Didactic manual on etiquette for children of senior preschool age. Rules of etiquette for children in any life situations Rules of decency in society for children

The rules of greeting are a very important step in learning the rules of etiquette. After all, the first thing we do when meeting a familiar person is to greet him. Communication etiquette must be taught from childhood, so that later an adult does not have difficulties in communication.

It is very important to know that a well-mannered person never waits to be greeted. Do not let yourself get ahead of yourself - do it yourself, especially if you meet a friend older than yourself in age.

It is indecent to wave your hands and shout "at the top of your lungs" if the people you would like to say hello to are far away from you. It will be enough, having met their eyes, just to nod affably to them.

Loud, surprised exclamations: “ba - who do I see”, “well, finally”, “where have you been?” cannot be called a greeting.

Do not be afraid to say hello to a person once again if you met him more than once during the day. Greet him with a smile, or a nod of your head, or a slight wave of your hand.

Any communication begins with a greeting. According to etiquette, you need to greet a person with the words: “Hello!”, “Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Good evening!”. These are the most common and acceptable forms of greeting. Among close people, it is most common to say “hello”.

In a greeting, the intonation is very important, warm and friendly, because even the usual greeting words, expressed in a rude or dry tone, can offend the person you are greeting. And if you smile when you say hello, it will immediately endear you to a person. Only the smile should be sincere.

It is customary to accompany the greeting with a bow, a nod of the head, a handshake, and hugs. During the greeting, do not lower your eyes. You need to meet the eyes of the one you are greeting, otherwise the person will think that you are unpleasant to communicate with him, that you are hiding something, etc. It is indecent to keep your hands in your pockets during the greeting. This expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.

There are different situations for exchanging greetings. There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to be polite and not offend the feelings of others.

If you notice a friend in the distance (on the other side of the street, on a bus, etc.), and if you also notice you, you need to greet the person with a nod of the head, a wave of the hand, a bow, a smile. You should not shout at the top of your voice - you will put both him and yourself in an awkward situation.

If you see a friend approaching you, you do not need to shout "Hello" from afar. Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps, and then greet him.

If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should also say hello.

If you meet a friend in the company of a stranger, you need to greet them both. You also need to greet everyone in the group you are approaching.

If you go in a group and meet your friend, it is not necessary to introduce others to him. You can apologize, step aside for a few seconds and talk with a friend. But do not drag out the conversation, because other people are waiting for you.

Be sure to greet those people with whom you often meet, even if you do not know them. For example, with the seller of the nearest store, with the postman, neighbors from the entrance. This is basic courtesy.

If you enter a room where there are a lot of people, you should not greet everyone individually, but say a general “hello”.

Often greeting people shake hands. Here etiquette also pays attention to some subtleties.

The elders are the first to give a hand to the younger ones, and not vice versa.

Among peers, women are the first to shake hands with men.

If two married couples meet, then the women first greet each other, then the men greet the women, after that the men greet each other.

Before shaking hands, a man must take off his glove. A woman does not need to do this. However, when greeting noticeably older people, everyone should remove the glove.

The way we start communication with a person largely determines the future fate of this communication, so it’s worth following the simple rules of etiquette, it definitely won’t hurt!

The first to greet the younger elders, men - women.

A woman greets a man first if he is much older than her. Exceptions to this rule: the one who enters the room, be it a man or a woman, is the first to greet those present, the one who leaves is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

When there are several people in the room, they first greet the mistress of the house, then other women, then the owner of the house and men.

When greeting a man, a woman should be the first to give a hand. If she is limited to a bow, a man should not extend his hand to her. The same is true between older and younger men.

A man always gets up (except for the very old and the sick, who find it difficult to get up), greeting both women and men. A woman, greeting a man, does not get up. Exceptions; the mistress of the house, receiving guests, always gets up to greet them.

Women also stand up when they greet older men.

Having greeted his peer, a man can sit down. If he greets an older man or woman, then he can sit down only after they sit down, or with their permission. If the mistress of the house offers to sit down, but she herself continues to stand, you should not sit down. Keep this in mind when you have guests.

It is not customary to greet through the threshold, through the table, through any partition.

You can, of course, communicate in the usual way, not paying attention to all the subtleties of etiquette, if your environment suits it. But, being in a different society, in another, unfamiliar company, moving to a new job or a higher position, the rules of communication should be observed. Sometimes too much depends on them: solving a problem, establishing the right contacts, doing business, or starting a long-term important relationship.

Rules of behavior at the table for children

Without a doubt, we all love to eat delicious food ... However, not everyone knows the elementary rules of behavior at the table. In order not to be in a stupid situation in front of the people with whom you will be at the same dinner table, learn these basic rules and you will never be ashamed of yourself.

So, the rules of behavior at the table for children:

Do not put your elbows on the table: they can interfere with your neighbor, and they take up a lot of space. It is very indecent to sway in a chair.

Do not talk with a full mouth - chew and swallow, then speak, do not champ - try to eat silently.

To make it easier to chew - do not bite off too large pieces.

Put as much food on your plate as you can eat.

Meat served in a large piece is usually eaten with a fork and a knife: the fork is in the left hand, the knife is in the right. You cut the meat into small pieces, put the knife aside, take the fork in your right hand - and eat for yourself! This manner of eating demonstrates good manners (the plate looks more tidy).

Don't eat with a spoon what you can eat with a fork, and don't use a knife if you can get by with the same fork. For example, they don’t cut fish, a cutlet, aspic with a knife - they break off small pieces with a fork.

Garnish (potatoes, vegetables, pasta) type on a fork with bread, and not with your fingers.

Wipe your hands and lips with napkins, in no case with your hands, tablecloth, or clothes.

If you want to try some dish that is far from you, do not reach for it across the table, but ask it to be politely passed.

From the common dishes, serve food not with your spoon or fork, but with those that are on the common dish.

Sweets such as cakes and pastries are not eaten from the hand, but are broken off with a spoon in a plate.

And most importantly: you must definitely thank the one who cooked and served you the dishes, say a magical “thank you”!

Rules of conduct at the table are very important in the modern world. A festive table, a trip to a cafe or a restaurant, a romantic or friendly dinner cannot do without elementary rules of etiquette…

How to talk on the phone correctly

Rules of conduct with adults - For educated children

Friendship Rules - For Kids and Teens

It is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, cinema and at a concert not only for children, but also for adults. Since in our time there are also adults who behave not quite culturally at such events.

When going to a theater or a concert hall, you must remember a very strict rule established by etiquette regarding clothing in which you can visit such institutions. Take it seriously, so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, and even more so in a tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as usual, come in evening dresses.

You need to come to the theater or to a concert early so that there is enough time to put yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, and just take a walk in the lobby.

If your seat is in the middle of the row, try to take it in advance so as not to disturb those who are sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation has already happened, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask for forgiveness for the trouble.

During the performance it is bad form to eat and drink something

It is better not to go to the theater with a cold. With your cough, you will interfere with both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

At a concert, do not sing along to the performer, understand, because people did not come here to listen to you sing.

At musical concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know the piece of music very well, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

In the cinema, the rules are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dumping ground for popcorn, candy papers and cans of drinks. Behave yourself.

In the cinema, you usually do not take off your outerwear. However, you must always remember about the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to. Not only boys should do this, but also girls.

If the person in front did it for you, be sure to thank him.

It's a sign of bad manners to predict what's going to happen in a movie. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and attitude towards the characters in the course of viewing. It disturbs others. And if someone thinks otherwise, there can be an argument or a noisy discussion, which does not belong in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the movie, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Visiting the theater has recently become more and more popular, both among young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of behavior in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves provocatively in the theater, it will certainly attract condemning glances at his parents. In order not to blush and not feel awkward, you need to teach the child these simple rules in a timely manner.

How to give gifts

Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules of etiquette that should be learned and remembered.

The holiday is coming ... and we, as always, are at a loss ... But what ... to whom ... and how ... can we give?

So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

- When preparing a gift for your relatives, you can draw something, embroider something, do something with your own hands. For the birthday of your mother or father, you can learn a poem or learn a song.

If you are buying a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

- It is indecent to give money to a friend and advise at the same time "to buy yourself whatever you want." If you really care about the recipient, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift for him that will bring joy.

- First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is fond of!

- It is best to pack a gift - unwrapping it is very nice!

- You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

- You can not give animals, if it is not discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

— New Year is a magical holiday, when everyone is waiting for miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be made to all relatives and friends, and inexpensive but pleasant little things can become gifts. When preparing New Year's gifts, try to show a sense of humor - this will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

- Remember, a person will use a well-chosen and sincere gift, and will remember you well. No one will use a gift that is boring or made for a mere formality, such a gift will be given to someone, or even simply thrown away.

Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the next holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!

Since we live in a civilized world, we cannot do without the application of etiquette rules. Rules of behavior , which are required to be observed in various etiquette situations, are applicable not only to adults, but also to children. The foundation of a person's personality is laid at preschool age, which is why it is so important to start teaching children etiquette from infancy. At the same time, it is important that etiquette and good manners are observed in the family. After all, it is thanks to the family that a young citizen receives the basics of etiquette. Of great importance for a preschool child are also a kindergarten, a playground, a clinic, public transport, that is, those places that he regularly visits in the first years of his life. The kid should be taught not only good manners, but also the rules of speech etiquette. This is not an easy job, but the joint efforts of adults (parents, grandparents, educators, club leaders, etc.) will achieve noticeable results.

We take the skills acquired in childhood with us into adulthood, the success of which is largely determined by the culture of education. A person who is familiar with the concepts of politeness, communication culture, and norms of decency will not experience difficulties in maintaining a conversation and will certainly show his best side, no matter what situation he is in.

There are a lot of varieties of children's etiquette (family, passenger, weekend, guest, dining, etc.). But it plays the most important role among them. Independent mastery of the speech norm for a child is impossible. In this regard, the task associated with teaching the child the culture of speech lies entirely on the parental shoulders. A secondary role in this matter is assigned to educators and people with whom the child has to intersect in the course of his life.

Do not think that young children are not ready to perceive information related to etiquette. Some rules of behavior and communication with people are obligatory for observance even by kids. So, from early childhood it is necessary to teach children that:

It is necessary to instill in a child the rules of behavior in the first year of his life. A kid who does not yet know how to talk, on an intuitive level, already understands what adults want to say to him - thanks to intonation, facial expressions, gestures. It’s good when parents, before a meal, wish the crumbs a good appetite, thank you for the toy extended in response, greet him after he wakes up, etc.

From the age of two and up to 4 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. It is during this period of time that it is recommended to throw all your efforts into familiarizing him with the rules of etiquette. Information is best learned through play. You can stage a situation related to a telephone conversation, involve dolls, arrange a dinner party, appointing a child as a hospitable host.

This age will be easier to master thanks to fairy tales and poems, closely related to the culture of speech, politeness. The task of adults is to explain incomprehensible words and phrases, and also to try to achieve the most vivid and correct perception of a work of art by a crumb (through intonation, voice timbre and other artistic techniques).

It is also useful to watch instructive cartoons. In any cartoon picture there are both negative and positive characters. It is important to ask how well the kid understood the meaning of the TV story, which characters acted badly, and which of them turned out to be the kindest and fairest.

Such "exercises" help children to better evaluate the characters of books and cartoons, to understand the main idea that the author tried to convey to the audience. In addition, children develop a desire to imitate the main characters, to adopt their moral deeds, rules of behavior and manner of communication.

5-7 years is much easier to master. Training is recommended to be carried out in the form of a conversation, which should be:

  • interesting for children;
  • short;
  • bright and memorable;
  • bilateral (with the active participation of the listeners themselves).

It is very important at this stage of growing up a preschool child to increase the study load, which will subsequently allow the child to form speech etiquette. The bottom line is memorizing longer poems, retelling book stories or cartoons, participating in role-playing games, didactic games with dolls, learning to read and the rules for pronouncing sounds / words, etc. Adults need to devote as much time as possible to children who enthusiastic about learning new things. Their future depends on how responsibly adults will approach the issue of teaching their children etiquette. It is not for nothing that children are compared to empty vessels: after all, what they are filled with is what they will be!

Educational institutions, children's centers and teachers can become our partner, obtain a license to use the material "Etiquette School of Yuliana Shevchenko" and conduct classes on etiquette for kids on their own.

Terms of cooperation

    signing a license agreement on cooperation;

    payment of a one-time fee of approximately 50,000 rubles.

Author's program "School of etiquette for kids 3+"

Lesson 1. Testing kids for knowledge of the rules of etiquette

Lesson 2. Good manners.

"Culture of communication"

Lesson 3. Acquaintance
Lesson 4. Greeting
Lesson 5. Farewell

Lesson 6. Polite words

Lesson 7. The game "Polite forfeits"

"Cleanliness and tidiness"

Session 8. Cleanliness and personal hygiene

Lesson 9. Microbes and bacteria

Lesson 10. Master class "Clean teeth"

Lesson 11. Clean hands

Lesson 12. Master class "Soap making"
Lesson 13. Order and appearance

Lesson 14. Workshop "Meet by clothes"
Lesson 15. Reinforcing quiz game

Preschool etiquette for kids on the topic

"Table Etiquette"

Lesson 16. Table setting

Lesson 17. Master class "Festive table decoration"

Lesson 18. Behavior at the table

Lesson 19. What, what and how to eat

Lesson 20. Learning to use cutlery

Lesson 21. Master class "Culinary experiments"
Lesson 22. Event "Tea Party"

Preschool etiquette for kids on the topic

"Good manners"

Lesson 23. Behavior away
Lesson 24. Receiving guests
Session 25: Giving and Receiving Gifts

Lesson 26
Lesson 27. Story game

Preschool etiquette for kids on the topic

"Mom, dad, I am a friendly family"

Lesson 28. Me and my family

Lesson 29

Lesson 30. Little helpers

Lesson 31

Lesson 32: Hospital and Respiratory Etiquette

Lesson 33. Ballroom etiquette

Lesson 34. Final testing kids on knowledge of the rules of etiquette, work with a crossword puzzle.

Lesson 35. Graduation

For course participants "School of etiquette for kids" there is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of aristocracy and consolidate the acquired skills in the modern castle of the Czech Republic Chateau Mcely. You can read more about etiquette offsite events on the page.

Well "School of etiquette for kids" designed for 7 months with a training frequency of 1 time per week / 34 etiquette lessons. The duration of the lesson is approximately 45 minutes.

Teaching children to be polite is essential from an early age. It depends on how well the child will fit into modern society, how quickly he will master what he needs in the future. The rules of etiquette for children have been worked out by many psychologists, but it is the parents who have to present them.

What is etiquette?

This concept is defined between people, due to which relationships are established between them (friendly, romantic, family, etc.). Etiquette for school-age children in some educational institutions is taught from elementary grades, and some do not even have the slightest idea about such an important subject. It is in order for boys and girls to be able to exist normally in society in the future that parents must teach them this technique of communication.

Has he redeemed himself?

Looking at the manner of communication of modern adolescents, many psychologists are wondering if etiquette has become obsolete in principle. However, they immediately pull themselves back, talking about the fact that without it it is impossible to build normal relations, since there will be a rollback (degradation) to almost primitive times. Etiquette rules for children can be divided into several groups:

  • canteen (how to behave at the table);
  • guest (how to behave at a party and with guests);
  • speech (how to talk with peers, with adults, strangers);
  • in public places (how to behave in public transport, parks, shops, theaters, circuses, cinemas and others).

Parents should instill all this from an early age, while information and behaviors are most quickly absorbed by the brain. It is noteworthy that etiquette for children includes all the above items, just taking into account age characteristics.

2-3 years

During this period, babies are just beginning their active communication through speech with the outside world. And it is at this time that it is necessary to begin to explain to them the simplest rules of etiquette for children. First of all, dining room. What does he represent? A set of small but rather significant rules that should be known to children.

Table etiquette

First of all, kids should not spit out food, smear it on the table, throw it out of the plate. This is the most basic rule. for children 2-3 years old is not too extensive. It is enough that the kids will behave quietly and calmly at the table, they will not talk while eating.

A culture of speech

Complicated words are difficult for children of this age, but this is not a reason to refuse them. Toddlers from an early age need to say "magic" words that will be useful to them in the future. Namely:

  • Thanks;
  • please;
  • Hello hi);
  • goodbye (bye);
  • Bon appetit;
  • Good night;
  • good morning.

At the same age, it is worth accustoming a child to trifles, not to complain about others. It depends on how prepared he will be for a larger team (for school). Etiquette lessons for children 2-3 years old can be carried out in a playful way, so that it is more interesting and easier for kids to perceive new information. For example, beat this or that situation with your favorite toys (the bunny said “thank you” to the bear for the candy).

4-5 years

At this age, children are already more receptive to new knowledge, and are also more open to verbal communication, because their vocabulary is already quite extensive. And the need for conversations and communications is increasing significantly. It is at the age of 4-5 that you can begin to study "away etiquette" for children.

Guest communication rules

First, going to a friend or acquaintance, you need to take a good mood from home. Since children of this age rarely go to visit on their own, parents should monitor how much their child wants to go somewhere in principle. If a preschooler is upset or depressed, then nothing good in communication may come out of him.

Secondly, you can not demand something from the owner of the house. Parents should explain to the child that it is not allowed to touch anything at a party without permission. And even more demanding! This is where "magic" words can come to the rescue, with which the baby can ask for what he wants from the owner of the house. Etiquette for preschool children implies that the child will be able to establish contact in a peaceful way.

Thirdly, you can not stay up late. Even if you really want to, even if not all games have been replayed, but things have been redone. It is worth immediately (even before visiting) to explain to the child that the owner needs to eat on time, wash and go to bed, regardless of your visit, which means that you need to go home when the parents decide.

If a friend came to your baby, then your owner should know how to behave:

  1. Share your toys and things.
  2. Do not offend or bully the guest.
  3. Treat with sweets and treats.
  4. Entertain the guest so that he is not bored and dreary.

The rules of etiquette for children are not so complicated, but if you skip at least one of them, there is a risk of getting an egoist and a biryuk instead of an affectionate and friendly baby.

Primary school students

After kindergarten has already been left behind, the child experiences some stress when he gets to elementary school. However, the rules of etiquette remain unchanged for him. Moreover, they are only increasing. So, for example, at this age, extended dining, speech and social etiquette becomes relevant.

How to be at the table?

In addition to what the child already knew, several new rules are added:

  • do not put your elbows on the table;
  • start eating with the rest, and not earlier and not later than them;
  • end the meal with words of gratitude, even if it was not tasty;
  • praise the food offered;
  • get up from the table with the rest or with the permission of adults.

Of course, many of the above points are not fulfilled even by the parents themselves. In this case, you need to start with yourself, and then teach your children. In addition, it is important not to teach babies to eat in the room or in front of the TV, since there is a specially designated place for this (kitchen table).

What to do in

Etiquette for school-age children prescribes the following rules of conduct:

  1. Give way to elders in transport.
  2. Let women go ahead (relevant for boys).
  3. Open doors for ladies (relevant for boys).
  4. Let people go out the door, then only go in yourself.
  5. Don't point your finger at anyone.
  6. Do not pick your nose, do not burp, do not fart, do not yawn in front of everyone (you can use a handkerchief or a fist).
  7. When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with your hand or tissue.
  8. Do not litter on the street and in public places.

This is the minimum knowledge that should be explained to the baby by the parents. It depends on how much he will observe these rules, how cultured he will grow, how well he will take root in modern society. The rules of etiquette for children help to become somewhat kinder and more open to the outside world. Scientists have noted that it is easier to get a job, start a family, achieve success than asocial and uncultured.

Children's behavior invariably worries all parents. It must strictly follow the rules of etiquette, but to achieve this, as many people think, is not easy. This is a mistake: it is enough to solve the problem in stages and all difficulties will be overcome.


Etiquette is a set of norms of behavior that regulate actions in specific places and situations. By teaching your child to follow the generally accepted rules, you will not experience embarrassment for his actions and facilitate his relationship with the people around him. Moreover, you will regularly hear words of gratitude and improve the reputation of your family in the eyes of others.

To instill good manners begins with the norms of behavior that will be needed in the following situations:

  • in public places and on the street;
  • when visiting;

  • how to act in transport;
  • when talking;
  • in the family;
  • at the table;
  • when talking on the phone;
  • in an educational institution.

Do not expect that everything will be learned only in words. No matter how carefully they listen to you, and no matter what mutual understanding is reached, you will have to teach first of all by your own example. Parents who call for one thing, and who act in the opposite way very easily, imperceptibly lose their authority almost completely.

We will have to take into account that the entire environment as a whole serves as a model of behavior for children, so you need to carefully monitor who the child communicates with, what manners and habits he can adopt.

How to train

It is easy to say that it is necessary to “educate by concrete examples”. But finding an approach to children is much more difficult. You need to start at an early age. Encourage your baby with intonation, gestures and glances for positive actions and condemn for negative ones. This is most directly related to the development of good qualities in school students, lays a solid and solid foundation for the assimilation of ethical standards.

When a child reaches school age, it is necessary to instill standards of action in a given situation. Be sure to pronounce each of your important steps, explain the reason why you did it this way, and did not choose another option.

When training, consider:

  • Violation of the norms of behavior, indiscipline, rudeness should be corrected immediately. Do not wait until they take root, become habitual.
  • Strictly follow the neatness and appearance in general. This is no less important than the words spoken by the child, his gestures and general demeanor.

Now we can consider private examples of etiquette. In each case, the same general principles of learning are manifested, but there are also their own, special ones.

At the table

Eating is an important part of schoolchildren's lives and it is essential that they be courteous and attentive at the table. A person who thinks about others always:

  • uses only suitable cutlery, does not replace them with hands and foreign objects;
  • for wiping hands, face and clothes at the table uses only a napkin;
  • washes hands with soap before eating;
  • avoids conversations or reduces them to the bare minimum;
  • wishes everyone at the table a good appetite at the beginning of the meal, thanks for it at the end.

Important: some children tend to eat faster than others, while champing occurs, a mouthful of food is collected, the plate overflows with food, something falls on the floor. All this is extremely reprehensible, and having noticed such cases, one must immediately stop their repetition. Convincingly and clearly explain to the child what threatens a certain act, what is the opinion of others and what inconveniences are created. Forbid outdoor games, all kinds of pampering: they have no place and no time at the table!


It is extremely rare to find families in which they never go anywhere to visit. Excessively free behavior of a student, his lack of self-control can cause a lot of trouble and even provoke a scandal. Quiet discontent and irritation, accumulating in the owners gradually, is no better.

At school age, you should already know:

  • in order to come to friends and classmates at home, you must have an invitation, warn about your visit in advance;
  • you can not make noise, run, look into all rooms and doors, open cabinets and bedside tables;
  • it is forbidden to openly express dissatisfaction with the behavior of those present, the decoration of the house, refreshments: immediacy here turns from dignity into a strong disadvantage;

  • do not arbitrarily take other people's things or grab food from the table without permission.

In admonishing, it is unacceptable to simply reduce everything to a banal ban. You need to be motivated to avoid mistakes. Teach your child to always think, “what if I were (a) in the place of those people.”

Turn the imagination, so vivid even among schoolchildren, into your ally. Let them imagine in colors how unpleasant you feel in the presence of a person who looks everywhere, is very annoying or does not obey elementary discipline. Then you won’t have to blush at a party or worry about the behavior of children next time.

Transportation trip

This is another situation in which students regularly make mistakes. You need to explain to them the following key requirements:

  • you need to enter the salon, skipping all those leaving;
  • it is supposed to give way to the elderly, disabled, younger;
  • it is advisable to take off a satchel, backpack or briefcase: leaving it on your shoulders, you can create inconvenience to other passengers;
  • you can’t stay at the door if you don’t get off at the next stop;
  • in transport it is forbidden to eat and drink, run around the cabin, conduct loud conversations. It is these points that are most often violated by children.

A role-playing game turns out to be a good educational technique, as a result of which any first-grader independently learns: why it is unpleasant to look at running children, what threatens an insatiable, uncontrollable attachment to ice cream. When traveling by transport, pay attention to how convenient it is to prepare for the exit in advance, and what problems a person dooms himself to, rushing to the doors only when they are opened.

The outside

Good behavior also implies the observance of ethical standards in public places, on the street. Children need to be taught that:

  • garbage should be thrown only into bins and containers, but directly on the ground;
  • you should not walk on the lawn, even if there are no prohibition signs;
  • Always remember the rules of the road.

The urban environment is a source not only of opportunities, but also of dangers. School students should know for sure: if parents ask them to stay in a certain place, they cannot leave there in any case, no matter what benefits they promise and no matter what requests they make. From communication with people who are unfamiliar to the child, even if they are peers or adults who do not inspire any fear, it is more correct to refuse completely.

Conduct a training: let your friend, unknown to the child or made up, try to talk to him and take him away under any pretext. Follow the reaction of your child, and then disassemble the result carefully and persistently. If the student makes a mistake and trusts the "stranger" - once again tell about the dangers.

I'm going to the theater

A performance given by theater artists often becomes a holiday and an unforgettable spectacle, helping to form the best qualities and broaden the horizons of children. But they are obliged to make sure that in society the clothes remain neat and clean, and in case of any problems, immediately pay attention to adults quietly.

Tell them that in the theater you should also behave in a disciplined and polite manner, you can’t go to your place in a row, stepping on the feet of other people. During the presentation, one should refrain from remarks and comments. If the child tries to say something, let him endure until the intermission.

Conversation and conversation

The speech etiquette of a student is important in any of the situations described: at home, away, on the street and on the bus. The key points will be:

  • obligatory greeting of acquaintances;
  • referring to any adult strictly on "you";
  • inadmissibility of interference in other people's conversations and comments aloud;
  • farewell before leaving;

  • immediate apology in case of any wrongdoing;
  • a ban on insults, the use of parasitic words;
  • refusal to discuss other people, whether they are among those present or not.

Follow the conversations of children, even in the most ordinary everyday situations. If the intonation is wrong, there are strange pauses and speech is clogged, the diction is fuzzy or unpleasant - this must be dealt with. Sometimes it is worth interrupting the child and drawing his attention to the mistake made. Show tact and sensitivity, you can use humor, but let it be directed at the miss, and not at the personality of the student.
