I can't cut my toenails. How to cut toenails correctly: in order to avoid unpleasant consequences

Almost every day, a person's legs experience tremendous stress, and often this leads to the appearance of ingrown nails. In this regard, the question arises of how to cut an ingrown toenail. The answer to this question is not difficult, and the procedure will not require special skills. But it is necessary to take a number of certain steps. They will help to accurately trim the nail and save you from further ingrowth.


All over the world people face the problem of ingrown nails. Often it affects the big toe, causing suffering and severe pain. The main problem is associated with systematic recurrence. Often the therapy is ineffective, and the nail causes inconvenience. It is not immediately possible to deal with it. And such nails can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Usually the problem occurs due to excessive pressure of the nail plate on the surrounding tissues.

Often the leading reason for the formation of such nails is banal - improper cutting as they gradually grow. Often, excessively strong trimming of the edge of the nail plate leads to slow and deep ingrowth, which subsequently leads to wrong growth. Another known cause advocated wearing narrow and tight shoes pressing on the fingers. As a result, the nails dig into the surrounding rollers, starting to grow deep into the tissues. The reason for this may be shoes with heels, characterized by an excessively hard insole.

Other serious reasons include:

  • damage to the feet by colonies of the fungus;
  • systematic injuries of the toes;
  • genetic factors;
  • excess body weight;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (clubfoot, arthrosis, flat feet).

A certain role in the processes of deepening the edges of the nails is played by anatomical features structure of the musculoskeletal system. An example is large wide toes, characterized by thin, delicate skin, C-shaped deepened nails, or congenital onychia on the fingers (longitudinal thickening of the comb-shaped plate). Accompanying illnesses often act as a provoking factor leading to gradual ingrowth.

it diabetes, hyperhidrosis of the feet, problems in the work of blood vessels, metabolic disorders. For this reason, the supply of nutrients to the nails is disrupted. Wrong care behind the feet and fingers, poor hygiene and excessive sweating are often accompanying factors with ingrown corners of the nails. And this additional terms for infection.

Daily excess loads associated with nails can also lead to problems with nails. work activities. Often the edges of the nails grow in loaders, professional athletes and ballerinas. The military, wearing tarpaulin boots and other shoes that interfere with the flow of air to the legs and squeeze the fingers. Congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, leading to the deviation of the fingers from their physiological location (valgus deformity), can increase the risk of the formation of ingrown edges.

Important! Everyone should understand that ingrown nails are not only aesthetic problem. They can cause severe pain and cause significant discomfort. In the absence of proper treatment, such nails often become inflamed, acting as a source of a variety of infections that can spread throughout the body. In various sources of information, it is recommended to contact a specialist at the first sign of a deepening of the nail plate or the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Nippers for ingrown nails and their features

High-quality wire cutters are a unique tool that allows you to beauty salon easily cut grown nails according to the rules. Conventional nail clippers have a pair of handles, a connector, springs, and a characteristic powerful "head". They do not bend, they are difficult to break and can be easily sterilized. Ingrown areas will require special cutter models (151, 152 and 169). They are distinguished by especially sharp and long blades, and their “head” does not have a characteristic “heel”.

This allows you to deeply capture the nail edges and carefully cut them off. In addition, models 151 and 152 feature a sideways inclined cutting edge, while model 169 has a flat cutting edge. Models of cutting pliers are made from of stainless steel, and their sharpening is carried out by qualified craftsmen on a high-quality diamond wheel. Post-processing is done manually. Additionally, a vacuum processing process is carried out, which allows to increase the service life of the nippers up to 3-5 years.

Unlike factory-made nippers, hand-crafted stainless steel models are capable of providing a quality pedicure for about 100 times. High-quality medical stainless steel nippers are distinguished by attractive smoothness and smoothness of shapes, comfortable handles and amazing sharpness. They allow you to easily cut your nails, and at the same time do not wrinkle or break their plate. Well-made wire cutters do not pull or "cling" others soft tissues and are easily cut off. Therefore, such a tool should be used very carefully.

When working with a finished tool, you should close the blades quickly and sharply, which will allow you to get smooth edge nail, unable to grow into the tissue. It is best to store the wire cutters in a case, cap or case. Additionally, you should move the return spring so that the tool blades do not touch each other. This will protect them from breakage in case of an accidental fall. Since good pedicure nippers are quite expensive, you should not neglect the listed rules.

Cutting and sawing

Ingrown nails do not give anyone pleasure, and therefore I want to get rid of them as soon as possible. In case of accession and rapid development of infection, this can be helped surgical intervention. But on early stages you can deal with ingrown edges yourself. That's just some special wire cutters will not be enough here.

It is required to learn how to properly trim and file nails in order to prevent future reappearance this unpleasant problem. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Don't try to cut your nails too short. This will only make the situation worse. It is necessary to make sure that the nail edge protrudes slightly above the side rollers. If the overgrown edges irritate the skin, a simple filing will suffice, but also in a straight line.
  2. Before filing, perform the steaming procedure. For this, a simple soda bath. To prepare it, you need 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ordinary baking soda. Boil water and put baking soda into it. After complete dissolution, allow the solution to cool and dip your fingers into it. The fingers should be steamed for 15 minutes, then you need to take them out, dry them and proceed to the next steps.
  3. Sawing must be done correctly. You should “cut off” the part of the nail, which is ½ of the length from the tip to the root. As you file, the nail should become transparent so that you can see nail bed. There is no need to rush through this step. And although it will take a lot of time, the result will pay off all the efforts.

In cases where a radical solution to nail problems is required, the following algorithm is used. It is necessary to prepare a warm bath, dissolving in hot water 1 tablet of furatsilina. Then place your feet in it for exactly half an hour. After that, apply a little antimicrobial ointment (Levomekol, Vishnevsky) to the steamed areas of ingrowth. They will help relieve inflammation and perform the function of disinfection.

When all preparations are completed, you should take a thin wooden or plastic stick, treat it with an antiseptic and try to gently pry off the edge of the ingrown nail. Under it should be placed a cotton-gauze swab soaked in an antiseptic. Similar procedures can be repeated daily, gradually moving the tampon deeper. This should be done until the deepened area is completely free.

In addition, you can make neat grooves for 1/3 of the depth of the surface of the nail plate (in the middle and along the edges). As they grow, the nail edges will be pulled towards the middle, moving away from the underlying tissues. You can additionally soften your nails before filing with pharmaceutical products(Nogtinorm, Nogtivit). If fungal colonies are found, it is worth using antifungal drugs (Nizoral, Lamisil).

Important! Grooves should be made very carefully. There is a risk of going too deep and doing more harm than good. This also applies to cotton-gauze swabs, which should always be clean and treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and aggravate the situation. And the most the best option problem solving - consult a doctor (podologist, orthopedist or surgeon).

We carry out prevention

After eliminating the ingrown nail, it will be a mistake to assume that the problem has been completely solved. There is always a risk of relapse, which experts warn about. And it is recommended to avoid it through the following preventive measures:

  • you should trim your toenails in a timely manner with special pedicure nippers in accordance with all the rules, and then carefully file the edges of the nail, giving it a strictly square shape;
  • Avoid using someone else's shoes in public places(pool, sauna, gym) it is best to use personal slippers - this will protect against fungal infection;
  • in the presence of flat feet, you should wear specially made shoes or use properly selected orthopedic insoles;
  • you need to regularly give your feet a rest, taking off your shoes at any time. convenient time and massaging the feet and fingers;
  • you should protect your legs from bruises and injuries and always wear comfortable shoes appropriate size;
  • good to do in the evening warm baths for legs based on a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula.

If nail cutting is carried out in the salon, and not at home, you must choose experienced craftsman, knowing the nuances his performance and who knows how to handle not only nails, but also his instrument. It is necessary to take care of the hygiene of the feet, to prevent excessive sweating with the help of talcs and deodorants. It is necessary to promptly treat the underlying diseases that contribute to abnormal growth of the nail and aggravate the general condition.

It is useful to always be in touch with a doctor and regularly undergo examinations by a podiatrist, dermatologist and surgeon. It is important to walk more barefoot and lubricate your feet nourishing cream along with nails. Don't forget about proper nutrition and rejection bad habits. Replacement of cigarettes and alcohol healthy vegetables, fruits, herbs, legumes and dairy products will strengthen your nails. As a result, they will better withstand daily stress and mechanical stress.

Every person, including a child, should be able to cut their nails correctly. This statement also applies to ingrown toenails that occur in a large number people throughout life. This issue does not require special skills or abilities. Simple compliance required certain rules, which will not only get rid of ingrown corners, but also prevent their reappearance.

Quite often we are faced with a problem like cutting nails. Few people know how to do it correctly and painlessly.

Not correct procedure can adversely affect the plate and the skin around.

For a haircut, the child does not need to use regular scissors. These scissors are not suitable for children, they are sharp, as you can easily injure your fingers. For children, special scissors with rounded edges are sold. Tweezers are also sold. They will help in the case when the plate went deep into the nail. All this can be purchased in children's stores and pharmacies.

It is always necessary to disinfect with alcohol, if you did not find it, you should hold it in boiling water. Handle the cutting part well. Better pedicure do after bathing the children, the fingers will soften in the water and it will be easier to cut the nails. This is done at good light. Before cutting, the pads should be pulled back a little, so you will not harm the child. For good growth nails should be cut, leaving 1.5-2 mm. Their shape should be even, not a semicircle, so that they are not ingrown into the skin.

How to cut toenails for adults

Pedicure is done for both women and men. We will need tools: nail scissors, nail file, disinfectant, favorite cream and tweezers.

Antiseptic treat all instruments before each use. Before a pedicure, rinse your feet well and rinse off any dirt in your nails. If there is varnish on the nails, it must be removed using special tools. Extended claws or gel polish are best removed by professionals. Trying to remove it yourself will only make your nail plate worse. Make a bath with chamomile or with salt. It will relieve the tension of the muscles of your foot, the skin around the legs will become soft, the claws will become depressed and obedient. Wait 20 minutes for the procedure, dry the legs well with a towel.

After that, start trimming your nails. Do not cut at the root, only in a straight line. From the nail bed, the distance should be 2-3 mm. For the desired rounded nails, use a ceramic or emery-paper-coated nail file. From a metal nail file, delamination begins. Nails can only be filed dry. In case of wounds during the procedure, it should be immediately treated with alcohol.

When trimming your nails, you will definitely notice the cuticle. If there is not a lot of it at the base, then just move it to the edge. If there is a large crease, cut it out with tweezers. If burrs are present, it's time to cut them off. With the help of a grinding machine, they can make an excellent job for you in the salon. edged pedicure. Apply an emollient or nourishing cream for 15 minutes and your legs will look great.

How often to carry out this procedure

Each person's body is built differently, so this question cannot be answered exactly. Approximately a nail grows 5-6 mm in a month. It all depends on your age, your health, how you eat, heredity and the time of year. The interval for nail care regularly should be within two weeks.

According to Islam

According to the Sunnah, there is order. Starts with right hand index fingers, followed by a medium haircut and thus to the little fingers, and only after that we proceed to cutting the thumbs. On the left, we are the opposite, starting with the little finger and finishing the procedure thumb. You should start with the right little finger of the foot and end with the left little finger.

procedure during pregnancy

Pregnant on last dates faced with such a problem as cutting nails. And not surprisingly, the body noticeably changes and it becomes harder to bend over and reach for the legs.

A woman should always look good and take care of her nails. necessary procedure and every expectant mother hygiene procedures does it differently. If this is not done, problems may arise, the nail may grow in, perhaps the appearance of burrs, cracks, and simply cause inconvenience and discomfort. There are a lot of bacteria in shoes and they are able to penetrate into cracks in the claws and into cuts, thereby festering will occur. Due to uncut nails, no woman, including in position, wants to get an infection.

The longer a pregnant girl has a period, the greater her weight becomes, thereby increasing the load on her feet. Thus, corns on the legs and corns are formed. All this is due to swelling of the legs, which leads to calluses. A haircut, even at home, is mandatory and regular.

Procedure for pregnant women in the salon

Visiting a beauty salon, professionals will make your legs well-groomed, and you will make your work easier. Because of the fear of acquiring an infection, women do not prefer to go to the salon. And such cases of infection still exist. Although they have an obligation to observe sanitation, there will still be someone who breaks the rules. There is not only infection from scissors, etc., but also possible exposure to toxicity from varnish and other agents. This reflects badly on the baby and on herself. future mother. All this can only happen with large amounts of poison. And what is applied to the nails, then nothing bad will happen to the body.

If you are strongly against the salon, and you yourself cannot do it, then a trimmed pedicure will help you. Choose only proven masters to whom you can trust your legs. For safety, once again remind the master about the disinfection of tools. If you come across a good master, then he should know that it is strictly forbidden to steam out the legs of pregnant women. The consequences can be dire, initial terms it can be a miscarriage, and on long-term, to the expansion of the veins. During pregnancy, a woman's sense of smell is especially developed, therefore pungent odors contraindicated for them and the room should be ventilated. Nausea can also occur from essential oils.

Branded, expensive varnishes do not contain various toxins, so it is better to use them. For expectant mothers, salons are equipped with special adjustable chairs for them to be comfortable. Perhaps they will offer a procedure with an automatic pedicure machine with many attachments, this will significantly speed up the process. The procedure will be painless, without cracks, than with manual work.

Our nails are unique gift nature. They perform many useful features. For example, they protect the fingertips from damage. Thanks to this protection, the fingertips can remain the most sensitive and practical part of our body.

For female half of humanity, nails can still play the role fashion jewelry, harmoniously complementing the image.

Therefore, on our part, we simply have to keep our nails in order and observe elementary rules caring for them.

Healthy nails grow about 2-4 mm per month. Condition and appearance nails, as well as the speed of their growth directly depends on how correctly we cut them.

How to cut your nails correctly?

A properly shaped nail should be rounded shape, do not cause discomfort when doing household chores.

The ideal shape for your nail will be exactly the one that exactly repeats the shape of your fingertips.

The shape of the nail must be rounded, otherwise sharp edges can lead to ingrown nails or excessive skin growths in the corners.

Don't cut your nails too short. After a while, the fingertips will begin to expand, take on a rough shape. In addition, there is a risk of infection under the nail. The minimum length of the nail can be determined by the visible white rim at the very tips.

If you prefer to wear long nails, do not forget to regularly clean the skin under the nail - a record number of bacteria collects in this place.

It is recommended to cut nails with special manicure scissors. To make it smooth straight line, you need to grab the nail with the tips of the scissors and move in small steps. Thus, the shape of the nail will be more accurate.

When to use nail clippers?

In hard-to-reach places it is convenient to use tweezers.

If your nails are complex shape or an area that is too wide, trimming your nails becomes more difficult for you. In order not to damage the skin and the integrity of the nail, attach the bottom edge of the tweezers to the bottom of the nail and start cutting gently without pressing.

If you need to trim an ingrown toenail, try using angled nail clippers.

When can you cut your nails? Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar

In order for the nail plate to grow strong and healthy, it is advisable to cut the nails in auspicious days. Nails will grow faster if they are cut during the new moon, or in the phase of the growing moon.

Most lucky days for cutting nails will match with lunar calendar haircuts.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure by months, waxing moon

Fashion trends in manicure this season: new items

Kamifubuki: trendy nail design ideas

How to grow long nails fast

Cutting your own nails is like separating scattered grains into grains. You need to be careful and patient, take the most comfortable posture and periodically take a break to straighten up 🙂

  1. How often do you cut your nails?

  1. How do you lengthen your nails?

The safest tool for shortening nails is. She could be for thin nails(250 grit), normal (180 grit) and extra thick (180-150-100 grit). Using a file, it is very difficult to overdo it. For example, it will not work to cut the corner of the nail so that it will start later, cutting the nail “under the very no” and touching the skin - the file will start to heat up and slightly burn the skin. The filed edge of the nail with a file has a smooth surface and does not scratch the neighbors on the bed, keeps the nylon socks intact.

If the nail has already grown strongly, then nail clippers can be used. I recommend that you first steam your nails in warm water. With translational movements from left to right or vice versa, bite off the rough length of the nail, and then file the final beautiful appearance of the nail with a nail file. It is necessary to work with nail clippers progressively, and not biting off the entire nail in one movement, because it can crack “under the meat” and then hurt for a long time.

  1. What shape are your toenails?

The correct answer is square, and the sharp corners are slightly filed so as not to scratch. Imagine, only one can save you from problems with. free edge The nail must be at least 0.5 mm long.

  1. Do you clean dirt from under your nails?

This item is an integral part of nail and foot care in general. It is easiest after a shower / bath, when the nail plate becomes soft and pliable. For such a procedure, you can use an orange stick, a corner of an old iron file, a dental tool - a tampon holder. I do not recommend using toothpicks or any other sharp instruments. Any wound on the legs (and especially under the nail) will then “disgustingly” hurt.

For a woman who takes care of herself, the condition of her toenails is one of the main values.

Why you need toenail care

Well-groomed, decorated modern style nails give her self-confidence, completeness of the image and relieve a lot of problems in choosing:

  • summer shoes;
  • jewelry for legs (for example, chains);
  • length of pants or skirts.

Even the ease of walking will be affected by the appearance of the fingers and toenails. And it's not even about the brightness of coloring or the presence of a fashionable pattern. It's about accuracy, style and self-esteem.

The second reason why nail care should be correct and regular is the health of the nail bed and nail plate.

The consequences of improper pedicure can be:

  • Ingrown nail;
  • Delamination and cracking of nails;
  • Injury to the nail roller and infection in it;
  • Panaritiums and paronychias.

What should be the toenails?

On the nails, as well as on most parts of the body, there are certain canons. So, oval and almond nails. Fashionable colors and pedicure accessories are changing. It is, of course, about female legs. For men, fashion for toenails is far from in the first place. However, for them hygienically - aesthetic moments remain unchanged.

To date, the most convenient and hygienically correct are rectangular nails that protrude 1-2 mm beyond the nail bed. This guarantees the correct physiological state nails, its impeccable appearance and prevention of skin diseases.

The fact is that nails that do not have necessary care, are often the cause of the development inflammatory diseases feet, various skin diseases, and even lead to a change in gait and the shape of the foot.

Ideally, toenail care should be done by a pedicurist, whose efforts are distributed between the feet, nails and calluses. In this case, you should not worry about the correctness and staging of the procedure.

At home, doing a pedicure is somewhat more difficult, but possible, and with a good result.

It should immediately be noted that for certain skin diseases, pedicure is a contraindication, possibly temporary. The final decision is made by a dermatologist.

Before you start trimming, you need to take care of the availability of tools.

You will need:

  1. Nail scissors;
  2. nail file;
  3. Antiseptic;
  4. Softening cream;
  5. Manicure tweezers (if necessary).

Tools for cutting nails should be clean, preferably disinfected. These are items for individual use, so their joint use is excluded. Way even with well-known people.

The procedure should be started after thorough washing of the feet with any toilet soap and cleaning dirt from under the nails. If there was a previous lacquer coating, it must be removed by the means intended for this. Removal of gel coatings or extended nails is a matter for professionals. Do not use industrial acetone or just peeling. The upper layer of the nail epidermis will suffer, opening itself nail plate for infection.

The next step is to conduct a foot bath using a solution sea ​​salt or decoction medicinal herbs(suitable chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, plantain and others). This will help relieve the tone from the tense muscles of the foot, soften the skin around the nail bed, make the nail more pliable and soft. After an exposure of 15-20 minutes, dry the feet thoroughly with a towel.

You can start trimming your nails. This is done in a straight line, in no case cutting off to the very root. There should be 1-2 mm of space protruding beyond the nail bed. If there is a need to round the corners, you need to use a nail file for this. It is better if it is made of ceramic or has an emery paper coating. Metal nail files spoil the nails and provoke their further separation. Do not file wet nails, this adversely affects their quality.

If, at the time of cutting, the skin was accidentally pricked with the scissors, this place should be carefully disinfected with any alcohol-containing solution prepared for this purpose.

After trimming, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the condition of the nail fold and cuticle. When steamed, it is easy to move it to the base of the nail (in case of a large fold, it can be carefully trimmed with tweezers). At the same time, burrs should be cut with scissors. AT nail salon may offer to use for these purposes safe procedure(unedged pedicure), which is carried out using a grinder.

The nail will look neat if after that you apply a softening cream and nutrient for the cuticle. Leave the product on for 5-10 minutes, then remove the excess with a napkin.

Ingrown nail: problems of dealing with it

Women who have had the problem of an ingrown nail for more than a day know that in no case should it be started. In the early stages of its occurrence, you can deal with it yourself. At running form it is better to consult a specialist.

This problem occurs in the following cases:

  • Wearing very narrow, non-physiological form of shoes;
  • Received injury;
  • Incorrect positioning of the foot while walking.

At home, the question "How to cut toenails?" contains the answer to this question. For this you should:

  • After the bath, gently release the ingrown part of the nail;
  • Clean out the dirt from under it with a special spatula;
  • Cut off the protruding part;
  • Treat the place with a solution of furatsilina or levomikol ointment;
  • Gently walk along the edge of the nail with a nail file, giving the desired shape.

How often should you cut your nails

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. On average, a person's nail grows by 4-5 mm per month. But this is on average. In practice, each organism is individual and may have its own terms of nail growth.

In addition, the process depends on:

  1. seasons;
  2. age;
  3. The nature of the food;
  4. health conditions;
  5. daily routine;
  6. hereditary predisposition;
  7. period of the day;

If you set the goal of regular nail care, then the interval should not exceed two weeks.

Prevention of nail diseases

As you know, the problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it. This fully applies to nails. Regular hygiene procedures will help to avoid serious problems and have a healthy, attractive appearance. For this you need:

  • At the end of the day, wash your feet with soap, carefully removing any remaining liquid;
  • In the case of a long stay on your feet, as well as wearing shoes on high heels, it is useful to carry out soothing procedures ( herbal baths, rubbing with homeopathic remedies designed to normalize blood supply, light massage stop). You can hold your legs for 15-20 minutes, raised above the horizontal level by 40-45o to ensure the outflow of blood from lower extremities. A cool lower extremity shower will also work.
  • During a bath or shower, it is useful to renew the top layer of the skin with a foot scrub. Scrub can be purchased at the store, or you can resort to home remedies (baking soda or salt and soap, ground coffee residues, etc.).
  • Lubricate the cleansed skin, including the cuticle, with a nourishing cream. AT summer time When the skin of the legs quickly roughens and dries, it is better to purchase a product for rough skin of the legs and not delay its application.
  • Effective softening gives the application of the cream at night, under socks.
  • Do not wear too tight shoes;
  • Walk as little as possible in high (more than 7 cm) heels;
  • Carry out exercises for the feet during the day;
  • Change socks or tights daily;
  • enjoy special means to absorb moisture and dry the skin of the legs;
  • News healthy lifestyle life;
  • Observe the diet and sleep.
