The power of gratitude and the technique of thanksgiving. The Amazing Power of Gratitude

The question is simple and important for everyone - how to find God? It’s like feeling for a thread that is invisible to man, and this thread is the connection between the Almighty and an ordinary person. Do you think that not everything is so easy? The weight is much lighter than you might imagine. The main thing is to learn the technique of gratitude, which will pave the way to a happy life.

Experience the Power of Gratitude

Be grateful to the Almighty for everything that happens to you, for everything with which you are surrounded. Remember this is the key to everything. Don't know how to use it? Try to understand this truth first. Be grateful if you want a miracle in your life" Then you will understand why the prayer of thanksgiving contains lines such as: “I thank you, Lord God, for what I have, and three times for what I don’t have!”

Thanksgiving Technique Basics

Surely many will ask: “ How can I express gratitude if this feeling does not live in me? What should I thank the Almighty for?" The answer lies on the surface. Your main gift from God is your own life. You can rate it at a certain amount? Surely it is priceless. Can you evaluate your head and limbs? How do you evaluate the gift of touch? How much would you value your family? Now you probably understand what you should be grateful for. Supreme Being. Start with gratitude for simple things. Later in your soul you will feel how they gain new meaning. You will be able to feel how everything is changing around you. These changes will seem physical, so real. Even the light and sound will be different, even such little things will fill you with happiness and the power of Gratitude. And then you will become richer. Of course, not in material terms, but in spiritual terms, which is much more valuable. This technique is the only way to improve your life.

Basic laws of the universe

What is he talking about? main law Universe? Gratitude should be expressed even for things for which it seems impossible to be grateful, for example, for the problems you face. If you want to better understand the essence of this issue, refer to the film “Water”, in which you will see the essence of the power of gratitude. In this film you will see the life of a prisoner monk who was given puddle water and stale bread to drink every day. No one could understand how the monk survived and why he only became stronger. The thing is that during each meal the monk says “thank you” to the Creator for all the suffering that he sent him. As a result, the food became better and healthier, the water was fresher, and the bread was softer.

The Greatest Power of Gratitude: A Prime Example

Real story: Consider the case when, before leaving the country, my laptop, which I needed for work, broke down. No matter what I did, it would not turn on. Naturally, I felt angry and irritated. But after making a few efforts on myself, I was able to calm down, and then the thought came to my mind: “What if this is just a test of my reaction to circumstances that are not in my favor?”

I decided to say a prayer of gratitude, I told the Almighty “thank you” for sending me a test, which allowed me to practice self-control. A few minutes later I received a call from a friend. I told him about the problem that had arisen, and he suggested a method for eliminating it. Believe it or not, his advice was effective and my laptop started working again. Some may consider this a coincidence. So be it. But how many similar coincidences happen in a person’s life? They say that a coincidence is nothing more than a pattern, and I agree with this.

Features of the Power of Gratitude

How does the power of Gratitude work? What is its very essence? You probably won’t find exact answers to these questions. But this is not so significant. Pay attention to what the Holy Scripture says: “For whoever has, to him will be given, and he will have abundance; and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

In other words, when expressing gratitude to the Almighty, we turn to the Universe, where our thoughts go. These are thoughts of true Wealth, which is what the Cosmos gives back to us. By complaining about everything, we only lose what we have and will never get what we strive for. This is a simple Law of the Universe that everyone should understand.

The power we are talking about is expressed in the fact that a person, expressing gratitude to God, is sure to gain something. This should be enough for everyone to begin to thank the Almighty for every second lived on earth and everything connected with it.

Strive for All-gratitude, this is a state that you need to live by. If you learn to live by it, then you will learn to live with the Almighty.

Keep a Gratitude Book

This is advice that was presented in Rhonda Byrne's book. It is enough to take an ordinary notebook to make notes in it about everything for which you are grateful to God. Scheme " What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.” it is reliable and works flawlessly. There are also Alternative option– “The Secret Book of Gratitude”, anyone can buy it. This thing will be effective for anyone who wants to change own life and learn the power of multiplying all good things through gratitude to the Universe.

Any doubts left? Start small. Try saying “thank you” more often to your family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues.. You will definitely see the result and quickly enough. The reverse effect will be much more powerful than you expect. Remember about folk wisdom- "What goes around comes around"! This efficient technique acquiring everything that can make your life better. You get what you strive for through your words and actions.

What is gratitude, why is it needed and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.

Gratitude is a powerful outgoing flow of positivity. You already know that nothing in our lives is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiation (thoughts, words and actions): what you emit is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced the formula for happiness knows how it works. Perhaps a gratitude technique based on the power of gratitude will be even more powerful for you than the formula for happiness.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes next case. “Jonathan had double pneumonia. It seemed like nothing could help him. But at some point, an insight descended on him - he wrote one single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them throughout the house. With the methodicality of a parrot, he repeated this sentence again and again, dictated it onto the tape many times and replayed it constantly. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were these words? “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have and for all the blessings that I will receive.”

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

Manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Powers (Life, God - whoever believes in what can be called differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, the good comes back to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and ego makes him happy. Positivity does not come to him because he does not radiate it. It's simple. And it’s not difficult to fix this either. Gratitude is the power that heals selfishness, all of it Negative consequences, and brings us closer to happiness. An egoist cannot obtain real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is sure to be replaced by disappointment, troubles, depression, etc. However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience more important than unverified information.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best performed in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, observing general recommendations.

So, the thanksgiving technique:

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. that you can be grateful for, and feel gratitude for each of the items listed. To start, you can say “thank you” or “thank you” mentally or out loud if it’s difficult to feel gratitude.

You remember something and are grateful for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Who should I thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank your Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe in). When you thank someone, thank them too. Higher power(Life, God) - for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find a lot (a lot!) of things to be grateful for, and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking “what can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive. Then you will find some “neutral” things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find the “negative” moments in your life, the unpleasant life lessons, which will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Unity. At this moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be complete acceptance as is of everything that was, is and will be. Be also prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

To achieve this state, more than one approach will be required. But each time the condition will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. See what changes in your life as you radiate gratitude. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the gratitude technique is universal.

It may be difficult to start because the ego will resist. At first, it will dissuade you from using this technique, under various pretexts, then negativity from the past may emerge, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the technique of thanksgiving is selfishness; there are no other reasons. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Give yourself an hour of time (maybe less) and work with the gratitude technique properly.

Greetings, my friends!

So we have reached one of the most important topics for those who strive for Success. Today we will talk about the power that can so quickly and dramatically change your life in better side that it can be called magical! I'm talking about GRATITUDE.

But first, a little preface.

The most powerful and effective force that exists in this world is unconditional love. That is, love without any specific reasons, expectations, conditions. Such love is a huge rarity, but it is precisely this that is capable of attracting into a person’s life absolutely everything that he desires, because it removes all the blockages on the path of materializing what he wants in the physical world. The thoughts of a person experiencing and radiating unconditional love into the world are so pure that he, in principle, cannot put barriers to the realization of his desire in the form of irritation, anger, disbelief, etc. Unconditional love is shown to the world, to people, to everything that surrounds you.

What does this have to do with the topic of our conversation today? The most direct!

The fact is that gratitude in its essence is very close to unconditional love! If you SINCERELY feel gratitude towards someone or something, you give a part of yourself into the world, which opens the way to and simply attracts such pleasant things to you as luck, fortune, favorable circumstances, etc. and so on.

Answer this question honestly: how often do you sincerely thank you? Exactly sincerely! Because the routine “Thank you!”, said without even the slightest response in your soul, will not be perceived by the Universe as gratitude. First of all, you must EXPERIENCE gratitude!

What should we be grateful for?! - you say. Like, what life is like, nothing good, but here you still need to, you know, feel gratitude?!

Yes, my friends, we must! And precisely so that your life improves! In the past, we talked to you about responsibility, about the fact that only we ourselves create and change our lives! And only we are responsible for what is happening to us now. If you don't like your life now, change your thoughts, change your attitude towards life and yourself. If you have the determination and patience to not give up after a couple of days, you will be amazed at the results! And you can start with gratitude, so you will quickly achieve positive changes in your life. The power of gratitude in improving life is so great that you usually don’t have to wait long to see results from its use.

So, what to be grateful for? And for everything! Don't understand yet? I'll explain. You are alive? Give thanks for this! Because you have the opportunity to be in this world, see the sky, people, breathe air, touch objects, move. There are people in the world who are deprived of this opportunity. Remember this when Once again look at the trees, the grass, your favorite animal, the snowflakes on your jacket sleeve. You have the most priceless gift - vision! Well, thank you for that! Can you walk? Give thanks for that too! You have housing, you don’t freeze in cardboard box in the trash? Thank you! You're not starving, do you have food? You are reading these lines now, does that mean you have a computer or tablet? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Realize how MUCH you have been given! And we take all this for granted, but it is endless generous gifts Universe, for which you can constantly thank!

There is one very effective technique related to gratitude. You can’t imagine HOW quickly the results from using it appear! In any case, I noticed improvements after just a few days of using this technique! It is simple and will not require any Herculean efforts or a lot of time from you. What do we have to do? Every evening, when you go to bed, think about your day. Find at least 5 (if you find more, that will be just great!) reasons thank life, the Universe, this day. And say thank you. For me it looked something like this: “The weather was beautiful today – Thank you! My car drives properly - Thank you!!! I am healthy, I have a home - Thank you! Thank you!!! Oh, I was able to do a wonderful extended trot on my horse in training today – Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! It was just great!” and so on.

As I hope you already understand, the main thing here is to thank sincerely. Believe me, even if you only do the suggested technique, your life will begin to change! And if you add gratitude to this nightly gratitude procedure for any reason during the day, the results will be even better!

To become clearer diagram I will explain the actions of gratitude using a rather simplified, but very illustrative example. Imagine that you have the opportunity (material, moral, technical, and you never know what else) to help some person. Let's say a friend. Your friend complained to you about financial difficulties. You gave him money. Then he had some other needs. You helped again. A friend accepts your help, but takes it for granted, without thanking you in any way. I won’t ask the rhetorical question “Would you enjoy it?” Everyone understands perfectly well that it would be unpleasant. And no matter how well you treat this friend of yours, gradually the desire to help him will fade away.

Now imagine that the Universe fulfills many different desires of yours every day (we don’t see 99% of this work, because it is not carried out in the physical world, but it exists!), provides us with a bunch of all the best. And not only do we simply miss a lot (yes, remember, it happened to you too, when you didn’t notice the wonderful weather, the magnificent coincidence of circumstances, outright luck in something), but also what we notice, we take it for granted! And answer, only honestly, the question: “If you were the Universe, would you be pleased to help a person like you?”

Now imagine a different situation. You helped a friend. And see how happy he was! He just glows with happiness! And sincerely, with bright emotions thanks you! Not only that, he told someone else about it, mentioning what a great friend you are and how much he appreciates your help!

Attention question! :)) Which of these two friends will you want to help? Who would you like to do something for? In my opinion, everything here is obvious. Each of us enjoys doing something for people who value it. Who make it clear by their reaction how useful and important your help was to them. In short, those who are grateful to you!

So do the same! Thank the Universe for everything and it will give you more and more and fulfill your desires faster and more fully!

You can, of course, not believe this. But I don’t urge you to take everything on faith. I'm just telling you, "Try it!" After all, you will lose absolutely nothing by starting to look for reasons to be grateful and give thanks.

Just try it! :))

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What is gratitude, why is it needed and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.
The power of gratitude is so great that learning and applying this knowledge is important element on the path to happiness and enlightenment.
Gratitude (from “good to give”) is a feeling of appreciation for good done, for example, for attention or service provided, as well as various ways expressions of this feeling (definition from Wikipedia).

Gratitude is a powerful outgoing flow of positivity. You already know that nothing in our lives is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiation (thoughts, words and actions): what you emit is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced the formula for happiness knows how it works. Perhaps a gratitude technique based on the power of gratitude will be even more powerful for you than the formula for happiness.
An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following incident. “Jonathan had double pneumonia. It seemed like nothing could help him. But at some point, an insight descended on him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them throughout the house. With the methodicality of a parrot, he repeated this sentence again and again, dictated it onto the tape many times and replayed it constantly. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were these words?
“Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have and for all the blessings that I will receive.”
Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.
The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Powers (Life, God - whoever believes in what can be called differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, the good comes back to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and his ego makes him unhappy. Positivity does not come to him because he does not radiate it. It's simple. And fixing this is not difficult either.

Gratitude is a force that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and brings us closer to happiness.

A person has two options to choose from: selfishness or happiness (enlightenment). An egoist cannot obtain real happiness; only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, troubles, depression, etc.

However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The gratitude technique you will see below is taken from the fifth level, where it works best (since there is little left of the ego and it does not interfere with the work). The gratitude technique is universal, suitable for everyone and not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques intended only for trained people.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best to perform it in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, following general recommendations.


Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. that you can be grateful for, and feel gratitude for each of the items listed. To start, you can say “thank you” or “thank you” mentally or out loud if it’s difficult to feel gratitude.

You remember something and are grateful for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Who should I thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank your Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe in). When you thank a person, thank also the Higher Powers (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find a lot (a lot!) of things to be grateful for, and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking “what can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive. Then you will find some “neutral” things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find the “negative” moments in your life, the unpleasant life lessons, which will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Oneness. At this moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be complete acceptance as is of everything that was, is and will be. Be also prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

To achieve this state, more than one approach will be required. But each time the condition will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. See what changes in your life as you radiate gratitude. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the gratitude technique is universal.

It may be difficult to start because the ego will resist. At first, it will dissuade you from using this technique, under various pretexts, then negativity from the past may emerge, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the technique of thanksgiving is selfishness; there are no other reasons. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Give yourself an hour of time (maybe less) and work with the gratitude technique properly.

Good luck and happiness to you!
I would like to add on my own behalf that when the right approach you can use this exercise quite often and effectively to fulfill your desires, acquire material things, etc.

There were two angels in heaven. One always rested on a cloud, and the other flew from the earth to God.
The resting angel decided to ask the other: “Why are you flying back and forth?”
— I carry messages to God that begin: “God help...” Why do you always rest?
- I must carry messages to the Lord that begin - “Thank you, Lord...”
Christian parable

When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well.
Chinese wisdom.

Gratitude is a memory of the heart.
Pierre Buast

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. This time I want to talk to you about the power of gratitude, how you need to thank God, the Universe and why you need to do it.

What is gratitude

The word gratitude contains two roots “good” and “gift”, which means when we sincerely thank someone, we give them a good. The Roman Stoic philosopher and statesman Seneca believed that our gratitude is much more valuable than what we thank for; sincere gratitude is not only a virtue, but also elevates our soul and gives great spiritual development.

But in Christianity, on the contrary, gratitude is considered the duty of everyone, but this approach, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. If the power of our gratitude is considered from this point of view, then we will no longer be able to be sincerely grateful for something, we will no longer be pleased with the good deed itself because we obliged when receiving it, feel gratitude.

Why thank the Universe

Every day we say “thank you” to someone, for example, for a service rendered, for the fact that a person did something useful or good for us, and here everything is clear, but regarding gratitude to the Universe, many people wonder why do it? And this is exactly what I propose to deal with now.

  1. When we thank from the bottom of our hearts, at the behest of our hearts, precisely God or the Universe for everything that we have, then a powerful wave of positivity emanates from us, and you probably know that we receive into our lives what we give to the Universe, this applies to words, thoughts, and feelings. If we thank God and the Universe for everything we have, then there will be more and more of this in our lives.
  2. The strength of our gratitude to the Universe lies in the fact that we begin to notice more good than bad. Comes conscious understanding that there is so much good in our lives that the desire to constantly whine and complain disappears.
  3. The person begins to tune in positive mood, positive energy emanates from him and the same people are attracted to him. And those who are always dissatisfied with everything and like to complain simply disappear from his life.
  4. IN positive attitude people overcome problems and troubles more easily, and these problems become several times smaller, because now a person pays attention to positive events, which he attracts to himself.
  5. When a person thanks the Universe, he learns to see what he had not noticed before and opens up to new changes.

How to properly thank the Universe

If you decide to start thanking the Universe, then first of all I want to warn you: thank from the bottom of your heart without expecting anything in return. When I started doing this practice, I subconsciously did it only to attract more people into my life. Furthermore for which I thanked, that is, my gratitude was not sincere and came from profit. What happened? I got the opposite effect, exactly what I was grateful for became less and less. For example, thank you for good health and after a few days she fell ill, and this happened throughout everything. Therefore, if you decide to do this practice, then do not expect anything in return, just do it for yourself.

It is better to write gratitude with a pen in a notepad, and every evening write down 10 thanks for the day. You can, of course, do this in electronic version, but still many recommend writing by hand.

Perhaps these are all the rules of Thanksgiving, there is, of course, one more point, but it is better to use it when you want. So, you can write down what you want to be grateful for in the future. But in this case you really need to experience sincere gratitude for something that does not exist, but will definitely appear later. So, you kind of make an advance to the Universe, and after that you just have to be patient and wait for what you want to come true.

With respect to you, Nikandrova Elena

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