Male concern. Use of the word in colloquial speech

We won’t overcome by force - we’ll take it through the psyche! © Shutterstock

What do women expect from men? In fact - very little! To look after you beautifully - once! Immediately got married - two! He was a good father and husband - three! Well, what's so difficult? And yet they fail!

Why? Because all people (and men are people too, right?) in one situation or another act in full accordance with their psychological type.

Do you want to know what to expect from a guy? Find out what the main types are and what to expect from each.

Psychology of men: the “ordinary vampire” type. Basic signs: I’m ready to hurt myself to hear the words from a girl: “I love you, I’m waiting, I believe!” But as soon as these words were spoken, as soon as the guy was convinced that the “fish on the hook” was all, it was as if he had been replaced!

He calls whenever he wants, which is not often. Rescheduling or canceling a date is a piece of cake! It’s easy to promise but not deliver! But when we meet, he is sweet, gentle, and caring. And then he disappeared again.

Well, friend, you are “lucky”: you have found a special type of vampire people. The main task of such people is to build for themselves, their loved ones, a special energy substation that will uninterruptedly supply them with energy.

© Shutterstock

Do you think about him? Are you sad? Are you sad? And even cry? You are a magnificent example of an energy substation for a vampire! The more emotions you highlight, the richer the life of a vampire. If you want to leave, he won’t let you go (who throws food away?), he will turn into a cutie, support you in your desire to be near him and disappear again to give you the opportunity to yearn.

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What to do? Decisively end the relationship before you are exhausted to the limit.

Psychology of men: “critic” type. This is also a good gift. Offensive, but subtle. Either you dance wrong, or you cook wrong. Either the hips are too big, or the chest is too small. And all claims are made in such a tone that at first they are perceived as harmless, benevolent advice. Then they offend. And then they develop such inferiority complexes!..

What to do? Look for someone else! Unfortunately, the psychology of men is not shoes, and if a defect is detected, you will not be able to return them for warranty repairs. Throw this critic out of your life, period!

© Shutterstock
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Psychology of men: "Don Juan on a local scale." Main signs: special love for flirting. Does a guy at any party find several pairs of ears on which to hang enough high-quality noodles about the special attractiveness of their owners? Dig into the guy's genealogy: isn't it about his great-great-grandfather named Don Juan that so many wonderful works have been written?

The guy may not realize the desire to flirt with all the girls in a row, and he may simply not notice your pain quite sincerely.

What to do? Talk to the guy frankly, explain to him that his penchant for uncontrollable flirting offends you. There is a chance that he will hear and draw conclusions.

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Sexual gestures of men are sometimes more eloquent than words © Shutterstock

Psychology of men: "sexy"preoccupied." Many guys go through a wonderful period in their lives when the number of girls they seduce becomes a criterion of their masculinity. If a guy categorically insists on sex, and you are not ready for this yet, do not flatter yourself - he does not love you. And in his impatience there can be anything except true love, which, no matter what they say, is patient and careful.

What to do?
Decide for yourself whether you are ready to sleep with anyone who wants it. Or with only those you want. And take note of the wonderful saying: “Sympathy is the relationship before intercourse, antipathy is after it.”


Too many men think
part not intended for this purpose


Men attach great importance to sex. These are the features of their sexuality.

Sexual desire depends on the level of testosterone in the body; in the stronger sex this level is much higher than in the weaker sex, so a normal man wants sex much more often than a woman. He can express his desire very violently. Or it camouflages desire with strong emotions that outwardly look like an expression of passion and love.

They say about a man with character: “He has balls!” They speak with respect. Perhaps even with slight envy. It's right. Testosterone is produced in the testicles. The higher the level of testosterone in a man’s body, the stronger his sexual desire and the more pronounced his masculinity. Testosterone also indirectly affects the brain. This defines exactly the stereotype of behavior that is considered masculine. Scientists believe that a man’s determination, activity and desire for leadership depend on the level of testosterone in his body. The more testosterone is produced, the more a man wants to manage other people, to be a leader, to demand that other people consider his opinion and obey him. When there is not enough testosterone in the body, then there is no pronounced male behavior, there is no man in the broad sense of the word.

Figuratively speaking, testosterone creates a man - his masculine (masculine) appearance, character, temperament and, of course, his sexuality.

There are a lot of sexually anxious men around (although they know how to quite skillfully hide their true intentions). There is nothing surprising here - in fact, society encourages the behavior of men, which is based on their sexuality.

Thus, a man who has had many love affairs is proudly called a “hero-lover”, “sexual giant”, “sexual terrorist”.

By flaunting his sexuality, a man commands respect. But if a woman starts to show off her sexuality, then what will she be called? Right. “Whore”, “sexually promiscuous”, “slut”, or even worse.

The fact that a man seeks to satisfy his sexual needs is considered normal: “He’s a man!”, “Men need this” (one might think that women don’t need “this”). A woman who demands sexual satisfaction is a “nymphomaniac” (although it has long been proven that the weaker sex has every right to satisfy their sexual needs). If a man wants sex every day and several times a night, this is considered a virtue, but if a woman wants the same, then she is “insatiable” and “she can never get enough.”

As a result of this inequality, the following stereotype of public opinion has developed: manifestations of male sexuality are good, and manifestations of female sexuality are bad.

It is not surprising that men demonstrate their sexuality in every possible way, while women are forced to hide it.

When it comes to sex, a man's behavior can change dramatically. Women sometimes do not understand the changes in their partner’s behavior - either he is burning with desire, or he becomes indifferent to her charms. Alas, this is explained very prosaically.

Under the influence of sex hormones, the testes produce ejaculate, which accumulates in reservoirs (in the seminal vesicles and excretory ducts) and puts pressure on the nerve endings of their walls. This increases sexual excitability. Sexual release is required. At this time, the man is sexually preoccupied and seeks every opportunity, uses any trick - from persuasion and declarations of love to blackmail: “Prove your love to me!” and hidden threats: “That means you don’t love me!.. Then it’s better for us to break up...” And when sperm is thrown out (for example, during sexual intercourse), the pressure on the walls of the reservoirs decreases and sexual excitability drops. (This is called the Tarkhanov phenomenon.)

Thus, the intensity of a man's desire constantly fluctuates. If he had a certain period of abstinence and the sperm “presses” or he became aroused by accidentally seeing a seductive beauty, then he wants sex and “sticks” to his partner. If the seminal reservoirs are not overfilled (for example, after sexual intercourse), then he does not need sexual discharge. He, of course, can get aroused again if his partner “turns him on”, but it will be more difficult to “turn him on”.

The man himself may not be aware of his own desire for sexual release, calling his condition love, infatuation, but the fact remains a fact. Physiology is an objective and inexorable thing. Hormones, hormones and more hormones, and the more of them, the stronger the sexual desire. Hormones affect the psyche, behavior, and emotionality. The basis of falling in love (do not confuse it with love!) is a powerful sexual attraction, and beautiful words about romantic, sublime feelings are just a veil that covers physiology.

Remember: sexual desire is not love.

Chapter 15. Sexually anxious man

Too many men think with a part of their body that is not intended for it.

(© D. Schwartz)

Men attach great importance to sex. These are the features of their sexuality.

Sexual desire depends on the level of testosterone in the body; in the stronger sex this level is much higher than in the weaker sex, so a normal man wants sex much more often than a woman. He can express his desire very violently. Or it camouflages desire with violent emotions, which outwardly look like an expression of passion and love.

Almost all the most interesting things in life happen below the belt

(© John Mortimer)

They say about a man with character: “He has balls!” They speak with respect. Perhaps even with slight envy. It's right. Testosterone is produced in the testicles. The higher the level of testosterone in a man’s body, the stronger his sexual desire and the more pronounced his masculinity. Testosterone also indirectly affects the brain. This defines exactly the stereotype of behavior that is considered masculine. Scientists believe that a man’s determination, activity and desire for leadership depend on the level of testosterone in his body. The more testosterone is produced, the more a man wants to manage other people, to be a leader, to demand that other people consider his opinion and obey him. When there is not enough testosterone in the body, then there is no male behavior, there is no man in the broad sense of the word.

Figuratively speaking, testosterone creates a man - his masculine (masculine) appearance, character, temperament and, of course, his sexuality.

Announcement: “I want to master...”

(© V. Ohanyan)

There are a lot of sexually anxious men around (although they know how to quite skillfully hide their true intentions). There is nothing surprising here - in fact, society encourages the behavior of men, which is based on their sexuality.

A man loves with his penis, and a woman with her heart

(© D.D. Schwartz)

Thus, a man who has had many love affairs is called a “hero-lover”, “sexual giant”, “sexual terrorist”. And all this is pronounced with admiring and laudatory intonations.

By flaunting his sexuality, a man commands respect. But if a woman starts to show off her sexuality, then what will she be called? Right. “Whore”, “sexually promiscuous”, “slut” and even worse.

The fact that a man seeks to satisfy his sexual needs is considered normal: “He’s a man!”, “Men need this” (one might think that women don’t need “this”). A woman who demands sexual satisfaction is a “nymphomaniac” (although science has long proven that the weaker sex has every right to satisfy their sexual needs). If a man wants sex every day and several times a night, this is considered a virtue, but if a woman wants the same, then she is “insatiable” and “she can never get enough.”

As a result of such inequality, a stereotype has developed in public opinion: manifestations of male sexuality are good, and manifestations of female sexuality are bad.

It is not surprising that men flaunt their sexuality, while women are forced to hide theirs. And it is not surprising that there are so many sexually anxious men around - after all, male sexual desire is encouraged by society.

The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension, but love causes it

(© Woody Allen)

When it comes to sex, a man's behavior can change dramatically. Women sometimes do not understand the changes in their partner’s behavior - either he is burning with desire, or he becomes indifferent to her charms. Alas, this is explained very prosaically.

Under the influence of sex hormones, the testes produce ejaculate, which accumulates in reservoirs (in the seminal vesicles and excretory ducts) and puts pressure on the nerve endings of their walls. This increases sexual excitability. Sexual release is required. At this time, the man is sexually preoccupied and will look for any opportunity, use any trick - from persuasion and declarations of love to blackmail: “Prove your love to me!” and hidden threats: “That means you don’t love me!.. Then it’s better for us to break up...”. And when sperm is thrown out (for example, during sexual intercourse), the pressure on the walls of the reservoirs decreases and sexual excitability decreases. This is called the Tarkhanov phenomenon.

Because of the Tarkhanov phenomenon, a man’s desire constantly fluctuates. If he had a certain period of abstinence and the sperm “presses”, or he became aroused by accidentally seeing a seductive beauty, then he wants sex and “sticks” to his partner. If the seminal reservoirs are not overfilled (for example, after sexual intercourse), then he does not need sexual discharge. He, of course, can get aroused again if his partner “turns him on,” but it will be more difficult to “turn him on.”

The man himself may not be aware of his own desire for sexual release, calling his condition love, infatuation, but the fact remains a fact. Physiology is an objective and inexorable thing. Hormones, hormones and more hormones, and the more of them, the stronger the sexual desire. Hormones affect the psyche, behavior, and emotionality. The basis of falling in love (do not confuse it with love!) is a powerful sexual attraction, and beautiful words about romantic, sublime feelings are just a veil that covers physiology.

Don't wait, girl, for love with blocked legs

(© Kozma Prutkov)

Sex is very important to men.
A man's sex drive depends on the level of testosterone in his body. In men this level is much higher than in women. A man expresses his desires with persistence towards a woman. Or he hides his desire with strong emotions, outwardly similar to an expression of love and passion.

The higher the level of testosterone in the body of the stronger sex, the more women are attracted to him. Testosterone can also affect the brain. Thus, this determines the principle of behavior that is considered masculine.

Scientists have calculated that men's sexual activity, their determination, and desire for leadership should depend on the level of testosterone in their body. And the greater the production of testosterone, the greater the desire of a man to lead people, to become a leader. If there is little testosterone in the body, then the stronger sex can no longer be called a man.

Simply put, testosterone created a man - his masculine appearance, temperament and character, his sexuality.

True, a sexually preoccupied man is common. In practice, society encourages masculine behavior, and sexuality is at the core of it.

A man who has many love affairs to his name is proudly called a “hero-lover.” By attracting with his sexuality, a man wants to gain respect. And if a girl starts showing her sex appeal, what will she be called? Right. "Whore."

A man always has a desire to satisfy his needs for sex. And this is considered normal. A woman who demands sexual satisfaction is a “nymphomaniac.” If a man wants sex every day or several times a day, this is considered a virtue, but if a girl wants it, then she is “insatiable” and “it’s never enough for her.”

As a result of this situation, a certain stereotype has developed in society: male sexuality is good, and female sexuality is bad.
And it is not surprising that men want to demonstrate their sexuality in every possible way, while women, on the contrary, are forced to hide it.

When it comes to sex, the behavior of the stronger sex changes surprisingly. He either burns with frantic desire, then suddenly becomes indifferent in bed. It is explainable.

As a result of the influence of sex hormones, the testes secrete ejaculate, which is collected in reservoirs (these are the seminal vesicles and excretory ducts). The ejaculate presses on the walls with nerve endings. This affects sexual excitability. He needs a release in sex, after which the pressure on the walls decreases and sexual excitability drops.

Therefore, a man’s sexual desires fluctuate all the time. The man himself may not realize his desire for release and calls his state of falling in love.

Remember: physiology is an inexorable and objective thing. The culprits of sexual desires are hormones, hormones and only hormones. They affect behavior, the psyche, and emotionality. And sexual needs are not love.

At forty-five years old, Anatoly was clearly a sexually preoccupied man.

His wife, who was five years younger, clearly did not suit him as a sexual partner. Fantasies on sexual themes played and seethed in his head, but his wife was unable to satisfy all his lustful desires.

All fruitless attempts to force his wife to play the role of a free prostitute failed. Each such new attempt ended in a major quarrel between the spouses, reproaches from the husband for his wife’s stupidity and bitter tears from the latter.

Looking at his plump wife, Anatoly always thought angrily: “Fat-assed cow! There was one stupid fool in the whole city, and wow, I married her! That’s bad luck in life, that’s bad luck!”

He tried to realize his sexual fantasies on the side. There were many loving women in his team. Most of all he was attracted to Nadyukha. Just looking at her gorgeous breasts made Anatoly’s eyes darken. He often dreamed of them at night. Waking up from excitement in such cases, he could not fall asleep for a long time.

During one celebration, celebrated by the whole team, a tipsy Anatoly decided to take a risk and “knock out wedges” against Nadyukha. To his great disappointment, when she realized what he wanted from her, she put her hand on his shoulder and said cheerfully:

No, Toha! I don't like mugs like you! I like brave, decisive and even rude men. Please don't be offended by me, but it's not your level to work on my machine!

This was a real blow to his male pride. He suffered incredibly, realizing for the first time in his life that words can kill a person. It would be better if Nadyukha killed him than said that. Every time he remembered her hurtful and such bitter words, he broke into a sweat, and his head felt as if someone was hammering nails: “... Burdock..., ... not with your rank..., ... not with your rank..., ... mug...".

Not only did Nadyukha blow him off, but she also told other women in the team about Anatoly’s attempt to “marry” her. Of course, this male “puncture” of his soon became known to everyone. More than once Anatoly had to shrug his shoulders and laugh off his colleagues’ sarcastic remarks on this matter.

After such a failure, he no longer tried to repeat attempts to find a mistress at his work. Shame alone is enough for him. Now, if I could meet a woman somewhere on the side... But where?

One day, one of his acquaintances boasted that he had found himself a “chic and playful woman” via TV chat. This idea was firmly stuck in Anatoly’s head. You need to try it yourself...

For quite a long time, as if by accident, he asked those who knew at least something about this chat about all the subtleties and details, and finally decided to act.

The first thing I did was buy an additional card for my mobile phone with the most favorable tariff for long calls. Next, I outlined two days a week when there would be no wife or children in the apartment...

Of all the advertisements of women who wanted to meet men, he chose the phone numbers only of those who were about 35 years old. He would have loved to have met a younger woman, but he understood perfectly well that he needed to know when to stop.

The first difficulty he encountered was the desire of everyone to communicate only through SMS messages. Expressing his wishes in writing turned out to be quite problematic for him. Moreover, he was an illiterate person. Yes, and the intellectual input of the phone “stuck his leg” by twisting some word ugly, after which one of the failed candidates for a mistress simply sent him away with three funny letters. The first pancake turned out to be lumpy...

Anatoly spent a lot of time and money on a fruitless search for a girlfriend for sex without obligation. But during this time, he learned a lot of interesting things about the desires of women for their future sexual partners: bald, mustachioed, with bad habits, short men with beer bellies, married men, as a rule, were asked not to disturb.

When he wrote, already in complete hopelessness, a message to some Irina, immediately indicating that he was married so as not to waste time, then, to his amazement, he unexpectedly received a rather frank answer: “I don’t give a fuck... as long as the guy was normal."

This is how his first affair on the side began in his life. Irina turned out to be quite a talkative woman. She told him everything about her vast household (she lived in a private house). Conversations about chickens gave way to conversations about ducks, the domestic dog, the vegetable garden, mice in the house... Anatoly listened patiently, not knowing how to approach the main thing.

The personal meeting took place about a week after the telephone meeting.

Irina was quite happy with Anatoly in appearance. But he still, even with some resentment, noted to himself that she was shorter in height than she said in the conversation, and her weight was clearly about seven kilograms higher than what was “declared.” Apparently, she also reduced her age, if she lied on these two indicators. Well, okay, the trouble has begun!

But even after their visual acquaintance, nothing changed in their relationship. Almost daily telephone conversations “about nothing” continued for another couple of weeks.

During one of the regular routine conversations, Irina suddenly said:

The sun is shining..., the grass is turning green..., the buds are swelling...

“I don’t understand,” said the amazed Anatoly.

Do you hear me well? The grass, I say, is turning green. The sun is shining, the buds are swelling! Understood?

No, I didn’t understand anything! - Anatoly answered sadly.

How stupid you are, however! F..would you like me or not?

Anatoly was already sweating from surprise - well, finally!

Well, yes! Certainly! - suddenly spontaneously burst out from him, and he immediately realized that he had committed a huge stupidity...

God bless! Otherwise, I already thought that you were only interested in platonic love...

They met at one of the apartments rented by the hour for love pleasures, which are now abundant in every city.

Anatoly, to celebrate, bought so many treats to go along with two bottles of champagne and red Mikado that Irina was clearly surprised. And Anatoly himself, no less surprised than Irina by his behavior, thought that his wife would have had a heart attack if she had found out about such unheard-of generosity of her husband, especially to someone else’s aunt.

The cheerful mood at the table ended in complete disappointment for both in bed. Anatoly, following a domestic habit that had taken root over the years, did his “job” in two minutes, which completely bewildered his chat partner...

The parting took place in gloomy tones. Irina told Anatoly the following:

Thank you, Tolik, for a good meal. But please have this kind of sex at home with your wife. And when you come on a date, you have to work, darling, you have to work!

Anatoly went home simply discouraged - again “work”! Only now did the meaning of the words once spoken by Nadyukha reach him. Wow, he met a woman for his pleasures, but it turned out that she herself met him in order to provide him with “work” for her pleasure! He clearly did not expect such a turn.

After an extremely unsuccessful date, he threw away the additional phone card - he lost the desire to look for new love adventures.

For ten days he didn’t think about sex at all. When he finally got the urge, he received incredible pleasure from his two-minute home “work”...
