What does a cat need to give birth? How to understand that a cat will give birth soon

If the cat is healthy and has no pathologies, its pregnancy lasts on average 9 weeks. The fetus begins to actively develop at 4–6 weeks. During this period, the expectant mother's lifestyle changes: she becomes less active, eats more and gets fat. It's time for the owner to prepare for childbirth.

Set up a place for childbirth

Veterinary stores sell reusable birthing boxes. If you plan to breed your pet periodically, consider this option.

If giving birth at home is the exception rather than the rule, a makeshift playpen will do big box with high sides.

Make a hole at the bottom of the box through which the cat will enter and exit the box. As a safety measure, close the top of the playpen so that the pregnant woman is not tempted to jump into it, which could harm the babies.

Equip the box with an easily removable wall - after birth this will facilitate the process of examining and caring for kittens.

Cover the bottom of the box or drawer with newspapers: they absorb moisture and odor well. Place a towel, blanket and diaper on top. Pull each layer taut, making sure there are no loose ends as newborns can get caught in the fabric and suffocate.

Place the box or drawer in the part of the apartment where the pregnant woman spends a lot of time. Choose a quiet location where there are no drafts. Show it to your cat and watch his reaction. Move the box if the pet ignores it.

Make an agreement with your veterinarian

You will give birth without complications on your own. If something goes wrong, you will have to call home veterinarian. Prepare the telephone number of a specialist who will come to you both day and night.

Monitor your cat's pregnancy

There are seven signs that your cat is about to give birth.

About a week before giving birth, a pregnant cat will show anxiety: as a rule, purebred members of the family become affectionate and seek support from the owner, cats without a breed try to retire.

The activity of pregnant women before childbirth is greatly reduced. They carefully lick their bellies and genitals.

The approach of birth can be determined by the condition of the mammary glands: they swell and become hot, in some cats milk is released from the nipples.

IN last days before birth, the animal’s temperature drops by 1°C to 37°C, the norm is from 38 to 39°C.

On the day of birth, your cat's appetite may decrease or disappear.

An hour before the birth of the first kitten, the woman in labor breaks out her reddish-gray water. After this, contractions begin.

Monitor how your cat is giving birth

Typically, the birth process takes place within a few hours, but can last up to a day.

If your cat is in labor for more than 24 hours, contact your veterinarian.

The interval between the birth of newborns should not be more than 4 hours. The number of kittens in a litter can vary greatly. The usual number is from 6 to 8, but young or, conversely, older cats can give birth to from one to three babies.

If the birth process proceeds without deviations, there is no need to intervene. Instinct will tell the cat what to do. The mother licks the newly born kitten, freeing its mouth and nose to breathe, gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth (placenta). If the baby was born in the amniotic sac, the cat chews the membrane.

Help will be needed if the cat gives birth for the first time or the birth process goes too quickly: the pet may get confused and not have time to process the kittens that are born. In such cases, carefully cut amniotic sac, wrap the baby in a dry, clean cloth napkin, and use a pipette to clean the nose and mouth. If the cat has not chewed the umbilical cord, tie it with a thread in the thinnest place and cut it with scissors at a distance of 2-3 cm from the kitten’s belly. After this, place the baby against the mother's belly. Act quickly: when the placenta, through which the newborn receives oxygen, comes out, he will begin to choke.

The appearance of kittens is always a joy. However, the process of their appearance - childbirth - requires a lot of effort, nerves and time. It is a mistake to believe that the cat can handle all this on its own: a complication can occur at any time, especially if the cat is purebred or she gives birth for the first time. Therefore, for a successful delivery of your cat, you need to call a veterinarian to your home.

Preparing for a cat's birth

Childbirth is a process that requires preparation. Shortly before giving birth - two or three weeks - arrange with a veterinary obstetrician to come at the appointed time to deliver your cat. Veterinary assistance during childbirth is needed if:

  • the cat has given birth for the first time;
  • the preparatory stage for childbirth lasts more than a day;
  • you have little experience in this matter and you are afraid that you will not be able to cope.

Before giving birth, prepare the place where the cat will kitten. Usually a regular cardboard box is suitable for this purpose, but you can experiment and make something original, like, say, a playpen. By the way, if you still have a playpen or stroller from your children, they will come in handy.

It is not recommended to place a cat on a bed, sofa or carpet during childbirth: all this will be very dirty. The same goes for sheets and bedding: so that you don’t have to throw them away after childbirth, use disposable diapers - you definitely won’t mind them.

Try to arrange a place for newborn kittens and their mother. Hang a heat lamp or electric heating pad over the place where they are kept: kittens really need warmth in the first days of their lives. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room, and the air should be fresh and extremely clean. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +28 degrees Celsius, but not lower than +20 degrees Celsius.

Before giving birth, prepare the place where the cat will kitten. Usually a regular cardboard box is suitable for this purpose, but you can experiment and make something original, like, say, a playpen. By the way, if you still have a playpen or stroller from your children, they will come in handy.

What does a cat need to give birth?

You can give birth to a cat yourself, but only when you are not doing this for the first time and know exactly what and how to do. In other cases, it is better to call a veterinary obstetrician for this purpose. But if you really want to take part in the birth of your pet, then you can be a veterinarian’s assistant - he probably won’t mind. In this case, you will need to take care of the following medical instruments and things necessary for childbirth:

From medical supplies you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • traumeel;
  • medical alcohol (you can use vodka);
  • 5% glucose;
  • syntomycin acid;
  • brilliant green;
  • no-shpa;
  • sodium glucanate;
  • oxytocin;
  • vikasol;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • dexamethasone;
  • saline;
  • analgin;
  • vitamin B12;
  • sulfocafocaine.

These are medications that may be needed if your cat develops premature birth or if any unforeseen circumstances arise during childbirth.

A day or two before giving birth, you need to prepare groin area cats for childbirth. You need to cut the hair in the abdomen and genital area with scissors. If six is ​​short and it will not interfere during childbirth, then you can leave it like that.

Try to arrange a place for newborn kittens and their mother. Hang a heat lamp or electric heating pad over the place where they are kept: puppies really need warmth in the first days of their lives. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room, and the air should be fresh and extremely clean. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +28 degrees Celsius, but not lower than +20 degrees Celsius.

If you plan to call a veterinary obstetrician to assist in the birth, or intend to assist in giving birth to your cat yourself, then you must be able to accurately recognize the beginning of this process. There are several signs that predict the early birth of puppies. These include:

  • the cat asks to go outside, but as soon as it comes out, it asks to come into the house;
  • the cat does not sit still: it constantly lies down and gets up;
  • restless behavior of the cat: she begins to meow pitifully, gnaw fur, and scrape the floor with her claws;
  • loss of appetite;
  • V in some cases vomit;
  • strong thirst.

This concerns changes in the behavior of a pregnant cat, but there are also physiological changes that are impossible not to notice:

Typically, childbirth in a cat includes four stages:

  1. Preparation for childbirth (opening of the birth canal).
  2. Birth pains.
  3. Birth of kittens.
  4. Department of placenta.

We talked about the first stage above, so let’s move on directly to the contractions.

Labor contractions are contractions of the uterus that allow the fetus to be pushed out. Contractions begin at preparatory stage, but there they are not so reinforced. When the birth canal opens, the contractions become stronger and they are supplemented by pushing - contractions of the abdominal muscles. Duration labor pains in cats varies from one to three hours, depending on the number of kittens and the characteristics of the cat’s body. If during this time not a single kitten has appeared, then this is a reason to panic and contact a specialist if you are delivering the baby yourself.

During labor pains, the birth of kittens begins. They emerge from the cat's womb in a water bladder, which then ruptures on its own or is ruptured by the cat itself.

What to do after childbirth

As soon as the first kitten is born, you need to check whether it is breathing or not. Bad sign if the kitten breathes through its mouth or does not breathe at all. This means that oxygen has not yet begun to enter the kitten’s lungs. Slap him on the back or give him CPR. Alarm signal is a situation where a kitten is born without a shell, covered in blood or green liquid. Needs to be sucked out of it respiratory tract excess fluid so that the baby begins to breathe.

If everything is fine, the kittens are breathing and showing signs of life, then you need to cut their umbilical cord. Usually the cat snacks on it itself, but anything can happen, so prepare for this process in advance. The umbilical cord must be cut very quickly, otherwise the kitten will develop an umbilical hernia.

Labor contractions are contractions of the uterus that allow the fetus to be pushed out. Contractions begin at the preparatory stage, but there they are not so intense. When the birth canal opens, the contractions become stronger and they are supplemented by pushing - contractions of the abdominal muscles. The duration of labor pains in cats varies from one to three hours, depending on the number of puppies and the characteristics of the dog’s body. If during this time not a single kitten has appeared, then this is a reason to panic and contact a specialist if you are delivering the baby yourself.

The very last stage is the separation of the cat's placenta. The placenta is the placenta that follows the kittens. There should be exactly as many afterbirths as kittens were born. If not everything works out, then this is fraught with inflammation of the uterus, leading to the death of the cat. Placentas that emerge from the uterus should be placed in a separate basin.

Caring for a cat after birth

Childbirth is a difficult process for a cat, taking a lot of energy. After this event give new mother water and leave it to lie in peace and quiet. Place a heating pad next to her or turn on a lamp. After 5-6 hours you can give the cat something to eat. You should not give raw meat and fatty, high-calorie foods. Best suited for this purpose dairy products, low-fat meat broths, vegetable purees and so on. You need to consult a veterinarian regarding food. It is also recommended to give your pet warm tea with milk and give him glucose to restore strength.

If after giving birth the cat begins to have diarrhea, which is normal in such cases, then you need to give her Activated carbon to stabilize digestion. It is better to forget about pills and medications while feeding the cat - all this will be passed on to the kittens along with the milk.

In the first days after birth, it is better not to walk the cat. After 5-6 days, you can take the dog out for a walk for 15-20 minutes, when the kittens are sleeping, but keep in mind that she will be very worried and worried. You can’t let your cat go outside at all: it has a bad effect on the milk. After a walk, thoroughly wash your cat's paws to prevent any infection from getting to the kittens.

It's natural to worry about your cat and unborn babies, but the owner should focus on preparation. Before giving birth, the cat is worried and needs maximum attention from her loved one - prepare medications and materials in advance, many of which may not be needed. However, it is important to stock up on everything you need, since in an emergency you won’t have time to go to the pharmacy.

The most important thing for inexperienced owner– enlist the support of a professional. You should make arrangements with at least two veterinarians for telephone consultations and possible house calls in the middle of the night (the law of meanness in action: veterinarians often leave town or do not answer calls on the very day when signs of labor appear). If the cat was purchased from a cattery, be sure to inform the breeder about the upcoming birth. Not a single responsible breeder will refuse to help his “child”, and will definitely advise the owner by phone, giving most valuable advice and providing moral support.

Medicines, instruments and consumables

Preparing for childbirth includes providing your pet with everything necessary for childbirth:

  • absorbent diapers, not scented;
  • a lot of rags, ironed and put in a bag (you can cut an old sheet, cutting off the protruding threads);
  • sterile surgical gloves, two to three pairs;
  • a waffle towel or a piece of fabric with similar properties (if you suddenly need to give the kitten a massage);
  • catgut or surgical thread for tying the umbilical cords, pieces 10-15 cm long (as soon as the first signs of labor appear, the threads should be placed in a glass of alcohol for disinfection);
  • small scissors with rounded tips;
  • children's syringe for suctioning liquid from the nose and mouth;
  • scales, watch, pen and notepad. A meticulously filled birth log makes the veterinarian’s work easier (it is impossible to remember all the information, even experienced breeders write down);
  • ​hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, sterile Vaseline or boiled Vaseline oil at room temperature;
  • oxytocin, glucose, sulfocamphocaine, calcium gluconate, vitamin B12. All in injection ampoules, use strictly after consultation with a veterinarian;
  • disposable insulin and regular syringes;
  • ammonia, cognac (to revive a weak kitten or an impressionable owner);
  • bags for used materials.

Read also: Discharge from a pregnant cat. How to recognize danger

Place for childbirth

By the time the cat's behavior before giving birth becomes restless, the pet should be accustomed to maternity box. The box in which the kittens will grow should appear in the house a week before important event so that the cat has time to get used to it and begins to consider it a safe territory. Otherwise, the cat chooses the place themselves. Such a place may be a closet, a secluded corner behind the sofa, or a space under the bathroom, which is not only inconvenient for observing the process, but also dangerous for children. It is almost impossible to convince a giving birth cat: no matter how much the owner carries her into the box, she will return to the selected corner, dragging newborns there.

Delivery box: box suitable size, so that the pet can stretch out inside to its full height in any direction, and at the same time there is room for kittens. Height – half a meter or a little more. A hole should be cut in one of the walls at such a distance from the floor that the cat can go inside, but the kittens cannot get out. The width of the hole is slightly larger than the width of the pet’s chest. We cut off the top of the box and cover it with a diaper, attaching it to the walls with clothespins (makes it easier to clean the house, care for and monitor the babies). We lay a mattress wrapped in film or waterproof fabric on the bottom (so that the discharge does not wet the cardboard), and put an absorbent diaper on top. When the birth is complete, you will need to put a regular pillowcase on the mattress (you should have a spare, since pillowcases will have to be changed daily).

– a gentle creature, in some ways comparable to “tender” Chinese vases made of translucent porcelain. In order for everything to be okay with her and her kittens, the animal needs special care and careful care. The most painful issue for novice breeders is the place where the cat will be born. How to prepare it and what should you always have on hand when preparing to give birth to your pet?

What your pet needs most is a quiet and secluded place., where she can give birth without worrying about the safety of her babies. We strongly advise you to prepare the birthing basket ahead of time and immediately accustom your cat to it. It must be remembered that the size of such a “den” must be sufficient for the mother herself and all her offspring to comfortably fit there.

Please note that cats are very willful and capricious animals. You can never give a 100% guarantee that your pet will use exactly the place that you have prepared to give birth to kittens. Her desires do not always coincide with yours.

Fill the box with a thick layer of clean, old towels, linens, etc. Some breeders advise filling the breeding baskets with layers of old rags (large enough so that the kittens do not get tangled in them) and paper towels(they absorb moisture perfectly), you can use disposable diapers. It is advisable to place paper on top: immediately after the birth of the cubs, it, soaked through with liquids, can be carefully pulled out of the “den”.

By the way, is it possible to use an ordinary cardboard box? Yes, there's nothing wrong with that. But remember that it must be made of thick, high-quality cardboard. You should not use boxes whose walls are covered with paints and stickers, as well as boxes that have a strong smell of some kind of chemicals, cosmetics (soap, for example), or food. All these smells will probably scare away the cat, and she will not give birth there. In addition, do not forget about the danger of developing allergic reactions in newborn kittens.

Where can you put a cat's "lair"?

How to arrange everything? Place the box or basket in a room where there are no drafts, but at the same time you do not need to place it close to the central heating radiator. This should be a quiet place, not passable. If necessary, you should be able to completely isolate the room from other pets and children. Be sure to place it close to the basket litter tray and bowls of food and water. Of course, food and drink need to be regularly replaced with fresh ones.

This is due to the fact that in nature, all cats carefully camouflage their lair, and therefore cats are extremely sensitive to “toilet” odors near the place where their kittens are.

Let us repeat once again that the basket must be prepared in advance, immediately accustoming the cat to it. Place your pet in it, pet it, talk to the animal in a calm, confident voice. At the same time we give one simple, but important advice: if you don’t want problems in the near future, be sure to isolate all dark corners, the space under the bathroom, etc. from the “ubiquitous” cat. Otherwise, you will almost certainly have to scoop out newborn kittens from there, or wait until they grow up. Follow your pet with a “tail”: if you see that she is looking for a place to give birth, persistently transfer her to the basket.

What should you always have on hand?

Be sure to prepare all of the following and have all of these things on hand at all times. Remember, you most likely won't have to interfere with the birth process, but if necessary, don't run around the house in a panic. Read about the main problems that some cat owners face, and immediately write down the number of a 24-hour veterinary hospital.

So here's what you should prepare:

  • Stock up on paper towels and clean cloths. We highly recommend using cotton or flannel scraps, as newborn kittens hardly get tangled in them. Never put cotton wool or “loose” fabrics in the basket, in which the claws of newborn pets will get stuck. Old onesies and children's shirts are ideal (including as a filler for a basket).
  • Notepad and pen. We strongly advise you to record the time of birth of each kitten and record when the placenta is delivered after each baby. In addition, you can also record the cat’s body temperature (if you measure it). In the same notebook, write down the number (or preferably several) of the veterinarian.
  • Antiseptic solution. It is easy to make it yourself by preparing a 70% aqueous solution of alcohol. However, it will fit perfectly alcohol tincture iodine, vodka or even cologne (but it is not advisable to use it).
  • Gauze bandages.
  • Unwaxed dental floss.
  • Disposable gloves for caring for newborn kittens.
  • If your cat has had any problems nursing babies in the past, be sure to prepare a special formula milk for newborn kittens, as well as a bottle. Luckily, you probably won't have to use this, but it still wouldn't hurt to have some extra. In any case, you can feed the mixture to older kittens (as complementary food).
  • Seam removal kit, including blunt scissors and forceps. You may need all this if you have to tie the umbilical cord yourself.
  • Accurate scales for weighing small kittens. They are extremely useful if you doubt the viability of the newborn babies.

Finally, prepare yourself mentally. During the birthing process, cats can make sounds that can shock any faint-hearted person. There's no need to worry too much - it's completely normal phenomenon. Please note that many cats “decide” to give birth exclusively at night or early in the morning, so be prepared for forced insomnia.

Be sure to instruct all your household members about the need to maintain ideal silence during childbirth: sharp sounds (popping, clanking of dishes, etc.) can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Under no circumstances should you constantly hover around the birthing basket!

Here's how to prepare the area for your cat to give birth. There's nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that you should prepare everything in advance, and not run around in a panic, looking for everything you need during the birth process.

Is your sweet pet preparing to become the mother of wonderful kittens? It's time to prepare for labor activity cats. This process is natural and, in principle, uncomplicated, if, of course, your animal has decent health and strong physical strength.

Today we will talk about how cats give birth, and what a caring owner can do to alleviate the suffering of his pet.

Preparing for childbirth

If the animal has good physical characteristics and no certain risks to its health have been identified throughout pregnancy, the birth can be successful in the comfort of your home.

A cat's pregnancy lasts on average 60-70 days. So that during this important process the owner is nearby and can provide necessary help in case of complications.

If your pet has been observed negative signs complicated pregnancy, it is necessary to find a reliable veterinary clinic, where the cat can give birth favorably under the supervision of experienced doctors.

You can determine the rapid process by characteristic features, detected approximately 5-7 days before birth.

Symptoms indicating the onset of labor:

  • a few days before giving birth, the animal prepares a place for future offspring and can carry soft things and toys there;
  • before contractions, the cat’s behavior changes sharply, it can meow loudly, rush from side to side, and refuses food;
  • actively licks its fur, paying attention to Special attention intimate area, which is associated with the appearance natural secretions before childbirth;
  • During contractions, the cat’s condition noticeably worsens; she may fall to the floor, breathe heavily, and toss and turn.

If the owner determines critical condition pet, it is better to immediately deliver the woman in labor to the department of the veterinary clinic. This measure will help eliminate the risks of complications and allow the cat to give birth to healthy kittens with the help of an experienced veterinarian.

First birth in cats

The worst thing for the owner fluffy pet– first birth of a cat. The unknown, fear for her life and other dubious experiences often force her to seek help from doctors. But there is no need to sound the alarm in advance. The first birth of a cat is standard, but longer.

Features of the first birth:

  1. The birth process can last for a whole day. All this time the animal will be bothered by painful contractions. The owner will also have to be nervous, but it’s worth it! With the advent of little kittens, the atmosphere in your home will change, and the cat itself will become more responsible and mature. Do not leave the animal alone during this time difficult period, try to provide her with the necessary help and affectionate care.
  2. If a cat is carrying several kittens, count on quick birth definitely not worth it. The interval between the birth of another baby can be 15-20 minutes, and sometimes this period stretches for a whole hour or more. Don't panic in this situation; in almost all cases, this break is natural and safe for the woman in labor.
  3. Before the birth of the first kitten, the cat's amniotic fluid. After this, in birth canal The baby's head may appear. It is very important at this moment not to allow the woman in labor to sit down, as this can injure the newborn kitten. Follow this process!
  4. When the baby is born, it is necessary to free him from the bubble in which he is located, and also to eliminate his connection with the mother - cut the umbilical cord. Experienced cats who give birth repeatedly perform necessary actions, however, in the case of the first birth, the animal may become confused. Your task: carefully release the baby and cut the umbilical cord with sterile scissors approximately 2-3 cm at a distance from the kitten’s tummy. After this, the remaining part of the organ must be bandaged with special threads. To be prepared for such an activity, prepare in advance all the necessary equipment for a successful birth of your beloved cat.
  5. After all the kittens are born, the placenta comes out. As a rule, the cat independently gets rid of this place, in which the future kittens were located throughout pregnancy. If your pet is unable to free herself from the placenta, take adequate measures: gently pull the remaining part of the umbilical cord and pull it out. There is nothing scary in this procedure, the main thing is not to be nervous and perform all the steps consistently and confidently!

Almost all the points described in the features of the first birth correspond to subsequent birth processes. Distinctive factor: longer term of birth of kittens and lack of experience of the mother in labor.

That is why veterinarians recommend that owners of domestic cats be nearby during the first labor and, if necessary, provide useful assistance, thanks to which your animal can safely give birth to tiny and very cute kittens.

How to care for a newborn kitten

Now that we know how pets give birth to kittens, we need to familiarize ourselves with the recommendations of experts regarding proper care for newborn animals.

A smart cat with experience or good instinctive data will independently perform all the necessary actions to create a safe environment for her babies. If your pet is faced with this important task for the first time and cannot fully demonstrate her maternal instincts, the owner will have to take the initiative.

What to do after the birth of a kitten:

  1. So that the baby calms down and feels native warmth, apply it to the mother cat's nipple.
  2. It is also necessary to provide proper care woman in labor. Place a heating pad on the animal's back or point a warm light lamp in its direction.
  3. If your cat has been carrying several kittens, you need to act sequentially, according to a clear pattern: the first kitten is next to the mother until subsequent contractions. Now the cat is eliminated for the birth of a new baby, and at this time the first pet is left alone. The baby may freeze and die, and to prevent this from happening, carefully transfer it to a pre-prepared box with sides, equipped with a soft and warm cloth. Such actions are performed with the appearance of each kitten.
  4. When all the babies are born, the young mother will be able to care for the kittens on her own.

As a rule, cats have a natural maternal instinct. She will tenderly protect her cubs, feed them tasty and healthy milk and warm you with your warmth. If for some reason the pet does not fulfill its duties, the owner will have to take serious measures to save the small pets.

The most important rules caring for kittens growing up without maternal care:

  1. Create a warm place for the baby’s safe life support. You can organize it in a small box with sides so that the animal does not accidentally fall. The box should not be placed high or in places where there are drafts. Place on the bottom warm cloth so that the kittens are soft and not cold. Heating is also practiced table lamp, just do not need to direct the hot rays at the baby’s body, so as not to accidentally burn his delicate skin.
  2. Purchase special formulas for newborn kittens at a veterinary pharmacy. Feeding should be done on demand, 8-10 times a day, including at night.
  3. When the kitten grows up, you can introduce healthy and safe food into the diet, on the recommendation of a specialist.
  4. Do not leave the kitten alone for a long time if it has already learned to move independently. An inexperienced pet can climb into dangerous places and get dangerous injuries. Or eliminate this possibility in advance by covering such niches with certain things.

When the kittens grow up, learn to care for themselves and eat on their own. regular food for animals, you can look for a responsible owner who is ready to welcome a furry friend into his family. As a rule, give the kitten to kind hands should be 1.5-2 months after birth.

Many owners of domestic cats are interested in the question - what addition to the family awaits in the near future? It is impossible to predict the number of kittens. Typically, a cat may initially give birth to one to six kittens. This parameter is influenced by various factors:

  • individual characteristics of the cat’s body;
  • her weight and age;
  • hormonal balance.

How older cat, the fewer kittens she gives birth to. For example, mature representatives of the feline family usually have 1-3 kittens. Animals that have reached 10 years of age or more rarely become pregnant and give birth to live kittens. Young individuals can bear large offspring. If the owner purebred cat plans to sell furry babies, such offspring are very useful.

More difficult task appears among owners of ordinary cats that are not in demand among the public. Few people nowadays want to have a pet without a breed. But, you shouldn’t think about the bad ahead of time, dooming newborn kittens to certain death.

In such cases, it is better to take adequate measures in advance, thanks to which this problem will be eliminated automatically. You don’t want to give birth to a cat and look for suitable people ready to take a four-legged baby into your family?

Then take your pet to the veterinary clinic in advance and have it sterilized. This procedure will save you and the animal itself from unnecessary problems in the future.

  1. If you want your cat to safely give birth to healthy kittens, consult in advance with an experienced specialist who can determine the risks of pathologies and complications during childbirth in the animal. To understand these risks, the veterinarian will conduct a preliminary examination and examination, after which he will issue a conclusion.
  2. A pregnant cat needs to be provided with healthy and balanced diet, since the nutrition of the expectant mother largely depends physical health her babies.
  3. Try to limit any physical exercise in a pregnant cat. Make sure that she does not make sudden movements or jump from great heights.
  4. Before giving birth, purchase medications and accessories from a specialized pharmacy to help your cat during labor and after the birth of babies. Detailed instructions issued by the veterinarian observing the animal.
  5. If you are afraid of participating in such important process and doubt your competence, agree in advance with the doctor about the possibility of giving birth at home with his participation, or take your pet to the veterinary clinic when the first contractions begin.

The birth of kittens and the birth process itself in cats has much in common with the birth of children in women. Contractions, the onset of labor, the release of the placenta and the umbilical cord - everything is the same.

As a rule, women who have domestic pregnant cats easily cope with the birth process of the animal, providing their pet with all the necessary assistance, focusing on personal experience.

It is not so easy for men to give birth, but it is possible. Don’t be afraid for your cat ahead of time and control every stage of labor, providing full care and proper care!

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