14 Important Habits of Happy Couples

Leo Tolstoy argued that all happy families are equally happy. And we might think that this is just a beautiful phrase, but numerous studies confirm that strong couples do have common habits that allow them to live in harmony and keep relationships for many years.

So, what do happy couples do to make their love only grow stronger over the years?

1. They say "I love you"

If this seems obvious to you, we can congratulate you - you are doing everything right. But in some couples, for some reason, they do not consider it necessary to confess their love to each other. As in a joke: “I once said that I love you. If anything changes, I'll let you know."

But three simple words, spoken with tenderness, can greatly defuse the tense atmosphere, inspire confidence in yourself and that everything is fine.


2. They go to bed together

Hugging a pillow while a loved one is sitting at a computer in the next room is somehow wrong. Try to go to bed together as often as possible.

Before going to bed, you can discuss the events of the day, plan the weekend and just snuggle up to each other under a warm blanket. This is very close.

123 RF/ Andor Bujdoso

3. They don't leave home without saying goodbye.

At first glance, this seems like an insignificant trifle, but a few seconds that you spend on a kiss and the phrase “until the evening” will charge your loved one with a great mood for the whole day. Even if one of you is late, show concern - wish each other success.

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4. They Discuss Difficulties

“Don’t escalate” - let this be the main rule in your relationship. If something suddenly hurt, went wrong, seemed harsh and rude - just discuss it with your loved one. Happy couples are happy because they don't allow their brains to be polluted with unnecessary suspicions and resentments.

123 RF/ Olena Yakobchuk

5. They listen to each other

In continuation of paragraph 4, it is not enough to speak, one must also be able to listen. Do not interrupt, do not question any word, but patiently listen to all explanations and arguments. Try at least sometimes during a fiery speech of a loved one not to think about what to say in response, but to delve into his words. A very useful skill.

123 RF/ lucky business

6. They don't defend themselves against each other

Happy couples understand that their relationship is not a battlefield. Even if quarrels and misunderstandings arise, they do not close themselves off from each other, do not try to “push through” their point of view, do not take the position of a teenager whose mother scolds for bad behavior, but treat a loved one with love even at the moment when you want him "kill".

7. They don't criticize each other in public.

Although even tete-a-tete criticism, if it is not constructive, can negatively affect relationships. American psychologist Daniel Goleman conducted a study involving a thousand couples, and the result was sad: 93% of families that constantly criticized and devalued each other divorced within 4 years. What can we say about public criticism? It "destroys" the relationship much faster.

8. They hold hands while walking.

Someone will say “kindergarten, pants with straps”, and scientists say everything is very serious. Tactile contact is really important for building strong and trusting relationships.

123 RF/ Jacob Filimonov

In addition, women perceive such a gesture as: "he has feelings for me, and he does not hesitate to show them in public." And for a man, this is another way to show that he and only his girlfriend is nearby. Let others look, but the "territory" is closed to them.

9. They dream together

It is said that dreams dreamed up together come true twice as fast. Like it or not, you can check on yourself and your loved one. But where such a habit will definitely help you is in strengthening relationships. A common dream, a common goal - all this incredibly brings together and tunes in to a common wave.

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10. They discuss big purchases.

Of course, every family has its own budgeting model. Someone "drains" all the money into a "common pot", while others live with different cards and borrow from each other. But be that as it may, the experience of happy couples shows that if you have planned a major purchase, first discuss it with a loved one. Thus, you will not only prevent unnecessary quarrels, but also show your loved one that his opinion is important to you.

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11. They fool around together

These things cannot be planned. In order to tickle each other's heels, fight with pillows and bite on the nose, you need the right mood. But if you understand that you are behaving like little ones - do not resist, do not try to seem more serious and do not play a strict kindergarten teacher. Joint tomfoolery is very close. Yes, and you can throw out negative emotions during a pillow fight.

123 RF/ Olena Yacobchuk

12. They let each other get bored.

Even if they spend 24 hours a day together, each of them finds an opportunity to be alone with themselves, so that later, when they get bored, they will be there again. Everyone needs personal space. And even people who are truly happy in a relationship. They respect the desire of a loved one to be alone with their thoughts.

13. They praise each other

He does not miss the opportunity to remind her how beautiful she looks and cooks incredibly delicious. She celebrates all his career successes, even if some of them seem insignificant. Mutual praise, pleasant words, an admiring look - all these are different variations on the theme of the main thing that every person wants to hear: “You are special! I'm so lucky to have you."

123 RF/ Jacob Filimonov

14. They surprise each other

An unplanned trip to the cinema, a bouquet of flowers for no reason, a delicious Sunday breakfast, and many more ways to surprise a loved one - all this incredibly strengthens relationships.

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Happy couples know they can't take the person next to them for granted. Get used to it, consider that it's in the bag and now you can forget about cute surprises - this is the road to nowhere. That is why they try to please each other, and they themselves rejoice even more, seeing a sincere beloved smile.

What do you think we forgot to add to this list?
