Eastern greetings on a man's birthday. Eastern toasts

Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily: “A thousand years of health!” - Tsits! - the gentleman shouted. - Why do you wish me the impossible? - Then live one hundred and twenty years. - Tsits! - the prince became angry again. - Then at least a hundred! - I didn’t please you again! - Eighty? - All wrong! The servant lost patience and said: “If it were my will, then die now!” I suggest we raise our glasses so that we can live as long as we want!

A fool saw a watermelon at the market and asked: “What is this?” “A donkey egg,” they answered him. He chose the largest watermelon, put it under his arm and went home. On the way, he dropped a watermelon and it rolled downhill. The fool rushed after him, but could not stop him. The watermelon hit a stone and cracked. And then a hare jumped out of the bushes and ran away. - Oh, what a quick donkey hatched, and how I missed him! - the fool regretted. So let's drink to the fools, without whom it would be boring to live in the world!

Will be appropriate for any feast .

One Ossetian peasant lent another ruble. After some time, both met in St. Petersburg. The debtor immediately took the money out of his pocket and wanted to repay the debt. “May my hand wither if I accept money from a fellow countryman in a foreign land,” he answered with dignity. A month passed, both fellow countrymen met in their homeland in the village. “Now is the time to return my money,” said the peasant. “My hand will wither before I repay the debt to anyone in my homeland,” answered the debtor. Let's raise our glasses and drink so that we consider our entire land our homeland!

One day two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. On the way, they sat down to rest and have a snack. “It would be nice to have a glass of wine now,” one sighed. “Okay, okay, but we’re bringing wine to sell, and we can’t waste a single drop!” - the second reasoned. Then the first one searched his pockets, found a copper coin and spoke to his neighbor. - Pour some wine for me. The neighbor poured him one glass, then returned the same nickel and asked: “Now you pour it for me.” So this nickel passed from hand to hand until both wineskins were empty, and their owners snored, drunk and happy with the trade. So let's drink to good deal.

Not everyone has the ability to drink
Knowing how to drink is an art
The one who drinks wine is not smart
Without thoughts and without feelings

Once Suren was asked: - Under what zodiac sign were you born? “Under the sign of the Old Goat,” Suren answered. - Listen, but there is no such sign in the astronomical tables. Suren replied: “When I was a child, my mother determined my destiny by the stars and she was told - Capricorn.” - Yes, but this word means not a goat, but a kid. “Oh, you fools,” Suren objected. “I know this myself, but exactly a hundred years have passed since my fate was determined by the stars.” And didn’t the kid turn into a goat during this time? So let's drink to the old-timers.

stood at the market a little boy with a basket of goat cheese and shouted: “Who wants good cheese, come here!” To me! Good cheese! “Swear by your mother that your cheese is good,” said the buyer. - I swear by my mother. My grandmother herself told me: go to the market and sell cheese. It is no longer good for us, but good for sale. So let's drink to the truth!

Once upon a time, to the padishah, famous for his good deeds, the wizard came and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: “My first gift is health! May you be strong, powerful and not subject to all illnesses. My second gift is oblivion, oblivion of fears, sorrows and past troubles. And may they not burden your soul. And the third gift, about the padishes - the gift of intuition, which, like a magic code, will tell you the right move in life." And to the birthday girl I wish these three gifts: good health, oblivion of sorrows and fears and intuition that would guide her through life. happy way!

It happened in a tropical country. The daughter complained to her mother that her husband was cheating on her. And the mother said: “This matter can be fixed. Bring me two or three hairs, but not ordinary ones, but pluck them from the tiger’s whiskers!” “What are you saying, mom!” - my daughter was scared. “Just try, you are a woman, you should be able to do everything!” My daughter thought. Then she slaughtered a sheep and went into the forest with a piece of meat. She sat in ambush - waiting. A tiger appeared and, furious, rushed towards her. She threw the meat and ran away. The next day she came again, and again the tiger rushed towards her. She threw the meat, but did not run away, but watched him eat. On the third day, seeing her with meat, the tiger happily beat his tail, it seemed that he was waiting for the woman. And she began to feed him right from the palm of her hand. On the fourth day, the tiger joyfully ran up to the woman and, having eaten a piece of lamb, laid his head on her lap. The tiger dozed off blissfully. And at that moment the woman pulled out three hairs and brought them home to her mother. “Well,” she said, “you have tamed such a predatory beast as a tiger. Now go and tame your husband either with affection or cunning - as best you can. Remember: there is a tiger in every man.” So, I propose a toast to women who have tenderness, patience, and courage, and so that the tigers dormant in us, men, surrender to their mercy!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. So let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

In one eastern state, the ruler organized a competition among young men: whoever, with a sword, cuts an apple on the chest of the shah’s daughter without injuring her, will receive the daughter as a wife and half a kingdom in addition. The first young man came out. The girl was so beautiful that he got lost in his gaze, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with the sword. The servants grabbed the young man and cut off his head. The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he swung his sword and wounded the girl’s chest. He was also executed. The third young man came out, raised his sword above his head, struck, and cut the apple without touching the girl’s chest. He was also captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him: “For company!” So let's drink to our honest company!

A tragedy happened in the ancient eastern kingdom: the heir to the throne fell seriously ill. No doctors or drugs helped him - the heir was drying up and turning pale by leaps and bounds. And so a wise old man was brought to the king from the high mountains. The king promised to shower him with gold if he healed the heir. The elder examined the young man and said: “The only thing that will save his life is a night spent in bed with a hundred-year-old virgin.” The king and his courtiers had no choice but to announce a search throughout the entire kingdom for the hundred-year-old virgin. Soon the servants dragged a hundred-year-old old maiden into the palace, and the young man slept with her for the night. And a miracle happened - the heir began to recover quickly, a blush began to appear on his cheeks, and an appetite appeared. The elder was made rich and sent home with honors. So, let's drink to our great science, which three thousand years ago extracted healing penicillin from green mold!

The ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” says: “The needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs together give rise to true love"Let's drink so that these needs will always live in us, and we will love and be loved!

Far away in the mountains lived warring tribes called eagles and golden eagles. They had a talisman - Pearl necklace, over which they constantly fought. During one of the battles, the necklace broke, the beads scattered all over the world and from them came the glorious human race. So let's drink to the pearls that have gathered around this table!

The man went to the city to get help. The official turned his documents over and over and said: “I would give you a certificate, but you are missing many signatures and seals.” First, go to Vinashvili, take Butylidze, then go to Nalivaiko, Sutrapyan, talk to Otkuporyan, put a seal on Pokhmelidze. And please come see me. But don't forget about Shashlykidze. And hurry up - tomorrow we have foreign guests: de Pew, de Blue, Tokanawa, Toyama. Call the numbers: two for a hundred, three for two hundred, extension for one hundred and fifty. So let's drink, friends, so that all the bribe-takers and bureaucrats will disappear!

A merchant and a scientist were sailing on a ship. The merchant was rich and carried a lot of goods with him. Suddenly a storm arose and the ship was wrecked. Only the merchant and the scientist were saved. The wave carried them to the shore. The merchant sees that the scientist is sitting sadly, and says to him: “Why are you sad?” It was I who lost my wealth, and yours - everything is with you. So let's drink to wealth that cannot be lost!

Let's drink to Vano! And not because Vano has two cars and one official one. We don't walk either! Not because Vano has two apartments and two dachas on the Black Sea coast. We don't live in huts either! Not because Vano has a wife and three mistresses - we don’t live with donkeys either! Let's drink to the fact that Vano is an honest and principled person. He even pays party dues with bribes!

There is one old one Caucasian toast. The toastmaster gets up, raises his glass of Kindzmarauli... and suddenly feels that a fuss has begun in his stomach. He decided to make a toast, fire the gun, and release his worries at the same time. So I did. But, oh horror! The gun misfired, but this case did not misfire. A shame! He went to the mountains. After 10 years he returns and asks the boy: “What happened during this time?” “Since the toastmaster farted, nothing interesting has happened,” he answered. So let's drink so that thoughts do not diverge from actions!

In the East they say: a girl’s name should be like the radiance of a star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at 20 (or another age) I recognized the name in which I saw the shine of a star and felt the aroma delicate flower. This is Marina (or another name). For you, my star, my tender, affectionate and at times prickly flower!

Eastern philosophy tells us that there are two types of reality - external and internal, explicit and implicit. We comprehend the true value of existence by turning our eyes and ears to internal fusion, to the internal space of consciousness, to this Great Emptiness, filled with endless transformations of the form of internal existence. And therefore, behind the hidden you can see the hidden image of the beautiful, in the silence and absence - high value. We can see the hidden beauty of a handful of earth, a spoonful of water, a green leaf or a stone if we turn to our creative intuition, enlightenment, spirituality. So let us drink to behold the beauty of what is hidden, the beauty of this evening, to the anticipation of the joy of being!

Let's start with the introductory toast popular in the East: “God, give us your blessings.”

One old Caucasian song says: “The years before last I lived in Pyatigorsk and I washed in the sulfur waters ten times. Gulim-dzhan, Gulim-dzhan, I know my business, we drink Kakhetian wine and walk boldly.” Let's drink to the indicated direction and to our happy holiday in Pyatigorsk!

It was once said by a sage: beware of the goat in front, the horse behind, and the woman on top. Because if you gape, she will sit on your neck. Men, if you have neck osteochondrosis, don’t let it go, treat it... and most importantly, take care of your eyesight. Your vigilance guards the boundaries of personal sovereignty!

Dear Givi! I drink to your coffin, made from a hundred-year-old oak tree that I planted this morning!

What do you want to be, Gogi, when you grow up? - the guest asked the baby. “I want to become a businessman like dad,” Gogi answered. - Yesterday he took me to the office, and I really liked how he worked there and spent his time there. - And how will you work? “In the morning I’ll leave the office, sit down at the table, light a long cigarette, and start saying that I have an awful lot to do and that I’ll have to get started after lunch.” Then after lunch I’ll go with a businessman friend to a restaurant and eat and drink, then I’ll return to the office and scold everyone for not doing anything. Then I’ll go home and, terribly tired, lie down on the sofa and watch TV. So let's drink to the children - our future!

There is a mountain of Love in Asia. Many ancient legends are associated with it. One day, a young shepherd and a princess fell in love with each other and ran away from home. The old prince sent in pursuit of them. The lovers climbed the Mountain of Love. The prince's servants overtook them. And then the shepherd said: - Let me jump first! “No,” said the princess, “then I will die of torment.” And the princess was the first to rush down. The shepherd looked at her lifeless body and descended from the Mountain of Love. So let's drink to those men who leave the elevator first!

The Sultan's harem was located five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant to fetch the girl. The Sultan lived to be a hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: it is not women who kill men, but the running after them. Let's drink so that we don't run after women, but they run after us! After all, women are much tougher than men and live much longer!

Vano is walking through the big desert. Suddenly Vano hears a terrible scream. Vano sees the entrance to a dark cave. Vano enters the cave. He walks and walks... Suddenly he sees: a Phoenix bird sitting with its bare butt on a hot frying pan and screaming. Vano asks: “Listen, Phoenix bird, why are you sitting with your bare butt on a hot frying pan and yelling?” - Wow, Vano! If I hadn’t sat with my bare bottom on a hot frying pan and screamed, then who would have paid attention to me? So let's drink to our women, who don't have to sit with their bare bottoms on a hot frying pan and scream just to get attention!

One respectable citizen argued with his friends that he had the most faithful wife in the world and that the Bzyb River would sooner turn its waters back than his wife would cheat on him. The great magician and wizard Suren heard this argument, grinned and said: “If your wife cheats on you even once, then you will grow real horns, like a ram.” We decided on this. Some time passed, the friends of the respectable citizen realized where he had disappeared to. They looked for him and he was nowhere to be found. Just some strange ram running around the village and bleating. The city citizen, it turns out, not only grew horns, but also wool and hooves, and he turned into a ram, so many times his wife cheated on him. Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become sheep.

In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day the padishah calls the astrologer to him and says:
“You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me.” And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, what is two and two?
“Three,” she says.
What a thrifty wife, thought the astrologer.
The second one answered him: -Four.
What a smart wife, thought the astrologer.
The third answered him: - Five.
And this is a generous wife, thought the astrologer.
What kind of wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful one!
So let's drink to our friends, friends beautiful ladies sitting at this table.

Let's drink to the fact that you live for 132 years.
And so that you die at 132 years old.
And he just died, but he was killed.
And they didn’t just kill, but stabbed to death.
And they didn’t just kill him, but out of jealousy.
And not just out of jealousy, but to the cause!

Eastern toasts

High in the mountains of Kakheti lived an eagle with eaglets and small eaglets. One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, check how brave she is, how she protects the nest and eaglets from strangers... He put on the skin of a tiger and began to slowly approach the nest... The eagle, seeing a tiger boldly creeping towards the nest rushed at him. Wow, how she pecked at him, beat him with her wings, and tore him with her claws!!! And without even allowing her to come to her senses, she was thrown to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let's drink to the fact that no matter what the husband looks like when he comes home, his wife will always recognize him!

Georgian birthday toast

High, high in the gray Caucasian mountains, old George was tending a flock of sheep. Highly in blue sky the eagle soared. He saw the sheep, folded their wings and fell like a stone on the largest ram, grabbed it and flew. Old George took the gun, took aim, fired and hit the eagle. The eagle fell to the bottom of the deepest gorge, and the ram... flew further.
So let's drink to the fact that eagles never fall and rams never fly!

Eastern toasts

Once upon a time, in a distant mountain village there lived an old man, and he had a beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her off. He called the dzhigits together and gave them the following speech: “The one of you who climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his foot will catch there.” Mountain sheep, will bring him to my feet and kill him so that not a single drop of blood will fall on my snow-white robe, and so, one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him. And then the first horseman came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his foot - and his old father stabbed him to death. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, and handsome. He brought a mountain ram to the feet of the old father and began to cut the ram's throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed to death, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the proudest, bravest, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut open the throat of the ram without a single drop of blood, and looked joyfully at the old father. But his old father also stabbed him to death. The beautiful daughter screamed in horror: “Listen, atets!” After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you kill him? And the old father said to her: “For company!” So let's drink to good and warm company!

Caucasian toasts

A merchant and a scientist were sailing on a ship. The merchant was rich and carried a lot of goods with him. Suddenly a storm arose and the ship was wrecked. Only the merchant and the scientist were saved. The merchant sees that the scientist is sitting, depressed, and says to him:
- Why are you sad? It was I who lost all my wealth, and yours is all with you.
- So let's drink to wealth that cannot be lost.

Georgian and Caucasian toasts

Two roses wandered through the desert for a long time and, exhausted from the heat, finally reached an oasis with shady coolness and a silvery stream.
- Oh, stream! Let us get drunk! - the roses whispered.
“Well,” said the stream. “The one of you who allows me to enjoy her body will bathe in my waters as much as she wishes!”
The first rose rejected the stream's offer and withered under the scorching rays of the sun. But the second rose did not tempt fate and gave itself up to the stream. Having drunk, she blossomed and became even more beautiful...
So let's drink to those who drink, give and flourish!

Caucasian toasts

Once upon a time there lived a sultan and he had a harem which was located 100 kilometers from him. And he had a servant whom the Sultan sent every day for the girl. The servant died at 30 and the Sultan at 90. So let’s drink so that we don’t run after women, but they run after us.
Because it is not women who kill men, but the running after them.

Eastern toasts

At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation:
- You are driving in a car along a narrow road. On the left is the high-high mountain. On the right is a steep, steep abbreviation. Suddenly there is a beautiful girl on the road. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Who are you going to push?
- Of course, the old woman!
- Fool!.. You need to apply the brake!
So let's drink to difficult situation We didn't forget to hit the brakes!

Eastern toasts

There was a goat on the mountain. An eagle was flying across the sky, saw a goat, grabbed it and flew on. A hunter was standing on the ground, saw an eagle and shot. The eagle fell like a stone onto the grass, and the goat flew on!
So let's drink so that eagles don't get killed and goats don't fly.

Eastern toasts

An ancient eastern wisdom noted: “It is more pleasant for one father to feed ten children than for ten children to feed one father.”
So let's raise our glasses so that our children never have to feed us!

Toasts in oriental style

In ancient times, an ancient frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later, out of nowhere, the second victim emerged and grabbed the other end of this plank. The first one started crying.
The second one asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first one said:
-Wah! There is nothing to treat such a guest with!
So let's drink to our dear hosts, who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests.

Wedding Georgian toasts

A Georgian ended up in Siberia in winter. All frozen, he stands at the bus stop and curses:
- Your mother, damn Sibyr! I put on two fur coats, but the pack looks like it’s wearing shorts!!!..
You gave me such a warm welcome that it’s time for me to scold your region: “Your mother, damn Si-byr! I’m sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, but it’s like I’m wearing two fur coats!..” Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

Wedding Georgian toasts

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily: “A thousand years of health!” - Tsits! - the gentleman shouted. - Why do you wish me the impossible? - Then live one hundred and twenty years. - Tsits! - the prince became angry again. - Then at least a hundred! - I didn’t please you again! - Eighty? - All wrong! The servant lost patience and said: “If it were my will, then die now!” I suggest we raise our glasses so that we can live as long as we want!

One Ossetian peasant lent another ruble. After some time, both met in St. Petersburg. The debtor immediately took the money out of his pocket and wanted to repay the debt. “May my hand wither if I accept money from a fellow countryman in a foreign land,” he answered with dignity. A month passed, both fellow countrymen met in their homeland in the village. “Now is the time to return my money,” said the peasant. “My hand will wither before I repay the debt to anyone in my homeland,” answered the debtor. Let's raise our glasses and drink so that we consider our entire land our homeland!

One day two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. On the way, they sat down to rest and have a snack. “It would be nice to have a glass of wine now,” one sighed. “Okay, okay, but we’re bringing wine to sell, and we can’t waste a single drop!” - the second reasoned. Then the first one searched his pockets, found a copper coin and spoke to his neighbor. - Pour some wine for me. The neighbor poured him one glass, then returned the same nickel and asked: “Now you pour it for me.” So this nickel passed from hand to hand until both wineskins were empty, and their owners snored, drunk and satisfied with the trade. So let's drink to a successful deal.

Once Suren was asked: - Under what zodiac sign were you born? “Under the sign of the Old Goat,” Suren answered. - Listen, but there is no such sign in the astronomical tables. Suren replied: “When I was a child, my mother determined my destiny by the stars and she was told - Capricorn.” - Yes, but this word means not a goat, but a kid. “Oh, you fools,” Suren objected. “I know this myself, but exactly a hundred years have passed since my fate was determined by the stars.” And didn’t the kid turn into a goat during this time? So let's drink to the old-timers.

At the eastern bazaar, a little boy stood with a basket of goat cheese and shouted: “Who wants good cheese, come here!” To me! Good cheese! “Swear by your mother that your cheese is good,” said the buyer. - I swear by my mother. My grandmother herself told me: go to the market and sell cheese. It is no longer good for us, but good for sale. So let's drink to the truth!

One day, a wizard came to the padishah, famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: “My first gift is health! May you be strong, powerful and not subject to all illnesses. My second gift is oblivion, oblivion of fears, sorrows and past troubles. And may they not burden your soul. And the third gift, about the padishes - the gift of intuition, which, like a magic code, will tell you the right move in life." And I wish the birthday girl these three gifts: good health, oblivion of sorrows and fears and intuition that would lead her through life in a happy way!

It was in one eastern country. The daughter complained to her mother that her husband was cheating on her. And the mother said: “This matter can be fixed. Bring me two or three hairs, but not ordinary ones, but pluck them from the tiger’s whiskers!” “What are you saying, mom!” - my daughter was scared. “Just try, you are a woman, you should be able to do everything!” My daughter thought. Then she slaughtered a sheep and went into the forest with a piece of meat. She sat in ambush - waiting. A tiger appeared and, furious, rushed towards her. She threw the meat and ran away. The next day she came again, and again the tiger rushed towards her. She threw the meat, but did not run away, but watched him eat. On the third day, seeing her with meat, the tiger happily beat his tail, it seemed that he was waiting for the woman. And she began to feed him right from the palm of her hand. On the fourth day, the tiger joyfully ran up to the woman and, having eaten a piece of lamb, laid his head on her lap. The tiger dozed off blissfully. And at that moment the woman pulled out three hairs and brought them home to her mother. “Well,” she said, “you have tamed such a predatory beast as a tiger. Now go and tame your husband either with affection or cunning - as best you can. Remember: there is a tiger in every man.” So, I propose a toast to women who have tenderness, patience, and courage, and so that the tigers dormant in us, men, surrender to their mercy!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. So let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

In one eastern state, the ruler organized a competition among young men: whoever, with a sword, cuts an apple on the chest of the shah’s daughter without injuring her, will receive the daughter as a wife and half a kingdom in addition. The first young man came out. The girl was so beautiful that he got lost in his gaze, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with the sword. The servants grabbed the young man and cut off his head. The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he swung his sword and wounded the girl’s chest. He was also executed. The third young man came out, raised his sword above his head, struck, and cut the apple without touching the girl’s chest. He was also captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him: “For company!” So let's drink to our honest company!

A tragedy happened in the ancient eastern kingdom: the heir to the throne fell seriously ill. No doctors or drugs helped him - the heir was drying up and turning pale by leaps and bounds. And so a wise old man was brought to the king from the high mountains. The king promised to shower him with gold if he healed the heir. The elder examined the young man and said: “The only thing that will save his life is a night spent in bed with a hundred-year-old virgin.” The king and his courtiers had no choice but to announce a search throughout the entire kingdom for the hundred-year-old virgin. Soon the servants dragged a hundred-year-old old maiden into the palace, and the young man slept with her for the night. And a miracle happened - the heir began to recover quickly, a blush began to appear on his cheeks, and an appetite appeared. The elder was made rich and sent home with honors. So, let's drink to our great science, which three thousand years ago extracted healing penicillin from green mold!

The ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” says: “The needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs together give birth to true love.” Let's drink so that these needs will always live in us, and we will love and be loved!

Far away in the mountains lived warring tribes called eagles and golden eagles. They had a talisman - a pearl necklace, over which they constantly fought. During one of the battles, the necklace broke, the beads scattered all over the world and from them came the glorious human race. So let's drink to the pearls that have gathered around this table!

The man went to the city to get help. The official turned his documents over and over and said: “I would give you a certificate, but you are missing many signatures and seals.” First, go to Vinashvili, take Butylidze, then go to Nalivaiko, Sutrapyan, talk to Otkuporyan, put a seal on Pokhmelidze. And please come see me. But don't forget about Shashlykidze. And hurry up - tomorrow we have foreign guests: de Pew, de Blue, Tokanawa, Toyama. Call the numbers: two for a hundred, three for two hundred, extension for one hundred and fifty. So let's drink, friends, so that all the bribe-takers and bureaucrats will disappear!

Eastern philosophy tells us that there are two types of reality - external and internal, explicit and implicit. We comprehend the true value of existence by turning our eyes and ears to internal fusion, to the internal space of consciousness, to this Great Emptiness, filled with endless transformations of the form of internal existence. And therefore, behind the hidden you can see the hidden image of the beautiful, in the silence and absence - high value. We can see the hidden beauty of a handful of earth, a spoonful of water, a green leaf or a stone if we turn to our creative intuition, enlightenment, spirituality. So let us drink to behold the beauty of what is hidden, the beauty of this evening, to the anticipation of the joy of being!

The eastern sage Khoja Nasreddin fell ill. Creditors began to visit him and asked him to repay his debts - the hour was uneven, he would die.
“Everyone pray that I stay alive until I pay you!” Khoja told them. Everyone prayed and said in one voice:
- Our prayer will be heard by Allah!
“So,” Nasreddin rejoiced, “I will never die?!”
Dear debtors, let us raise our glasses to the creditors who pray to God for our longevity!

- Why are you sitting there? - asked the bishop.
Nineteen out of twenty immediately swore that they were imprisoned innocently, solely due to a judicial error. And only the twentieth admitted that he was in prison for theft.
“Release him immediately,” the ruler ordered, “he can have a bad influence on everyone else.” honest people that are located here.
So let's drink to the people whose honesty helps them to be free!

The origin of the English word "toast" - in the sense of "drinking a toast to someone" - has several explanations. According to most sources, drinking "toast" is actually related to fried bread, aka toast. Other sources claim that the word comes from the 18th century English custom of covering a glass of hot spiced wine with a piece of toast as it passed the table. Everyone raised a toast, took a sip of wine, said a few words and drank a glass. When the glass reached the point where the person was "toasted", the laureate ate the toast.

Selected toasts and good wishes in German and English

Irish seems to be a generous and versatile source of toast and good wishes. Enjoy life all the time! You're more dead than alive! May you live to be a hundred years old, One more year to repent. Let's take care of business first, and then drink and laugh! When someone has drunk, one knows what is real.

Beautiful oriental toast

Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily: “A thousand years of health!” - Tsits! - the gentleman shouted. - Why do you wish me the impossible? - Then live one hundred and twenty years. - Tsits! - the prince became angry again. - Then at least a hundred! - I didn’t please you again! - Eighty? - All wrong! The servant lost patience and said: “If it were my will, then die now!” I suggest we raise our glasses so that we can live as long as we want!

Life is beautiful, you just need to see it through your glasses. Let the road rise to you. May the wind always be at your back. Let the sun shine on your face. And the rains fall on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the emptiness of His hand. You know you're getting older when candles cost more than cake! With age it is the same as with wine: it must be good year! A man sits with the Grauen Ring. One sees with shock people around, aging and dumb. Everyone listens to music differently - but dancing together is wonderful.

Wise oriental toast

The people of the Caucasus are very friendly and strong. Mutual assistance and devotion, patriotism and loyalty are irreplaceable components by which this nationality is recognized. I propose a toast: may we be as strong as this people and may nothing move us astray!

Short oriental toast

Let's start with the opening toast popular in the East: “God, give us your blessings.”

Marriage is the most important trip which a person can open. Each of us sees part of the world; together we see it all. Over time, you don't need to save money, even to travel abroad. You don't have to worry about time, you can't travel. Maher said during the interview, "I need to get to Nebraska more."

Sasse replied: Welcome. We would like you to work with us in the fields. And then Mager hit Sasse with the unthinkable: Work in the fields? The way the term is so casually rolled away from Maher's language indicates an unsettling familiarity with the phrase. Just calling it a "joke" as Maher does a few seconds later through a groaning audience doesn't set him free.

Eastern toast in verse

What's the difference between truth and lies? - they asked the sage.
“Yes, like between the ears and eyes,” he answered.
- What we see with our eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is not always true.
Let's drink to what is heard and seen.

Oriental toast in prose

Let's drink to the wisdom of the Caucasian people, to the beauty Caucasian women, for the strength of Caucasian men, for their love for the elderly and children. This glorious people has existed for a long time, and will exist even longer, because time favors the strong, and life favors the brave!

Cool oriental toast

Such a thing as need is our sixth sense, capable of eclipsing all others. For us to always be completely satisfied with just five other senses!

Funny oriental toast

Caucasians have a legend. When a child appears in a family, 100 devils appear in addition to him. When he turns one year old, one angel is born, and there are one less devil. And so everyone next year: The number of angels increases, and the number of devils decreases. Raise your glasses so that we all live to see the moment when there are no devils left!

But let's face it: that won't happen. Many liberals, no matter how outraged they may be, would rather continue watching Game of Thrones than send a message about Maher. A more likely explanation is that the American liberal elite, especially older generation, decided that Maher was too important to the so-called "resistance" to expel him.

This nation continues to struggle with racial issues. Income inequality and educational disparity plague African American communities throughout the United States. The failure to punish Maher's magical stupidity is a failure, a golden opportunity to send a message of racial tolerance sadly sacrificed in the name of amusing liberal extremism. Obviously this post gives general differences, but these may vary depending on the region of each country, as well as the background of the people involved.

Oriental toast in your own words

In the Caucasus there is a proverb: “Only a word born in the heart finds its way to the heart of another.” So let’s drink so that all our words are heard and carry only good intentions!

One eastern sage, who lived in ancient times, said: “In love they know each other, because they love each other. In friendship, they love each other because they know each other.”
So let's drink to those who know each other so well - to us!

The first difference is that someone wishes "Happy Birthday" based on the difference in language. Another German expression is Herzlichen Glückwundz zum Geburtstag. The word "congratulations" is used because you're basically saying to someone "congratulations for making another year against the alternative."

But honestly, I have yet to hear it here on German. There is a saying in German that goes like this: “Dull den tag nicht vor dem Abend loben,” which translates to “Don’t praise the day before the evening.” This alludes to Germany's habit of not being too sure of something before it happens, or in other words, if you wish on someone have a good day birth early, this could mean that something will happen to prevent them from making it to their birthday.

A certain king was crooked. A skilled painter was with him.
For some reason the monarch disliked him and was looking for a reason to find fault.
“Paint my portrait, but such that it looks exactly like me,” he once ordered the artist.
“So my end has come,” the artist thought sadly. - If I draw him crooked, he will execute me. If I portray him as seeing, he will say:
“It doesn’t look like it!” - and he will also cut off his head.”
An acute situation gives rise to resourcefulness. The artist painted a deer, and next to him was a king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, closed, as if the king was taking aim. In this form he presented the portrait to the sovereign.
He could not find fault with the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is to the talented and resourceful.

As an American, this tradition seems a little cold to me. In Germany, at dawn, a family member will light candles and they will be lit all day instead of "shooting them out." For children, instead of placing candles on the cake, they are placed in a "birth wreath", which is a round wreath made of wood with a candle placed on it for each year, with a large one in the center for good luck.

Georgian birthday toast

This is used until the 12th birthday.

The fifth difference is that you live in northern Germany and are united on your 30th birthday, then you have to perform several responsibilities. If you're a woman, your friends will want you to clean some doorknobs for them, with a toothbrush. If you are a man, then you are more likely to climb the stairs to the town hall or some other busy public place, and your friends will throw rocks or leaves on the steps so you can work. To free yourself from these tasks, you need to receive a kiss from the opposite sex.

In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day the padishah calls the astrologer to him and says:
“You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me.” And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.
And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, woman, how much is two and two?
“Three,” she says.
What a thrifty wife, thought the astrologer.
The second one answered him: “Four.”
What a smart wife, thought the astrologer.
The third answered him: “Five.”
And this is a generous wife, thought the astrologer.
What kind of wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful one!
So, friends, let’s drink to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table!

The Eastern ruler once visited a prison where twenty prisoners were serving their sentences.
- Why are you sitting there? - asked the bishop.
Nineteen out of twenty immediately swore that they were imprisoned innocently, solely due to a judicial error. And only the twentieth admitted that he was in prison for theft.
“Release him immediately,” the ruler ordered, “he can have a bad influence on all the other honest people who are here.”
So let's drink to the people whose honesty helps them to be free!

Two disputants came to the sage with a request to judge them. He listened carefully to the plaintiff first and, when he finished speaking, told him: “Yes, you’re right! »
Then the defendant began to make excuses. The sage listened to him very carefully. And then he said: “You’re absolutely right! »
Here the sage's wife intervened. “How can it be that both disputants are right?” - she asked her husband quietly. The sage remained silent thoughtfully, thought and told her: “You know what, you’re right too! »
This toast is for those who are always right!

In one mountainous Georgian valley, a man was expelled for an offense for 3 days. driven into the mountains and without clothes. A man went to the mountains, but he could not light a fire because he had no matches...
On the first day a spark flew... he caught it, lit a fire, ate and warmed up...
On the second and third days, sparks also flew and the same thing happened.
So a man returned from the mountains, and there they said to him:
On the first day, your friend burned all his food to warm you...
On the second day, he burned down his house to warm you...
On the third day he burned himself to warm himself...
So let's drink to our FRIENDS

One monarch ordered his minister of food:
- Get me a dish that is sweeter in the world!
The minister went to the market and bought a tongue.
The ruler was delighted with the skillfully prepared dish.
And a day or two later a new order came from him:
- Get me a dish that is more bitter in the world.
The minister went to the market again and bought the tongue again.
- I demanded something bitter, you brought your tongue again. How so?
And the minister explained:
- Sir, there is nothing more pleasant in the world smart words and there is nothing worse than bad words. It all depends on the language...
My toast is to skillfully use your tongue.

What's the difference between truth and lies? - they asked the sage.
“Yes, like between the ears and eyes,” he answered.
- What we see with our eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is not always true.
Let's drink to what is heard and seen.

A young man approaches the river, pushes aside one bush, another, a third, and so on twenty bushes... And there, behind the last one, stands a beautiful woman and is waiting for him. He took off one dress, the other...
So let's drink to our prospects!!!

Once Suren was asked: - Under what zodiac sign were you born? “Under the sign of the Old Goat,” Suren answered. - Listen, but there is no such sign in the astronomical tables. Suren replied: “When I was a child, my mother determined my destiny by the stars and she was told - Capricorn.” - Yes, but this word means not a goat, but a kid. “Oh, you fools,” Suren objected. “I know this myself, but exactly a hundred years have passed since my fate was determined by the stars.” And didn’t the kid turn into a goat during this time? So let's drink to the old-timers.

A certain prince invited a musician to his place to entertain him. The musician began to play.
- Oh, bless your hand! - the prince praised him. - I give you a silver azarpema. The musician thanked him and sat down to play further.
- I won’t regret my horse for you! - the prince went wild.
The musician tries even harder.
“I wish you a cow,” the owner became generous.
The next day the musician appears to receive the promised gifts.
- What azarpema, what horse? - answered the sobered prince. - Yesterday you pleased me with your play, and I pleased you with my promises. The same thing that remains today from your game is left to you from my gifts.
Let us fill our glasses and drink so that we can always and under any circumstances keep our word.

An ancient Indian treatise says: “the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love.”
Let's drink so that we always have these needs, and we love and are loved!

Three hunters learned that a wolf was hiding near the village. They decided to catch him and kill him. There are many different rumors among people about how they caught him. I remember this story from childhood:
The wolf, fleeing from the hunters, climbed into the cave. There was only one entrance to it, and it was very narrow - your head would fit through, but your shoulders would not. The hunters hid behind a stone, aimed their rifles at the entrance and began to wait for the wolf to crawl out of the cave. But the wolf, apparently, was not a fool - he sat quietly. This means that the one who first got tired of sitting and waiting had to lose.
One hunter had enough. He decided to somehow squeeze into the cave and drive the wolf out of there. He walked up to the hole and stuck his head into it. The hunters watched their comrade for a long time and wondered why he did not try to crawl forward or at least pull his head back.
Finally, they too got tired of waiting. They moved the hunter and made sure that he had no head.
They began to wonder: did the hunter have a head before he climbed into the cave? One says that it was as if it had happened, the other says that it was as if it had not happened. The headless body was brought to the village and they told about what had happened. One old man said: judging by the fact that the hunter climbed into the cave to the wolf, he had no head for a long time, perhaps since birth. We went to find out to the widowed wife of the hunter.
- How do I know if my husband had a head? I only remember that every year I ordered myself a new hat.
So let's drink so that men don't lose their heads under any circumstances!

It stood high, high in the mountains basketball hoop. One proud horseman decided to throw the ball at him from above. He took a running start, jumped high, straight towards the sun, and got burned, and that’s how blacks and… basketball appeared.

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. So let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

One king's only joy was horses. And the old groom bought them for him. One day a groom brought a man and said:
- I'll die soon. This is my replacement.
The king agreed, but said:
- Just let’s test him first, let him choose the most beautiful horse in the herd.
The man chose a horse, brought it to the king, and he gasped:
- What kind of bay is this? He's brown!
But the old man stood up for his successor.
- Don’t be angry, sir, he doesn’t really understand the color of a horse yet, but he chose a horse that was truly golden - there’s no price for it. So take this man into your service. He sees the point.
Let's drink to judging a person not by his appearance, but by his inner qualities!

One Georgian tells a friend:
- Understand! I visited the doctor, and he told me: “You can’t drink! No smoking! Not allowed with women! »
- Poor guy! - a friend sympathizes.
- What kind of poor thing am I? I gave him money... and he gave me permission to do everything!
Let's drink to the rich people!

The ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” says: the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love
Let's drink so that we always have these needs, and we love and are loved.

Eastern toasts

[eastern toasts, oriental congratulations]

1. In ancient times, in the beautiful country of India, there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah also had an astrologer who predicted his fate. And then one day the padishah calls the astrologer to him and says:

You lived with me for a long time, but you never predicted anything bad for me. And that's why I wanted to reward you. Choose any of my wives.

And then the astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:

Tell me, woman, how much is two and two?

Three,” she says.

What a thrifty wife, thought the astrologer.

The second one answered him: “Four.”

What a smart wife, thought the astrologer.

The third answered him: “Five.”

And this is a generous wife, thought the astrologer.

What kind of wife do you think he chose? He chose the most beautiful one!

So let's drink, friends, to our beautiful ladies sitting at this table!!!

2. It’s night in the country. The country is busy.

In the doctor's bedroom you can hear: - Next!

In the athlete's bedroom: - Once again! Another try!

In the collective farmer's bedroom: - Don't rush, dear, the students will come and finish it.

At night, women rule the country.

So let's drink to women - night commanders!!!

3. A young man approaches the river, pushes aside one bush, another, a third, and so on twenty bushes... And there, behind the last one, stands a beautiful woman and waits for him. He took off one dress, the other...

So let's drink to our prospects!!!

4. Two roses wandered through the desert for a long time and, exhausted from the heat, finally reached an oasis with shady coolness and a silvery stream.

Oh, stream! Let us get drunk! - the roses whispered.

“Well,” said the stream. “The one of you who allows me to enjoy her body will bathe in my waters as much as she wishes!”

The first rose rejected the stream's offer and withered under the scorching rays of the sun. But the second rose did not tempt fate and gave itself up to the stream. Having drunk, she blossomed and became even more beautiful...

So let's drink to those who drink, give and flourish!

5. The Sultan’s harem was located five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant to fetch the girl. The Sultan lived to be a hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: it is not women who kill men, but the running after them.

Let's drink so that we don't run after women, but they run after us!

6. It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, with a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat.

The woman first removed one of Ashot’s hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen.

So let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

7. An ancient Indian treatise says: “the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love.”

Let's drink so that we always have these needs, and we love and are loved!
