Interesting ideas for the release of kindergarten. Interesting ideas for parents of kindergarten graduates

Graduation in the garden is not just another matinee, but a special event that is remembered by the children themselves, the kindergarten staff and parents, because this is a new and very important stage in the life of every child. In the garden, kids meet their first friends, build friendships, learn to communicate and explore the world, acquiring important knowledge for the next stage - school. Educators and parents make a lot of efforts to create a unique and bright holiday for children. It is now in fashion to hold themed and modern matinees.

Graduation script in kindergarten in the style of dudes

Children will prepare for graduation in the style of dudes with special pleasure, learn incendiary dances, learn the words of songs, and select stylish retro outfits. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple option for holding a retro-style matinee, which will allow your kids to have fun from the heart and not overwork either the children or the guests of the holiday.

The hall is decorated in a retro style, music sounds, the presenters (workers / kindergarten teachers) enter.

Photos of girls for graduation style dudes

Photo of boys at graduation style dudes

Modern scenario in kindergarten

Good luck!

Photos of boys for graduation modern style

Photo modern girls at graduation in kindergarten

Songs for graduation kindergarten

Not a single matinee in kindergarten, and even more so graduation, is complete without a mini-concert, which necessarily includes the performance of songs. All graduates perform songs and it is not necessary that all children know how to sing, because the sincerity of the kids and the sincerity of the performance will brighten up all the missing notes. However, it is important to have time to prepare and learn the lyrics. The texts of these should not be pretentious and simple, children should understand what they are singing about and only then will they be able to easily remember the compositions. We have prepared a small selection of simple songs, including songs of alterations, which we suggest you use when preparing for this holiday.

1. First waltz(music by E.M. Plakhov).

2. Goodbye, kindergarten.

4. Farewell song.

5. Hali-gali(alteration of the song of the same name).

Poems for graduation kindergarten


So many days in a row
In any bad weather
We went to kindergarten
Having learned the way by heart.
Every day they hurried here
We really loved him!
And now it's time to say goodbye
We are sorry to part with him!

We were taught to wash
Brush your teeth, get dressed.
Taught and bed
Clean up carefully.
They also taught us how to draw beautifully,
Sing songs, dance to them,
And laces - to tie and rhymes to tell.

Kindergarten in the back
We are all big guys now.
Today is our graduation
After all, you have to go to school soon.

Kindergarten behind -
It's time for us to go to school!
We learned a lot
And grown up a lot.

Already waiting for us all notebooks,
And you do not miss our kindergarten!
To become excellent students for us,
Wish you good luck!

Kindergarten, goodbye,
We no longer have time to party
Going to school is very cool
And then we get to the institute!

We are not up to toys now,
We are no longer babies!
Today we have the best holiday -
Let's have fun from the heart!

Everyone dressed up today
We were going to an important holiday.
With the first autumn call,
We all go to school together.


Sketches for graduation kindergarten

Scene 1.

Scene 2

Acting characters: 2 graduate boys. From the props you will need chalk and a board.

Graduate 1: Why are you sad?
Graduate 2: Eh... Don't ask!
Graduate 1: Come on, we're on holiday!
Graduate 2: And it would be better if it were not ...
Graduate 1: Why do you say that?! What happened?
Graduate 2: And nothing happened at all.
Graduate 1: Then I don't understand you...
Graduate 2: What is not clear here? What will you get for graduation?
Graduate 1(proudly): Rollers.
Graduate 2: Cool! Rollers ... And for me ... ice cream.
Graduate 1: Yes, this can not be!
Graduate 2: Anything can. You see, last year I asked my dad for roller skates. He promised only on the condition that I learn to write and read.
Graduate 1: So what's the problem then?! You are the best reader!
Graduate 2: I learned to read, but to write ... It turns out that I can’t write at all. So I reminded my dad about the gift, and he told me: “I don’t mind. Just write me your wishes on a piece of paper so that I don’t forget.” And I took and wrote ...
Graduate 1: So what?
Graduate 2: Nothing but how! This is how I wrote (takes chalk and writes in big letters on the board): After all, I didn’t know how to write these words correctly (corrects his mistakes and continues). And then I suddenly wanted ice cream so much, and I added ICE CREAM to the list. And it turned out that he was joking with himself, because it was the only word that I wrote correctly. And now they will give me ice cream and this for graduation ... (shrugging his shoulders and making a gloomy face, he goes to the rest of the children).

Scene 3: Children's dreams.

Scene 4: Carlson and the baby.

The kid is going to school, putting school supplies in a briefcase. Carlson appears.
K. - Baby, hello!
M. - Hello!
K. — And what are you putting here?
M. - Me? I'm going to school! Now I am big and will learn!
K. — Why is that? It's boring! Let's get better!
M. - No. Today, Carlson, I will not be naughty! And school, so you know, it's great! New friends, teachers and interesting subjects!
K. — Isn't it great?! You'll have to sit at your desk all day! You can neither play, nor be naughty, nor burst jam!
M. — But you can learn a lot there! Here you are, Carloson, you know how to count?
K. — And why should I?
M. - Look. You want to gobble up buns, how do you count them?
K. – So, why should I count them?! I'm not on a diet! I eat as much as I can fit. And then 2 more.
M. - So, okay ... And what about the fact that you can't write?!
K. Why should I write? What are the letters? Yes, I can fly myself, but it's better than being able to write!
M. - And suppose you want to read a letter written to you? What then, will that person also have to fly?
K. - In this situation, of course, it would be better to be able to, but not everyone has a propeller! Unfortunately, I can’t read it, but I can also send an audio message via computer.
M. - Well, well. Only you do not know what this computer is.
K. - Yes! So what! You can always learn.
M. - Actually, nothing, only the design of a computer is studied at school.
K. - Well, FALL THOUGHT! But only I have a propeller!
M. - Do you know that this is not a propeller at all, but a propeller ?! And with what force he moves with you, they also tell at school!
Whom! Is that what they teach in school?
M. - Uh-huh! And there is even a dining room where they cook delicious buns!
K. - And when is there to jump and run?
M. - But for this, the school has a physical education lesson!
K. - But you can’t play pranks there!
M. How can you not?! Can! To do this, there are breaks, on which you and I will be naughty!
K. Well, Baby, now I will go to school.
They leave.

Dear and respected by us (first name and patronymic of the teacher). I would like to thank you for the sincerity and kindness that our children have been shrouded in all these years! Thank you very much for believing in each of our kids, for their development, for an individual approach, for love and empathy, for all those wonderful days that you spent with our children! I would like your new pupils to always respond to you with kindness, respect and sincerity. We wish you only clear days, health and peaceful skies!


quatrain of children for educators

To everyone who cared
Did various jobs
Worried about us
We bow now.

native educators,
You are like second mothers!
We love and respect you
We wish you happiness and wonderful days!

While the working day lasted -
You have been a mother to all of us.
And each of us today wants
Thank you for everything to say!

We've all grown up over the years
First class is already waiting for us.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let other children please you!

The earth will be famous for us!
We will grow up as honest children!
For this, thank you educators!
Thank you for everything!

Kinder and gentler than a teacher,
Not to be found in this world for anything!
Parents and children are grateful to you,
For love, effort, warmth!

What to give for graduation in kindergarten, a list with a photo

Every parent of a future kindergarten graduate is worried about the gift for their children. the site offers you a list of current gifts, and you just have to choose your own.

  1. Encyclopedia

  2. Mug with kindergarten symbols.

  3. Electronic posters.

Now you will prepare for graduation in time and spend an unforgettable holiday for future first-graders!

So the time has come when you are seriously preparing for the first truly serious holiday of your son or daughter - graduation party. Behind - the first step, a new tooth, a favorite garden. And ahead - prom, school and best friends. Very exciting and responsible.

So far, this prom is only an evening in kindergarten, but it is the beginning of wonderful and memorable holidays that this, still small, little man will have to go through.

How to organize a graduation in kindergarten so that this day becomes unforgettable? Read on.

Venue of the holiday

It should be chosen in advance. It is most logical to hold a graduation in your kindergarten, in the premises of a group or assembly hall, but other venues can also be considered: a club, a cinema and concert hall, a children's cafe. This is especially true for private kindergartens, when there is a group, but there is no festive hall.

Regardless of where the party is planned, you need to think about the design. In large halls, perhaps professionals will come to your rescue, and in kindergarten you can decorate the group yourself:

There are many ideas, children will also be able to take part in the preparation.

Tip: this is a farewell to the kindergarten, and, most likely, within its walls, the children will come together for the last time. Think about the solemnity of the moment and do not give up the "native walls".

Holiday program

Very often you can hear the opinion of parents that no special hosts or animators are needed for such a holiday, they say, the children are still small, there are no special complaints, they won’t remember anything anyway, so we’ll manage somehow. A very erroneous opinion: a holiday should be joyful every minute of it, and it does not matter whether it will be remembered for many years or not.

Let the children sing, dance, read poetry, participate in competitions and games, meet fairy-tale characters, solve riddles, admire fireworks or fireworks during the evening - in general, every moment should be filled with what children like most.

Tip: there are ready-made scripts on the Internet, you can use them by slightly adapting the plot for your group, but it’s better not to skimp on the services of a holiday agency, animators, professionals - they will help make a great graduation, which will become unforgettable for children and parents!


What will be remembered

Buffet, tea table

Outfits for the heroes of the celebration

Almost the most important

As the song says: "This is all that remains after me ...". Think about what educators will remember about you and your children for many years? What all were smart, kind and beautiful - of course.

On a note

In conclusion, I would like to say that there really is a lot of work to be done if you decide that all of the above is a must for graduation in kindergarten.

In order not to spoil this day and a few months before it with countless troubles for one parent-activist or even an entire parent committee, distribute tasks among all possible adults, involving educators, kindergarten administration, and grandparents in the preparation. There are enough tasks for everyone to solve and complete, this is indisputable.

As for finances, at any time, whether it is a crisis in the country or its expectation, it is always difficult to find a considerable amount for a children's holiday, especially if you take into account the upcoming expenses for parents to prepare their child for school. But it is not necessary to be a great financial specialist and economist to understand that most of the points from the evening preparation plan can become minimally costly, you just have to allocate time, put in effort, skills and desire:

With skillful management of this process, you can involve everyone that will benefit not only the family budget, but also the cause of rallying the adult team, and therefore the benefit of the holiday and your beloved children!

Graduation in kindergarten is the very first and most exciting experience of parting, marking the transition to a new stage of growing up. Such an important event cannot be left without due attention and it must be celebrated brightly and interestingly. Therefore, even the simplest graduation scenario in kindergarten cannot do without unusual characters, fun contests and memorable moments. What can we say about the original options that can make a holiday for children especially memorable. In our today's article, we tried to collect for you the most creative and interesting ideas for scenarios for graduation in kindergarten. We hope that taking them as a basis for your holiday, you will be able to organize an exciting celebration.

Graduation script in kindergarten based on popular fairy tales

Fairy tale theme is one of the most popular options for holidays in kindergarten. And graduation is no exception. It is understandable, because what can be more accessible to children's perception than the characters and plots of fairy tales. Given this fact, you can be sure that the fabulous graduation party, regardless of the details of the plot, will appeal to both children and adults.

So, let's look at the possible options for a holiday on a fabulous theme. Firstly, it can be based on a classic Russian fairy tale or the plot of a famous children's film based on a fairy tale story. For example, Pinocchio may come to the children for a holiday, seeking to buy the alphabet and get into school. But on his way there are insidious Cat Basilio, Fox Alice, Karabas and Durimar. The graduation scenario in this version will be built on competitions, the purpose of which is to help Pinocchio overcome all obstacles on the path to knowledge. At the end of the evening, the children are led to the conclusion that in the first grade it will be difficult, but very interesting.

Secondly, the scenario of a fabulous holiday should resonate with the school theme. Therefore, it is desirable to adapt heroes to this theme who, one way or another, are connected with studies. For example, invite Cheburashka, Vovka from Far Far Away or Dunno to the holiday, with whom the children will perform interesting tasks and participate in fun contests.

And thirdly, children themselves can act as fairy-tale heroes. For example, you can organize a graduation in the style of "Forest School", in which children will become the main characters of a forest fairy tale - squirrels, hares, hedgehogs. This option is also good because, in addition to direct participation, kids will be able to feel like first graders and thereby reduce the level of anxiety associated with the end of kindergarten.

Modern graduation script in kindergarten: interesting ideas

Another fairly popular option for a graduation script in a kindergarten is a modern theme. This rather broad concept includes ideas directly related to the use of modern achievements in technology and science. To make it clearer, let's take an illustrative example. As a basis for such a scenario, you can take the classic version of the holiday, which then will need to be supplemented with interesting modern ideas. These can be video clips, unusual dance numbers, scenes from life using mobile phones, tablets, etc.

In addition, this category also includes the script for graduation in kindergarten using modern heroes. For example, Fixies or Robocars can come to the children for a holiday, for which the children will show interesting numbers and scenes from kindergarten life. In this case, it is very important that the invited characters look as similar as possible to their real prototypes. Therefore, if you do not have high-quality costumes and artistic performers at your disposal, we recommend inviting professional animators. They can spend the holiday completely, or they can only partially participate in the matinee. Both the first and second options can be interesting to beat. Therefore, which one to choose should be decided based on the budget of the holiday.

Unusual ideas for a graduation script in kindergarten

For those who are planning to spend an unusual farewell party in kindergarten, here are our next ideas. For example, a very original holiday can be organized if you write a script for it in verse. But you need to clearly understand that not every child will be able to prepare by heart poems of a large volume for a matinee. Therefore, the main role in such a holiday will be played by adult presenters. And to make the script in verse really interesting and unusual, we suggest moving away from the traditional format with congratulations and contests and making a holiday in verse in the form of a performance. It can be a performance of a favorite fairy tale, a children's play, or just a performance from the category "One day in the life of a preschooler." There can be a lot of options, and each of them will be good if you arrange it in a high-quality poetic script.

Ideas for musical graduation in kindergarten

The musical version can also be attributed to unusual scenarios. All numbers and performances at such a holiday have their own musical accompaniment. If you want to implement this particular option, then you should take care of the numerous dance and song numbers that will form its basis. And so that the graduates themselves do not get tired of frequent performances, we suggest involving adults - educators and parents - in the numbers.

Graduation outside kindergarten

Another original idea for an unusual graduation is a script outside the walls of a kindergarten. Such a morning performance can be fun in nature, in a cafe or entertainment center. In this case, the scenario will be based on active games and fun contests. And from the traditional farewell party in kindergarten, you can leave a small introduction and a solemn presentation of gifts at the end.

Thematic options for graduation script in kindergarten

Themed graduation options for kindergarten are very popular. They allow you to spend an interesting holiday that combines elements of a classic celebration and unusual ideas. For example, the original graduation can be held on the theme of space, a certain historical era, a film, in the style of popular heroes. This also includes interesting options for scenarios on science and fantasy topics. For example, the role of the leader can be performed by the Eccentric Professor, who for a while will turn the festive hall into a laboratory, and the graduates themselves into their scientific assistants. The basis of such a scenario will be various interesting tasks and scientific "experiments", in which both adults and children will take part with pleasure.

Pirate graduation in the kindergarten: ideas

Another interesting option for a themed holiday is a scenario based on the adventures of popular children's heroes. For example, you can offer little graduates to transform into pirates, cowboys, comic book heroes for the duration of the celebration. Regardless of which of the above options you choose, such a thematic scenario should be full of moving contests of the relevant subject. For example, if you have a pirate-style graduation, then kids can be invited to complete tasks throughout the holiday that will help them find hidden treasures. At the end of the evening, children will be able to find a pirate treasure, which will turn out to be memorable gifts and sweets for graduates.

Best Graduation Songs Selection

Graduation in kindergarten in the style of dudes

Thematic options include the script for graduation in a kindergarten in the style of dudes, which is quite easy to organize on your own. It is based on colorful costumes from the 50s and 60s of the last century, as well as incendiary dances and songs that were popular at that time. Puffy skirts, stylish suits, glamorous hairstyles and flashy accessories make the holiday special and unusual. And the graduates themselves in such outfits look very cute and stylish. In addition, in order to fully maintain the style of the evening, you can be asked to dress in the style of dudes and parents of graduates. It will turn out such a version of a party in costumes. Add to this unusual "decoration" a lot of musical numbers and get a bright, cheerful and memorable holiday!

The best selection of poems for graduation

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Stilyagi"

Graduation in kindergarten is an important milestone in the life of kids. Therefore, this day is held in a festive and solemn atmosphere. Educators and parents want to make this event unforgettable. Therefore, it is necessary to take the time to look for ideas for graduation in kindergarten. They may relate to the scenario. The preparation process will require the active participation of not only the employees of the preschool educational institution, but also the children, as well as their loved ones.

Ideas for organizing and holding graduation in kindergarten

First of all, you should decide on the theme of the event and its leaders. It's great if the holiday will be held by the favorite fairy-tale characters of the kids. Perhaps these will be positive and negative characters who will argue throughout the celebration. And in the end, with the help of children, they will reconcile. Inviting parents to participate in a kindergarten graduation program is a great idea. Adults can become heroes of skits or performances.

An important point is the design of the hall. For example, you can use the following options:

  • you can decorate the room with balloons, figures from them;
  • you can prepare a wall newspaper with photographs of all the children of the group, educators and congratulations;
  • a stand with creative works of graduates will be an excellent decoration.

You can also invite an operator to the group the day before to make a video about how kids spend time in kindergarten. The end result is a great movie. Discs with it should be given as a keepsake to each child.

Even kids will be pleased to receive a graduate diploma or a bright medal on a ribbon. Children treat such gifts with reverence and are happy to keep them.

One of the ideas for graduation in kindergarten, which may come in handy for parents, is the manufacture of elegant capes and holiday caps for kids. At the end of the event, you can hold a solemn procession of little graduates. Children should be allowed to decorate their capes as they see fit.

You can also invite the children to draw pictures that illustrate their desires and dreams. Parents should carefully store these crafts. After many years, the children will be interested in seeing the drawing.

If you wish, you can include some touching moments in the holiday that everyone will remember for a long time. One of such interesting ideas for graduation in kindergarten can be the launch of balloons into the sky. You can first attach notes with the dreams of the kids to them. Under the solemn words of a teacher or one of the parents, the children will launch balloons filled with helium into the sky. Then you can watch them fly. It is worth considering the moment that not all kids may want to part with their ball. Therefore, you need to think in advance how to avoid possible tears and resentment. The easiest way is to prepare spare balloons in advance, which will be distributed to the guys and will remain with them until the end of the celebration.

With the permission of the administration, you can arrange a sweet table directly in the garden, invite animators. And you can pre-order a room in a restaurant or go with your children to the entertainment center.
