How to behave with an Italian man. Temperamental Italian men: what they really are in relationships and family life

Who is still better: Italian men or Russians for us - Slavic women? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, but you can always try to analyze both of them according to the same parameters. Although... It was not for nothing that Taguhi Semirdjyan said:

And only by comparing people, you will understand how incomparable they are ...

  1. How would I personally describe in 3 words Italian men and Russians?
  2. What are the 3 most positive qualities of Italian men and the 3 most positive qualities of Russian men?
  3. What are the 3 most negative qualities of Italians and Russians?
  4. 3 typical characteristics of Italians in relation to women and 3 most typical qualities of Russians in relation to women?
  5. 3 most typical qualities of Italian men in relation to work and 3 most typical qualities of Russian men in relation to work?
  6. Summary

How would I characterize Italians and Russians in 3 words?

    1. ITALIAN MEN: seductive, attentive, gentle
    2. RUSSIANS: unpredictable, alluring, deceptive

(Just don’t grab a Berdan and go to war with me. Even if you ALL disagree with this)

What are the 3 most positive qualities of Italian men and the 3 most positive qualities of Russian men?

    1. The first thing to note is that they attentive. This applies both to personal communication with Italian men and business communication.
    2. Then there is their feeling. And the style is felt Not only in clothes, but also in demeanor, communication, food, etc.
    3. They are smart and interesting in communication . (Of course, there are exceptions everywhere.)
    1. Russian men are definitely CHARMING ( who wants to argue?)
    2. For the most part, they jack of all trades .
    3. Russians - desperate people. (Although, who knows if this is a positive quality?)

What are the 3 most negative qualities of Italians and Russians?

    1. They are lying. Sometimes it is difficult to understand why they lie: either to embellish reality, or to hide the truth. Perhaps both together. But that doesn't change much.
    2. Italian men are mostly pathological. And at any age.
    3. Also Italians too dependent on sex . This fact is very often dominates their behavior and explains many of their actions. (Even the ones that are hard to explain).
    1. If the Italians lie, then the Russians DRINK. (And then they lie too).
    2. Russian men are mostly lazy.
    3. It's hard to rely on them.

3 typical characteristics of Italians in relation to women and 3 most typical qualities of Russians in relation to women?

    1. From the very beginning, the Italians envelop the woman with their special ATTENTION, which is very difficult to resist.
    2. They are very gentle and caring lovers.
    3. Italian men look after a woman very beautifully, elegantly and tastefully.
    1. Russian men charming and captivating . It is not at all easy to get out of the web of their charm.
    2. They can disappear. Unexpectedly leaving the lady fascinated by them in the dark. (True, also unexpectedly, they may appear later).
    3. They often don't like to take care of. Prefer the direct and unpretentious path of the type "Would you like to invite me for a cup of coffee?".

3 most typical qualities of Italians in relation to work and 3 most typical qualities of Russians in relation to work.

    1. They like to talk a lot and do little.
    2. The Italians are very well aware of all their rights, privileges and due bonuses. But along with this, they prefer to perform duties with their left hind foot.
    3. They prefer to pretend rather than actually DO.
    1. Russian men are often very DEDICATED to their work;
    2. Very often work for a Russian man is in the FIRST place. And then - family and relationships.
    3. But if the Russian does not work, then he DOES NOT WORK in full, clinging to his wife, mother, sister, brother, etc. descending.


How to compare?

Both Italians and Russians have a lot of its own, both positive and negative qualities . The only question is what is the priority for us women!

And the choice, as always, is ours!

Or for THEM?

In comparison, it is better only to know, not to evaluate. And then everything will seem miserable.

We have already talked about Italian men, but what do you think there is

Italian men.

For many, the image of an Italian is such a pleasant man, charming, cheerful and always handsome.

Although Italy gave the world Marcello Mastroianni, the majority of Italians are not so beautiful.

In the North, for example, in Milan, Turin, you can meet awesome handsome men.

A couple of years ago we were vacationing in Italy in Rimini, I’ll tell you such a terrible people there, but in one store selling Venetian glass there was an amazingly beautiful hostess, we met, and later I saw her husband and son.

Indeed, the whole family is like a picture.

Very beautiful nice people and tall, slender.

Many Italians from the south come to the north in search of work.

For some reason, many southerners are called Mario.

These are just plain scary.

It turns out that the south is inhabited by the descendants of the Albanians, which is why it is so strikingly different from the north, in the north the people look much more noble, in fact, these are the descendants of that same Roman Empire.

My childhood friend lives in Italy, near Milan, she has a second husband and again an Italian, the first died suddenly, heart.

So I asked her in detail about what kind of Italians they are. After all, now many Russian women marry Italians.

Look, Natasha Stefanenko is married to an Italian and is so happy!

What are they?

Here is what she told me:

As long as mommy is alive, an Italian never grows up!

Italian mothers bring up boys this way: She will yell at him for a minute, hit him on the back of the head, immediately hug him, kiss him and put candy in his mouth.

According to this method, boys grow up as completely weak-willed, obedient sons. If you watched the movie Marriage in Italian, Marcello was absolutely natural there. True, this upbringing has its advantages, these men then listen to their wives too.

The Italian loves pasta! This is pasta… the best person in the world who can cook pasta is, of course, Mommy!

But there are fewer problems with it, to the daily question of what we eat today, you will always get an answer:

My friend says that they do not eat even five kilos of potatoes a year, they also eat rice very rarely, only if she cooks plov, which they call Risotto.

Italian men are womanizers, like all Mediterranean men, they love to follow women, repeating to everyone they meet:


Even if she is a crocodile.

The Dutch, coming to rest in Italy, are in great demand, firstly blondes, and secondly very accessible.

There are a lot of losers among Italian men in a simple environment, I don’t know why, but women are much more active there, they do excellent business, for example, Senora Prada, Donatella Versace.

I have a Russian friend, she married an Italian.

He inherited three hotels from his parents, so for many years she has been doing all the business, despite the fact that she had three small children, she did not quit the business, now that the children have grown up, everything is on her, he just walks and groans :

Bad things!

Although things are going great...Just a whiner.

Italians love to dress up, it's a whole event in his life when he buys shoes!

I have not seen other people who, like an Italian, choose their own shoes.

A couple of twenty measures.

Italian men are clean. His white shirt will be really white. That's how my mom taught me...

Italians love to drink, but you can’t say that drunks are! They drink wine, beer is not very good, they also do not refuse grape vodka.

Both sexes love feasts and guests. So, if you decide to connect your life with an Italian, get ready to spend the weekend with his family.

Italian men have a sweet tooth.

The Italians are quite tight-fisted, but not as greedy as the French.

Italians love to dine out. Usually eat pizza in a cafe around the corner.

Despite the fact that a lot of clothes are made in Italy, they do not know how to dress like French men. They like to walk with an open chest. They hang some kind of crosses, look at Roberto Cavalli!

But many people like it and it is considered that they are sexy! For example, a Dutchman cannot look like this.

One Dutch woman worked with me, she had Italian roots, so she always said that her grandfather, an ice cream man, went selling ice cream around the city, and in every quarter he had a constant mistress! This is in the 50s. I think he probably lied, boasted, but in general, who knows them, these Italians ?! They have a prime minister!

No, they are far from the French and their sophistication. But my friend told me that they are not as harmful as the French, unlike other Europeans, they are funny, they like to joke and are sincere, they love like this, but don’t like like this:

They are considered passionate and tireless lovers, able to break the heart of not only Cinderella, but also the princess. This romantic performance is relentlessly fueled by countless melodramas and women's romances. But not a single melodrama will help to find out what is behind this or that act of an Italian man. So what should you think if...

... Italian dressed to the nines

Whereas elsewhere in Europe a dandy in snow-white trousers and a navy blue club jacket is likely to belong to the fashion world or to the creative elite, in Italy he might as well be a banker, a teacher or a plumber. An Italian man knows a lot about clothes, moreover, for him it is one of the forms of self-expression. And there is no question of going out in front of people in old-fashioned or worn things. Worse than that - just forget to take a shower or wash your hair: Italians are literally obsessed with personal cleanliness. So an exquisite dandy is just an ordinary Italian, hurrying about his business, and no different from millions of compatriots.

The stormy gestures of the Italians became part of not only the national image, but also folk art. One of the humorous sayings says that an Italian with his hands tied behind his back will not be able to talk.

Sunny coast, amazing food, a tanned handsome man nearby - have you ever dreamed of such a thing?

It doesn't matter where you met an Italian: on a business trip, on vacation or online. You don't have to rack your brains over what to say and how to act, because the instructions are already ready!

You can not only inflame his feelings, but build a happy long-term relationship with him.

So, 7 rules which will help the Italian to like it. Grab a notebook and pen and write it down!

1. Be emotional

A man is a result, a woman is a state, a process and emotions. If you are emotional, and your man is Italian, know that you are already very lucky.

The Italian does not hide his emotions, he can laugh and cry with or without reason. When his favorite team loses, if the girl of his dreams agrees with him, if his mother is sick or a passerby smiles ...

Therefore, their communication is filled with gestures, expressive facial expressions. And he expects the same from his partner. Gesticulate, explain, talk about what you like, smile, laugh, in a word, do not be afraid to express your feelings and yours.

Any man will be pleased with your sensuality and desire to convey your thoughts with the help of her, and especially the Italian.

2. Challenge him

A man is a hunter, and in the case of an Italian, this statement can be multiplied by 10. Italian men love the chase: they love to conquer, catch up and beautifully look after.

The trick to communicating with an Italian is to find a balance in the game. You seem to be missing, but he must be absolutely sure that he can get through to you at any moment.

Don't give him too much of yourself. Your hobbies, your friends, your dreams should stay with you, no matter what man is next to you.

Relationships, although important in everyone's life, but with their own interests and own life she will be much more attractive than the dependent girl.

3. Marriage is a formality

By the way, Italian men really pay attention to quality items and accessories, so your wardrobe should be literally flawless.

Yes, more! There is nothing wrong with asking your man to buy you a pair of good shoes and help you choose.

You'll see, a normal Italian man will only be delighted with such a request.

7. Male friendship

In the case of the Italian, as on many other points, the concept of "male friendship" can be safely multiplied by 10.

For Italians, male friendship is sacred. In restaurants and cafes throughout the country, at any time of the day, small companies sit.

For morning coffee, for lunch, in the evening for a glass of wine or football. It just needs to be accepted. The house will often have guests and a cozy atmosphere.

And by the way, Italian men love their well-deserved rest and know a lot about it. So you have to learn to rest too.

Within the standard

Do not forget that you need to look for an approach to any man and everyone is individual. The Italian way of thinking and outlook is different from your usual city and country.

To understand this, you need to be flexible and adapt. The language barrier, for example, has not been canceled.

A smile and femininity can move mountains, but if you can't connect two words in Italian, start with courses, because Italians love their language.

American, Russian or Italian - any man remains a man if you feel like a woman. Your task is to see a worthy man in him and understand how to interact with him.

Good luck,
Ksenia Litvinova, FazaRosta psychologist.

Italian men are not like men from other countries. Almost all Italian things are highly valued by women all over the world, but nothing is appreciated by them as highly as italian men. For women, they are simply God's gift: tanned, strong, sensual, charming, playful, emotional, smart and so beautiful. They are simply irresistible to the opposite sex.

The Italian man surprisingly maintains a harmonious and correct balance between arrogance and insecurity, masculinity and boyish manners. A young or adult Italian man is always sexy!

Italian men and rules of flirting

Italian man flirts like other people breathe - regularly and naturally. Since the time of Casanova, Italians have had a reputation for seducing the most charming women in the world. Italians are sultry and confident, they know how to flirt. This is not given to everyone, American men do not flirt, they tend to go the opposite way, and communicate with a woman in a casual, ordinary and a little rude way.

Italians are funny guys, they love life. According to a recent survey conducted by the Italian magazine Zoomata among more than a thousand Italian men, 68% of them reported that they carry a book with them to the beach just to start and maintain a conversation with women. Moreover, about 80 percent of these men take not just a book, but the Bible or Dante's Divine Comedy, hardly easy reading material. There is no doubt that they are only doing this to be truly successful with women.

How do Italian men relate to the family?

Italian men value the family, and they simply idolize their mothers. An Italian man is very close to his mother, but this is not a manifestation of responsibility, but true love and devotion, showing strength of character. They usually spend holidays with their families, preferring to spend solemn days at a large table along with those who brought you into this world.

Are Italians really unforgettable lovers?

As a rule, this statement is true. According to Zoomata, just 12 percent of Italian men have erection problems, compared to 35 percent among Britons and 42 percent among French men. In addition, Italian men worship the female form and pay attention to such sweet and passionate details as a kiss on the cheek.

But there is one catch, the Italian man is too loving. He loves women, women of all shapes and sizes, of all races and creeds. And there's nothing sexier than a man who wants a woman in a way that makes her feel like she's special, and there's no one in the whole world better than her. She will see her reflection in his eyes full of desire. The Italian always gets the girl because he makes her fall in love with him as much as he falls in love with her. That's the secret!

What do you think of Italian men? I want to hear it from you.
