False contractions during pregnancy at 38. A serious cause for concern

False contractions are also called training contractions, or (after the doctor who first described them) Braxton-Hicks contractions. These are contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which do not lead to the opening of the cervix, and hence to childbirth.

Some pregnant women don't feel them at all, but most experience exercise contractions from around the 20th week of pregnancy. In fact, false contractions also occur at earlier dates, the woman simply does not identify them. It should be noted that neither the presence nor the absence of false contractions does not indicate any pathologies during pregnancy.

False contractions of sensation give not the most pleasant. Many women sometimes do not even suspect how false contractions go, because they feel them very weakly. Others are worried about how to recognize contractions from false ones, because training contractions bring quite a lot of discomfort and scare with their intensity.

The main signs of false contractions are their irregularity, short duration and relative painlessness. The difference between false contractions and real contractions lies in the fact that real contractions are so painful that they are difficult to confuse with anything else.

In order to stay calm and be able to turn the discomfort of training contractions to her advantage, a woman needs to know what false contractions look like. These are rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which train the main organ of a pregnant woman to contract so that the cervix opens at the right time during childbirth. That is why false contractions are also called training.

Many doctors also note that Braxton-Hicks contractions enrich the placenta with oxygen and nutrients, since blood reaches the fetus more actively during contraction.

So, false contractions have come, how to determine them? The muscles of the uterus are tense, you can feel or feel how it has hardened, it does not hurt, but it can bring discomfort, the contraction lasts from a few seconds to a minute.

How to understand that false contractions have begun:

  • there is a feeling of constriction in the lower abdomen or groin and / or in the upper part of the uterus;
  • sensations extend only to some area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, do not give to the back or pelvis;
  • contractions are irregular - from a couple of times a day to several times an hour, but less than six times an hour;
  • contractions may be painless, but discomfort is felt;
  • contractions do not have a clear rhythm;
  • the intensity of the contraction decreases quite quickly.

Differences between real contractions and false ones:

  • soreness;
  • a feeling of contraction in the whole abdomen and the spread of pain in the lower back;
  • regularity, repetition of contractions every 15, then 10, 5 minutes;
  • increasing intensity - 5 times per minute;
  • growing duration of the contraction;
  • the presence of other signs of incipient labor (outflow of amniotic fluid, discharge of the mucous plug, diarrhea, pulling pains at the bottom of the spine).

Although training contractions occur irregularly, there are moments that can provoke them, for example, physical activity of a pregnant woman or active body movements of a child, stressful situations, strong feelings, orgasm, dehydration, a full bladder. Some of these situations can be managed to minimize the number of practice bouts. After all, frequent false contractions are still not the most pleasant prospect for a pregnant woman.

How to relieve false contractions

You can try to reduce discomfort in several ways:

  • drink clean water;
  • take a more comfortable posture;
  • take a warm shower or a ten-minute bath;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • relax to the sounds of nature or meditative music;
  • do breathing exercises.

False contractions before childbirth enable a woman to practice proper breathing in childbirth:

  • frequent shallow "dog-like" breathing during the contraction to facilitate its passage. It is not recommended to breathe for more than 220 seconds, so that dizziness does not begin from a lack of oxygen;
  • exhale slowly during the contraction and then inhale deeply, after the end of the contraction, repeat a deep exhalation and inhalation;
  • a slow inhalation through the nose and a sharp short exhalation through the mouth.

You can practice other types of breathing that facilitate the passage of contractions.

When to See a Doctor

False contractions at 40 weeks are likely to become quite noticeable already, and if they become more regular and intense, appear more often and last longer, it may already be the beginning of labor and it's time to go to the hospital.

In some cases, training contractions can pose a threat to pregnancy if they are accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • bleeding (possibility of placental abruption);
  • watery discharge (probability of water discharge);
  • secretion of dense mucus (mucus plug leaves);
  • severe pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, tailbone;
  • decreased activity of the child's movements;
  • feeling of strong pressure on the perineum;
  • repetition of contractions more than four times a minute.

All these phenomena should serve as a signal to a pregnant woman to urgently call her doctor or call an ambulance. When you see your doctor, be sure to share your feelings, including if training contractions occur too often, in your opinion, and even more so if they began in the early stages of pregnancy.

False contractions during pregnancy can appear immediately before the term itself. They are characterized by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the lower abdomen. There is nothing terrible in this process, it is, so to speak, preparation for real contractions and childbirth. It is important to understand that this is a false alarm and to be able to distinguish this condition from a real generic process.

ICD-10 code

O47 False contractions

Reasons for false contractions

False contractions can affect the strong blood flow to the placenta. They play a role in stimulating the muscles of the uterus to keep it toned. In addition, they are really responsible for the process of dilating the cervix. One thing is clear for sure - they are preparing the body of the expectant mother for the upcoming birth.

False contractions are also called Braxon Hicks contractions. They are able to appear regardless of external factors. True, there are some points that can provoke their development.

There are some of the most common reasons for this phenomenon. So, most often their development is provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle, especially craving for bad habits. Excessive consumption of coffee, as well as products containing caffeine, makes a negative contribution.

Dehydration of the body, as well as a filled bladder, can provoke such a condition. Lack of nutrients in the body, as well as stress, lack of sleep - all this leads to premature contractions. Increased fetal activity and sex (orgasm) can affect the condition. But first of all, it is the physical activity of the pregnant woman and the activity of the fetus in the uterus. Thus, after charging or walking, a woman may feel contractions.


The development and manifestation of Braxon-Hicks contractions occurs at the beginning of the conception of a child. Formation in the body occurs in almost all women. They mostly occur in the genital area. When favorable conditions are created for the child and its development, the placenta develops, gas exchange and metabolism between the child and the mother take place through it.

The purpose of the restructuring is to prepare the cervix for future childbirth. During the period of body change, a woman will feel a contraction of the uterine muscles. At the time of such contractions, the uterus matures and softens. Also, with contractions of the uterine muscles, the cork is discharged, which manifests itself in the form of blood secretions.

The tissues of the cervix and vagina - should become elastic and extensible, but strong and resistant to tearing. The cervix is ​​located in the center of the vagina, becoming half as long. The cervical canal opens slightly, which connects the uterine cavity and the vagina. The cervical lumen should be ajar and easily passable, with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The head of the child falls as low as possible and is pressed tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis. Not one week is spent on such a significant restructuring of the body!

Symptoms of false contractions during pregnancy

Around the twentieth week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. False contractions are basically similar to real ones. The difference between such contractions is the intensity and regularity. With false contractions, there is a contraction of the uterus lasting from a few seconds to two minutes.

A woman experiences a feeling of constriction in the abdomen - in its upper part, below, sometimes - in the groin area. Such fights occur irregularly, you can detect the time between them. This will allow you to navigate the general condition of the woman, and see how many contractions occur in one hour. Feelings can only apply to one area. If real contractions are fixed, then they have characteristic unpleasant sensations in the lower back, and soreness is also present. Gradually, the strength of false contractions decreases, and they disappear. The expectant mother begins to pester unpleasant symptoms. There is discomfort in the uterus and lower abdomen. Contractions are irregular.

First signs

There are the first signs by which it immediately becomes clear that false contractions have begun. It begins to feel compression in the lower abdomen or groin, as well as in the upper part of the uterus. Discomfort is felt only in one part of the abdomen. Contractions can be irregular and occur several times a day or a couple of times an hour. In some cases, their number is 6 contractions for 60 minutes. Discomfort is felt, but contractions may be painless. There is no clear rhythm of what is happening. The intensity of contractions may decrease sharply.

Distinguishing real contractions from false contractions is quite simple. At the present beginning of the process, severe pain is felt. The contractions are all over the abdomen and the pain radiates to the lower back. The repetition of contractions occurs every 15, 10, and then 5 minutes. There is an increasing intensity - 5 times per minute. The increase in contraction in duration and the presence of other signs of incipient labor (outflow of amniotic fluid, discharge of the mucous plug, diarrhea, pulling pains in the lower spine).


There are certain risk factors associated with this condition.

  • Polyhydramnios - an excess of amniotic fluid in a future mother over 1500 ml. This condition is characterized by the presence of a large tummy, and its size does not at all correspond to the real term. Acute - develops quickly and in the early stages of pregnancy. Excessive development of the abdomen is observed, shortness of breath appears, tension occurs on the walls of the uterus, and severe pain occurs.
  • Chronic - develops already in the late stages of pregnancy, the development of symptoms occurs more slowly and is not so pronounced.
  • Habitual miscarriage. Common causes leading to such a diagnosis are: genetic disposition, anatomical features, hormones, the state of immunity of the expectant mother, as well as infections. Many diseases like gonorrhea, rubella, syphilis, herpes and even influenza.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. As a result of trauma to the cervix, muscle tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which is less elastic and more solid and rigid. In this regard, the cervix loses the ability to contract and stretch, respectively, it will not be able to hold the contents of the uterus.

And there are also such consequences as: the presence of chronic foci of infection, edema, hormonal disorders, immune disorders, multiple pregnancy, the presence of a scar on the uterus.


The most severe complication is termination of pregnancy at different times, in some cases, termination may begin with the outflow of amniotic fluid, as well as without them. In many cases, isthmic-cervical insufficiency is accompanied by infection of the fetus due to the lack of a barrier from microorganisms in the form of a closed cervix and cervical mucus, which protects the uterine cavity and its contents from bacteria. Also, a complication of pregnancy can cause an excess of amniotic fluid.

This may be preeclampsia, which is a lesion of the placenta and blood vessels. There is a Rhesus conflict - with it agglutination occurs. During the maturation of the fetus, the child's red blood cells carry the D-antigen, which meet with the red blood cells of an Rh-negative pregnant woman and stick together. Low hemoglobin - a lack of iron in the blood leads to disruption of the liver, protein production decreases, and water metabolism is disturbed. Headaches appear, preeclampsia and eclampsia occur, which is an indicator of interruption of labor. Pathology of the placenta is not excluded.

Diagnosis of false contractions during pregnancy

Diagnostic methods are carried out exclusively by a doctor. It is enough just to examine the patient and interview her. It is desirable that there are data on the course of pregnancy, on the period for which the woman is. It is necessary to know in what position the child is, and when the birth is planned.

The period of the appearance of contractions is noted. It is important to know all the intervals between contractions and their regularity. The time interval between contractions is counted and special attention is paid to the outflow of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity and disclosure of the cervix is ​​​​determined.

It is important to record data on the recording of fetal cardiac activity, they are necessary to monitor the child's condition. In addition, the estimated gestational age is being determined. All this together is a diagnostic measure to determine contractions and their reliability.


Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and especially monitor her diet and lifestyle. She will have to repeatedly visit the doctor and take various tests.

  • The first trip to the obstetrician-gynecologist should be done no later than 11 weeks. On this first trip, you need to become registered pregnant and pass mandatory tests. Tests for expectant mothers: general urinalysis; general blood analysis; Rh factor; donate blood for HIV, syphilis; test for the presence of viral hepatitis B; flora smear.
  • The second visit to the doctor usually occurs at 12-13 weeks. When is the right time for the first ultrasound. Temperature, body weight, blood pressure, pulse are also measured and an external obstetric examination is performed.
  • At the third visit to the doctor for 19-21 weeks, a second ultrasound is done and the delivery of indicators, as well as the delivery of tests. Urinalysis, protein test, blood test for HIV and double biochemical test.

At 24-25 weeks, a general blood test and a glucose tolerance test are given. In the next visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist, they do the same examinations and tests as before.

Instrumental diagnostics

As mentioned above, the expectant mother will have to undergo an ultrasound examination. This is the only safe and informative method that makes it possible to monitor the condition of the fetus in the womb.

In the first stages of pregnancy, ultrasound is done only for a number of reasons. Such as: pain in the lower abdomen with a delay and suspicion of pregnancy; vaginal bleeding; artificial insemination; exclusion of non-developing pregnancy.

Going to the doctor for an ultrasound. At 12-13 weeks - the gestational age of the baby is determined. The heartbeat is perfectly counted, the fetus is quite active. At this stage, a diagnosis is made regarding a possible termination of pregnancy. At 19-21 weeks - the weight and growth of the fetus is determined; location, structure and thickness of the placenta; the amount of amniotic fluid; the presence of anomalies in the forms of the skull and other limbs. At 32 weeks - previously undiscovered problems in the development of the fetus are determined; location and maturity of the placenta; the state of the fetus and blood circulation; there is a condition of scars on the uterus.

By the third trip to the ultrasound, the presentation of the fetus (pelvic or head) is determined, since by this time the fetus takes its position in which it will be born.

Differential Diagnosis

In some cases, uterine activity is mistaken for real contractions, such activity is called false contractions. When a pregnant woman complains of pulling, painful pains in the lower abdomen, it makes sense to differentiate the diagnosis of false contractions from true contractions.

False contractions occur unequally in strength and duration, pain, repeat at different intervals. With the weakness of labor activity: contractions are regular, weak, the same in strength and duration. During this period of time, an external examination is carried out, where the tone of the uterus is observed.

With such contractions, a pregnant woman may experience complaints of painful and prolonged sensations in the lower abdomen. But the exclusion of the preliminary period in the expectant mother allows the fact that the pain was relieved by intramuscular administration of papaverine. In addition, within 6 hours (the normal duration of the preliminary period), and in the following hours, the onset of the first stage of labor did not occur, which confirms false contractions.

Treatment of false contractions during pregnancy

If the pain lasts no more than 6 hours, then the treatment in this case is not applied. When the process has a pathological course, obstetric sleep is prescribed. Much depends directly on the symptoms and how the woman feels.

Most often, treatment includes a number of basic measures. To reduce pain, antispasmodics are widely used, most often it is No-shpa. Often resort to the help of vitamin therapy. A woman can take both special medicines for mothers, and eat more fruits containing useful vitamins and minerals. It can be fruits, dairy products and vegetables.

It is recommended to set the position in bed so that the legs are slightly raised. This will remove the mechanical effect of the fetus on the lower segment of the uterus, which irritates the receptors and helps to increase the tone and contractility of the uterus.

Physiotherapy is also often used. With a strong overexcitation of a woman, preference is given to sedatives. It is advisable to take herbal teas, valerian and motherwort, but only in tablets! Immunotherapy is widely used and prevention of placental insufficiency is carried out.


Medical treatment of pregnant women requires a special and thoughtful approach. Many drugs adversely affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy. A few weeks before giving birth, false contractions become more painful and bring even more discomfort.

With painful sensations, many doctors individually prescribe No-shpu. It is a safe drug for the expectant mother and child, acts quickly and effectively. Taking this drug reduces the tension of the uterus and relieves spasms, thereby relieving the pain of false contractions. However, no-shpa is not taken the entire cycle of pregnancy, as there is the possibility of opening the cervix. Before taking, you need to consult a doctor.

  • No-shpa. This remedy will relieve spasms and thereby save a woman from false contractions. It is enough to take it 2 times a day, 2 tablets. The exact dosage can be prescribed by the attending physician. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, impaired liver and kidney function. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, allergic reactions.
  • If the expectant mother has an excess of male sex hormones and there is a possibility of interruption, Dexamethasone is prescribed. It is required to take the drug with caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account all side effects.
  • Dexamethasone. In the acute period, it is used in high doses. Dosing regimen is individual. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: well tolerated, can only cause allergic reactions.

For hormonal development to accelerate the development of the lungs, betamethasone is prescribed. The doctor prescribes the dosage and mode of taking the drug individually, taking into account side effects.

Betamethasone. The agent is used in a small dose, it can be 0.25-0.5 mg. The duration of treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Contraindications: hypertension, syphilis, diabetes mellitus, systemic mycoses. Side effects: weight gain, insomnia, menstrual irregularities.

Alternative treatment

A woman experiences pain during false contractions during pregnancy. There are several methods to alleviate these unpleasant sensations and relieve discomfort.

You can just drink a glass of warm water or milk. This will greatly reduce discomfort and improve the condition. A warm shower will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. Under no circumstances should you take a bath! It is recommended to visit the pool to strengthen muscles and improve health.

Do not resort to the help of any tinctures or decoctions. First you need to see a doctor, and then apply certain methods to improve the condition.

Sometimes it is enough to relax and lie quietly for a few minutes.

During false contractions, the expectant mother has a good opportunity to practice proper breathing and choosing a comfortable position, which they will soon need when the onset of childbirth.

Herbal treatment

Many herbs are useful during pregnancy and have a number of useful and favorable properties for the expectant mother and her baby. However, some will need to be abandoned, because there is a possibility of provoking a miscarriage.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience false contractions. This condition is treated with herbs. Harmless herbs for eliminating colds are: primrose, mother and stepmother, linden blossom, Altai root, dog rose, burdock and others.

Plants that have a laxative effect should not be taken during pregnancy, due to miscarriage and premature birth. These are such plants as: cassia, aloe, buckthorn.

Taking other folk remedies to avoid: melia, hyssop, basil, turmeric, sumac.

Here are not all types of herbs that you need to beware of during pregnancy. With each use of a folk remedy, be sure to consult a doctor.


During pregnancy, a woman's health level decreases, so various disorders may occur. Such as false contractions, nausea and vomiting, muscle and back pain, eating and nervous disorders, etc. Homeopathy during pregnancy is much better than conventional medicine. One of the advantages of homeopathy is that it is harmless to the pregnant woman and her fetus, does not cause allergies and does not contain chemicals. The doctor must not only prescribe drugs to the expectant mother, but also explain to her everything that she feels, everything the child experiences. After all, the fetus in the womb feels all the effects on the mother's body from the time of conception. It is important that pregnancy takes place in an atmosphere of calm and happiness.

Taking homeopathic medicines during pregnancy can be taken at any stage. This is especially true for the first 3 months of pregnancy, where the risk of miscarriage is very high, doctors prescribe such drugs: Arnica, Sabina, Chamomilla, etc. A homeopathic remedy should be taken in small doses, acting on the body with a positive effect. However, if the drug is taken in large doses, there will be a deterioration.


Expectant mothers before and during pregnancy are prescribed homeopathic medicines depending on the state of the body. Taking homeopathic medicines during pregnancy plays a role in the prevention of various diseases in the newborn. Homeopathic treatment also helps future parents to become healthier, thereby producing a healthier baby. A man with oligospermia and disorders of spermatogenesis can undergo prophylaxis with homeopathic preparations, improving the quality and quantity of sperm. The girl can undergo prophylaxis for various types of infertility. Also, a girl who had an abortion is prescribed a homeopathic remedy (Aconite, Secale, Sabina, etc.) and only as directed by a doctor. The drug is taken during pregnancy 3 times a day until 16 weeks. Depending on the condition of the body, the doctor may prescribe a different treatment. In the database of homeopathy there are more than 100 remedies for the treatment of this problem.

For the prevention and treatment of false contractions, the drug should be taken once an hour until the pain disappears. To improve the condition in all cases, rest and bed rest are required. The most common drugs are: Cimicifuga - for sharp pains in the abdomen; Caulophyllum is especially taken in the last weeks of pregnancy and prepares the cervix for childbirth.


False contractions prepare the expectant mother's body for the most important day of pregnancy. They can appear both at 20 weeks and before the end of pregnancy. To improve the condition and relieve discomfort, the above treatment methods were given. With the effectiveness of treatment, there is a decrease in pain in a pregnant woman during uterine contractions.

Spontaneous intake of drugs and treatment with folk remedies is prohibited. Only according to the recommendations and advice of a doctor, treatment and prevention are established. If complications or diseases appear during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

From about 36 weeks, many begin to listen to their body. With the onset of 38 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term, during this week the baby is usually born. If labor does not begin before 41 weeks, you need to undergo hospitalization.

ICD-10 code

The body of a woman undergoes a complete restructuring during the period of bearing a child, it is false contractions that prepare and train the expectant mother for childbirth. False contractions are a contraction of the muscles of the cervix. Such contractions are not accompanied by pain, but after a while they become noticeable and bring a little discomfort.

Even this state has its own designation. False contractions are also marked by the international classification of diseases. This makes it much easier to classify the true condition of a woman.

International Classification of Disease Codes: False labor is divided into: (O47.0) False labor occurring before 37 completed weeks of gestation, (O47.1) False labor after 37 completed weeks of gestation, and O47.9 False labor, unspecified. There are no exceptions here. This state has been marked with a code for convenience. Because in the map of the woman in labor, the fact of the presence of false contractions should be noted.

It's important to know!

Weakness of labor activity is a condition in which the intensity, duration and frequency of contractions are insufficient, and therefore the smoothing of the cervix, the opening of the cervical canal and the promotion of the fetus, if it corresponds to the size of the pelvis, is slow.

How to understand that false contractions have begun, when should the birth be expected after this? This phenomenon is the preparation of the uterus for future delivery. The so-called Braxton Higgs contractions appear in some women very early, as early as 20 weeks. And many doctors regard this as a threat of a late miscarriage. In fact, this does not provoke the threat of spontaneous abortion. Except a little embarrassing. A woman feels how her uterus periodically becomes hard, there may be slight pains of a pulling nature. But all this is not so often in a short time. Is it possible to assume, if false contractions have begun, when will the woman give birth?

To make any assumptions, you need to know the gestational age. If it is 38 or more weeks, then the answer is obvious - in the very near future. Usually, if false contractions appear, then even before the birth begins, their precursors appear. These include:

  • discharge of the mucous plug from the cervical canal, where this mucus performs a protective function, serves as a barrier to prevent various infectious pathogens from entering the uterus, and frequent false or training contractions sometimes contribute to its relatively early discharge - a week or more before the onset of labor;
  • the level of the uterus becomes lower, visually the stomach drops, this is due to the fact that the child sinks lower into the pelvis, closer to the exit;
  • weight decreases slightly, most women quickly gain weight in the last weeks of pregnancy, but mainly due to fluid retention in the body, and closer to childbirth, this excess fluid comes out, and the weight, respectively, decreases;
  • and if false contractions a few days before childbirth can directly appear, then a day or even less before the onset of real labor, the woman’s body is “cleansed”, she may have repeated stools, frequent urination is observed without signs of an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system, less often vomit;
  • pain, a feeling of fullness in the perineum, if this symptom appeared along with uterine spasms, then this is one of the ways how to distinguish false contractions from labor, since these sensations very often appear in the first stage of childbirth.

Directly, a woman whose uterus is excitable, that is, prone to come into a state of hypertonicity at the slightest impact, will surely be able to distinguish real labor contractions from this most notorious tone. There is no single correct answer how many days before birth false contractions begin, although in primiparas, preparation for the birth of a child begins earlier than in multiparous ones. But they have a difference from real contractions - this is their regularity. If they have already begun, they will not stop and will only intensify, despite the measures taken in the form of taking antispasmodics, a warm bath, walking, etc.

And yet, how long do false contractions last before childbirth, what can you be prepared for? Non-intensive ones can last the entire third trimester, but by the end of it they are gaining strength. It is possible to diagnose real contractions, strong contractions of the myometrium, which even the expectant mother herself may not pay attention to, on CTG. This is a fairly accurate research method that allows you to get reliable information not only about uterine contractions at the moment, but also about the condition of the fetus, which is even more important. On CTG, you can diagnose him with hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. It is most informative to do the study in the morning, when most children are active.

Also, dynamic observation of a woman is used to determine contractions. Contractions are characterized by significant tension of the uterus. The cervix reacts to it. It first smoothes out, and then begins to open up. And the more intense the contractions, the faster the birth process proceeds. Usually, in multiparous women, both false and labor pains take shorter periods of time, lead to childbirth faster.

The closer the term of the approaching birth, the more questions the expectant mother has, how it will go and what she should feel at the same time. But not all women know that initially there are false contractions, they are often also called harbingers.

Yes, of course, human nature is not stupid and does everything to prepare a woman's body for stress during childbirth. False contractions are considered spontaneous muscle contractions of the uterus, they usually occur spontaneously. They are still considered training because they trigger the onset of labor.

On average, this process begins from the 38th week of pregnancy, but sometimes from the 20th week, the expectant mother may notice mild precursors.

You can fully feel them in the evening, when the woman is already in a relaxed state.

False contractions should prepare the cervix with their contractions for full disclosure before childbirth.

How to distinguish false contractions from real ones

Although they are called contractions, they are still significantly different from the real ones. There are several significant differences:
Short-term, false contractions usually last only a few seconds and a maximum of two minutes;
Uterine contractions are very slight (that is, they do not have such a strong pain threshold);
Their singleness is also distinguished, that is, the absence of several repetitions.
False contractions are not particularly painful, but in their early stages, the rule of increase applies here, the longer the period, the more painful their course. Don't be afraid to confuse fake contractions with real ones. Training contractions are less intense and painful. Real grips are a very painful process and the pain here is cumulative, the more often, the more intense the contractions, and as a result, the pain. Still always during real contractions, other signs of the onset of labor activity begin:
Drainage of amniotic fluid;
Removal of the mucous plug.

Pay also your attention that with real contractions you are no longer able to do without the help of a specialist and relieve pain on your own.

Symptoms of false contractions

It is difficult to talk about common symptoms, here, as in pregnancy itself, everything is unique. False contractions in someone are pronounced and cause discomfort, while other expectant mothers do not even notice such uterine contractions. Symptoms, in other words sensations that tell us about the process going on inside us.

Speaking of symptoms during training contractions, it is enough to simply notice that at this moment the contraction of the uterus begins, and if you put your hand on the lower abdomen, you can perfectly feel the contractions and a small fossil.

Signs of training fights

When you visit your doctor, he is probably interested in the sensations that you experience and most likely has even talked about what the harbingers of labor and training contractions are. Differences, you can still call them signs of training bouts are:
Not regular;
short duration;
Tension of the uterus (compression);
Weak pain sensation, mainly a state of discomfort;
The intensity is removed by a simple change of position.

Another sign can be attributed to the fact that they do not entail further precursors in the form of water discharge. False contractions are still characterized more by their sign of irregularity, which, as a result, cannot lead to intensity and increase in pain.

How long before birth are training contractions

So, false contractions can already manifest themselves by the twentieth week of pregnancy, but this does not mean at all that you are about to give birth. Although if the pain is obvious and suspicious, it is best to immediately go to see a doctor. We have already said that pain during training bouts is directly proportional to the gestational age. They reach their peak around the last two weeks of pregnancy (38-40), it is during this period that your body begins to prepare the uterus to open for the birth of your baby.

Pain with false contractions

A woman can compare her pain during false contractions with menstrual pain, and usually pain is felt only in the last week of pregnancy. The very first training contractions are not noticeable and can only bring discomfort to the expectant mother.

The absence of pain during false contractions is not quite normal, because because of this, your body does not experience the necessary preparation for the onset of labor.

With pain during false contractions, doctors advise changing the position of the body, and a short walk in the fresh air would be ideal.

Sometimes pain during training bouts intensifies due to the fact that the woman was overexerted or was overly active.

How long do false contractions last

The expectant mother needs to prepare herself in advance for the fact that before real contractions there will be their harbingers, how they differ from each other, we have already considered. Unlike real ones, pain during false contractions is very easy to remove, and the pain during such contractions does not increase and resembles menstrual. About how long the terms last, one of the signs of training bouts is short-term.

As a rule, such contractions last a few seconds and feel like petrification of the muscles of the uterus.

They also do not have an increase in intensity, so you most likely will not even suspect something is wrong and will not be able to confuse them with real contractions. However, many women do not experience false contractions throughout the entire period, and when they first appear in their last month, they immediately entail a huge amount of experience and an immediate departure to the maternity hospital. Once again, we note that all the same, now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby, so in order not to overwhelm yourself with different thoughts and feelings, as soon as your condition makes you suspicious, contact the clinic.

In this article:

Most women who are preparing to become mothers and give birth to God's child are not even aware of the existence of such a phenomenon as false contractions. And it is no coincidence that such contractions cause panic for many women before childbirth in the last weeks. Giving in to a false instinct, young mothers immediately go to the doctor. Of course, all fears in the end are unfounded.

What are false contractions and what are their symptoms?

It is worth immediately reassuring many expectant mothers, false contractions are a natural process that prepares a woman's body for subsequent births. In no case should you be afraid of this. It usually appears at 37 weeks and does not cause concern. For some, such a training period begins at 36 weeks, and they show a frequent pattern. False contractions can be earlier: at 34 weeks and at 35 weeks. But as we already know, there is no need to worry. But at week 39, you should carefully consider false contractions. If they manifest themselves more and more often, this is a clear sign of the approach of childbirth: a kind of sign for the mother to get ready.

Such a preparatory process begins from the first week of conception, but proceeds imperceptibly in the early stages. False contractions can be confused with real ones in the period falling on the 40th week, when there is little time left before the birth itself. In this regard, every woman should be able to determine by special signs when contractions are false and when they are real.

Distinctive features of the preparatory period

The first thing you should pay attention to is the intervals. With real, contractions, this interval is reduced. With false - the intervals remain constant.

Second moment. False contractions are a single, irregular phenomenon, while real ones take place with a certain cyclicity.

Third moment. Labor pains are painful, and over time, becoming more intense and longer. False contractions are mostly painless, although as the due date approaches, they can be more noticeable and cause discomfort. But the duration does not change.

And finally, the fourth point. The difference lies in the duration. Real contractions tend to last longer than false ones. The latter have no more than 2 minutes for this, or even several seconds. It is worth noting that the closer the due date, the more often false contractions may occur, but the duration never changes.

Many women are afraid not to notice the beginning of real contractions, but there is no reason for such concern. It should be remembered that the main distinguishing feature is intensity and regularity. That is: how much and how often. Moreover, real contractions are very painful, the pain increases with time.

How can you make the preparation period easier?

Each pregnant woman can tolerate false contractions in different ways, it all depends on the characteristics of the body. Usually, by the end of the pregnancy, pain may appear. However, there are several options to minimize this discomfort. Ways to relieve false contractions:

  • if contractions are caught before going to bed, a walk in the fresh air is necessary;
  • if contractions are caught while doing any homework, you should set it aside and lie down to rest;
  • a warm (not hot) bath or shower is a good remedy. Also, discomfort will help to remove a glass of warm milk or water.

There are also special exercises that help overcome the discomfort of false contractions. This is how breathing exercises will benefit: first, 1 deep breath is taken, and then 3 or 4 short exhalations.

During contractions, you should not push, because it will bring nothing but harm. Also, do not scream, as it takes a lot of strength. It's better to hum some lingering melody. In addition, according to the latest observations of scientists, it became clear that such lingering melodies have the most beneficial effect on the baby: he calms down.

Such training will help to endure the discomfort of false contractions more easily. And let for every woman false contractions during pregnancy not be a reason for unnecessary excitement, but a real preparatory period for the upcoming appearance of a small living miracle.

Video on how to distinguish false contractions from real ones
