Did Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise divorce because of the psychological trauma they received while filming the thriller Eyes Wide Shut? Old love. Tom Cruise made an unexpected proposal to Nicole Kidman

The magic time is Christmas Eve. You can get the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Ellis and Beal are young and happy. This married couple is invited to a secular party. Forbidden fruit is sweet, how far can the desire to taste it take? Is corrosive jealousy an atavism of the past or a guarantee of a strong marriage? The knowledge of some secrets makes you accomplices in action. Dreams are impossible without reality... only everything can turn out to be an illusion, a staging... To stop all this in time, that's what becomes the main thing... Magical time - Christmas Eve. You can get the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Ellis and Beal are young and happy. This married couple is invited to a secular party. Forbidden fruit is sweet, how far can the desire to taste it take? Is corrosive jealousy an atavism of the past or a guarantee of a strong marriage? The knowledge of some secrets makes you accomplices in action. Without reality, dreams are impossible… only everything can turn out to be an illusion, a staging… Stop it all in time, that's what becomes the main thing.... - Csapnivalo Awards - Best Art Movie - Blockbuster Entertainment Awards - Favorite Actress (Nicole Kidman) - Golden Globe 2000 - Nominated - Best Soundtrack - Cesar 2000 - Nominated - Best Foreign Language Film Screenwriter Frederic Raphael thought the role Dr. Scheuer (such a surname was in the original novel) should be taken as a Jew, as described in the novel. But Kubrick felt that it would be better to make Scheuer and his wife ordinary Americans and change their surnames. Kubrick said he sees Scheuer as a bit like Harrison Ford - that's how the name Hav came to mind. Actress Melissa Joan Hart took part in the film's dubbing. Director Sydney Pollack agreed to play Viktor Ziegler at the last minute, as Harvey Keitel had been fired from filming. In order for the film to be screened in the United States for censorship reasons, some of the most explicit sex scenes had to be "finished" with the help of computer graphics. When Kubrick came up with the idea for this movie in the 1980s, he was thinking about Steve Martin in the title role. The password "fidelio" comes from the Latin word "fidelis", which means "faithful". In addition, Fidelio is the title of the only opera by Ludwig van Beethoven. Filming lasted 40 days. Cruz and Kidman agreed to sign "open" contracts, that is, they pledged to film for as long as Kubrick needed, no matter how long it lasted. After filming, the film was in post-production preparation for almost a year. Cruise's character at the beginning of the film, at a party, was offered by two girls to go "where the rainbow ends". The children's play of the early 20th century (1911) and the feature film of the same name (1921) are called the same way. Kubrick passed away a few weeks before the premiere of the film, and the last cinematic will of the director was the ban on dubbing the film into foreign languages ​​- in foreign rentals "Eyes Wide Shut" was released with subtitles.

The actress revealed the details of filming with her ex-husband

The mysterious and always closed actress Nicole Kidman has recently become unusually frank with journalists. Not so long ago, the Hollywood diva talked about how painfully she tried to get pregnant: for many years the star was being treated for infertility. Now, details have surfaced about filming explicit scenes in Eyes Wide Shut, where Kidman starred with ex-husband Tom Cruise.

Juicy details about his role in the film Stanley Kubrick 1999 Eyes Wide Shut Nicole Kidman revealed in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Thirteen years after the release of the film on the screens, Nicole admitted that then the director had to work hard to persuade her to act in intimate scenes with Tom Cruise. Despite the fact that the star of the film "Mission Impossible" at that time was the legal spouse of Kidman, according to her, intimate scenes with him were not easy for her.
“Stanley begged me to be sexually liberated at the beginning of the film, but in the end we shot a lot of scenes so explicit that they didn’t even make it into the final version of the picture,” the actress admits.

According to Kidman, at first it was difficult for her to awaken her sexuality. Gradually, Kubrick managed to help her open up:
- I felt safe. It wasn't rude or vulgar on his part, says Nicole. He treats women differently than he treats men. He has two daughters, so I felt paternal care from him.
Of course, the director made an attempt to compare the relationship of the characters in the movie and Nicole Kidman's real relationship with Tom Cruise. However, according to the Australian actress, he didn't do it too well.
- The heroes of the film have very little in common with us. she said categorically.
There were rumors that it was the shooting in the picture that caused the collapse of her marriage to Tom. However, Nicole denies this information.

“Many people think that this film was the beginning of the end of our union, but I don’t think so,” says Kidman. - It's Stanley. He used the film as a provocation, supposedly representing our real sex life. But it wasn't the real us.
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise divorced in 2001 after 10 years of marriage. According to rumors, Cruz left his wife in the third month of pregnancy, and later the actress had a miscarriage. However, this information has never been confirmed by the parties publicly. Now the actress is married to an Australian singer Keith Urban. The couple had a daughter in 2008 Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban, and in 2010 their second daughter was born - Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban, who was carried and born by a surrogate mother, but at the same time she is the biological daughter of Kidman and Urban.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise

The divorce of a beautiful Hollywood couple at one time caused bewilderment of fans and a lot of questions. Most of all, everyone wanted to know the reason for the breakup of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, but none of them commented on the situation. 11 years have passed and suddenly Nicole Kidman decided to reveal to the world the truth about her separation from her ex-husband.

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman reason for divorce: a documentary film helped lift the curtain on the family life of stars

Back in 1990, the love story of two Hollywood stars began. Joint shooting in the film "Days of Thunder" brought Nicole and Tom so much closer that, according to him, after a couple of months of communication, he was ready to get married. And so it happened. The couple married the same year on Christmas Day. Several years of futile attempts to have a child led to the adoption of two babies.

Eleven years of married life ended in divorce when Tom Cruise filed for divorce in 2001. According to him, the reason for what happened was their excessive employment. Nicole herself commented on the situation in her own way. She mentioned the film "Eyes Wide Shut" in which she starred with her husband.

After the release of the film, the first talk appeared about the difficulties in the relationship between the two stars. But Kidman insisted that the characters' disagreements and complex relationships are only the plot of the film, not their life story. The picture was a common brainchild, which was supposed to unite and bring together. The reason for the breakup of the family was different.

For fans, things are even more confusing. Rejecting speculation about the reasons for the breakup, Nicole kept silent about her husband's true motives. She once gave him an oath not to divulge this secret. But after so many years she spoke.

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman reason for divorce: the truth came out after so many years

It turned out that the film "Eyes Wide Shut" brought the couple together so much that Tom Cruise moved away from his religion - Scientology and did not even answer the mentor's calls. The wife did not support her husband's views on the theological issue and was a Catholic.

Representatives of the doctrine supported by Tom Cruise say that their marriage was doomed because the wife was not going to change her religion. And they were also embarrassed by Father Kidman, a psychologist by profession.

Recently released as part of the Sundance independent film series, Getting Clean is a biopic about Scientology founder Ron Hubbard. The main characters were Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It is there that it is mentioned that the couple had no chance of being together. The thing is that Cruz, as it turned out, is an extremely valuable follower of the movement. That is why the adepts did everything to destroy his marriage with a girl not from their circle.

It turned out that they were able to convince the eminent actor to wiretap his wife's phone. Cruise's mentors argued that Kidman had no right to discuss her family life with people not related to their church. Then they turned the children against the mother. Thus, having achieved the full custody of Cruz over them.

The paths of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman to the starry Olympus cannot be called easy. Kidman's mother suffered from cancer, because of which the girl even dropped out of school for a while. And Cruz's father had lingering problems with work, as a result of which his son had to change 15 schools.

Perhaps that is why these two beautiful, talented and strong-willed people have a soul mate, and their love story has become one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.


They first met in 1990 at an audition for the film Days of Thunder. Cruz, who turned 28, was already a fairly well-known actor at that time, and 23-year-old Kidman was just starting her career in American cinema. The director of the drama, Tony Scott, trusted Cruise in many ways, including heeding his advice on casting.

When Kidman saw Cruise, she realized that she would not be cast for the role - she was too tall for the main character. In fact, Cruz was not at all embarrassed. As he later recalled, the passion for the red-haired beauty flared up in him at the very moment when he saw her. Of course, Nicole was accepted for the lead role.

Love. Start

Their relationship began immediately and developed rapidly, and the lovers did not even try to hide them. At the time of meeting Nicole, Cruz was married: his wife was Mimi Rogers, a famous actress, a little older than him. Their marriage could hardly be called happy, so the actor got a divorce without any problems.

On Christmas Eve, in the same 1990, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman got married, after which they went to Colorado for a ski resort. Cruz generously endowed his wife with gifts and attention. He once stated to one of the American publications that the first feeling he had for Kidman was passion, but after he got to know her better, he also experienced great trust in her. Actually, these are the "whales" on which it rests.

In 1991, Kidman starred with the Hollywood master Dustin Hoffman in the film Billy Basgate, after which the actor praised the skill of the Australian. However, the press was not worried about this event. Everyone discussed Cruise's gift to his beloved wife - a trailer with a marble floor for half a million dollars, where Nick, as her husband affectionately called her, could rest in between filming.

A year later, Nicole shared with People that sometimes it seems to her that she and Tom are one person, the lovers were so similar and close. The couple appeared everywhere together, and Tom said that the longest time he spent without his wife was 12 painful days.

The apogee of Tom's love for Nicole was the purchase of a private jet, which the actor gave the telling name "Sweet Nick".

First difficulties

Of course, children are a natural continuation of a happy marriage, but Cruise and Kidman did not have them. After the wedding, Nicole experienced an ectopic pregnancy, and in 1992 the couple adopted a girl, Isabella Jane. Three years later, in 1995, an adopted son appeared in the family - Connor Anthony.

In the same year, the British Daily Express suggested on its pages that the absence of children in the Cruise family was due to his non-traditional sexual orientation, and Kidman was only a front for an actor who did not want the public to know the truth. The journalists paid for this “duck”: the acting couple sued the publication and won the case.

Much later, Cruz admitted that his wife had a hard time because of his fame. At that time, Kidman was not as popular as he was, and was constantly in his shadow, while having great potential. Perhaps this is the reason why in 10 years the couple starred together in only three films.

Another stumbling block was Cruise's belonging to the Church of Scientology, which emphasizes the importance of children in the family, and Kidman did not manage to give the actor an heir. Kidman herself joined the teaching, but she constantly doubted the correctness of her decision, which she repeatedly talked about with friends.


In 1998, the couple moved to London, where they bought a luxurious $3 million mansion. At the same time, both spouses were invited to star in the film Eyes Wide Shut. The brilliant director and famous provocateur Stanley Kubrick worked on the controversial picture, and many Hollywood celestials dreamed of filming. And although the couple had an unspoken agreement not to act together, Cruise and Kidman signed an open contract, according to which they pledged to work on the film for as long as the director needed.

These shootings were difficult for the spouses, they say that they even had to hire a sex therapist who helped them get used to the images. Many believe that this particular film was the beginning of the end of the Cruz and Kidman family.

At the same time, Cruise was suing one of the reporters who published the couple's telephone conversation, in which Tom and Nicole swore in raised tones. The actor won the case, but there were few of those who believed that everything was cloudless in the relationship of the couple. The worst suspicions were confirmed when in 2001 it became known about the decision of the actors to divorce.

At first, Nicole said that the news of the divorce was a shock to her. Then the parties loudly found out if they had lived together for 10 years: according to the marriage contract, Kidman had to receive a tidy sum of compensation if her marriage with Cruise would have crossed the mark of 10 years. In addition, there were rumors that Kidman was pregnant, but because of the stressful situation, she had a miscarriage.

One way or another, the divorce took place, the multi-million dollar fortune was divided, Kidman and the children stayed in a London mansion, and Cruz had an affair with actress Penelope Cruz.

Love story. P.S

Since 2006, Kidman has been married to musician Keith Urban, in this marriage she had 2 daughters, and it seems that she is really happy. Tom Cruise divorced actress Katie Holmes in the summer of 2012, after 6 years of what seemed to be a happy marriage, they have a daughter, little gossip star Suri Cruise.

Many years have passed since the breakup of the actors, but for millions of fans, their names have forever remained linked. Tom and Nicole maintain a warm relationship, and enjoy each other's successes as good friends.

A few years after the divorce, Nicole told one of the women's magazines that Cruz has always been and remains a significant person for her, and she still keeps her love for him.

Having sex in front of a movie camera for many hours broke the actors

We are no strangers to the divorces and breakups of Hollywood couples. The year did not have time to begin, but already said goodbye to each other Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Patricia Arquette and Nicolas Cage, Courteney Cox and David Arquette, Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin. And yet, when all the news agencies reported earlier this week that Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise also decided to end their marital relationship, one wanted to shout: “Not them!”

When Tom first saw Nicole, it was as if he had been given an electric shock.

This couple could be considered truly perfect. They have lived together for more than 10 years, raising two adopted children: 8-year-old Isabella and 6-year-old Connor. Moreover, they treat their parental responsibilities with great responsibility. Nicole always takes them with her to the shooting. “I can’t part with the children,” the actress said more than once in her interviews. "What if Isabella's temperature rises?" Or will Connor scratch his hand? And I won't be around at that moment? Yes, I'll go crazy! And it was not a game for the public. Nicole was born in Hawaii but grew up in Australia. Her mother - a well-known feminist - raised her daughter in severity. Although funds allowed, the girl never had the Barbie doll she dreamed of. Nicole was devoid of affection. She doesn't intend to repeat her mother's mistakes.

Tom fully supported his wife in this matter. He liked to repeat that for him and Nick (as the actor affectionately called his wife) children are more important than career, money, popularity. Suddenly, Cruz and Kidman part ways. What about Isabella and Connor? For children, the divorce of parents usually becomes a real tragedy. There are still a lot of court hearings ahead, at which the degree of guardianship will be determined. It seems that Tom and Nicole have not yet decided which of them will be responsible for raising their son and daughter. A spokesman for the actors said that, most likely, the parental responsibilities of the spouses will be divided equally.

Millions of Cruise and Kidman fans around the world are trying to figure out the reasons for their breakup. Tom and Nicole met on the set of the sports drama Days of Thunder in 1990. Cruz was then already a Hollywood star. He starred in the super-successful movie Top Gun. And Kidman in America had the status of an aspiring actress. In Australia, she starred mainly in television series. The red-haired 14-year-old girl was first noticed by director Jane Campion. And the Americans paid attention to Nicole after the success of the thriller Dead Calm, where she played the main female role. British director Tony Scott, who made Days of Thunder, prefers not to invite Americans to his projects. It was he who made a bet on Kidman.

Cruz at the time was married to the famous actress Mimi Rogers ("The One Who Protects Me", "Hours of Despair"). But their marriage was cracking at the seams. Mimi thought only of a career and Hollywood parties, although she was six years older than Tom. He dreamed of children and a quiet family life.

When Cruz saw Kidman on the set, he was like an electric shock! Two years later, in an interview, the actor admits that at first he was only interested in sex with a red-haired beauty. These were months full of mutual passion. They didn't even try to hide their romance. Tom called Los Angeles and told Mimi that he wanted a divorce immediately. "I'm with Nicole now," he told his wife. Rogers did not hold back her husband.

To make Nicole feel comfortable on set, Tom gave her a $500,000 marble-floored trailer.

Office romance ended with a wedding. Tom and Nicole got married on Christmas Day in 1990. They then rested at a ski resort in Colorado. Cruz showered his second wife with gifts and surrounded with attention. In 1991, Kidman landed the lead female role in the gangster drama Billy Basgate. Her partner was Dustin Hoffman himself, with whom Tom worked together in the cult film Rain Man. Dustin spoke highly of Nicole's talent. But the gossip column did not report on the assessment of the great master, but on a trailer with a marble floor for 500 thousand dollars, which Cruise gave his wife to make her feel comfortable in between filming.

In 1992, Nicole confessed to People magazine: “My husband and I are so similar that sometimes we seem to each other as one person We know everything about each other, we know so much that we make each other happy!”

Indeed, they always and everywhere appeared together. In the views, gestures showed love. Tom stated that he did not leave Nick for more than 12 days. “That's our personal record,” the actor joked, explaining such accuracy.

The first alarm bell sounded in 1995. One of the American tabloid newspapers ventured to suggest that Tom Cruise is a homosexual. Like, this is the true reason for the absence of the actor's own children. And marriage to Nicole is a regular deal. The husband helps the young wife to make a career in cinema, and she gives him the appearance of a normal sexual orientation. Cruz sued the publication and won the case. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Nicole stated literally the following: "I am ready to put all the money I earn, plus my husband's money, on the line, claiming that Tom is not gay." A year and a half later, Kidman was more candid when talking to a Newsweek reporter. She spoke about the stress experienced by their young children. They heard about the scandal on TV and, with childlike frankness, tried to find out from their parents their true sexual orientation! Nicole said that she does not care about her career. She dreams of ending her life on a farm surrounded by Tom, a bunch of children and grandchildren.

Cruz at the same time admitted in an interview that being his wife is very difficult. Kidman has to put up with the fact that her every step is regarded by all fans, the press, film critics, primarily as an act committed by Mrs. Cruise. And she is a person. And she wants to be treated like a person. Nicole's friends also said the same. The actress was very worried that her work in the cinema remained in the shadow of what Tom was doing. Maybe that's why after "Days of Thunder" they only played together in "Far Country".

Another problem that brought discord into their family life was of a pronounced religious nature. Both Tom and Nicole were Catholics. But soon after the wedding, Cruz became interested in the teachings of Ron Hubbard and entered the bosom of the Church of Scientology. His wife followed suit. The couple donated $1 million to Scientologists. The new church helped them adopt Connor. But deep down, Nicole continued to doubt her decision. She confessed to her friends that she feels like a little Catholic who is waiting for the inevitable punishment for her sin. Tom didn't want to hear about these fears.

In 1998 they moved to London for a while. They even bought a house there for three million dollars. They were invited to star in the legendary director Stanley Kubrick. Any actor dreamed of working with this recluse. Every Kubrick film is an event in the art of cinema. This time the master decided to make an erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut. Tom and Nicole changed their vow not to play together and agreed

The Western press called them Kubrick's hostages. Actors had to spend hours having sex in front of a movie camera. They played psychoanalyst spouses, bogged down in the secret and sinister world of their patients. And the director didn't like how they showed it. The newspapers began to write that Tom and Nicole were forced to resort to the services of a couple of sex therapists to teach them how to loosen up in bed. And the experts were paid two thousand dollars a day for this.

Cruz was outraged. He again sued the author of the publication. “Nicole and I don’t need to learn sex!” - in the hearts said the actor. He won the claim. But it seems that the work on the film broke the spouses. Kidman admitted that they often quarrel. “We may have to part ways,” she told reporters. And she went to Australia. Fortunately, there was a good reason - shooting a new film.

And Tom sued again. This time with a reporter who accidentally overheard the spouses' telephone conversation. Cruzes fought again. Fragments of the conversation in raised tones got into the press. I had to prove again that their marriage was out of danger

Cruz and Kidman decide it's best to break up while they're still friends

And that's like a bolt from the blue - the news of the divorce. While unofficial. A spokesman said that Tom and Nicole made this decision with great regret. Together, their work prevents them from staying. The actors are sure that it is better to leave now, while they still maintain friendly relations. Perhaps for the first time in the history of Hollywood, such a formulation rings true. Close friends of the Cruises believe that Tom and Nicole are too talented, they interfere with each other. It took the couple more than 10 years to understand this. And now the idyllic scene that they used to love to describe so much is in the past: “In the evenings we put the children to bed, then we climb into bed, eat ice cream, popcorn and watch TV”

Now the "golden couple of Hollywood" will have to share a family fortune, estimated at least half a billion dollars. Even by American standards, this is quite a lot of money. However, no one knows the true size of the wealth of Cruise and Kidman - the spouses have always tried to hide from prying eyes everything that concerned their personal lives.

Tom has always been known for his penchant for luxury. His friends even nicknamed the actor Lux. Now Cruise is considered one of the highest paid actors in the world - his fees have long exceeded the 20 millionth line. The pride of the Cruz-Kidman family is a private jet called "Sweet Nic" ("Sweet Nick"). It cost the couple $60 million. In addition, Tom and Nicole own solid real estate. In addition to the London home, they own a $1.2 million mansion in Sydney, a $1.5 million apartment in New York, and a $4.5 million home in Colorado. However, most of the time the family spent in Los Angeles. Ten years ago, Nicole and Tom bought a house here for $3 million, and spent over a million more refurbishing it. This mansion is likely to go to Kidman. The children adopted by Nicole and Tom go to an elementary school nearby. Therefore, Cruz decided that it would be easier if he moved out and left the house with his family.

Troubles in personal life are unlikely to affect the career of the spouses. Both are currently involved in several projects at once. Nicole is too ambitious to give in to emotions. And Tom has always been a workaholic and distinguished by enviable perseverance. He almost managed to overcome the dyslexia (failure to master the reading), which he suffered in childhood. Then, at a young age, he entered the training of the Franciscan monks with the further intention of leaving for a monastery, but was disappointed. I preferred acting. By the way, he set a deadline for himself - if he does not become a star within 10 years, he will quit the movie.

P.S. When this material was already ready for publication, a message came from Los Angeles that Tom Cruise had officially filed for divorce. And Nicole Kidman is seriously thinking about settling down with the children in a London mansion and devoting herself to the theater.
