The concept of karma. What is included in the concept of "karma" Karma in simple words

Karma is your soul's desire to achieve balance in life experience. You should not perceive karma as some kind of punishment for the known or secret actions of your current or past life. "Up there" there is no divine being who can watch over you, recording your current score. Karma is independent and independent. Each soul grows and develops, living its life in a new way, considering it from the position of its next incarnation.

How can karma affect your current life?

The main reason why we continue to appear on Earth in more and more incarnations immediately after death is that when we find ourselves in a world full of trials prepared for us by fate, we do not understand that we are the creators of our reality.

Karma is not created to deprive us of strength and opportunities. Karma is meant to be our guiding light. Every time we face a problem, we appeal to our own karma, but we do not notice it and do not understand all the power and strength that it can give us.

How can we work with karmic energy?

Karmic patterns are meant to let you know that you have deviated from your core, divine and soul essence. Whenever you face major challenges in life or cannot get off the ground, examine your karmic patterns by allowing the knowledge of your soul essence to fill your mind. You can gain this knowledge using past life regression or any other healing technique more familiar to you. After that, you will be able to find balance with your true essence. Karma is designed to give you that life-giving force that will help you understand your problems, heal them and continue your spiritual growth, allowing your divine essence to fill every moment of your daily life.

By what signs can one determine the presence of a karmic connection with other people? What should be done to detect these signs?

The paths of our souls always pass side by side, passing through many incarnations. Feelings of instant love, amazing devotion, or sudden dislike are sure signs that you have met the owner of a soul that you loved deeply or hated fiercely in your past life.

Why are we inextricably entangled in karmic bonds? What role do they play in our life?

Before moving on to our new incarnation, we independently plan what problems and questions we want to face. In addition, we choose souls who can help us to understand the essence of the problem more deeply or give us the strength necessary to solve them.

It turns out that we are forever united with the souls with whom we have karmic connections? In other words, will we meet the same souls in each new life, or are they only called to help us solve our problems?

In order to more accurately answer this question, let me tell you about my understanding of fate and free will.

I perceive fate as a set of topics and lessons that we ourselves prepare for ourselves before plunging into the world of a new reincarnation. We are creating a set of challenges that will allow us to achieve mastery and move to the next level. Such life lessons are aimed at self-development. Such lessons have no specific goals, except for our personal growth and achievement of mastery, which will expand our ability to create a new reality for ourselves. That is why, even the process of creating our own destiny, is entirely based on free will.

After we dive into the world of our new reincarnation, we continue to exercise free will. We get the opportunity to use any method available to us to work with a set of pre-selected topics and problems. Some of us show amazing zeal in this process, passionately following the light at the end of the tunnel, choosing for ourselves a path full of challenges. Others prefer not to get involved in the trials of a new life, refusing any competition because of the fears that prevent us from moving on.

Even before being born on Earth, we can choose the people who will meet on our new life path, however, the free will inherent in each of us forces us to choose completely different life paths. That is why our original plan is undergoing a serious adjustment. Plunging into our dreams, we constantly communicate with our higher essence, our guardians, angels and the souls of other people, constantly changing the course of our lives in order to receive as much knowledge as possible that is provided to us in this world.

If karmic connections can have a negative impact on our current life, then how can we break this vicious circle and avoid repeating negative situations in the next life?

We can do this by fully learning the lesson of life, by forgiving such souls and generously letting them go. If you try to simply run away from the problem without knowing forgiveness and generosity, then another soul will appear in your life who will try to teach you a similar lesson. Sooner or later, we will be able to learn about the existence of a karmic pattern that needs to be resolved. We can dedicate ourselves to resolving this pattern and rebalancing with our true selves.

Finally, do you have a specific technique that you can recommend to our readers for dealing with their negative karmic connections?

Below are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Try to perceive karma as a real possibility that will allow you to achieve balance with your natural, divine and true essence.
  2. Examine your karmic pattern. Understanding the problem is the first step towards solving it.
  3. Open your notebook and write down the answer to the following question: What information about this problem do I find clear and unambiguous? Your beliefs are your own understanding of the reality in which you live several incarnations. Your beliefs allow you to create and perfect this reality.
  4. Use the past life regression technique. You can use one of my step-by-step instructions that you can find on the site or contact me to arrange a personal meeting. Regression will allow you to get deeper and more complete understanding of the essence of the problem and find ways to heal such negative karmic patterns.
  5. Open your list of beliefs and create a new list full of positive and encouraging messages about the issue. Try to strengthen your beliefs by all means possible, putting them into your actions, thoughts and words.
  6. Constantly remind yourself of the following - you create every piece of your reality. Only you have the power to achieve a happy, fun, and fulfilling life.

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Mira Kelly is a world-renowned expert on past life diving and the author of the best-selling book Beyond Past Lives and the acclaimed CD recordings of Healing Through Past Life Regression and Beyond. She conducts workshops, individual sessions and meetings around the world, telling how to heal and what opportunities open up through immersion in past lives. Stories from Mira's workshops are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer Wayne and Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss; they are also featured on Learn more about Mira and how to contact her at

KARMA - (Sanskrit - action). In a broad sense - the total amount of actions committed by any living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of his new birth, reincarnation. In a narrow sense, the influence of actions taken on the nature of the present and subsequent existence.

The concept of karma is related to the idea of ​​reincarnation, according to which the thoughts and actions of a past life affect the present. Thus, some philosophies believe that our destiny is the result of the work of karma. The action of karma in the Eastern tradition is carried out by the universe. In the Western tradition, sin is punished by God, that is, a similar pattern is obtained - cause / effect.

Man can rise above the laws of karma. By working on oneself, a person can become a Buddha, i.e. become illuminated (informed / trained) - free. Buddhists do not pray to the Buddha-man, but to the concept of "illumination". Buddha for them is illumination, enlightenment.

The Universe gives a person everything necessary (soul, life, body, food). She also controls the execution of her plans. Imagine such a picture. The human fetus develops in the mother's uterus. The due date is approaching, but he realizes that, having been born, he must take care of himself. He needs food, shelter, clothing, protection, care, etc. Will he get it in "the next world"? Having reasoned this way, the little man decides to stay and live in it further. He is afraid of that other world in which you need to take care of yourself. So he lives on full provision, being in bliss, calmness and affection. Meanwhile, the mother's body ages, and she dies. Naturally, the child in her womb also dies. No process can go on forever.

To ensure normal life in the human body, large and small physiological processes take place.

In the same way, various Forces operate in the entire Universe, exercising control. There is a special supervision, which, like the immune system, monitors the observance of integrity, harmony and the right direction of development. The forces that control the order on the planet and human activities are controlled by the lords of karma. Any activity of each person is recorded on the "thin" structures of outer space. The lords of karma correct the evolution of each particular person. To many, these corrections seem too harsh, but in fact they are all done only for the good.

Health, Communication and Destiny

Everything related to human health is concentrated in the physical body and 60 cm around it. This is a personal, intimate space of a person. The sphere of communication extends from a person to about 60 m. Its quality determines character traits. The area in which the fate of a person is decided can cover a significant part of the universal field. The fate of some people is decided in different parts of the world, among other peoples, and can affect the interests of huge masses of people.

The directing efforts of karma, first of all, try to affect the field responsible for human health, so that the disease makes a person think, change his mind and change in the right direction.

The soul of a person is protected by a small misfortune - the deterioration of health and the occurrence of diseases. If a person ignores these signals and continues a vicious life, then the structures of the soul are destroyed and there is a more serious punishment along the lines of communication and fate. And here it is important to emphasize this feature. Someone “cured” a person, but if the person himself did not realize the causes of his ailments and illnesses, did not wish to eliminate them and change, then the information of diseases, ousted from the line (structure) of health, will be transferred to the line (structure) of fate. A person will begin to suffer according to fate: the disease is only transferred to the future, passed on to the field structures of relatives and children.

The structure of man. The place of karma in the body

Man has two components: the physical body and consciousness. Both the physical body and consciousness have a very complex, but harmoniously balanced structure. Ordinary consciousness is a life experience acquired in one human life, plus the usual mental activity of a person in communication and work. Superconsciousness is life experience acquired in all previous lives of a person, plus special mental activity. In an ordinary person, it is blocked and manifests itself in dreams and some other, special, states.

With the subconscious, the situation is somewhat more complicated. This is the sum of information and energy programs that were formed either by the person himself in his ordinary consciousness, or by other people, and forgotten, unconscious "settled" in the structures of the field life form. Ordinary consciousness does not perceive them, but they nevertheless influence it. Strong emotional experiences “fall through” into the subconscious, the programs formed by the parents are postponed.

From here they can rise back into consciousness and interfere with its work. They are activated by similar thoughts, emotions, moods, pushing a person to evil deeds.

Resonance and lightning effect

Vibrations and thought-forms have the property of amplification from association with the like (resonance effect). They resonate with similar "records" in the causal body of a person, push him to perform an action and are remembered through this action in the three-dimensional, physical world. This is how they are discharged. Often it turns out that a specific thought is realized in a certain action not through the person who produced it, but through another, whose cup overflowed from such thoughts. It is important to understand that vibrations and thought forms cannot be realized by themselves - they need a conductor. And this guide to the physical world can only be a person.

In order to consolidate their superiority, to protect their material interests, people create more and more powerful technology. They earn their living, feed their families. Everything seems to be good. But, on the other hand, there is an accumulation of karma, which over time is realized in the corresponding events. Everything turns against the creators and producers. Murders. Acts of terrorism, accidents at industrial enterprises, accidents with “innocent” people are the fruits of previously “sown” causes. Mankind does not understand the hidden perniciousness of scientific and technological progress, so the lesson is repeated in an increasingly terrible and mass form.

Footprints in the sand and a sleeping boomerang

Karmic information “settles” well and is transmitted through objects and things. And it is not known whether the thing will accept the new owner or not. If he accepts, or a person remakes it for himself, everything is fine. If not, then you can expect trouble. Worn items that previously belonged to another can convey to the new owner the painful condition and fate of the old one. Furniture, rooms, buildings, places, and especially works of culture and art have a similar property. Animals and plants are also included in the cycle of the karma of their owners. If the inner world of a person is not visible to us, then its external reflection can be seen and judged about a person, and even about his fate.

individual karma consists of acquired in past lives and accumulated in the current life. The karma acquired in past lives “lies” and “dozes” in the field form of life, waiting for “its own” karmic situation, which will activate and put it into action. The karma accumulated in the current life is formed from one source - the consciousness of a person, and depends on the traits of his character. Manifesting his character traits in one or another karmic, domestic, family and other situations, a person either extinguishes or accumulates karma in the current life.

A person committed a misdeed in relation to the Space, but later, by his good deeds, he aroused a benevolent attitude towards himself, and the karmic response for this misconduct weakened. This kind of karma is called “weakened”. The most typical variant of a karmic response is when a person, after committing a misdeed, after some time feels its reverse effect in the form of bad luck, poor health, etc. This kind of karma is called "fully unfolded." And, finally, there is a variant of the karmic response, when the process of the reverse influence is postponed due to the prevailing (karmic) circumstances. This kind of karma is called "interrupted."

Relay race of good and evil through the birth canal

How can karma be passed down the lineage? Ancient sources, as well as Agni Yoga, state that the life experience accumulated by a person during his life does not disappear after the death of a person. In the post-mortem existence (between death and a new birth), the soul processes it for the purpose of its spiritual growth. Depending on the quality of the accumulated experience, the Lords of Karma prepare the field of activity for the soul so that it can more fully realize it, open it, and work it out. Therefore, many components must be taken into account: the era, the country, the surrounding people, the family, etc.

The process of childbirth is an unusually powerful experience for both mother and child. They should be carried out very correctly, as naturally and without violence as possible. There should be no anxiety among those taking birth, there is no need to frighten the woman in labor: all this will lay pathological programs in the subconscious of the child. Statements by the expectant mother like: “I can’t do anything! I'm scared! How hard it is for me What are we going to do!” etc. - they will manifest themselves in a child, and even in an adult, with unmotivated fears, inability to achieve the goal, to win an everyday victory, self-doubt, giving in to difficulties and many other “psychological things”, disorders and diseases.

As we know, due to karmic predestination, a person is born to those parents whose karma corresponds to his own. The parents through whom we emerge are the “exit place” that continues into subsequent generations. This is the concept of gender. Previously, the clan was conducted along the maternal line, because the maternal womb is the “exit place” of each person. The main thing here is a continuous chain of succession: a child, an adult, an old man. An old man dies, an adult becomes an old man, a child becomes an adult who has children, and so on. So, the “exit place” “remembers” information about seven generations of people. And if someone has violated moral laws, then information about this along the chain of succession will be transmitted to subsequent generations.

The girl had a very severe karma, she was left an orphan early. She got married, hated her husband (here the karmic program of evil played a role here), but gave birth to ten children from him! Not one abortion. Husband washed down so that he laid hands on himself. One child died in childhood. All other children have a bad fate: men drink too much, family life does not add up. Their life expectancy is short and, as a rule, life ends tragically. Grandchildren suffer - girls, as it were, in passing, but boys (who have reached puberty) “get” directly. They suffer from an unknown, rare disease. But the grandmother herself, although forgotten by everyone and in poor conditions, lives for the ninth decade! She dumped everything on the kids!

Change of karma - every second healing with the Name

The choice of a name for a person will largely affect his fate. When parents choose a name for a child, it is fixed in the field form of a person's life in the form of a certain program (a kind of code). A name may suit and favor a person in life, it may be neutral, or it may not correspond and distort the fate of a person. Especially carefully it is necessary to give a name to a child in honor of someone (relative, friend, etc.). By naming a child in someone's honor, you are doing two things: you karmically connect your child with the person after whom he is named, and connect him to the egregor of this name. It is best to name the child in honor of the saints who have shown themselves on this day of the calendar.

Resentment is a mental and emotional activity in the ordinary consciousness of a person, which forms a certain package of programs. The resentment program package can be passed down the lineage. The strength of resentment is determined by the energy level of the offended person. The higher it is, the stronger the thoughts and emotions “fold” the vital energy of the field life form into a program of resentment. It is not recommended to allow thoughts and emotions of resentment during an emotional upsurge: a birthday, a wedding celebration, etc. In this state, ordinary consciousness forms the strongest (and therefore harmful to health, character and fate) programs of resentment.

If a person, being married, before the birth of a child, takes offense at his spouse, and even more so hates him, then a separation program is formed. Further, the spouses can make up and forget about the disagreements, but the program remains and is passed on to their children. Children become adults, create their own families. And here an interesting pattern emerges. If a suitable life situation is created, or if there are appropriate character traits that can “hook” and activate the separation program, the family breaks up. If they are not there, then the “dormant” program goes further and further until it works for someone. This is true for any other program. Some children pass it, while others fall into it.

Hatred is a conscious and purposeful thought-emotional process designed to harm and destroy a specific object (person and others). This process forms in the field form the most powerful programs of destruction, which spread through the family tree for several generations to come. If a spouse feels hatred for her husband, mentally and verbally wishes him harm, then a program for destruction will be formed in her field form of life. This program, due to the binding, begins to destroy the one against whom it was created. At the same time, it begins to destroy the structures of the field form of life of the creator himself, if he is not protected or cannot protect himself.

The hate program works sluggishly, imperceptibly. Outwardly manifests itself in a bleak attitude to life. It is the cause of addiction to alcohol and drugs, makes family life faded. A person who has a program of hatred, destruction in his subconscious, unconsciously and unmotivated by it, is pushed by it to commit an act dangerous to himself (for example, a fight, stabbing on a domestic basis), does not value his life and the lives of other people. It can harm a large number of people, especially those who depend on it. In the end, he himself may be struck by some kind of disease associated with a decline in energy, atrophy, tightening of the tendons.

Thoughts of suicide create a program of self-destruction in the field form of life, to the formation of which thoughts about not wanting to have children can also lead. "Settling" in the subconscious, it undermines the health and fate of many generations. The subconscious program of self-destruction outwardly breaks through in situations that provoke it and leads to unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides. This program is not only preserved in the field of the clan, but is also gaining strength, fueled by the energy of thoughts about the suicide of children and grandchildren. It often happens that in the family, one by one, people die of their own free will due to a problem that is easily solved.

Thoughts of suicide most often visit a person at a young age due to resentment on love grounds. Girls - teenagers and young women, as more sensual and emotional natures, suffer from this the most. They flare up, form a program of self-destruction, and then move away and live on. But the program remains and deforms the field structures in the head or lower abdomen. So the woman herself forms future headaches and gynecological diseases. The program of self-destruction will “smolder” until the woman feeds it with a new similar process. This can manifest itself in a normal family after resentment against her husband, termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Coded for [un]happiness

Now various coding is widely used to rid a person of addiction to alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, and overeating. They began to use training under hypnosis, introduce weight loss programs, and so on.

What is the harm of such interference? Any information must be entered through ordinary consciousness and in the form of memory be in its place. If information is brought in, pushed in, driven out, bypassing the ordinary consciousness, it deforms the structures of the field life form, distorts the general circulation of energy in it. In a person, after a certain time, health can be upset, and then a disease appears.

The main mistake of a person lies in the fact that he identifies himself with desire and feeling. Spirit, soul is one thing, but feelings and desires are quite another. To serve a desire, you need to give it vital energy, let it into your consciousness, allow it to “pass” through the body. If all this is done unconsciously, then the program of desire, sensual pleasure becomes so powerful that a person does nothing but serve it: he becomes its slave. If the soul of a person is sufficiently developed and exalted, the person owns his desires, feelings and things, but not vice versa.

Unconscious resentment program to a previously loved person (girlfriend to girlfriend, to each other), inherited, can lead to lesbianism or homosexuality. The subconscious is trying to suppress the program of resentment by increasing the degree of attachment of a woman to a woman, a man to a man. Homosexuality can also arise as an attempt to replenish the dying feeling of love and affection of one person for another. By and large, a person should love the whole world around him, all people, without making any special distinction between them. The feeling of intimacy is a very small part of this great love. If the subconscious feeling of universal Great love is dulled or extinguished, then same-sex love can arise as an attempt to compensate for it.

Renunciation from a born child, mental unwillingness to have a child and be pregnant, as well as termination of pregnancy, especially for long periods; the urge to terminate pregnancy not only in deeds, words, but even in thoughts - aggravates karma. This applies equally to both women and men, regardless of their age. For example, a woman after an abortion (or after advice to do it) may experience an ovarian cyst. A man who insists on an abortion gets "weakness" in the lumbar region. “Weakness” is expressed in lumbar pain, and maybe in early impotence, prostatitis or adenoma. A verbal, emotional, mental desire to destroy a future person is a violation of the main law of life, for which a person pays with his health and fate.

Secrets of "weak" places

Knowing the "weakness" of a person - the evil program embedded in him, life will create such situations so that this program can manifest itself, "open up" and be either eliminated or even more aggravated. If a person is able to accept, resist, endure and not succumb - karma will be removed, the trials will end, the lesson has been worked out. The problem is removed, it is the turn of another karmic lesson. What it will be, only the Lords of Karma know, but it will have to be humbly accepted, comprehended and worked out. Then the turn of other lessons will come, and everything will be repeated all over again. Only when there are no karmic knots left in your field form of life - you are ripe for the Kingdom of Heaven, you will be able to go “through the eye of a needle”, incarnating in a conscious field, the home of which is the entire Universe.

What does it mean to repent, to repent? Many people confuse the meaning of the word "repent" with words such as "remorse", "self-flagellation", "regret" for the past and the like. If a person regrets something for a long time, worries, reproaches himself, this means one thing - he mentally creates a harmful program and feeds it with his experiences, emotions, and in the future it will interfere with his life and will pass on to his descendants.

Repentance means the process of realizing the harmfulness of past actions and the desire to make amends for them, to correct them. A repentant person ceases to commit harmful deeds, lives in a different way. In addition, he seeks to compensate for the previously caused damage and by his work corrects the harm caused to someone or something.

Write down all your weaknesses and problems on paper and start working slowly. First, decide on the main question: what do you want, what do you expect from life? Start changing your habits. First of all, get rid of destructive and bad habits. Further, it is necessary to begin to work out communication by changing the attitude to the surrounding people, nature, events. Be more tolerant, softer, more understanding and quick-witted. Develop in yourself love for loved ones, try to justify and forgive your enemies. And most importantly, try to constantly feel yourself surrounded by life, the love of a large organism - the Cosmos. Answer him the same. Arrange in everything the unity of life and justice. Feel this love physically and respond to it with the same feeling.

Love, responsibility, calmness and work will grind everything

First of all, it is necessary to increase self-awareness and responsibility for one's own health. Accept the state of health that you have without any grumbling. Since most of the problems (about 90%) with health arise from lifestyle characteristics, analyze it first. Start with the simplest: do you have bad habits, what is your mindset, daily routine, how, what and when you eat. After doing a similar analysis and finding errors, eliminate them. It is highly desirable to cleanse your body. If you continue to correctly adhere to the "technology of health", then most diseases and health problems disappear, because they were generated by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Calmness and equanimity of human consciousness were valued at all times. This quality allowed a person to intelligently and intelligently navigate in any environment and act with the greatest efficiency. The informational action of the sense organs, the logical action of the mind and memory without the connection of emotions do not allow the formation of destructive programs and their introduction into the subconscious. This is a great prevention from bad karma. A person can and should intervene in the course of events, resist them, based on their personal interests, but only without connecting emotions. Analyze events, look for ways to resolve, ways to overcome obstacles. But just don't get emotional. Act calmly in any situation.

Working with karma requires realizing yourself as a spiritual being and taking responsibility for yourself.

For your thoughts and actions. Acceptance of life and life situations as they are. Reflection on life, life situation and making decisions for positive work. Conscious, purposeful work.
Evaluation of the work done and the necessary changes. Then the last process is repeated until the result is obtained.

>If you deny fate and resist its blows and the prevailing unpleasant situations, thereby you deny God's justice, sent to your benefit.

>If you do not realize yourself as a spiritual being and do not take responsibility, then there can be no talk of any karmic work.

Skt.) - according to the teachings of the Brahminists, Buddhists and Jains, "work"; in a broad sense - the sum of good and evil deeds of life, which, on the basis of its inherent automatically acting and regular causality, creates the prerequisites for a new, subsequent existence of a certain kind of essence and a certain destiny.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


Skt.), kamma (Pali; lit. - action, duty, activity). According to Theravada - any moral (kusala) and immoral (akusala) volitional intentions. If the action is not committed intentionally, then it does not create K. It should be noted that K. is considered an extremely complex law, the nature of the manifestation of which was fully realized only by the Buddha. In the construction of consciousness, the main role belongs to thought, since words and actions are secondary in relation to consciousness. Therefore, in the Abhidharmich. (see Abhidharma) Theravadin lit-re osn. attention is paid to the classification of consciousness. Consciousness is divided into two types: moral and immoral, which in turn are divided into 12 types of immoral consciousness and 17 types of moral consciousness. These 29 types of consciousness are called K., because their effect is manifested automatically, regardless of external circumstances. 17 types of moral consciousness are made up of 8 types of consciousness inherent in the sensory world, 5 types of consciousness characteristic of the world of forms, 4 types of consciousness characteristic of the world without forms. 8 types of unearthly consciousness (lokuttara) are not considered as K., because they are aimed at eradicating it. In these types of consciousness, the factor of wisdom (prajna) dominates, while volitional desire (chetanya) is characteristic of worldly consciousness. However, all types of consciousness are conditioned by K.: the first 12 types of immoral consciousness actively produce negative K.; The last 17 types improve the positive side of karma, which helps to achieve enlightenment. according to the law of dependent origin, the reason for the appearance of K. is ignorance or ignorance of the essence of things and phenomena. Any desires generated by the "I", constructed from skandhas, produce K., the retribution of which is manifested both in this life and in the distant future. Confirmation of this manifestation of the fruits of K. are the stories about the rebirth of the Buddha and his disciples. For example, although the Buddha completely destroyed his K., he died as a result of food poisoning. acc. buddha tradition, the Buddha knew everything, including that he would die by eating poor-quality food, but he did not resist his fate, or K., the last action of which should have manifested itself in his poisoning. His disciple, Maudgalyana, who reached enlightenment, was beaten half to death by robbers, which is also explained by karmic retribution for his past, albeit very distant in time, thoughts and deeds generated by his false self. All the teachings of Buddhism, including Theravada, focus on 10 types of sinful actions and 10 types of deeds leading to good consequences. To 10 dark deeds, or to dark dharma (teaching), Theravada refers three physical. deed: murder, theft, adultery; four verbal actions: lies, slander, verbal abuse, frivolous speech; three intentions caused by greed, ill will, ignorance. Karmic consequences of murder: brevity of life, illness, constant grief over the loss or loss of what has been achieved, constant fear. Consequences of theft: poverty, misfortune, disappointment, constant dependence on everyday circumstances. Consequences of adultery: many enemies, union with unwanted women and men, rebirth as a woman or eunuch. Lying leads to the fact that a person will constantly use foul language, be deprived of confidence, etc. Slander leads to the loss of friends. Insulting with a word gives rise to an unpleasant voice that disgusts others. Malevolence breeds ugliness, many diseases, a disgusting character; greed is punished by the fact that in the next life none of the desires will be fulfilled. The 10 luminous deeds that bring merit are: generosity, moral deeds, meditation, reverence, helpfulness, attributing one's merit to another, the ability to rejoice in the success of others, listening to dharma, spreading it, following the correct teaching. The karmic consequence of generosity is health; moral deeds - birth in a noble family; meditation opens the way to the world of forms and the world without forms, helps to comprehend the highest truth and achieve liberation; reverence will bring joy to parents; the service will turn into a large retinue; attributing one's merit to another is a guarantee of abundance in the future life; the ability to rejoice in the success of others will lead to one's own glory; hearing and spreading the dharma generates wisdom; following the right teaching will ensure permanent happiness. Just as the process of formation and manifestation of K. cannot be imagined without the idea of ​​a continuous chain of rebirths of living beings, so the idea of ​​rebirth turns out to be untenable without a karmic concept. According to the Theravada teaching, the effect of the law of dependent origination extends to all levels where beings fall depending on their K. letter of the Pali canon (see Tipitaka). Relig. the concept of this direction was based on the idea of ​​the life of the Buddha as a continuous chain of rebirths, the idea will be followed. improvement of K. by a person who follows the prescriptions of the Pali canon and leads a lifestyle corresponding to the middle, or eightfold path. In the course of their development, these ideas turned into the idea of ​​accumulating merit, on the basis of which the relationship between the sangha and the laity was formed. V. I. Kornev

Great Definition

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To better understand the law of karma, consider the following classification:

family karma: Every person has a father, mother, brothers, spouse and children. With all of them he is bound by the Law of Karma. We owe them something and they owe us something, depending on how we behaved with them in a past life. Therefore, sometimes we are destined to have crazy, leper, tubercular children, parents or brothers, Siamese twins, freaks, drug addicts, alcoholics or epileptics. We may also deserve parents and/or children who mistreat us and leave us. A husband who cheats and offends his wife, and vice versa.

Collective: This is the karma that unites different people when they have similar individual Karmas. They are united by the experienced accident, flood, plague, epidemics, etc.

National: This is the punishment that an entire nation experiences, such as an earthquake, civil war, etc.
world karma: This is the punishment that befalls all of humanity as a result of their bad deeds. For example, world wars.

heavy: This is karma for bad deeds committed in a past life. If we don't do enough deeds during our lifetime, Karma continues to develop, and we have to pay for it with great pain and suffering. Heavy karma is impossible to deal with. Example: AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, etc.

karma saya: This is a karmic union that occurs every time a man has a sexual or depraved relationship with a woman. In this union, both people share karmas and defects. The pair is connected by Karma-Saya in the book of Karma. This is an astral, sexual and karmic connection.

Individual: This is the punishment or consequence that every person experiences for their bad deeds committed in this or a past life. With this individual karma, someone is born blind, someone is an orphan, sick with tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, epilepsy, with ugly or deformed bodies, Siamese twins, etc. Wise Solomon speaks of this in his Proverbs: What a man sows, that he will also reap «.

- the law of cause and effect. The principle of karma is justice: for pious deeds we will be rewarded, for sinful deeds we will be punished. This is the universal and impartial law of God, which acts on all living beings inhabiting the material world.

new karma(bad or good) is acquired only by souls (jivas) in human bodies, because only living beings in the human body are given consciousness- the totality of the mind and mind.

Souls that have received animal bodies or plant bodies do not earn new karma, because by their nature, they are devoid of consciousness, these souls, on the contrary, work out their karma, being in their respective bodies. From this it follows that all the souls that received a non-human form of life (cats, dogs, pigs, fish, birds, snakes, plants, etc.) in their past incarnations were already in a human body and earned bad karma due to their activities, due to than received the corresponding bodies. Someday they will again be given the opportunity to receive a human body, but this may require millions of years and millions of reincarnations.

The definition of karma that was formulated above may seem somehow fabulous, implausible. Still would! After all, it does not fit into the world that we know, or rather, into the traditional knowledge that is taught to everyone. But from this, the karmic law does not cease to exist, let alone act. Understanding two things

  1. what is karma and how does it work, and
  2. what is the soul and how does it reincarnate,

allows you to understand and explain many life events and situations that are beyond our understanding and which are usually stigmatized "random event", "fate" or "evil rock".

How is karma born?

In itself, pure consciousness is the soul unconnected with matter (body shell), but in this case we use this term in this sense: if a living being is endowed with consciousness (a combination of mind and mind), then it is able to realize itself and its actions , i.e. act consciously. Therefore, only in the human form of life is it possible to observe laws, follow dharma (one's duty), or vice versa, engage in sinful activities. This is where karma is born - good or bad. Animals do not have consciousness, therefore they cannot be responsible for their actions, and therefore they do not earn new karma.

So, karma- this is a series of events, the cause of which was the perfect deeds of a living being (soul), in all its human forms of incarnations.

Wheel of Karma

The concept of karma does not mean only those events-consequences that we experience on ourselves as a result of our actions. The concept of karma also includes our actions, which were the cause of future events. In other words, while we are born and die in the material world, the bundle "cause and effect" or "action-consequence" - is a closed circuit.

Some actions lead to certain consequences, and under the influence of certain consequences, we perform new actions that give rise to new consequences. And it will be so indefinitely, as long as we are busy with material activities, do not think about our true nature and do not try to restore the lost connection with God.

The wheel of karma has a close relationship with the wheel of samsara - the cycle of birth and death. The cause of karma is the actions of a person, his material activities. The reason for the reincarnation of the soul, i.e. incarnation in one body or another is also the material activity of the soul in the human body. Therefore, it can be said that wheel of karma and practically the same. If you combine these two concepts, then you get one common wheel, in which karma will be the cause, and samsara will be the effect.

Coming to the concept of reincarnation and karma, it is important to understand that we are not bodies - we are souls that incarnate in a new body and carry the consequences of their past actions - karma.

Types of karma

It is said that karma is divided into several types or categories. In Sanskrit, its species have the following names:

  • sanchita - all accumulated karma (bad and good);
  • prarabdha - ripened karma, which is to be experienced in the near future;
  • kriyamana - karma created by current actions;
  • agama - karma from future (planned) actions.

From the definitions of the types of karma, we can conclude that, on the one hand, prarabdha is an integral part of sanchita karma, on the other hand, kriyamana and agama karma stand apart from the first two types, but this is not so. As we said earlier, “cause and effect” is an inextricable link, in this case sanchita and prarabdha are the consequence, akriyamana and agama- This is the reason, which will later pass into the corollary. Remember: ripe karma influences our current actions, as a result of which new karma is born.

sanchita karma

Sanchita translated from Sanskrit means literally - karma gathered together. This is the total karma from perfect deeds accumulated by a living being (individual soul) in all its human incarnations. It is subdivided into famous, unknown and mature .

  • Known Karma can only be in the current incarnation, ie. these are the actions that we know about and can be analyzed.
  • unknown karma- this is avyakt(unmanifested). Those actions and the consequences born from them that the soul has committed in all previous human incarnations. We cannot know about this long karmic tail that trails behind us from millions of previous incarnations. when, along with the death of the body, the death of its subtle component - the mind - also occurs. All we can do is analyze actions and events in this life with our own finite consciousness, which is limited by this body.
  • ripe karma- this is prarabdha. It can be either known, for example, you committed an act in this incarnation and the reaction followed immediately or after a few days, or unknown - the main part of the ripened karma that comes from past incarnations.

Sanchita is like an iceberg: most of the iceberg is hidden under water - this is an unknown karma from past incarnations; the part that is above the water is the ripened karma, prarabdha.

prarabdha karma

Prarabdha is the ripened part of sanchita, the fruits of which it is time to reap. In other words, this is the ripened karma that must be experienced by a living being in the current incarnation. No living being experiences the consequences of all his perfect deeds at the same time. Only that part of sanchita-karma that has already matured, at one fine moment, comes into action in the form of predetermined events.

Good and bad news: Prarabdha karma is almost impossible to avoid or change, it must be passed through in order to pay debts for committed deeds (bad news) or vice versa to receive a reward (good news). But we will talk about this in the next article “Karma and destiny”.

It is prarabdha-karma that we see in our own horoscope, it is represented by the position of the planets at the time of birth.

kriyamana karma

kriyamana- these are the consequences that are formed by the current actions of a person. In other words, kriyamana is the cause (our current actions), which every day form sanchita - the effect.

Under the influence of sanchita karma and its ripened part, prarabdha, people are like puppets, controlled by invisible threads of the consequences caused by the past deeds of a living being in human forms of life.

The definition of kriyamana-karma allows us to conclude that this is precisely the human free will. Our ability to consciously choose and create at every moment of the present time, allows us to perform new actions that form our future karma-effect (sanchita).

Of course, under the influence of prarabdha, which influences us, we perform new actions. But does this mean that we continue to be puppets? No, it's all about the level of our consciousness. If we make conscious actions, clearly understanding what consequences are prepared for us for them, then we use free will. If we don’t care about everything that happens to us, then we live an unconscious life, which means that under the influence of the consequences of our actions, we commit new actions of the same or even worse, plunging ourselves into an ever greater abyss of ignorance.

Agama Karma

Agama- this is the possible karma that can be formed from the actions planned in the future. It reflects a person's ability to live consciously, namely, to plan their actions and foresee the consequences of them. Agama is a kind of virtual part of karma that arises along with the thoughts and plans of a person and does not depend on whether the individual will implement them in reality or not.

If you have planned your actions and started working on the implementation of the plan, then the first is agama, and the second is kriyamana.

Karma and archer

So there is a predetermined karma-effectsanchita and its integral mature part prarabdha . And there is karma that a person forms every day with his conscious or vice versa unconscious actions - karma causekriyamana and agama .

The Vedas are replete with examples and historical facts that allow you to better understand certain processes and patterns. So in the case of karma, the Vedas give an analogy with an archer, which clearly allows you to understand the mechanism of action of karma.

The archer takes an arrow and shoots it from his bow. The quiver of arrows behind the archer's back is all accumulatedsanchita , namely her unmanifested part - avyakt , which is only going to materialize in the future. Each arrow that the archer took represents both the living being itself, embodied in a certain body according to its karma, and the living being's action in a certain direction. The archer cannot return an arrow that has been fired. A shot arrow is prarabdha , the result of which he must necessarily receive. The arrow he is about to shoot is kriyamana .

The word “karma” literally means “action”, “deed”, but also carries such a semantic connotation as “fate” and “fortune”. This is fully justified, because it is our actions that determine our future destiny. Briefly, the essence of the law of karma can be expressed by the well-known proverb: "What you sow, you will reap." This is not religion or prejudice, but common sense and the practical experience of our daily lives.

In physics, the law of karma is known as Newton's third law, the meaning of which is that "for every action there is a reaction." Science operates in this case only with objects consisting of rough matter: a ball, a car, and so on. But the Vedas say that not only the actions of a person on the gross physical plane bring similar consequences with the opposite sign, but also our words and thoughts, which have a certain psychic energy, will also return to us after a while. It could be in a minute, in an hour, in a day, in a year, or even in the next life.

To a rma (in Sanskrit - deed, action, fruit of action), one of the central concepts of Indian philosophy, complementing the doctrine of reincarnation. Appears already in the Vedas and later included in almost all Indian religious and philosophical systems, is an essential part of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

In a broad sense, karma is the total amount of actions committed by every living being and their consequences, which determine the nature of his new birth, that is, further existence. In a narrow sense, karma is generally called the influence of committed actions on the nature of the present and subsequent existence. In both cases, karma appears as an invisible force, and only the general principle of its action is assumed to be clear, while its inner mechanism remains completely hidden. Karma determines not only favorable or unfavorable conditions of existence (health - illness, wealth - poverty, happiness - unhappiness, as well as gender, life span, social status of an individual, etc.), but, ultimately, progress or regression in in relation to the main goal of man - liberation from the fetters of "profane" existence and submission to the laws of cause-and-effect relationships. Unlike the concept of fate or fate, the concept of karma is essential for its ethical coloring, since the conditionality of the present and future existence has the character of retribution or retribution for committed actions (and not the impact of inevitable divine or cosmic forces).

In everyday reality, our actions have certain consequences - cause and effect are always contained in the action. We do not have complete knowledge due to the limitations of our mind and do not always understand what the results of our actions will be. But at least we can be sure that everything that happens now is the result of something that happened in the past, and will also affect the future. From a materialistic point of view, cause and effect haunt us during life in this body, but everything stops as soon as death occurs. A person has died - and the chain of actions and their consequences ends.

The Vedic teaching, left to us by the great sages of antiquity, advances this concept to a higher level. The chain of actions and their consequences extends not only in this life, it continues from a past life and from a whole sequence of past lives.

The soul is born in this particular body because of its past karma, because of its past deeds. In what body she will incarnate in the next life depends on the karma of this living being. His present actions, combined with the total amount of previous actions, predetermine the direction of consciousness at the moment of death, which determines the future place, time and form of birth. Moreover, a living entity can not only wander from one human body to another, but also descend to the level of the animal or plant body form. In these lower forms of existence, birth and death also take place - consciousness enters the body, stays in it for a while, and then leaves it to take on a new one. Of course, it is almost impossible to count the number of life forms that exist in the universe. The Bhagavad Gita states that there are eight million four hundred thousand forms of life in total, ranging from tiny insects and bacteria to man and demigods, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems responsible for controlling natural processes.

According to the Indian interpretation, Karma is the "executive law of the universe." Karma is the law that gives many chances and options for fulfilling the law of Tharma. This means that everyone has their own path of "Trahma", from which, no matter how you deviate, you will not escape. Karma gives different options (roads) for passing one's path to the goal, which was also predetermined for us at one time. Thus, each person has his own path, destined from above.

In Karma, there is a very simple and well-known law: “What you sow, you will reap”, that is, everything that falls to our lot, we cause ourselves, by our actions. From this we can conclude: there are no situations good or bad, it is important how we react to them. Karma can be called fate testing us. It can also be expressed as a problem at work and even appear in the form of a banana skin on which you have to slip. It is necessary to learn lessons from trials and problems, to gain experience in solving them. The problem is not going anywhere until we learn the lesson. These theses were born in ancient India and are still relevant today. We must remember that in our life nothing happens by chance. In addition, fate never sends tests that we could not endure. Fate gives us trials so that we can endlessly improve, and reach our goal strong, tempered and self-confident. Try to remember all the significant events in your life, and you will see that nothing just happened. It is very important to understand that everything happens in its own time, and we just have to wait for the right moment to start acting. After all, dawn is not possible at midnight, you need to wait until 6 o'clock in the morning. But you can light a candle, which will dispel the darkness a little, and then the sun will rise.

Throughout life, a person goes through the path of evolution associated with the development of mental and intellectual abilities: he learns, analyzes, reasones, finds and creates. In the life of every person there is also a goal, not always clearly defined, given to us "from above". It must be understood not only with the mind, but also with the heart. Interestingly, some ancient texts say that our destiny is in dreams and dreams, in that without which it is difficult for us.

Any development implies the passage of a certain crisis period: in order to move to a more energetic level of existence, it is always necessary to destroy the structures that supported the stability of the body, it is necessary to break the usual order and courageously go through a state of relative chaos (“You can’t fall from an oak tree and not hurt yourself”). It is this period of flight, the period of relative uncertainty in one's own strengths, the relative unreliability of individual existence, that every living system is afraid of. Moreover, this fear is completely natural, natural, normal.

Self-development is a challenge to what is, to what has already been mastered, it is a way out of a cozy and warm mother's womb. And self-preservation is what ensures reliability and pleasantness, security and comfort of the current existence. Self-preservation is synonymous with karma. Inertia, trodden paths, rolled asphalt roads - why do we need all this windbreak, dangerous swamps and swamps fraught with disasters.

But, unfortunately, World Life implies incessant development, change, improvement. And self-preservation is not an end in itself, but a function of maintaining the stability of individual existence. Like it or not, you need to develop. Be that as it may, it is simply dangerous to stand still, because one who has stopped invariably rolls down, and the evolving world rushes past him. In order to correspond to this world, in order to live with it and thanks to it, an unceasing refinement of sensitivity, understanding and action is necessary. And our skeleton, our rigid core, our karma does not crave changes at all - hence all the problems.

There is a wonderful Latin proverb: “I carry everything I have with me.” Karmic programs are not somewhere out there, our karma is in us, or rather, it is ourselves . Karma is a set of pains and mistakes, blows and misunderstandings that have crystallized in the cells of our body, which are more than rigidly imprinted in the programs of the individual unconscious. Karma is the memory of crimes, of violations of the laws of spiritual life - a memory soldered into our bodies, into our psyche, into the tissues of our body. That is why they say that without the correction of the life of the soul in the body, no real healing is simply possible.

For long lives, sins and insults, pains and sufferings accumulated in the soul, marching from century to century. A person is like a tourist, behind whose shoulders a heavy backpack hangs and dangles from side to side, stuffed with many incomprehensible (and sometimes frankly unnecessary) things and objects. Saving a soul is just throwing a backpack off your shoulders. But this is easier said than done. After all, it seems to us that all this accumulated muck, all this rubbish is part of our individuality. For positive psychoprogramming, there are various methods (the Coue method, the Pythagorean method, the Bandler method).

Whether we like it or not, it is karmic, legal, but we have already predetermined the very fact of returning the soul to the body, returning for the sake of performing a very specific work, to fulfill a specific evolutionary program, to carry a burden and fulfill a mission. We should not forget that the presence of a body implies not only limitations (karma), but also opportunities (dharma): one can act only in the body, and in the given, concrete body, in the body complementary to the soul, corresponding to its individuality. Actions in the world invariably attract "kickbacks" - they just need to be patiently parried and move on. If our food is similar to the bodies of others (parents, brothers and sisters, co-religionists and fellow tribesmen), then we are talking about the similarity of karmas and the similarity of dharmas. You need to go through life with your own, with relatives, with loved ones, they are always there. And the more exalted, enlightened and harmonious our body becomes, the more changes we have achieved in the transformation of our own karma, the greater the result of our spiritual work we have achieved. Karma is misunderstanding, and liberation from it is associated with insight, with the expansion of consciousness. Karma is hidden strains of the soul, dissatisfaction with oneself and life, numerous internal protests, sobbing and twitching, misunderstanding of the laws of being and disagreement with their objective nature.

It is necessary to get rid of the very idea of ​​the permissibility of diseases, of the possibility of peaceful coexistence with them. After all, Grace is always poured around us, and we not only can, but must also attract it, use it in self-healing. And by transforming our own karmic programs - programs that dull, darken, make it difficult, by transforming our own body, we save not only ourselves, we save the whole world. For humanity and the planet are sick of us. Coping with our disease, we invariably make life easier for others. Human problems will only be removed when they are recognized and recognized by the person himself.

Salvation is the creation of a vessel of understanding into which one can draw the grace pouring from heaven. This is the creation of a harmonious bodily form, in everything consistent with the movements of the personality and the wills of the essence. “Salvation” is only from oneself, only through oneself and in oneself.

Humanity is an abstraction. Man is specific. And there is no problem more serious, more complex and subtle than the problem of restoring the integrity of the microcosm - the healing of a person.

Similarities and differences in the definition of fate and karma

Is fate the only factor in existence, or are there other factors that can change fate. Or, if fate is given, are there other sources, forces or plans of fate and can we not change our original destiny by turning to this other source of fate, force or plan and making them active in our life.

Metaphysical questions are not so simple that they can be so clearly solved in one sense or another, this is a popular approach, but it is light and unconvincing. Everything is free will or everything is fate - everything is not as simple as in such a formulation. This question of free will or predestination is the very knot of all metaphysical questions, and no one has yet been able to untie it, on sound reflection, both fate and will exist, and even free will exists somewhere; the difficulty is only to achieve it and make it effective.

Many astrological predictions turn out to be true, most if taken en masse. But this does not mean that the stars control our destiny; the stars simply record the fate that has already been formed, they are a hieroglyph, not a Force or, if their activity is a force, then it is a transmitting energy, and not the first generative Force.

There is someone who has determined Destiny, or something that is Destiny; the stars are just pointers. Astrologers say that there are two forces: fate and individual energy. Individual energy can change and even cancel destiny. Moreover, the stars often point to several possible destinies, for example, that someone may die in middle age, but if this prediction can be overcome, then he can live to a predetermined old age. Finally, there are cases where horoscope predictions hold up with great accuracy up to a certain age, but then no longer apply. This often happens when the subject turns from the ordinary life to the spiritual.

If the turn is radical, the predictions may immediately cease to correspond to the events of his life; otherwise, certain results may continue for some time, but cease to be so inevitable. This shows that there is, or can be, a higher force, a higher plane, or a higher source of spiritual destiny, which can, if their hour has come, overcome the lower force, lower plane, or lower source of material destiny, of which the stars are the indicator.

The Indian explanation of fate is Karma. We create our own destiny by our actions, but the destiny we create binds us, for what we have sown we must reap in this life or the next. Yet, we create our future destiny even as our former destiny from the past unfolds in the present. This gives meaning to our will and activity, and does not lead to harsh and fruitless fatalism. But, again, our will and activity can often annul or change past Karma. It is only a certain strong effect called utkatakarma that cannot be changed. And here, too, the achievement of spiritual consciousness and life is considered to annul or give the ability to annul Karma.

For we are entering into union with the "Divine Will" which can annul what it has sanctioned under certain conditions, which can remake what it has done, eliminate narrow fixed lines, establish a more plastic freedom and expanse. Neither Karma nor Astrology, therefore, point to a hard and forever unchanging destiny.

If everything is predetermined, why say that life, in the words of Shakespeare, or rather Macbeth, is “a story told by an idiot, full of noise and fury, but meaning nothing”? Life would be such, rather, if everything were a matter of chance and uncertainty. But if it is something foreseen, planned in every detail, does this not mean that life means something, that there must be a secret Intention in it, which is carried out powerfully, stubbornly, through all ages, and we ourselves are part of it? and employees in the implementation of this invincible Intention?

The play of forces does not mean that everything is rigidly predetermined. Behind visible events in the world there is always a mass of invisible forces that act, remaining unknown to the external mind of people; and with the help of yoga (going inward and establishing a conscious connection with the cosmic Self, the Force and forces) one can become aware of these forces, consciously intervene in the game and, at least to some extent, determine its results. All this has nothing to do with predestination. On the contrary, one can observe the development of events and push them here and there when it is possible and necessary. There is nothing in all this to contradict the statement of the great scientist, Sir C.W. Ramana. Raman once said that all these scientific discoveries are just a game of chance. However, when he says that scientific discoveries are just a game of chance, he simply means that human beings do not know how they are made. This is not a rigid predestination, but it is not a blind ignorant Chance either. This is a game in which possibilities are worked out in Time.

Fate, in the strict sense of the word, is applicable only to an external being, as long as it lives in the Ignorance. What we call destiny is, in reality, only the result of the present state of the being, nature and the energies accumulated by it in the past, affecting each other and determining the present attempts and their future results. But as soon as one steps on the path of spiritual life, this former predetermined destiny begins to recede. A new factor appears, Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Power, different from the power of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. Then his spiritual destiny becomes a divine choice that determines the future. The only doubt is related to the vicissitudes of the path and the time required for its passage. It is here that the hostile forces play on the weaknesses of the past nature, seeking to hinder rapid progress and delay realization. Those who fall fall not because of the attacks of forces, but because they take the side of hostile Forces and prefer ambition or desire (ambition, vanity, passion, etc.) of spiritual siddhi.

Neither Nature, nor Destiny, nor Deity act in a mental way or in accordance with the laws or standards of the mind - that is why even for the scientist and philosopher, Nature, Destiny, the mode of action of the Deity, remain entirely a mystery.

Karma and heredity are the two main causes that determine the innate temperament. According to some, heredity is also subordinated to Karma, but this is possible only in general, not in all details.

All energies introduced into activity - thought, speech, feeling, deed - participate in the formation of Karma. They help to develop nature in one direction or another, and nature and its activities and reactions lead to internal and external consequences: they also act on others and create movements in the total amount of forces that can sooner or later return to their creator. Unexpressed thoughts can also act as forces and produce their effect. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can only have an effect when it is expressed in speech or action: the unspoken thought, the unexpressed will, are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.

Anyone with some ingenuity and observation, living more in the inner consciousness, can see the play of invisible forces at every step that give rise to certain events and affect people without their knowledge. Yoga or inner consciousness, for there are people who, like Socrates, have developed or have some kind of inner consciousness without yoga, leads to the difference that they become not only aware of these invisible forces, but can consciously use or control them.
