Charming make-up in the Egyptian style. Technique of charming make-up of the Egyptian queen Basic Egyptian outline

The great queen Cleopatra during her reign compiled a list of cosmetic recipes for the women of her country. Egyptian style makeup is still used today. The Egyptians did make-up to create the beauty of the image. Soot, blue vitriol, malachite crumbs, alabaster, honey, henna, iris juice, vegetable oils, lotus and water lily juice were used as cosmetics.

In the 21st century, there are plenty of cosmetics; you can make a spectacular make-up in the salon or on your own at home. Makeup in the Egyptian style - a bright image of a green-eyed brunette. The palette consists of green, black and bluish shades, decorated with silver or golden sparkles.

Preparing the face for the make-up of the Egyptian queen

First of all, the skin of the face must be cleansed and degreased. Make eyebrow correction, if required.

Then you should choose a style:

  1. Arabesque;
  2. Classic Egyptian.


The style of the Egyptian queen will make any girl the queen of the party, attract the attention of men and will not allow you to spend the evening alone.


A tonal base is applied to a cleansed face, you can use a fortified one. Foundation and powder are applied evenly. Eyebrows are slightly tinted with shadows of a suitable color - black or brown. Ideal if you have the shape of your eyebrows.

Eyes - the most crucial moment of the makeup of the Egyptian queen. Apply pearlescent shadows on the upper eyelid. After that, outline the upper and lower lash lines with a bright black pencil or eyeliner, without connecting them. Create a corner of the "cat" eye on the upper eyelid. Abundantly, in several layers, apply black mascara.

Apply a thick lipstick along natural lines. Egyptian makeup can be done not only for brunettes, the color scheme is selected according to the color of the skin and hair.

Classic Egyptian step by step makeup

The classic style of the queen differs from the Arabesque in the colors of decorative cosmetics. Lipstick - exclusively red. Mascara and eyebrow shadows are always black. Eyeliner - white and black. Eye shadow - purple, bronze, green, emerald or gold. Foundation and powder - dark shade.

Foundation and powder are evenly distributed over the skin from the décolleté to the forehead. The selected shadows cover the upper eyelid and draw the ciliary line of the lower eyelid.

With the help of eyeliner, it is necessary to give clarity to the line of the lower eyelid.

The line of the upper eyelid is richly drawn with a pencil.

In the corners of the eyes you need to draw a thin line with a white pencil. On the inner corner of the upper eyelid, apply a golden or silver glitter. Gently paint the eyelashes with mascara in several layers, while they should not stick together. Cover lips with bright red lipstick without tracing.

  • Skin care rules

Open parts of the body should not differ from the face in tone, so the body is covered with self-tanning or visit a solarium;

  • Facial care.

The contour of the face should approach an oval, and if the face has a square shape, correct the line of the chin with tonal means of dark shades. Soften the contour by carefully blending the foundation with a brush or sponge;

  • Egyptian eye makeup

Draw arrows for the eyes of different lengths and thicknesses. Draw only clear lines. To prevent cosmetics from flowing and smearing, choose only high-quality products. Each layer of mascara should dry well;

  • Lip color varies from natural to bright red. Orange is used extremely rarely;
  • Shadows are selected according to the color of the eyes: for brown - lilac, golden, for gray - green, brown, for green - ocher, pink, for blue - dark gray, black.

Eyes are a symbol of passion, wisdom, deceit and beauty. The style you choose will reveal your essence to others. Turn on your imagination and experiment.

Use makeup tips step by step and be attractive anytime, anywhere!

The great queen Cleopatra during her reign compiled a list of cosmetic recipes for the women of her country. Makeup in the Egyptian genre is used to this day. The Egyptians did make-up to create the beauty of the image. Soot, blue vitriol, malachite crumbs, alabaster, honey, henna, iris juice, vegetable oils, lotus and water lily juice were used as cosmetics.

In the 21st century, there are plenty of cosmetics; it is allowed to make a spectacular make-up in the salon or independently at home. Makeup in the Egyptian style - a bright image of a green-eyed brunette. The palette consists of green, black and bluish shades, decorated with silver or golden sparkles.

Preparing the face for the make-up of the Egyptian queen

First of all, the skin of the face must be cleansed and degreased. Make eyebrow correction, if required.

Then you should choose a genre:

  • Arabesque;
  • Classic Egyptian.
  • Arabesque

    The style of the Egyptian queen will make any girl the queen of the party, attract the attention of men and will not allow you to spend the evening alone.


    • tonal base;
    • powder;
    • eyeliner (black pencil);
    • eyebrow shadows;
    • pearlescent eyeshadow (baked with sparkles);
    • mascara;
    • rich color lipstick.

    A tonal base is applied to a cleansed face, it is allowed to use a fortified one. An even layer of intonation cream and powder is applied. Eyebrows are slightly tinted with shadows of a suitable color - black or chestnut. Impeccable if you have the shape of eyebrows flying apart.

    Eyes - the most crucial moment of the makeup of the Egyptian queen. Apply pearlescent shadows on the upper eyelid. After that, circle the upper and lower lash lines with a bright black pencil or eyeliner, without connecting them. Make a corner of the "cat's" eye on the upper eyelid. Richly, apply black mascara in several layers.

    Apply a thick consistency lipstick along the usual lines. Egyptian makeup is allowed to be done not only by brunettes, the color scheme is selected according to the color of the skin and hair.

    Classic Egyptian step by step makeup

    The classical genre of the queen differs from the Arabesque in the colors of decorative cosmetics. Lipstick - exclusively red. Mascara and eyebrow shadows are always black. Eyeliner - white and black. Eye shadow - purple, bronze, green, emerald or golden. Intonation cream and powder - dark shade.

    From the neckline to the forehead, intonation cream and powder are evenly distributed over the skin. The selected shadows cover the upper eyelid and draw the ciliary line of the lower eyelid.

    With the support of eyeliner, you need to give clarity to the line of the lower eyelid.

    The line of the upper century is intensively drawn with a pencil.

    In the corners of the eyes it is necessary to draw a thin line with a white pencil. On the inner corner of the upper eyelid, apply a golden or silver glow. Neatly make up the eyelashes with mascara in several layers, while they are not required to stick together. Lips cover with shiny red lipstick without tracing the silhouette.

    • Skin care rules

    Exposed parts of the body do not have to differ from the face in tone, therefore the body is covered with self-tanning or visit a solarium;

    • Facial care.

    The contour of the face should approach an oval, and if the face has a square shape, correct the line of the chin with tonal means of dark shades. Soften the silhouette by carefully blending the foundation with a brush or sponge;

    • Egyptian eye makeup

    Draw arrows for the eyes of various lengths and thicknesses. Draw only clear lines. So that cosmetics do not flow or smear, choose only solid products. The entire layer of mascara should cool cool;

    • Lip color varies from natural to bright red. Orange is used very rarely;
    • Shadows are selected according to the color of the eyes: for brown - lilac, golden, for gray - green, chestnut, for green - ocher, pink, for blue - dark gray, black.

    Eyes are a symbol of passion, wisdom, deceit and beauty. The genre you choose will reveal your essence to others. Turn on your imagination and experiment.

    Follow our step-by-step makeup tips and be cute all the time, everywhere!

    Transforming externally, it is necessary to improve inside, completing a gentle and charming image with confidence in yourself and your own beauty. But it also happens that the chosen style in makeup contributes to the transformation inside.

    What was the purpose of makeup in Egypt? In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs applied special lines to their faces. They were convinced that a huge force was needed to rule a huge country.

    And the pharaohs knew where to get it. This great art of transformation is known today as makeup. And some women skillfully use it to look great both in life and in the photo.

    What is the most common makeup mistake?

    Makeup is able to emphasize our dignity and hide small flaws, and it’s a sin not to use it. Each woman is different, and makeup for each goddess must be selected individually.

    The main thing in applying decorative cosmetics is to avoid the most common mistakes that can make even the sweetest and most beautiful face look ugly.

    The first and most common mistake in makeup is its absence. In ancient times, the art of make-up was available only to representatives of the highest nobility, and commoners did not have the right to use its advantages for face correction.

    Why, when this art is available to every woman, many women do not use it? Laziness? No time? These are excuses! A perfect and beautiful woman is always beautiful and always takes care of herself.

    Pre-care and cleansing is the key to high-quality makeup

    Whatever the make-up: fantasy, evening, natural or any other, the main thing is that it should be neat and well-designed. Therefore, it is best applied in sunlight or good and bright light. At the same time, be sure to preliminarily thoroughly cleansed face, clean hands and brushes.

    For cleansing, it is best to use foams, gels, cream or milk step by step, and then tonic and moisturizer. If this procedure is not carried out, you should not even think about it.

    Applying a tone to the face is a must. Makeup must be perfect, which means that it is imperative to even out its color and hide flaws with a foundation.

    A tone is not required only for women with perfect, flawless skin. But there are very few such happy owners of beautiful and fragrant skin, and, therefore, most of us need correction.

    If the skin is in normal condition, then it needs a tone in a small amount. And in case of poor skin condition, they should be used to a greater extent.

    The right amount and selection of the perfect tone

    The wrong color and wrong application of foundation can ruin the whole look. Many women tend to abuse foundation.

    And when applying it, it is most often applied either a little or a lot, so it is extremely important to look at your appearance in the mirror to make sure that the skin tone is set correctly.

    Very often, due to the wrong choice of tone, the complexion is very different from the color of the skin of the neck, and it looks as if the face is dirty with something. And this is extremely ugly.

    Another common mistake is applying the tone to one point and then spreading it over the face. This leads to the fact that the tone falls unevenly, forming a semblance of an ugly mask, collects at the frame of the face, staining the hair.

    We set the tone correctly and efficiently

    The sponge is dipped in tone and bluishness under the eyes is corrected with point movements. After a dense corrector typed on a brush, small pimples and specks, pigment moments and burst capillaries become invisible.

    To hide circles under the eyes, it is better to use a special yellow corrector, and for redness - green. Since it is these colors that can neutralize blue or purple, and green can neutralize red skin imperfections.

    First, we hide the imperfections of the skin, and only after that we correct the tone of the face. This will help the correctors adhere better to the skin and make its presence less noticeable. Squeeze a little cream onto a neutral surface and scoop it up with a sponge.

    This will allow you to use the tone more sparingly. It should be distributed with smooth, driving movements, in no case rubbing it into the skin.

    How to apply eye shadow step by step

    First of all, we give stability to future makeup with a base under the shadow or by applying a light layer of tonal foundation.

    Next, we distribute a sandy golden color throughout the moving eyelid, which is the main accent in the stylish image of Cleopatra. Shadows should not be too shiny, as these highlights will look ugly in the photo.

    Fill the crease area with white shadows, and fill the line above the eyelid crease with a brown tint. Working on the shades with a brush to achieve smooth shadow transitions.

    Create expressive look and style with gel eyeliner

    We draw an arrow along the lash line from the inner corner to the outer. We thicken the arrow from the middle of the eye and draw the tail of the arrow flying towards the temple.

    We thicken the tail, connecting the lines of the upper and lower eyelids by 1 mm. Draw a parallel line under the black tail with white eyeliner.

    We place accents with purple shadows. We collect purple shadows on a flat brush and draw a line from the inner corner of the eye and under the white arrow. So that the shadows do not crumble, first wipe the brush on a damp cloth.

    To avoid trouble in the form of crumbling shadows, a thick layer of colorless powder can be applied to the area around the eyes, and at the end of the process, brush it off along with the crumbled shadows with a wide brush.

    Add clarity and radiance with a white pencil. We draw a stroke along the water line of the lower eyelid. We bring it to the outer corner, gently connecting it with a white tail.

    We paint over the eyelashes with voluminous mascara or stick on false eyelashes to set the image of style and captivating charm in the image of Cleopatra. Such a bright and rich makeup will look very harmonious in the photo.

    The art of make-up has been relevant at all times and in any civilization. Every year the best makeup artists compete in makeup techniques. Each season, a certain color accent is made in the make-up, which becomes a trend, one or another part of the face stands out to a greater or lesser extent. For example, today, much attention is paid to eyebrows. Therefore, the procedures of the eyebrow masters are very relevant. But how did the people of ancient Egypt make up and was there something special in their makeup? The fact that the art of makeup existed in ancient Egypt is an indisputable fact. Cosmetics appeared 5000 years ago and the Egyptians, in truth, can be called the founders of the art of makeup. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. These are containers with dyes of various shapes, bottles for storing oils and creams, mirrors, brushes, bags with colored powders. These accessories were found in both female and male burials. This made it possible to draw the final conclusion that not only women, but even men and children were wearing makeup. Subsequently, this was confirmed by illustrations on papyri, where it was also clear how not only noble and wealthy Egyptians, but also ordinary people, decorated their faces. It is important to note that makeup in ancient Egypt did not always have a decorative and decorative function. Sometimes "coloring" was used to scare away evil forces. The pharaohs also believed in this, so no one is surprised by their images with clearly drawn eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows on sarcophagi.

    Eyeliner was the main cosmetic product. It was obtained from natural black stone, by grinding to a powder and mixing with various oils. Green eyeliner was also popular. Eyebrows and eyelashes were emphasized with antimony, and shadows were made from lead, malachite and copper, which the Egyptians abundantly applied to the eyelids.
    Often, soot was used to obtain a rich black color.
    At first, cosmetics were applied with fingers, but with the development of civilization, tools such as brushes were invented. Along with eyeliners and shadows, lipsticks, hair and nail paints, and various skin oils were used.
    The main beauty of early ancient Egypt is Queen Nefertiti. On the example of her image, you can see how the contour of the eyes was outlined and elongated arrows were drawn, eyebrows stood out. The eyes were large and very bright. This gave a dramatic look and did not allow evil spirits to enter the body through the look and capture the soul.
    The skin was shaded with henna, which was also used to paint nails and hair. The body was lubricated with oils obtained from various plants.

    The ways of creating cosmetics in ancient Egypt were not always useful.
    For example, a mixture based on animal fat with the addition of beeswax, red pigment or red clay was used as a lipstick. Very often, the lips simply swelled due to an allergy to wax.
    But it is also known that cosmetics helped in everyday life. For example, eye shadow made of lead repelled various insects, which were numerous in the hot climate of Egypt.
    Today, the make-up of ancient Egypt is taken as the basis of Arabic makeup. Seeing bright black lined eyes in Arabic make-up, the image of Cleopatra immediately comes to mind. This queen was very fond of cosmetics, was not afraid to try new oils and fragrances on her skin, and even wrote a treatise on cosmetics. Cleopatra, as a true woman, paid special attention to her face and body and was not in vain considered the most beautiful and desirable queen of Egypt.

    The bright image of the Egyptian was complemented by numerous accessories. Jewelry occupied a special place in the arsenal of any inhabitant of ancient Egypt. Even the poor had bracelets, not to mention the nobility. Queens and pharaohs adorned themselves with stones and gold from head to toe, and a large number of bracelets and teak (head decoration) have been found by archaeologists.
    It was believed that both cosmetics and jewelry would be useful in the afterlife.

    Like many centuries ago, today women love not only to make up, but also to complement their image with jewelry. Of course, the fashion of Egypt is long behind and today women tend to more nude make-up, preferring naturalness and naturalness. Despite the huge number of cosmetic brands and the abundance of products, it must be remembered that the art of makeup is not a competition: who has the most cosmetic bag. This is the ability to select the right products that suit your skin, to emphasize natural beauty, only correcting small imperfections, and in no case drawing a completely different “new” face for yourself.

    makeup artist-stylist Tatyana Murkalova-Denisova
