What to do if the smell from the mouth

According to statistics, almost half of the world's population is tormented by the question of how to get rid of bad breath at home. This topic causes embarrassment and few people talk about it out loud. Often, education does not allow you to tell the interlocutor that he has bad breath. Many live like this, not knowing about their problem, and do not understand why people keep their distance during a conversation.

Bad surprise: terrible breath

The term halitosis means painful breathing. To evoke only pleasant sensations in others, it is recommended to check the oral cavity for freshness. This will not take much time, but it will help solve the problem, if any.

How do you know if you have bad breath?

  1. Breathe into your palm and then sniff.
  2. Floss your teeth. What it smells like - so it is in the oral cavity.
  3. Breathe into the back of a teaspoon or into your wrist. If this smell is multiplied several times, it will be clear what it is in the mouth.
  4. Ask a loved one.
  5. Look at the reaction of interlocutors in close contact.

If you still find bad breath, you can eliminate it with improvised means. Just rinse with water or use chewing gum. And be sure to think about a global solution to the problem. To do this, it is recommended to start by determining the causes of bad breath, because the method and result of the struggle depends on this.

Causes of bad breath:

    Dental diseases (caries, gum disease, oral mucosa, problems with prostheses).

    Oral hygiene is either poor or non-existent. As a result, bacteria accumulate or food remains spoil.

    Dry mouth. Not enough saliva is produced to kill the bacteria, so they multiply and give off a stench. This may be due to the use of medications, such as antidepressants or tranquilizers.

    Diseases that provoke halitosis: oncology, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx (polyps, tonsillitis), chronic lung diseases.

    Eating a lot of protein foods. Its decay products have the smell of a rotten egg.

    Starvation. People who use fasting to improve the body note the occurrence of severe halitosis during the entire procedure. Some attribute this to the release of slags, others to the smell of waste during the processing of fat - acetone. Similar processes are observed in the diet.

    Stress. When the body is under stress, saliva production slows down. Many are familiar with the situation when, even with excitement, the mouth dries up. There is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

    Smoking and alcohol cause dryness of the oral mucosa. Saliva does not cope with its disinfecting duties, and multiplying bacteria are actively working, releasing unpleasant waste products.

    Garlic and onion are known for their pungent odor. This is due to the fact that the human body removes substances that it cannot absorb with exhaled air, as well as with stool or urine.

Smell from the mouth, what to do?

If the dentist throws up his hands and prescribes various refreshing pastes and rinses, then it is better to be diagnosed for other diseases. If nothing is found, then you need to carefully monitor nutrition and oral hygiene.

How to eliminate bad breath:

    Use chewing gum without sugar, which will increase saliva production and neutralize halitosis. It is not recommended to abuse its use - it is harmful to the stomach.

    The smell in the mouth perfectly neutralizes the coffee bean or dried cloves, they need to be chewed slowly.

    Brush and floss your teeth in the morning and evening, and preferably after every meal. It is good to clean the base of the tongue, it is there that a large number of microbes accumulate.

    Visit the dentist if the smell is persistent. To diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Examined for the presence or absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ENT, lungs.

    If the cause of the smell is a long break in eating, then you need to eat or drink water. The smell of digested food rises up the empty esophagus, causing trouble.

    How to remove bad breath using modern means? The range of such devices is very wide: rinses, sprays, dragees, lozenges, toothpastes, powders, electric and ultrasonic toothbrushes.

    Rinse your mouth. Plain water or strong tea cleanses the mouth of food debris. The composition of black and green tea includes substances that neutralize sulfur compounds. They are the ones that emit the bad odor.

    Any vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed, rapeseed, olive) 10 minutes after thoroughly rinsing your mouth with it will restore fresh breath. After that it becomes almost white, because it cleans the oral cavity.

A special mouthwash, like a foot odor remedy, is sold at a pharmacy or home improvement store. The mouthwash will freshen your breath and disinfect your mouth. But it is recommended to use it as directed by a doctor - there may be contraindications.

Such funds are different in their composition. May include: antibacterial substances, painkillers, astringents, enamel strengthening, gum bleeding stops, nutrients and substances that prevent the formation of stones on the teeth.


How to treat bad breath with folk remedies, people have known for decades. Herbal rinses are the most effective because they have no contraindications and, if swallowed, are not harmful, but even beneficial.

  • Chamomile, wormwood, strawberries to choose from: 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water. Strain after half an hour. Rinse 3 times a day.
  • Oak bark: Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon and boil in a water bath for about half an hour. Strain, rinse your mouth 3 times a day.
  • Mint: 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain and rinse 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Eat foods such as:

  • Parsley, mint, coriander, wormwood, cardamom, rosemary, eucalyptus neutralize halitosis and improve digestion. These herbs are recommended to be chewed as long as possible or consumed as a tea.
  • Yogurt without sugar and preservatives, according to the conclusions of scientists, lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide in the oral cavity.
  • Foods rich in fiber: apples, celery and carrots cause profuse salivation. This is their secret to fighting bad breath.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits, berries. Favorably affect the condition of the gums and form an environment in which bacteria cannot multiply.

It is interesting:

    A special small device was invented - the Kiss-o-Meter odor detector. On a five-point scale, he determines the possibility of a kiss, depending on the freshness of breath.

    What causes a peculiar smell in the mouth? Under certain conditions, the number of bacteria in the mouth increases dramatically. They actively break down proteins, resulting in an increase in the amount of waste products in the form of volatile sulfur compounds.

    In addition to the sulfurous smell in the mouth, others can occur: the smell of a corpse (cadaverine), the smell of feet (isovaleric acid), the smell of excrement (methyl mercaptan), the smell of spoiling meat (putrescine), and the smell of decaying fish (trimethylamine). Here is the kit!

    Products that increase halitosis: cakes, cookies, sweets, milk and its derivatives, meat, fish due to the high content of carbohydrates and proteins.

    The bad smell in the mouth is especially strong in the morning. This is due to the fact that during sleep the production of saliva practically stops, there is no access of oxygen to the oral cavity. So bacteria multiply in such excellent conditions, leaving their owner or hostess with a morning surprise in the form of waste products of their vital activity.

    In older people, halitosis worsens due to a decrease in the amount of saliva secreted with age. And in babies, on the contrary, salivation is intense, so bad breath is a rarity.
