Pharmacy ointment with snake venom for wrinkles. Korean cosmetics: "snake" vs. "snail"

About six months ago, on her mother's birthday, a friend gave her a cream with snake venom. She praised it so much, they say, her skin became better, and more elastic, and toned, they say she is smeared every day and stocked up on it for a hundred years ahead. Well, I’m a skeptic by nature, I’m careful about all kinds of creams - it’s painfully often they give irritation, and even more so cream with snake venom for the face - it’s almost like the whole face can become a beetroot, but then you go to work. So I tell my mother, first you apply it on your wrist, as they showed it in one television program, and then you will smear it on your face. Naturally, she didn’t listen to me, she told me: “Yes, well. I’ve been smearing cream with snake venom extract on my legs for a long time and everything is fine, nothing itches.” Well, I think, since it’s normal, it’s normal, mom knows better, and she didn’t say anything. And in vain...

She rubbed it, so in a businesslike way, at night on her face, and woke up in the morning - you won’t look without tears! Forehead, cheeks, nose, neck - everything is red, itches, sneezes, already starts to squish from the nose. We're running for pills. Thank God, everything passed by the evening. But the conclusion here is that the cream gives a terrible allergy, so be sure to first try it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and only then apply it on your face. Don't repeat my mom's mistake.

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Secret Key Syn-Ake Anti Wrinkle & Whitening Toner MeiKing face mask and night mask with snake venom Snake venom from Aliexpress website Cool New BELARUSIAN / BUDGET COSMETICS / Brushes Relouis, Belita Snake Venom, NYX, etc. Botox Cream Cara-Ann Sn-Ake Repair Cream

In cosmetology snake venom peptide been used for quite a long time. But thanks to Korean cosmetics and its low prices, these cosmetics have become more affordable. snake poison- This is a natural Botox for youth and beauty of the skin. But now let's take a closer look at what the secret of this cosmetics is.

It all started when two Italian scientists from Padua studied the actions temple viper venom and discovered two valuable molecules in the composition of the poison, which cause muscle paralysis and subsequently death. Botulinum, which is part of anti-aging injections, works similarly. botox, it weakens muscle contraction, but in large doses it is also a deadly poison.
Swiss scientists from Pentapharm Ltd. (Pentapharm) became interested in this discovery and continued a more thorough study. They developed synthetic peptide Syn-Ake, similar in composition to snake venom. Just as when bitten by a snake, the venom paralyzes the muscles of the victim and they stop working, in the same way peptide Syn-Ake blocks nerve impulses and facial muscles do not contract and relax. As a result of this, fine and medium mimic wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable, the appearance of new wrinkles is prevented, and skin firmness and elasticity are restored. Therefore, it is no coincidence that cosmetics with this unique snake venom peptide are called similar to botox injections. To date, this cosmetics is one of the most effective anti-aging and rejuvenating funds. Of course, the effect of using this cosmetics is not as stunning as after plastic procedures, but it is also noticeable, while the cosmetics are safe and do not change the natural expression of the face, as after Botox, there is no mask effect.

Now you know what is in cosmetics does not include real snake venom, but only his synthetic analog of Syn-Ake, this cosmetics is safe, but still has a number of contraindications.

Let's figure out how to use cosmetics with snake venom and who it suits.

Syn-Ake snake venom peptide acts locally in the area of ​​application and does not spread to adjacent areas of the skin, it is independently excreted from the body as a result of metabolism. Syn-Ake has a cumulative effect, so cosmetics with snake venom must be used in courses 1 to 6 months, depending on the condition of the skin, as well as the number of wrinkles and their depth. Funds are recommended to be applied 2 times a day. After the end of the course, cosmetics with snake venom can be used 1-2 times a week for a supportive effect.

To determine the effectiveness Syn-Ake snake venom peptide studies were conducted in which volunteers took part. They used cosmetics 2 times a day for a month.
The following results were obtained:

A pronounced smoothing effect on vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, horizontal forehead wrinkles and mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (the so-called "crow's feet").

Gentle smoothing action on the network of fine wrinkles on the lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, vertical lip lines, as well as vertical and horizontal wrinkles of the neck.

Snake venom peptide cosmetics are considered anti-aging, but they can also be used in aging from 25 years old with pronounced mimic wrinkles locally 1-2 times a week or short course.

With regular use "snake" cosmetics the skin literally transforms, becomes smoother and more elastic, smoothes, the depth of wrinkles decreases, fine wrinkles completely disappear, skin immunity increases.

With all the efficiency snake venom cosmetics, there are a number of contraindications and limitations in its use. The use of this cosmetic is not recommended:

During pregnancy and lactation;

With a tendency to edema;

When using snail cosmetics, as well as cosmetics with fruit acids, because. fruit acids neutralize the effect of the Syn-Ake snake venom peptide, thereby reducing the effectiveness of cosmetics.

Every year the number of cosmetics manufacturers increases. This is due to high demand. In addition, new discoveries in the field of cosmetology allow us to improve cosmetics and make them better. In this article, we will tell you about skin care products around the eyes with snail and snake extract. We will try to figure out which one is better and more effective?

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Photo gallery: Korean cosmetics with snake and snail extract: which is better?

What only Koreans and Chinese do not come up with. They are world famous for their unconventional treatments. They also produce pretty high-quality cosmetics for face care, makeup, cleansers, skin and body care products, and the like. A very famous firm is Tony Moly. They have a wide range of different care products with snake venom extracts and snail slime.

These two unusual agents have long been used in cosmetics. They are good enough. But still, many girls are trying to figure out which is better: a snake or a snail?

Cream with snail slime extract

Cosmetic products with snail mucus have appeared on the European market for a long time and have gained immense popularity. Their production is engaged in the Korean market. Asian skin care products are not only effective, but also affordable. The average price for a pack of cream is $10-20. In addition, Koreans produce all their products in the form of probes, so that the client can choose exactly the tool that suits him. The price for the probes is very low, so it is very convenient for those who doubt the effectiveness of the product or fear that it will not suit him.

The peak of "snail" cosmetics came in 2010. Almost every Korean company has released a series of snail slime skin care products. The most famous manufacturers are: Holika Holika, Tony Moli, Misha, Mizon, Skin House, Secret Kay and others.

Snail slime is also called "mucin". It has unique properties, so it suits almost everyone. Mucus moisturizes the skin, regenerates and restores it, maintains water balance, fights inflammation, accelerates wound healing, fights acne, stretch marks, scars and other skin imperfections. Creams with snail mucus are suitable for girls of all ages with any type of skin.

The composition of the mucus is simply amazing. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, allantoin, glycolic acid, chitosan, collagen and other substances. In addition, mucin has another unique property - it creates a protective film on the skin, which allows oxygen to pass through, but retains moisture.

If you love animals and avoid cosmetics that have been previously tested on them or for which animals have suffered, then you can not worry. To create funds with snail mucus, snails are not killed. Slime, which is needed for cosmetics, is secreted by snails in a natural way. Snails live in special conditions where they are taken care of.

Cream with snake venom extract

Snake venom is less effective. In medicine, this product has been used for a very long time, and successfully. In cosmetology, snake venom began to be used relatively recently. But they do not use a natural extract, but a synthetic one, identical to natural. Previously, the prices for such cosmetic products were high. Korean manufacturers have made them available to most women. Today the price for a tube of cream is about 10 to 40 dollars. This is higher than for creams with snail mucus.

Synthetic snake venom is also called "Shin-Ake". It was discovered by scientists from Switzerland. They isolated two molecules from the poison that are responsible for the paralytic effect and created the same synthetic substance that is now used in cosmetology. Snake venom extract relaxes facial muscles, makes deep wrinkles less pronounced and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. Also, products with this extract are called "Botox without an injection." Sometimes high-quality creams can be a good alternative to a plastic procedure.

Creams based on snake venom are absolutely safe and do not change the natural expression of the face. Although there are some limitations of such funds. They are not recommended for use with a tendency to swelling, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, with certain skin diseases, as well as with individual intolerance to the components. Also, creams with snake extract cannot be used simultaneously with creams with snail mucus and fruit acids.

Creams with snake venom moisturize the skin, smooth its relief, normalize metabolic processes, improve complexion, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Those girls who tried on themselves such funds were satisfied.

A Brief Review of Tony Moly's Korean Patches

We will compare two Korean creams. One of the bottoms with snail mucus "Intens Caresnail Eye Mask", and the second with an extract of snake venom "Intens Care Sin - Ake Eye Mask". The average price in online stores for these funds is about $ 5. They are suitable for those girls who want to get rid of facial wrinkles in the eye area.

The manufacturer recommends using their products once or twice a week. It is necessary to open the package, apply the product to the previously cleansed skin under the eyes, slightly pressing them. The remains of the gel should be driven into the skin with your fingers. A one-time package is enough for about two times.

The consistency and shape of the patches are the same. They are moist, soft and cool to the touch. Putting them on your face is necessary when you are lying down so that they do not roll. After the first application, the results were amazing.

Let's start with the "snail". After the first application, the effect is like from an anti-aging cream. The skin is well hydrated, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The remains of the gel are quickly absorbed and do not leave stickiness or oily sheen on the skin. The tool slightly reduces swelling. However, you should not count on the fact that after the first application you will get rid of wrinkles. After using the patch mask, no additional creams should be applied.

The "snake" patch is also good. After the first time, a slight cooling effect is felt on the skin, but this is normal. The product moisturizes the skin well and smoothes mimic wrinkles. Residues are quickly absorbed and do not leave any unpleasant sensations on the skin. The tool is not recommended for people who have problems with swelling.

Which of these means is better? Of course, everything is individual. Reviews are different. However, the remedy with snake venom extract has more positive reviews. The thing is that many girls have written that the snail mucus remedy does its job well as long as you use it regularly. As soon as use stops, the effect disappears. Completely opposite reviews about the remedy with snake venom. It has a cumulative effect. Even after cessation of use, wrinkles do not appear. But still it is recommended not to forget about the use of other cosmetics: creams, masks and the like.

What tool you like best - choose for yourself. The main thing is to first buy a sampler to see if it is suitable for your skin type and does not cause an allergic reaction.

Good day to everyone who reads my review. I met Korean cosmetics recently, I didn’t really try much of it, but I’m delighted with what I tried. I want to tell you about S-Venom Wrinkle Tox Cream with snake venom from by Mizon .This is an anti-aging cream and it promises that in 28 days your wrinkles will be reduced by half. In addition, the manufacturer promises to increase the skin's own immunity. This cream is a kind of replacement for Botox. It smoothes wrinkles by relaxing the facial muscles. I have been using this cream for two weeks and am very pleased with the result. Like all Botox creams, this one also has its own mandatory recommendations. This cream cannot be used simultaneously with products that contain fruit acids. They simply neutralize the effect of the cream and its use becomes useless. Do not use for pregnant, lactating and women prone to edema. I applied this cream on a completely clean face, twice a day. Then the cream needs to be applied 1-2 times a day to maintain the result. The cream is not very thick and not liquid , without a pungent odor with a barely perceptible specific smell, but it does not irritate at all. It is easy to apply and spreads well over the face. it disappears almost instantly without leaving a greasy film. The cream must be applied from the bottom up with stroking movements, as if fixing the skin in the correct position. I was very afraid to apply this cream, because it still blocks muscle impulses. I was afraid that my face would become like a mask. But nothing terrible happened. I noticed the effect right away. Literally after a few days of application, wrinkles become less noticeable. After I used the cream for about two weeks, my skin condition improved a lot. It really looked younger, brightened and smoothed. women on the forum wrote that this cream causes slight numbness and the face is as if in a mask. I didn’t have anything like that, I just felt a slight chill and a slight tingling of the face. It is better to carry out an intensive course with this cream in winter. .Of course, it is better to buy it through Internet sites, since in Russia its price is 2-3 times higher. I bought and on Aliexpress it cost me 5000 rubles.

Video review

Cream with snake venom (synthesized). FACE CREAM WITH SNAKE POISON PEPTIDE Cream for the skin around the eyes with "snake venom" Secret Key Cream with snake fat TianDe. 10 days for the treatment of cracks and corns. PATCHES WITH SNAKE VENOM! Secret Key Syn Ake Serpentine Cream Secret Skin Syn-Ake Wrinkleless Face Cream Treatment with snake venom Botox effect eye cream - Syn-Ake Eye Cream Secret Key review, instructions, recommendations Cool new Korean cosmetics Face cream with "snake venom" Secret Key Secret Skin Syn-Ake Wrinkleless Eye Cream Korean cosmetics. DEOPROCE REPAIR MACHINE GINSENG CREAM Light anti-aging cream with snake venom from the Korean brand Cara Deoproce Syn-Ake Intensive Wrinkle Care Cream article 1142 Cream with snake venom for joints

Hello, Luni friends!

Do you know about the benefits of such an ingredient as snake poison ? However, if you are interested in this article, you probably heard something like that about him. Snake venom is one of the most famous medicinal components used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Why are snake venom anti-aging products good and how to use them for maximum effect?

For many people, snakes are disgusting, involuntarily associated with danger. But snake venom is a magic medicine in a small dose! Snake venom has been used in medicine for hundreds of years. From it they made medicines against smallpox and epilepsy, means for healing wounds,

By itself, snake venom is incredibly complex in its chemical composition. It contains proteins, fatty acids, various trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

How do snake venom products affect the skin of the face? Let's consider this in more detail. Products with this component are the ideal anti-aging care for dull skin that has lost its elasticity. Their functionality is quite extensive:

  • Reducing the depth and number of wrinkles in 28 days;
  • Aligning the relief of the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • Creation of a protective barrier on the skin, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • Pronounced "smoothing" effect - the skin becomes more even and smooth;
  • Promotes resorption of scars, reduces the amount of edema;
  • Starts the process of accelerated tissue regeneration.

All this makes anti-aging products for the face with snake venom truly indispensable. This is a great alternative to Botox or hyaluronic acid injections.

Among Korean remedies, you can find both remedies with snake venom and artificially synthesized ones. SYN-AKE peptide. Products with a peptide have exactly the same effect as products with real snake venom, but somewhat milder. The principle of action of the peptide is based on the suppression of nerve cells that cause muscle contraction. As a result, the skin is smoothed, becomes even and smooth. A special plus in this case is the complete absence of side effects. The syn-ake peptide has passed all possible tests that have proven how effective and safe for a person.

Friends, if you are looking for a remedy with a peptide or snake venom on our website, we recommend that you pay attention to a few
series: SYN-AKE Anti Wrinkle from Secret Key and Black Snail All In One from the beloved brand Mizon. In addition to the above, the products of these two series are able to eliminate a dull complexion, intensively moisturize the skin + brighten age spots and freckles.

Korean brands of anti-aging face products are a great way to improve facial skin, reduce wrinkles and restore skin elasticity. And don't let the words "snake venom" or "peptide" scare you, but associate it exclusively with youth and skin health 🙂


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