Is a fur coat made of silver fox warm? All about silver fox

20.08.2015 HOW TO BUY FUR

So, you decided to buy silver fox skin. Before doing this, you need to arm yourself with at least initial knowledge about the quality of fur so that the purchase turns out to be of really high quality and pleases you for a long time.

Number of skins
Decide on the right amount of silver fox skins. So, for a boa or hat, you need one silver fox skin. On a fur vest, you will need an average of three to five silver fox skins (depending on the model, size and length of the skin itself). For a fur coat or short fur coat you will need from eight to fifteen skins (also depending on the model and size). More accurate information about the number of skins can be given to you by the store itself or the master who will sew the product.

Length of silver fox skins
When buying, pay attention (and also be sure to check in the store and check when buying) on ​​the length of the silver fox skins themselves. Naturally, the price of a silver fox skin directly depends on its length, and the longer the skin, the more expensive it is. But a long skin is not necessarily always better than a short one. For example, for a hat, with a head circumference of 60 cm, skins 65-70 cm long are enough. It is worth paying attention to how the length of the skins is measured in the store. Possible options: From the tip of the nose, from between the eyes, from the ears, with or without the tail. The working area of ​​​​the skin itself is considered to be exactly the length from the ears to the base of the tail (that is, the length without the tail), as a rule, everything else does not go into tailoring.

Origin of silver fox fur
It is also worth checking the country of origin of the skins in the store. Silver fox skins are usually produced in three countries: Finland, Russia and China. The Finnish silver fox is visually slightly different from the other two, as it has the brightest, longest white "feathers". On the skins of silver fox of Russian and Chinese production, the “feather” structure is also present, and, often, only the trained eye of a professional can distinguish the Finnish silver fox from our compatriot by eye. Using stereotypes about the quality of the Finnish silver fox, unscrupulous sellers pass off the fur of Chinese or Russian origin as Finnish. It is unlikely that a simple buyer will be presented with confirming customs declarations in the store, so it is not always possible to verify the information declared by the store in practice. We note once again: the Russian and Chinese silver fox differ from the Finnish only visually, by the length of the hair and brighter “feathers”, therefore silver fox skins, both from Russia and China, can be in no way inferior to Finland in quality. To check the quality of the fur, we proceed to the next two important points.

Mezdra quality
Mezdra is the skin from the inside of the skin. The further strength of the product depends on the quality of the dressing of the skin. Absence of seams and tears from the inside Take the silver fox skin in your hands, turn it inside out and check that there are no stitched seams, tears and holes on the skin. Several holes with a diameter of no more than 7 mm at the bottom of the tummy on the skin are considered the norm, we do not pay attention to them. It should be noted that the seams, tears and small holes themselves are easily repairable defects and do not affect the quality of the final product. But they give a reason to ask the seller for an additional discount.

No musty smell
Approximately at a distance of 30-45 cm from the skin (when you hold the skin in your hands in a free position), turned inside out, no sharp rotten smells should be felt. The presence of foreign odors emanating from the fur indicates that the dressing of the silver fox was of poor quality: fats were not sufficiently removed from the mezra, which subsequently give decomposition and a rotten smell. Elasticity of the skin Try to stretch the skin of the skin in your hands: if the skin is well dressed, it stretches slightly, while the skin is soft, dry (there is no feeling of “greasiness” on the hands). Remember the flesh in your hands, like a sheet of paper. If a crack is heard, the same as when paper is creased, this is another sign of poor quality workmanship. A product made of such silver fox will burst at the seams at the first wear.

Silver fox fur quality
After examining the skin from the wrong side, we proceed to the inspection from the side of the fur. To do this, turn the skin back inside out.

Silver fox with natural color and texture is a favorite material for designers to create exclusive and noble products. The natural luxury of black-brown fox fur will envelop you with warmth in the most severe frosts, give true comfort and coziness for many years, make your look more spectacular and charming.

Properties and benefits of fur

Black-brown fox fur is highly valued for its spectacular and noble appearance, softness, splendor, and excellent thermal insulation properties. This type of fur is distinguished by extraordinary strength, wear resistance, a wide range of colors, and practicality. Silver fox in terms of wear resistance is comparable to. A similar piece of your wardrobe will last you at least 10 seasons.

Unusual natural color - the very charm of nature

The silver fox is distinguished by a silver-gray color. At the base, the pile has a gray underfur, the middle part is painted white, and the tips are black. Silver fox fur is tinted by modern manufacturers in various colors, which allows you to give the image of every woman charm, individuality, luxury.

Silver fox products for every taste and budget

From silver fox fur, a wide variety of warm and comfortable clothing is developed, indispensable in frosty cold: coats, fur coats, coats, hats, sheepskin coats, vests, muffs. Thanks to the long, thick, fluffy pile, a long fur coat made of silver fox looks luxurious in Hollywood. The universal color goes well with other types of products, so this material is actively used for finishing jackets, shoes, bags and accessories.

How to choose fur products from silver fox?

Short fur coats are most suitable for young girls, as they are comfortable, practical, and versatile to wear. For ladies who prefer the classics, it is wiser to opt for long fur coats with a straight silhouette. For those who appreciate exclusive things, products from sheared or knitted silver fox are suitable.

When buying a fur coat, pay attention to the following points:

  • shine, elasticity, softness of fur;
  • after pinching the pile, no hairs should remain in the hands;
  • elasticity, the ability of fur to restore shape;
  • absence of foreign odors of chemical origin.

Among the wide range of fur products offered by talented fashion designers, you will find a solution to suit your taste and budget. Choose an exclusive one, and the coldest winter will be nothing to you.

Storage rules

With proper storage of silver fox fur in the spring and summer, the products will serve you much longer and retain their original appearance. Do not store a fur coat in a dirty or wet state in a plastic bag. To ensure air exchange, it is wiser to use special fabric or paper covers. Silver fox fur does not tolerate direct sunlight and high temperatures. Before sending the fur product to the closet, dry it thoroughly without using heaters or a hair dryer. The place for storing a silver fox fur coat should be dark, dry and free.

A black-brown fox fur coat is a practical, convenient solution for modern women who appreciate high quality, comfort, and exclusive design.

Usually, when choosing a fur coat, a standard question arises: what is the quality of this thing. With all the simplicity and apparent unambiguity, very often, misunderstanding arises between the seller and the buyer, because the fur coat does not have such universal comparative indicators as “acceleration time to 100 km”, “number of pixels” or “suction power”, therefore, what is a good quality (as well as happiness) in this case, everyone understands in their own way.

The only objective parameter of quality is wear resistance, the rest lies in the abstract-subjective area: for some, quality is a fashionable design, a well-known brand and an original style, for others it is the country of production, for others it is fur, dressing and tailoring, for others it is service life .

Fur value determined by the density of the hairline, its height, softness, the presence of shine. The most valuable fur is mink or sable. The quality of the mink varies in color, "density" and the method of tailoring.

The cheapest mink- walnut, that is, light brown, then comes dark brown. Then - a variety of red, from juicy golden honey to light amber. Even more expensive is black mink, beige, gray and blue (also gray, but with a grayish-blue tint). In the next price category - the so-called "tourmaline" (beige undercoat and brown long hair, which creates an interesting smoky effect) and white fur (sometimes with gray hair). The most expensive today is the “black diamond” mink, black with a blue or purple tint. It can be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish it from just black. In addition, craftsmen-furriers have learned to dye cheaper fur so deftly that you can’t tell at first glance: the fur also sparkles and shimmers. Method one: spread the undercoat with your fingers (it should be purely black) and check the skin color. If the skin has not been subjected to hairdressing procedures, it should remain white.

Life time products is directly dependent on the wear resistance of the fur. The fur of the otter is the most durable. A fur coat from such fur will last all 20 seasons, from a river beaver - 18, fur seal - 15-17, mink - 10, marten, blue fox and astrakhan fur - 7, fox, nutria - 5, squirrels, groundhog - 4, rabbit - 2 season.

The quality of a fur coat and other fur products directly depends on the wearability of the fur. Wearable fur does not grow bald, does not fade, does not wipe off, a fur coat made of such fur is not afraid of rain, snow, or even crush in public transport.
When evaluating the quality of fur, the following are taken into account: density, height, gloss, color fastness, softness and color of the hairline; softness, ductility and tensile strength of leather tissue; presence of defects. An important indicator of the quality of fur is wear, which is shown in the table. Otter fur has maximum wear (100 points and 20 seasons of wear before overhaul).

Wear, %

river beaver

Marine seal


red fox


Sheared rabbit

Rabbit long-haired

However, all these terms are relative, because some women manage to wear their astrakhan fur coat for decades and pass it on to their grandchildren in decent condition.

In terms of heat resistance, fur can be arranged in the following order: arctic fox, deer, raccoon dog, fox, wolf, hare, marten, sable, mink, Siberian weasel, astrakhan fur. Poorly warms the fur of a sheared rabbit, goat, marmot, ermine. And the fur of a hamster, a gopher does not warm at all.

Also, the fur coat should not be too light. In pursuit of lighter weight and saving fur, furriers often greatly stretch the fur: the thickness of the skin decreases, and the distance between the hairs increases, as a result, the fur coat becomes cold. The weight of the finished product depends on the length of the fur, the quality of the dressing of the skins and the presence of insulation. By the way, lately, insulation is either not used at all, or is used only in the chest and back area. Fur coats made from male skins are warmer, but females are colder, lighter and more expensive.

Well, now let's dwell a little more on the quality of the product.

Fur coat quality depends on the quality of fur dressing and the quality of tailoring.

In order for the skin to be suitable for sewing, it must be soft and easily bent. The nuances of dressing usually depend on the type and condition of the skin being processed. To obtain the desired result, the skin goes through 4 main stages of processing: preliminary cleaning and soaking; removal of remnants of veins; leather tanning and final cleaning. Removing the protective hairline (if necessary), cleaning the treated skin to reduce weight and give it elasticity, stand out and are a separate technical operation.

In order to verify the factory origin of the product, first smell it. "Self-made" emits a sharp, and besides, not very pleasant smell. Next, wrinkle some part of the product, for example, a sleeve or a shelf. When unclenched, this piece should immediately take on its original shape. Remember, the skin should be soft, and the hair shiny and crumbly.

The easiest way to check the quality of mink fur for strength is to grab a few hairs with your fingers (as if taking a pinch of salt), lift the fur coat and shake it a little. If the hairs do not break out, you have a reliable fur coat. You can also shake the fur coat and see how the villi fall off. If the process is clearly not intensive (after the drying procedures it will “fly” from any fresh fur coat), then everything is fine.

And, of course, the fur should be the same in length over the entire area of ​​​​the fur coat, hollows and especially bald spots are unacceptable. If the fur is dyed - pay attention to the color, it should be uniform on all details. Run your hand over the fur several times - you should not feel greasy in the palm of your hand, high-quality fur is always elastic and silky to the touch.

Unscrew the lining and look at the leather fabric. In a good fur coat, it is soft, smooth and elastic. If the leather fabric is hard, rustles or rattles at hand, then there is a high probability of poor quality and fragility of the fur coat.

Should I buy dyed fur coats?

Here it is necessary to distinguish what fur was dyed for. If in order to hide defects in fur and its dressing (dark colors are usually used for this), then this is unacceptable. But there are other purposes of coloring. For example, for wild nutria, fur dyeing is mandatory, because. natural color is not very attractive.
In addition, fur fashion dictates the expansion of the color range of furs and very often tinting of fur or its coloring in one or more colors is used.
Given the high level of modern technology and the high quality of dyes, such dyeing does not significantly affect the quality of the fur.
Therefore, if you like a fur coat made of bright red mink or purple fox, feel free to buy and do not deny yourself anything.

How to distinguish fur from a fake?

Fur quality standard

In this review, we are not talking about determining whether the fur product meets the quality standard of dressing and tailoring. Often, cheaper fur is given out for more expensive fur, for example, marten fur used to be given out for expensive sable fur. We will focus our attention on such cases.

Beaver fur and nutria fur

Beaver fur is often counterfeited with nutria fur. To distinguish the borb fur - pay attention to the downs - it is thick in the borb. The second thing you should pay attention to is the awn - in a beaver it is longer.

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Speaking of fur, we can safely say that it will never go out of fashion. Fur is not only present in all the world's fashion weeks, it penetrates everywhere. These are not only floor-length fur coats, these are all kinds of capes and finishes.

When choosing a fur coat, coat, vest, cape, you probably think not only about fashion and beauty, but also about how long you will have to wear it, and how warm it will be in it. After all, our country is northern, there are many cold days. But do not be upset that you do not live in Cuba and not in Thailand. The beauty of the North is no less attractive and makes it possible to transform into snow queens, snow maidens, and Russian beauties.

And so it's all about fur. What are the best and warmest?
The richest fur base we have in Russia. On the vast territory of our country there are more than 100 species of fur-bearing animals and animals. By the way, furs (furs) are skins obtained from animals that are hunted or bred in fur farms, and furs are skins obtained from domestic and farm animals.

All fur skins are divided into two types - winter and spring. Winter - these are the skins of animals that have the best fur in winter and do not hibernate. These are the skins of mink, squirrels, foxes, martens, sable, hare, etc. This species also includes animals whose hairline is better in winter - a rabbit, a dog, a cat. Spring species - the skins of animals that hibernate and have the best skin in spring, summer and autumn, except for the time of molting. These are marmot, ground squirrel, muskrat, nutria, etc. Spring species include the skins of domestic animals: sheep, goats, calves, deer, etc. When harvesting skins, the time of molting of the animal should be taken into account.

Skins and fur, which animals and animals are considered the best? There is no single answer. Someone likes the sparkling sheen of sable, someone likes a warm, solid sheepskin coat, and someone likes a beautiful silver fox. But still. The quality of the fur of animals and animals depends on many factors: on the geographical habitat, on seasonal and age variability, on the conditions of keeping the animal, and it is also known that in different parts of the skin of an animal or animal, the density of hair is not the same, etc.

The quality of fur is evaluated not only by beauty - density, softness, silkiness, color, luster, but also by wear resistance and heat-shielding properties. How fur can stably retain its properties under various physical, chemical and mechanical influences, what are its heat-shielding properties - these are the questions we always worry about when buying a product. Wear resistance and heat-shielding properties depend on many factors, ranging from the structure of the hairline and ending with the time of harvesting the skin.

On the basis of experimental and laboratory observations, the following wear resistance of furs was established (in percent).

Beaver Kamchatka 100
Otter 100
Wolverine 100
Sea lion 90
Beaver river 90
Sable 80
Mink 70
Belek 70
Arctic fox 65
Foal 64
Karakul 60
Marten 60
Seal 55
Fox 50
Muskrat 45
Korsak 45
Lynx 40
Ferret dark 35
Belka 30
Marmot 27
Speakers 25
Ermine 25
Sandstone gopher 22
Cat 17
Rabbit 12
Mole and gopher 10
Chipmunk 8
Hamster 6
Hare 5

As you can see, not all 100 or more species of animals and beasts living in Russia are here. But according to this table, you can find out about the wear resistance of those furs and skins that interest you. For example, this list does not mention sheepskin.

- This is fur from an adult animal. Naturally, it is coarser, but less beautiful than broadtail. Which one is more durable? Sheepskin of course. And which one is more expensive? - Broadtail. Because it is very beautiful and in demand. And it's not all about that. But while we are talking about wear resistance, and for all other questions about broadtail - this is another story. This is how you can use this table on the wear resistance of furs and skins.

Now the heat-shielding properties of fur
The heat-shielding properties of furs and skins depend on the height, density and elasticity of the hairline. This is something that we can determine visually or by hand to the touch. There is another important property that is more difficult to determine. This is the stability of the layer of air enclosed in the hairline. If the fur is elastic, the air contained in the hairline is immobile. This determines the good heat-shielding properties.

When we wear our favorite coat for a long time, year after year, the height of the fur decreases, it shrinks, and the coat is not as warm as before. Its heat-shielding properties decrease as the thickness of the air layer decreases. Fur products made with the leather side outward warm better, and the fur side worse. So our Russian sheepskin coats, fur coats and fur coats were sewn with fur inside. It's much warmer. At the same time, furs were more often used: squirrels, hare, foxes, martens, sable, beaver, ermine.

And in the old manuscripts there is some kind of sentry fur - a sentry coat. What kind of animal is this - a guard? Guessed. This is a dog. Of course, it’s not a princely or royal business - to wear a guard coat. It was worn by ordinary people, and it warmed no worse than sable. They decorated the leather side, that is, the top of the fur coat, with fabric - velvet, satin, taffeta, brocade, cloth, and in addition lace, stripes, pearls and other Russian embroidery.

According to scientists' research on the heat-shielding properties of fur, it is possible to bring the order of furs and skins depending on thermal resistance at an air flow speed of 5 m / s. The enumeration of furs and skins is directed in descending order of heat-shielding properties.

Blue fox
red fox
white hare
Sheepskin sheared
Rabbit long-haired
Yakut squirrel
Marine seal
Rabbit plucked
Merlushka large-curled
Merlushka small curl
Sheared rabbit

Now that you know so much about furs, consider whether you're more interested in warmth, durability, or beauty. If you are a girl who does not like to wear the same thing for a long time for years, then it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive fur coat, which you will change next year anyway. Here, according to these tables, you can choose so that it is both beautiful and inexpensive, but warm. And from expensive furs you can buy a collar or scarf, for example, from sable or mink fur, or there may be separate fluffy details. For example, fur bolero, capes, scarves, cuffs, sleeves, boas, stoles, which are perfectly combined not only with a coat, but also with a classic sheath dress, with a floor-length evening dress, a cardigan and even a turtleneck.

Every woman dreams of having a natural fur coat in her wardrobe, or even more than one. This classic outerwear is not only protection from the Russian winter, but also a true decoration. Among all the fur splendor, it is impossible not to highlight the elegant and soft fur of the black-brown fox.

Silver fox or fake?

Often, cheaper analogues are given out for this valuable fur. These are fur coats made of lysops or steppe fox. If the fur of the lysops is very similar to the fur of the silver fox, then the steppe fox is simply dyed in the appropriate shades. But, nevertheless, to determine the fake is quite simple.

Natural silver fox has a unique coat color. It is because of her that she acquires a unique chic look. At the very base of the hair is painted gray, the middle of the hair is white, and the very tip is black. Only such a coloring of the fur suggests that you have a real silver fox in front of you. Everything else is fake. The cheaper fox has fur dyed only two colors.

Quality criteria for a silver fox fur coat

Estimate a silver fox fur coat by weight. Too little mass will indicate that the fur is too stretched. This is done by very economical furriers and fur coat manufacturers. You will receive a product that will not last long. From strong stretching, the distance between the hairs increases. Such a fur coat will not warm in the winter cold, but will be available to all winds. In addition, the mass of a fur coat depends on the length of the pile, the quality of the dressing and the material that serves as a coat insulation. It is believed that the fur of the female is not as warm as the skins of the male silver fox.

The fur should be shiny, pleasant to the touch, smooth, and the undercoat should be thick. It is because of him that the skins acquire such a volume that retains warmth and a beautiful appearance.

The hairs should not come out of the skin. In order to check this, run your hand against the coat, slightly pinching a few hairs. Nothing should be left in your hands. Silver fox fur is elastic. By running your hand against the growth of the hairs, you should see that the fur has returned to its original position. The hair should be silky, but not greasy. Such a feeling indicates the wrong technology of dressing. Sometimes the dull hair of sick and defective animals is given the necessary shine with the help of oils. Gather the fur in your hand and squeeze. The skin should be soft and supple, and then return to its original position again. In this case, the fur should not break.

Conscientious manufacturers never sew lining to fur products from below. So you can consider the quality of dressing skins, evaluate all the seams from the inside, the absence of marriage, holes and divergent seams. Only a well-dressed skin, a fur coat sewn in good faith will serve its owner for at least six years.
