: when applying the drug, redness and slight itching sometimes appear, and with prolonged use, even contact dermatitis may occur. And in general, to achieve a pronounced effect, you will have to wait from three months to a year. And no one wants to wait (although a positive result will be necessary).

Another slow, but quite reliable fighter with age spots is retinol (aka vitamin A). Gradually, within a year or two, he and his derivatives will restore sun-damaged skin, stimulating cell renewal, the synthesis of bleaching agents and collagen from day to day. However, taking such a course, one should not forget about sunscreens for a minute - otherwise the spots will only increase.

You can still be treated with steroids, but it’s better to think carefully, because in a small concentration (1% hydrocortisone) they do not give a pronounced effect, and in medium and strong concentrations they work, but threaten with serious complications, such as tissue atrophy and acne.

But, as a rule, experienced dermatologists use various combinations of drugs for whitening, not limited to any one remedy. A good doctor should choose a program that will achieve the fastest possible results, but at the same time minimize side effects.

"Clarifying" cosmetic procedures

Some desperate fighters with hyperpigmentation insist on lungs and even know how to make them on their own, without contacting a specialized specialist. The mechanism of their lightening action is clear. A composition is applied to the skin that causes active exfoliation. Layer by layer, the brown tint fades.

The effectiveness and, importantly, the safety of the method largely depends on how deep the acid penetrates into the tissues and what chemical agents are used. Therefore, it is always very important to follow the instructions exactly, without trying to speed up or intensify the process. With special care, chemical peels should be treated for people with fair skin who have frequent recurrences of herpes simplex on the face.

Most often, professionals use peeling based on retinol, lactic or trichloroacetic acid to whiten facial skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids, which frighten many, despite the frightening name, are just a group of organic compounds that are widely represented in natural vegetables and fruits.

Light brown spots occur in the superficial layers of the skin and are amenable to external treatment methods. The situation with deep dark brown pigmentation is somewhat different. Here you definitely can’t do without a course of procedures in a salon or clinic.

One option is cryotherapy (treatment with liquid nitrogen). Some melanocytes are sensitive to cold. So why not take advantage of this? Another way is ; in this case, these are injections of bleaching agents (including ascorbic acid) directly into the focus of pigmentation. Treatment is fast and precise.

And, finally, heavy artillery - the destruction of dark spots with a laser and exposure to selective pulsed light (phototherapy), after which the spots darken and peel off a few days after the procedure. And most importantly - no longer appear in the same place. Such programs are best done in autumn or winter, when the activity of the sun is minimal.

The right place: the best salon programs and skin whitening procedures in Moscow

  • Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Bellefontaine

A special program has been developed here to eliminate hyperpigmentations using the DEKA laser device and cosmetics. Laser beams destroy melanin, after the procedure the pigment darkens, active exfoliation occurs within two weeks, which as a result leads to lightening of the problem area. The course of laser therapy is from two to four procedures. In the interval between the hardware exposure, professional brightening care Bellefontaine is prescribed. Such a team copes well even with age-related pigmentation. In six weeks, not only dark spots are lightened, but skin tone and texture are evened out and improved.

  • Beauty Salon "White Garden"

Along with various peels and mesotherapy using cocktails based on vitamin C, minerals and, this salon uses the SharpLight multifunctional system for skin whitening. The smart machine is equipped with special nozzles with pulsed light technology that quickly and safely work on superficial age spots on the face, chest and arms. The doctor applies the nozzle to the problem area, the pulsed light energy gradually turns into thermal energy, and as a result of heating, only those areas of the skin where melanin has accumulated are destroyed. For all actions, the specialist takes from 15 to 45 minutes. In the first 5-12 days after the session, the treated areas often darken, but then they brighten significantly - until they completely disappear at the end of the course. But there is one important condition: for the SharpLight procedure to be successful, the skin must not be tanned.

  • Phyt's Beauty Salon

A very cozy salon, where the atmosphere of Provence reigns and everything organic is revered. Therefore, there are no machines or injections here, but there are Phyt's cosmetics, created by a naturopathic biologist, and the hands of masters. For whitening face and body care (however, as for all other procedures), small common jars of cream are used, and an individual set of ampoules that contain high concentrations of active substances.When you open your personal set of products and begin a comfortable ritual with a long good massage.Bioactive whitening is built on the high efficiency of a patented complex of plant extracts and essential oils.Listing the composition of White Bio products -Active is reminiscent of a botanical encyclopedia: aloe, licorice, parsley, wheat oil and bitter orange... This is already enough to win the hearts of all natural lovers.

Rating of the best cosmetics for fighting pigmentation, lightening and whitening the skin

Our shortlist includes proven products, which are backed by both the impeccable reputation of manufacturers and positive user reviews. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail and choose the most suitable for yourself and your skin:

Means Description
It is a two-stage peeling system - skin cleansing and whitening + rejuvenating active complex. RES gel preparation technology provokes skin cells to intensive regeneration. Price: ~17000 rubles (30 cleansing wipes and peeling gel)
Developed using the latest biochemical technologies and designed primarily for the care of skin with excessive pigmentation. The effect is achieved through natural vitamin extracts. Actively brightens not only age spots, but also freckles, redness from scars and scars, as well as signs of chloasma during pregnancy. Price: ~150 euros (per 100 ml volume)
Whitening system Soin White Bio-Active, Phyt "s With daily use of this complex of natural products with a delicate texture, the skin noticeably brightens, age spots completely disappear by the end of the second week of using the products. Thanks to the use of the innovative PWE complex in creams, the skin acquires a natural radiance, becomes clean and smooth. Price: ~3500 rubles per complex.
Serum against age spots Forever Light Creator, Yves Saint Laurent The product is intended for whitening the face with age-related pigmentation. Already after one week of application, the skin color is visibly evened out. Due to the use of the innovative property of reflected light rays in the serum, a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation occurs. Price: $42-125, depending on the volume of the bottle.
Whitening serum Belle de Jour, KenzoKi The white lotus extract used in its manufacture has an astringent property, helps to tighten pores, protecting skin cells from pollution. In addition, the natural properties of the drug contribute to blocking the sun's rays on the surface of the skin, preventing ultraviolet radiation from penetrating into the deeper layers and protecting the skin from photoaging. Cost: ~5700 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Corrector of age spots Melascreen, Ducray The tool is designed for local application on skin areas that have darkened due to age-related changes, photosensitivity to sunlight, with congenital hyperpigmentation and during pregnancy. Wonderfully smoothes the skin, creating a rejuvenating effect. Price: ~1200 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Clean Skin System, Inneov The cleansing complex is recommended for use 1-2 times a year for people with problem skin, with dark and pigmented spots, with excessive exposure to the sun, with metabolic disorders. Helps restore skin elasticity and radiance. Price: ~1500 rubles (per package, 40 tablets).
Extremely effective for brightening the face of hyperpigmentation. Due to the use of natural brightening components (bearberry extract, licorice extract, kojic acid), melanin synthesis in skin cells is blocked. Price: ~1850 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Helps to even out skin tone, gives it a dull tint, eliminates age spots, prevents premature appearance of wrinkles and age-related darkening of the skin. The product is enriched with extracts of natural herbal preparations with a strong whitening effect. Price: ~8000 rubles (volume 50 ml).
Serum for correction of skin tone Even Better Clinical, Clinique An innovative development designed to smooth and brighten the skin, to get rid of age spots, eliminate the effect of skin aging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in case of damage and scarring of the skin. Price: ~4500 rubles (volume 50 ml).
Crystal Shot Brightening Serum, Metatron It has a complex effect on the skin, cleansing, rejuvenating and brightening age spots. The active ingredients of the serum protect skin cells from aging, help the production of light melanin and effectively lighten natural dark melanin. Price: ~5000 rubles (volume 20 ml).
Skin Evening Base, Melaperfect, Darphin Thanks to the innovative high-tech complex MELA SYSTEM, this cosmetic actively fights for perfectly even skin color, helps to get rid of pigmentation, nourishes and protects the skin. Price: ~4000 rubles (volume 30 ml).

Melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment, are responsible for complexion. The more it is, the darker the skin will be. But sometimes there are pathologically many melanocytes, they accumulate in one place, and a powerful release of the coloring matter occurs. This is how a variety of age spots are formed - freckles, lentigo, chloasma, etc.

They appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, age or hormones. And if a pair of pretty freckles only decorates a girl, then huge chloasma in half a face can seriously spoil the look. To combat them, special whitening cosmetics for the face are produced, the functionality of which, as it turns out, includes not only lightening and eliminating pigmentation.


Whitening - if the product packaging contains this word, it is a whitening facial cosmetics, the main task of which is to destroy the nest of melanocytes and stop their production of the coloring matter. It is represented by numerous gels, emulsions, serums, etc. So if you buy the entire line of such products, it will be a serious blow to pigmentation.

The mechanism of action of whitening cosmetics:

  • destroys the coloring pigment;
  • reduces the activity of melanocytes;
  • slows down the action of melanin;
  • prevents melanin from accumulating in cells;
  • brightens and even completely removes .

As a result, after a couple of weeks of active use of whitening cosmetics, you get amazing results:

  • the tone of the face becomes more even;
  • color noticeably improves: redness, pallor, grayness, yellowness go away;
  • a beautiful, natural blush appears;
  • age spots disappear or turn pale;
  • tan lightens up.

This is how facial skin whitening cosmetics work, in which more than 50% of women seek their salvation. According to statistics, it is precisely this percentage of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who are trying, if not to eliminate, then at least to lighten all kinds of age spots.

They give the impression of unkemptness and dirt, they are difficult to mask with tonal creams and powders, so the desire to get rid of them is quite understandable. But due to what with their help it is possible to achieve such amazing efficiency? It's all about the unique and sometimes unexpected composition.

Reference Information. Whitening cosmetics for the face is recommended for those who struggle not only with freckles, but also with - brown-brown pigment spots with smooth edges, and with - brown bumps.


In order for facial whitening cosmetics to work efficiently and not leave even the most dense pigment spots on the skin, destroying accumulations of melanocytes, its composition must be appropriate.

Most often, manufacturers include components in it that literally eat into the layers of the epidermis and discolor, as far as possible, the pigment. Champions in this area are:

  • acids: glycolic, gluconic (produced by jellyfish), hyaluronic, azelaic, kojic (be careful with it: cosmetics enriched with it cause severe allergic reactions);
  • minerals: titanium dioxide;
  • plant extracts: mulberry, red grapes, saxifrage, skullcap, lemon, cucumber, parsley;
  • animal extracts: snail mucus;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid (C), beta-carotene;
  • arbutin - a vegetable glycoside (obtained from bearberry leaves) has gentle whitening properties;
  • hydroquinone is a toxic but very effective antioxidant, so such cosmetics should not be used for longer than 2 weeks);
  • oils: , .

So look for exactly these components in the composition of whitening cosmetics. All of them are natural - parabens and propylene glycols are not involved in the process of getting rid of age spots.

The only thing to remember when choosing such products is the aggressive effect on the skin of many of these components. Indeed, in order to penetrate deep into the skin and begin the destruction of melanocytes there, they often damage healthy areas. The results are sad: burns, hyperemia, rashes, irritation, peeling. Well, beauty requires sacrifice.

To avoid such unpleasant side effects, test any new skin whitening product on the thin skin of your wrist.

Useful advice. Do not use whitening cosmetics if you yourself spend most of the day in the sun. This can spoil and negate the effect of even the most expensive skin lightening product.

Rating of the best

The best whitening face cosmetics are collected for you in a small but unique rating. It is good in that it presents you with a wide variety of cosmetics. In it you will find not only, but also depigmenting serums, and masks for age spots, and even a concealer. You will be surprised how diverse the range of such products is.

  1. Lightening XT Cream is one of the best and most expensive whitening creams. Cellcosmet (Switzerland). $216.48
  2. Iklen - depigmenting serum with rucinol. Noreva (France). $72.98.
  3. White Secret Concentrate - a secret concentrate for whitening the face. CNC (Germany). $68.53
  4. Whitening Anti Spots Fluid Concentrate is a fluid that whitens age spots. Frais Monde (Italy). $48.28.
  5. Daily Scrub - whitening age spots scrub. Adonia Organics (USA). $35.82
  6. Depiderm Intensive - anti-pigmentation whitening facial emulsion. Uriage (France). $28.
  7. Whitening Toner - whitening tonic. Herborist (China). $28.03
  8. Intensive Whitening Creamy Face Mask - cream mask with intensive whitening effect. Bielenda (Poland). $18.69
  9. Melascreen is a corrector that whitens age spots. Ducray (France). $15.57
  10. Snail School Gel - whitening gel with snail extract. Purebess (Korea). $11.65
  11. Cleansing Nose Mask Mud is a super whitening mask. Dizao (China). $4.67
  12. Flawless White Deep Whitening Facial Foam Pond's (Thailand). $4.67

Naturally, all these facial whitening cosmetics do not need to be used at the same time. But if you regularly work on annoying age spots at all stages of facial care, they will not have a chance to survive.

Wash your face with foam, moisturize your skin with cream, nourish it with masks, cleanse with scrubs, treat with emulsions, mask with corrector - and if all these cosmetics are labeled as Whitening and even belong to the same line, the result will be noticeable almost instantly.

Little secret. Even the most effective whitening cosmetics are unlikely to permanently save you from. These cunning pigment spots hide between the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis. To remove them, the active substances of serums and emulsions, as well as other cosmetics, must get there. There is another way to destroy them - first remove the top layer of skin with a deep peel in the salon.


It's one thing to deal with age spots at home. To do this, you need to independently select the appropriate means, make from cucumber and parsley, additionally take care of the skin.

Another thing is salon brightening procedures, where you can relax, enjoy and expect the most wonderful results. After all, professional whitening cosmetics for the face are used there, which differ in price and quality.

Do not want to overpay for the services of a cosmetologist and spend time recording and visiting the salon? Then find and purchase one of these series - and become a sculptor of your own beauty.

You will have to pay a considerable amount for professional whitening cosmetics, but you need to understand that these costs will be justified in the very near future by the disappearance of age spots from your skin.

However, dermatologists always warn women who are actively struggling with all sorts of freckles, lentigo and chloasma: do not act on moles with such drugs. These are special accumulations of skin cells that may be pigmented, but they are not spots at all. Trying to get rid of them in this way, you can earn skin cancer - no less. So be prudent in this matter.
