How to wash a terry bathrobe. We wash a terry bathrobe in a washing machine correctly - the optimal temperature and mode

The popularity of the terry bathrobe

A terry bathrobe is loved by many people due to the creation of a feeling of comfort, coziness and warmth. This thing is a necessary component of both women's and men's wardrobe, especially when it's cold outside. A terry robe is much more popular than robes made from other fabrics precisely because of the home-making properties that mohair has.

But, unfortunately, a terry bathrobe can please you for a very short time, because many do not know how to properly wash a terry bathrobe in order to preserve its appearance.

How to wash a terry bathrobe correctly?

After buying a terry bathrobe, it is best to wash it immediately. After the first wash, the fibers of the terry bathrobe will acquire increased softness, the overall appearance of the bathrobe will improve and a pleasant softness effect will appear. The washing temperature of a terry bathrobe should not exceed 60 degrees. You should not combine washing a new terry bathrobe with other things. You should not combine washing a bathrobe with other things with a lot of accessories - buttons, zippers. Otherwise, they may damage the pile of the bathrobe.

Do not wash your terry bathrobe at high speeds of the centrifuge of the washing machine and in the water saving mode. Otherwise, after constant friction of the terry product against the drum, the loops will stretch and deform. This can be avoided if the drum is at least two-thirds full.

You can preserve the beautiful bright colors of your terry bathrobe by using a special detergent for washing bright colors. The rinse aid and fabric softener you use to wash your terry bathrobe must contain silicone. It is this component that will help increase the absorbency of terry cloth.

To keep your terry bathrobe as new as possible, soak it in salted water for a while and rinse well afterwards. Salt will not only keep the color of your bathrobe, but it will also help the mohair to fluff up and get its original beautiful look.

How to wash a terry bathrobe and how to dry it?

In principle, there are no features of drying a terry bathrobe. But, of course, it is better to dry it in the fresh air - a balcony or a loggia. This will take about a day. But even in a machine dry, a terry bathrobe can be dried well. This procedure will make it fluffy without the use of air conditioning. You cannot iron a terry bathrobe. Otherwise, there will be no trace of its splendor and softness.

If, after washing, your terry bathrobe has become less fluffy, voluminous and soft, you should buy a good conditioner and rinse and rinse your terry bathrobe in these compositions. You can use a tool that increases the softness of things. Then, your robe will become like a feather again. But the repeated rinsing and softening procedure should be done only with your hands, otherwise you will not achieve the effect of a fluffy pillow robe.

If your terry bathrobe has become less fluffy and thinner, it's time to revive it. Soak it in a silicone rinse for a long time - up to 12 hours, and then rinse and squeeze a little. Let such a dressing gown dry in a shaded place during the day and in the future try to avoid washing such a dressing gown in the machine at high speeds. Do not wash a terry bathrobe in a washing machine using spin and air conditioning. It is best to carry out these procedures manually.

The same goes for drying the bathrobe. If your terry bathrobe has already begun to lose its appearance, do not tumble dry it. Let it dry naturally, shake it a few times to straighten out the lint and straighten it out.

Everyone has a terry bathrobe at home, which attracts with its softness and fluffiness. How nice it is to wrap yourself in this type of product after a bath, shower or just warm up on a bad autumn day. Like other wardrobe items, bathrobes also need periodic washing. We will figure out how to wash a terry bathrobe and what methods are best to do it.

A terry bathrobe is classified as a personal item, so their cleanliness and softness should please the owners from the moment of purchase. In order for the product you like to retain softness and excellent appearance for a long time, you need to know the intricacies of caring for it. Always keep a white or colored robe in excellent condition with the following recommendations:

  • Terry products of this type are personal items, which is why the first wash of bathrobes should take place immediately after purchase and delivery home.
  • At what temperature should a terry bathrobe be washed, because low thermometer readings can ruin the product? The maximum allowable water is 90 degrees, it will remove pollution, and fluff and straighten the fibers.
  • Special means are used for cotton or bamboo fiber, of which the product consists.
  • Machine wash is allowed, the main condition for carrying out will be loading only terry products into the drum or, in general, only a bathrobe.
  • You can not wash the wardrobe item together with clothes with buttons, rivets, snakes. Terry loops easily cling to such accessories, deforming the product.
  • It is better to remove the spin in the washing machine completely or set it to the minimum, this will help protect the bathrobe from deformation and stretch marks.
  • How to wash terrycloths can be soaked in cool salt water. This is followed by rinsing and the main wash using a detergent. Salt solution will help the product become softer, fluffier, and straighten its fibers.
  • The use of stain removers and bleaches is not desirable, the substances will remove pollution, and with it the delicate structure of the fabric.

Liquid detergents are chosen for cleaning, powdered detergents may not be washed out of the fibers and loops and cause allergic reactions.

Advice! Before washing terry clothes, you need to study the label. The manufacturer will tell you with icons the temperature regime, means and methods of washing.

How to wash a terry bathrobe in a washing machine

  • First of all, set the washing mode, it will depend on the material from which the dressing gown is made. The most common is cotton, so choose.
  • A special emollient for terry cloth is poured into the powder compartment.
  • The spin is set to the very minimum or removed altogether. It is better at the end of the procedure to drive off the water with your hands.
  • Rinse is chosen double, so the product will definitely be washed out of the wardrobe item.

At the end of the wash, the bathrobe is shaken and hung out to dry in the fresh air, but direct sunlight is not desirable.

Important! Adhering to this technology, you can wash a medical gown in a washing machine.

As we found out, there are no difficulties in carrying out the procedure. The main thing is not to overdry the product later, otherwise the fibers will become stiff.

Bamboo fiber products are washed in the machine a little differently, pre-soaking is not needed. The detergent is taken liquid, you can use an air conditioner or softener. But the thermometer readings will have to be corrected. At what temperature should a bathrobe made of such threads be washed so as not to spoil it? Water is heated to no more than 40 degrees, higher temperatures will ruin the product irrevocably.

Hand wash of terry products

More gentle cleaning takes place manually, a feature of the procedure will be the use of a large amount of water. This is explained by the good absorbent characteristics of the material.

The procedure is best done in the bathroom, it is in such a container that you can completely straighten the product and provide the necessary amount of water for washing. The process goes like this:

  • A sufficient amount of water of the required temperature is collected in the container. For cotton products, it can be hot, bamboo fiber needs water at a moderate temperature.
  • A sufficient amount of detergent with a softener is diluted in water for washing.
  • Place the product, soak well and leave for a while.
  • Washing is carried out quickly, trying not to rub or wrinkle the product.
  • Rinsing is carried out under running water, washing out the agent used well.
  • Water is squeezed out without twisting and twisting.

It is necessary to dry the product in the same way as after a machine wash, in the fresh air in a straightened form.

Advice! After drying, in no case should you iron the terry product, the high temperature of the iron will permanently ruin the bathrobe. The loops of the mahr will fall down and never straighten out again.

  • To preserve the color, add table vinegar to the rinse water.
  • Soaking in a saline solution will help preserve the color and better deal with the loops of the terry on products.
  • Spinning for terry products in the washing machine is unacceptable, it is better to drive the water away with your hands.
  • It is not worth bending and throwing the product through the clothesline, it will be very difficult to straighten the resulting creases.
  • Bamboo fibers should only be machine washed on a delicate setting.

Using them, you will enjoy your favorite wardrobe item for a long time.

So, how to wash a medical gown according to the proposed methods, we can say that the schemes are universal. The main thing is to know the intricacies of the process.

  • Sort things:
  • by color (separately white from colored);
  • the structure of the material;
  • separate clothes that have zippers and sharp buttons so as not to catch the threads of the terry.
  • When machine washing, due to the large volumes of the terry bathrobe, it is recommended to put it in the drum alone. This will prevent overloading the machine, better wash and rinse the product.
  • To protect things from terrycloth from sticking villi and fibers from other clothes - they need to be washed separately.
  • It is impossible to use high speeds during machine spinning, so that the loops do not stretch and deform when the web is rubbed against the drum of the machine.
  • It is undesirable to use bleaches and stain removers so as not to damage the structure of the material.
  • To preserve the saturation of the color of the fabric and the softness of the fibers, it is recommended to soak the bathrobe in cold salted water for 30 minutes, then rinse well in plenty of water.
  • First of all, set the washing mode, it will depend on the material from which the dressing gown is made. The most common is cotton, which means cotton washing is chosen.
  • A special emollient for terry cloth is poured into the powder compartment.
  • The spin is set to the very minimum or removed altogether. It is better at the end of the procedure to drive off the water with your hands.
  • Rinse is chosen double, so the product will definitely be washed out of the wardrobe item.

At the end of the wash, the bathrobe is shaken and hung out to dry in the fresh air, but direct sunlight is not desirable.

We found out how to wash a bathrobe in a washing machine, there are no difficulties in carrying out the procedure. The main thing is not to overdry the product later, otherwise the fibers will become stiff.

Bamboo fiber products are washed in the machine a little differently, pre-soaking is not needed. The detergent is taken liquid, you can use an air conditioner or softener. But the thermometer readings will have to be corrected. At what temperature should a bathrobe made of such threads be washed so as not to spoil it? Water is heated to no more than 40 degrees, higher temperatures will ruin the product irrevocably.

Terry products require delicate handling. This condition predetermines the choice of the washing program. She should carry out a gentle, gentle washing of things.

It is better to use detergents in liquid form for cleaning from dirt. However, it is recommended to use a dosage slightly lower than indicated in the instructions. Clothing made from natural fibers is well washed from dirt, so you should not worry about a bad result of water procedures.

When rinsing, it will be appropriate to use all kinds of conditioners and other fabric softeners. They fluff the terry, give it softness and a pleasant aroma. If there is no desire or opportunity to use chemicals, you can use ordinary table salt. It is endowed with the same qualities as air conditioners, but it is added directly to the rinse compartment. Spinning is carried out at low speeds or is completely turned off.

Before you put the product in the washing machine, see the manufacturer's recommendations showing how to wash a terry bathrobe. The label may indicate the washing temperature from 40 to 90 degrees.

  • turn on the washing mode for cotton items and set the temperature control to the appropriate division, according to the instructions;
  • during the washing process, use special softening detergents;
  • at the end of the operation, wring out the thing at low speed or manually;
  • shake the bathrobe well and hang it carefully, preferably in the fresh air;
  • terry things do not need to be ironed, otherwise the villi will cling and will not be fluffy.

Features of care

Various materials are used for tailoring of dressing gowns: natural and synthetic. The rules for caring for the product depend on the composition of the fabric. The fleecy fabric, which is called "makhra", comes with one-sided pile - for light models - and double-sided - for warmer ones.

For bath procedures, choose products made from natural fibers. The most common option is cotton. Bamboo fabric, which has a natural basis, is very popular. It is made from bamboo wood.

A synthetic terry bathrobe made of polyester or microfiber is not used after a bath or bath. It is used only as a warm thing. This is due to the fact that synthetics are non-hygroscopic and not breathable enough. It remains to figure out how to wash a terry bathrobe when dirty without ruining it.

Mahra is a material with elongated multiple loops or pile. For tailoring of dressing gowns threads of various natural yarn of all, even the most refined shades are used. Moreover, home clothes can be both single-sided and double-sided. In the latter case, washing by hand is very difficult, not only in terms of convenience, but also the cost of physical strength.

Terry products have a long drying time. A long toe-length robe, for example, will dry for at least a day, and it will take half the time to dry towels.

The drying time of a thing is influenced by many factors: the air temperature in the room, the thickness and length of the product, etc. You can hang it as you like: on hangers, dryer, clothesline. Tumble drying is also permitted, although outdoor drying is preferred.

Ironing terry cloth is not recommended. Even a low heat of the iron can set the terry loops on fire, making the fabric stiff and smooth. However, if there are decorative ornaments in the form of appliqués or embroidery, after drying, it is advisable to iron them by slightly heating the sole of the iron.

If there is an urgent need for ironing, it is better to use steam treatment. Steaming will not harm the fibers of the fabric, but will give home clothes softness and volume.

It is recommended to wash this type of home clothes after purchase in a store, as they are personal items. In addition, the features of terry cloth are such that after washing in the correct mode, the fibers straighten out, become softer and fluffier, so the dressing gown will look even better.

  • A spacious and fluffy bathrobe made of terry cloth is a thing that is quite voluminous and can take up a lot of space. In this regard, if you use a machine wash, such a thing should be placed in the machine alone, as it can take up the entire drum.
  • It is also not recommended to combine the process of washing things with a terry surface with something else, for the reason that third-party fibers from other clothes adhere well to the villi.
  • Never wash a white bathrobe with colored items, as well as with clothes that have zippers and buttons that can catch the loops of the terry, otherwise its appearance will be hopelessly damaged.
  • Do not use machine spin at high speeds. As a result of friction of the fabric against the walls of the drum, the loops can stretch out, and the dressing gown itself is deformed.
  • Before washing a thing, you can soak it in cool salted water for a while, then rinse it in plenty of water. This will help keep the color and softness of the fibers longer.
  • The use of bleaching and stain-removing agents for terry cloth is highly undesirable, as they aggressively affect its delicate structure.

Caring for silk robes

Caring for silk robes:

  • Do not add bleach to the water.
  • Preference should be given to hand washing, so as not to damage the fine structure of the material.
  • Use detergents specially designed for silk fabrics.
  • When rinsing, an antistatic agent is added to cool water (temperature about 20 C).
  • After washing, straightening the dressing gown, dried.

Note! To avoid deformation and fading of silk fabric, it is forbidden to dry the product in dryers, centrifuges and in the sun. For ironing, choose the lowest temperature setting. In order not to have to wash the stains on silk, it should not be sprayed with water when ironing.

Stain Removal:

  • Traces on the fabric should be removed immediately as they become dirty.
  • After wetting the sponge in a soapy solution, it is carried out along the product along the fibers, then rinsed well.
  • To remove drops from water, evenly moisten the whole thing, and then dry.
  • Traces of fat are removed, the dressing gown is rinsed in mustard infusion.

Important little things

If you just bought new clothes for the house, bathroom or bath, do not be too lazy to spend a little of your time before putting it on right away. Be sure to wash the terry bathrobe in the washing machine. This will help:

  1. Remove dust and dirt that even in the cleanest store got on the fabric. Do not forget that the product was also transported to the store. This is a basic hygiene rule that everyone should know about.
  2. Straighten the threads and loops to make the fabric more fluffy.
  3. Make the thing softer to the touch, and therefore more pleasant for your body.

Caring for a cotton robe

Clothing made of cotton material is practical and comfortable, has excellent hygienic properties, does not soar and absorbs moisture well.

Care rules:

  • It is necessary to select white things separately from colored ones so that the fabric does not shed and spoil them.
  • Light-colored cotton clothes can be washed at temperatures up to 90 C, and for colored bathrobes, so that the product does not shed, up to 40 degrees.
  • It should be remembered that things can shrink and deform in hot water, so this mode should be selected only for heavily soiled clothes.

To remove stains:

  • The product should be washed in the washing machine immediately after contamination.
  • When hand washing, it is recommended to thoroughly treat the dirty place with laundry soap.
  • Water stains are removed by treating with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia solutions. Then rinse well.
  • Traces of iodine will disappear if they are rubbed several times with an ammonia solution.
  • If there is a need to remove stains from tea, cocoa or coffee, then salt and glycerin will help. These funds are applied to the place of contamination for a couple of hours, then the clothes are rinsed well.

Linen bathrobes are washed in the same way as cotton clothes, but the temperature should not exceed 40C.

How to dry a terry bathrobe

The drying time of the bathrobe depends on the temperature in the room, the time of year and the weather outside, on the thickness of the pile and the length of the product, but usually it takes at least a day. It is recommended to dry it in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, turning it inside out and hanging it on a coat hanger.

When choosing a dressing gown, every woman wants him to keep fluffiness, softness, beautiful color for a longer time, and this is possible only with proper care for him.

Be prepared for the fact that this and, most likely, even the next day, you will not be able to put on your favorite bathrobe again. Such things dry for at least 24 hours, but it all depends on the temperature in the room, on the thickness of the terry, on the length of the product.

Therefore, just be patient, hang a piece of clothing on a linen thread on the balcony and wait until all moisture is completely gone from it.

How to wash a plush bathrobe

The most comfortable and practical fabric that does not wrinkle, with proper care does not deform and does not shed, is velor (popularly called plush).

In order to prolong the attractiveness of this type of clothing, you must:

  • Sort things by color so they don't fade.
  • Wash plush products at a temperature not exceeding 40 C.
  • Use the delicate cycle with liquid or powder detergents for pile fabrics.
  • It is not recommended to soak things before washing, wring out at high speeds and add bleaching agents when rinsing.
  • Without twisting, hang on a coat hanger and dry until completely dry.
  • When dried, the velor fibers straighten out, and the product does not require ironing.

And if necessary, velor is ironed through gauze soaked in water and treated with hot steam.

Satin garment care

  • Satin robes should be washed by hand using special detergents at a temperature not exceeding 30 C.
  • After washing, things from the satin are not recommended to be twisted, squeezed, pulled out.
  • The product is ironed in a wet state from the wrong side, in the "silk" mode or by setting the iron regulator to around 150 C.

Important! If the regimen and rules of care are violated, the product may shrink and deform. If there are stains from milk on things, you can remove them by washing the dressing gown in cold water with the addition of ammonia solution.

Hand wash of terry products

Microfiber is considered one of the most resistant materials, resembling suede in appearance. It is not intended for everyday wear, but is indispensable when performing work on the household plot and around the house. It has a number of advantages:

  • durable;
  • does not shed;
  • does not fade;
  • does not tear.

Washing features:

  • Washing is acceptable in any of the modes for synthetic products.
  • You can clean microfiber items with a damp sponge or clothes brush.
  • If stains appear, they are easily removed during the washing process.

More gentle cleaning takes place manually, a feature of the procedure will be the use of a large amount of water. This is explained by the good absorbent characteristics of the material.

The procedure is best done in the bathroom, it is in such a container that you can completely straighten the product and provide the necessary amount of water for washing. The process goes like this:

  • A sufficient amount of water of the required temperature is collected in the container. For cotton products, it can be hot, bamboo fiber needs water at a moderate temperature.
  • A sufficient amount of detergent with a softener is diluted in water for washing.
  • Place the product, soak well and leave for a while.
  • Washing is carried out quickly, trying not to rub or wrinkle the product.
  • Rinsing is carried out under running water, washing out the agent used well.
  • Water is squeezed out without twisting and twisting.

It is necessary to dry the product in the same way as after a machine wash, in the fresh air in a straightened form.

How to wash a terry bathrobe using bamboo fiber

Clothing made from this type of fabric in the modern world is becoming more and more popular and has a lot of positive feedback. Benefits and properties of bamboo fiber:

  • high hygroscopicity;
  • good breathability;
  • durability;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • ecological purity.

Testing has shown that more than 70% of bacteria placed on bamboo fiber are killed. Even with repeated washing and drying under the ultraviolet rays of the sun, the fabric does not lose its antibacterial properties.

  • You can wash them by hand and in a washing machine, but with care so as not to damage the delicate, silky structure of the fibers.
  • They are washed by hand by taking a large amount of water at a temperature of 30-40 C into the bathroom.

Do not wash bamboo fiber items in hot water so that they do not shrink.

  • In order to avoid the destructive effect of chemicals on the material, you should not add bleaches and rinses to the water, since clothes made from such material are already washed well with ordinary detergents.
  • When machine washing, use the setting for delicate fabrics. Squeeze at very low speeds or carefully by hand, trying not to twist, so as not to damage the thing.
  • After wringing, the clothes are straightened and carefully hung out to dry.

Products made from bamboo fiber are incredibly soft and silky to the touch. Such a terry cloth is very easy to damage by accidentally hooking a loop. Wash them with extreme care. It is better to do it by hand, in the bathroom, with plenty of water, as the fiber has a high absorbency. The recommended washing temperature for such products is 30-40 degrees.

Never wash a terry bathrobe containing bamboo in hot water. The product may shrink a lot. It is not recommended to add bleaches and special softeners, as the chemical components destroy the fiber. Such things are well washed by conventional means.

When washing in the washing machine, use only the delicate mode and spin at low speeds. If the thing is very thin and smooth, it is better to carefully wring it out by hand without twisting it. After washing, carefully straighten the dressing gown and hang it on the dryer.

Terry bathrobes, which have a special fabric structure, require careful care and a competent approach to washing. If you follow all the above rules, these beautiful homemade things will retain their charming appearance for a long time.

A terry dressing gown is an indispensable item in every woman's wardrobe; it is more popular than home clothes made from other materials. It is nice to wrap yourself up in a soft terry bathrobe after taking a warm fragrant bath.

Terry bathrobes are considered very comfortable and practical clothing for home wear. They are distinguished by their amazing lightness and unique softness. if you decide to buy a women's bathrobe, then it will be useful for you to know how to properly care for this wardrobe item.

1. Immediately after purchase, it is recommended to send a terry bathrobe to the wash so that its villi become soft. This will improve its appearance and enhance the pleasant effect of feeling the softness of the new bathrobe. At the same time, the water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees, and so that the product does not change color, separate the washing of the bathrobe and other colored items. In addition, things with a large number of zippers and buttons can damage the villi of a terry bathrobe.

2. To keep the terry bathrobe soft and fluffy for as long as possible, do not wash it at very high speeds, as well as in the water saving mode - the loops of the product may stretch out as a result of friction with the drum. To avoid this, fill the washing machine to at least two-thirds full.

3. The brightness of the colors of a terry bathrobe can be preserved by using a detergent for washing colored items. When choosing a fabric softener or fabric softener, look for those that contain silicone, which will help increase the absorbency of the terry cloth.

4. In order for the terry dressing gown to retain its qualities for as long as possible, you can lower it for a while in salted water, and then rinse it well. Salt helps to return the terry cloth to its original appearance and fluff.

5. Drying a terry bathrobe is best in the fresh air, it can take about a day. However, you can also use a tumble dryer, which will make the product fluffy without the use of fabric softener. It is not recommended to iron such a dressing gown - loops will take hold, due to which the product will lose its former softness.

Many women at home prefer to wear bathrobes, but home clothes, like any other, need to be properly cared for. A terry dressing gown will retain its fluffy softness and juicy color for a long time only with proper washing.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

A dressing gown is a very convenient and practical item in the wardrobe. You can wrap yourself in it after a bath or warm up after a long walk. By choosing the right style and color, even at home you will look elegant and stylish. Many try to buy a dressing gown in dark shades, as they believe that a home item should not be a brand. If you follow all the rules for the care of terry products, you can safely choose bright colors.

Rules for washing terry products

Buying white bathrobes, the first question that arises in the head is how to wash it off later, or even completely bleach it? So that you do not have to make special efforts when washing, do not wear the item until it is heavily soiled. Any stain can be washed off while it has not yet eaten.

If contamination cannot be avoided, washing should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • sort white from color and dark;
  • if you have hard water, be sure to add a water softener when washing;
  • for hand washing, add vinegar to soften, the proportion is 100 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • set the mode on the washing machine, which is indicated on the label of the product, and if there are no such instructions, do not wash the product at more than 60 degrees;
  • it is desirable to use gels for washing, since the powder particles are poorly washed out of the fibers and make the product stiff;
  • for heavy soiling, use additional bleach.

Terry whitening products

Today, the chemical industry offers a variety of powders and stain removers, especially for whites. But if you trust the experience of our grandmothers, then it is quite possible to cope with stains and restore whiteness to things without expensive means. For each type of pollution there is a stain remover.

You can get rid of greasy stains with ordinary dishwashing detergent. As well as soda, laundry soap, ammonia, salt, starch and hydrogen peroxide.

Juice stains, which are very often left by children, are very corrosive. And for mothers, this is a real torment. They can be removed with boiling water, laundry soap, or a mixture of vodka and glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio.

Tea and coffee stains are a common occurrence on women's dressing gowns. You can remove them with ordinary salt or laundry soap. The stain should be washed immediately after its appearance, until it has penetrated deeply into the fibers.

Clasps and metal buttons begin to leave traces of rust over time. You can get rid of them with citric or acetic acid. To prevent them from appearing in the future, it is better to replace the fasteners with plastic ones.

We return the former whiteness

It often happens that after prolonged wear and washing homemade women's bathrobes lose their whiteness. It is also possible to return it, and even at home it can be done. Before washing, soak the item in a special liquid solution. It can be both purchased funds and homemade. When buying whitening powders, carefully follow the composition and recommendations. They should only be for terry cloth.

Check pockets before soaking. They should not contain any debris or crumbs. The duration of the soak depends on the product you are using. If the bleach is coarse - white, then soaking should be no more than 1 hour. And the quantity should be according to the recommendations on the package.

After soaking, the gown should be rinsed well and squeezed out by hand. To fix the result, send the product to the washing machine. It is not allowed to load any other laundry of a different color, and the drum must not be more than a third full. Avoid spinning at high speeds. It is better to unscrew the bathrobe after washing by hand.

Don't forget softness. Special rinses and balms will help not to lose it after washing. And in no case do not iron a terry thing! To avoid creases, straighten it and dry it on a hanger in a dark place.

How to bleach synthetics

To bleach a synthetic bathrobe, the product will have a different composition and match the type of fabric and its characteristics. Of the chemical bleaches, ordinary whiteness is suitable. To avoid yellowing and deterioration of the fabric, do not overdo it with its amount and soaking time.

If you don't want to risk it, use gentle bleaches. But even with them, you should not leave the product soaked for a long time. The main rule for any whitening is a good rinse. Particles of powder or bleach remaining in the fibers of the fabric may turn yellow, and it will be impossible to get rid of them.

If specialized products are not at hand, you can easily mix a bleaching agent from the simplest ingredients. You will need 3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 6 tablespoons of table salt and 50 grams of washing powder. Dilute all this in 10 liters of warm water and soak the product for 20-30 minutes. After that, rinse the dressing gown in cold water and send to dry.
