Is it worth it to let the wife go alone .... Holiday romance, or a small sin of an exemplary wife

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Women dream of love. Everyone dreams, big and small. And if kindergarten dreams cause a smile and tenderness, then women's love claims, when you are already far beyond ..., sometimes look ridiculous - many women think so and carefully hide their endless, ageless expectation of love.

Probably, there is no point in objecting, because there is no need to dissemble in front of yourself. Yes, and from the side it is often noticeable what we carefully hide from ourselves! But it becomes sad and insulting for women who are looking for love and do not find it, they are ready to give all the warmth of their souls, and this is not in demand ...

In the sanatorium where I am being treated, there are significantly more women than men. Yes, and the age here, what is called retirement. No, of course, ladies from 35 to 45 years old will pleasantly diversify the overall picture, but there are not many of them. Between themselves, they have such a silent rivalry, approximately, as in a beauty contest. But all this is done in such a way that no one guesses. Although the outfits are changed several times a day, you can’t get into the hairdresser’s, perfume and jewelry are instantly swept away from the shelves of visiting peddlers.

Seen off by the jealous and captious glances of the older ladies, the young (relatively) sanatorium divas proudly defile in high heels, in bright dresses with evening make-up, even in the medical building and at physical exercises.

But the most interesting thing is to watch dance evenings, which are an integral part of the entertainment program of any sanatorium. Men who have drunk for courage and courage arrive early and occupy strategically advantageous places for observation. And, then, speaking in an undertone, evaluate each newly arrived lady, giving marks and deciding whether to invite to the dance or not.

Men rarely love and even less often know how to dance, so a disco in a sanatorium is a place for dating, and not, in fact, for dancing. But women love to dance. Even those who do not dance for various reasons enjoy sitting in chairs and watching. In addition, it is in the dance that women noticeably become younger, are distracted from everyday life, become liberated and look very attractive, as if they had thrown off a good ten years.

And, if you think about it, women who are already over ... do not often get the chance to dance in ordinary life, especially like this, on the floor, in the dance hall, surrounded by a large number of people, in full dress and late, not thinking about getting up early tomorrow, and even a bunch of unfinished business left. And if you also got a worthy partner, then this is generally a small female happiness!

For the most part, women who come to the sanatorium do not initially think about romantic relationships and resort romances. They hope to take a break from home and other fuss, heal, and just sleep off. In addition, at home, after all, a husband, a family ... But a woman always remains a woman, and if suddenly a quite handsome man of the right age lavishes compliments, treats him to champagne and tries with all his might to impress, then how can you resist and not respond with at least a slight sympathy? !

My roommate fell in love. And, although she tries not to tell anything, everything betrays the relationship that has begun in her: here is an irresistible desire to please, again, as once in her youth, to feel all the hops of flirting, compliments, courtship - all that any novel consists of. True, a holiday romance is different in that here you can do much more in a unit of time, but everything is felt much sharper than in ordinary life.

And this is understandable, because on vacation there is more time, and it is occupied only with thoughts about oneself: what to wear, how to look better, how to spend time, etc. . If we calculate how much time two people spend together in a normal setting, it turns out that in 24 days of rest, communication between the formed couple is as much as a total of those who meet for at least six months, or even more. Moreover, nothing distracts - no work, no household chores, no ordinary life worries.

Maybe that's why many people fall in love at the resort in such a way that they then experience this sudden love of theirs for many years, all the time giving it new touches, embellishing the details and reliving what happened again and again with the sweet sharpness of a sin that has happened.

And so the revelations of Galina, my neighbor, began. She is 54 years old, married. Children have grown up and live their lives for a long time. Relations with her husband are generally good - normal, as Galya said. But she forgot to think about love, she says, what kind of love, they say, when for so many years side by side - she got used to it, became related, and that's it.

And then the cavalier: he invited me to dance, we met, we started talking. And it turned out that they are such kindred spirits that, like in the movies, they love the same thing, they think the same about everything. And he is so understanding, so attentive and caring that she seemed to be reborn.

The gentleman also has a family, children, and relationships are also boring - there is no joy and flight in them. So the two met with an acute need for love, understanding, tenderness. Galina said that in a few days she heard from her new friend as many affectionate words as her husband had never said in his entire life. And also attention, from which she has lost the habit, and flowers, and walks - all that is not in her ordinary life.

Once upon a time, in sanatoriums and rest homes, the staff considered it their duty to vigilant morality and fiercely control the moral character of vacationers. For a delay in someone else's room after lights out, they were accused of immoral behavior, discharged from the sanatorium ahead of schedule, reported to work, etc. Now this is not the case, except that the violation of the routine is very significant and prevents others from resting.

But Galina and her friend are not hiding in the rooms. They usually sit side by side in armchairs or walk together in the sanatorium park. And they talk passionately all the time. In the evening, having come back from a date, she cannot sleep for a long time, and we talk with her about the female lot, about why, by the age of fifty, all feelings are replaced by duty, responsibility and habit. Why does a husband forget to show his love and care, why do they teach only women all the time how to stir up a man and do not bring up the same in men ?! And, most importantly, why do all desires disappear?

24 days flew by quickly. Galin's cavalier left the day before her - the holiday was over. On the day of departure, I went to the site from where the bus with vacationers departed. My familiar couple said goodbye: he was already sitting on the bus, and she was standing near his window and could hardly hold back her tears. The man, probably, mentally was already at home, with his family, because he clearly felt uncomfortable under the suffering gaze of his temporary girlfriend. And cheerful music was heard throughout the territory - a fashionable singer repeated: “Why did you come up with something that didn’t exist ?!”

In the evening, Galina did not go anywhere, we decided to spend the last evening in the room. She didn’t say anything anymore, but it was clear that she was sorting through pleasant memories in her memory. Then the woman sighed and said: “I don’t regret anything - I felt like a woman. At least there will be something to remember in old age ... "

Someone will say - what's good, because a holiday romance is adultery! But I was not interested in how far Galina went in her sudden love, and, of course, I do not presume to condemn other people's actions - here all people are adults, and they themselves have long known what is good and what is bad. Only for almost a month of communication, my neighbor never mentioned the happy moments of her married life. She talked a lot about the family, about her husband and children, but never about her feelings. And, it turns out that, having lived more than a quarter of a century of life with her husband, a woman will remember the holiday romance as an episode in her life that left the strongest mark. Who is to blame that a strange man, and not a native person, gave her the opportunity to feel desired and in demand, an attractive woman who can please?

And then HE appeared! my first lover! For the first time in a long time, I started losing weight without noticing it! I started to wear loose hair, and I have it long enough, paint my eyes ... the changes were on my face! those. I wanted to be looked at! and I knew they were watching! and what they see - like it! from this, respectively, and I began to get high))

It was a friend of her husband (!) They were not friends for long, 2-3 years. all this time and I knew him. we talked… and, apparently, from quite close communication, something in my mind began to push me to interesting fantasies… and I really like to fantasize. I would have known that then not only in my head there were such sexual fantasies))) it turns out that we had sympathy almost at the same time, but no one dared to say. and perhaps nothing would have happened if it were not for problems in family life ... constant reproaches, scandals, misunderstanding, etc.!!! so enough!!! about divorce soaps began to appear almost every day! but then a more compelling argument surfaced - children! and here is a man who looks at me with hungry eyes, ready at any time of the day or night to rush even to the outskirts of the city to take me home, who listens to me for hours, worries with me, advises, lives in my thoughts ... I again felt something, how she felt when she met her husband.

Before the first "bed" we met for a month. these secret dates, in restaurants and cafes that I would never go to)) nightly texts ... fleeting glances at people ... it all drove me crazy. I was just having fun! in my life there was something ... different! something that made the heart beat faster, adrenaline went through the roof !!

When we kissed for the first time, I felt so excited!!! warmth in the lower abdomen, dizziness ... how I missed these emotions!
at that time I was ready to give myself to him right in the car! the lack of time stopped me, and quite frequent calls from my husband began to suspect something. I decided not to risk it and went home.

We were in nature, rested in a big company. the time was late, everyone was leaving for their homes, the three of us went. He lives next door. came to our house to sort out things, and my husband lay down with one of the children, he was tired during the day, he works for wear and tear. and falls asleep very quickly. we went outside to "smoke")) started kissing... consciousness was clouded by alcohol anyway, and then there were his kisses... I decided to just "turn off" my head! so that she does not interfere with me, and does not get high moral reproaches !!! without asking, he confidently dragged me into his apartment, put me on his soft bed ... what I did with him ... in the morning I was even ashamed to remember! either I wanted it so much and for a long time, or I just wanted new sensations ... we tumbled in bed for 2 hours! only in the morning I realized how much I risked ... but at that moment I just didn’t care what was happening in the whole world!
then I just got dressed and went home, where my husband and children were sleeping peacefully ...

on vacation (treatment, study, symposium, concerts) abroad, on a Mediterranean cruise, a tour of European countries, on a business trip, on a hike (mountains, kayaks, excursions, pilgrimage to holy places), to a friend with an overnight stay, for a two-day corporate party with kebabs in the deep forest, etc.?

Reader, you did exactly the right thing to start with this question. Before, not after. Most of the husbands, on the contrary, shout after the departed train:

How to find out if the wife has cheated while at the resort alone?
How to find out if your wife cheated on you on vacation abroad?
If the wife went on a business trip with her boss, will she cheat there?
If the wife went on a field trip with her classmates, did she have sex there?
Why does the wife's eyes glow, cheerful and energetic after a trip to the resort?
The wife came from the sea, changed not to be recognized.
Wives go to conventions, do they cheat?
The wife came from the south, does not look into the eyes.

It's too late to ask. Should have done it before, before!

Further ... And what makes you think that she will be there alone? The woman herself is somehow afraid away from home (in the beginning 🙂) Therefore, as a rule, she is going to go with a friend or a married couple whom you do not know. But most likely, there will be another little man. Either she will arrive separately, or in the same plane with her. They, like, don't know each other until they get there. Well, you know who it is...

Why do wives go to conventions? What do you think? Mind to learn? Or share yours? Well, we divided zero by two, what happened?

The crow flew over the sea, and the crow returned. (Russian epil.)

Meeting with classmates, of course, is a sacred thing. However, there are husbands who won't let their wives go even there! And they do it right! Have you ever attended such meetings? So what are you asking then? Do not doubt: they will remember their youth to the fullest, be sure! A wife can be allowed to attend such meetings not earlier than after 40 years from the moment she graduated from high school, and even more so from the institute! As for the ballet school, theater / circus school, it’s better for you not to know about them ...

Did your wife cheat on a business trip? Why do you think she went there? Women, as a rule, fight off business trips with all their might. And yours is already torn somewhere far away? She can't sit still... What, is the awl stuck in her ass? Often bosses and other hillocks choose their mistress from their environment, in subordinate or affiliated structures, for which they stupidly ask homies and colleagues: “Do you have an interesting woman among the staff? Introduce ... ”And the higher such a pepper is, the more often and more arrogantly he uses his official position. And then they go together, like, on a business trip. This is a classic of the genre since Soviet times. A great way to eat fish and… well, you get the idea.
If the wife changed her job for no reason, be on the lookout: it is very likely that such an impudent pepper took her to his company.

Now about resorts-waters and other dispensaries. Looks like you've never been there if you're asking. And if I had, I would have been horrified. From the depravity that is going on there. How this vice indulges both the old and the young, the beautiful and the ugly, the faithful and the traitor, the smart and the fool. Under the pernicious influence of all kinds of resorts, sanatoriums, boarding houses and other viperous places, even the most persistent people are decomposing. Even the flint man and the steel woman, seeing all this sodom, involuntarily come to the conclusion that they are white crows. Since everyone is acting like this, then it's normal! And I'm worse, right? “There are once in a lifetime 18 years!” Everything is accessible, easy and hassle-free. Drink, walk and be merry, credit the painting...

Resorts spoil even the most faithful wives. In each of these hotbeds of vice, hundreds of visiting "pick-up artists" rush about, plus the local population of freeloaders (farm gigolos), who only think about how to blow someone up to the very tomatoes.

The rut of bare-ass seaside womanizers.

And all of them, like young cockerels, vying with each other in front of each other, show their feathers to stupid hens. I didn’t think: why are these terrible, fat aunts every year in Turkey and Egypt dangle? Haven’t you seen the pyramids, or what? ... If a woman has tried at least once a resort marriage, then be sure she will rush there again and again by hook or by crook.

Some cunning bitches invent illnesses for themselves, bribe doctors, smear soot and other make-up on their faces in order to look sickly, falsify tests ... And immediately for treatment somewhere beyond the Kudykina mountain. And there are those who do not even consider such sex tourism a betrayal! At home, they say, it is true, but away from home this is not treason. Oh how! 😯

To carry firewood on this mare, and not to treat at sea.
Don't be a sucker, man, put her on a chain.

Of course, on any women's site or forum you can read about real, self-confident men, gentleman knights, who, without any reservations or conditions, let their clever beauties go to the ends of the world! Yes, and they supply them with a tidy sum so that they are not bored there. First, she will go, and then she will tell her husband whether it is worth going there at all, so that he can properly plan his vacation. And next time she will definitely take her husband with her. (Maybe. :)

Where's your wife vacationing, dude?

From the same sources, noodles will pour on you abundantly, they say, only cowards and insecure men do not let go! A real man will not be at all jealous that his lady flirts there a little. So what? Light flirting for a woman is not at all contraindicated, but even useful! She is getting younger, prettier, becomes cheerful, energetic and does not nag her husband for a whole month!

There are, however, original husbands. What if she doesn’t come back from there? ... And there is no problem ... Like that character from the well-known joke who sent his wife with tourists to the Himalayas, and a year later he thought: take it back or let him lie down in the snow a little more?

But if you don’t have sawdust in your head, and you can think at least a little with your head, then you will never let your wife go alone to some fucking resorts. It's like throwing a wad of bucks at the metro junction. The hungry dogs of the crowd will tear them to shreds!... Only your ill-wishers or complete idiots can advise you to let your wife go somewhere alone... Yes, the wife herself will not go without you if she is smart, loving and faithful. And do not go without a wife yourself, if you love and appreciate her. In the right family, either both go to resorts, or no one goes. Such is the corporate solidarity in it. And if the wife stupidly and stubbornly strives to go somewhere without her husband, then there is no doubt - she is going to cuckold him.

Some are wondering: will the tricks from the sex shop help to keep the fidelity of the wife during frequent business trips? 🙂
They won't help! More A.P. Chekhov said that going on a business trip with a vibrator is like going to Tula with your own samovar. It's just extra weight. Although, for the experiment, you can discreetly put this device in her suitcase with a note "Remember me." It's so romantic and original! When she finds him in a hotel room, she will be moved to tears! And immediately wants to change.

Why does the wife hide her eyes? Yes, for the same reason that a naughty cat is hiding! She feels guilty, is afraid that her husband will guess everything, is tormented by doubts about what to do now. But this is only the first time. From the second, shame turns into pride in one's dirty, immoral deeds... "Her soul sings like a harp."

A woman is the main adventure of a man in his life. A man is the main character in a woman's life. How can human life continue without these two? - Not!

The eternal story of the adventures of these two creatures paints life with colorful paints ...

"Rendezvous with a Stranger"

It all started so banally…. An ordinary family (he, she, two children) rush to the station. Everyone (except the man) goes on vacation. The man stays because he is not allowed to go on vacation. Just before leaving, the spouses quarrel (the man drove the car very hard so as not to be late, and they almost got into an accident).

Let's get to know them, because everything, thank God, worked out ...

Lenochka and Igor are excellent parents who have been living together for many years!

And Alinka and Seryozhka are their beautiful children! The most important thing, it turns out, is hidden not in their names and surnames.

At the station, the Kubolkin family met a woman who played a very important role for them. Sveta! She also, it turns out, went to rest there. The coincidence made me happy: I went on vacation in a neighboring train trailer!

They come to a very beautiful place and are happy to settle down there. Then they go to the beach, where handsome men enthusiastically play beach volleyball. Lena immediately liked one of them. But, of course, she didn't show it. She simply watched him secretly and hid every glance from him.

While her friend went to watch what the kids were doing, the stranger of her dreams approached and approached her (with a cocktail in his hands). They have a sweet and casual conversation. What were they talking about? Nothing! Jumping from one topic to another.

They were together, Lena cheated on her husband with Sasha ... Once!

It happened just before leaving home. But she didn't regret it at all. She was as happy as anyone else. But I knew that everything would be over as soon as they returned home.

The husband met them and was glad to return. Lena was afraid to look Igor in the eyes. It seemed to her that he would begin to suspect her of something "foreign". When Lena was sorting things out, she found a note in her purse with the words: “Thank you for a wonderful night! Sasha". Lena didn't know where to go. But the nightmares were just beginning to haunt her. Sasha constantly called her, asked for a meeting. He was not at all embarrassed that Lena refused. He came to her house with a huge bouquet of roses! The woman persuaded her lover to leave ...

The next day, when she was leaving the negotiation building with her partners, she noticed an inscription on a concrete slab:

“Lenka, I love you! Sasha!

The business woman stood at a loss. At that moment, she wished that it was all a dream and flew by in a "fleeting" moment.

The lover became (literally) her shadow...

Gifts, attention, surprises, prayer for meetings…. But Lena explained to Igor that everything was over, that she did not want to leave the family. The man decided it was time to give Lena a taste of revenge. After all, he managed to become attached to a married beauty. He loved her like a boy! Alexander Sergeevich could not believe that the beauty took advantage of him.

What dish of revenge did he cook? - Killed Elena's wife!

Killed and wanted to escape. Did not work out. They put him in for a long time...

Igor was buried, and the woman fell into a deep depression. She blamed herself for everything. She didn't want to live. She dreamed of leaving earthly life, but the children who loved her very much "kept" her.

This story "speaks" that you need to be more careful with the establishment of holiday romances

All the bad things come back with “millions of boomerangs”. All good things too. You can already guess what category treason and infidelity belong to!

What to do if the holiday romance has already “spun”?


  1. Stop and cut it off. Do it, no matter how difficult it is, so as not to harm yourself later.
  2. Continue the affair, but divorce your husband (if you have a man with whom you meet or live, divorce your spouse!).
  3. Find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bminuses in that person in order to be specifically disappointed in him and try to forget.

It's better not to start such novels! Leave them for movies and for books. Or for those who will not take such a “transiency” of relationships so seriously.

What are the advantages of a holiday romance?

  1. Such rendezvous are never forgotten, remaining in the memory in a "fresh" form for a very long time.
  2. Lots of romance! Sounds funny, but true. Because every moment is appreciated.
  3. A novel of this "type" gives people the opportunity to enjoy short-term, but burning happiness.
  4. Holiday romance is like a real fairy tale. It is during the "resort" period that a woman meets her ideal man.
  5. A resort romance is a time of bright, unforgettable and impressive love adventures.

What if you (after such a rendezvous with a man) found out that you were in a position?

Anything! Only not a vacuum and not an abortion!!! You don't have to kill a child. It's not his fault that things didn't work out for you.

People will say... "Walked"?

What's the difference to you, really? Let them say whatever they want! Live the way you want, not for the sake of public opinion! Gossip can appear out of nowhere!

You will have a pretty baby. Maybe a baby too! Will always be by your side. Isn't it wonderful? You will only remember the good things. And this also needs to be learned. Children are the meaning of life!

Do not miss. . .

Interesting stories about Lovers -

As there are different, so there are different reactions of women to what happened. It is difficult to judge unequivocally in this situation, because behind some betrayals there is a life tragedy and a broken life. However, first things first.

For some of the women, cheating is an unacceptable option, someone does it constantly and easily. Some women who have been through infidelity say it's "enchanting", others say it's "disgusting". It probably depends on why it happened.

Female infidelity never appears out of nowhere, if you do not take into account mentally ill people. When everything is in order in the family, mutual love and understanding, then betrayal becomes simply impossible. If there are systematic problems in the family, then someday this may result in such a “solution” to the problem.

Katya was already 25 years old when she got married. She did not have a stormy romance, but she was tired of waiting for it. On the way she met a decent wealthy man, with an apartment and a car. Everything turned out quickly and simply. Katya became pregnant, and soon they signed. My daughter was almost five years old when I had to go with her to a sanatorium for treatment. The husband stayed at home. And Katya unexpectedly met another man in a sanatorium. And here the stormy romance could not be avoided. All dormant emotions and feelings came out in an instant. The lover was gentle and affectionate and also sincerely surrendered to new feelings. They decided to spend the rest of their lives together. With this decision, Katya came home, where she suddenly found out that she had been pregnant for two months. Of course, from her husband. Gathering all her willpower into a fist, Katya decided to stay with her husband. Until now, she texts in the evenings with the person she loves and who still calls her to him. The husband does not know about anything, two children are growing up.

How do you feel about such a situation? What could be done?

Reasons for female infidelity.

Dysfunctional relationships in the family are like a string. For the time being, they can be stretched until
burst in some place. And then there are several options for the development of events:

Change will destroy everything that has been built up over the years. Relationships where betrayal has crept in are not easy to restore. And if they were limping before, then after the betrayal it will be even more difficult to fix them.

Cheating will help a woman re-evaluate relationships in marriage and understand that her family is the most important thing in life. It happens that a woman, being on the verge of losing her family, realizes that the family is the meaning of life and is not worth some momentary pleasures.

Cheating can turn into a cure for depression. Basically, we are talking about practically hopeless families, where, for some reason, there are no normal relationships. It happens that a woman is driven into marriage to such an extent that she loses interest in life.

Sometimes it is an incentive for a new life. It is not always easy to put an end to the existence of a family, even if the relationship does not improve in any way. The family is preserved for the sake of children, status, etc. Cheating in this case puts an end to the relationship and helps to enter a new life cycle.

After reading the above, you may think that I justify female infidelity. Not at all. I am trying to show that it does not appear from scratch. And, if the wife "tends the horns", then the man lost his wife somewhere, forgot about her and her needs. And, of course, he is partly to blame.

We naturally condemn the person who stole a loaf of bread. But we can sympathize with him a little, because he must have been very hungry. Women in extramarital affairs seek, first of all, emotional intimacy, support and warmth, but not new sexual sensations, as is the case with the stronger sex. It turns out that a woman who decides to cheat is most likely “hungry” for warmth and affection. A man can cheat by accident, but a woman is mostly just because of strong feelings. Such. Thus, we see that female infidelity or thoughts about it is an indicator of a family crisis.

It is not the beauty of the lover, nor his status, nor any of his skills that attract a woman in her lover, but his attitude towards her. A lover is evidence of unsatisfied female needs: in understanding, care, tender words, romance, acceptance ...

Is change the solution?

The situation with treason is always quite complex and ambiguous. Living together only brings happiness and contentment where two people are working on it. If no one has worked on the relationship, then you should not be surprised that the marriage is falling apart. So in this case, it is useless to go to a new relationship. And with a new man in the end, everything can happen again.

If a woman pays attention to other men, then it's time to "treat" the family. help you get on the right track. But here there is one big snag - it is necessary to treat the family TOGETHER, both husband and wife should work on this. And from the experience of counseling, I see that relationship problems often worry wives, and husbands think that everything is in order with them. It is necessary to show female cunning and wisdom in order to interest her husband in the need for changes. If the family collapses, and he does not intend to do anything, then this is his choice, and here one can only expect the consequences of his rashness.

Predisposition to change?

It may seem strange to you such a formulation as a predisposition to cheating, but nevertheless there are some factors that can indirectly influence the fact that a woman can cheat on her husband. These are factors such as:

The woman's mother cheated on her husband, and the daughter knew about it;
- a woman believes that she has reasons for infidelity;
- A husband loves his wife more than she loves him;
- there is a girlfriend or acquaintance who has had cases of infidelity to her husband;
- the wife is the head of the family;
- the wife has a better education than the husband;
- before marriage, a woman had many sexual partners;
- the wife has a critical age;
- a woman is going through a "black streak" in her life;
- sudden death of a parent;
- the husband often has business trips;
- have a longtime male friend;
- A woman loves independence.

These are not the reasons for female infidelity, but only factors that may or may not affect.

Ask yourself questions...

A woman who is looking for a better relationship outside of marriage should think about some questions:
- What exactly do I not like in marriage and what do I lack?
What contribution do I make to the well-being of the family? Do I try to notice and satisfy my husband's needs, or do I just expect it from him?
What do we do to keep families together? (what is a joint vacation, hobbies, common interests).
- what will my life look like after a divorce: where and on what means will I have to live? What will happen to the children?
- what is good in this whole situation and what is bad? Will I like change? If the changes are not for the better, then what can be done to bring love back to the family?

And, finally, I would like to say that there are situations when cheating helps a woman, finally, to part with unnecessary marital relationships. These are situations when her rights are infringed, the family suffers from her husband's bad habits, etc. But in this case, a woman should leave the relationship not for the sake of a new man, but towards a new life.

As we can see, they may be different, but prevention is the same for everyone - strengthen family relationships and meet each other's needs .

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