Is it worth repairing a relationship that a friend ruined. Restoring relationships after a major quarrel

Nowadays, relationships are destroyed as often, and sometimes even more often, than new ones are made. And all because in most cases people first act and then think.

It happens that after breaking up with a man , you very soon begin to understand that in fact you cannot live without it. You realize how important he was to you.

And then the natural questions arise:« How to return a relationship ? How to correct a perfect mistake? .

Familiar situation?

If you are interested in the topic of this material, then it is close to you.

Let's not try to figure out why this happened. After all, you did not come for this, but for specific advice on how to get out of this situation. So let's get straight to the point.

Here is a step by step guide
, how to get your ex backbeloved and fall in love with you again.

How to get your ex backif you still love

First of all, you need to decide is it really a good idea to try to return the relationship . Maybe you're just not right for each other and the end of the relationship was a logical conclusion. This is the first option.

And the second, more common situation : parting due to unwillingness or inability to listen and compromise.

Excessive emotionality in communication could lead to another quarrel, in the heat of which offensive words were spoken, which caused a breakup.

And even when emotions subsided and it became possible to think about the causes of the conflict, the fear of taking the first step leads to a sad ending.

He thinks he is not needed and leaves. And she doesn't stop him. Pride does not allow her to do this and ask for forgiveness. so what? Which situation is closer to you?

If the first, then there is no point in returning the relationship.

But if the second and you are sure that the feelings have not gone away, but simply become hostages of pride and fear, then trybuild relationshipsis certainly worth it.

So where do you start? After parting, an established connection is usually lost and former lovers stop seeing each other.

If you think about ithow to get your ex back and, most importantly, how to build relationships with him, you will have to find him and re-establish contact. At the same time, most likely, there will be certain awkward sensations, but you need to find the courage in yourself and talk to him again. And not somehow, but truly sincerely, so that he feels your desire start everything from scratch.

1. Call him

Many people are very it is difficult to meet face to face with former partners. But you don't have to see him in person to start a dialogue that will allowbuild relationships between you.

Nowadays, this problem can be solved very easily -just call him(write sms, sent an e-mail).

First, think carefully about what you want to talk to him about, and only after that dial his phone number (or start writing a letter). Choose your words carefully. Speak in a warm and friendly manner.

About what? Find out how he's doing, how he feels. Thank you for the pleasant moments that you had in a relationship. And which you are pleased to remember.

Questions like these won't help you right now, of course.return the relationship, but they will allow you to keep the conversation going for the time necessary to determine his reaction to your call: whether there is irritation, resentment or anger in his voice.

If the conversation is quite comfortable for both of you, then you can proceed to the next step - hint what you wantbuild relationships(at least friendly to begin with) andmake an appointment.

2. Ask for forgiveness

If you really want get the ex back, have to learn how to talk "I'm sorry" .

If you don't knowhow to build relationshipsthat were torn apart because you made a mistake, face that fact and bring your apologies to the ears of your beloved . You must make sure that he knows how much you regret what you did.

And even if it was not you, but your partner who was the culprit of the breakup, ask for forgiveness for not stopping him then.

3. Talking to his friends

It might be a very good idea to talk to his friends. It may well happen that they become your allies and helpreturn the relationshipthat were so recklessly lost. In addition, they can learn about how his life turned out after your breakup.

They can know if he still loves you, if he wants toreturn the relationshipwith you and how good your idea of ​​talking to him is.

Given the fact that they are his friends and not yours, not all of them will agree to help you. But if you sincerely talk about your feelings and regrets, there will surely be someone among them who will help.

4. He needs to know that you have changed.

Have you thought a lot about your behavior in the past that led to the current situation? Have you made every effort to change yourself for the better?

If you want your ex back, let him know that you turned the page of your life. . Promise (first of all, to yourself) that you will not repeat the mistakes that you made. Now you know what you want from a relationship and you are ready.

5. Impress him again

Not so easy make an unforgettable impression on a man when meeting. But doing it again is even harder. We'll have to try.

You can go a little more mundane and start giving him creative gifts, surprises, and other courtesies.

In case all these things don't work for him, come up with a different approach. For example, start doing something new that you have not done before.

If you are:

- didn’t like or didn’t know how to cook, make an effort and feed him a delicious dinner that you cook with your own hands;

- I was not particularly interested in his affairs at work, start to be interested.

Do everything to not onlyreturn the relationshipwho were before, and surprise him a second time. Forget that you know each other intimately. Act like you're on a first date . You should have the same mystery that so intrigued him in"that" once.

But don't overdo it. It should not seem to him that you are imposing and trying to control his feelings. If he suspects this, then it will definitely not work to establish relations.

Everything should happen naturally. Think it's impossible? One wonderful girl did everything very well:

6. Memories

Each of you has pleasant memories from a shared past. Remind him of some of them.

Show him old shared photos or offer to meet at one of the places where your first dates took place.

Memories have the ability to ignite emotions that have long been extinguished. and remind you of the importance of certain things. And this is exactly what is needed in order tobuild relationships after a quarrel.

Memories can help get the ex back and let him know that the connection that arose sometime in the past between you is much more important than the troubles that caused the breakup.

7. Don't waste time

You must understand that no opportunity should be lost to express your feelings to him. If in the past it seemed to you that you still have a lot of time ahead of you and you will have time to tell him about your feelings sometime later, now you know that this is not so.

After all, at any moment an event can happen that will separate you again, andreturn the relationshipthe third time will be almost impossible.

Therefore, do not forget to remind him as often as possible that your love for him becomes stronger over time.

8. Reason

Your ex may ask about the reason for your desire to return to him.Remind him of what a wonderful couple you were before breaking up and how much you loved each other. Isn't that the most important reason toreturn the relationship?

There was only one parting, and there were many pleasant moments before that.Tell him how you would like

In the modern world, situations are not uncommon when feelings in a relationship between a man and a woman fade away and they have to part. Or there is a major quarrel that leads to a break. Cheating, misunderstanding, conflicts, dissatisfaction with each other - these and other factors often become the causes of separation.

But many are not ready and do not want to put an end to the relationship even after the break. In particular, some girls, feeling an irresistible craving for the past, are looking for ways to restore a relationship with a guy.

The more serious the relationship was, the stronger the girl’s love and affection for her boyfriend, the stronger the desire to restore relations with her beloved she feels.

How to restore a relationship with a man if there was a quarrel

No one is immune from quarrels, and sometimes they can happen quite unexpectedly. How can you mitigate the consequences of a quarrel and not destroy the relationship?

You should not delay the moment of the conversation in order to calmly find out what caused the quarrel, what does not suit you and what needs to be changed.

Is this conversation always necessary? More often - yes, but sometimes only a warm hug, a kiss, a joint dream, any touch that expresses your feelings can save the situation.

Do not be afraid to give in if you understand that you do not need a quarrel. If you feel guilty, ask for forgiveness, because sincerity and trust are more important in a relationship than pride and composure.

Get in the habit of looking at situations from both sides, including from your partner's point of view. This will help to understand and accept his feelings and interests, to resolve the conflict faster.

Of course, in each case there will be its own algorithm of how to restore relations. Time, feelings, desires and the ability to analyze the situation and draw conclusions are your main allies in this matter. But the most important thing is the experience you get, whatever the outcome of your efforts. In any relationship, he will be invaluable, with him you develop and work on mistakes.

Every fairy tale should end with something good, but in real life it happens differently. Relationship cooling is an insidious beast that slowly creeps up on a happy couple, spreading its influence over them. Quarrels, conflicts, reproaches begin, and your soup is no longer as tasty as it used to be.

And now the girl begins to think about the factors that led to the cooling of relations, but which she tried not to notice, due to female complaisance. Any resentment, distrust and jealousy are signals that a “crack” has begun. The sooner the girl begins to pay attention to these signals, the easier it will be for her to correct the situation.

A person in a state of tension and emotional pressure cannot put himself in the place of another or adequately understand what is being said to him. Every word in such a situation is perceived as a direct threat.

It is necessary to understand where the root is, which day by day feeds your relationship with cold and misunderstanding.

Reasons for cooling relations

  • Life experience. Often people with different life experiences cannot get along, because they look at the world from different “heights”.
  • Views, tastes, priorities. All these factors that shape a person as a person also affect relationships, because each of us wants the thoughts of a loved one to coincide with ours.
  • Sex. Like it or not, sex is the most important part of a relationship that affects both partners. And if a girl thinks that everything is fine, it does not mean that the guy is happy.
  • Needs. Each of us wants something. It is a natural and integral part of a person. But in most cases, it is difficult to understand what you want from life or from your partner, which leads to disagreements and misunderstandings.
  • Confidence. The inability or unwillingness to establish strong trusting relationships can destroy all feelings to the very foundation.
  • Psychological trauma of childhood. Childhood someday ends, and problems grow into adults and bring even more discomfort into our lives.

Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to understand what exactly influenced your relationship and will be able to build a plan for further action.

Methods, ways and principles of building relationships

Most often, building relationships is a long and laborious process, because it is always easier to destroy than to build. Therefore, before you start doing something, you must be patient.

You need to set yourself up in advance that you will have to give in.

There are eight "golden" components of a good and strong relationship.


Each girl is a future mother, and not only of children, but of her entire family. It is necessary to treat a young man with understanding and attention, because absolutely every guy wants to feel surrounded by fragile female tenderness.


A woman in the eyes of a man is, first of all, an affectionate creature that requires a reverent attitude, but not every girl behaves accordingly. The concept of "lady" has long been an overabundance of time, which creates a lot of problems in relationships. A real woman never makes scenes and tantrums, restrains herself even when it hurts and hurts.


A man would rather live alone than with a girl who constantly makes him feel inferior or stupid. Therefore, every girl should take care of male pride, increase his self-esteem and never humiliate herself in his presence. Live by the principle - you are the best of each other.


Every boy, big and small, demands due respect. This character trait is inherent in every man, because they are earners and protectors. Do not skimp on praise if he really deserves it.


Changing a man is a very bad impossible goal. If a girl is not ready to accept a guy for who he is, she should abandon the relationship with him. Men are not ready to change, even for the sake of great love.


In the first couple, sex brings you both pleasure, because you just can’t get enough of each other, but in every relationship there comes a time when you start to get tired. That's when you have to think about how to shake up and refresh intimate relationships.

Personal space

Every man needs personal space. Even a few hours at the computer help a man to distract himself from problems and give him the opportunity to step back from his thoughts. Girls can be offended as much as they want, but at this time the guy does not even want to see his beloved. He must be left to himself. It gives men a sense of freedom.


We all have the right to love. Therefore, love your man, show him your feelings in every possible way and remain feminine. After all, a woman's love should always remain tender, affectionate, but strong.

Building a relationship with a guy you like...

One desire is not enough, you need to stock up on strength and patience, because most often this is a long process.

Establishing contact with a guy you like is quite difficult. Most often, the problem is that a girl, blinded by feelings, begins to behave stupidly and even defiantly, which has the opposite effect.

In such a situation, the girl should remain herself, not overplay, but simply and carelessly maintain a conversation, demonstrating ease and confidence. After all, every man wants to see an interesting, confident and optimistic lady next to him.

There is a practice of unusual dating when a couple meets in a place that will provide them with an unforgettable experience and charge them with vivid emotions. In this case, the guy will not be able to forget you, even if he wants to. You will always be associated with him with something unusual.

In a conversation, you need to support his hobbies. If you are planning a relationship, then you should immediately determine whether you are ready to put up with certain quirks of your chosen one.

It is extremely important not to argue with guys. The opponent in the eyes of the guy becomes an enemy object that must be eliminated. It is better to agree sometimes than to stir up a quarrel.

A positive girl is easier to attract attention. Acid mines are out of fashion for a long time! Smile and you will certainly be noticed.

How to reconcile after a quarrel? Restoring relationships

It's important to admit you're wrong. Nobody likes stubborn people, especially when you want understanding, and your beloved is pretending to be an innocent victim, although she made all the mess herself. Dear girls, learn to admit you are wrong! In the male world, this is not an act of humiliation, but a manifestation of strength, for which they will only respect you more.

Usually, men have only two reasons for a quarrel: when their freedom or self-respect is violated.

If the quarrel occurred for the first reason, then it is necessary to give him what he wants. If a girl gives in and gives the guy personal space, then in a few weeks she will feel how much she is loved and appreciated. No matter how men fight for freedom, they still cannot live without a beloved woman.

If the quarrel was due to insulting a man by a woman, then in this case the best policy would be to apologize and encourage. Such an insult sits in a man’s head for a long time, so you need to be careful with words.

How to restore a relationship after a breakup?

Before thinking about this question, you should ask yourself the question: is it worth it? If the relationship did not work out the first time, there may have been reasons for that. Is it necessary to stir up old wounds and remember the past, if everything is so tempting ahead?

If feelings nevertheless boiled the blood for the second time, then it is necessary to determine whether your desire to restore relations is mutual?

Without reciprocity, it is unlikely that anything will come of it, unless, of course, you approach this issue with special cunning. Here you will be helped by books on the psychology of men and popular methods of seduction.

Special techniques for restoring relations by mutual agreement are not needed. Try to avoid situations that caused you to break up in the past, experiment, do something new together. Each of you should have the feeling that this is a completely new relationship.

Is it possible to reconcile at a distance?

Perhaps this is the most difficult topic, because it is more difficult to do everything at a distance. Constant quarrels due to distrust, jealousy or suspicion lead to frequent breaks and after that the girl sits with the phone in her hand, wanting to fix everything, because only after the scandal does she begin to realize that she got excited.

The first time is to take a break from each other. Just a couple of days to catch my breath and cool down. After that, you should carefully approach the guy with a conciliatory conversation, but you should also think: is it worth continuing the relationship if you are not ready to get rid of suspicion and jealousy?

How to improve relations after my betrayal ...

The best medicine in this case is only time. Such wounds heal at a distance. A man must decide for himself whether to trust a woman. And the woman, in turn, needs to think about the motives of her act.

Apologizing won't help, but it's always worth a try. Of all the above cases, this one is perhaps the most difficult and long-term to recover, because we are talking about trust. No need to put pressure on the guy with obsessive vows of eternal love and your "I will never do this again." Men in this matter do not experience an excess of naivety.

Patience and only patience. Show the guy that you're sorry, but don't make a victim, because it's your fault. Show that you can be trusted. Don't trust, but believe! If there was love, it will help in reconciliation.

Zodiac sign to help

  • Aries. Aries need to admire, but not overdo it in this matter. Excessive pleasantries can lead to the development of selfishness.
  • Taurus. Taurus demand due respect, so to be near them, you need to strive only for perfection.
  • Twins. Geminis love with their ears. Compliments, encouragement and even flattery are your main weapons.
  • Crayfish. Cancers need to trust their beloved, after which their vulnerable nature will certainly want to satisfy all her desires.
  • a lion. Next to the Lions, only the strongest and most enduring women can withstand. Leo's love is restrained cold feelings.
  • Virgo. Unpredictable Virgo can behave in completely different ways. Today they don't like freedom, tomorrow they don't like obligations.
  • Scales. The most calm sign of the zodiac and, perhaps, the most enterprising. If the girl seems to the guy the only one, he can immediately call her in marriage.
  • Scorpion. Most often, Scorpios look at each other for a long time and make a careful assessment of their partner.
  • Sagittarius. This zodiac sign is easy to please, but it is difficult to earn love. Such a man should always have a goal.
  • Capricorn. We should not forget about the vulnerable soul of Capricorn, even if it is a two-meter athlete. Sex is important, but the emotional and physical parts for Capricorn are always separate.
  • Aquarius. Only an extremely unusual and interesting girl will win the heart of Aquarius. Mind in this situation plays a decisive role.
  • Fish. The most selfish sign of the zodiac requires spectacular girls, and for the development of a serious relationship, it also requires the presence of the mind.

Mistakes of girls in this matter

Girls need to learn to be silent. In the process of building relationships, the guy may begin to express his point of view. In order not to inflame the conflict even more, the girl must be able to retreat from participating in a quarrel.

Resentment often causes us to say angry or careless words, but we should not take everything to heart. Remind yourself often why you want to make peace and how important your lover is to you.

And it is very important to remember that it is easier for a man to find a replacement than to waste time on pointless disputes and showdowns.

Even if you are beautiful and smart, do not entertain yourself with the illusion that a guy is ready to change for you.

  1. Dont lie.
  2. Listen and most importantly hear what the guy says.
  3. Do not speak for him, that is, do not think out answers that the girl did not hear in time.
  4. Look closely at the mood of the partner, remain optimistic.
  5. Pay attention to his interests, inner world.
  6. Express support.
  7. Wish it.
  8. Be proactive.
  9. Don't focus on the little things.

Answers to other frequently asked questions

How to rekindle a relationship with an ex-boyfriend?

For herself, the girl must decide: is it necessary to restore the lost relationship? Most often, in this matter, girls are guided by feelings, and should be - by common sense. Review the reasons for your breakup and try to show the young man that you are ready not to make previous mistakes and are determined to move only forward.

How to build a relationship with a guy if he does not want to talk?

The main thing is not to force. The man is his own master. No guy will tolerate pressure, so the only way out is to wait until the young man himself wants to make contact. If the offense on his part is not critical and he really loves you very much, you can put a little pressure on pity.

Separation and reconciliation - this happens to many couples. There are people who choose to just move on rather than put up with ex-lovers, but if you really want to keep your relationship going, then you still have a chance. Parting is not always for life, and as they say, after a breakup, love is stronger.

If you want to renew the relationship, then follow the tips below.

Find out what went wrong. On the path to reconciliation, you must first determine what caused the breakup. Everything was going well for you and suddenly it all ended? Or, perhaps, in your relationship there were mutual grievances that accumulated for a long time, and as a result led to parting? While you can't turn back time, you still need to look back, understand your mistakes, and figure out how to mend your broken relationship. Getting back an ex love is one thing, but trying to build a long-term relationship is another. If you really want to reconcile with your loved one and keep the relationship going, you must first find out what went wrong.

Do nothing in a fit of desperation or under duress. If you want to achieve reconciliation after a breakup, don't be reckless. Remember that you do not need to chase him, beg and look like a desperate person. If you really feel bad without a former lover, then do not show that you are “dying”, but leave your feelings inside. If in your hearts you want to cry, then talk to your closest friend. Pull yourself together and don't let your emotions control you.

Be confident in yourself instead of walking around feeling down and acting like a loser. While you are trying to come to your senses and understand what is happening between you and your former lover, find something to do for yourself. Avoid loneliness so as not to drown in your own experiences. Surround yourself with friends, positive and friendly people. Do not give your ex a reason to be jealous, otherwise it may inspire a person to a new relationship. Hang out with positive people and get their support. Due to the fact that you will communicate with a large number of people, your ex-lover will begin to look at you with different eyes and see you from the other side. This will remind your ex how good a person you are and how the people around you love you. You need to gain confidence in yourself if you really want to rekindle a relationship after a breakup.

Try your best to keep in great physical shape. Yes, indeed, you are unhappy and in a depressing situation, but try to look good no matter what. Pity from other people, especially your ex-lover, is the last thing you need. So take this opportunity to improve your appearance. Get a new haircut, change your wardrobe if it's out of fashion, but don't overdo it and don't spend more than you can afford, join a gym or just be active if you have extra pounds on your waist and hips. Most people feel good just because they look good. You have to feel great and radiate positive energy for your love to want to come back to you.

Be polite when talking to your ex-boyfriend. If you want to rekindle a relationship, be respectful. Your communication with your loved one should be honest and open, no matter how trite it may sound. You can inadvertently say hello or start a small conversation without chasing a person. You know this person more than anyone to create the right environment where you can randomly bump into each other so it doesn't look like you're chasing them. In addition, you most likely have common friends and interests, so a chance meeting is always possible.

How to return the relationship?

Narushevich, a well-known specialist in the field of family relations, said in one of his lectures that if doctors, trolleybus drivers, teachers, representatives of any profession were engaged in their activities with the same level of competence with which people now build relationships, then tomorrow we would an atomic war awaited. No wonder we see such a catastrophic number of relationship breakups.

In some cases, the relationship is terminated by mutual desire, and everything ends peacefully, calmly, without emotions. In percentage terms, there are fewer such scenarios, and when this happens, the issue of return is either not raised at all, or it is resolved very quickly, since it is easy for people to conduct a dialogue, there is no emotional tension between them.

If one of the partners or both begin to study this topic, communicate with specialists and experience internally or externally, it means that it is not so easy to resolve the issue.

Is it possible to return?

Some relationships cannot be restored. If a person cannot accept this thought, then this is a signal of excessive attachment to a partner. Namely, it could cause the collapse. With this approach, no matter whose side it is, happy relationships are almost impossible to build. A person should set himself higher goals and values. This can help the study of spiritual practices, religious traditions. It is difficult to agree that the usual attitude towards a loved one is wrong, but this is the key to improving the situation.

To find out whether the relationship will return, or whether it is yours that fall into the category of “irrecoverable”, you can only do everything necessary. Many seemingly broken marriages are easily restored when a person gains the knowledge and support of wise people. The fact that there is a question, and that there are painful expectations of one or both partners, may just mean the possibility of a return. When there are no emotions, there is no need, and therefore no possibility.

How to return the relationship?

There is an expression "do not be afraid of parting, be afraid of divorce." Not every breakup is a breakup. Often people do not know the rules of building relationships and their own nature, which leads to mistakes. For example, it is common and normal for a man to withdraw from time to time. He has a psychological need for it. Not understanding what is happening, a woman tends to think that the relationship has deteriorated.

It is worth asking yourself the question - did the relationship really fall apart, or could it be a “preventive” separation? If so, then you need to notify your loved one that the relationship still exists and you are still waiting for a reunion. And then there may be an understanding that there is a desire to return, but at the same time it is very difficult to be with a loved one. It is difficult to communicate, and sometimes even to be near. What is it connected with?

It is important to work out one of the most possible causes, common in modern society. This reason is the blockage of emotions.

How to return joy?

When a person restrains the manifestation of anger, grief, guilt or fear, then he, thus, freezes not only them, but the entire spectrum of emotions. Such emotions are only called “negative” in society, in fact they are a mandatory component of any relationship. There is nothing wrong with them, the harm is caused by the inability to get rid of them correctly. Not realizing that anger or fear is normal, a person hides it inside, and thus can no longer experience feelings of love, joy.

Having accumulated a large amount of unspoken things, a person sometimes begins to behave inappropriately, since an emotional burden is constantly present with him. Sometimes, in the presence of a loved one, physical reactions can occur - trembling, tension in the body, and so on. This is how restrained emotions work. These emotions need to be expressed.

An easy way is to express them. At the same time, it is not necessary to do this to the person to whom these emotions are directed. It is important that the person listening has three properties.

  • He had enough emotional strength. A person must be able to "absorb" emotions, take them to himself, saying something like "All is well!". In this case, it is not the words that are important, but his condition. When a stronger person listens, there is an opportunity to show more accumulated emotions.
  • Was not interested in your situation. For example, parents are often emotionally stronger than their children and they want to help, but they have their own idea of ​​how their child should live. And if you reveal the secret to them, then you can incur criticism, advice and other emotions of your parents.
  • Wanted to help you. Any passer-by may be completely uninterested in the situation, but at the same time he will not have the desire to help.

You can express your emotions to a priest, an older relative, a friend, a psychologist, a consultant. A good option is when the partners together, in the presence of an experienced senior, express their accumulated emotions. If it’s hard to do this right away, you can start with an easier way - write a “love letter”.

A simple way to get rid of negative emotions

For this:

  1. Take one or more blank sheets of paper.
  2. We write at the top of the first sheet "letter to ..." and then the name of the person. We are determined that we are referring to him. Everything that we will write on these sheets, we seem to say to this person. At the same time, it is important to know that it is not necessary that he then read it. If it seems to you that a person will not be able to accept what is written, you can read your own letter yourself.
  3. The first emotion is fear. We write down everything that we are afraid of in relation to a loved one. It may be the fear of losing him, that he will fall out of love, that you will have nothing to eat, that a war will begin. Everything that is connected with this person, including the fear of himself.
  4. The next emotion is anger. When we release fear, we find irritation within ourselves. The phrases “it infuriates me ...”, “it makes me very angry ...”, “I can’t stand it anymore ...” will be quite appropriate. Everything that is connected with a person, and that we have long wanted to pronounce - we write without saving paper. With each line, we make room in our psyche for joy, love, peace.
  5. Let's move on to guilt. Especially for a girl it is common to blame herself for everything. The male type of behavior basically involves blaming everyone around. What does a person blame himself for and what is somehow connected with a person? It may be the fault of a broken vase in childhood. And this is connected with the young man, because this guilt does not make you feel good in a relationship with him.
  6. We write down everything that concerns the remaining emotion - grief. The young years that have passed, the annoyance that the relationship fell apart, and all that remains on paper.
  7. Having released all emotions, perhaps dryly and calmly, or perhaps dripping a sheet of paper with tears, we write the last part - what we want. This is an appeal to a person with the wording "I really want to ...". For the relationship to be restored, for us to be in a place, for us to part completely - whatever you want. Imagine that in this part you place an order for yourself.

I want to return the relationship!

A great option when both people want to reunite. But, what if there is a departure of one of them, and only the remaining one wants the return of their union? In Russian fairy tales, it is described how the main character approaches the crossroads - “if you go left, you will lose your horse ...” and so on. There is wisdom in these stories. When a loved one leaves, there are three ways. The first way is “he is to blame”. This is also true, because there is his fault. But only this truth will not help the abandoned one, he will bury himself with it in loneliness and despondency. Such a position excludes the possibility of correcting something, since the fault, and therefore the opportunity to act, lies with the departed person.

The second way is “we are both to blame”. This is just the loss of a horse, since the family, as a rule, is not reunited with such a position. But at least a person will be able to create new relationships.

The third way, the most difficult, and the most correct one is “I am to blame” or “I am to blame”. A person looks solely at his responsibility in breaking off relations. And that means he can fix the situation.

What can a person do in this case?

  1. Forgiveness. When we hold a grudge against someone or offend someone, then we have a load hanging. Subconsciously, we remember well who and how we offended, even if the memory of this is blocked at the levels of consciousness. Forgiving a loved one is, among other things, understanding his side, that he is also a person who can make mistakes. This frees you from resentment. When we ask for forgiveness, then we are thus freed from the subconscious feeling of guilt. At the same time, as in the case of a letter of happiness, it is not necessary for the person to know that you are asking for forgiveness from him. On an unconscious level, he will still feel it.
  2. Adoption. Yes, anything can happen in this world. And accepting any option gives peace of mind. No one is immune from severe trials, and in the same way, a miracle can happen to us in a moment. When we do not accept what happens to us, and what our loved one does, then we are overly stressed, and as a result, unhappy. We make futile attempts to control the world around us.
  3. Maintain dignity. It is necessary to inform your loved one that you are waiting for him. But it needs to be made sincerely detached from whether he comes back or not. It will not be possible to do this completely anyway, but if you call and tearfully beg to return, then the opposite effect is guaranteed.

The task is to make a person know that it is possible to return. And at the same time, if he sees a flourishing person, joyful and happy, then he will have doubts about the correctness of his departure.

How to restore relationships in the family?

Sometimes illiteracy in relationships goes so far that people do not understand that they are just "walking around the same kitchen." And there is no relationship between them anymore. There is cohabitation, some joint business, perhaps convenience, but there is no relationship itself. In this case, you should stop deceiving yourself, start to get rid of the “packaged” emotions, and desires will begin to appear, and an understanding of the impossibility of coexisting in the same apartment any longer.

Not every relationship can be returned to its previous state, but you can find out about this only by doing everything possible. The key lies in forgiveness, acceptance, and self-esteem. Penetrating deep into his own psyche, and getting out fear, anger, grief and guilt, a person makes room for joy, love, peace. And then he is ready again either to restore the old, or to create new relationships.
