New nail design. Beautiful New Year's nail design: photo ideas, new items, trends

Santa Claus stencils for windows for the New Year 2018 for cutting are a convenient way to decorate windows for the holiday. It is enough to print it on a printer and use artificial snow or other decorative materials to decorate the window. With stencils, the ornament will turn out neat and beautiful. In this article you will find Santa Claus stencils for cutting, methods of using them and tips for creating original compositions.

Benefits of using stencils

A Santa Claus stencil on a paper window can be used to create a variety of New Year's compositions. In addition, it can be used as a New Year's coloring book for children, as well as for decorating walls and other surfaces in the house. Ready-made templates can be used not only to decorate windows, but also to master the technique of protruding. The finished jewelry looks very beautiful, but the work to create it is quite painstaking.

The main advantages of using Santa Claus stencils include:

  • Versatility. Using one stencil you can make several designs on windows and other surfaces.
  • Availability. You can buy stencils at a low price. In addition, templates can be made independently or downloaded on the Internet.
  • Economical. If you print a stencil on thick cardboard, it can be used for several years.
  • Individuality. If you use a Santa Claus stencil with deer, Snow Maiden and other New Year's characters, you can show your individuality by decorating your window so that it gives a New Year's mood not only to your loved ones, but also to ordinary passers-by.
  • Ease of use. Applying a design using stencils is extremely simple.

Here are some stencil options featuring Santa Claus that you can print and cut out.

Option #1

Option No. 2

Option #3

Option No. 4

Option #5

Option #6

Option No. 7

Option No. 8

Option No. 9

Option No. 10

Option No. 11

Option No. 12

Option No. 13

Option No. 14

Features of decorating windows using stencils

If previously the main material for decorating windows for the New Year was toothpaste, then in our time there is such a device as artificial snow in a can, which is much more convenient to work with. There are two methods of using stencils - gluing them to glass or using the negative technique. The negative technique involves attaching a stencil to glass and applying artificial snow around it.

Regardless of the choice of technique for using stencils, you should adhere to these recommendations:

  • When applying artificial snow, keep the can at a sufficient distance from the window. This will make the pattern uniform and also prevent the formation of lumps.
  • Think in advance about what stencils you will use. In this case, you will get a complete composition, and not a set of figures.
  • If you use toothpaste for the ornament, you can wait until it dries and draw additional stripes on the branches. This will help make the drawing more alive.
  • It is better to use either only stencils that stick to the window, or those that work on the negative principle. On one window they do not fit well with each other.
  • To glue the stencils to the window, you should soak them in PVA glue and water, and then glue them to the glass. Remove any remaining liquid with a soft cloth.
  • If toothpaste is used, it should be white and free of impurities.

Creating a New Year's drawing on a window using a stencil

If you want to decorate a window for the New Year, we recommend using a stencil of Santa Claus on a sleigh on the window, with which you can create unusual protrusions.

To create them you will need thin scissors, a stationery knife, and a wooden board. You need to find a template, download it, print it. Then remove excess areas using a utility knife. All that remains is to fix the template on the glass and draw the ornament using toothpaste, soap or artificial snow.

On this page you will find original Santa Claus stencils for windows for the New Year 2018, which can be printed and used to create a bright and fabulous atmosphere on the eve of the winter holidays.

New Year's stencils expressively decorate windows for the New Year. People are always preparing for the New Year. With bated breath, they cut out templates and paste them on the windows in the form of: animals, snowmen, snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer, winter scenes, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Creating a template is quite simple; you can draw it and then cut it out with scissors or a scalpel. They can be found on the Internet, then downloaded and printed. Children love to do crafts. They love winter fairy tales and love making things with their own hands. Always cut and draw with your children.

Today you are invited to choose from a review of many cutting stencils that will help you beautifully decorate your windows for the New Year.

How to decorate windows 2019 using paper templates

Stencils for window decoration 2019 retain the symbol of the pig, the main zodiac sign of the coming year. The idea is simple: cutting out a drawn or downloaded template.

The creative pig on the template will make anyone who looks at it smile.

Download and print pictures of the pigs you like.

Place the picture paper on the cutting board. Prepare the necessary tools and start cutting out a template from paper.

This is the cute pig on the moon that we end up with.

Find a picture of a pig shaped like a snowman with 2019 written on it.

Cut out the stencils in a similar manner. Ready.

And this simplest template for windows represents a New Year's pig. It's instantly recognizable because it's similar.

Openwork paper pigs are a great solution for lifting the New Year's mood.

My favorite template to cut out with meaning.

Stencils with this method of cutting paper have a back and a front side.

The idea of ​​decorating window panes with such beautiful patterns continues. The examples are impressive.

And even creating a stencil with numbers can have a New Year's riddle. Where is the number 0?

This peaceful year of the pig is coming soon.

Beautiful New Year's patterns on the windows lift the New Year's mood and make you smile.

New Year's stencils for decorating windows using toothpaste

You can decorate a New Year's window very beautifully using templates, toothpaste and a sponge. Spread the holiday spirit on your loved ones with some tricks.

First of all, prepare the templates and cut them out. If your intended winter plot involves several deer, make many templates.

Dissolve chopped white soap in a small container. Additionally, pour a little water and stir. Glue the stencil coated with liquid soap in the desired place and press it with your fingers. Remove excess soap with a cloth. Ready.

Dilute the squeezed toothpaste in a jar with a small amount of water. Take a toothbrush, dip it in the solution and use your finger to spray it towards the deer.

Let the craft dry and carefully remove the template. The planned plot was a success - the deer kicks up the snow around itself with its hooves.

Stencils with snowflakes are especially relevant. Do the same with the snowflake templates and they will decorate your windows in a fabulous way.

Create your own templates in the form of toys with bows and stick them on the windows.

Or cut out figures of different angels from paper and stick them on the windows.

Squirt the toothpaste from the jar onto your toothbrush. Then remove the stencils from the glass. That's all - a winter fairy tale has come to your home.

This means that Santa Claus will definitely come to you, with gifts and gifts.

I would like to talk about the possibility of purchasing sheets with several stencils at once.

You come up with a concept for a fairy-tale decor, first lay down the templates with snowflakes. Using a clothespin with a foam rubber (sponge) clamped, dip it into the toothpaste squeezed out on the saucer. Apply toothpaste to the snowflake template.

Then you place another template with Christmas trees against the glass of the window and also apply toothpaste. You immediately remove the sheet with the stencils. There are forest Christmas trees with snowflakes on your window. In this example, no spraying is done.

Decorate the window frames around the perimeter with New Year's glowing garlands. There will be an elegant window both inside and outside the house.

If you know how to draw, make a composition using both stencils and an artistic brush, as in this video.

Decoration of New Year's windows using the “pull-out” method

The “pull out” method also allows you to decorate windows using stencils and templates. This is a common craft method involving paper cutting. In this case, cutting occurs in entire patterns. And it's very beautiful and interesting.

New Year's “vytynanki” are especially popular. When interesting patterns create an incredible fairy tale.

The New Year's script is cut out and attached to the glass in small pieces with tape.

This is how you can update a window on your balcony.

Or make a New Year's window in the room.

Simpler stencils, after cutting, are secured to the glass with adhesive tape. I suggest “vytynanka” in reverse. You need to cut out the inner template and paint over its cavity.

Apply white spray using artificial snow. In this way, you can create patterns that are connected in meaning.

The result will be a fabulous “vytynanka” made of artificial snow, with meaning, grouped into an interesting plot.

More complex designs are turned into a template using a utility knife and scissors.

Video about how to make “vytynanka” for a New Year’s window with your own hands

Get creative with paper cutting, decorate your home for the New Year, create openwork compositions on the windows. New Year is coming very soon!

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Greetings, my wonderful ones! And in such an upbeat spirit, I invite you to continue decorating our home with your own hands. Let me remind you that earlier you and I made from different materials, including from, crafted and, sewed and created our own special one. But the collection of ideas for the New Year is simply inexhaustible! That's why our next step is window decoration. And we will do this with the help of stencils and protrusions.

To do this, you will need paper, a stationery knife and a backing so as not to spoil the surface of the table.

You may be wondering what to glue this beauty to. So, at home we fixed it with toothpaste. I think this is the most convenient option because it washes off easily. However, our friends glued snowflakes to the window using PVA glue. Of course, it holds up well, but it is difficult to wash off. I think that you simply need to know this. Also glued to paste. It cleans well from glass, but there is a lot of hassle with it - you need to cook it first. In general, choose for yourself.

So, what are the vytynanki that I mentioned just above. Briefly and without going into history, this is a picture cut out of paper. They can be quite simple, or they can be very delicate. Of course, this depends on the skill of the performer. You and I will not consider very complex options, because for the most part, this will be done by mothers with children. This means it should be simple, beautiful and fast.

So, the whole point of this decoration is shown in the picture: choose a stencil, cut along the lines and stick the picture on the window.

Important! The knife or stack must be very sharp! Therefore, stick to the rule: the mother cuts out the picture, and the child sticks it on the window.

Even before I give you just a huge number of pictures, I want to clarify one point. Namely, how to get the stencil itself.

  • Method 1: download the picture and print it on a printer. Downloading occurs when you right-click and select the “Save picture as” function.
  • Method 2: take a screenshot of the screen using the PrtSc key and save the image to your desktop. Then open a graphics editor (for example, Paint) and edit the picture there. All that remains is to print it out.
  • Method 3 is not always correct, but it turns out that they also use it. Place a blank sheet of paper on the screen and trace the picture. It is important to do this without pressing on the screen so as not to damage the surface.
  • Method 4: attach the diagram to the glass and draw the lines with gouache.

Now let's watch a detailed video so that you succeed the first time.

So, you are definitely ready, it’s time to move on to ideas.

Take a closer look at what beautiful images there are of winter, houses, landscapes. The lights look very beautiful at the very base of the horizontal frame.

So, we considered the biggest options. Of course, they are all winter themed.

Templates for windows in the form of snowflakes that you can download

We cannot imagine winter without snowflakes. And in childhood we immediately and forever became convinced that they were all different. There is no beauty like another. Therefore, in this section there are many interesting schemes and templates for you.

You can cut out one thing for each and you will get all different window decorations.

There are very simple ideas and the pictures can be easily cut with scissors. They are suitable for beginners.

And there are even more complicated options. When, you don’t mind the time to get such a beauty.

As you can see, there are many templates. I suggest cutting out snowflakes from colored self-adhesive paper. It’s bright and sticks well to glass.

If you haven’t found such paper, then just color the snowflake in the colors of winter and holiday: blue, light blue, silver and gold.

DIY paper window vytynankas, New Year's symbols

Of course, any holiday has its own symbolism. New Year is no exception. Let's look at what we associate it with.

For some reason I want to start with deer. These graceful and hardy animals bring Grandfather Frost to us with gifts from Veliky Ustyug itself. Can you imagine what kind of heroes they are, who fly around the whole world in a couple of hours?

Here I share with you the whole composition.

Here, this handsome man is bringing us Santa Claus. They are in a hurry, because the children of Europe are already waiting for them.

This Bambi is simply impossible to ignore.

Next, let's look at snowmen. They also come in different styles, colors and sizes.

Not necessarily, he can be alone. It will be useful for small children to know that he has a family: mom and dad.

Snowmen are often found in Soviet winter fairy tales. Remember about the postman?

Modern kids might be more into Olaf from Frozen.

Of course, we won’t ignore the Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree made from circles is very unusual!

And here is a beauty from the stars.

Decorating the corners of the window in the form of frosty patterns.

Now ideas for everyone who enjoys the holiday. Let's talk about animals.

Candles, angels. This is more suitable for Christmas.

Here are some carnival masks for you!

I’ll leave the best part for last – Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! See what they can be.

Now let’s cut out a granddaughter for grandpa.

For Elsa lovers I give this template.

Already chosen an idea? Now let's look at how you can arrange the protrusions on the window.

How to decorate windows for the New Year: beautiful templates and patterns

Simply cutting out a picture using a stencil is not quite enough. You also need to create a composition on the window so that it looks connected and beautiful. Therefore, I give ideas for the placement of stencils. I will immediately attach templates and diagrams to some of them.

Here's an idea for a snowy tale about the inquisitive Umka.

The patterns here are interesting. For example, such a bear has been knocking on the door since winter.

For this composition, you will find diagrams in the article. There is such a Christmas tree and a grandfather. It was just an interesting use of vertical.

Deer add grace to any composition.

Remember the Wolf from “Well, wait a minute!” Here they are with the bunny.

Winter landscapes are always charming.

Here is a diagram for this idea.

Window decoration based on the “Golden Key”.

You can cut out a large picture at once that will cover both window sashes.

Ideas from the popular cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

And here are the cutting diagrams.

The bright colored vytynankas are also very cute. They can be colored by hand or printed on a color printer.

Vytynanki in the form of piglets (Pig) - symbol of the New Year 2019

Now let's move on to the symbol of this year - the Pig. Her image definitely needs to be placed on at least one window.

There are ideas with numbers and letters. There are just beautiful piglets.

Let's look at ideas with numbers first.

At the same time, a couple of diagrams with inscriptions.

And now just silhouettes of cute Piggies.

Piglet also fits the theme very well.

As the New Year approaches, the desire to decorate your home space becomes stronger. A Christmas tree with balls and tinsel, sparkling garlands, snowflakes and rain - these are not all options for New Year's decor. Decorate your windows with New Year's stencils, and this will allow not only you and your family members, but also passers-by on the street to enjoy the beauty.

Options for New Year's window decoration with stencils

How to make stencils yourself

Windows decorated with stencils will be relevant not only during the New Year holidays, but also in the run-up to them and until the end of winter. This decorative option is also convenient because it does not require any money or shopping trips. To place New Year's stencils on windows, you need to print out the pictures that are selected for you in this article. With a little effort, time and patience, your windows will look just like in the photo.

New Year's picture on the window

In order to make stencils for windows for the New Year, you need to have:

  • white office paper;
  • wooden or plastic board;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • transparent tape;
  • toothpaste.

Before you get started, you need to print New Year's stencils for windows.

You can choose any designs as decoration. But images of dogs will be especially relevant in 2018.

2018 is the year of the yellow dog

Dog is the symbol of 2018

Stencil with a picture of a dog

Once you have printed all the stencils, you can start cutting them out. The outer contour of the image can be easily cut out with scissors, but for the inner holes, use a stationery knife. To avoid damaging the surface of the table, place a board under the stencil.

This is painstaking work that requires perseverance, attention and accuracy.

Once everything is finished, you can place the New Year's stencils on the windows, securing them with tape or soapy water.

Stencils on windows

You can put up stencils at your own discretion, arranging the images of New Year's attributes randomly, or creating real paintings.

Or you can use paper stencils for their intended purpose and, using a sponge and toothpaste, apply selected New Year’s designs to the windows, which are then easily washed off with plain water.

If you want to decorate not only a window, but also a windowsill, create a three-dimensional panoramic composition.

Panorama on the windowsill

To do this, cut out a forest or city landscape from paper, make a base and place it on the windowsill. Stretch a garland behind the stencil or place several small lanterns. At night, the illuminated composition will look especially magical.

Popular New Year's stencils for windows

The most current patterns:

  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;

Santa Claus in a sleigh

Santa Claus

Santa Claus hides gifts under the Christmas tree

  • Christmas tree;

Christmas tree with toys

Original Christmas tree

  • New Year's toys;

Christmas ball

Christmas decorations

Christmas tree ball


  • snowmen;

Snowman family

  • thematic inscriptions;

Happy New Year

  • Christmas stories;

Birth of Jesus Christ

Try making stencils for windows for the New Year, and you will feel how this exciting activity lifts your spirits and enhances the feeling of the holiday.

We begin to fantasize about Christmas trees and New Year's window decorations back in November. Moreover, interior fashion in 2019 strongly recommends “gilding” (or “silvering”) the house. Modesty is out. Decorating windows for the New Year using stencils is a ticket to a festive mood and a luxurious life.

December is the time of preparation for the New Year holidays. Some, in order to feel all the magic of the holiday, buy gifts for family and friends in advance, others turn their home into a real fairy tale.

Both plastic and wooden windows can be beautifully decorated. You don’t need to spend a penny on New Year’s themed stencils. Just print and cut out a template with snowflakes, reindeer, snowmen or New Year's socks (boots) for gifts.

Using several stencils, you can create a completely unique creative work on the window or decorate the window glass around the perimeter with a border of a repeating pattern. A slight asymmetry will make the image as natural as possible. It is not necessary to adhere to the mirror pattern when gluing the templates - minor deviations will add dynamism and volume to the application on the window.

An example of a New Year's composition, which, if it does not claim to be an artistic masterpiece, will plunge you headlong into memories from childhood.

The top of the glass is decorated with fir branches on which openwork New Year's balls hang. In the middle of the composition, a sleigh with reindeer seems to be flying through the air. Santa Claus sits in them with a large bag of gifts. Fine snow flies by. On the glass below you can see snow-covered houses, cheerful snowmen and a beautiful New Year tree.

(Initially, draw the idea of ​​stencil placement on the window on paper)

Stencils for windows for the New Year 2019 for cutting

Templates for decorating windows are glued with PVA dissolved in water.

Advice! The overly intricate shape of New Year's stencils will create difficulties when cutting. Therefore, if you are short on time, but window carving is on the mandatory holiday preparation list, then opt for simple but interesting shapes and ornaments.

Decorating windows with vytynankas for the New Year

Intricate, patterned window trims are nothing more than cut-out figures and patterns made from white paper. The technique is simple and it’s easy to make protrusions if you have thin paper sheets, nail scissors (or a stationery knife) and a soap solution on hand - paper pictures are best attached to it.

How to make a soap solution for gluing decorations to windows?

Recipe for preparing the solution: put ¼ of a bar of (white!) soap in a cup of water, add water and stir thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, apply it with a wide brush from a set of paints onto paper and carefully glue it to the glass. When the vytynanki are dry, they are sprinkled with artificial snow on top, just a little bit, to create a “wow” effect.

Stained glass drawings on New Year's glass

New Year's stained glass windows with Christmas trees, snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other thematic patterns are created using the same stencils and spray with artificial snow.

To make a New Year's stained glass window, a paper stencil is moistened on one side with water and pressed tightly against the glass. Then they spray artificial snow and, when the drawing dries (this will take about 20 minutes), remove the stencil.

White toothpaste is also suitable for decorating windows. To do this, it is diluted with water, thoroughly beaten until foam forms and applied to a stencil glued to the window with a toothbrush. To ensure that the paste is sprayed as desired, run your finger upward along the wet bristles and release.

Window decoration for the New Year made of paper

To beautifully decorate windows for the New Year you will need:

  • beads, beads, glass beads;
  • dried flowers or spruce branches;
  • basic skills in working with scissors and paper;
  • threads

New Year's window decoration: mobile “Ballerina in a snowy forest”

A sheet of white paper is folded in half and the outline of a ballerina (a bird or anyone you wish) is drawn.

On the New Year's ballerina's tutu they make a slit at an angle and put it on the “torso”. A thread is threaded through the central fold and hung on a window garland.

Fashion trend of the season - organic style

The main element of eco-style is natural materials in decoration. Windows for the New Year are decorated with apples, citrus fruits and cinnamon. It is always fragrant and beautiful, and also, oranges, tangerines and cinnamon remind of mulled wine - the main wine drink of winter.

Handmade decor in the organic style is easy to create with your own hands at home: you just need to buy bright fruits (tangerines, oranges or apples), tie them with a gold (silver) ribbon and hang them on the window frame on a thread (fishing line) in any order.

This decoration looks very atmospheric. And if you show your imagination and add aromatic baked goods (for example, Christmas gingerbread) to the fruit, you can create a whole New Year’s ensemble on the window.

The eco-style theme is continued by linen decor. With the help of textile elements on the windows it is not only easy to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but also to give a compliment Yellow Earth Pig- the symbol of the coming 2019. To do this, hang ripe pomegranates or rowan sprigs (can be artificial) on a string with simple fabric bows. It all looks very wintery.

The landscape outside the window will become part of the holiday decor if you use a long branch found in the garden to block the window and hang glass Christmas tree decorations on it. To create the desired atmosphere, the wood is effectively tinted with white gouache.

New Year's window decorations - candles

The tradition of displaying low candlesticks on the windowsill is European. Live fire always looks romantic and beautiful.

The shine and glow of snow-covered expanses is recreated in the decor of windows, entwining them with lush spruce paws and placing candles on the windowsill. Burning in the twilight, they attract the eye and act as a symbol of something pure, new, giving hope for the future.

How to decorate candles for the New Year to decorate windows - ideas with photos

Finest hour - decorating windows with paper stars

Paper stars in green, white or red, like no other paper crafts, are associated with the winter holiday. Introduce them into the interior through window decoration, be sure to work with scale: large stars or snowflakes look especially advantageous.

How to make a voluminous paper star with your own hands?

You will need: thick colored paper, scissors and glue. For a small master class on making an origami star, see the photo. Everything is simple and step by step!

An option for the lazy! Garland of stars! We cut out stars of the same diameter from cardboard, glue them to a thread and attach them to the cornice above the window.

Cute cardboard boxes for window decoration

A little creative inspiration and it turns out that you can decorate windows for the New Year using completely unusual objects. For example, a gift box. The easiest way to create a New Year's box is this: take matchboxes, a sheet of elegant red paper and a golden ribbon. We fill in and secure the new outfit with tape and get New Year’s decor.

For those who like to do everything according to the rules, we offer a master class on creating a real box.

Window stickers "Quick Poster"

Vinyl stickers are suitable for a variety of hard surfaces, including glass. The kit usually includes a large sticker, a smoothing card and instructions.

The deer in the photo does not need to be assembled from separate small parts. The finished sticker is applied to the window. Fast and beautiful.

Florarium: fashionable New Year's window decoration

An exotic composition of indoor plants in a glass ball will appeal to fans of eco-style design. Moreover, such compositions can live in transparent vessels for many years with minimal care.

While the whole world is celebrating the New Year with pain in the liver and joy in the eyes, July will reign on your windows (thanks to florariums).

The photo shows tillindsias and succulents placed in a glass ball.

You can decorate the window with “live” balls by attaching them to a thick branch painted with white paint.

Pine cones for a bear - decorating windows with cones

From mid-November to the end of December, most of us are overwhelmed by an unbearable desire to decorate our home for the New Year. We frantically google “how to decorate windows and where to get pine cones.” My hands are itching to make something original.

Try making a garland of pine cones first. Take fir cones, gouache and coarse twine. Look at the photo and repeat!

Material prepared for the website

Snow-covered windows with foam plastic - simple and beautiful

Thanks to its plasticity, polystyrene foam easily takes on any shape, even something as graceful as snowflakes.

Intricate decor that has the texture of snow is bought in stores or made at home, so that you can then decorate the window with foam figures.

If desired, foam balls are replaced with cotton wool. A white thread or thin fishing line is threaded through the fluffy mass of cotton to create falling snow.

And even if the forecast is for rain, it will snow in your house on New Year's Day!

Openwork snowballs as a window decoration

What do you get if you take knitting threads, a balloon and glue? New Year's ball! How to make a ball for window decoration? Simple, and you don't need to know how to knit.

  1. Inflate a round ball of small diameter, tie a tail and lightly grease with Vaseline.
  2. Soak the threads in a pre-prepared solution of water (50 g), PVA glue (10 g) and sugar (5 teaspoons).
  3. Wrap the ball with threads, randomly, but not very tightly, but so that you get an openwork weave.
  4. Dry the ball by hanging it on the Christmas tree. When it is completely dry, take out the ball (burst, deflate or simply crushed).

By 2019 Pigs, it’s easy to make such a miracle with your own hands.

A couple of chickens on the window will lift your spirits and turn on the positive for the year ahead.

New Year's window decor - garland

Remove the heavy curtains from the windows and hang a garland - a shining curtain on the window will create the right atmosphere, filling the room with the anticipation of the holiday.

Snowflakes on glass made from napkins - window decor from childhood

Snowflakes carved for the New Year are always different. As in nature, no two are alike. To beautifully decorate a window with snowflakes, try gluing them not randomly, but in a pattern: repeating the silhouette of a Christmas tree, a cloud or smoke coming from the chimney of the stove.

New Year's paper windows: here's what creatives came up with out of paper snowflakes:

Christmas wreath in window decoration

The most suitable tree for creating a Christmas wreath for a window is considered to be fir. It has a wonderful aroma, it does not fall off and does not prick. The traditional wreath has three colors: green (branches), red (bows) and white-silver (balls).

Decorating windows with figures made of fleece, felt and felt

It is impossible to go overboard with window decoration for the New Year. Therefore, if you have felt or felt in your house, and you still remember the knowledge from school cutting and sewing courses, try sewing decorations with your own hands. Ideas in the photo.

Window decoration for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig!

If you want to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to all the rules and traditions, then there is only one way - to decorate the house with the appropriate attributes. The yellow pig is not wasteful and selfless by nature, so window decor should be minimal.

The easiest way to decorate a New Year's window is to stick out snow-white footprints, which you can make with your own hands as easy as shelling pears! You will need a paw template, scissors and white watercolor.

You can print the dog template in the required scale using a printer; if you don’t have one, contact your nearest copy center.

According to Chinese astrology, the coming year carries the energy of the Earth, which means that all shades of yellow and gold should be present in the interior. A wide selection of incredibly cute Christmas tree balls removes the issue of window decoration and focuses housewives’ attention on decorating the New Year’s table!

Textile felt dogs on the windows will add mood to the overall design palette of the room.

Figures of dogs made of plywood, painted in different colors, will become a spectacular detail in decorating windows for the New Year.

White lace paws for sophisticated natures.

If there are children in the house, then pigs made from sausage balloons will be an excellent window decoration. The symbol of 2019 will not burst if you are as careful as possible and do not bring the ball to the tree ahead of time!

The window sill can be decorated with crafts made from plasticine or polymer clay, which children can then play with.

The best ideas for decorating windows: pictures and patterns of dogs for the New Year

Method 1 - stencils

Method 2 - dog Christmas tree toy ball

Method 3 - felt dog

Method 4 - crocheted dog

Method 5 - Lollipop Dog

To create a window composition (which will most likely be eaten after the New Year), you will need: candy dogs, fir branches, pine cones and polystyrene foam (will serve as the basis for a New Year's craft).

Using children's plasticine, spruce branches, cockerels on a stick and pine cones are strengthened in an artistic manner on a small piece of foam plastic. If desired, add rain, streamers and other festive tinsel to the composition.

The New Year's arrangement on the window will become more soulful if you install a couple of decorative candles in the pine needles. Only in this case you will have to pay attention to safety so that children do not burn their fingers while carrying their favorite candies.

Window decoration for the New Year 2018 made of paper (paper appliques) and paint (gouache) drawings on the windows
