What is the combination of gray and white stripes. Detailed information on color combinations with examples

I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about the combination of colors. In any situation when it comes to color, there are successful and unsuccessful combinations of shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a painted postcard or even a home renovation - it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint the house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form a first opinion about each other, and therefore we must not allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and pick up interesting pairs? What are the rules for this? How to choose any tone with glitter?

A bit of theory

The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use the color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors, and it presents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
  1. White is in harmony with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
  2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
  3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
  4. Triads, tetrads and squares can be deduced.
What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are the same in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

This is a good combination, and most often used by many clothing lines - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then when you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt for it (and vice versa).

Similar couples- those that stand side by side on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when the house is painted in light lemon, and the architectural elements - slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves - are green. This solution is also very common in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow ones with blue or purple.

Triads, tetrads and squares are schemes that are displayed in a special form on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and the square speaks for itself.

Look at different color wheels to understand the principle and you will never go wrong good shade.


Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything, and look good with each other. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners, monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. IN summer period it is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories can help to maintain brightness - a bag, shoes, bright decorations and details.

Any combination of grays should be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale, most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look:

  • to the warmth of gray;
  • on the warmth of the selected color;
  • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

Warmth of gray

Gray can be warm or cold.

Warm shades are best combined with warm tones - yellow, orange, red, pink, raspberry.

Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

The warmth of the selected color

Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellows and cool blues work well with cool grays.


This is the place that the selected color could take on the stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the brightest shades or pastel colors, and it is better to refrain from dark ones.


Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to purple. This is a pleasant range that uplifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs here is not so easy. Naturally, when I talk about the neighborhoods of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it prevails visually).

The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades worn by kings and queens, this gamut (without black) is presented on the Russian tricolor and flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be sure of your choice.

An interesting combination burgundy with shades of blue and grey. In general, any berry tones are suitable for burgundy. But green tones are better to choose with a cold undertone.

Perfect combination Brown with beige - it turns out a pleasant chocolate combination. Hues of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and ivory - many combinations of colors with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

Naturally, warm tones go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

Do you want to add a twist to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm ink and cool turquoise. Yes, do not forget about the combination of brown and mint. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of fun, pleasure and relaxation.

Like extravagance? Add some accessories deep shade- for example, cobalt blue will shade orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good on shades of yellow and green.


Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cold shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright pure colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

The best combination for the home - dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, it should not be much, but blue is better not to save.

My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with a variety of shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully shade the turquoise color. An interesting combination turquoise shade it turns out with coral - a reddish-red palette well emphasizes the turquoise color.

It is also worth trying a combination of blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help shade green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is a classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your solutions in this color scheme (and do not forget to look at the color wheel).

Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year Panton announced Greenery as the shade of 2017, so it's a sin not to get a couple of green wardrobe items and buy home some emerald jewelry. By the way, beautiful color combinations with green can be selected online - the color palette will be compiled automatically.

Do you want to compose interesting combinations purple? Try light cold tones - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try mauve and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

different ideas

Can't figure out how to combine yellow with other colors? See original and classic schemes matching shades.

Cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, combination Pink colour with yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

Looking for beautiful schemes based on brown with others? Save these schemes for yourself - if the table is always always at hand, then you can match all the tones to brown.

Remember that the combination orange color with black - sultry and hot!

And here are the schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then combinations of lilac with cold tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

Now you know about color combinations almost as many as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any combination of colors - even for perfect wardrobe, at least for a wonderful repair!

Equipping the interior of the room, you first need to decide on the color palette that you are going to embody. Much depends on it in the room: its functions, influence on the psychological, emotional, and even on the physical condition of a person.

Therefore, the choice of the basis for the design should be taken seriously. We propose to consider the use of gray. It is loved by many, but not everyone knows its properties and application rules.

Refined and refined, it is able to convey these properties to space. Gray color in the interior of modern apartments is quite common. It is appreciated by people who love peace and order in everything.

This color is neutral. Combines well with different tones, it is excellent foundation for their application. It is applicable both for calm shades, in harmony with them; and for bright ones, highlighting them.

The use of this color is justified by the fact that it is able to hide minor flaws in furniture, uneven walls and other defects. And also remove the synthetic look of bright details, and give them naturalness.

Psychological aspects

In addition to the practical justification for the application, there are some psychological aspects.

It is considered calming, and has a beneficial effect on the psyche in a state of nervous excitement, promotes rapid recovery and good rest. However, for people prone to nervous disorders, such a gamma is depressive, and vice versa, it has a depressing effect on the central nervous system.

Making a choice in favor of gray, you need to be careful and know when to stop. It is recommended to combine it with other colors: adjacent or contrasting (depending on what conditions you want to recreate).

Shades and combinations

Being basic, it contains two contrasting ones: black, which absorbs all other rays of the spectrum, and white, which transmits all rays. As a result, it can have various shades: from bluish to yellow and brown.

When choosing a background of gray, rely on what the rest will be like. If you plan to use adjacent paints, your choice is any of its shades with impurities of others. If the composition will be based on contrast, it is preferable to take the classic one.

Gray color in the interior of any room looks advantageous paired with white. This combination creates a clear and calm aura, visually expands the space, and encourages relaxation and calm. This solution is typical for the Scandinavian current.

For ethnic it is combined with yellow or red. By adding hand-painted, canvases made from natural fabrics, you will come to a colorful design in the ethnic direction.

Modern apartment design in gray

Room interior in gray

The combination of gray with other shades in the interior

It looks beautiful and noble in tandem with blue. It is often used in the Mediterranean current with the addition of white and small details.

In combination with olive or ivory Provence style is implemented. It has a warm character, which creates a cozy and at the same time fresh atmosphere.

It harmonizes well with purple and pink. They set off each other, making up a harmonious combination and a fresh flow in the apartment.

Also, for lovers of freshness, eco-style is perfect. Gray in this case will be an excellent base combined with cold blue and green. And characteristic floral ornaments and greenery will form a complete image.

Light or dark?

Natural question: dark or light. For each of them there are certain prerequisites.

Light tone suitable for small room: such a choice in combination with other pale colors will visually expand the space, and make the environment much clearer.

Dark can be used if available good lighting. And yet it must be combined with lighter shades of the same or other colors.

Gray color in the interior of the room

Apartment design in gray in combination with other shades

Color and function of the room

Consider the practical combination of gray in the interior of each workspace.

1. Lounge

With the help of this color, a relaxing atmosphere is obtained in the bedroom, contributing to a quick calm. And golden accents will make it more comfortable. The soft yellow light of a table lamp looks very nice against a calm background. Also for lovers warm notes suitable brown. They are very similar, so that one even "gets lost" among the other. To create a simple environment without highlighting special details, this combination is best suited.

A great option for the bedroom would be to use gray in the interior along with purple. A large picture with purple orchids will complement the calm atmosphere. The use of lilac, pink and light purple will add romance to the atmosphere, which is in harmony in the arrangement of the girl's bedroom.

In the bedroom, you can use different variations of this color, moving from dark to very light. This design will create a favorable environment for relaxation. This color composition implies the absence of everything superfluous, which favorably affects the psychological state of a person.

Modern apartment design in gray

Room interior in gray

The combination of gray with other shades in the interior

2. Splendor of the living room

If you want to create a sophisticated living room design, this solution is perfect for this purpose.

In combination with gold, the baroque direction is realized, which will emphasize the majesty of the room. The same effect will be from a composition with black. A heavy carved table and black-and-white curtains gathered in tails will complement the composition and give the living room a majestic and aristocratic look.

If you want to put accents on your favorite colors, it will also be great company. Red, yellow, pink, fuchsia - whatever the soul of the apartment owner desires. A well-chosen background will favorably emphasize all the bright notes. For red and the whole spectrum of pink, it is better to take dark as a base. However, if you want to show bright colors without being so flashy, it is preferable to choose light gray.

Loft style is suitable for a spacious living room. Its main feature is monotonous painted walls and elements of the urban direction. In this case, you can use grey colour in the interior for painting walls, which looks very advantageous if you do not clutter them with unnecessary items. For this direction, black, brown are applicable.

Gray color in the interior of the room

Apartment design in gray in combination with other shades

3. Sophistication of the kitchen

For the kitchen, this color is somewhat unusual. But lately, we are all moving away from traditional combinations and creating new trends. The use of gray in the interior is in fashion. For the kitchen, oddly enough, it has become a profitable design option. The room in this solution looks stylish and elegant. Its conciseness emphasizes the tranquility and nobility of the dining room and kitchen.

Since it is more common here glossy surfaces, their brilliance gives the room solemnity. If you want to give rise to a more relaxed atmosphere, make the walls matte and add warm colors to the composition.

Since this color is cold, it dulls the appetite. Therefore, it is better to use it with warm tones if you want to give more comfort.

Also good decision will become interspersed with green along with dark gray. This tandem contributes to the emergence of a favorable atmosphere for friendly conversations, and also gives the space freshness.

The gray color in the interior of the kitchen has a practical side. It is less easily soiled, does not get dirty so quickly, small scratches are not so visible on it.

Modern apartment design in gray

Room interior in gray

The combination of gray with other shades in the interior

4. Refreshing bath

Relaxation starts with a bath. Gray, relaxing nervous system well suited to the climate of the bathroom. Details of green, turquoise, blue or light blue create a fresh atmosphere and help to immerse yourself in a state of relaxation.

If you want a sophisticated atmosphere, choose a combination with black and white details. Such a composition will turn the bathroom into an elite spa, and give the climate a calm. A calm base will prevent black and white from making it too formal.

Creates a good combination a natural stone or ceramics along with in gray in the interior. A washbasin top made of this material in the same range will add a luxurious sheen to the setting.

Such a base will lay the foundation for a beautiful fresh Mediterranean-style bathroom. To do this, you need to add blue, make marine ornaments and a bright contrasting accent. For example, purple or pink towels. Bring in the main element - a large window, and a refreshing relaxing bathroom is ready.

Gray color in the interior of the room

Apartment design in gray in combination with other shades

5. Accessories

We decided on the palette, now the question is how to fill the space. It is advisable to approach the choice of furniture and other accessories with all responsibility.

Gray color is universal. It creates a harmonious existence with almost any material, is able to emphasize the naturalness of natural details, as well as smooth out the flashy synthetics of artificial ones. Let's figure out what aspects to pay attention to.

6. Furniture

Wooden furniture is perfect for any room. For the bedroom, it is better to choose a bed made of natural wood. A sofa with gray upholstery will look good in the living room. You can also install rocking chairs, wicker wood.

When designing an eco-style, Mediterranean or loft, choose a white sofa that will blend favorably with the rest of the range and convey a complete idea of ​​direction.

In the dining room, it is worth making warm accents by placing a table made of natural wood and light yellow chairs.

Room interior in gray

Modern apartment design in gray

The combination of gray with other shades in the interior

7. Textiles and decorations

To do this, you can choose artificial materials, as well as natural. The abundance of pillows looks good in the interior of the living room and bedroom. It is better to purchase them from natural rigid fabrics. Choose any shades depending on the palette of walls and other elements in the arrangement.

An advantageous combination of gray and decorations made of real or artificial stone, as well as wood. The decision depends only on the chosen style and color palette. Since green is also good couple, houseplants and matching decorations will also perfectly complement the interior and give the apartment a fresh look.

Gray color in the interior of the room

Apartment design in gray in combination with other shades

Summing up

Gray color in the interior of the apartment - great option for any solution. It goes well with warm shades and will be a great backdrop for highlighting bright ones. With it, you can use jewelry from any materials, textiles and stone look the most advantageous. Experiment, and you will see a lot of possibilities in using gamma in the interior!

Video: Gray color in the interior and its combination with other shades

More recently, the gray color was not so relevant, it was associated with the inexpensive clothes of the poor and the boring wardrobe of governesses, people without income. The attitude towards color as boring has changed with the conquest of fashion catwalks and the emergence of new shades of smoky, silver, pearl shades. Ladies of secular society dressed in luxurious ash- gray dress and were looking for options with which to wear a gray set to set off their beauty and richness of jewelry.

light and dark tones gray in modern fashion used in evening wear, sports, business ensembles, casual style, elements basic wardrobe. How to combine trendy shades with other colors to create an elegant, memorable look worries women of all ages.

The gray color can enhance the attractiveness of young girls and mature ladies, you just need to correctly combine this color and the shades of the items in the set, so try on different textures of fabrics in a gray palette and choose the most successful one for yourself.

Gray, along with white and black, belongs to the achromatic group, the combinations of all the colors of the group are harmonious. A white blouse and a dark bottom, trousers or skirt, have become classics of a business suit. The elegance of the dress will not be diminished by a black shirt, only the black color is combined with completely different shades of gray: stylists advise them to make sets according to the principle: light top - dark bottom and vice versa. So that the outfit does not turn out to be gloomy, it is better to choose a bottom of steel or mouse, pewter color for a black blouse.

An ashy, almost white, skirt and an airy white blouse will bring freshness to the evening outfit. At an evening event, the combination of gray and black is also appropriate. A touch of intrigue, mystery, sexuality will add a black chiffon blouse or top with rhinestones to the clothes. A spectacular outfit can be obtained by combining things in a set different shades gray, and the image will turn out soft, intelligent. If you want accents, you can pick up a bright handbag, put on shoes and throw on a scarf in a rich color.

All 3 neutral colors can be used in clothes, only they must be dosed into the kit:

  • if there is a lot of black and dark shades, then you need to use little white;
  • if there is a lot of white and ashen, it is necessary that there be little black;
  • if gray prevails in the set, make sure that there is a little white and black.

The photo shows spectacular images with different ratios of neutral colors.

Combination in gray clothes

The podium images proposed in the photo by fashion designers will not leave you indifferent.

with yellow

This combination is extraordinary, stylish, positive. To cozy ashy hue pastel tones of yellow and beige are suitable, but with what to wear gray with a dark saturated shade, so with bright pure yellow. Moreover, the richer the yellow, the greater the palette of dark gray shades combined with it.

When choosing the shades of the things in the set, you need to take into account whether they are warm or cold, and in one set combine only warm or only cold tones. Cool pale yellow and beige tones will harmoniously combine with any shade of gray, with the exception of a clearly warm one.
What a set can be and which ones look the most advantageous can be seen in the photo.

With red, pink, fuchsia

If steel prevails in clothes, and red only complements the image with accessories, shoes, then the combination of red and gray gives the image a solemn, noble look. Otherwise, the set carries an emphasis on the sexual energy of red.

Ash shade, steel combined with pale. This duet is appropriate in everyday and festive outfits. Romantic gentle image will help to create a blouse from a delicate fabric. The more purple and is present in the image, the more dark gray is needed in the ensemble, which will muffle the saturated color and smooth out the brightness. Shocking pink or purple will create a noble outfit in a duet with steel, pale pink-gray, wet asphalt and other dark tones.

With turquoise and green

To calm green color did not bring boredom to the created image, in the green-gray duet, you can use shades of fresh greens and. Beautiful consonance of ash and bottle green. If the image needs to be given holiday look, you can make the bottom steel in green-gray clothes, and pick up a green-blue tone for the top. A luxurious combination of colors will be enhanced by a blouse made of a material with metallic threads that add shimmer and shine to the outfit. The set will look spectacular if its bottom is dark gray or metallic, and the blouse is turquoise.

In business style clothes, a duet with muted green - green-patin, the color of coniferous green is appropriate. Such a strict green-gray combination will make it clear to others what is in front of them. serious man. It will be possible to create a light romantic image by combining ashen, mouse, pewter with mint,. It is not necessary that there should be a lot of green in the set, it is enough to make a green accent in clothes. To do this, you can use a scarf, scarf, bag, decoration made of natural turquoise.

The green-gray set harmoniously combines greenery warm colors- pistachio, chattreuse, fresh green with asphalt, anthracite and other dark shades of gray. In this look, dark gray will muffle and balance the bright sound of the kit and give an elegant sound. Photos convince that the duet of gray and green is not boring. Stylists use examples to show how to refresh the kit and what color.

With blue

The blue-gray combination is often found in business-style clothing and workwear. It bears the stamp of mediocrity and extinguishes individuality.

So that the expressions "gray mouse", " blue stocking" had nothing to do with the blue-gray set of things, when creating a duet, you need to use only pure shades of blue.

In the blue-steel ensemble, the texture of the material is especially important. Chic instead of routine and boredom will come if the fabrics are translucent or boucle, with shine, shimmer. The radiance of the outfit can also be created by decorating the product with rhinestones, sequins. In the photo you can see good examples combinations of dark blue metallic with shiny gray and what options for decorating things can be.

The blue-ash combination is often found in sports and youth style clothes, blue tint yet bright and clean.

with purple

Violet-steel, pearl and violet-anthracite combination is suitable for evening looks. The presence of gloss and metallic luster fabrics only emphasizes the festive look of clothing. In the purple-gray duet, the proportions of the colors can be the same, and the blouse in purple-lilac tones will harmoniously complement dark grey bottom of the kit. An evening purple-lilac-steel dress made of colored fabric is luxurious, where all shades are mixed. The combination with gray pearl violet-lilac shades is especially effective.

In business style clothes with purple-lilac, anthracite, the color of dark asphalt, is harmoniously combined. For casual wear combinations of dark gray tones are used.

Suggested in the photo interesting ideas compiling luxurious sets in purple-steel tones. As an option, what elegant evening looks can be.

Base color taupe

In the Middle Ages, along with burlap, poor people wore clothes that had a nondescript gray-brown color. In our time, life in the metropolis has made us value everything natural, and the color, reminiscent of dusty earth and animal fur, has acquired a different sound and even its own name - taup. Clothes of taupe shades are worn by people with a delicate taste, charismatic.

Things of taupe color do not leave the podium for many years. Restrained dusty shades of brown go well with neutral colors, pastels and brights. A light blouse of a beige tone, dark red, green-blue, light green, gray-blue-green, black-blue-green, blue-lilac, amethyst will suit the dark bottom. Taupe is combined with pink coral, lilac-pink, dusted pink and other shades of pink and tones of beige.

Not all people have changed their preconceived notions about the color taupe. Wearing clothes, even expensive ones, in taupe shades is better for meetings with people whose opinion about you has already been formed. For important events, meetings with strangers it is better to give preference to clothes of a different color.

Steel melange

Melange fabrics are obtained by mixing different-colored fibers or threads of different textures. The most common melange is steel, shades of beige are also common. When buying a product made of a material with an unusual texture and interesting color distribution, the question arises with what to wear gray melange. Melange fabric is used to sew sportswear and things everyday wardrobe, melange is not used for the manufacture of elegant items and business style clothes.

Melange products are suitable for absolutely everyone - as a rule, a textile fabric is woven from natural threads - cotton, woolen, and wear ready product comfortable and pleasant. Often, melange, obtained by interweaving fibers of different thicknesses, even threads with boucle, is combined with a material that emphasizes the unusual weaving of a melange fabric.

Melange goes well with bright decor; manufacturers often decorate melange clothes with catchy inscriptions, extravagant drawings, and voluminous applications. They use melange items (shorts, short trousers, T-shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts) to create comfortable sets, as can be seen in the photo. Such are irreplaceable. Melange is popular not only in adult fashion, but also in children's fashion - thanks to bright design things and comfort, children walk in them with pleasure.

Casual wear continues the tradition of beauty and elegance that has become the norm for evening dresses And business suits. Modern women take care of themselves attractive not only outside the home walls, but also at home. Satin or silk pajamas, sophisticated in this shade will please any woman.

Gray color in clothes is a fairly common phenomenon. By itself, this color is the result of mixing black and white, and depending on the proportions, there are various shades of it. It is gray that is considered one of the basic colors in the office style. Strict skirts, trousers and jackets of shades of this color are the best suited for the everyday work of business people.

However, such associations are by no means a reason to consider gray shades in clothes as a sign of boredom and routine. With the right ensemble, this color comes to life and makes the chosen image modern and stylish.

Although, until recently, gray clothing was associated with poverty, the lower classes of society, who could not afford other clothes than plain and similar to a bag. Today, with the advent of new trendy shades of this color, which are successfully demonstrated on catwalks around the world, gray is gaining popularity and is a success with women and men of all ages.

Many people fell in love with this color for one of its features - neutrality. It is this property of gray that allows you to easily combine it with many other colors. Therefore, gray things in the wardrobe of every girl are quite versatile and practical. Unlike the more strict and gloomy black and elegant white, which are also considered neutral colors, gray shades look softer and more intelligent.

If we talk about the meaning of gray, then it carries a rather negative color. boring people, monotonous weekdays are called gray. At all times, the gray color depersonalized people, mixed them with the crowd, did not allow them to stand out. But thanks to Coco Chanel, who began to use this color in her collections, the attitude towards gray has changed. Although today the gray color itself is a bit boring, but in combination with trendy colors and shades, it is simply magnificent and is able, if necessary, to muffle the excessive brightness and saturation of other colors in the image.


Speaking of gray in clothes, everyone has their own associations and images. The fact is that everyone represents his own shade of this color, which he likes or is more familiar with. In fact, gray has many shades, thanks to which things acquire stylistic orientation. Some colors are more suitable for sports or casual style, stylish and sophisticated gray evening dresses are sewn from fabrics of other colors.

So, the most common shades of gray are:

  • Pearl gray is perfect for people who have warm undertones in their appearance: peach-colored skin or warm hair color. The pearl shade evokes associations of expensive, status things. This shade of gray looks very noble and makes you admire it like a real pearl.

steel or metallic shade gray, unlike the first shade, has a cold color. However, he does not hold nobility. Clothing in steel shades has been firmly on the fashion top for a long time.

  • Silver color resembles the color of gray hair and is associated with wisdom. This light gray shade, shimmering with turquoise, belongs to the cold color range.

  • The shade of gray called "thundercloud" refers more to dark gray. This color is independent and does not require additions. However, this shade of gray will look good with another color from the same color scheme. The dark shade of gray is quite heavy, so it is better to save things of this color for the cold season.

  • Another dark gray shade is called "gray harbor". This shade is quite strict and official, so things of a dark gray shade “gray harbor” are the best fit for important meetings with business partners. The choice of this shade tells others about the seriousness of intentions and business spirit.

  • A shade of gray called taupe is a gray-brown color that looks like road dust. The choice of clothes of this shade indicates the presence of a delicate taste. Taupe color has been appearing on the catwalks in different interpretations for many years. However, not all people perceive this color positively. For many, a dusty shade of gray is associated with poverty and worthlessness, because earlier clothes this color was typical for the poor.

  • The color of the volcanic rock is a cold shade of gray that attracts, but at the same time removes from everyone the owner of an outfit in such a color scheme.

Who suits?

Despite its versatility and neutrality, gray is still not for everyone. When choosing clothes in gray shades, it is important to pay attention to color in order to choose the right thing.

In order to determine which shade of gray is better to choose, you need to focus on your color type.

A color type is a combination of colors in a person’s appearance, more precisely, his face: the color of eyes, hair and skin. This concept has three indicators by which the color type is identified: warm-cold, clean-muted and light-dark. Based on these indicators, four color types are distinguished, which are called the seasons.

  • Winter is a dark, cold and pure color type. People of this color type dark hair cold shades, snow-white or dark skin and brown, black, bright green or cool blue eyes. Of the shades of gray for the winter color type, the most successful can be called silver or silvery shades of gray, as well as a gray-beige shade in the selected image.

  • Spring is a clean, warm and light color type. People of this color type tend to have golden, honey-blond or red hair, light skin tone with a blush on the face and turquoise, light brown or brown eyes. blue color. Such a color type is quite rare in life. For people who belong to the spring color type, any shades of gray are absolutely not suitable, the same can be said about black. Preference should be given to pastel shades and warm colors. But if you still want to choose gray for your wardrobe, then it can only be silver gray.

  • Summer is muted, bright and cold color type. This color type also includes blondes, but cold ash and even white shades, in contrast to spring warm tones, as well as brown-haired women without a single hint of a golden tint in their hair. Eye color can be any, but always with a grayish tint. The skin is cold and pale in color, possibly with porcelain tints. Precisely for summer color type gray color is the most successful. It can be any shades of gray, but it is still worth giving preference to cold varieties, since the color type is also cold. Therefore, you should not choose clothes in taupe or gray-beige.

  • Autumn is a warm, muted and dark color type. In people of the autumn color type, hair with a golden tint or red, the skin is similar to the spring color type, but without a blush, freckles are also characteristic. The eyes may be golden hue, green or brown. As in the case of the spring color type, no shade of gray is acceptable for people of this color type, but rather gold and brown. However, for people whose color type is difficult to determine between summer and autumn, you can choose clothes in blue-gray, gray-blue, pearl gray shades.

How to combine?

Gray color in clothes goes well with most other colors as well as white or black. But with each color, it will look different and perform different functions.

The combination of gray with shades of red or burgundy will add solemnity and nobility to the image. The red color looks especially impressive in the form of an addition to the dominant gray. It can be accessories, manicure or red lipstick, as well as shoes.

Clothes in gray and yellow flowers can never be boring. A calmer cool yellow looks elegant in combination with gray. At the same time, bright shades of yellow with gray that muffles it will allow you to stand out from the crowd in a slightly unusual way.

Blue color in an ensemble with gray are often used in a business style, as well as to design uniforms for workers or employees. Therefore, if the outfit is not selected for everyday trips to work, you should choose other shades of blue and gray that will not wear a business color.

Instead of blue, you can choose the color ultramarine, and choose pearls or metallics from gray shades. Also, with the help of translucent silvery fabrics or sequins, you can diversify the combination of these two colors.

Neutral colors such as grey, white and black always pair perfectly with each other. However, deprived bright colors, this combination of colors looks rather dull and formal, so it is the best suited for a business style.

But a black and gray check on a jacket in combination with a dress in bright colors will look completely different. Therefore, when creating images for the output, it is worth diluting classic colors bright items of clothing or accessories.

Brown and gray in tandem again remind of a business style. So black and white labor days can be diluted with a combination of shades of dark brown and dark gray. Light shades of brown and beige color in combination with any tones of gray, they look noble and stylish. By the way, in the Armani collections, gray and beige is a signature combination of colors.

Carefully you need to combine green with gray. Since green itself has a calm and boring emotional color, it is necessary to select shades of this color for gray that are close to turquoise or blue-green, the color of fresh greens, or choose metallic green.

What to wear?

Gray color is universal and will suit everyone. Due to the fact that it is combined with many other colors, it is easy to match it with clothes in any wardrobe. For many men, the gray color prevails, especially if, on duty, he has to constantly walk in suits.

The gray will become great option for images of business and casual style, but for special and solemn occasions you should save clothes of other colors. At such events, gray is acceptable only for elegant images designed to highlight good shape, but it is better to give preference to outfits that allow you to stand out and shine.

In order to figure out what images can be made with gray clothes, consider the details of the wardrobe in gray tones.

A gray sweater will be a great versatile item in any wardrobe. It can also be combined with strict business style, and with everyday. So gray is not a great combination for going to work. long sweater discreet cut and classic pants or a pencil skirt. A gray sweater is suitable for everyday walks. unusual shape or with the original coarse knit. Bright accessories in the form of a scarf and blue jeans or colored pants will complement the casual look.

If there are gray boots in the wardrobe, then you can use them to create various looks for any occasion. For dates, you can create romantic image and wear gray suede boots and dress more light shade gray. Unlike black shoes, gray boots look quite light, so they will look good with a silk dress in pastel colors. The combination of classic clothes and gray boots looks quite elegant.

A gray cardigan in a girl's wardrobe gives her freedom of imagination in choosing an image. IN Office Style with white blouses, trousers and tailored skirts, a gray cardigan fits very well. But if you add bright massive accessories or red shoes to this look, then in this form you can go for a walk or meet with friends.

Dress-slip or light chiffon dress With floral print in combination with a gray cardigan will be an excellent option for meeting with your loved one. Having a gray dress in your wardrobe is an opportunity to look stylish at work, and on a walk, and on a date. It is versatile and looks very elegant. Depending on the texture and style, you can choose perfect image for any occasion: satin dress suitable for special occasions, a gray sheath dress for business meetings.

To add originality and style to the image, you can complement the gray dress. bright accessories, which are the best combined with this color. If we talk about jewelry, then you can choose mother-of-pearl products, as well as sets of white gold or turquoise. When choosing bright contrasting shoes, you can combine jewelry with the color of the shoes.
