Words I apologize to my best friend. Apology in prose

Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that we say too much, or do something that offends a person close to us. Of course, sometimes this is almost not our fault, and often we feel absolutely right, but here it is very important to take the first step and apologize to your best friend. Even if you are sure that you are right, it must be done. At least in order to improve relations between you.

Let go of your pride and apologize to your best friend. If you are specifically to blame, then you need to do this all the more. Moreover, it is necessary to say not just anything, but on the merits. Let your apologies be not only sincere, but also beautiful, touching. Then even the highest ice wall erected between you will melt in a matter of seconds.

You can find a similar apology for your best friend in finished form with us. In we have tried to collect for you only the most touching apologies that can resolve the strongest differences. Take advantage of this opportunity and re-seal your relationship with the bonds of friendship. After all, no offense should destroy a strong bond between friends!

Girlfriend, it's my fault...
Please forgive me!
I don't like life without you
What a fool I was...

Let's make peace with you
Can I come to your house?
As before we sit together
Forgive each other everything, everything, everything!

Congratulations on mobile

Girlfriend, forgive me
Forgive the words that I said
I suddenly miss you
I blame myself for being rude!

Forgive me my friend
Trust me for the last time
You can't lose a friend like that
You were not given to me to lose!

My dear friend, my faithful one,
I apologize to you again.
I'm sorry I offended you without thinking.
After all, you are my friend and I appreciate you.

And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
With you, we have met so many troubles together.
And we coped with any difficulty more than once,
So be merciful to me this time too!

I've done stupid things
Offended you....
But there is no better girlfriend
What are you, my soul!

Let's talk again
And have fun talking.
I don't want to say goodbye
And lose friendship!

I'm sorry, because I'm wrong,
With you we quarrel sometimes
And I don't notice it
What an angry person native.

And you are alone, my friend -
My support for years.
Let there be no blizzard between us,
But only friendship, forever.

I'm sorry my friend
What happened to us.
We respect each other
But now they're arguing.

I don't want to see anymore
Your tears, sorrows, torments.
I do not want to hurt you,
I don't want to part with you!

You had a little quarrel
And our paths parted.
Sadness in my heart
I do not want to lose you.

I want to make peace with you
You don't need to be angry anymore.
I'm sorry, I'm just begging
I can't imagine life without you!

I want to ask for forgiveness
You, dear friend!
I sincerely apologize
Be careful, in your ear...

And I hope everything works out
In our relationship with you.
The negative will roll away
We will not spill water!

Forgive me my friend
Our conflict presses on me,
I think about him with fear
Both at night and during the day.

Just like you, friends in life
I know for sure I can't find
I sincerely apologize
So that our paths do not part.

Good day, dear readers!

In the heat of stormy proceedings, it is often possible to offend the closest person - the best friend. But over time, as they say, passions subside, and guilt worries the offender. If you want your friendship to last, you need to know how to apologize to a friend. Consider in the article advice from experts and the main nuances of the issue.

Before moving on to the cherished conversation with the object, you need to prepare. It is also worth considering whether it is necessary to do this, or can be dispensed with. Consider the preparatory stage for an important conversation and possible reactions.

1. When not to ask for forgiveness

There are circumstances in which it is not necessary to ask for forgiveness.

  • The quarrel was not your fault, especially if this is not the first time. As with any relationship, there may be a maid-princess or a victim-tyrant pattern. In this case, you must wait for your friend to admit her guilt and apologize to you. If this does not happen, do not despair: you will have new friends, and what happened between you is not friendship, but mutually beneficial commercial relations.
  • If meanness or betrayal was committed on her part. For example, she beat off her boyfriend, lied during an important conversation, framed her at a crucial moment. Even if she herself asks for forgiveness, think about whether your friendship is worth continuing, because communicating with traitors is not the best solution.
  • If the expiration date is coming to an end. Just like in love, there are deadlines. If you understand that you have become strangers, and that the relationship does not bring former emotions, this indicates the need for a disagreement. Perhaps your interests, life views and principles, preferences have changed.

If these situations are not your case, you can move on to consider how to apologize to your best friend.

2. What else needs to be done?

It is important to reconcile, but before you take this step, you need to do a number of actions related to preparing for a serious conversation.

  • Come to a state of calm. If your head is occupied with the conflict, and you are excited, feel resentment and anger, you need to “cool down”, otherwise the attempt to ask for forgiveness may not lead to the desired result.
  • Decide on the main reason for the disagreement and whether it is your fault. Analyze the conflict situation and find the perpetrators. If skirmishes occur because of her, you should not go to reconciliation first.
  • Set goals: what do you expect after the conversation? For her to apologize, or for her to forgive you? Goal setting is a major step towards continuing your friendships.

If you have passed the preparatory stage, you can move on to resolving the issue of how to apologize to your best friend.

6. A bit of farce

If the quarrel was over a trifle, you can turn it into a little joke game. Apologize jokingly, and in the presence of both of you have a sense of humor, laugh heartily.

7. Direct questions

Learn to listen. Listen to what the object of resentment thinks about this, try to understand what your friend wants, ask what you can do for her to forgive you. Try with all your might to understand her position, and to foresee that in the future such situations do not arise.

8. Sincerity

Think and decide for yourself why you need to apologize. Is it just because there is no one else to hang out with, or because you really value your relationship? The main thing is that she feels your remorse.

Thus, following the above tips will allow you to achieve forgiveness and gain the trust of the offended party. The main thing is to act not for selfish purposes and interests, but to become an altruist and aim for the happiness of a friend. Only in this case it will be possible to assert that your friendship is real.

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Is your friendship with your best friend cracking? Usually, best friends have quarrels that are not serious and not for long. But, whatever it was, it is necessary to reconcile. After all, your friendship has been built over the years. You feel guilty, and all the time you think about how to ask for forgiveness from a friend. Take a step towards the meeting. You know exactly what you need. Secrets and secrets, advice, all this and much more you trusted her, your best friend. She was like a sister to you.

Ask for forgiveness

If the quarrel was not serious, then wait a bit. Time will pass, you will miss one after another, and reconciliation will be much easier. If there is no call from her, then call yourself. Pretend like nothing happened. Think of a reason for calling that she's interested in, such as talking about a movie that just started at the theater. Then you can smoothly move on to the cause of the quarrel, but do it gradually, tell her everything calmly without unnecessary emotions, so as not to quarrel again.

If you know for sure that you became the cause of your quarrel, then you need to ask for forgiveness from your best friend. If she has forgiven you, then explain to her why you did it. Let her understand from your words that you have realized your fault and will not repeat it again. Therefore, try to keep your word, otherwise your friend will no longer believe you, and you may lose her. One way to reconcile is laughter. Make your girlfriend laugh. Tell her a funny incident that happened while you were having an argument. Her heart will melt, and she will forgive you.

She will surely forgive you

Was your fight serious? Did you intentionally hurt your friend? Think carefully, was it necessary to do this? Consider all the points of your last conversation. And if you understand that the relationship with your best friend is above all, immediately decide on a frank conversation with her. Send her an SMS, write a letter. She may not answer you right away, but she will know that you value your friendship and regret what happened.

The evening fades outside the window,

And we quarreled, girlfriend ...

And tormented by thoughts about one thing:

I can't find such a friend.

Let's forget those words

That they threw in each other's faces.

I'm sorry, dear, I love you

I want to return, I'm sorry, my friend ...

Send these lines to your girlfriend's email. Words of forgiveness to a friend should melt her heart, and she will answer, albeit dryly, but sincerely, because she herself will understand the loss.

Take care of your friendship, it exists. Your ability to choose friends is greatly appreciated, sometimes you need to give up your principles and interests. Friendship is carried through life, it is cherished and valued, because the shoulder of a friend is always there and in sorrow and in joy.

Girlfriend, I'm sorry, I was wrong
I know the words were bad
But you also understand and accept me,
And forgive me for thoughtlessness, stupidity.

You are not closer, smarter and kinder,
I admire your kindness
Let's just appreciate each other
To keep the hearth of friendship for a long time.

I value our friendship very much,
Let's forget this fight!
With all my heart I ask for forgiveness
Let's put an end to empty talk!

Let's not pout at each other
And immediately the soul will become warmer!
After all, you are my beloved friend,
And I want you to stay her!

Girlfriend, I'm sorry!
I was wrong.
I offended you in vain
All my fault.

Let's make peace with you.
Forgive me, please!
You are the most kind person
And I love you!

We ate a pood of salt with you,
All passed and experienced.
Days, weeks passed by
But we value friendship.

We didn't leave each other
In a difficult moment, in a moment of vanity.
I love you my friend.
There are no others like you.

There have also been quarrels
But then they always reconciled.
We have forgiven each other
And they only got closer.

So let's forget everything
The bitterness of words and the burden of resentment.
Let's discuss everything with you.
I believe friendship will win.

Offended girlfriend - I know
But I respect you...
One such, my joy,
Soul you are a valuable reward!

After all, without you in my soul - sadly ...
It's not so nice anymore...
You, if you can, to forgive,
I forgot all the inconsistencies...

I'll try to make things right
To mitigate some of your guilt...
Let's forget the conflict
And we won't tell people anything...

My dear, dear,
Let's make peace with you
I've known you for so many years
You have become my sister.

Girlfriend, my doll
I'm sorry, I'm begging you fool
I didn't want to offend
Sorry stupid mistake.

I'm sorry girlfriend
Everything turned out stupid.
I don't know how to fix
I dream of forgiveness.

I hope to reconcile
In joy forget.
Forget all sorrows.
Forgive me, I miss you.

Forgive me my friend!
Sorry for the stupid words!
Listen to me for a minute
I confess, I was wrong.

You are the best in the world
I will share everything with you.
Don't hold this grudge
Let it fly away.

A short

I beg your pardon
Shouldn't have done that.
For all the words and behavior
I want to say "I'm sorry" to you.

My dear, I'm sorry!
I don't want to offend you.
Sorry for the bad words
I won't forgive myself for them!

Don't be mad at me, do you hear?
I beg your pardon my friend.
I'm sorry it all turned out this way
I won't hurt you anymore!

We are both very different
That's why we fight
But friendship is real
It's built on respect.
Therefore, I gladly
I go first,
Cause I'm more to blame
Was yesterday, I guess.
Let's forget the jokes
Those who spoke in their hearts
Let's not waste our youth
For gossip superfluous.
Let's stand next to each other
A little more tolerant
And the sun will shine
And the world will be happier.


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I'm a fool

I'm sorry, what a fool I am.
All this is our Baba language.
my unbearable nature
You know, I'll immediately throw myself into a scream.

Which day I scold myself.
I want to ask for forgiveness.
I am no stranger to you either.
Try to forgive me.


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captured by the wrong ones

Even the closest are capable of betraying.
Why this deceit and pathos?
Is it really that hard to just accept?
And fix whatever you can.

Instead, you pretend
As if there were no quarrels and resentment,
You think our limit just expired
And all gigabytes are beaten.

And do not return back the years lived,
Do not return the old friendship,
They made a vow of silence to each other
And we completed that service

Which we swore to serve to the end,
To pain, to blood, to death.
Who would have thought that our hearts
Capture different traits.

Apologies to a friend

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Girl, I was wrong.

I was wrong,
I'm sorry, dear.
Head of my life
Without you, as empty.
And turning the pages
I recognize the omission.
And I hasten to bring
I apologize.
best friend -
I have you alone!
How are we without each other?
I was wrong!


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We are explosive with you both
And emotions over the edge.
But it's time to forgive each other
All insults. And come on
Let's sit with you, as before,
Let's drink red wine
Because without each other
Our life will be boring!


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Forgive me for God's sake!
I didn't mean to offend you.
Maybe I flared up a little
But I already regret everything...
You were the closest friend
Without you, I feel bad and difficult.
Don't be mad at me, please!
Excuse me, if possible.


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I'm writing you a letter, my friend
Because the blame is tight.
But everything happened without evil will,
Mistake, stupidity - and no more.
We have been with you for so many years.
I will tell you without any flattery:
“You are not more valuable and more expensive!”.
I'm ready to scream to all passers-by,
I understand your pain
I will atone for my guilt.
Of course, only time heals
But forgive me for tonight.
And trusting hope again
Believe me, my dear, I'm like before.

Apologies to a friend

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I miss you immensely
I feel very bad without you!
And without you already, probably
I can't live another day!

Forgive me, I'm to blame
But not on purpose, believe me!
I'm waiting for you my friend
When you open the door for me again!

