The child spits food - what to do? In what cases does a child spit food, what to do and how to respond to such behavior? What to do if the child spits food The child spits out food.

Mothers often complain that child is not eating well. It could be complete refusal to eat or selective, but that doesn't make it any easier. The reasons why a baby protests are not always clear, and it is even more difficult to correct these feeding problems. Let's look at the types of food refusal.

Refusal of vegetables

Vegetables are one of the most common food refusals in children after the first year of life. The child may turn his head away in disgust or spit out food, throw all the vegetables on the table or on the floor.

Often, impatience for vegetables is due to the inclusion of various goodies in the diet. Mothers, and more often grandmothers, in order for the child to eat at least “something”, begin to give him unhealthy, but tasty foods. Having fallen in love with sweets, children are very reluctant to eat healthy vegetables.

Try to "hide" vegetables in different dishes: cook vegetable caviar with cereals, scrambled eggs with green vegetables, etc. You can figuratively cut vegetables, causing the child's interest. Puree is better to replace vegetables with slices. It is also important to set an example for your child and regularly include vegetables in your menu.

Rejection of everything except...

Sometimes children do not take any food, except for one dish for breakfast, lunch, dinner. This usually happens around 2 years old.

The child's tastes change, and he begins to remain devotion to one dish, and then another "permanent" dish will come to replace, and so on. Children like repetition, stability. This gives them confidence in such a new world for them.

Individual refusal to eat

Different children may refuse different foods or ways of preparing them. Someone does not like lumps, someone does not tolerate greens, others do not eat potatoes with butter, etc. Whims, grimaces can appear for various food reasons.

Sometimes a child refuses to eat, realizing his new stage of development. He demonstrates to the world his attitude towards products. And he also wants to check what whims will be permissible in relation to his parents, while trying to expand the scope of what is permitted.

Refusal of any food

The baby may run away from food, spit it out or make faces at the sight of food and move away from the spoon. Mothers worry that a child's poor appetite will cause health problems in the future.

The reason for this behavior may simply be the lack of hunger sufficient for appetite. Perhaps breakfast (lunch) was a long time ago, but there were a lot of snacks (cookies, banana, apple, etc.). Refusal to eat can also be caused by too nervous conditions during the meal.

What should mom do? Definitely don't force your child to eat. Otherwise, eating will be associated with stress. But offering food to a child is worth continuing. This should be at the same time in 5 doses. There is no need to offer snacks between these meals. It is necessary to limit the volume of high-calorie juices with pulp. Try to teach your child to eat on their own - this can bring a new, additional pleasure to the child.

If a child is not eating well or refuses to eat, it is important to eliminate several major mistakes. No need to yell at the child, force, bribe with toys and sweets, praise for every spoon and say all the time that he does not eat well. Instead, you need:

  • wait until the child is hungry;
  • stop comparing the child's appetite with the appetite of other children;
  • stop commenting on the child's behavior;
  • prevent the child's manipulations by promising to give candy for a cutlet, etc.;
  • always ask if the baby liked the food.

Refusal to eat is a temporary phenomenon. On the other hand, eating stress or eating unhealthy will have long-term consequences. React correctly, and bon appetit to your baby!

How to wean a child to spit

Be persistent and consistently accustom to order. In case of disobedience, clearly express dissatisfaction: with gestures, facial expressions, words. Do not laugh, otherwise the child will perceive what is happening as a game and it will be very difficult to distract him. Spitting food defiantly? Ask to leave the table, and later have a confidential conversation and explain the inadmissibility of such behavior.

"French children do not spit the food"

The book was written by the famous journalist Pamela Druckerman, voicing in it the system of rules by which French parents raise their children. The main postulate: balance in everything. From the very beginning, it is necessary to establish certain boundaries of what is permitted, within which the baby can feel free.

Pamela Druckerman's Parenting Principles:

  • the interests of the parents are just as important as the interests of the children;
  • a baby from birth must be taught to be independent;
  • for normal development, a large share of freedom and independence is required, and not continuous care and attention;
  • the result is obvious: French children do not spit, do not interfere in the conversations of adults, do not throw tantrums.

Spitting is a temporary phenomenon, it will definitely pass, you just need to make a little effort. If such a reaction - the child spits food - is delayed, you should contact a child psychologist and dentist.

Hello dear moms and dads! Not so long ago, we figured it out. Today we will consider why he suddenly began to spit. We will analyze the causes and methods of combating this phenomenon.

Why do kids spit food

Why does the baby spit

The answer here is simple. A child who was relatively recently born into the world begins to spit, because this is something new for him. A new procedure that he learned to perform. Maybe he does this periodically, at first often. Then he will start to get bored with it, he will forget for a while, then he can remember again. Well, in general, you understood the whole pattern of his behavior.

He can begin to actively spit when good salivation begins. A full mouth of saliva, a protruding tongue and the baby spits in all directions, you should be ready for this. That's what most kids do.

Also, a baby can spit with a mixture or mother's milk, and not because he does not like it, but because he has learned to do it and eat something.

If you have already begun to introduce complementary foods, then prepare more bibs. Your baby may not like the new food and will view it as "ammo" to attack.

Why older children spit

  1. Older children thus express their dissatisfaction with something or show aggression.
  2. It is possible that they also decided to play with you or try their patience in the same way, suddenly you will be amused by their behavior and they will begin to spit more actively again.
  3. Perhaps the children spitting food is your fault. You could make them uncomfortable to sit or give food too hot or too cold. Or perhaps your child is no longer hungry at all, and you are trying to force him to do this. Or you give him food too quickly, he does not have time to swallow it, and therefore begins to spit. Maybe he just doesn't like that particular food. On nervous behavior on your part during feeding, he will answer you exactly the same with his own in the form of spitting.
  4. The desire to stand out among peers or show their attitude towards them, etc. Sometimes you can find such that small children spit at each other.

How to wean a child to spit

Simple Rules

The most important rule here, which is suitable for any age of the child, is not to encourage or laugh at the child when he does this. As soon as the baby understands that they are paying attention to him when he spits, they also laugh or smile in response, then everything, consider that spitting is now his favorite pastime.

In most cases, it helps to just ignore it. The kid will understand that no one is interested in his innovation, play enough and stop doing it.

To prevent the baby from spitting food, watch out for misfires on your part:

  • Sit him comfortably at the table;
  • Monitor the quality of food;
  • Take your time while feeding;
  • Do not show aggression during feeding;
  • Do not force your child to eat unless he is already hungry.

More aggressive fighting methods

If a child spits at the table, you did not pay attention at first. Then they explained to him that it was not good to do this, had a conversation about what is possible and what is not, but he still continues to do it, you will have to ask him several times to leave the table and say that eating is for him finished. If the baby still continues to do his own thing, then perhaps he is offended by you for something. Try to understand why exactly. It also does not hurt to talk to a child psychologist if necessary.

If a child spat at his peer, then here he will first have to say to his own that it is impossible to do this in any case, and then, before his eyes, feel sorry for the “injured” child. This should work. But, you don’t need to show any aggression on your part, severity should be moderate.

Well, that's all, dear friends, I hope you understand why children spit and already know what measures to take.

A few months after the birth of a child, many mothers have a question about how to start accustoming a baby to adult food. When is the best time to do this, and what foods to introduce into the baby's diet first. Today, pediatricians recommend using a method called peddry food as an introduction to new food.

When to introduce new foods

The first and most important rule for the introduction of complementary foods is the psychological readiness of the baby. If your baby is actively interested in the contents of your plate, reaching out and trying to grab something that mom eats, then your baby is ready to try new foods.

It is recommended to start giving new products only when the child is six months old, he is psychologically ready, and there are no pediatrician contraindications. Pedagogical complementary foods are, in fact, not feeding, but just introducing the baby to new tastes.

When did the method

In fact, we all know perfectly well that the new is the well-forgotten old. For decades, mothers have started solid foods with canned baby purees and juices. These products are produced in abundance by the food industry and can be found in any grocery store. However, not all children like this food. It is prepared without the addition of salt and sugar and has a dubious taste, according to adults.

Before the invention of these products, women accustomed children to ordinary food, the one that they ate themselves. Our grandmothers could not even think of buying some jars of food for the baby. Everything was much easier. Women simply let the child taste their food when he asked for it, so starting with microscopic doses, the child was gradually transferred to feeding adult foods.

Today, pediatricians have come to the conclusion that this method is the best for the introduction of complementary foods, the baby quickly adapts to adult nutrition and after a year already can eat the usual food for parents. The most important aspect of such complementary foods is the constant interest of the crumbs in new foods.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia during childbirth - what mother should know

Features of acquaintance of the baby with new food

Pedagogical complementary foods are possible only under the condition of breastfeeding. In this case, the baby should not be accustomed to the nipple and bottle. This is an important condition, since only if these rules are observed, the child will receive with mother's milk all the necessary enzymes to digest new food.

You need to start feeding with microscopic doses. During a family dinner or lunch, if the baby shows interest in mom's plate, you can give the baby a crumb of food that mom eats. If the baby asks for more, give him a second crumb. At the same time, the amount of food should be no more than can fit between the index and thumb of the mother.

At one meal, a child can be given no more than 3 pinches of a new product.

Over time, the amount of food should be gradually increased and brought to one teaspoon. Remember that infant formula is not baby food, but is used for informational purposes only. Breastfeeding must be continued throughout the entire period of pedagogical complementary feeding.

What can you give the baby to try

In the system of pedagogical complementary foods, there are rules that determine which foods can be given to a baby, and which ones are not advisable to try before a year. Permitted foods include all types of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, cereals, soups, cereals. Before giving the baby a taste of food, it must be rubbed so that the baby does not choke. Watch the reaction of the child after each new product, allergic reactions should be the reason for the ban on dangerous food.

It is not advisable to give the baby to try fried, salted, canned and low-quality foods. Food such as sausages, sausages, etc. may contain a large amount of preservatives and flavor enhancers, which often cause allergic reactions.

Also, the baby can be offered to try drinking. This should be done only from a mug or glass, pouring a little water or milk into it. The amount of liquid should not exceed one small sip. Also, the little one can try natural freshly squeezed juices (preferably vegetable), home-made compotes, jelly and other neutral drinks.

Menu planning for a 10-11 month old breastfed baby

All food that the baby eats should be well cooked and prepared only from fresh ingredients. In no case do not give the child yesterday's food, this can cause the development of harmful microbes in the baby's stomach.

What to do if the child is not yet 6 months old

Many children begin to show interest in adult food much earlier than six months. They reach into their mother's plate or want to take food from their mother's mouth. In this case, you do not need to indulge the little one. His digestive system is not yet ready to accept even small pieces of adult food. Starting pedagogical complementary foods ahead of time, you can provoke digestive tract disorders in an infant, which can result in various diseases.

Differences between different power systems

Many parents cannot understand why a child who receives complementary foods with baby food from jars can eat a lot of food by the age of 7 months, and infant foods do not allow giving large portions to children.

It's all about the food. Baby food is prepared in a special way, which allows you to keep vitamins in canned food and remove all unnecessary components, such as salt, sugar, fats, etc. Therefore, baby food is well absorbed by a small stomach and does not cause digestive problems. The goal of complementary feeding with baby food is to fully feed the baby, who, for a number of reasons, is not breastfed or does not get enough of his mother's milk.

The purpose of complementary foods is to introduce new tastes and prepare the child for complete complementary foods. It is for this reason that pedagogical complementary foods do not involve large portions, because the system is used only if the baby is fully breastfed on demand, which means that he does not need other food to eat.

What to do when a child spits out food

Most children, although they begin to show a keen interest in their mother's food, when they receive a piece for a sample, they immediately spit it out. This is normal at the initial stage of getting to know the products. It’s just that the baby doesn’t know yet that food can differ from milk in texture and taste, he doesn’t know how to chew and just spits out food that is incomprehensible to him. Later, when a few days pass, the baby will understand that tastes are different, and food can be rubbed with gums and swallowed. It just takes time.

What to do if the child is not interested in adult food

For many mothers, the baby's lack of interest in food at 6 months becomes a cause for concern. At the same time, the child may be interested in a spoon or other utensils, but not pay attention to adult food. There is really no cause for concern in this case. It's just that your baby is not yet psychologically ready to try something new and imitate the elders. Be patient, don't try to force something. After a few weeks, your baby will probably show a desire to try from your plate.

Parents always unconsciously compare the behavior of their children with how others behave. Why do some kids spit food and others don't? Where are deep psychological problems hidden, and where are the problems of education? Or maybe it's all about tasteless food? Let's try to deal with these questions.

The most pedagogical approach is to consider any problems in the child's behavior according to his age norms. After all, there is a difference between how a six-month-old baby and a five-year-old child can behave at the table. Therefore, questions about why a child spits food and what to do with such behavior should be considered according to age periods.

What to do if a child spits food up to a year?

For the first six months, babies are known to eat only mother's milk or an adapted formula. Some parents introduce complementary foods a little earlier, according to medical indications. But the introduction of complementary foods, even at six months, does not always go smoothly and smoothly.

Most often, at first, the child may react negatively to one or another product. Some babies may cry out of frustration that they didn't like the taste. And someone can spit out the food received. Is it worth worrying about this? Of course not. After all, complementary foods are, first of all, the baby's first experience in mastering new adult food. And any of his negative reactions, as well as the reaction of his body, is just part of the adaptation period that every baby inevitably goes through when switching to a new diet.

If your kid doesn't like canned zucchini, try making your own zucchini. If you didn’t like the vegetable in your performance, you should postpone feeding this product for a while. After a couple of weeks, try again, and perhaps you will be very surprised to find that this time the baby eats the vegetable on both cheeks.

What to do if a child spits food from a year to three?

At this age, the baby may spit food for several reasons.

1. At the age of about a year, the baby can be very disturbed by the teeth that erupt through the gum and cause severe discomfort. At such a time, children most often prefer not to eat at all, or eat it in very small quantities. If the parents are persistent and stubborn, then the baby may start and spit the offered food. In fact, there is no cause for concern in this case. Parents don't have to worry too much. After all, children of this age replenish their energy at the expense of mother's milk or formula. This period will sooner or later pass, and your baby will again eat food with the same appetite.

2. Closer to three years, the baby has a so-called crisis of negativism. He wants to make decisions on his own and choose clothes, toys, and even food for himself. It even happens that a parent offers a child his favorite food, but due to the fact that the choice was not made by the baby himself, the food is spat out, and the plate flies off to another corner of the kitchen.

First of all, in such a situation, the parent needs to put their own feelings in order. If you react based on your own negative emotions, then you will definitely not achieve a positive result.

Remember that when a child is hysterical, it is the adult who needs to pull himself together, because the baby is not yet capable of this. For this, his nervous system is not sufficiently formed, and the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition. It is pointless to explain to the child at this moment that he acted badly, and even more so to yell at him. He simply will not hear you, since his brain at such a moment works in a completely different mode, unable to perceive any information.

It is best, in such a situation, to remove from the child all objects dangerous to him - heavy mugs, a fork, and wait until he calms down a little. When the first stream of emotions subsides, you need to hug the child and assure him of your unconditional love. This should be done in any situation where the child is confronted with their own emotions.

Only after all of the above, you can talk with the child about how you could express your disagreement in a different way. Only in this case, the child will hear your words and may even take into account your recommendations in the next similar situation.

What to do if a child spits food from three to seven years?

After passing the crisis period, the child becomes more balanced in the manifestation of his emotions. Therefore, unexpected manifestations of hysteria are becoming increasingly rare. However, children are still children, and their behavior is always spontaneous.

And so, you came to visit, where your child was offered to try a new dish that he had never eaten before. Perhaps there was something of spices, or olives - those foods that are rarely to the taste of young children. And the baby, without hesitation, spits the food back onto the plate.

You become terribly uncomfortable in front of the owners, and you think to yourself: “My child is spitting food! What to do?!!". Probably, the owners also think about the bad manners of your baby, but your child is only yours, and you came to visit for a short time. Therefore, you should not make a scandal out of the blue. By doing this, you will only spoil the mood for yourself, the owners, and most importantly, the child.

If you are very embarrassed by what people think of you, try to just laugh it off. This will defuse the situation and allow you to shift everyone's attention from your child to something else. It is worth telling the baby that he will no longer eat food that he does not like. And the conversation about how to behave at the table should be transferred to your home. Obviously, your baby simply has not yet understood some of the rules of etiquette for himself, either due to age, or due to your inattention.

Children are unpredictable creatures, and you can always expect anything from them, including spitting out food. But always remember that you must be on the side of your child and take an adult position in relations with him, without breaking into a cry, as an educational method.
