Scabies from glass wool. Glass wool, how to wash it off the skin of the hands? What is the potential danger of each variety

As you know, glass wool is a fibrous material used for thermal insulation purposes. The main component in the production of glass wool is glass.

In this regard, like glass, glass wool fibers have a crystalline structure. All this explains the appearance of itching when working with glass wool - small particles of glass stick into the skin, and also enter the pores and this causes irritation and itching.

One of the prerequisites when working with glass wool is the use of overalls and respiratory protection (for example, a respirator) and eyes (safety glasses can be used).

Similar protective equipment must be used when working with mineral wool. When working with glass wool or mineral wool, you need to look like the one shown in the image below.

This protective clothing is inexpensive, but its use will prove to be a big savings later. Why? Read on.

Be sure to take off all good clothes and put on overalls - if this is not done, then all clothes will become unusable and, as a rule, they can no longer be cleaned.

An important rule that must be remembered when working with glass wool: even if glass wool has got on the skin, in no case should you rub this place! If you start rubbing, then small particles of glass will dig into the skin and it will only get worse. If glass wool has already got on an unprotected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, then it must be gently shaken off and in no case should it be rubbed!

After the work is completed, it is necessary to clean the body of glass microparticles. To do this, you need to take a shower, but you should remember some rules that must be followed without fail in order to exclude the appearance of irritation from glass wool:

1. In order to wash off the particles of glass wool fibers, you need to take a cool shower. Make the pressure of the soul as much as possible. Before taking a shower, it is necessary to shake off the head, because a significant amount of glass wool particles has probably accumulated on the hair.

2. In no case should you take a hot shower - this is due to the fact that at the time of taking a hot shower, the pores of our skin expand and glass microparticles can penetrate into them. This will only increase the itching!

3. When taking a shower, do not use a washcloth and soap - just rinse.

4. After rinsing under a strong jet of a cool shower, dry without using a towel.

If after cleaning the glass wool from the skin there is itching, then you can try: wet a towel with cold water and gently apply it to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and wait a bit. If the itching of the skin continues, then aloe can help to remove it, applying milk to irritated skin, sometimes a calendula solution helps.

Similar actions should be performed after gluing glass fiber. Glass fiber, like glass wool, can also leave an unpleasant itch on the skin, because. this building material also consists of fiberglass.

1. Clothes must be vacuumed. Do not immediately try to wet your clothes - this can only do harm, because it is much more difficult to remove glass wool from wet clothes than when the clothes are dry. All actions to get rid of glass wool should be carried out strictly in rubber household gloves (such seals are sold in any hardware store) - if you do not use gloves, then glass wool will have to be cleaned not from clothes, but to treat the skin.

2. After working with a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary, without removing rubber gloves, to wash clothes by hand. Wash separately from other laundry! It is advisable to repeat the hand wash 3-4 times. When you wash clothes, keep one piece of advice in mind: you don’t need to rub the clothes, you just need to rinse, otherwise the glass wool particles will stick into the threads of the clothes and then everything will be much more complicated. Between washes, rinse clothes with a powerful jet of water.

4. When the clothes are dry, take the vacuum cleaner again and vacuum the clothes again.

If these actions did not lead to the desired result, then there are two ways out:

1. Try to dry-clean your clothes.

2. Throw out.

Also keep in mind that if the clothes that got woolen glass wool, then, most likely, you will have to part with it already - it is almost impossible to clean woolen clothes from glass wool.

In order to avoid the need to clean clothes or skin from glass wool, use protective equipment!

To wash off glass wool from the body, treat it with a strong pressure of a cold shower without auxiliary products such as soap and washcloths. Then dry without using towels, and repeat the procedure with and dry again in the same way. Now you can shower with soap and a washcloth, and use a towel.

Glass wool is washed off things in about 3-4 washes. Wash things with glass needles separately from others and with gloves.

If you work with glass wool, do not forget about overalls.

Glass wool is a fibrous heat-insulating material and a kind of mineral wool. It is used in construction, where certain rules must be observed when using glass wool, since this material cannot be considered harmless.

Glass wool production

Glass fiber is obtained from the same raw materials that are used in the production of plain glass. Also, glass wool is often made from glass industry waste. It consists of soda, sand, dolomite, borax and cullet, which are placed in the bunker and begin to melt there into a homogeneous mass at a temperature of 1400 ° C. In this case, the resulting mixture must have the desired mechanical properties to obtain very thin threads.

These filaments are the result of molten glass being blown up by steam escaping from the centrifuge.

In the process of fiber formation, the mass is treated with polymer aerosols, and modified aqueous phenol-aldehyde polymer solutions act as binders. The thread, aerosolized, is placed on the roller of the conveyor, where it is leveled in several stages, forming a homogeneous glass-polymer carpet. Then the thread is polymerized at a temperature of 250 ° C, due to which polymer bonds are formed and the remaining moisture is removed. As a result, glass wool becomes hard and acquires a shade of yellow amber. At the end, it is cooled and cut into rolls.

The danger of glass wool

The main danger of glass wool is its finest needles and dust that get on the unprotected skin of the hands, mucous membranes and respiratory organs, so working with it without a respirator, gloves and goggles is strictly prohibited. Old samples of glass wool can significantly harm exposed parts of the skin, so it is better to purchase modern material that does not irritate hands, does not burn and has a soft structure.

Glass wool is not recommended for repairs in open areas - in other cases, its use is quite acceptable.

Small crystals of glass wool that have entered the body are very difficult to remove. Even tightly plastered glass wool can become a slow poisoner - it is enough for one piece of plaster to fall off and it will begin to completely saturate the air with itself. If glass wool gets on your hands or mucous membranes, you should not try to erase them - the crystals will go even deeper into the skin. You should immediately take a cool shower (not hot!) without gels and soap, and then let the skin dry on its own and take a cold shower again, but with detergent. If glass wool gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them under strong pressure of cold water and consult an ophthalmologist. If glass wool is inhaled, seek medical attention.

Mineral wool is a source of formaldehyde release into the air, which is a poison. However, the state authorities that control the production of this insulation believe that its concentration does not exceed the norm, if all application requirements are met.

The production of mineral wool is increasing every year, as the demand for it as a heat and sound insulating material is growing. However, each country in its own way classifies the degree of danger of mineral wool for humans. With special care approaches mineral fibers in residential Germany, considering them potentially dangerous. In the building materials market, stone wool is usually called mineral wool, although all types of such heaters are hidden under this term.

What is the potential danger of each variety

Mineral wool is a fiber made from materials such as glass, stone, slag. Depending on the feedstock, it is respectively glass wool, slag or (basalt) wool.

80% in the manufacture of glass wool is represented by cullet, limestone and soda, etibor and sand are also present. The main disadvantage of the obtained material is its fragility and brittleness. In the process of work, the smallest particles of glass wool can easily penetrate not only under clothing, but also into the respiratory tract. Therefore, for safety reasons, work should be carried out in overalls, covering the face with a respirator and goggles. Clothing is no longer subject to subsequent cleaning and washing.

The basis of slag wool is blast-furnace slag, which tends to form an aggressive environment for metals due to residual acidity. Slag wool fibers are no less fragile than glass wool.

Stone wool is made from rocks of the gabbro-basalt group. Its fibers can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees, although the binder is only 250. They are not at all caustic, as in the previous two cases, so stone wool is most often used to insulate walls and roofs in residential construction.

But in addition to the fragility of the fibers, a potential danger to human health, according to organizations fighting for the ecological cleanliness of homes, lies in the carcinogenic properties of mineral wool fibers. In the production of mineral wool, a binder is used - formaldehyde resin, which is capable of releasing formaldehyde into the surrounding space.

Opinion of the State Department of Hygiene

Studies have shown that harmful emissions do occur, but their concentration in the room is no higher than from particle boards. Moreover, not all fibers are dangerous, but only those that have a thickness of less than 3 microns and a length of more than 5 microns. Surprisingly, the chemical composition of the fibers themselves does not matter. It was these parameters that most of the asbestos mineral wool fibers, which are now out of production, had.

In order to avoid harm to their health, experts recommend purchasing mineral wool insulation from large manufacturers who manufacture material based on GOSTs, and not their own technical specifications. For greater certainty, you can ask about the availability of certificates from regulatory organizations (FEZ, Rospotrebnadzor). Carcinogenic effects can be avoided if mineral wool is used in the form of plates. The main requirement of the state department of hygiene is a ban on the use of mineral wool in free form. It is important to properly install, with careful subsequent waterproofing. If doubts still arise, then it is better to choose another, more environmentally friendly insulation.


  • Mineral wool: GOST
  • Mineral wool: comparative characteristics
  • The impact of mineral wool on human health

A huge range of heaters makes you think about the correctness of your choice. Isover heaters can be called the most popular products. Despite this, many are concerned about the quite reasonable question of the environmental friendliness and hygiene of the material.

Environmental friendliness and safety

The most important issue for many people when choosing a heater is environmental friendliness. It is worth saying that ISOVER uses glass wool and stone wool as the basis for the manufacture of heat and sound insulation. Due to the careful processing of the pressing, the company's engineers assure a high degree of environmental friendliness of their products. In support of this, numerous environmental certificates of conformity can be seen on the company's website. isover insulation is made exclusively from natural materials, therefore, environmental friendliness and safety leave no doubt.

Health impact

All products of this company are made exclusively from safe and environmentally friendly materials. This is confirmed by both ecological and hygienic certificates. The document on environmental friendliness indicates the research carried out by AtomVoenExpert. The tests were also carried out by the Scientific Center for Children's Health. In both the first and second cases, it was proved that Isover products do not pose a threat to either the health and life of an adult or a child.

The hygienic certificate states that all studies were carried out on the basis of the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. As a result, the experts concluded that Isover heaters fully comply with the standards and norms, and do not pose a danger to human health.

Moreover, the insulation, which has basalt in its composition, boasts a high degree of fire resistance. Not all products have these features. The rest of the products simply belong to the group of non-combustible materials.

Isover thermal insulation is deservedly popular in the European and World markets. In addition to high environmental performance, these products have high rates of sound and heat insulation.

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Glass wool is a very effective heat-insulating material (a kind of mineral wool), which is produced using waste from the glass industry. Almost every boy knows that if you touch this material with an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, itching and rashes are inevitable, as if from nettles.

Glass wool must be handled very carefully as it can cause an allergic reaction. When working with it, there is a whole set of safety rules to eliminate undesirable consequences.

Glass wool is supplied in rolls. In some cases, its layers must be cut (in accordance with the parameters of the surface that is insulated). For this, a sharp knife is used. The size of the cut mats should exceed the previously measured values ​​by several centimeters. This will create the necessary density of the material, and will not affect the thermal protection performance at all.

When working with glass wool, wear a dust mask, gloves and goggles. In addition, it is desirable to have clothing that can cover all parts of the body (tight overalls). As soon as work with glass wool has been completed, it is important to carry out a thorough wet cleaning of the room. The result of all manipulations should be a shower.

In direct contact with glass wool, the first signs of irritation appear on the skin, itching, redness and other unpleasant sensations are observed. The safety measures mentioned above can protect the human body from the negative effects of glass wool, however, it is far from always possible to avoid direct contact.

First aid

At the end of all work with glass wool, work clothes must be washed thoroughly and repeatedly. But this does not guarantee the complete removal of the fibers that cause irritation. You can buy glass wool on the website, or you can buy it in a specialized store ... It doesn’t matter at all, because its properties, regardless of the manufacturer, remain identical. When working with this material, the likelihood of direct contact is high. In this case it is necessary:

  • don't itch. If small fibers get on the skin, additional mechanical damage to the integument will only aggravate the situation.
  • act carefully. If glass wool dust has fallen on your hair, you need to gently shake it off, while closing your eyes, and wash your hair thoroughly at home
  • always take a shower (room temperature water), which helps to reduce skin irritation, remove all small glass wool fibers. It is important not to use a bath, but to give preference to a shower with a relatively large pressure. You need to wash yourself without using any hygiene products and washcloths. The former expand the pores, facilitating the penetration of unwanted elements into the inner layers of the skin, and the latter will clearly remain those same irritants - microparticles.

If glass wool dust gets into the eyes, it is important to immediately rinse them with cold water with strong pressure. Obviously, the mucous membrane will be irritated. If the symptoms persist after 2 hours (burning and redness), you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist.

Hello to all those few readers who found me in the vastness of the world. Today I will give you advice, tested on myself, on how to get rid of glass wool on the skin.

Not so long ago, at work, I did a little cleaning of rubbish in industrial premises, among the rubbish, as luck would have it, there were small pieces of glass wool, of the same Soviet hardening, prickly and unpleasantly itching when it hits open areas of the skin. I had to get rid of the glass wool manually, and I had ordinary cotton gloves on my hands, which, of course, will not protect against cotton wool. As a result, after a few minutes, the hands began to itch terribly and there was an unpleasant tingling from glass particles. I didn’t want to endure this feeling all day, but soap, as you know, will not get rid of glass wool particles. Therefore the question

How to get rid of glass wool

stood sharp.

Since there was, especially, nothing to lose, I decided to get rid of glass wool by washing my hands with Remoskin cleansing paste

And lo and behold, after just one application, the discomfort from the presence of glass wool particles on the hands disappeared. So, it turns out that the solution to the problem was always at hand, in a personal locker.

Now you know how to get rid of glass wool without any problems and harm to the skin. I hope my advice has helped you.

Firstly, if glass wool gets on the skin, in no case do not scratch the affected area, so you will only rub glass needles into the body.

2 step

In general, the eyes must be protected from glass wool and work in special glasses, but if this still happens, start blinking rapidly. This will get the glass out of your eyes. Only after half an hour they can be washed.

3 step

If glass wool gets on your body, take a cold shower. Do not use soap or shower gel and washcloth or sponge. In addition, the water pressure should be as strong as possible.

4 step

Before showering, try to shake the glass wool out of your hair by shaking your head or running your hands through your hair.

5 step

Do not use a towel after taking a shower. Wait until the body is dry and take a shower again.

6 step

Again, wait until dry. Only after that, take a shower with a washcloth and gel. Now you can use the towel.

7 step

Wash things that have got glass wool, it is necessary separately from all the rest. Moreover, it is better to do this with laundry soap and gloves. Do 3-4 washes.

8 step

And do not forget that it is recommended to work with glass wool only in special clothes or at least with protected eyes, respiratory tract (respirator) and clothes that completely cover the body.
