How to find out that a guy has a girlfriend. Turning to magic

When you are in a relationship with a man or just planning to build one, it is very important to find out if the guy has a girlfriend. Why this is necessary is clear - it is better for the person to be free, then you can calmly communicate with him, hoping for a bright future.

Of course, not all women are embarrassed by the fact that a guy is not free. But it is wrong to compete with someone. You need to understand that you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. It’s better to save your nerves and find a really free one.

“Scanning” a stranger

It is no coincidence that this part of the article is called that way. You can’t do this without a special “scanner”. The problem is that it doesn't exist. If you are trying to determine whether unknown man, this is a very difficult task. It's easier with women.

For example, a free lady, as a rule:

  • It has " war paint" - bright makeup;
  • wears sexy clothes;
  • looks for interesting candidates with his eyes.

However, we hasten to warn you. All these “signs” will not give a clear answer to the question: is a woman free or not. This is also true for “scanning” men.

What should you look at if you need to understand whether a certain young man is single?

  1. Hands. You need to look for a ring on your finger. But even if it is absent, this does not at all guarantee that the young man is free and you can make acquaintance with him. The guy could have taken it off so that he could find a girl on the side.
  2. Behavior. It is difficult to determine from it whether a man has a woman. Perhaps only the most faithful do not look at others. And some will never miss the opportunity to admire feminine charms and even meet an interesting lady.
  3. Cloth. It is also difficult to understand anything from it, because single and married men can dress approximately the same. There are free boys who don't look after their appearance. And there are “married people” who dress every day as if they were going on a date.

A separate story is the analysis of men on the Internet.

Internet, Internet, give me the answer!

Much depends on where exactly you found the young man online. If this is a dating site, only correspondence can answer the question. And there is no 100 percent guarantee that the man will confess or somehow give himself away.

IN in social networks, for example, on Vkontakte, everything is a little simpler. You can look at the guy’s photo and go through his friends list. If a young man does not advertise on his page that he is dating someone, his friends probably have interesting photos or notes on the wall.

How to check “your” guy

One of the words is in quotation marks because you may consider a man “personal”, but in fact he may have other connections.

If you are communicating with a young man, then there are much more ways to check him than “scanning” a stranger.

Nonverbal cues

When a person lies or hides something, he can speak quite convincingly, but the body, as a rule, gives it away. The most typical example: a guy scratches his nose when he speaks, fiddles with his earlobe, blushes, nervously twitches his leg. It is the body that always comes to the aid of the one, or rather, the one who wants to bring a man to clean water.

Although perhaps the guy is simply nervous when communicating with the girl he loves, he is afraid to say something stupid, to seem unmanly, etc. So behavior is not at all a “litmus test” in this matter.

“Excuses” and contradictions

You can catch a guy with all sorts of verbal inconsistencies. A man, for example, may let it slip by saying instead of “I’m on the weekend...” - “We’re on the weekend...”. When asked: “Who are we?”, he may become confused. In general, watch your speech.

Money and time

A man who has no acquaintances on the side tries to spend more time with the girl. If he constantly disappears somewhere, he comes up with different stories, most likely, the guy decided to chase two birds with one stone. You can find out for sure by secretly following him.

The situation is similar with money.

If a man doesn’t buy anything, but the money goes somewhere, perhaps he spends it on another girl.

However, he simply could have taken out a loan and does not want to tell you about it.

“There are so many good girls...”

A guy who is capable of cheating usually behaves relaxed, looks appraisingly at other ladies and maybe even flirts. But this is not an “iron” indicator by which one can determine that a man is a “male”.

Some guys like to look at female figurines for the sake of “sports interest”. At the same time, they remain faithful to only one lady. And vice versa: there are men who, in the company of a girl, look only at her... in the company of each of their girls.


If you have met a man, then you probably know the addresses of his pages on various Internet services. You need to check them by first and last name. Search engines know everything. It can be assumed that the person leading double life, most likely it will not “scorch”. As we have already indicated, carefully study the personal pages of your friends. And in principle, look who the man communicates with.

It would be ideal, of course, to find out logins and passwords, but obtaining them, firstly, is not very nice, and secondly, it is not so easy.

You can look into the mobile phone of the man you like. How?

  1. Secretly. While the guy was distracted or left.
  2. Obviously. To do this, you need to say that your phone is dead and you need to call urgently. In the "Journal" section or similar there will be a list fresh numbers. You can also look at SMS messages.

"I know everything!"

A provocative method, but you can use it if the suspicions are too strong. You need to tell the guy: “I know you have someone else!” Next you should look at his reaction, evaluate nonverbal cues and words. Be careful, it is likely that the man will understand that you are too jealous and decide to end the relationship.

Meeting friends

Guys who are hiding something will try not to introduce you to their friends and relatives. But you can independently find out who the young man is friends with and communicate with these people, trying to please them. You can unobtrusively ask how the man spends his time, whether he still has contacts with his ex or not, etc. Another tricky move: you can say that you are preparing a surprise for the guy and ask him to tell him where he goes on holidays. certain time on some days of the week. Allegedly you want to come to him and give him a present.

Please note that friends rarely betray comrades who communicate with several ladies at the same time.

Turning to magic

This method will not suit everyone. Some may find it interesting and effective. You can contact a person who does fortune telling.

Probably, a magician or witch will perform a ritual and find out something about your betrothed. Or maybe you're just wasting your money a certain amount money.

Direct question

You can just ask the guy if he has someone else. We hope that you know how to distinguish truth from lies. Otherwise, you can draw the wrong conclusions.

In general, it is quite difficult to obtain direct evidence that a man is leading a double life. But the totality of guesses and indirect evidence can give a clear answer to the question of whether the young man is honest or whether he is hiding something.

Of course, girls are crazy about energetic and persistent guys, because they understand that such a person can achieve a lot in life. But is it worth showing your persistence in such a matter as trying to start a relationship if the girl says that she already has a boyfriend? To begin with, it would be good to find out what you are dealing with: just a polite refusal or you have to compete with a serious rival who firmly occupies a place in the heart of your beloved girl. If the girl is well-mannered, then she will not tell you directly about your shortcomings , especially about those that you cannot change. Red hair color coupled with freckles, acne on the face, not very straight legs or short stature– you never know what can repel a young lady. But it’s easier for her to refer to the fact that she is already busy, so as not to cause mental trauma to you. And this is better. This is not a sentence at all! If she is ready to date some other guy, then there is a chance that at some point you will become that guy. But you will have to work hard at this. As it has happened for centuries, so it will be now: young lady you need to conquer, and you have a lot more ways for this, than for knights or musketeers. If it turns out that there is no trace of a guy, then it is quite possible that the girl is simply testing you, how persistent you can be, whether you will give up right away. Or maybe it was just natural embarrassment. But in reality... she only dreams about you. He just doesn’t want to show his cards right away. Then start revealing it yourself.

How to find out if a girl is single

The first card in this game is the king. You need to find out whether he really exists, and whether he will turn out to be a simple “six”. There is a type of girl who loves to have someone constantly “assigned” to them, like a royal page. A reliable guy who carries heavy bags behind her, sullenly and silently accompanies her home in the evening, and lets her copy lectures and homework. This is exactly the case when you can try to take a girl away from a young man, because he only provides her with physical comfort, but you can also create spiritual comfort for her. Visual observations of the girl and the guy will help you best here. Usually in such a situation she walks in front, and he follows her. Their conversations are monosyllabic, on her part - more often in an orderly tone. You can, of course, decide that this is some kind of parody of future family, in which the husband is henpecked. But is this what they dream about when they are young? Next to such a person, the girl will soon begin to feel a spiritual vacuum. Your task is to fill it out on time. So even with the appearance of some kind of relationship, your beloved can actually be free. If you still cannot catch this imaginary guy “by the tail” and see your sweetheart alone, then you can use newer methods of espionage. Only espionage must be such that she does not guess anything, otherwise it is a direct road to breaking up even friendly or friendly relations with her. How to act correctly:Collect the necessary information through social networks This modern tool allows you to create real miracles of surveillance. If a girl openly posted information that she is in a couple with such and such a young man, it means that she is not even embarrassed about her relationship with him or simply does not want to start an affair with someone else. Sometimes such information is posted as a joke, by mutual agreement. It’s not difficult to understand what’s what, if you don’t get hung up on this moment, but periodically read her posts, look at photographs: you never know what can be found on her pages in the public domain! It’s quite possible that she spends most of her time with her friends, little brother or even parents. And she doesn’t appear in any photos with the guy. This means that in reality she is a free person. But, alas, it is difficult to find out whether her heart is free from unrequited love. Social networks are not suitable for this. If a girl is overwhelmed with unexpressed feelings, then she is simply forced to keep it secret with her friends. The next cards to be revealed are queens. Monitor her behavior, phone calls If she knows you well, then in your presence she will definitely not share anything secret with her friends. You can overhear her talking on mobile phone. If something extraordinary happened in her life, if she complains that she was left without attention, that someone else was honored with it, then her speech will be emotional, and since it is important for her to speak out, then she may not pay attention to your loved one presence. But you can get useful information. The most important thing is not to misinterpret everything that is said. If you try to “pull things up” to the fact that the girl has someone, that everything is irretrievably lost for you, then in the end you will find “evidence” that it is you who are doomed. After all, you hear exactly half of the conversation. For example, she says enthusiastically: “Today he and I walked around almost half the forest! He's so sensitive to me! This just makes me happy. He doesn’t miss a single butterfly, he’s interested in every flower, and today we actually came across a couple of squirrels... And in general, he learned to understand me perfectly.” Wonderful relationship, complete mutual understanding... only in reality - with a puppy, and not a young man - a nerd by nature. By the way, it is very easy to find out about the presence of a dog, kitten, parrot or other living creature in the house of your beloved girl, with whom you can walk, through social networks . Every owner is proud of his pet and displays it with great pleasure. funny photos on your page. At the same time, you will make sure that Misha is a dog, Kiryusha is a cat, Petka is a cockerel fish. A ferret may well be called Danya, and a parrot – Roma. Sometimes girls themselves invent secret nicknames from men’s names. Singer Maxim is not the only one of her kind. So the statement on the phone: “We walked with Andryukha all night” may actually mean that the time was spent with Masha, who jokingly dubbed herself Andrey. Yes, this happens, so it’s too early to give up. If you are still in doubt, then try to get information from third hands.

Make inquiries through friends Surely you have more happy friend, who already has his own girl. And it often happens that the one you dote on may turn out to be, if not close friend, then at least be a friend of your friend’s favorite girl. This is where you can make money necessary information. It’s better to try to find out everything from people you trust unconditionally. The main thing is that the information is objective, otherwise, out of envy, unreliable people may say things that will only ruin everything. Do you think that there is nothing to envy in your situation? You're wrong. Eat! The beauty of your feelings. You are in love, but someone has never had this feeling before. Even if such a person has a couple, it is only “to have it” or “because everyone does it,” and not at all because true love has arrived. Ask directly or jokingly Now you have reached the trump lady - your lady of the heart. If you know each other and communicate, then why not ask her if she has anyone on the horizon. So that she doesn’t consider this a hint that you are striving to be on this horizon yourself, you can do everything in the form of a joke. For example, say: “Mademoiselle, if it suddenly starts to rain, will I be the first to open my umbrella over you?” If a girl has a good sense of humor, then she can answer like this:
- “I have someone to open an umbrella over me, but thanks anyway!”
- “Why, I always have an umbrella in my purse!”
- “Train your reaction, and you will succeed!”
It is clear that there is some humor in the last answer, but it explains everything: you were given a chance. The second answer is a clear avoidance of telling the truth. Either there is no guy, or the girl is not averse to cheating on him, breaking up with him, or reconsidering her relationship with him. And only the first answer can be taken as a polite refusal. You managed to find out: the girl really has this moment

have a boyfriend! But don’t despair, because this is only for now. Monogamous people don’t come across very often in life, so you have a chance, and it’s a sin not to use it! You need to try to fight off the girl, and not just give up.

How to win a girl away from someone else if you really like her Sometimes naked eye It can be seen how fragile and fleeting the relationship in a couple is. If you notice this, then you've got the cards in your hands! And trump cards at that! You can notice what your opponent's shortcomings are, especially if she scolds him for it. And you certainly won’t have these shortcomings in your behavior. If her boyfriend is not brave enough, then you just need to be desperate and right moment

protect her. You will see, it will be easy, even if the one who insults the girl seems stronger. Even strong and large people retreat before pressure and rage. But at the same time, never show aggression towards your loved one.

Surprisingly, in some cases such an act can be considered not shameful. If you fell in love with your wife domestic tyrant, from the clutches of which your beloved alone cannot escape, then the time has come for you active actions. You just need to be the exact opposite of her husband. To begin with, everything should look like an ordinary friendship. But then the girl herself will understand which of the two of you is really with her, and who can only demand from her without offering anything in return. You can even provoke a conflict, as a result of which you can take your beloved and protect her from the advances of your now ex-spouse. If her husband is just a mattress, then show yourself as a more agile suitor. Many husbands forget that they need to continue to win their other half, even if there is already a stamp in their passport. And don't remind me! Conquer it yourself!

How to make your ex leave your current boyfriend

Never call bad words with her is the guy she is with now. If you say that he is a “pompous turkey,” then you will immediately become her enemy. Even if this fanfare is like that a thousand times, keep in mind that love is blind. And while her boyfriend is telling her how good he is, say the same about yourself, only with real action. Of course, women are very touched beautiful words, but noble deeds are even greater.

Take your girlfriend away from your friend

But to do so is simply ignoble. In this case, you lose either one or the other, but there is also big risk- lose both at once when they figure out your intentions. There is no need to do anything special. Here it is advisable to take a wait-and-see attitude. If your friend acts unkindly to his girlfriend, then at some point she may choose you as her “vest.” That's when you need to act. But first you need to play devoted friend and an understanding person. Try to reconcile your friend with his beloved, no matter how disgusting it may be for you! At the same time, you can casually mention to her that you definitely never acted like your friend did with his girlfriend. If jealousy is boiling inside you, then you don’t need to give it a clear outlet. Blaming it on your friends is not nice. If you find yourself in such a situation, then you just need to work on yourself and become better. Better than you were, better than your friend. You must be ready to show that you can love more than anyone else, and then they will pay attention to you. Although another option is possible: you will understand that this girl is not worth you

Quite often awkward situations arise when, through mutual friends or acquaintances, you have to find out about the personal life of the person you are interested in. Of course, it’s not always possible to avoid incidents, but there are several little women’s secrets that will help you find out whether the guy you’re interested in is available.

Trick #1. Everyone knows social networks.

You should never forget about online life, because almost everyone has it and is not much different from what we see in reality. Following from this, how very interested girl, you can find out 80% of the information about your chosen one from his accounts on social networks. The very first thing that always catches your eye is the “marital status” column. If such information is not indicated on the user’s page, just carefully study all the entries on his profile. They will not only reveal in detail the condition and daily mood of the account owner, but will also tell about his preferences, the sharing of which will serve as a whole wide path to his heart.

Trick number 2. The unconscious will reveal everything!

When a guy is not single, this is almost always noticeable in his reservations. Yes, yes, this is exactly what you should pay attention to. If he has another chosen one, to whom he devotes a lot of his free time, in the conversation, instead of the pronoun “I,” “We” begins to slip in for no apparent reason. For example, when answering the question: “How did YOU spend yesterday evening?”, he may make a mistake and the result will be something like: “Great, WE watched a very good movie yesterday.” This is an unconscious signal that this guy busy.

Trick number 3. Escape.

Pay attention to how much time he spends in the company and how he leaves. If a guy has a girlfriend, he tries to leave in advance. Most often, a premature escape follows a call or SMS message. Of course, watching similar behavior is not always able to give a concrete result, because a young man may be in a hurry to go to work or to his beloved mother.

Trick number 4. The presence of a girl is indicated by... Distance!

Even if the guy you like is very friendly and sociable in the company, the distance will still indicate that he is busy. How does this manifest itself? In large and friendly companies there are both boys and girls. When meeting or in an emotional outburst, they tend to hug or even kiss each other on the cheek, but if your chosen one in this case smiles sweetly and simply nods his head, you know that his heart is occupied, and most likely, by a very jealous girl.

Trick #5. In contact with.

If a young man does not let go of his phone for a minute and is always engrossed in typing, it is unlikely that, while in a company, he will begin to correspond about something with friends, because at this time they surround him in reality. Basically, this behavior is typical of a guy if he is very interested in some lady.

These tips will help you only if you observe quietly and carefully, because awkward moments no one is insured.

There are situations when a girl meets a guy, spends a lot of time with him, and then he disappears somewhere without reporting anything. And it doesn't appear again. Most likely, he simply there is another, which appeared much earlier.

And it is still unknown who deceived whom. The guy cheated on his girlfriend, and then changed his mind and left his new girlfriend. How can you avoid ending up in the shoes of that same abandoned new friend? What steps should be taken to avoid ending up in such an inglorious and at the same time vicious place in his life? It remains to be carefully observed There is whether signs that what he already has There is young woman.

Public places

No, of course, he will take his new girlfriend, but only to those places where he has never been before or simply to the other end of the city. A guy cheats with a girl that he will never take to places where someone he knows well might see them. And this a clear sign Togo what he already has There is girlfriend, or maybe even wife and children. This means it’s time to carefully understand the current situation.

The new girl with whom the guy cheats on his girlfriend will probably not have the honor of seeing the place where he lives. A guy who doesn't have any skeletons in his closet in the form of things in his wardrobe and sweet photographs with hearts will have nothing against bringing a girl home. Perhaps not right away, but after some time you will need to hint at it and see his reaction.

Phone calls

If the guy doesn't pick up the phone and doesn't answer phone call, when a girl calls him outside of the established schedule, it is unlikely that he is very busy at work or sleeping, or bathing in the bathroom. He just can’t talk at the moment, the guy is cheating with his permanent girlfriend. If he calls back the next day or a few hours later, then There is a reason to think seriously and deeply. Especially if this is repeated with particular regularity.

Typically, after some time, a guy should introduce his girlfriend to his friends. And if such a significant meeting has not happened yet, then he clearly There is what to hide. And he is going to hide it not only from his new girlfriend, but also from the constant, as well as from their friends. Those who like to be in secondary roles can continue the relationship. For others it hardly makes sense.

Of course, it is believed that if a guy introduces a girl to his parents, then she is perceived as his bride. After the first date, you shouldn’t insist on a fatal meeting. However, after a certain time, you may wonder if he is even going to introduce you to his family. After all, it may turn out that this is not part of his plans, since he real girl I already know my parents.

So, the two have already become quite close, but he never stays overnight, citing the fact that he has to get up early for work tomorrow, or his mother doesn’t allow it, or he needs to walk the dog. In general, there may be a countless number of reasons not to stay overnight with your mistress. If a guy accidentally falls asleep, and then jumps up in the middle of the night as if stung and begins to quickly get ready, then most likely There is someone who is waiting for him at home now.

Photo for memory

He still carries a photo of his "ex" girlfriend in his wallet. Who said she was his ex? In the end, if he has already started meeting other girls, it means that his feelings have weakened, and a photograph of another, even an ex, should actually already be collecting dust in the closet. This is basic respect.

Secret phone

He will never allow you to go through his phone. Nowadays, many men don’t like it when girls get into their phone. Especially without asking. However, if you try, an honest man will not hide anything and together offer to look through the list of subscribers. Based on materials from

There are often cases when young man he likes the girl, but he is at a loss as to whether she is available. Of course, a well-mannered lady herself will let you know that she has a gentleman. However, many young men want to invite the person they like on a date without directly asking about her marital status. How to do everything right? Fortune telling on coffee grounds? Let's try to figure it out together. Let's highlight effective ways, which will help you find out if a girl has a boyfriend. So let's get started.

Method No. 1. Watch the girl's behavior

Pay attention to the look. Available young ladies are constantly in search, their eyes run like lights from one face to another. When entering a minibus or bus, lonely girls look closely at the guys. They also want to please young people, so they often straighten their hair or tug at the hem of their skirt. A more cunning person will instantly determine the financial status and even marital status, eating with the eyes of the gentleman whom she liked.

Free girls visit nightclubs and discos in the hope of finding “prey” for the evening. As a rule, such young ladies come in the company of friends, under the guise that they want to be with their friends. In fact, the girl is looking for a gentleman with whom she can party all night until she drops in wild dances on the bar counter. In entertainment establishments, ladies have fun to the fullest, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Guys can't take their eyes off these girls.

A girl who doesn't have a boyfriend always tries to look sexy. She wears a miniskirt, a low-cut blouse, a short top, high heels etc. Such attributes attract the male half of humanity, and young ladies They take advantage of this in every possible way. Also, free girls often wear extended nails, periodically repainting them in bright colors.

Free girls take care of their appearance, look well-groomed, and keep up with the latest trends in the fashion world. They regularly change their wardrobe because they do not skimp on themselves. A married lady tries to look neat only for one man; for this reason, busy people neglect basic self-care, wanting to maintain family budget. However, you should be careful about correct drafting portrait. There are often situations when single young ladies do not pursue the goal of standing out from the gray mass.

Method No. 2. Explore her page on social networks

In the age of technological progress, it is rare to meet a person who is not registered in at least one social network. Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and many other communities lure thousands of users into their networks every day. Of course, these include young girls who are in a hurry to post their own pictures or repost the post.

To understand if a lady has a boyfriend, just visit her page, studying pictures and statuses. It is also worth paying attention to the column “Marital status”; as a rule, in it you can find the notes “in love”, “with active search", "married/not married", etc.

Rate the wall and the “About Me” information, many ladies are in a hurry to tell the whole world about high love. Busy young ladies usually post statuses like “Is it possible to love more? I can't imagine my life without his hands, eyes and tender lips" As for single women, they are either sarcastic or copy vanilla statuses like “I want to fall in love again, to experience the first moments of round-the-clock communication via SMS...” or “I’m getting married. Does anybody want?".

The phrases listed are a drop in the ocean of what young ladies repost on their walls. Start from this, there is no need to invent a wheel when everything is simple and transparent. In cases where you doubt whether a girl is busy or not, add her as a friend with the phrase “Let’s meet, beauty?” The young lady's reaction will speak for itself.

Method No. 3. Ask directly

When a guy meets a girl, strong half humanity wants to know how free a beautiful lady is. Experienced psychologists It is recommended to communicate sincerely from the first day, otherwise questions will accumulate, casting doubt on future relationships.

Before asking a specific question regarding the presence of a gentleman beautiful lady, tell the girl that you are looking for yourself and don’t have a significant other. Such a move will win her over without making her doubt the sincerity of her intentions. You can “appease” the young lady by making a couple of compliments regarding her manner of communication, behavior or appearance.

Having laid the foundation, ask “Please tell me, do you have a boyfriend?” If the lady answers in the negative, ask her out. If the answer is positive, do not rush to accept it; perhaps the beautiful young lady is being disingenuous. Ask the question again more openly, insist on honesty.

  1. Most boys try to appear cool (show off) or indifferent when they find out that a girl already has a partner. Such a move only repels better half, do not do this. Continue communication as usual, don’t panic, don’t be sarcastic, accept her choice.
  2. If you are sure that a lady has a boyfriend, but she is rushing between the two of you, try to win the girl over. Take care, speak taboo topics(sex, family, etc.), penetrate into the soul, but not too deeply.
  3. Don't ask questions regarding marital status young ladies, being in public. Firstly, the lady will not be able to fully relax and will automatically withdraw. Secondly, there is no need to dedicate society to your personal life.

Don't lose confidence in yourself. Even if you guess that the young lady is not free, go ahead. Ask a question directly, demand an honest answer. Climb the page on social networks, observe behavior, looks, appearance.

Video: how to find out if a girl loves you
