Yulia shaulina and alexey samsonov are getting divorced. Yulia shaulina told why she is divorcing Alexei Samsonov

Recently, a number of serious changes have taken place in the families of graduates of the television project. So, last week, the Blumenkrantsy spouses started talking about the desire to get a divorce, but now the bad news has come from the disintegrating family of Yulia Shchaulina and Alexei Samsonov.

It is worth noting that for a long time Yulia was in no hurry to reveal the details of what happened, explaining only that Lesha did not visit her son at all and did not provide material assistance. However, Samsonov had a completely different version of what was happening, according to which his wife found a new relationship on the side. Nevertheless, users of the World Wide Web remember very well that similar situations with the guys happened before, and Samsonov's constant spree was to blame, the site writes.

And although Yulia forgave the betrayal of her husband many times, this time her patience ended, especially against the background of the fact that Lesha made an ambiguous and rather harsh confession about her. So, according to Shaulina, Samsonov had a relationship on the side for quite a long time, but at some point his mistress decided to no longer tolerate competition from his wife and sent Shaulina a number of spicy pictures together with Samsonov, which became the “point of no return” for Yulia .

“He changed once, so he will change the second, and the third, and the fifth, and the tenth, there was nothing to show leniency towards him, now it all goes around” - commented by social media users.

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The participants of House 2, who left the project with a seemingly happy family, seem to be overtaken by evil fate in the form of an imminent divorce outside the perimeter of reality, and joint children are not a hindrance to this at all. After several attempts to save the marriage, both Alexei Sveshnikov (Samsonov) and Yulia Shchaulina announced their strong intention to divorce. “The initiative for a divorce came from her. I will tell you more, Yulia already has another man. She won't let me see the baby. He says that the court should decide the issue of guardianship, ”says Aleksey Samsonov.
But Shaulina herself believes that the truth is on her side. According to the young mother, her husband repeatedly cheated on her, which was the reason why she wanted to end their relationship.
“Alexey gave an interview that I have another man, and I forbid seeing the child. It is not true! Our relationship ended after a girl wrote to me in direct that she was dating him, and that he says that he does not live with me. She sent me correspondence, photo and video evidence. After that, I suggested that he file for divorce, but he, apparently, was not interested. I filed myself. I always trusted him, did not believe those who wrote earlier, but after the facts that were provided to me, I realized that he cheated on me all the time, and even at the moment when I was pregnant, ”Julia told StarHit.
Samsonov's wife added that she learned about the betrayal while in the hospital. Then their common son was with his grandmother, Yulia's mother, and, according to the woman, the father did not seek to spend time with the heir. “When I asked him to stay with the child, he went to spend time with her,” says Shaulina.
Julia also admitted that she had talked with her husband's mistress several times, wanting to get irrefutable evidence of his betrayal, and then showed screens of correspondence to Samsonov. But Alexey began to deny everything.
“When I asked him a question about this girl, he said he didn’t know who it was. And only after she sent me correspondence and intimate photos, he did not deny it. He came home as if nothing had happened, went to bed with me, kissed his son after he met her. She told me a lot over the phone. How he told her that he loves unexpected sex, how he molested her in the gym, which we once went to together, how he stroked her ... I don’t even want to continue further, ”admitted Yulia.
Shaulina also explained that together with her husband they do not live under the same roof for more than a month. And although she does not interfere with the meeting of father and son, Alexey never, according to her, expressed a desire to see the boy. In addition, Samsonov does not provide an heir, and all expenses fell on the shoulders of the mother. “For all this time, he did not try to either come to the child or provide him financially,” Shaulina shared.
Samsonov's wife sincerely hopes that the court will be on her side and she will receive custody of the child. Now she is supported by her parents and friends. “Many said not to rush into a divorce. But betrayal is very painful, such a betrayal is impossible to forgive, he betrayed not only me, but also the child, ”Schaulina stated.

In mid-August, it became known that one of the brightest couples of DOMA-2 broke up. Alexei Samsonov and Yulia Shaulina accused each other of treason, dreaming of the speedy completion of the divorce proceedings. Despite the mutual desire of the spouses to leave, the court postponed the consideration of the case three times. That is why the official signing of the documents took place only in November. However, the stars of the scandalous show decided not to talk about important changes, because they were tired of the increased attention from the public.

“We were divorced a long time ago. Back in November, but I don't remember the exact date. Yulia and I decided not to advertise the divorce, so no one except us and close relatives knew about the new court, ”Alexey emphasized in an interview with StarHit.

Now Samsonov is happy in a relationship with a girl named Maria, who had previously been officially married to football player Andrei Yeshchenko. The lovers do not comment on their romance, but at the same time quite often publish joint photos. According to Alexei, he managed to resolve all conflicts with his ex-wife, and now he is grateful to her for the years spent together.

“Our son Miron stayed with his mother. I believe that a child should live with his mother, nothing else. I pay child support, but I won't name the exact amount. Now everything is fine with Yulia, we communicate normally and try to ensure that the child does not need anything, ”Samsonov emphasized.

Fans of "DOMA-2" suggest that Shaulina has not been alone for a long time. At the very least, the girl often posts photos of chic gifts from a mysterious admirer. However, after an unsuccessful marriage, Julia decided not to advertise her personal life.

Recall that earlier the girl accused Samsonov of numerous betrayals. Rumors about their separation went back in January 2018, but then the lovers managed to overcome the crisis. When Julia again found correspondence with other women on her husband's phone, she came to the conclusion that there was no point in saving the marriage.

It is possible that the divorce will benefit both Samsonov and Shaulina. At least they both look to the future with optimism. Well, the fans of "DOMA-2" hope that for the sake of their son Miron, the stars will forget about their previous grievances and take care of the baby without mutual claims to each other.

Alexey Samsonov said that now he is officially a free man. The ex-participants of DOMA-2 were able to part as friends, and now they are trying to do everything to make their son Miron happy.

In mid-August, it became known that one of the brightest couples of DOMA-2 broke up. Alexei Samsonov and Yulia Shaulina accused each other of treason, dreaming of the speedy completion of the divorce proceedings. Despite the mutual desire of the spouses to leave, the court postponed the consideration of the case three times. That is why the official signing of the documents took place only in November. However, the stars of the scandalous show decided not to talk about important changes, because they were tired of the increased attention from the public.

“We were divorced a long time ago. Back in November, but I don't remember the exact date. Yulia and I decided not to advertise the divorce, so no one except us and close relatives knew about the new court, ”Alexey emphasized in an interview with StarHit.

Now Samsonov is happy in a relationship with a girl named Maria, who had previously been officially married to football player Andrei Yeshchenko. The lovers do not comment on their romance, but at the same time quite often publish joint photos. According to Alexei, he managed to resolve all conflicts with his ex-wife, and now he is grateful to her for the years spent together.

“Our son Miron stayed with his mother. I believe that a child should live with his mother, nothing else. I pay child support, but I won't name the exact amount. Now everything is fine with Yulia, we communicate normally and try to ensure that the child does not need anything, ”Samsonov emphasized.

Fans of "DOMA-2" suggest that Shaulina has not been alone for a long time. At the very least, the girl often posts photos of chic gifts from a mysterious admirer. However, after an unsuccessful marriage, Julia decided not to advertise her personal life.

Recall that earlier the girl accused Samsonov of numerous betrayals. Rumors about their separation went back in January 2018, but then the lovers managed to overcome the crisis. When Julia again found correspondence with other women on her husband's phone, she came to the conclusion that there was no point in saving the marriage.

Yulia Shaulina admitted to her fans that they are still divorcing Alexei Samsonov. The young woman did not even hide the date of the court session, scheduled for August, but refuses to talk about the reasons for the divorce. However, last time rumors about what actually happened between the spouses have already leaked to the Web, so it can be assumed that the reason has remained the same.

Aleksey Samsonov and Yulia Shaulina, who recently refused a divorce, nevertheless came to him. The blonde does not hide from subscribers that the reconciliation did not take place. As soon as the subscribers suspected that something was wrong in the couple, Yulia immediately shared the news. But something has been wrong in the family for a month now, since Yulia has not published joint pictures with her husband for about so long.

Alexey Samsonov with his son // Photo: Instagram

Followers have long understood that even when they are not told about the breakup, everything can be understood by the lack of joint photos in the accounts. Yulia began to be asked why she was not photographed with her husband, and Shaulina noted that a court hearing on their divorce was scheduled for August 30.

"What's the divorce? Guys, what are you doing?”, “How is the divorce? Well damn, that's a shame. And you, Yulenka, be happy!”, “How so - for a divorce? Does it play tricks?”, “Yulenka, don’t be afraid of anything! If you decide, then act! I also forgave, got back together! And so - 6 years! Outcome? Still divorced. And now I’m happy, and I wish you the same!”, - fans of Yulia and Alexei got excited.

The young woman does not want to discuss the reasons for the divorce, but after their last conflict with her husband, it became known that Alexei allowed himself trips to the left, and spent large sums from the family budget on ordinary escorts. Julia complained to her friend about the traitor, and the recording of the conversation got on the Web.

Yulia Shaulina with her son // Photo: Instagram

Then there was also talk of a divorce, but in the end, the parents of little Miron still found the strength to reconcile. Most recently, Julia spoke about the wedding, which they wanted to seal their marriage. But at some point, something happened, and she chose not to make any more attempts to save the marriage.
