Hair color for hazel eyes. Matching hair color to eye color

In order to successfully choose the color of your hair, emphasize all the expressive features or muffle the flaws, you need to determine your appearance color type. Each color type is suitable for a specific palette, with which you can even choose the colors of your wardrobe.

1. Spring

Girls of this color type are distinguished by tenderness, warmth and romance. Therefore, shades must be selected based on these qualities.


  • Leather: light, with a warm golden hue. Often tans badly and has a slight blush on the cheeks.
  • Eyes: blue, light blue, light green, gray and turquoise.
  • Hair: light blond, honey, light chestnut, red with a golden hue. Very often there are light curls and strands that are lighter than the rest of the hair.

What is suitable?

For the spring type of appearance, light, golden, red and caramel shades are ideal, as well as feminine haircuts and hairstyles. You can lighten individual strands or make highlights.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid cold and ashy tones, which will only add extra pallor to your face.

2. Summer

The main difference between the summer color type of appearance is its cold features. Colors such as ash, silver and cool blue dominate.


  • Leather: different shades (often olive), tans well, red or pink blush.
  • Eyes: all shades of gray, as well as light brown and rarely dark green.
  • Hair: light blond without yellowness, chestnut and dark blond, often fade in the sun and split.

What is suitable?

If the hair color is lighter, choose wheat and pearl shades or light brown. For dark hair, ash-brown shades with hints of reddish reflections are ideal.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid bright reds, reds, yellows, and blacks that will make you look older.

3. Autumn

The autumn color type is associated with a bright and warm image in a red palette. Most Slavs have the appearance of the autumn color type.


  • Leather: peach color, often with red freckles, even complexion without blush. It does not lend itself well to tanning and has a tendency to burn and redden from exposure to the sun.
  • Eyes: green, olive, amber, light brown. Often very expressive and bright.
  • Hair: red, chestnut with a red tinge.

What is suitable?

The whole palette of brown is ideal: chocolate, walnut, burgundy, cappuccino and red shades. A fiery red color can compensate for the lack of blush. Light brown shades are also good.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid golden tones and wheaten blondes.

4. Winter

The main characteristic is the sharp contrast between complexion and hair color. Appearance by nature is very spectacular, so it will be very difficult to change something.


  • Leather: light, porcelain, pale with a blue tint, pale pink. If there is no contrast, the skin may be dark, olive, or with a hint of yellow.
  • Eyes: gray, cold blue, brown, dark brown, brown with an olive tint.
  • Hair: black, chocolate-cognac, straight and thick, rarely curly.

What is suitable?

Blue-black, as well as eggplant or ashy tones, will look flawless. The saturation of the black color makes the winter appearance unique and inimitable.

What doesn't fit?

Discard the golden hues and wheaten blonde palette.

In order to successfully choose a hair color according to the color type, you need to correctly determine it and follow all the tips.

In the picture below you can see a short overview of the shades that are characteristic of each color type.

How to choose a hair color for the face, according to the color of the eyes and skin?

When choosing paint according to the color of the skin of the face, you need to remember that “platinum blonde” and “burning black” clearly highlight all the flaws. Therefore, for such shades you need flawless skin without a single flaw.

If you tend to blush, avoid bright red tones, which, together with your habit of blushing, will only emphasize and highlight it even more.

Choose a paint based on the tone of your face: if the skin is warm, choose warm colors, if it is cold, choose cold ones. This will help to avoid additional pallor or yellowness.

A well-chosen hair color should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, refresh the complexion, muffle minor skin imperfections. The most reliable way to choose the right color is to determine your color type - autumn, winter, spring, summer. For each color type, you can recommend your own color palette.

Color type "Spring"

Spring is a warm color type. A woman of the spring type produces a feeling of tenderness; there are no sharp contrasts in her appearance.

Leather: transparent, thin, with a warm shade, the color is light, slightly golden. If there are freckles, they are also light golden. There is often a milky pink blush on the cheeks. In brown-haired women, the skin tans well. The tan has a golden peach hue.

Hair often slightly curly, they are thin and fluffy. Color - light, with a warm tint, honey, amber, fawn, red, light blond with a golden hue. A rarer spring type is brown-haired women with a golden sheen on their hair.

Eye color: The eyes are usually light - blue, green, emerald, turquoise, sometimes hazel.

Peculiarities: the spring color type does not have dark brown eyes, rich chocolate tan, closely spaced vessels, black hair.

  • Color type "Spring": contrast options - soft, light, warm "Spring"

Suitable hair color for spring type: For a light spring type, delicate golden hues from sandalwood to honey can be recommended.

The ideal hairstyle is feminine, but not too romantic: soft waves, page or short haircut, and it should not look too sporty. It looks like clarification of individual strands. Gray hair can be hidden with light paint, or by constantly dyeing your hair in a warm grayish shade.

For a darker, contrasting "spring" girl, you can recommend shades of light chestnut, caramel, walnut. A shade of mahogany will give your image a touch of energy, extravagance.

Color type "Summer"

Summer- cold color type. The main characteristics of the summer type: ashy, cool bluish shades. Summer is contrasting, non-contrasting, average.

Leather: the summer type can have skin of different shades, but they always have a cold bluish subcutaneous highlight. If there are freckles, they are gray-brown in color. Tan is taken well, even the lightest skin in the sun acquires an even hazel tint (the so-called "steppe" tan). Blush - pink or red, due to the fact that the vessels are close, redness on the skin is often visible.

Hair color has a cold ash tint, no yellowness. The color varies from light straw to dark blond with a brown tint. Hair sometimes burn out in the sun and acquire a cognac shade, which can be confused with warm. The structure of the hair is straight or curly. Often split.

eye color- the whole palette of gray shades - gray-blue, watery blue, gray-green, gray-olive, and hazelnut. The whites of the eyes are milky in color, do not contrast with the iris.

The contrast level is determined by the difference between skin color and hair color. The lighter the skin and the darker the hair, the higher the contrast. And vice versa.

  • Color type "Summer": contrast options - soft, light, cool "Summer"

Summer cannot have red, black, copper hair, as well as snow-white skin.

Suitable hair color: For lighter summer types, opt for shades of wheat color, which gives off refreshing light reflections.

For dark summer types, the shade “black tulip” is suitable. It gives the typical summer ash brown a zesty reddish glow.

  • Hair color for the "Summer" color type: a palette of suitable shades

Color type "Autumn"

Autumn is also a warm color type, but differs from spring in brighter colors.

Leather has warm golden hues, if there are freckles - then a reddish color. Unlike spring, the autumn type does not have a blush, the complexion is even. The skin does not tan well, is prone to burns, under the influence of the sun the skin turns red and inflamed.

Hair reddish color, or with a clear reddish tint. The hair is often curly, with large curls, elastic, shiny, thick.

Eyes very bright and contrasty. Eye color: green, amber-brown, cognac-brown, amber-olive.

Peculiarities: in the autumn type there are no blue eyes, light brown-ashy hair, black hair.

What color suits you: red, fiery copper, chestnut, dark brown.

For light autumn types, a shade of sandalwood is suitable.

For darker hair or for a richer red tone, fall foliage or evening dawn shades are suitable. Colder shades, such as hawthorn and mahogany, can also be attributed to the autumn range.

  • Hair color for the "Autumn" color type: a palette of suitable shades
  • Color type "Autumn": subtypes - soft, light, deep, natural

Color type "Winter"

Winter - cold color type. This color type can be confused with summer or autumn. It can be contrast and non-contrast. The main differences are milky white skin with a bluish tint. The skin does not tan well, there may be a blush on the cheeks. The hair is usually dark. The eyes are bright, cold shades of blue, gray and brown or black.

Contrasting winter:

hair: black, mostly straight and thick, sometimes curly

skin: very light, white, porcelain, pinkish with a blue tint,

eyes: ice blue, gray, dark brown

Non-contrasting winter:

hair: softer than contrast, may have a cold chocolate-cognac shade

skin: olive-gray, swarthy, sometimes with a yellowish sheen, tans well.

eyes: olive drab, hazel, hazel green

What color suits you. For this type, sharp tones with a cold bluish sheen are suitable.

To brighten up the color of light winter hair, try ebony.

Shades of "black tulip" or "forest beech" will give a reddish tone to dark winter hair. You should not use red shades.

  • Hair color for the "Winter" color type: a palette of suitable shades

Changing your appearance is a great start to a new life, a way out of a critical situation. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Recolor your hair! How to choose the color of hair dye? We will help solve this problem.

How to choose hair color according to skin type?

It is easy to change the color, quickly, there are a lot of shades. You should not imitate your favorite celebrity, it’s not a fact that her color will suit you. Which one is right for you? To do this, we will determine your color type.

Depending on the color of the skin, eyes, natural hair, all people are divided into four color types:

  • Spring. The skin of these girls is pale beige, with ruddy cheeks, tans well, the presence of freckles. The hair is light blond, light brown, with a golden tint. The eyes are green, bluish, other colors, but not dark. The spring girl is usually blonde or light brown-haired;
  • summer. The skin of the young ladies is light, with a cool blue tint, the hair is not dark, freckles are usually of a grayish tint. The eyes are gray-green, blue, light brown;
  • autumn. Peach-colored skin, red, chestnut hair, almost everyone has freckles to match the hair, brown, gray eyes;
  • winter. The most aristocratic color type. They have cold, pale skin. The contrast is created by dark eyebrows, eyelashes, dark brown, black hair. The eyes are brown, blue, dark.

Having decided what time of year you belong to, proceed to the choice of paint color.

Freckles you should not choose hotter - black paint, the freckles themselves will emphasize, all the flaws. Also, middle-aged women will not benefit from such a transformation.

Red, red color will not suit the owners rosy cheeks, the hair will merge with the skin.

For cold type for girls, shades are suitable: “light blond”, “dark blond”. The image will become warmer, more attractive.

Girl spring can choose any color from blonde to light chestnut. Consider the color of the skin after sunburn. If the hair is paler than the skin, do not dye it in this color.

How to choose hair dye for eye color?

Nature has endowed us with an excellent combination: skin tone - eye color - hair color. Main rule: after coloring, harmony should be preserved. Owners of fair skin, dim eyes, only warm, beige, light brown shades are suitable. Accordingly, dark-skinned girls with dark eyes - chestnut, dark shades.

Let's take a closer look at what hair color highlights your eyes

  • brown-eyed ladies should emphasize their dignity with the help of bright colors. Choose dark shades of chestnut, black. If you have dark skin, don't do yourself a disservice - don't bleach. Emphasize with golden chestnut or milk chocolate. Having fair skin, choose dark red, golden shades;
  • gray is almost universal, but do not choose too dark colors, do not become a gray mouse. Owners of very light or even pale skin, use platinum color, all varieties of ashy. For dark skin, caramel, golden hues are ideal;
  • green-eyed representatives of the fair sex can experiment with copper-red, gold, chestnut, dark blond flowers. A variant with red hair color is also possible, if there are red, golden blotches in your iris;
  • blue-eyed fit bright hues. If the skin has a pinkish tint, choose ash, platinum, light blond. Dark-skinned ladies will suit brighter colors: reddish, bronze, honey, wheaten hair color.
  • The issue of health after staining is very important. Without harm, you can lighten by 2-3 tones, with natural paints. If you are a burning brunette, but you want to be a blonde, use chemical paints. Consult with a specialist. The result may not be what you expected.

    Remember! Such a radical change can adversely affect the hair.

    It is easier for blondes in this regard, it is always easier to dye in a darker color.
    To make sure that your choice is correct, the World Wide Web offers many tests, there are also programs that allow you to impose different colors, shades, even various hairstyles on your face.

Modern means of coloring allow you to create a huge number of different shades of hair. The more choice, the more interesting, of course, and it is easier to look original. However, not everything is so simple - you can not dye your hair based on only one desire or sympathy for a particular shade.

The color should correspond to the type of face, eyes, character, emphasize outstanding nuances, and not become the reason for highlighting flaws. This material will be devoted to the secrets of color selection.

It is customary to divide color types into four main groups, each of which received a name corresponding to the season. Types are distributed in uneven parts. For example, more women belong to "summer" (there is a tan or natural swarthyness, freckles, etc.) than to any other group.

It is important to know your color type, because it is he who will help you correctly determine the acceptable shades of hair.


The rarest kind. It implies a combination of snow-white skin, light-colored eyes and a natural shade of hair, characteristic of blondes. This also includes girls with golden or slightly reddish curls. As a rule, these are not very decisive women for whom changing hair color is a difficult decision. However, oddly enough, almost any shades are suitable for them.


The most common color type. The combination of eyes of blue or green shades with skin on which the tan lies well and evenly. For summer girls, a light range of colors is great: ash, platinum, various shades of light brown and bright red.


This type is somewhat reminiscent of the two previous ones, however, it stands out from them with a light golden tint of the skin, just like summer safely “absorbing” the sun's rays. The hair is naturally in the spectrum from golden to red, often curly. Lots of freckles. The eyes are dark green colors, including olive and amber, as well as brown. Red-brown colors are suitable for this type: fiery, copper, cognac, chocolate, etc. to dark brown.


Milky skin with a light, barely noticeable blush. The eyes are "ice blue" or grey-brown. The hair is usually dark in color. A new color should also be chosen in dark colors: from dark chocolate to raven's wing.

Hair color and face type

When choosing a color, the type of face is also important. How to choose the perfect hair color for your face? Many probably remember the rule when choosing the colors of clothes, when a lighter one adds volume, and a dark one, on the contrary, hides it. A similar picture is with shades of hair that will help to emphasize the correct facial features and camouflage imperfections.

Important! Often one color may not be enough to hide imperfections. We should not forget about the ways of styling hair.

The main task of correcting the visual perception of a face is the desire to make it as close as possible to the “standard”, i.e. oval. Women who are given this type by nature do not have to think about color - almost any will do.

A round face needs to be “stretched” a little. For this, dark shades are suitable, hiding the extra volume in the cheek area. For rectangular faces, on the contrary, light colors will be appropriate, blurring the clear edges of the corners. It is more difficult for women with square faces - because they need to simultaneously stretch the perception of facial features and hide the corners. They should pay attention to radical coloring, when the upper part of the hair is dark and the roots are light.

How to choose the color of hair dye according to the type of appearance

The color type has already been sorted out above. Here it is worth dwelling on other aspects of types. Oddly enough, but we are talking about the internal perception of a woman herself. Whatever the external signs and the conclusions drawn on their basis, the character of a person is important when choosing a shade of hair.

It is unlikely that a blue-black color will suit a gentle, romantic person. Also, gentle light brown shades will not suit a rebel hooligan. A vamp woman will feel great in bright, radical colors, but calm pastel colors are likely to smear the whole image.

Of course, you can choose the color for the desired image, and by nature a romantic girl has a chance to turn into a burning brunette. However, you need to understand that for your inner feeling it will be akin to wearing a mask - to play a role, to reincarnate for a while, but the use of such an image can constantly become uncomfortable for the state of mind.

Rules for choosing hair color by skin type

The relationship between skin and hair tones has already been discussed when considering color types. It is worth looking at this aspect in more detail and with specific examples.

"Transparent" skin

Pale, seemingly transparent or slightly golden skin can be attributed to this type. As a rule, this type also has naturally light eyebrows and eyelashes. The ideal hair colors for such skin will be light golden: from flaxen to honey, golden ash and soft light chocolate.

Velvety skin

These include peach and olive, ivory and delicate bronze. These skin tones are not very sunbathing and burn easily. Bright colors of the dark spectrum are suitable for such women: red, rich chestnut, copper or walnut. As you can see, they all have a tendency to reddish color.

porcelain skin

This is a cold type. The skin can vary from pinkish to bluish, while it is matte. Another distinguishing feature is that the tan lasts as long as possible. These ladies will suit shades of cold, but different tones. Both blue-black and light silver will be equally good. But yellow tones should be avoided.

warm pink

Unlike matte pink, this skin is more "transparent". Often accompanied by pale pink lips. For such women, steel-gray shades of light colors will be appropriate: platinum (blond), ashy variations from white to light blond.

Choosing the color of hair dye for the eyes

Let's divide all possible eyes (their color, of course) into four main groups. If a woman has some kind of transitional form, then it will be possible to use the recommendations related to both groups.

Important! When choosing a color, it is desirable to take into account not one, but many different factors and types.

We take into account the natural color of the hair when choosing a paint

It is believed that initially nature created a person harmonious. This refers to the combination of eye, hair and skin colors. Therefore, many stylists suggest not to deviate from their natural color by more than two shades. This will give a deliberate "hit in color" and it will be almost impossible to make a mistake.

Of course, the color that a person had in his youth and before the first staining (if any) is considered natural. Last but not least, this applies to graying ladies: gray hair is not a natural color.

If, nevertheless, the lady decided on a radical change in hair color, it is necessary to monitor the growing roots and tint them in time. You can make the task easier with multi-color coloring, where the natural color will become one of the shades used.

Coming to the office of a professional stylist, you can choose your future hair color quite simply. Firstly, specialists have a lot of improvised means to demonstrate the result of their work. Second, great experience.

What do you do if you don't feel like going to the hairdresser? Or do you want to confirm, check the choice of a stylist? Professionals advise using the "method by contradiction":

  1. Initially, you can imagine that all the colors available in nature will suit a person.
  2. Next, the color type is determined, and, based on the above rules, all unsuitable ones are excluded.
  3. At the next stages, the types of a person (character), face, skin color, eyes, natural hair are established, and everything that is not appropriate is deleted one by one.
  4. As a rule, there will be only a few shades left, it will be very easy to choose between them.

This is a fairly simple, but very effective way. It can be used not only for choosing hair color, but also for selecting other elements of the image.

Stylists recommend not to color at home. In other words, the people who make money from it advise everyone to carry their money to them. Of course, this is logical. You can “rebel” and out of a sense of protest do everything yourself.

However, it should be understood that staining is a complex process, and some mistakes can become irreparable.

If a woman nevertheless decided on the risk of an independent procedure, you need to remember exactly:

  1. All chemicals involved in the process must be of the same brand, and it must be a high quality brand.
  2. Apply the coloring composition to dry hair.
  3. On dirty hair, the paint goes much better. Some stylists consider this rule mandatory.
  4. Before painting, it is better to treat the scalp with petroleum jelly - this will protect it from the aggressive environment of the dye and, as a result, from the formation of dandruff.
  5. The solution is applied from the roots to the ends, and for a more even distribution, you can use a comb with frequent teeth.
  6. After the procedure, it is necessary to use special detergents and care products “for colored hair”.

In addition to all the rules and secrets, you need to accurately follow the instructions attached to the coloring agents.

Free Hair Color Matching Services: Should You Use Them?

The Internet has become an assistant in many cases. Color matching is no exception - there are a huge number of online services on this topic. What could be more convenient - pick up a photo, upload it to the site, set the parameters and enjoy the result. However, there is a whole range of problems that no such service can assess and process:

  1. Accurately determine the color of the eyes, skin, and, therefore, accurately follow the selection rules associated with this.
  2. The service definitely does not recognize a character from a photograph.
  3. Various shadows, reflections, strands of hair can create an incorrect look of the face.
  4. A photo is a static image, but in life a person is mobile, has facial expressions, etc.
  5. Finally, a color will be suggested, but it is not known whether it will be able to lie on specific hair.

This does not mean that such services should be avoided. They can be a good tool for experimentation, reflection or verification of an already made decision.

They should not be treated as the ultimate truth, but as superficial advice that sets the direction of thought.

Choosing a new color is not easy. But there is nothing overwhelming in this procedure. You need to know the rules, methods, use the tips, and the created image will bring its owner many pleasant minutes and sensations!

And a few more tips on choosing a hair color for yourself - in the next video.
