How long does fever last during pregnancy? Fever at the beginning of pregnancy

During the waiting period for a baby, a woman's body temperature may differ slightly from the usual values. In the event that the expectant mother is not familiar with this feature of the pregnant body, she may begin to worry and worry, believing that she is developing a serious and dangerous disease.

In this article, we will tell you what temperature should be during early and late pregnancy, and in what situations it is necessary to consult a doctor and resort to medications.

What temperature is considered normal for pregnant women?

Immediately after conception, a huge amount of progesterone is produced in the body of the expectant mother. All other hormones at the same time also change their concentration, which, of course, cannot affect the well-being of a woman in an “interesting” position.

In particular, any changes in the hormonal background cause a slowdown in heat transfer, which, in turn, provokes a slight increase in body temperature. It is for this reason that in most expectant mothers, especially at the beginning of the waiting period for a baby, the value of this indicator exceeds the normal value by an average of 0.5 degrees.

Thus, when answering the question, what should be the temperature of a pregnant woman, you can specify a range of values ​​​​from 36.6 to 37.1 degrees. Meanwhile, such a violation should not be accompanied by any symptoms of colds and other diseases.

In the second half of pregnancy, as a rule, the situation normalizes, and the body temperature returns to its usual value of 36.6. However, there are also women in whom this symptom persists throughout the entire period of expectation of the baby.

What is the basal temperature during pregnancy?

Many women are also interested in the question of which one is or measured in the vagina. This is very important, because, based on the values ​​​​of this indicator, it is possible to establish with high accuracy whether conception really occurred.

So, normally, from the beginning of the waiting period for the baby, it is about 37.4 degrees. If the value of the basal temperature drops by 0.5-0.6 degrees below normal, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What temperature is dangerous during pregnancy?

Reduced immunity and other features of the body of the expectant mother often cause an increase in body temperature and its presence in the range of about 37 degrees. As a rule, even in the second half of pregnancy, this does not indicate the development of dangerous ailments, especially if such a phenomenon is of a short-term nature.

However, if the body temperature of the expectant mother suddenly rises above 37.5 degrees, this should be a cause for concern at any time during the waiting period for the baby. The value of this indicator above this mark with a high degree of probability indicates the development of an inflammatory or infectious process in the body of a pregnant woman, which can extremely adversely affect the life and health of an unborn baby.

So, in the early stages, such a violation often leads to improper development of the internal organs and systems of the fetus, as well as spontaneous abortion. After 24 weeks, high body temperature often causes

That is why the answer to the question of what temperature during pregnancy should be brought down is obvious - as soon as this figure reaches 37.5 degrees, you need to consult a doctor and take action.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of changes. Many women have noticed that the temperature during pregnancy is usually 37 degrees. It is especially characteristic in the very early stages of pregnancy. Women, not yet knowing about their pregnancy, having found such a temperature, think that they are sick. However, an elevated temperature when carrying a baby is not every time a cause for concern. Today we’ll talk about what temperature is normal for a pregnant woman. And is there any cause for concern if the temperature has risen.

What are the causes of fever during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, it is absolutely normal for the body temperature of the expectant mother to rise. This is considered normal and should not be cause for concern. This is due to the fact that a number of hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, against this background, the body slows down the body's heat transfer, so the temperature rises slightly. In the first weeks of pregnancy, a body temperature of 37 - 37.1 is considered absolutely normal if there are no other symptoms of the disease. Also during pregnancy, the female body produces a large amount of progesterone. It is the most important hormone during pregnancy, it also raises body temperature. If a pregnant girl stays in the sun for a long time, this can also cause. This may also be due to the fact that there is little fresh air in the room in which the pregnant woman spends time. The reaction to all of the above factors is natural and normal.

If your temperature is above 37.5 degrees when measuring, you should pay attention to this. This may indicate that there may be some kind of infection in the body. Even the slightest infection can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus. The first two weeks of pregnancy, fever is the most dangerous. Sometimes it can even cause spontaneous abortions (miscarriages). In the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby's organs develop and form. If during this period it rises to 38 degrees, then this may threaten the development of pathologies in the child. If the temperature is elevated in the last stages of pregnancy, then this may be the cause of placental abruption.

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, temperatures up to 37.5 degrees should not be sold, even if it appeared due to. This temperature should not go astray for the reason that during the period of a cold, in this way, the body fights infection and various viruses. If the body temperature of a pregnant woman exceeds 37.5-38.5 degrees, then it should be brought down. But you need to do this with the help of folk methods. Do not use medications, as they will have a bad effect on the fetus. You can drink warm tea with lemon or raspberries, you can use rubbing, put compresses on your forehead. If the temperature does not go astray, but becomes even higher, then urgently call a doctor, because it is a real threat to your unborn child. Before his arrival, you can try to alleviate your condition with paracetamol.

Remember that during pregnancy, a temperature of 37 degrees in the very early stages of pregnancy is absolutely normal. So there is no need to worry. Instead, pay attention to your child. Relax, take a walk in the fresh air, enjoy the fact that you are pregnant and soon experience the joy of motherhood!

An increase in the thermometer, as a rule, indicates the onset of the disease, but during the gestation of a baby, this is possible for no apparent reason. To figure out whether there is an unreasonable increase in temperature during pregnancy and whether it is normal, let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Temperature increase during pregnancy: what to do in the early stages?

If a woman has an increased basal temperature, then this phenomenon is quite natural and is regarded as a variant of the norm. But its decline should be a cause for concern, as it may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

In the vast majority of cases, an increase in this indicator in the first trimester is not pathological. This phenomenon is due to the natural hormonal changes in the body.

If the temperature is raised to 37 ° C and there are no other signs of the disease, then you should not be afraid and worry prematurely. When the anxiety does not go away, you can consult a doctor and take the tests prescribed by him.

An increase in temperature is sometimes observed for a rather banal reason - as a result of overheating of the body. It is worth more closely monitoring the microclimate in the house, airing more often or going outside.

When should a fever during pregnancy be a cause for concern?

Subfebrile figures (up to 38 ° C) can be difficult to tolerate. Then the woman has fatigue, weakness, weakness, loss of strength. If subfebrile numbers are kept for a rather long period, then there is a possibility that an inflammatory process is hidden in the body.

An increase in thermometer readings in the early stages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which is a rather dangerous condition for a woman, so you need to contact a gynecologist when this indicator does not decrease. Only a doctor, based on the tests, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

In addition, many diseases are characterized by a latent course in the early stages of development, for example, pyelonephritis, herpes, tuberculosis, etc. It must also be taken into account that during pregnancy a woman can catch an infectious or viral disease, which, however, is quite dangerous for the future baby.

The severe course of various diseases in the first trimester often leads to miscarriage. When the infection affects various organs and systems of the developing child, malformations occur.

In such a situation, a thorough examination of the woman and the fetus is carried out. When defects are detected, the question of termination of pregnancy is raised.

If the thermometer mark exceeds 38 ° C during the day in the first month of pregnancy, negative consequences for the fetus may occur: pathologies of the brain and facial skeleton. Also, this phenomenon can provoke a miscarriage, therefore, in no case should this indicator be allowed to grow.

How to quickly reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman

Do not take any medication if the thermometer does not exceed 38°C. Otherwise, action must be taken. It is recommended to drink paracetamol, but it is worth observing the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to drink aspirin, as it negatively affects the life of the fetus, can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, many medications are forbidden to be taken in the first trimester, so in such a situation, the best way out is to see a doctor or call an ambulance.

You can try to cope with this phenomenon yourself, for example, ventilate the room, dress more lightly. It is recommended to drink more, but if there are edema, then heavy drinking is contraindicated. Do not wipe with vinegar, alcohol.

How to avoid fever during pregnancy

To protect yourself and your baby, you need to prevent colds and other diseases. Perhaps the doctor will recommend an additional intake of multivitamin complexes. In addition, it is recommended at the planning stage of the child to undergo a complete examination and cure the detected diseases.

Fever is the first sign of pregnancy

As you know, the first clear symptom of a successful conception is a delay in menstruation. Second
a sign of pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature.

This is fairly easy to spot if the woman has been on a basal temperature chart.

As a rule, the thermometer mark rises to 37 ° C a few days before the expected date of menstruation.

If there is a runny nose, mood swings, fatigue, aches in the lower back, arms and back, chest swells, pigmentation appears on the skin and culinary preferences change, then pregnancy has come.

An increase in temperature before menstruation or an ongoing pregnancy

As you know, the menstrual cycle depends on the production of certain hormones. After ovulation, progesterone synthesis increases, which affects the thermoregulatory center located in the brain. For this reason, especially sensitive women observe an increase in temperature. This happens about a week before the expected date of menstruation. When menstruation occurs, the thermometer mark drops to the usual numbers, as the level of progesterone drops.

However, not all women experience this phenomenon.

If there are no temperature fluctuations, this should not be taken as a pathological phenomenon.

  1. If a woman becomes pregnant, then the temperature still rises and also for a reason.
    hormonal changes. In a mandatory manner, in order to associate this indicator with a possible conception, basal temperature is measured. You can use pregnancy tests;
  2. To confirm this fact, it is necessary to measure BBT throughout the entire cycle. The latter is measured only rectally and only in the morning, while the woman has not yet got out of bed. If BBT rose after ovulation and fell 3-4 days before the expected date of menstruation, then conception did not occur. Otherwise, when a delay occurs and BT does not decrease, but stays within 37 °, it is recommended to purchase special tests at the pharmacy or immediately visit a gynecologist and take a blood test for hCG.

If the thermometer before menstruation exceeds 37.4 ° C, you can suspect something is wrong. Too high numbers indicate the presence of pathology in the body, for example, it may be inflammation of the appendages, uterus or its inner layer. It may also be associated with PMS. As a rule, all the listed pathologies and pathological conditions are accompanied by other symptoms.

Expectant mothers worry about their health like no one else, so the low temperature that has appeared during pregnancy makes them worry and look for answers why this happened. Often, when any deviations from generally accepted norms are detected, women begin to panic.

The normal body temperature is 36.6 ° C, and if the appearance of hyperthermia can still be explained, then when numbers below 36 appear on the thermometer, this can be bewildering. Can such a symptom be considered normal during pregnancy, or does hypothermia signal the development of some kind of disease? Let's try to figure it out.

Changes in thermometric indicators in women in position are common. And if a slight increase is a variant of the norm, then special attention should be paid to the appearance of low body temperature during pregnancy.

Often this symptom indicates a specific pathology - hypothyroidism. This is a disease of the endocrine system, manifested in insufficient production of thyroid hormones. In addition to laboratory parameters, the condition of the future mother speaks about the development of the disease: she becomes lethargic, sleepy and constantly complains of fatigue. Against the background of pathology, a pregnant woman appears, so there is no need to hope that the malaise will pass on its own. If the body temperature does not exceed 36 ° C, you should contact a general practitioner or endocrinologist.

Hypothermia can be quite a serious and dangerous condition. The occurrence of this symptom can be provoked by a respiratory infection, toxicosis, weakened immune defenses, and disruption of the central nervous system.

In addition to the above, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • Insufficient nutrition with a regular feeling of hunger. When a pregnant woman eats, her body temperature usually returns to physiological levels.
  • Anemia. There is a direct link between low blood hemoglobin and low temperature during pregnancy.
  • Excessive loads. Fatigue can manifest itself as hypothermia.
  • Hypoglycemia. Lack of sugar in the blood often leads to a decrease in body temperature. In addition, the expectant mother is worried about excessive weakness,. In severe cases, nausea or vomiting appears, the skin turns pale and becomes covered with sticky sweat. This condition can occur during starvation, malnutrition, and may also indicate the presence.

Is this the norm?

There is no need to think that the appearance of a low temperature during pregnancy necessarily indicates a pathological process in the body. Among the various causes that provoke hypothermia, doctors often indicate the state of pregnancy itself. Moreover, this may be one of the early diagnostics, indicating that a new life has arisen in the uterus.

Often, low body temperature during early pregnancy, and sometimes in the second trimester, is a common physiological reaction that develops in response to the growth and development of the fetus in the mother's body.

Also, hypothermia is sometimes an individual feature of the expectant mother, which she could not even suspect before conception, since previously it did not cause any discomfort and discomfort.

How to raise the temperature?

In situations where the doctor excludes the presence of any disease or disturbance in the functioning of internal organs at low body temperature, special treatment is not required.

A woman carrying a child must adhere to certain recommendations:

  • regularly and balanced;
  • provide for oneself
