Socio-psychological readiness of adolescents for independent living. The social situation of development in the period of mature youth

Municipal state educational institution

«School - boarding school of secondary general education» p. Samburg, Purovsky district

Boarding school teacher:

Ismailova Roza Iskandarovna

Speech at the methodological association of educators of the boarding school

From work experience:

Preparing pupils for independent life and their social and labor adaptation

The main task of the boarding school is to prepare children - pupils for independent life, their social and labor adaptation.

Scientific and practical research conducted by scientists in various regions of Russia indicates that many graduates of boarding schools are not sufficiently prepared to choose their life path. Accustomed to being constantly cared for, these children are often lost in harsh living conditions after they leave the institution. They are most often sent to vocational schools, where they study in randomly chosen professions, without taking into account their abilities and desires. As a rule, this leads to the fact that they drop out of school or, having received low professional training in an undesirable specialty, do not want or cannot get a job.

The results of the research should be a definite contribution to the theory of education of children brought up in boarding schools for children in need of state assistance.

The research served as a test of the hypothesis we adopted about a certain role in the formation of the child's personality through labor activity, his social adaptation, which means readiness for independent life under certain conditions.

What are the optimal conditions for the formation of a socially adapted personality in the process of labor activity - this is the problem that is put forward before pedagogical science, and most importantly, the needs of practice.

Only its solution in the event of a dispute on everything achieved in the area under study can make it possible to formulate the conditions for the social and labor adaptation of boarding school pupils. To equip educators with an effective system for organizing labor activity in a boarding school.

When organizing work on the social and labor adaptation of pupils of state institutions of boarding type, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the personality of deprivation children, which requires the organization of labor activity to take into account all stages of social adaptation (social household, medical and physiological, medical and psychological, psychological and pedagogical, social -labor).

The main task of the activities of educational institutions for children of pupils is the social adaptation of pupils in order to successfully integrate society: for this it is necessary to form in children the skills of independent living, communication, spending free time, professional training,


What is a social model of behavior?

Models of social behavior are usually called value-normative complexes, which are models of actions, worldview, actions and attitudes of people.

Models of behavior are objectively set by the social position of the individual in the complex of social and personal relations, i.e. reflect the expected behavior of a person with a certain status. Thus, the social model of behavior is a mechanism of socialization and is divided into:



Role behavior;

By social status is understood the position of a person in the system of interpersonal sensations that determine his rights and obligations established by society. The main factors that make it possible to describe models of social behavior are; formalization - the presence or absence of strict rules;

Emotionality - attraction or removal from the emotional component of the event:

Motivation - focus on personal or public interests.


Communication skills are very important for personal development, because determines the success of interaction with the world, people around, with oneself, and also allows one to express oneself through creativity. If we use an example (the participation of our pupils in various school-wide and boarding school events, they attend school circles and sections, thereby revealing their creative and sports abilities).

Pay attention to the development of your communication skills - the results will not keep you waiting long!

Practice what you have learned by building effective relationships with students. Learn to use communication as a tool to achieve your goals, because he who owns the word - controls the situation!

Reference literature:

  1. Bobyleva I.A. Social adaptation of graduates of boarding schools: Textbook. Publishing house, Moscow, 2007.
  2. Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990) // Collection of International Treaties of the USSR, issue XLVI, 1993.
  3. Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ (as amended on December 2, 2013) “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 08/03/1998. - No. 31. - Art. 3802.

The "Build Yourself" program provides for various forms of organization of pupils during their stay in the orphanage, consists of 13 sections

This course on the program for the development of communication skills helps to establish adequate interpersonal relationships, improve communication skills, strengthen respect for others and self-esteem, and correct your behavior.



Explanatory note

The upbringing of orphans and children left without parental care in modern Russian society is being implemented in the context of economic and political reform, which has significantly changed the socio-cultural life of the younger generation, the functioning of educational institutions.

The program complies with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Model Regulations on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, and is aimed at the spiritual and moral formation of the individual, the development of the child's abilities, his cognitive interest, the formation of social skills, necessary in life self-determination.

The program provides for various forms of organization of pupils during their stay in the institution: classes as a specially organized form of education; unregulated activities of children, organization of free time during the day; and combines various activities, taking into account the age capabilities of pupils. The content of the program was developed on the basis of the following principles: humanistic orientation (the attitude of the educator towards children and adolescents as responsible subjects of their own development, as well as an interaction strategy based on subject-subject relations); natural conformity (raising children according to their gender and age, forming responsibility for the development of themselves, for the environmental consequences of their actions and behavior); cultural conformity (education is based on universal values); the effectiveness of social interaction (expanding the spheres of communication, the formation of social and everyday skills). The principle of concentration of education on the development of the social and cultural competence of the individual suggests that the strategy and tactics of education are aimed at helping the pupil in mastering the socio-cultural experience and free self-determination in the social environment. The educational process is built as a logical ascent from age to age, each new step is a step up in the spiritual, physical and social development.

Section 1

Self-identification of the norm of gender-role behavior of a person of modern culture


3-6 years old

Know your name, surname, brothers, sisters, other relatives; age, gender, body parts, body functions. Who am I and who will I be (man, woman)

7-10 years old

The secret of my "I"; my self-portrait (the ability to see and understand oneself); appearance of a boy, girl; individuality of a person as an originality of relations with the world; the ability to take others for granted

11-14 years old

Age stages; adulthood and its characteristics. Changes in the body due to the onset of puberty. Pedigree. Family roots. The distinctive role of men and women in society

15-18 years old

Family roles of a person: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc. The importance of each family member for her well-being. Love as the basis of family life. The role of the family in human life. The moral foundations of the relationship between boys and girls. Femininity and masculinity

Section 2

Hygiene as a condition for conservationhealth and life


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Rules and sequence of morning and evening toilet; hair care rules oral hygiene, body, vision protection. Nature and human health. Clothing, its purpose, care for clothes and shoes. Rules for storing things; neatness in clothes. Use of hygiene items: handkerchief, napkins, comb, toothbrush, etc.

7-10 years old

Daily body care; morning and evening toilet, hair care, hands, face during the day. Mirror as a hygienic assistant. Hardening of the body, physical education, sports. Daily routine, study, rest. Hygiene of mental work. Compliance with the rules of self-control for the correct posture, gait, posture. Neatness and cleanliness of clothes, shoes; caring for them

11-14 years old

Personal hygiene of a teenager. Hardening of the body, sports. Basic information about infectious diseases and their prevention. Smoking and alcoholism, their impact on the human body

15-18 years old

Hygiene for boys and girls. Rules for skin care. Formation of individual appearance. Makeup basics. Rules of self-government by the body. Principles and norms of a healthy lifestyle for young men and women, medical and social consequences of their non-compliance. The impact of health status on career choice and family formation

Section 3

Ethical standards of lifeas a regulator of human behavior


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Behavior at the table; ability to use utensils, napkins. Behavior outdoors, indoors. Forms of requesting, expressing gratitude, greetings, farewells. Various appeals to "you" and "you". Communication with peers, older adults, adults. Friendliness in communication

7-10 years old

Behavior in the dining room (esthetics of eating, cleaning dishes), in the assembly hall, at a concert, in public places (exhibition, museum, park, shop, clinic, etc.) Behavior at school, respect for books, clothes, property. Reading culture. Expansion of information about the forms of address to elders, peers, strangers. General information about various etiquette situations (congratulations, wishes, requests, the ability to empathize, argue). Mastering comradely norms of relations (care for each other, highlighting the merits of each, mutual assistance, sympathy); demeanor

11-14 years old

Behavior in public places (library, post office, market, shop, etc.) Behavior at a party; visits for various purposes (to the patient, to the family of a classmate, visit of congratulations). The culture of speech when communicating on the phone; speech etiquette as a form of attitude towards a person; the formation of the habit of focusing on the other. Acquaintance, friendship, fellowship, friendship. Person in a group: group selection, study groups, interest groups, suppression groups. Verbal and non-verbal labels. Gesture, facial expressions, tone, posture, gait, gaze, etc.

15-18 years old

Behavior in public places (cafe, theater, museum, lecture, dance party, hotel, train station) and transport (bus, tram, train, plane). A culture of speech. Etiquette situations of acquaintance, invitation, appeal, attracting attention. Features of human behavior in different spheres of life and with different social roles. The ability to keep your "I". Improving Behavior

Section 4

Communication with children and adults


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Give in to each other, talk calmly, willingly fulfill requests, instructions from adults, use toys together, have your own attitude to the actions of peers, evaluate your actions

7-10 years old

The habit of being friendly, benevolent; rejection of rude speech. Communication skills with younger children, peers, older children, adults

11-14 years old

Relationships with relatives, strangers. The development of communicative qualities in the process of specially organized activities. Tolerance towards others. Formation and development of an intimate-personal form of communication

15-18 years old

Openness and goodwill in alliance with restraint and correctness of behavior. Attitude to troubles, failures, hardships, grief and suffering. Types of communication (business, free, play, during the holidays, holidays, etc.). Ability to use various forms of communication (conversation, discussion). Ability to avoid conflict. Active participation of pupils in various specially organized situations of communication (game, work, study, holiday, leisure, etc.) Formation of intimate-personal relationships (friendship, passion, love)

Section 5

The natural world around us. Man as part of nature. ecological culture


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

The life of the forest, plants, fields. Life of animals. Natural and weather conditions of human life. Man's communication with nature: the ability to see and hear nature, learn to perceive nature; observation of natural phenomena

7-10 years old

The ability to perceive, protect and create the beauty of nature. Respect for the aesthetic tastes of another person. Ability to build a fire, pick berries, mushrooms. Rules of conduct while hiking

11-14 years old

Local history. Fauna and flora of the place where the child lives

15-18 years old

Communication between man and nature. Display of nature in art. Inanimate nature in the culture of life: stones, sand, water. Careful attitude to "nature nearby"

Section 6

Fatherland (Motherland) as a placewhere the person was born

and know the happiness of life

Section 7

Legal norms of life


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

The inviolability of a person's subject-material property: do not touch, do not use, do not appropriate an object belonging to another. Respect for public property. Spiritual integrity of a person: attentiveness, delicacy, sensitivity, generosity, tact. Honesty as the norm of a cultured person

7-10 years old

The rights and obligations of pupils. The state in relation to another person: regulation, control, coercion, care, encouragement, punishment

11-14 years old

Russian Constitution. Economic, social and cultural human rights

15-18 years old

Law enforcement system. Criminal law. A crime. Legal culture is the most important element of the general human culture

Section 8

Culture of interactionwith living environment


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

A place to sleep. Play and work area. Cleaning corners, preparing a place to sleep

7-10 years old

Your workplace. Rules for the preparation of places for educational, labor, leisure and gaming activities and recreation

11-14 years old

Culture of interaction with the living environment. Workplace culture (lighting, arrangement of personal items, school supplies)

15-18 years old

Participation in planning, interior design of the place of residence and activities

Section 9

Formation of skills and labor skills


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Be able to play mobile, role-playing games. Know and be able to use: radio, TV, socket, electric bell, vacuum cleaner. Open and lock the door. Kitchen> its purpose, kitchen utensils, dish care techniques. Rules for the use of cutlery. Be able to prepare tea, cut bread, vegetables; make simple salads on your own, know what porridge is cooked from. Do it yourself: paper appliqués, ikebana, products made from natural materials. Work: with pencils, paints, plasticine, clay, scissors, needles, threads, etc.

7-10 years old

Be able to play mobile, intellectual games. Know and be able to use an iron, washing machine, grater, meat grinder, electric stove, refrigerator. Washing rules. Table setting rules. Use of cutlery for the intended purpose. Be able to cook: dishes from potatoes, cabbage, vegetable salads, cook jelly, compote. Do it yourself: appliqués from fabric, straws, soft toys, darn, knit. Work: with simple tools, on a manual sewing machine

11-14 years old

Be able to play mobile, sports, intellectual games. Ability to use a mixer, juicer, telephone, tape recorder. Participation in the preparation of the festive table, evening tea, etc. Be able to cook: soups, dairy dishes, pancakes, cocoa, coffee, puddings, pancakes, casseroles. Do-it-yourself: wood products, toys for babies, clothes repair

15-18 years old

Ability to use a camera, household appliances. Participation in the preservation of vegetables, fruits, berries. Be able to cook: meat, fish dishes, yeast dough products, confectionery. Do-it-yourself: the simplest repair work of equipment, housing, sewing and knitting for yourself. Work with household appliances

Section 10

home care rules,plants, animals


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Clean up toys, use a broom, a vacuum cleaner. Mastering the basic techniques for caring for indoor plants. Introduction to pets. Mastering the basic rules for caring for pets

7-10 years old

House cleaning, home care products. Growing indoor plants. Care of plantings, top dressing of plants, cultivation of seedlings. Participation in other agricultural activities. Pet care, feed preparation

11-14 years old

Furniture care, home preparation for winter: insulation of windows, doors. Work in the garden, in the garden, in the greenhouse. Harvesting, participation in other agricultural work. Caring for animals located in a living corner on mini-farms; fodder harvesting

15-18 years old

Bathroom, sink, toilet care; rules for the use of detergents; the frequency of cleaning the kitchen; interior design, participation in repairs (whitewashing, painting, wallpapering the walls, etc.). Work in the garden, in the garden, on mini-farms. Harvesting, laying vegetables for storage. Animal care

Section 11

Get to know the profession


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Participation in role-playing games; honoring adults on the day of their professional holiday. Participation in work on career guidance of local history (the history of crafts, the history of labor dynasties of the village, city, orphanage)

7-10 years old

To get acquainted with the profession: a driver, a salesman, a doctor, an educator, a postman, a seamstress, a builder, a machinist. Honoring adults on the day of their professional holiday. Tsrofoorientation local history

11-14 years old

Get acquainted with the work of food industry enterprises, transport and communications, agricultural enterprises; institutions of primary vocational education

15-18 years old

Get acquainted with the work of public utilities, medical institutions; institutions of higher professional education

Section 12

Economics and its role in human life. Financial and monetary standards of life


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

Through role-playing games, teach children how to use money, give them the opportunity to buy some goods on their own

7-10 years old

Initial ideas about forms of ownership. On behalf of adults to do their own shopping. Money and labor. Way to make money. Begging as a low way of acquiring money. Theft as a criminal way of obtaining money. Financial cleanliness of a person

11-14 years old

Labor in the household. Household efficiency. Own garden, kitchen garden, subsidiary farm as economic objects. Sources of income in the family. What determines the economic well-being of the family

15-18 years old

Budget, income, family expenses. Cost planning. Analysis of daily expenses. Saving money. Distribution of money for a certain period of time (day, week, month, year, etc.)

Section 13

Security basicsvital activity


Social knowledge, abilities, skills

3-6 years old

The main sources of danger indoors, in the yard, on the street, in nature. Know the basic rules of safe behavior, the rules for picking berries, mushrooms, herbs. Know the name of the street, city; buildings in the immediate vicinity. The main objects of the village, town, city

7-10 years old

Safe route to school, shop, etc. Rules of conduct in case of fire, other natural disasters. Orientation on the ground. Know the detailed address, navigate in the plan-scheme of the city, the main social facilities. Personal space of a person: subject space, the place that a person occupies in the lives of other people

11-14 years old

Know the rules of behavior in emergency situations. Rules of conduct in a criminal situation. Individuality of a person as a peculiarity of relations with the world

15-18 years old

Be able to find a way out of difficult situations (quarrel, fight, loss, theft, attack). Self defense and its limits. Behavior in conditions of extortion and blackmail. My "I" as a separate inner world. Harmony and disharmony of my "I". The interaction of my "I" with the world: how the world accepts me; how I accept the world. Life position "to have", "to be", "to create"


1. Abdrakhmanova G.S. Criteria and performance indicators of school management. // Science and School, 1998, No. 6.

2. Actual problems of social work in Russia. // Pedagogy, 1993, No. 6.

3. Alferov Yu. S. et al. Evaluation and certification of educational personnel abroad: A manual for employees of educational authorities and educational institutions. // Ed. Yu. S. Alferova and V. S. Lazareva - M. Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997.

4. Aramov I. A. Studying a child in an orphanage. // Orphanage, 1928, No. 1.

5. Certification: advantages and disadvantages of the existing model.//Director of the school, 1998, No. 2. ,

6. Bayborodova L. V. Overcoming the difficulties of socialization of orphans. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

7. Belyakov VV Orphan children's institutions in Russia: Historical essay. M .: Research Institute of Childhood RDF "1993.

8. Bestuzhev-Lada I. V. School of the XXI century: Reflections on the future. // Pedagogy, 1993, No. 6.

9. Bozhovich L. I. Problems of personality formation. // Ed. D. I. Feldshein. 2nd ed. Moscow: Voronezh, 1997.

10. Bondarevskaya E. B. Humanistic paradigm of personality-oriented education. // Pedagogy, 1999, No. 4.

11. Bocharova VG Socio-psychological diagnostic and correctional tools. M.: Consortium "Social Health of Russia", 1999.

12. Brockhaus F. A., Efron I. A. Orphanages. Encyclopedic Dictionary. SPb., 1892.

13. Bruskova E. Family without parents. Moscow: Center for the Development of Social and Pedagogical Initiatives, 1993.

14. Vasilyeva V. M. Orphanage and its tasks in the third five-year plan. // Soviet Pedagogy, 1939, No. 11-12.

15. Vasilyeva V. M. About orphanages according to pedagogical journals. // On the way to a new school, 1924, No. 7.

16. Vinogradova E. V. Features of interpersonal relations in orphanages and boarding schools: dissertation. M., 1992.

17. age-related features of the mental development of children. // Ed. I.V. Dubrovina, M.I. Lisina. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1982.

18. Education and development of children in an orphanage. Reader. Ed. – comp. N.P. Ivanova. M.: APO.

Teacher - educator: Hodyachikh E.V.

Explanatory note

He who thinks he can do without others

is greatly mistaken.

The one who thinks that

that others cannot do without it.

F. La Rochefoucauld

The proposed program is aimed at developing the communicative culture of schoolchildren. The topics of the classes reflect the personal problems of children of this age, so they can be used for all students as a prevention of adverse processes. In the classroom, teenagers gain knowledge on how to communicate, exercise in the application of acceptable behaviors, master the skills of effective communication.

This course helps to establish adequate interpersonal relationships, improve communication skills, strengthen respect for others and self-esteem, and correct their behavior.

In the process of conducting classes, the facilitator monitors the relations of the participants, tries to prevent situations leading to conflicts, and forms friendly relations among children.

Program goal: formation of adequate communication skills with peers and adults in the surrounding society.

Tasks : to consolidate the skills of conflict-free communication at different levels; to motivate students to turn to the inner world, to analyze their own actions; develop a positive moral position in relation to the world around, other people, to yourself.

Methods and forms of work:conversation; role-playing game; interpersonal communication exercises; breathing and movement exercises; methods of self-expression (in drawing, in creating an image).

Expected results: as a result of the implementation of this

programs, children acquire:

Ability to communicate effectively and effectively;

Awareness of one's individuality and the desire for deeper self-knowledge;

Ability to follow the rules and express their negative emotions in socially acceptable ways;

The ability to empathize and reflect.

Work is carried out in groups of 5 - 12 people. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour. The frequency of meetings is once a week. Designed for students in grades 5-8.

Thematic planning

No. p / p




Lesson #1

"Let me introduce myself"

1 hour

Week 1

Lesson #2

"Hey personality,
or How am I different from others?

1 hour

2 weeks

Lesson #3

"I'm in the human world"

1 hour

3 week

Lesson number 4

"Behavior and Culture"

1 hour

4 week

Lesson number 5

"Communication in my life"

1 hour

5 week

Lesson number 6

"Communication and Respect"

1 hour

6 week

Lesson number 7

"Conflict - inevitability or..."

1 hour

7 week

Lesson number 8

Is a compliment serious?

1 hour

8 week

Lesson number 9

"It's hard to live without friends in the world..."

1 hour

9 week

Lesson number 10

"On the way to harmony..."

1 hour

10 week


10 hours


"Let me introduce myself"

Target: introduction to the course adoption of the rules of behavior in the group, development of proper acquaintance skills; creation of prerequisites for the emergence and development of interpersonal relationships.

Materials: whatman paper, the questionnaire "Here I am" by the number of participants, a tape recorder, audio recordings.


The facilitator tells briefly about himself, about the goals of the course.

Information block

Leading. Starting today, we will be studying in lessons that are not quite like the usual ones. Our classes are lessons in communication. Their goal:in an atmosphere of mutual trust and psychological openness to know themselves, to develop skills and abilities to establish friendly relations with other people.

Someone is not confident in himself and his abilities, timid and shy. And the other, on the contrary, is too active and energetic. Some children worry about the fact that they do not have friends: they are indecisive, they do not know how to get to know each other, make friends. There are girls and boys who quickly get to know each other, are sociable, but there is no close and good friend who can be trusted with secrets. Someone has a difficult character: he often upsets his parents, conflicts at home, at school, on the street. Such a person suffers from rash acts, but cannot cope with it.

I hope that our meetings will be useful and interesting for you. Why? Because every person strives to be smart, fair, strong. It is natural to want to have many friends, to be respected and loved; understand and appreciate yourself and others. We begin to learn to be self-confident, resolute, cheerful and kind. I will be glad if you see ways to improve your character and position among friends, if you understand how you can bring up personality traits that are important for independent living.

The basis of everything that will happen in the group is trust and sincerity. Therefore, we will work in a circle. The circle in which we sit is the space of our group. This is an opportunity for open communication. The shape of the circle creates a sense of integrity, completeness, allows you to feel a special community, facilitates mutual understanding and interaction. In this space there is nothing and no one except ourselves and what we bring here in ourselves. This is the most important thing. Our communication will help to understand ourselves and others. We will recognize ourselves through the feelings that we evoke in each other, through the relationships that will develop here.

How do people usually greet each other? What movements do they make? The spectrum is wide enough: from nods to kisses. Let's take a look at the handshake. Why do people shake hands with each other? Just such a tradition, which means that everything could be different. For example, some African tribes rub their noses when they meet. Now we will try to greet each other in new, unusual ways.


Exercise "Cheerful greeting".

The leader turns on any dance music, and the children begin to walk around the room (you can jump, dance). After the host’s words “one, two, three, find a friend!” each child must find a mate and stand side by side. The host commands: “Say hello with your ears, little fingers, heels, forms

knees ... "So in the process of playing, children learn about the existence of various


Each time during the musical break, the child should stand next to a new player.

The game can be ended when everyone greets everyone present.

Analysis: what greetings were the most interesting?


Leading. In order for everyone to be comfortable working in a group, it is necessary to adopt rules.

Group rules


It is forbidden

Look at who you are talking to.
- Express your opinion, start the speech with the word "I": I think, I feel, I think.
- Listen carefully when others are talking.
- Respect other people's opinions.
- Be sincere.
- Joking and smiling.
- Talk one by one.
- Start and finish classes on time.

Threatening, fighting, calling names, mimicking and grimacing.
- Start your speech with the words "you, you, he, she, they, we."
- Gossip (talk about another person's feelings or actions outside the group).
- Make noise when someone is talking.
- Lie.

Evaluate others, define and criticize.
- Interrupt.
- be late

The formulated rules are drawn up on a piece of drawing paper and hung on the wall.

Rain game.

Participants sit in a circle and with open eyes repeat the movements that the leader shows:

- rustle, rubbing their palms together;

- snapping fingers

- clap their hands softly;

- hit themselves with their palms on their thighs, stomp their feet.

After the sequence of movements has been learned, the host warns that now everyone will close their eyes and begin to repeat the sound that he will make. First, the host rustles, rubbing his palms. Immediately touches the head of one of the children. This child begins to rustle his palms, and the leader, moving in a circle, touches all the children in turn, until everyone begins to rustle their palms and the sound of drizzling rain is heard, which is gradually gaining strength. (This is a good opportunity for the teacher to pat each child on the head.) The game continues: now the facilitator snaps his fingers, touching all the children in turn, passing the sound around. The drizzle turns into heavy rain. The leader includes the following movement: hand claps. Everyone hears the sound of pouring rain. The rain turns into a real downpour, when the children, following the leader, begin to hit their hips with their palms and stamp their feet. Then the downpour abates in the reverse order: slaps on the thighs, clapping of the palms, snapping fingers, rubbing the palms.

Interview exercise.

Leading. I want to suggest that you play a game that goes like this: you get 10 minutes to learn more about me, that is, to interview. Each of you can ask me a question. For example: Are you married?

List of questions

- Do you have any children?

- How do you treat your children?

Have you ever received twos?

Have you ever flunked an exam?

– What are you proud of?

– Are you afraid of something? Etc.

The game helps to improve contact with children, creates an atmosphere of openness and honesty in the group. The game has an appropriate effect, especially when children behave insecurely or restlessly. After the teacher has answered the questions of the children, he asks the group questions:

- Are there other children in your family besides you?

Are you the oldest or youngest child in the family?

Which of you has the most unusual hobby?

Is there a leader in the class? Etc.


Fill out the questionnaire (distributed to each child).


Exercise "Bell"

Children become in a circle. Alternately raise the right and left hands up, joining the hands in the center of the circle in the form of a "bell". They say "Bom!" and synchronously, forcefully throw their hands down. While inhaling, raise your hands, while exhaling say “Bom!” and throw their hands down. The leader sets the pace.


Participants in a circle characterize their mood, exchange opinions and feelings about the lesson (liked it - didn’t like it, what seemed the most important and useful, what they felt, what thoughts came to mind, etc.).

"Hi, individuality, or how I differ from others"

There is no exception to the rule
that everyone wants to be
an exception to the rule.
Malcolm Forbe

Target: give children the opportunity to realize the value and uniqueness of the personality of each teenager; develop the skills of self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

Materials: ball, sheets of paper according to the number of participants, a set of various items (toys, three-dimensional geometric shapes, etc.).


All members of the group join hands and greet each other, calling each other by name.


Game "Affectionate Name"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher asks to remember how they are affectionately called at home. Then it is proposed to throw the ball to each other. The child to whom the ball hits calls his affectionate name. After everyone has called their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. At the same time, you need to remember and name the affectionate name of the person to whom you throw the ball.


Children optionally read out their questionnaires “Here I am!”.


Which child do you have the most in common with?

Whose answers did you find the most interesting?

What question was the most difficult for you to answer?

Try comparing yourself to someone you know well. It could be a close friend or girlfriend. Look for differences in appearance, style of dress, manner of speaking...


Information block.

Conversation "What do I know about myself?"

Leading. What, besides our appearance, makes us different from others?

Various areas are discussed in the form of a group discussion

manifestations of "I". How are children different from each other? What do they have in common?

Participants are given an idea of ​​the structural components of personality:

– “I am physical” (my body, age, gender, features of appearance);

- “I am intellectual” (my mind, ideas, interests);

– “I am emotional” (my feelings, experiences);

- “I am social” (each person plays many social roles at the same time: at school - a student, at home - a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter; in addition - a collector, athlete, participant in a theater studio).

It is necessary to show the importance of self-knowledge and positive self-perception.

Game "Who am I?"

Participants are given the task to write 10 definitions that answer the question "Who am I?" and are their characteristics.

Each answer should begin like this: "I am..."

Analysis: What is the ratio of positive and negative self-image? What definitions did you put in the first place? Why are these manifestations so important to you?


Game "Homeless Hare"

Participants sit on chairs placed in a circle. One chair is removed. The leader remains in the center of the circle. At will, he chooses any sign that a certain number of participants have, and asks them to change places. For example: "Change places all those who have blond hair, who love dogs, are fond of dancing." Those with this sign stand up and change places with each other. The leader's task is to take the vacant seat. The one who did not have enough chair becomes the leader and comes up with a new sign.


Exercise "Find yourself"

Participants are offered a set of various items: a shell, various toys, three-dimensional geometric shapes, etc. It is suggested to look at them and choose one item that is most liked and close to the participant. Task: to come up with and tell a story, a fairy tale, a parable about this subject.

Information block

Leading. Each person is capable of much if he manages to look into himself in time and see the grain that will give reasonable shoots. In adolescence, you need to learn to make decisions, take independent actions and take responsibility for them. An act makes a person. Each person is an individual, an individual. Think about what features are typical only for you. Every child is interesting and talented. How to become a person capable of realizing their full potential? You need to listen to the advice offered by people who have the right to it.


  1. Don't be afraid to make a decision and see it through to the end.
  2. Stay productive, creative and take reasonable risks.
  3. Look for the positive in yourself and show it.
  4. Don't be presumptuous and don't be afraid to ask questions.
  5. Look for your interest in various things and try yourself in them.
  6. Don't miss a moment of good luck.
  7. Do not make impossible demands on yourself, but at the same time strive to conquer new heights.
  8. Listen to yourself and study yourself. This will give you the strength to move forward.
  9. Be clear about your strengths and weaknesses. This contributes to success.
  10. Learn to enjoy every day you live and learn to learn from it.
  11. Love people and they will love you back.


Draw yourself in the form of a plant, an animal.


ACTIVITY #3. “I am in the world of people”

To live happily
I must be in harmony with the world.
L. Wittgenstein

Target: develop communication skills, develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

Materials: a ball of thread, a candle, a tape recorder, an audio cassette.


Participants are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: "Europeans", "Japanese", "Africans". Each of the participants goes in a circle and greets everyone in their own way: the “Europeans” shake hands, the “Japanese” bow, the “Africans” rub their noses. The exercise is fun and emotional, it energizes the group.


All works are posted on the stand. Participants try to guess the identity of the drawings, share their impressions. Children can answer the following questions as they wish:

What did you feel while painting?

Why did he portray himself this way?

Are you satisfied with your portrait?

Why do you think all drawings are different?


Exercise "Klub"

Children take turns turning to each other with the words: “I am glad that you, Olya, are next to me.” The first player wraps the end of the thread from the ball around his finger and gives the ball to the person he is addressing. The participant who receives the ball winds the thread around his finger, turns to his neighbor and gives him the ball. When everyone is connected by one thread, raise their hands up, then lower them to their knees. It is very important to do everything at the same time so as not to destroy the general circle. Then the ball is wound in the opposite direction. At the same time, each child winds his part of the thread on a ball, referring to another neighbor with the same words.

Analysis of the exercise: was it easy to say nice things to other children? Has anyone said anything nice to you today? How are you feeling now?

Information block

Leading. Man cannot exist alone. He is in a system of relationships with other people. Relationships between members of a team, groups can be built on different foundations, be in the nature of mutual support or mutual suppression. A mutually supportive system of relations unites people, gives them the opportunity to develop effectively.

Tools for increasing self- and mutual effectiveness:

- respect for each other;

- the desire to understand and empathize with each other;

- the ability to openly express disagreement with the decision of other members of the team on the basis of respect, tact (without using suppression tools).

Exercise "Kind animal"

The facilitator suggests imagining that the whole group has turned into one big kind animal. Everyone listens to how it breathes. Everyone is invited to breathe together: inhale - everyone takes a step forward. Exhale - step back. The animal breathes evenly and calmly. Then it is proposed to listen to how his big heart beats. A knock is a step forward. A knock is a step back. It is very important to do everything at the same time.

Analysis of the exercise: did all the children adhere to the indicated rules? Did you enjoy the "animal" you were a part of? Did anything surprise you about this game?

Parable "Sun and Wind"

The sun and the wind argued which of them is stronger. A traveler rode across the steppe, and the wind said: “Whoever manages to remove the cloak from this traveler will be recognized as the strongest of us.” The wind began to blow, he tried very hard, but only achieved that the traveler wrapped himself more tightly in his cloak. Then the sun came out and warmed the traveler with its rays. And the traveler himself took off his cloak.

Analysis: what is this parable about? What conclusion can be drawn?

Exercise "Let's live together"

Participants are divided into pairs, forming two circles (external and internal). If, at the command of the leader, the players throw out one finger, then they look into each other's eyes; if at the same time on command (without agreeing) they throw out two fingers, then they shake hands, and if there are three fingers, then they hug. After completing three tasks in pairs, the outer circle moves to the right, and all tasks are repeated. When the number of ejected fingers in a pair does not match, then the command corresponding to the smaller number of fingers is executed.


Exchange of impressions. It is carried out in a circle with the transfer of a burning candle to each other.

ACTIVITY #4 Behavior and Culture

Behavior is a mirror
in which everyone shows
its true form.
I. Goethe

Target: to stimulate behavioral changes, to teach individualized methods of interpersonal communication.

Materials: situation cards, red, green and yellow flags, sheets of paper according to the number of participants.


All participants stand in two circles (inner and outer) facing each other. Task: greet each other with eyes, head, hands, words.


Exercise "Massage in a circle"

All participants stand one behind the other, palms resting on the shoulders of the person in front. Each child begins to gently massage the shoulders and back of the person in front. After two minutes, everyone turns 180 degrees and massages the shoulders and back of the partner on the other side.


Information block

Leading. Can a person with a lot of virtues be uncivilized? Is there a relationship between the concepts of "behavior" and "culture"?

Cultural behavior is:

Human behavior in accordance with the norms that this society has developed and adheres to;

Certain ways of communication that suggest the rules of behavior in a given situation.

These ways of communicating teach us to behave properly:

At the table;

Be polite and helpful with elders;

Be able to behave in an unfamiliar and well-known society;

Know how to behave at school;

With friends.

The culture of behavior is brought up from childhood. Good manners

everyone needs. If they become an internal need of a person, they will help to a large extent eliminate many reasons for a bad mood, which still sometimes gives rise to rudeness and bad manners in people. “Good decency is based, like the requirements of good taste, on common sense, on the laws of human tact, which are developed without much difficulty by everyone who is demanding of himself and attentive to people,” Lev Kassil wrote. A cultured person is a person who is convinced of the rightness of his behavior. In the models of his behavior in various situations, he relies not on the need to observe external decorum, but on his conscience - the measure of a person's culture.

Exercise "Burn into a circle"

Leading. Stand in one big circle, hold hands. One child should stay behind the circle and try to break into it. As soon as he succeeds, the next one should go outside the circle and try to break into it. Please be careful not to hurt anyone.

Let as many children as possible enter the circle. If the child is unable to do this, please make sure that he is out of the circle for no more than one minute. Children must let this child into the circle, and someone else leaves it and continues the game.

Exercise analysis. what did you do to get inside the circle? How did you feel when you were part of the circle? What did you feel when you entered the circle?

Exercise "Assess the situation"

Participants work in pairs. They receive cards indicating

situation to be played. The rest of the children evaluate the remarks and behavior of the guys. To evaluate the roles played, flags are used: red flag - a person acts dangerously; green flag - the person is doing the right thing; yellow flag - the person is doing the right thing.

Situation 1 . Coupe of the train. There are three people in it. At the next station

a new companion arrives. Show how people in the compartment will communicate.

Situation 2. There is a queue in the store. You asked the last person in line to warn those who come later that you have moved to another department. When you came and took your place, people began to resent.

Situation 3. Your best friend is misbehaving. You know that. Your actions.

The group expresses an opinion on the situation being played out and puts forward versions of the correct behavior. Students are given cards with a list of moral qualities to fill out.

Children should note the degree of expression of these qualities in themselves. Evaluation goes as follows: B (high degree of severity); C (medium severity); H (low severity); dash (absence of this feature).

moral quality

Properties, signs, elements that characterize this quality of personality

Degree of formation


1. Gratitude

2. Generosity

3. Politeness

4. Goodwill

5. Kindness

6. Compassion

7. Mercy

8. Love for people

9. Caring for others

10. Obedience

11. Generosity

12. The ability to forgive

13. Attention, attentiveness

Exercise "Gift"

Leading. Now we will give each other gifts. By means of pantomime, everyone depicts an object and gives it to a neighbor on the right(it can be a flower, ice cream, a ball, etc.). Thanks for the gift.

Analysis of the exercise: what do you need to think about and what to do to give a gift? Which is easier: to think about how to act, or to perform an action?


ACTIVITY #5. "Communication in my life"

Target: to give an initial idea of ​​the importance of communication in human life.

Materials: sheets of paper and pens according to the number of participants, a tape recorder, audio recordings.


The facilitator invites the children to say hello to each of the group by the hand and at the same time say: “Hi! How are you?" These are the only words to be spoken. You can free your hand from greeting only after the participant begins to greet the next member of the group with the other hand.


Exercise "Breathing"

Leading. Sit comfortably in a chair. Relax and close your eyes. On your own command, try to turn your attention away from the external situation and focus on your breathing. In this case, you should not specifically control breathing, you do not need to disturb its natural rhythm.


Information block

Leading. Our entire society is made up of men and women. Interaction begins from birth: first in the family circle, then in kindergarten, at school. This is where the fun begins: the older you get, the better you understand who you like, who you don’t, who you would like to be friends with and who you don’t, and by the 6-7th grade you already accurately determine their likes and dislikes. There are many questions related to communication in various situations. But it is true that all people have the ability and ability to communicate with other people. Someone can do it better, someone worse.

Communication is the interaction of people with each other. Communicating, people pass on knowledge and experience to each other, exchange opinions and impressions, share feelings, discover other people and at the same time get to know themselves better. Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Verbal communication is words; non-verbal communication - facial expression, posture, gestures, gait.

Issues for discussion:

– Is your communication with other people always successful?

Is it necessary to learn how to communicate? Why do you think this is needed?

"The most important luxury on earth is the luxury of human communication"(Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

Can you confirm or refute this phrase?

Has anyone told you the words: “I don’t want to communicate with you”?

Were these words true?

How did you react to them?

Communication is a kind of understanding of another person. It is necessary to create conditions for the interlocutor to speak out, it is necessary to listen carefully to him, try to understand his thoughts and feelings. Only in this way can a situation of mutual sympathy arise. You will become interesting to your friends, they will be happy to communicate with you. Agree that in the game you can reproduce the most incredible situations, come up with all sorts of solutions.

Exercise "Empty Chair"

The exercise requires an odd number of participants. Preliminarily, everyone is calculated for the first or second. All the second numbers sit on chairs, the first ones stand behind the backs of the chairs, the member of the group left without a pair stands behind the back of a free chair. His task is to invite someone from those sitting to his chair. At the same time, he can use only non-verbal means, he does not need to say anything. Those who sit on chairs want to get into an empty chair. The task of those who stand behind the backs of the chairs is to keep their wards. To do this, you need to take them by the shoulders at the moment when they are about to transfer. The leader makes sure that the hands do not hold all the time over the wards. After a while, the participants change places. In this case, one of the standing remains to stand behind the chair.

Exercise Analysis: How did you invite someone to your chair? How did you understand that you were invited to the chair? What do you like better: standing behind a chair or sitting on a chair?

Test game "It's nice to talk with you"

Leading. It is known that quarrels between people most often arise due to the lack of a culture of communication. In quarrels, people often blame others.

Whether we can communicate is best known by those with whom we communicate. On the street, at school, you have to constantly communicate with peers. Let's check how you communicate with the test "It's nice to communicate with you." Try to answer frankly and immediately.

The children are given small sheets of paper on which they write

corresponding values ​​for each student (number of sheets

each is equal to the number of people in the group).

The decoding of the points is written on the board:

2 - it is very pleasant to communicate with you;

1 - you are not the most sociable person;

0 - I don't know, I don't communicate with you much;

-1 - sometimes it is unpleasant to communicate with you;

-2 - it is very difficult to communicate with you.

Each sheet is folded and the name of the person to whom the note is intended is written on the back. All notes are collected in a box, and the presenter distributes them to the addressees, warning that the scoring will need to be done at home.

Exercise "Willow in the wind"

Leading. Divide into groups of 7-8 people. The group becomes a close circle, shoulder to shoulder, in the center of the circle - one person. The rest are in the poses of volleyball players taking a low ball: one leg is extended slightly forward to maintain balance; arms bent at chest level, palms forward. Imagine a warm summer night. Crickets sing, a light wind shakes the sensitive branches of the willow. Now, with light movements of the hands forward, we will depict the gentle touches of the wind, slightly swaying the willow. "Willow" stands in the middle of the circle: legs together, arms crossed over chest, eyes closed. Keeping the legs in the same position, and the body straight, but completely relaxed, the "willow" gives itself up to the wind, swaying from side to side, back and forth. Those standing in a circle support her with soft pushes of the palms. Each of the children in turn becomes a “willow”, swaying from the gentle touches of some “breezes”and caringly supported by others.

Players must be warned about safety: at least four people must support the "willow", and the rest must constantly remember that a light breeze must not turn into a hurricane, that is, soft shocks must not turn into strong ones. The teacher is in pauses when the children

change roles, emphasizes that "willow" shows other children,

how much she trusts them, and the “breezes” must justify her trust.

Leading. Analyze your interactions with people. I suggest you memorize the rules and passphrases of communication.


In communication:

1. Don't justify yourself! (They don't understand me, they don't appreciate me, to me

unfair, I forgot, etc.).

2. Do not relieve yourself of responsibility!

3. Do not communicate with people only because of external stereotypes!

4. Be sincere!

5. Be courageous!

6. Be fair!

7. Consider other people's opinions!

8. Don't be afraid to tell the truth!

9. Rejoice in the success of the people around you!

10. Be natural in communication!

11. Do not be afraid of the truth expressed in your address!

12. Analyze your relationships with people, look at them like in a mirror!


What did you like?

What would you like to change?

Let's evaluate our lesson: at the expense of "three", show the required number of fingers of one hand.

ACTIVITY #6. “Communication and Respect”

Target : to form the skills of effective everyday communication, to develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

Materials: sheets of paper and pens according to the number of participants.


All participants stand in two circles facing each other. They are offered the task of greeting each other with their eyes, head, hands, words.


Exercise "I am glad to communicate with you"

The facilitator invites one of the participants to lend a hand to someone

of the guys with the words: "I am glad to communicate with you." The one to whom they extended their hand takes it and holds out their free hand to the other, pronouncing the same words. So gradually, in a chain, everyone joins hands, forming a circle.


Exercise "Decipher the word"

Leading. Imagine that the word "communication" requires decoding, but unusual. It is necessary to use each letter included in the word in order to characterize the concept of "communication". For example:

O - association, openness;

B - proximity, security;

Щ - generosity;

E - unanimity;

N - necessity;

And - sincerity, truth;

E - unity.

Participants work independently in small groups. At the end of the work, the children discuss the results of the study and explain their choice.

Information block

Leading. We enjoy spending time with those who understand us, who are interesting to us, and try to avoid communication with people who are unpleasant and do not cause sympathy. However, such communication is not only inevitable, it can be fruitful and useful.

Abraham Lincoln, America's great president, is an example of this. He built his communication with people in such a way that he not only did not avoid communication with people unpleasant to him, but also responded to hostility in relation to himself with a warm and humane attitude. In 1864, in the midst of an election campaign for the presidency, Abraham Lincoln had to face a very determined, powerful and vindictive opponent, Charles Soward. This man used every opportunity to express a negative attitude towards the future president of America. However, despite this, Lincoln won and unexpectedly invited Soward to take one of the key posts in his administration. Lincoln's inner circle could not understand why the president did this and how he managed to find a common language with Soward.

Lincoln was not only smart, but extremely far-sighted. He was able to discern the outstanding personality traits in Soward and turned hatred into friendship.

Soward was struck by Lincoln's attitude towards himself, he served faithfully in his administration in favor of the president and the state. It was Soward who became the man with whom Lincoln spent the last minutes of his life when he was mortally wounded.

There is no such person with whom it would be impossible to find common ground. In order to get along with someone, make friends, you need to make an effort, work with your soul and heart, overcome mistakes in assessing the people you communicate with.

Exercise "Come closer"

The central participant is selected. He stands with his back to his comrades. Each member of the group approaches him in turn. You can vary the movement: approach slowly, quickly, waddle ... When the central participant feels that he is becoming uncomfortable, he says: “Stop!” - and the suitable one stops.

Analysis of the exercise: how did you feel when you stood with your back to

group members? How close did you let your partner come to you? Why? How else can you make it clear to another person that he has approached your “boundaries”? Did the participants show respect for a comrade who had his back to the group?

Information block

Leading. Respect is an attitude towards people in which we

We appreciate a person, despite his shortcomings. Even if a person does not agree with our opinion, this is not a reason not to respect him.

Respect entails being kind to a person. It is possible to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people only if we learn to see in any person, first of all, his positive qualities. When we do not respect a person, we are annoyed by his manners, clothes, behavior. However, there are ways that allow a person to develop respect for another.

FIRST is tolerance. Tolerance for feeble old age, tolerance for maternal anxiety, for paternal exactingness, for childish helplessness, for human pain and suffering.

SECOND - this is tuning on the same wavelength with a person who, in your eyes, is not worthy of respect, and an attempt to look at the world around him through his eyes.

THIRD - thinking about how a person treats us, respect for whom it is so difficult for us to show.

Exercise "Blind and guide"

The exercise is done in pairs. One of the participants is “blind” (he is blindfolded), the second is his “guide”, trying to carefully and carefully guide his partner through various obstacles created in advance (tables, chairs, etc.). If there are those who wish to take part in the game, then they can create "barricades" from their bodies, spreading their arms and legs, freezing anywhere in the room. The conductor's task is to lead the "blind" so that he does not

stumbled, did not fall, did not hurt. After completing the route, participants can switch roles.

In the game, the "guide" can contact the "blind" in different ways: to talk about what needs to be done, or simply to lead him, raising the "blind" leg to the desired height, for example, to step over an obstacle. Thus, possession of verbal and

non-verbal means of communication. Can worsen the orientation of the "blind"

in space, spinning in place after being blindfolded.

Exercise Analysis: How did you feel when you were “blind”? Did the “guide” lead you carefully and confidently? Did you always know where you were? How did you feel in the role of "guide"? What did they do to arouse and strengthen the trust of the “blind”? In what role did you feel more comfortable? Did you want to change the situation during the game?

Answers can begin with the following sentences:

It was easy for me because...

It was difficult for me because...

So communication is:

The desire for understanding;

Desire to be understood;

Attention and attentiveness not only to familiar people;

Willingness and ability to express themselves positively.


LESSON № 7. "Conflict - inevitability or..."

Target: Teach children to look for alternative behaviors in conflict.

Materials: tape recorder, audio recordings.


Participants are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: "Europeans", "Japanese", "Africans". Each of the participants goes in a circle and greets everyone in their own way: the “Europeans” shake hands, the “Japanese” bow, the “Africans” rub their noses.

The exercise is fun and emotional, it energizes the group.


Exercise "Chopping wood"

Leading. Imagine that you need to chop wood. Take an imaginary ax in your hands, take a comfortable position. Bring the ax high above your head, sharply lower it onto an imaginary log. Chop wood, sparing no effort. Together with the exhalation, it is useful to make some sounds, for example: “ha!”


Leading. We are all different: everyone has their own views, habits, dreams. And this means that our interests and the interests of those around us may not coincide. Sometimes this becomes the reason leading to the emergence of conflicts (barriers in communication). A classic example of an unresolvable conflict is two rams who do not want to give way to each other on a narrow bridge.

The facilitator writes a statement on the board and asks the participants to explain its meaning:"People get lonely if they build walls instead of bridges"(S. Lets).

During the discussion, children come to understand the "barriers (walls) in communication" that appear during quarrels between people. At the same time, one or both parties use appropriate verbal and non-verbal techniques that prevent positive communication.

A conflict is a clash of opposing interests, views, a serious disagreement, a sharp dispute.

Game "Pushers without words"

Participants move freely around the room, touching each other, pushing, tapping, pinching, but no one talks. Then they share their impressions of the game and report whether it was difficult to do all this silently.

Analysis: was there a feeling of tension and irritation? Could a conflict break out between some of the players? What helped to avoid conflict?

Game "Situation"

Pupils are invited to act out the situation “In the classroom”.

The facilitator formulates the situation: “Imagine that one of you enters

class after an illness, and his desk is occupied by a new student. He begins to sort things out with the order: “Now free my desk!”

Then the behavior and reaction of both partners is discussed: Was it possible not to bring the situation to a conflict?

The scene is played out several more times in different versions. Relationships are clear:

- with a threat, instructions, teachings (it was necessary first to make sure that this desk was free, and only then to occupy it);

- with criticism (if you were smart, you would know that you should not take someone else's desk);

- with generalizations (you are as stupid as all the newcomers);

- with indifference to the newcomer (he is not worthy of my attention).

All options are discussed: children develop the situation, show its consequences, the student who was able to adequately get out of the conflict situation is noted.

Analysis: what is the purpose of resolving any conflict? Is it possible to turn the conflict from a quarrel into a constructive dialogue?

Brainstorming “Conflict.

Solutions »

Apologize if you're really wrong.

Learn to calmly listen to your partner's complaints.

Always adhere to a confident and even position, do not go over to criticism.

Try to switch the conversation to another topic (say something kind, unexpected, funny).

Leading. Consider some options for behavior in a conflict. What are their strengths and weaknesses? Remember how the conflicting parties behaved in the game? Was their choice of conflict resolution effective?

RIVALRY. You stubbornly defend your point of view, in no way inferior to your opponent. Such tactics are justified when something really important and significant is being decided, and any concession seriously affects your dignity and the dignity of your loved ones, puts your well-being and health at risk. Constant adherence to this tactic can earn you a reputation as a brawler and an unpleasant person.

AVOIDANCE. You pretend that there are no disagreements, everything is fine. Such a tactic sometimes requires remarkable endurance. However, it (tactic) can be used if the subject of the dispute does not matter much to you (it is hardly worth bringing the matter to a conflict if your friend claims that Steven Seagal is an actor of all times and peoples, but he is not so much for you and like it). If at the moment the conflict cannot be resolved, in the future these conditions may appear (you are terribly annoyed by your friend's cousin who came to visit her, but is it worth it to conflict, because she came for a while). But this avoidance tactic should not be used all the time. Firstly, this is a considerable burden for the psycho-emotional state: an attempt to drive emotions inside can negatively affect health. Secondly, if you pretend that everything is fine, then the conflict situation persists indefinitely.

COOPERATION. You consider your opponent as an assistant in solving a problem that has arisen, you try to take the point of view of another, understand how and why he disagrees with you, and make the most of his objections. For example, you propose to celebrate the New Year in the country, and a friend is against it. Try to listen carefully to your friend's objections. What exactly causes him doubts: problems associated with heating the house, the inability to obtain consent from the parents, or something else. Pay attention to the weaknesses of your plan that can ruin a wonderful holiday. If you come to a consensus together, the conflict will surely be settled. You can cooperate not only with friends, but even with those who can hardly be considered well-wishers.

DEVICE. This variant of behavior assumes that one of the conflicting parties gives up its own interests and sacrifices them to another person. You may object: why on earth should I yield? But in some cases, this behavior is the most correct. For example, your mom hates rock music and thinks it's horrible. Should I try to convince her and conflict? Why make a dear, loving person nervous? Try to give in, turning on the music when mom is not at home.

COMPROMISE implies that both sides make concessions in order to overcome a contentious situation. So, you agree with your parents that you can come home an hour later in the evening, provided that you prepare your homework in advance, tidy your room, etc. Compromise requires both parties to strictly comply with obligations. After all, the violation of an agreement is in itself a reason for the emergence of a conflict, in which it will be much more difficult to reach an agreement, because trust has been lost.

But no matter how diverse the strategies of behavior in a conflict situation, an indispensable condition for its constructive resolution are:

- the ability to understand your opponent, to look at the situation through his eyes;

- the desire to objectively understand the causes of the conflict and its course (usually in the heat of a quarrel, only the “aerial part of the iceberg” is visible, which does not always allow one to correctly judge the true problem);

- willingness to restrain their negative feelings;

- the willingness of both to find a way out of a difficult situation. It is necessary to focus not on “who is to blame?”, but on “what to do?”.

Do not forget that a sense of humor often helps to get out of a conflict situation.

Exercise on "I-statement"

Leading. How to express your point of view without offending your partner? You can use the "I-statement" scheme in a conflict situation.

Event - "When ..." (description of an undesirable situation): "When you yell at me ..."

Your reaction - "I feel ..." (description of your feelings): "I feel helpless ..."

Preferred Outcome - "I would like to ..." (description of the desired option): "I would like us to calmly figure it out."

Justification formula - "I would like ... because ..."

"I-statement" allows the other to listen to you and react calmly, assumes the responsibility of the speaker for the behavior in the conflict.

"You-statement" ("You interrupt every time", "You never say hello") is aimed at blaming the other person. Learning not to conflict with others, not to get annoyed is not at all easy - this cannot be achieved with simple training and exercises. The surest way is to put things in order in yourself.


ACTIVITY number 8. “Is a compliment a serious matter?”

Let's compliment each other
After all, these are all happy moments of love.
Bulat Okudzhava

Target: to develop the ability to notice positive qualities in people, to express it in a friendly and pleasant way.

Materials: fabric bags, cardboard hearts.


Everyone greets each other by name.


Exercise "Sack "Squealers-squealers""

All members of the group are given "bags of shouts". The facilitator explains that as long as the children have bags in their hands, they can scream and squeal as much as they want in them. After a while, the bags are tied with ribbons, all the "chants" are closed.


Leading. Do you agree with the following statements:

- A cultured person is distinguished by the ability to communicate pleasantly and freely with others. He can carefully listen to what the interlocutor says, even help him express his opinion.

- Such a person will be able to arrange for a conversation even a closed or upset person.

- Almost every person has the opportunity to become a charming and friendly conversationalist.

Does such a thing as a “compliment” help productive and friendly communication?

Compliment - kind, pleasant words, flattering feedback.

Alas, in the minds of some people there is an idea that a compliment is flattery, a way to get the favor or attention of another person for some personal purpose.

Flattery is hypocritical, obsequious praise.

So, do you live in friendship and harmony with people? Can you always please yourself? How to achieve this? Let's talk about it.

Exercise "Step forward"

The facilitator invites two participants (preferably friends) to come, for example, to the blackboard and stand facing each other from different sides of the class. Task: you need to take a step towards a friend and say something nice to him. The next step is taken by the second participant, and so on.

Usually the task is embarrassing. Children do not immediately remember

pleasant words. The first steps towards, as a rule, are made quite large in order to quickly get closer. The facilitator notes that we are often embarrassed to say good words even to a friend. It is possible that some conflicts with parents and friends are due to the fact that we rarely say nice things to them.

Leading. With the help of a compliment, you can correct the mood, change it in a positive direction:

“You look so wonderful!”

- “Yesterday you made an interesting report, everyone just listened!”

If your mood leaves much to be desired, then, naturally, such words will help to cheer up and think: is everything really so bad? And, perhaps, prevent a rash act.

Do you remember the last time you spoke kind words to each other? It's never too late to start giving compliments. They will help get rid of quarrels and tension, support someone who is having a hard time.

But the ability to give compliments is a whole art! After all, compliments are different! You can say:“You are just super!”, “You are wonderful!”. But this option has drawbacks - it is not always clear why you are praising a person. In addition, there may be a feeling that this is a happy excuse, said for reasons of politeness, observance of the rules of decency.

You can praise not the person himself, but what is dear to a person: “Listen, what a wonderful collection of stamps you have! I have never seen such an interesting one!”; “Yesterday I saw your photos at the exhibition. Everyone around gasped like that. They say they are very professional. The color and composition are perfect!

But for this you need to know well the tastes and interests of a person, what he is proud of, what he considers worthy.

Sometimes you can give a compliment by comparing a person with people dear to you or famous and popular people. For example: "You are as courageous as...", "You move as easily as...". The only thing to consider is whether the interlocutor knows with whom he is being compared.

Compliment King Game

All participants sit in a circle. In the center stands a chair - a throne. Each has a heart cut out of cardboard. Some hearts have an arrow in the center that pierces them. The participant chosen by lot (or simply the first to volunteer) sits on the throne. The others take turns complimenting him. After that, the one sitting on the throne comes up to each and hands over a heart. The pierced heart is awarded to the person whose compliment made the most impression. The game continues until all the participants have been on the throne. Then the one who scored the most pierced hearts is determined. It is he who becomes the king or queen of the compliment.

Analysis: was it easy to find the right wording for the compliment? Was it easy to say compliments out loud? What feelings did you experience when you said compliments and when you heard them addressed to you? What was more pleasant - listening to compliments or saying them?

Do not forget to notice and evaluate the good that is in your friends, relatives, acquaintances. A few nice words, spoken with a kind smile, can often turn your opponent into your supporter.

The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie in the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" lists six rules, the observance of which allows people to like:

Rule 1. Be genuinely interested in other people.

Rule 2. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

Rule 3. Smile.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Rule 5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

Rule 6. Inspire your interlocutor with the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely.

During the discussion, the participants express their attitude to the rules.


LESSON number 9. “And it’s hard to live without friends in the world ...”

True friend everywhere
faithful in good and bad.
W. Shakespeare

Target: to comprehend the concepts of "friend", "friendship", to improve communication skills.

Materials: sheets of paper and pens according to the number of participants, felt-tip pens, a scarf, a tape recorder, audio recordings.


All participants join hands and greet each other, calling neighbors by name.


Exercise "Soldier and rag doll"

Participants are invited to imagine that they are soldiers who stand on the parade ground, stretched out to attention and frozen. As soon as the leader pronounces the word "soldier", the children portray such military men. After the participants stand in a tense pose, the command “rag doll” is pronounced. When doing it, children should relax as much as possible: lean forward slightly so that their arms dangle, as if they were made of cloth and cotton. Then comes the first command... and so on. The game ends at the relaxation stage.


Participants are asked to complete the sentences written on the board:

- "A true friend is the one..."

- "Friends are always..."

- "I can be friends with people who..."

- "You can be friends with me because ..."

If desired, the children read out their sentences. Then the facilitator sums up: friends are those whom we trust, who will not betray, will not let us down, are able to support, sympathize. We can trust a friend with our secrets.

Exercise "Siamese twins"

The exercise is performed in pairs. A thin scarf or handkerchief binds the hands of children standing nearby (right and left). In this case, the brushes remain free. Children are given a felt-tip pen. Task: draw a general drawing on one sheet of paper. You can only draw with the hand that is tied to the partner. The theme of the drawing is suggested by the presenter or the participants themselves choose.

It is necessary to warn the players that not only the quality of the drawing is evaluated, but also the process of work: were there disputes and conflicts between the participants, did they take the same part in the work, did the children discuss the plot of the drawing, the order of drawing, etc. You can tactfully recall mistakes in cooperation allowed by children, but before that it is necessary to note the positive aspects of communication.

Analysis of the exercise: what was the most difficult? Did you like your drawing? What is required for cooperation?

Exercise "Looking for a friend"

Leading. Every person needs a friend in life. When it is not there, the person tries to find friends. Many newspapers now print ads for those who want to find friends or just like-minded people. What qualities are mentioned in such ads?

We will also try to make such an announcement. Let's call it "Looking for a friend." You can tell a little about yourself, about your hobbies, favorite activities. The ad doesn't have to be big, but try to be sincere. You can not sign the text or come up with a pseudonym. We will post the announcement on the stand with the name "Looking for a friend." If someone is attracted to a particular ad, they will leave a note on it. As a result, some ads will be leaders.

Analysis of the exercise: Did you like all the ads? Was it difficult to write about yourself? Why did you want to respond to a particular ad or lead ad?


LESSON № 10. "On the way to harmony..."

sincerity, balance,
understanding of oneself and others
this is the key to happiness and success
in any field of activity.
G. Selye

Target: consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of participants, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, a candle, a tape recorder, audio recordings.


All members of the group join hands and greet each other, calling their neighbors by name.


The game "Thank you for being there!"

All participants stand in a circle. One of them stands in the center of the circle, the other approaches him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for being there!” They hold hands, and each next participant comes up and says: “Thank you for being there!” - takes the hand of one of those standing in the center. When all the players are in the center of the circle, the leader joins the children with the words: “Thank you for being there!”

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Participants are invited to write (or say) the end of the sentences:

I really want my life to be...

I will know that I am happy when...

– To be happy today, I (do)...

Game "Magic Chest"

The leader with his hands depicts how he boldly lowers a large chest and opens it. Tells the children that the magic chest contains a variety of treasures and gifts. Everyone in turn can go to the chest and choose the gift they like. This gift he depicts non-verbally, with his hands. The rest guess what he chose. After all the participants have received gifts, the host reports that there are still a lot of treasures left in the chest, closes it and the whole group together raises the magic chest into the sky.

Exercise "Draw a portrait"

Participants sit in a circle, each with a piece of paper and a pencil. All pencils are different colors. Thus, each participant has a different pencil color.

Leading. Now we will draw an unusual portrait. Each participant only begins his portrait, and the group finishes it. To do this, at my signal, you will pass your portrait to the participant sitting on the right. Having received a portrait, you paint on it: everyone can paint on whatever he wants. At my signal, you also pass this drawing to the neighbor on the right. Thus, your portrait, having made a circle, will return to you. You will receive your portrait through the eyes of the group. Since each of you has a certain color of pencil, you can understand who drew what on your portrait. Now take your piece of paper and write your name. By this inscription you will know whose portrait you have in your hands. So, let's start drawing our portrait... Stop. We pass the drawing to the neighbor on the right.

Discussion of drawings.

Game "Communication"

The facilitator says 10 sentences in order, describing the person's reactions to some situations. Participants must evaluate each of the proposals as true or incorrect in relation to themselves, writing down the serial number of the proposal on the sheet. If the statement seems to be true, then it is evaluated with the number "1", if it is incorrect, "0" is put down.

Offer list:

1. The art of imitating the habits of other people does not seem difficult to me.

2. I, perhaps, could play the fool to attract the attention of others or to amuse them.

3. I could make a good actor.

4. Sometimes it seems to other people that I am experiencing something more deeply than I really am.

5. In a company, I often find myself in the spotlight.

6. In different situations and in dealing with different people, I often behave in completely different ways.

7. I can stand up for more than what I sincerely believe.

8. In order to succeed in business and in relationships with people, I try to be the way they expect me to be.

9. I can be friendly with people I can't stand.

10. I am not always what I seem.

After completing the task, the participants calculate the amount of points assigned (from 0 to 10). This result to a certain extent characterizes competence in the field of communication. The higher it is, the better the person is able to communicate. You can compare the results and determine the most skillful communicator.

There is a discussion.

3. END

The facilitator thanks everyone for participating in the classes, lights a candle. Participants take it in turn to take it in their hands and talk about their impressions of the classes, express good wishes to each other.

Used Books:

Matveeva B.R. Development of the personality of a teenager: a program of practical exercises. Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007.

Monina G.B. Communication training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010.

Mitroshenkov OA Effective negotiations. - M., 2003.

School psychologist. Periodical, No. 12/2007.

Size: px

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1 "Preparing orphans for independent family life in an orphanage." Tyapugina Svetlana Mikhailovna GKU "Children's Home 2 "Golden Key" in the village of Rozovka, Mineralovodsky District For those who spent their childhood within the walls of an orphanage, creating their own family is perhaps the most cherished dream. At the same time, they are more likely than their domestic peers to fail. The absence of a positive model of parent-parent, child-parent relationships leads to a shift in the value orientation of orphans, complicates the construction of one's own family, or leads to copying negative parental patterns. Graduates of orphanages are often unable not only to create a prosperous family, but also to keep it. The state of children from orphanages, who are on the verge of leaving the institution, is most often characterized as confusion before an independent life. Despite the presence of a formal set of prospects that open before them, they experience significant difficulties in choosing further life paths. This is explained by the fact that in the institution the position of the orphan child was largely “objective” in nature, he was taken care of, he was provided with everything necessary. When leaving the institution, the nature of the position of the same child normatively becomes “subjective”. He himself must provide himself with the conditions for normal life. In other words, the graduate of the orphanage actually has to independently and for the first time build and organize his living space, since there is no continuity, no experience to follow. It can be said that a graduate for some time is "pushed out" from the institution and "not integrated" into a new social structure. As a result, the orphan child faces two urgent tasks: 1. switch to independent life support; 2. build the boundaries of your new living space. Features of mental development, according to many experts, features of the mental development of children from orphanages, especially in adolescence, are manifested primarily in the system of their relationships with people around them. Distortions in communication with adults deprive orphans of the important for their psychological well-being of experiencing their significance and value for others and at the same time experiencing the value of another person, deep attachment to him. Great value for the formation of personality

2 pupils of the orphanage have aspirations, desires, hopes, i.е. attitude towards your future. However, as practice shows, it is typical for them to live today, the immediate concrete plans are important, and not the distant future. If long-term plans are outlined, they are not filled with real content. Self-doubt, low self-esteem lead to the fact that adolescents in orphanages are not focused on improving their educational level, on acquiring a profession, often do not know what needs to be done for this. They rely on society, the state and other trustees. As a result, graduates of orphanages develop a fear of the outside world, distrust of it. For a young person to successfully enter into life, he must know and assimilate the appropriate norms and values, have appropriate communication skills and strive to enter the outside world around him. The issues of preparing young people for the future family life have long attracted the attention of society. Various points of view, philosophical concepts, moral and religious principles clashed around this problem. However, it still remains insufficiently resolved even within the framework of school education and training. The consequences of the lack of systematic work in this area are demonstrated by statistics: marriages concluded by graduates of orphanages of institutions break up more often; among those who abandon their children in the maternity hospital, in the first place are mothers from among orphans. In this regard, the preparation for an independent life of orphans and children left without parental care is a serious and very complex problem, the relevance of which is not decreasing. However, it should be noted that at present, pedagogical science and practice need a deeper and more detailed study of the preparation of orphans for independent family life. The mechanism of this process is not fully disclosed, the conditions, forms and methods of pedagogical influence on the process of preparing pupils for independent family life in an orphanage have been developed. The works available in this direction do not involve changing the structure of these institutions, overcoming their specific isolation from the surrounding social environment. The foregoing allows us to state that in modern theory and practice there is a contradiction between the objectively increasing requirements imposed by society on preparing the younger generation for a future independent life, on the one hand, the conservatism and inertia of the system of social and pedagogical institutions for orphans, insufficient theoretical and practical the development of the problem, the mechanisms for implementing the pedagogical conditions for preparing orphans for independent family life, on the other hand. Based on the identified contradictions, ways and means of their resolution, the following goal is determined.

3 Purpose: creation of conditions for preparing orphans for independent family life in an orphanage. The effectiveness of preparing orphans for independent family life in an orphanage will be successful if the following conditions are met: 1. the creation of a specially organized social and pedagogical environment in family-related groups; 2. implementation of medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support of pupils at each stage of development; 3. introduction of various forms and methods of joint activities aimed at the formation of family relationships; 4. formation of a correct idea of ​​the family, its functions and relationships in the family. Tasks: 1. To develop various forms of placing children in families (foster, guest, guardianship, guardianship) 2. To try to restore or compensate for lost family ties. 3. Strengthen family relationships as a basis for instilling skills for independent family life. 4. To prepare pupils for an independent life, the creation of their prosperous family in the future. 5. Create conditions for preparing pupils for work. Organize outreach activities. 6. To identify the features of the personal development of orphans and children left without parental care. 7. To develop a model of the support service for the development of pupils in an orphanage. 8. Justify and reveal the role of family-related groups as an effective environment in preparing orphans for independent family life in an orphanage. 9. Reveal the content, forms and types of joint activities in the formation of family relationships. Features of mental development, according to many experts, features of the mental development of children from orphanages, especially in adolescence, are manifested primarily in the system of their relationships with people around them. Distortions in communication with adults deprive orphans of the important for their psychological well-being of experiencing their significance and value for others and at the same time experiencing the value of another person, deep attachment to him.

4 Aspirations, desires, hopes, i.е. attitude towards your future. However, as practice shows, it is typical for them to live today, the immediate concrete plans are important, and not the distant future. If long-term plans are outlined, they are not filled with real content. Self-doubt, low self-esteem lead to the fact that adolescents in orphanages are not focused on improving their educational level, on acquiring a profession, often do not know what needs to be done for this. They rely on society, the state and other trustees. As a result, graduates of orphanages develop a fear of the outside world, distrust of it. For a young person to successfully enter into life, he must know and assimilate the appropriate norms and values, have appropriate communication skills and strive to enter the outside world around him. Currently, many institutions are developing and implementing various programs to prepare orphans and children left without parental care for independent living. They are aimed at developing readiness in children to overcome the difficulties of socialization, expand the boundaries of their own space of life, self-determination, mastery of gender-role behavior, etc. Such social adaptation programs for graduates of orphanages include a rather diverse content: teaching housekeeping skills, self-care skills, the ability to put things in order and create comfort in the house, the ability to use various infrastructures, economic behavior skills, etc. A special type of work is the preparation of graduates to create their own family and family life. The readiness for independent life and activity of graduates of orphanages includes a combination of the following elements: 1. social readiness (formation of skills in interpersonal communication, collective activity, social orientation, organization of independent life and activity, adaptation to one's social status); 2. labor readiness (formation of general everyday skills and abilities, readiness for domestic work, work in the household, professional self-determination, preparation for future professional activities); 3. moral-volitional (psychological) readiness (self-esteem, self-esteem, volitional organization of the personality, psychological readiness to work in market conditions); four. physical readiness (the formation of an individual style of a healthy lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, the development of physical qualities that ensure successful adaptation to work, various activities)

5 Living conditions in the orphanage should be close to family. In our orphanage, pupils are divided into family groups. Each group has its own separate residential block similar to a family apartment, equipped with everything you need: furniture, household appliances and household appliances. Such an environment allows children to easily adapt to living in an orphanage and preserve family traditions and relationships. In the orphanage, it is necessary to carry out a lot of work to protect and strengthen the mental and physical health of the pupils. I conduct a set of classes on various topics that contribute to adaptation and integration in later life, preparation for family life. - “Use of infrastructures”, which includes acquaintance with state institutions, this knowledge makes it possible to determine where to go at the right time, how to fill out this or that receipt, form, where and how to pay bills, etc.; - "Skills of family life", including housekeeping, mastering sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, questions of family, sexual relations, etc.; - "Jurisprudence", including various legal, economic, financial issues, familiarity with the codes of the Russian Federation, with the rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia; - "The ability to use money." Pupils over fourteen years of age registered at the Employment Center work in the summer period in the construction team of the orphanage, receive wages for their work and can manage the money at their discretion. To achieve the goal in her group of the orphanage, she developed an action plan, where, according to the age of the children, conversations, games, lectures, meetings, and excursions are held. For example, topics of conversation: “Family and family values”, “Family in my life”, “The meaning of the family is the pursuit of happiness”, “How to keep love in the family”, “My family is my wealth”, “Entering an “adult” life” , "Who to be, what to be", "New look of the young" and other conversations. Graduates of the orphanage find it difficult not so much the process of learning as the process of becoming a person. They are practically uncompromising, so there are difficulties in communicating with peers, teachers, police, and other social structures. Meetings are held with people of different professions, visits to vocational schools, lyceums, universities are organized. In collaboration with a psychologist

6 district employment center is testing future graduates and career guidance. Children from the orphanage also acquire real life experience through participation in various activities. By visiting numerous circles and sections, each child has the opportunity to find an exciting activity for himself, to show his potential. As a result, he acquires not only useful practical skills and abilities, but also masters the elements of communicative activity, learns to behave appropriately in public places, communicate with adults and peers. Expansion of adolescents' ideas about their future profession is facilitated by attending "Open Days" in secondary specialized educational institutions. Demonstration of the range of professional choice, orientation towards the formation of an individual style of work activity allows the future graduate to make a more conscious choice of a future profession. In parallel, educational activities are carried out to socialize graduates, aimed at mastering new social roles (family man, worker, citizen), preparing them for their future family life. In the orphanage, complex rehabilitation work is widely carried out with adolescents and graduates who have not reached social and personal maturity (according to the results of a diagnostic examination). Social educators pay special attention to ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of graduates of orphanages in society. Educators, a social pedagogue, the administration of the orphanage maintain close interaction with professional institutions on the issues of monitoring the educational activities of former pupils. If necessary, they participate in the work of psychological, medical and social services to provide advice to graduates in solving their problems. Particular attention is paid to monitoring compliance with protective legislative and regulatory documents in relation to graduates of the orphanage and the provision of emergency assistance to graduates who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Every year, a social teacher or representatives of the administration of the orphanage visit graduates of the previous year of graduation and living independently in order to study the degree of social adaptation of the graduate in society. When visiting graduates at the registration address, the conversation method is used.

7 When evaluating the effectiveness of the conversation, conclusions are drawn about the extent to which the graduate has become a citizen of society (hard work, attitude to work, the desire to improve his level, etc.) and as a family man (having a family, living conditions, material support , relations with relatives, etc.). Based on the results of such visits, a small pedagogical council is held with the educators of these graduates and the escort service, where elements of adaptation and maladaptation of this graduate are noted, a plan of specific assistance is developed (if necessary), sometimes with the involvement of district state structures, recommendations are developed for the socialization of other pupils, taking into account the identified negative points. In general, the results of a survey of orphanage graduates proved the effectiveness of this kind of purposeful systematic work. One-time events cannot provide a holistic preparation of a graduate for an independent life, only complex work on socialization and career guidance gives a positive result, nevertheless, a graduate needs some social and psychological support for some time, especially in situations of finding solutions to vital problems. References: 1. Abramova, G. S. Practical psychology / G. S. Abramova. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 2. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. Life strategy / K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya. M., s. 3. Avdeeva, N. The role of mother and father in the development of a child at an early age / N. Avdeeva // Preschool education S, 5. -S, 7. -S Azarov, Yu. P. Secrets of pedagogical skill / Yu. P. Azarov . M .: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, p. 5. Eysenck, G. Yu. Personality structure: Per. from English. / G. Yu. Eysenk. St. Petersburg: Yuventa, p.

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3.1 (infancy, early childhood, preschool age, primary school age, adolescence, youth). 3.2 The role of psychological needs in personal development: attachment, security,

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1 2 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure for the implementation and performance indicators of post-boarding support for pupils and graduates of organizations for orphans and children

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1 2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The family center, created on the basis of the state health-improving educational institution of the sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, "Sanatorium children's

1 This provision defines the basis for the activities of the psychological, social and pedagogical support service (even the Support Service) in an educational institution. Psychological-social-pedagogical

Practice and prospects for family life arrangements for orphans and children left without parental care, and accompanying substitute families of the budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous

2 2.2. The principle of confidentiality of information, i.e. "do no harm". It presupposes strict observance by the PCA participants of ethical principles. Concretization and detection of contradictions and developmental difficulties should not

APPROVED Director of the State Budgetary Institution "CSSU of Bugulma" Tulnikova G.A.

1. General provisions 1.1. The socio-psychological service is a structural subdivision of the technical school, which is subordinate to the director of the educational institution. 1.2. In its activities, the socio-psychological

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Arsk Pedagogical College named after G. Tukay" I APPROVE:

REGULATIONS ON THE SERVICE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL AND MEDICAL SOCIAL SUPPORT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision defines the basis for the activities of the service of integrated

ACCEPTED by the Pedagogical Council of the GOU Gymnasium 52 of 20 protocol APPROVED by the Director of the GOU Gymnasium 52 I.V. Guzaeva Order dated 20 REGULATIONS ON THE SERVICE OF SUPPORT 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision defines

Appendix 6 to the PEP NOO MBOU secondary school 49 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program

SCOU LO "SLANTSEVSKAYA BOARDING SCHOOL" Approved by the Order for the school from the PLAN of preventive work to prevent delinquency, neglect, vagrancy, negative habits. 2016-2017 academic year

"Methodological work to improve the professional competencies of teachers of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" Professional competence of teachers (material of the methodological office) In the Federal


Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program (project) An indispensable condition for the implementation of the requirements of the Standard is the creation of psychological and pedagogical

ANALYTICAL REPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST FOR 2014-2015 ACADEMIC YEAR Teacher-psychologist of the lyceum Evstigneeva Tatyana Mikhailovna (higher education, highest qualification category, work experience in this position

Plan for the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle for students of the MOU "Secondary School 18" for 2015-2020 Purpose: To create a health-saving educational process in the school, create conditions for the preservation

Long-term work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year of the teacher-a MBOU MDDShMV

Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process Directions of psychological and pedagogical support. Psychological diagnostics. Psychological diagnostics is determined by the tasks of the school

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Mirnovskaya school 2" of the Simferopol region of the Republic of Crimea Stadionnaya st., 22, p. Mirnoye, Simferopol district, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 97505 tel/fax (+73652) 22-23-22,

Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard MBOU Kyakhtinskaya secondary school 1 Explanatory note The effectiveness of the educational process is largely determined by

Psychological and pedagogical support of students 35 The professional competence of a teacher lies in the fact that he, relying on the student's capabilities, on understanding the mechanisms that affect his self-esteem,



Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Altai Budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Altai "Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College" I approve February 20

Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education "Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Professional Education"

APPENDIX to the order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Yaroslavl Region N 01-03 / 467 dated September 23, 2002 REGULATIONS ON THE REGIONAL SERVICE OF PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OF THE YAROSLAVL REGION


OBJECTIVES: 1 2 Analyze and summarize the parameters that characterize the success of independent living; identify and systematize the reasons for the failure in independent life of graduates-orphans with intellectual disabilities; to determine the indicators of readiness for independent life of high school students - pupils of boarding schools of the VIII type for orphans. To substantiate the directions, content and forms of pedagogical work, which contributes to increasing the readiness of a mentally retarded orphan pupil for an independent life.

The current practice of teaching and educating such children does not always meet the task of forming the necessary personal qualities in life, such as independence, readiness for self-sufficiency on the basis of work, communication skills, as well as clarifying their life prospects. At the same time, graduates of auxiliary boarding schools do not have any benefits in employment and life support. They must join the most complex life on a common basis.

Provisions on which work should be based on preparing residents of boarding schools for independent living: The success of independent living is characterized by the following parameters: - professional self-determination; - stable employment; - creation of a family; - productivity of various contacts in society; - compliance with moral and legal norms and requirements of society. The possibility of a successful independent life arrangement is determined by the readiness for an independent life, which is formed in the process of growing up. 12

The main indicators of readiness for independent living are: - the real and concrete nature of life plans; - adequate professional self-determination; - willingness and ability to establish productive social contacts to receive assistance; - social normative behavior; - the ability to use personal experience in changing conditions. The current practice of teaching and educating children with intellectual problems, the knowledge and skills they receive at school, do not adequately prepare them for independent living. 3 4

The unpreparedness of students of the senior classes of boarding school of the VIII type for independent life is manifested in the following: - Blurred life prospects; - dependency as a personal characteristic; - social incompetence; - Deformation of the need for communication and lack of formation of means to satisfy it. Overcoming the unpreparedness for an independent life of mentally retarded pupils is possible in the course of purposeful pedagogical work in the following areas: - the formation of a life perspective; - formation of a positive attitude to work; - Ensuring the productivity of social contacts. 5 6

"Problems of preparing orphans for an independent life" Preparation for an independent life - these are the processes that ensure the successful entry of young people into an independent life, which are referred to as growing up, socialization, social adaptation.

The process of socialization is the acquisition by an individual of socio-typical features and is determined through social learning, self-actualization of the "I-concept". The process of growing up is the path of development from the social to the individual. The processes of socialization and individualization are considered by modern science as the main mechanisms of growing up.

The task of growing up is preparation for independent life, culminating in readiness for independent living. Parameters of a successful life arrangement: 1. Professional self-determination, 2. stable employment, 3. creating a family and everyday competence, 4. the ability to establish various contacts in society, 5. compliance with moral and legal norms and requirements of society.

The loss of a family prevents the child from developing abilities that ensure the achievement of true adulthood, leads to a number of "social dislocations" that manifest themselves in a lack of productive communication skills, moral and material dependency, a conflicting system of requirements for masculinity and femininity, and a weak focus on the future.

"The current state of preparing pupils for independent life" The priority area for preparing students for independent life is labor education. The unpreparedness of graduates of a special (correctional) school for independent work is expressed in: production standards, inadequately high level of claims to the specialty and high wages, indiscipline, poor attitude towards work of some graduates.

In order to specify the nature of the independent life arrangement of mentally retarded graduates - orphans, we conducted a study during which we analyzed data on the fate of our graduates for 3 years, based on previously identified parameters that characterize the success of young people entering an independent life (employment, marital status , living conditions, relationship with the law).

"Improving the preparation of pupils of boarding schools of the VIII type for orphans for independent living" Questionnaire for studying readiness for independent living 1. Soon you will leave the boarding school. What are you afraid of? 2. What profession would you like to choose after graduation? 3. Do you like the profession in which you will study at PU?

Independent Living Readiness Questionnaire 4. What do you like to do in your free time? 5. Where would you like to work after graduation? 6. Where will you live after graduation? 7. What problems bother you when entering an independent life?

Independent Living Readiness Questionnaire 8. What do you think is a “good life”? 9. What is a budget? How much money do you need for one month? 10. You are walking down the street, someone hit you, what will you do? 11. Imagine: you have a magic wand. What will you ask?

Questionnaire for the study of readiness for independent living 12. Will you be able to arrange your life on your own? Whose help do you need. 13. After how many years will you be able to achieve what you want? 14. At what age will you start a family? What qualities should your partner have?

Causes hindering the readiness of pupils for the transition to independent living arrangements 1. Most of the examined pupils did not approach the construction of a life plan. The image of the desired future among the pupils of the boarding school - students of the final grades - is not detailed, emotional, immature characteristics of it prevail in the answers; temporary conditions for achieving the goal are not program points in the life plan of orphans.

2. A significant part of graduate students are not ready to leave dependence on adults. The tendency to material dependency is manifested in indifference to such necessary conditions for a full-fledged independent life as the availability of housing, a sufficient amount of funds

Conclusion: The essence of preparing for independent life of students of a special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type for orphans and children deprived of parental care should be the formation of certain personality traits, such as readiness for self-sufficiency through work, productive communication, independence, as well as the necessary value orientations, first of all, life perspective.

The main conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the program are the following indicators: the internal readiness of the teaching staff to solve new problems; availability of a safe and secure environment for the stay of an orphan child in a residential institution; organization of the correct regime; psychological support for the development of the pupil; taking into account the age factor; providing a material base corresponding to the tasks set.

Readiness for self-reliance on the basis of work includes: o positive motivation for work; o the choice of a profession corresponding to the possibilities and interests; o the ability to accept and comply with disciplinary requirements in the labor process; o the feeling of the owner. The acquisition of such qualities and skills implies a departure from dependency, as a negative inclination of a child brought up in conditions of state support.

Direction "Formation of life prospects" The goal is to concretize and clarify life plans. Tasks: 1. Modeling the image of the past; 2. Modeling the image of the future; 3. Organization of the life of pupils based on the expediency and frequency of performing vital functions; 4. Formation of the image of the chosen one / chosen one.

Direction "Formation of a positive attitude towards work" The goal is to form in pupils the readiness for self-sufficiency on the basis of work. Tasks: 1. Formation of stable habits of domestic self-service and service work; 2. Expansion of the list of labor profiles; 3. Inclusion of pupils in feasible labor activity; 4. Ensuring adequate professional self-determination based on career guidance.

Forms of work: accustoming pupils to self-service starting from the first days of their stay in a boarding school; labor training and education in the field of service labor (starting from the fifth grade); the work of a home club, the organization of a repair team of pupils in the institution; the inclusion of older pupils in work with the younger ones; accumulation of "dowry"; introducing pupils to feasible labor activity through the employment of pupils in a boarding school.

Direction "Ensuring the productivity of social contacts" The goal is to form the pupil's communication skills necessary for the implementation of such contacts. Objectives: 1. Overcoming the basic distrust of the world as the basis for the violation of the communicative activity of an orphan child. 2. Overcoming alienation from others as a specific personality trait of orphans. 3. Instilling moral and legal norms of society. 4. Ensuring the possibility of functioning in various social roles. 5. Expansion of social contacts.

Forms of work: approval of traditions, organization of communication of different ages, organization of classes for children in sections, clubs, studios outside the walls of the boarding school; psychological and pedagogical trainings; business games (self-management); drama studio; holding meetings with interesting people and groups; transfer of pupils for temporary residence in families of relatives.

Conclusions 1. Preparation for an independent life is one of the most important tasks of growing up, understood as a process of personality development from the social to the individual. 2. The parameters of a successful life arrangement as a positive result of growing up are professional self-determination, stable employment, the creation of a family, the possibility of establishing various contacts in society, compliance with moral and legal standards and the requirements of society.

Conclusions 3. The course and results of growing up are distorted as a result of a violation of its mechanisms and conditions, especially in the case of a violation of the interaction of a child with an adult. 4. In the case of early orphanhood and upbringing in conditions of deprivation, the child is not sufficiently prepared for an independent life.

Conclusions 5. Violations of mental development significantly complicate the process of preparing for an independent life. 6. The essence of preparing for independent life of students of a special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type for orphans and children deprived of parental care should be the formation of certain personality traits, such as independence, readiness for self-sufficiency through work, productive communication, as well as the necessary value orientations, first of all, life perspective.

Conclusions 7. Indicators of readiness for an independent life of mentally retarded orphan high school students are adequate professional self-determination, the real time component of life plans, the willingness and ability to establish productive social contacts to receive assistance, compliance with moral norms and requirements of society, the use of personal experience in changing conditions. 8. The program of correctional and pedagogical influence in order to prepare pupils for independent life must have a holistic character.

Conclusions 9. The conditions necessary for the successful implementation of the program in a residential institution should be the following: sufficient psychological and pedagogical literacy of the teaching staff, the creation of a protective environment, psychological and pedagogical support, taking into account the age factor, an appropriate material base. 10. The proposed ways of developing readiness for independent life of high school students can be effectively used in a wide educational practice.

The program for the preparation of pupils of the boarding school

to an independent life.

Explanatory note.

The issues of social and legal preparation of orphan graduates for independent life in society have become especially relevant at the present time. Education in boarding schools does not adequately ensure the formation of personal qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for independent life, which entails the failure of graduates in solving life problems.

Therefore, it became necessary to create a program aimed at increasing the social competence of pupils, so that, after leaving the orphanage, they could live and communicate with the people around them, so that they know how the society works in which they have to live, work, create a family , to raise children.

The program was taken as a basis for improving the social competence of pupils of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, "We ourselves" and the program for preparing orphans for an independent life Sidorova L.K.

The program was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on an educational institution for children - orphans and children left without parental care and the charter of the educational institution. The content of the program was developed on the basis of the following principles: humanistic orientation, democracy (the right of each child to choose his own development trajectory), child-centrism (priority of the interests of the child), consistency (assumes the continuity of knowledge), cooperation (recognition of the value of joint activities of children and adults), natural conformity and activity approach.

The purpose of the program: to assist in improving the social competence of pupils, contributing to their successful adaptation in society through the acquisition of socio-psychological knowledge and the formation of basic life skills necessary for independent living.

This goal is realized through the development of the following abilities and the formation of the following skills:

- developing the ability to understand oneself and others;

- development of abilities to predict interpersonal situations and their behavior in them;

Development of an active citizenship;

- the formation of skills for independent living and interaction with different social groups and institutions.

The program is implemented in several directions:

    development of communication skills;

    family economic;

    civil-patriotic and legal;

    career guidance;

    cultural and moral;

    the formation of social and everyday skills.

When implementing this program, it is necessary to closely cooperate with all the structures of the educational institution involved in the educational process: an educator, a class teacher, a social teacher, a teacher-psychologist. At the same time, children should be active participants in the implementation of the program. To do this, you must constantly maintain motivation to participate in classes.

Classes are held from grades 1 to 9 in all of the above areas in accordance with age characteristics. The educational and correctional process is built as a logical ascent from age to age in the spiritual, physical and social development.

Communication skills


To give in to each other, to speak calmly, to fulfill the requests of adults, to evaluate their actions and the actions of their peers, to be friendly and benevolent, to have communication skills with younger children, peers, older children, adults.

To have the concept of "tolerance", to be tolerant of others, to have the skills of conflict-free communication; be confident in communication; understand what friendship is, be able to support each other.

Possess effective communication skills (verbal and non-verbal); have an idea about communication barriers and ways to overcome them; types of communication (business, free, play, etc.). Attitude to troubles and failures. Be able to use various forms of communication (conversation, discussion)

Family economic education


Know your last name, first name, brothers, sisters, other relatives. Gender identity of boys and girls. Through role-playing games, be able to use money, make independent small purchases.

Pedigree. Family roots. The distinctive role of boys and girls in society. What is friendship, what is love. teen age crisis. Sources of income in the family. What determines the economic well-being of the family.

Formation of ideas about family life. Theories of choice of marriage partner. Family functions. Family problems and joys. Birth of children. Family economy.


The concept of Motherland, small Motherland. Traditions, nature, outlook of the people, historical facts. Honesty as the norm of a cultured person. Respect for public property. The rights and obligations of pupils. The state in relation to another person: regulation, control, coercion, care, encouragement, punishment.

Knowledge of the Motherland, its history, pride in one's country. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Economic, social and cultural human rights.

Man as a patriot of his country. Law enforcement system. Criminal law. Legal culture.

Civil-patriotic and legal education.

career guidance


Participation in role-playing games. Knowledge of the professions of a driver, salesman, educator, teacher, doctor, seamstress, cook, builder, etc. Honoring adults on the day of their professional holiday.

Diagnosis of inclinations, interests, abilities for a particular profession. Provisional choice of profession.

Conscious choice of profession. Implementation of the program "How to learn to choose a profession" Visiting enterprises. In-depth study of specialized subjects. Choice of educational institution.

Cultural and moral education


Behavior at the table: the ability to use cutlery, a napkin, the aesthetics of eating. behavior in public places. Reading culture. Knowledge of the masterpieces of the world's art and music collections. General information about etiquette, observance of the rules of etiquette when communicating with others.

Visiting museums, art exhibitions, acquaintance with classical music. Behavior in the group, group selection. verbal and non-verbal labels. Gestures, facial expressions, tone, posture, etc.

Social education


Be able to handle household appliances: TV, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, etc. Know the rules for cleaning the premises, be able to clean up after yourself and your comrades. Be able to cook simple dishes: make tea, make a sandwich, a simple salad. Know how to turn to a passerby, a policeman, if necessary.

Rules for washing, caring for clothes (the ability to darn, iron, knit). Table setting rules, preparation of simple second courses and salads. Be able to perform basic housework: hammer a nail, paint the surface. Furniture care. Social institutions: clinic, administration, banks, post office, payment acceptance points - know their purpose.

Try to do household chores on your own. Have the skill of canning, cooking meat, fish dishes. Do with your own hands the simplest repair work of equipment, housing. Be able to independently apply to the necessary social institutions. Know where to turn for help if you need housing, benefits. If necessary, be able to independently make payments for utilities, contact a clinic, bank, etc.

State educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care,

"Uryupinsk boarding school named after Lieutenant-General S.I. Gorshkov"


preparing students for independent living.
