Restoring your hair color after dyeing. To restore hair color after dyeing ...

Experimenting with appearance is one of the favorite women's activities. Hair is especially susceptible to change. Brunette, blonde, redhead, and now bright green, purple and blue tones are at the peak of fashion ... Noble classic or bright extreme shades - beautiful half humanity believes that the new image will change something in other areas of their lives. But what if the experiment was unsuccessful or you missed your native natural tone? How to get your hair color back after dyeing? There are many ways to return to your original shade. But each of them is quite long and often expensive. A professional hairdresser will tell you that it will not be possible to achieve what you want at once. How long it takes depends on many factors - how you take care of your hair, whether you go to the pool, whether you are planning a vacation in the South. But the main thing in this process is the structure of your hair.

Change with scissors

Trimming your hair is perhaps the most painless way for your hair to return the natural color. At the same time, of course, he is the most cardinal. Not every woman will be able to calmly part with the length. Especially if it has been growing for a very long time.

Traditionally, two methods are used:

  1. Gradually trim the ends. Here the rule applies - the more often you cut, the faster your hair grows. But this process is long. After all, in order not to reduce the length, time must pass between haircuts, during which several centimeters will grow. And it will take several months to walk with regrown roots. This is not very beautiful, especially if your hair color was very different from the shade of paint;
  2. Dramatically short haircut. Not every woman decides on such an experiment. Yes, and this length is not for everyone. And if your haircut was originally short, this method suits you perfectly.

During haircuts, one important rule- Never dye your hair. Even tinted shampoos and tonics. Without them, the process will last faster, and you will see the result better. If you choose this method to return your hair native color, you should take special care of it. Examples of folk and professional tools we present below.

Professional paints and washes

It is best to entrust the process of restoring your natural hair color to professionals. They will select the optimal program, taking into account the structure of your hair, their natural color, the paint that you used. The process is, of course, long and expensive. But the result is worth it.

In the arsenal of professional hair stylists, there are many tools that will restore naturalness to your hair. They also use different methods:

  • Selection suitable paint and coloring. With this method, regrown roots will not be so noticeable. But the method is not suitable for everyone - natural tone should be darker than the one in which you painted;
  • Lightening agents- a great way for blondes. They clean well even persistent dark tones;
  • highlighting - good way gradually return to natural color for owners of their own light shade.

In this section, I would like to dwell on professional hair washes in more detail. They are on free sale. But it is better to do the procedure in a beauty salon, with professionals, so as not to spoil your own curls. The substances included in the emulsion penetrate the hair structure and neutralize the helmet pigment. This method is best suited natural blondes. For a permanent effect, the procedure must be repeated 3-4 times. Maybe more, depending on the durability of the paint.

home methods

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon several times a month. But do not despair! You can restore your natural shade at home. Experts advise washing your hair often. For example, special shampoos that wash out the paint pigment. This is the easiest, but also the longest of the ways.

There is also something in the refrigerator, garden or pharmacy that will help you get back to your roots. Here are some popular recipes:

  1. Citrus juice will help lighten the strands. Apply it up to 5 times a day. Keep the juice on the hair can not be longer than 30 minutes. You will not become a platinum blonde, but the tone will become lighter;
  2. Rinsing your hair after washing with strong tea leaves will make your hair darker;
  3. honey mixture, lemon juice and rid the hair of yellowness;
  4. Kefir and honey perfectly lighten hair. Do night mask from one of these products. In addition, honey and kefir treat hair, make it voluminous and treat dandruff;
  5. A brandy mask can add a dark tone;
  6. A decoction of chamomile brightens hair well, it also removes yellowness.

WITH folk remedies it is worth knowing the measure. natural ingredients it is very easy to overfeed the hair, which then becomes dry and lifeless. Well, you need to be patient - return natural color such procedures will take a long time.

Back to blonde

Return light color hair after dyeing in dark is the most difficult of options. You will have to be patient - the process is not fast. Girls who decide to do this will have to face problems:

  • It is necessary to choose the means of washing very carefully - blondes have a very weak hair they are thin. Strong chemical emulsions can completely ruin curls;
  • Light strands on the background dark length may look like bald patches.

Even dark color after staining you didn’t like it right away, you have to be patient. At least two weeks. And only then begin the process of washing. By the way, washing is not the only way fight against dark pigment. Stylists offer other options:

  1. Use the amber and bronding technique. This option will allow you to smoothly transition from one color to another;
  2. Coloring is one of the most painless ways for your hair;
  3. Highlighting will give trendy shade and will allow you to gradually move to a natural light color.

Do not forget about home procedures. you can use special shampoos to wash paint. Talk to folk recipes. As mentioned above, chamomile, kefir, honey, lemon juice will help you lighten your hair.

Bringing back the dark shade of hair

What could be worse than regrown dark roots? But this will have to come to terms with those who decided to become natural brunette. Here the procedure is much simpler. You can restore your color even in one procedure. But it will have to be repeated, because the paint is washed off. You can just buy a paint of a suitable tone and use it at home. In combination with brandy and black tea masks that make the tone darker, the process will not drag on for long. You can mix several shades of paint for a more accurate match to the natural color.

By the way, the easiest way to return your natural color to red-haired girls. This pigment is the strongest and it is completely impossible to kill it. In addition, it simply pushes the dye out of the hair.

It is worth noting that it is best to carry out these procedures in the summer. How to return your hair color after dyeing, the sun itself will answer you. Its rays affect the paint pigment, surviving it.

Video about restoring natural hair color

In this video you will learn how to get rid of blond hair:

During dyeing, the natural pigmentation of the hair is destroyed under the influence of the dye, the artificial pigment replaces the natural one in the hair, especially if you use permanent dyes with ammonia. The dye consists of pigments in a "sleep" state, which, when mixed with oxide, give a chemical reaction, being activated by heat and released oxygen.

During highlighting, absolutely the same thing happens in terms of chemical reaction, however, the natural pigment is not replaced by artificial.

Both processes are irreversible. But this is the case when it comes to permanent dye. There are many dyes in the arsenal of large brands, for example, the ammonia-free DIA from L’Oréal Professionnel (Dia Light & Dia Richesse). Thanks to a special ammonia-free technology based on an alkaline formula, this dye is suitable for natural hair. The artificial pigment will gradually wash out.

There is also INOA - permanent dye without ammonia with ODS2 technology. This is a dye delivery system using oil, in which case the dye efficiency is enhanced even with a minimum concentration of an alkaline component. Here we are talking about a gentle effect on the hair while maintaining their natural protective layer. Semi-permanent dyes, like Colorful Hair, are completely washed out quickly, but, of course, everything depends on the initial quality of the hair, its porosity, and the degree of damage.

Is it possible to return the blond after staining in a dark color without lightening

Unfortunately not, in dark shades maximum amount pigment. In order to "return to the blonde", it is necessary to destroy the artificial pigment, and it is not recommended to do this in one stage.

What salon procedures will help

First you need to diagnose the hair and find out which dye was used to obtain a dark color and for how long the dyeing was done. After assessing the condition of the hair, the following procedures are usually performed, which are not recommended to be done on the same day.

The first is gommage with the help of an artificial pigment remover, Efassor decapitation. It is important to note that sometimes one procedure is enough, and sometimes they need to be done several. Sometimes one Efassor product is not enough to remove the pigment, it is necessary to mix this product with an oxidizing agent to enhance the result. But even with deep decapitation, 100% results are not always guaranteed.

The second stage is netuayazh, or gradual lightening within one to six months. And then tinting is done in the desired shade.

Are there times when it is no longer possible to return to your natural color?

Coloring with persistent ammonia dyes is an irreversible process, with any such staining, a return to the natural color is impossible.

What shades to choose, so that later it is easier to return the natural hair color

It is necessary to choose deliberately natural shades from the color palette of the dye, all unnatural shades that are very different from the natural base lead to the fact that the process will then be delayed. For example, a girl with dark blond hair, which was dyed red, black, dark brown, it will be very difficult to return the color.

You can also choose staining techniques that are easy to “play” - shatush, balayage, where natural roots, and only the length is painted, after such staining it is easiest to return to the original color.

How to speed up hair growth

There are two ways. The first is folk. Usually, remedies that stimulate blood flow to the scalp help: castor, burdock and pepper oil (special masks are made from them), nettle decoctions and aloe.

Cosmetic professional products:

Intensive dual action program with aminexil and omega-6 complex for thinning hair. Provides good nutrition hair follicles, stimulates their active growth and restores hair density. The contents of the Aminexil ampoules are applied to the scalp, which leads to the growth of new healthy and strong hair, their density increases significantly. The composition includes the aminexil molecule, which strengthens the hair follicles and prevents the hardening of collagen, and vitamin PP, which stimulates blood microcirculation.

How to make the transition between natural shade and dyed hair as natural as possible

It is necessary, together with the stylist, to choose the most suitable technique staining. But I would like to tell you about one very interesting technique, which is called "California shampoo".

In the arsenal of means for brightening the range of Blond Studio there is a product "Clarifying Oil". With this tool, you can ideally “blur” the border between colored and natural hair, the California Shampoo service is especially ideal for girls who lighten their hair, but naturally have their own light base, after applying the Lightening Oil, there is no need to re-color.

Who and what color should not dye their hair

Depends on color type. Now there are so many experiments with color staining that everyone forgets about stereotypes. But I still would not recommend naturally red-haired girls to dye their hair in cold shades.

Text: Tatyana Konkova

Restoration of natural hair color: beauty salon or at home?

If you want to restore your natural hair color, it is best to contact a professional hairdresser.

Of course, in a beauty salon, restoring the natural hair color will cost a lot of money. Especially if the master uses high-quality expensive products for dyeing and restoring hair. After all, experimenting on your own, you risk, especially if you do not have such experience. If the result of your experiment turns out to be unsuccessful, you will have to spend much more - not only on dyeing your hair, but also on their treatment and restoration. And yes, it will take a lot of time.

Advice: so that the master sees the original color of your hair, grow the roots at least two centimeters by two centimeters. If you long time dyed your hair blonde, your original hair color may change and darken during this time.

On the other hand - if, of course, you do everything right - restoring natural hair color at home is less financially expensive than in a beauty salon.

Method 1. Hair coloring

If your natural hair color is darker than your dyed hair color, you can dye your hair with an ammonia-free dye. It is better to buy hair dye in a professional store (for beauty salons).

How Alternative option you can dye your hair tinted shampoo or balm, the effect of which is more gentle than that of hair dye. paint color or tint color match the color of the regrown roots of your hair.

When the hair begins to grow, the ends of the dyed hair can be cut from time to time.

Method 2. Chemical "etching" (washing) of the color of dyed hair

If you want to lighten dark colored hair, you first need to wash out the dark hair pigment, which is more resistant than light hair. As a result, it lasts longer. To wash off the dark pigment, you need to go through 2 - 3 chemical washing procedures. This procedure for the desired effect of lightening the hair can be repeated at intervals of 1 time per week or two. The washing procedure is best done in a beauty salon. But if you decide to etch the dyed color on your own, then buy professional wash in a specialized shop for hairdressers.

If you successfully wash out the color of dyed hair, your hair will not return to its natural color and will most likely give off yellow. In order to get rid of yellow shade, you can dye your hair in a color close to natural.

However, do not forget that the procedure for chemical etching (washing) of hair acts aggressively on the hair and can greatly damage it. If your hair after frequent procedures staining is badly damaged, better not risk it!

Method 3. Hair highlighting

If not big difference between natural color your hair and regrown dyed hair, you can do hair highlighting in a beauty salon.

Method 4. Return the natural color to gray hair

There are many reasons for the appearance of gray hair: this and age-related changes, and stress or strong feelings, and bad ecology, and wrong image life, and illness. Gray hair is considered a sign of aging. And then there are 3 options: accept these changes, dye your hair or try to return the natural hair color.

Bring back natural color gray hair antisedin lotion can help you. The lotion has a mild effect on the hair, stimulates hair growth, besides, it strengthens the hair, helps to get rid of dandruff. The structure of the hair improves and the natural color of the hair returns. The lotion should be rubbed on the hair at first - 2 - 3 weeks - daily. (During these 2 - 3 weeks, the natural color of the hair should be restored). Then, to maintain the effect obtained, it is enough to use the drug once a week.

The lotion should be applied to the hair and combed along the entire length, then leave the drug on the hair for at least 8 hours.

Method 5. Washing dyed hair with folk methods

Ways to use funds traditional medicine less effective than chemical wash, but they are absolutely harmless and even useful for your hair.

  1. Take burdock (olive, linseed, almond, any vegetable) oil heated to a warm state and distribute it through your hair. Put a shower cap on your hair, wrap it with a towel on top. The mask must be kept on the hair for at least 3 hours.
  2. Then you need to wash your hair several times. And to wash your hair, use shampoo for damaged, and not for dyed hair!
  3. Rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile (which lightens hair) or water with lemon juice added.
  4. Apply a mask of curdled milk or kefir to your hair. Keep at least 1.5 hours (and better mask leave overnight).
  5. To remove the greenish tint of unsuccessfully dyed hair, try this remedy. Apply an aspirin solution to your hair (5 aspirin tablets dissolved in a glass of water).

Method 6. Haircut in a beauty salon

If the hair is badly damaged, it is undesirable to use a chemical wash, otherwise the hair can be “burned”, or it can become “like tow” or even fall out. In this case, act more radically and make a fashionable short haircut. If the hair is very short, you should be patient and grow your hair.

Method 7. The most extreme way

If you have already "pre-experimented" and:

  • your hair is extremely damaged,
  • not amenable to any recovery,
  • and you don't want to go with bad color hair until it grows back...

There is only one thing left: to cut your hair bald. And walk in a wig until the hair grows at least a few centimeters. (As they say, no comment...)

No matter how many experiments you put on the color of your hair, one day there comes a time when you want to return to your natural hair color. natural hair look more vibrant, healthier and shinier than colored hair. Naturalness in beautiful woman admired by many men.

And the shade of the hair can be slightly changed if you lighten the hair or make it darker with the help of folk (natural) remedies.

Women love change, especially when it comes to their looks. One way to transform and look new is to dye your hair. Radically changing the image, you do not always get the expected result. It happens that new color does not fit, but dyeing could already harm the hair - make it dry and lifeless. How to restore natural color and damaged hair after staining? Is it possible?

To restore hair color after dyeing ...

Repairing damaged hair can take a long time and can be associated with various complexities for woman. For example, if by nature she is blonde and decided to dye her hair dark. This is the most difficult case when to return former color almost impossible at once. Going from blonde back to brunette is much easier, but not vice versa. There are several ways to restore hair after dyeing, to return their previous shade, let's talk about this in more detail.


If you visit a beauty salon with a request to restore the natural shade of your hair, you will be offered a chemical wash. This procedure allows you to completely remove pigment from dyed hair. However, it will need to be done at least 2 times to get a satisfactory result. Negative side washing in the cabin is its aggressiveness. Used chemical composition finally spoil the structure of the hair, which already suffered after unsuccessful dyeing. After the procedure, you will have to take care of damaged after staining and damaged curls for a long time.


If you want to return the old dark shade hair, in a beauty salon you can do ombre painting, which involves smooth transition from dark roots to bright ends. Let go of the roots a little so the master can pick up suitable tone similar to yours. Such painting will allow you to gradually cut off the light ends, letting go of your hair. As a result, not immediately, of course, but after about a year and a half, you will be able to return the color and hair to the original version.

A haircut

Haircut is perhaps the most radical way, allowing you to quickly return to your natural shade of hair. However, not every woman will take this step, especially if she likes to wear long hair.


Highlighting will help to turn from a brunette back to a blonde. If you do this procedure in the salon, then unsuccessful coloring will be hidden, thanks to frequent light strands. This will make it possible to let go of your hair in the future, since the transition between the root zone of the rest of the strands will no longer be so pronounced. At this method there is also a drawback - it will take time until your natural curls and the color after staining will become its own.

How to restore hair after dyeing?

Restoration of damaged curls includes several stages. This includes not only independent efforts, but also cooperation with a hairdresser. What do we have to do?

1. First, it is necessary to cut the ends, since they are most susceptible to thinning and, most often, cannot be restored.
2. Wash your hair soft means and always apply a conditioner.
3. Wet curls should not be combed, otherwise the hairs will break off in places of greatest damage.
4. Try not to use a hair dryer and leveling iron for at least 1-2 months.
5. Buy a special serum to moisturize your hair and use it as often as possible. It is applied to both wet and dry curls, penetrates into the very middle of the hairs and nourishes them from the inside.
6. Usage nourishing masks- will help to gradually restore the structure of the hair, and also prevent their loss.

Revitalizing homemade masks

It is masks that are best able to restore shine and elasticity to the hairline. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Castor oil

Castor oil is a leader among the tools that can help restore your native curls after staining, be it not okay. It is not only able to strengthen the roots, nourishing the bulbs, but also makes the hairs strong, elastic, shiny and silky. How to use it?

This oil is effective even without any additives, it can be applied to moistened hair in pure form, preheated slightly. It is advisable not to wash off the castor oil for 45-60 minutes.

Quick recovery mask

You will get an excellent result if you use such a mask with castor oil once a week. Take 1 tablespoon of oil, glycerin, honey and vinegar, combine the mass with egg yolk. Apply to the strands along their entire length, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel. Keep the composition for at least an hour. You can then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

coconut oil

According to reviews on the Internet, it restores the health of the damaged by staining well. hairline Coconut oil. It nourishes the strands as well as possible, because it contains many vitamins and minerals. Melt a tablespoon of raw materials, mix the butter with the same amount of honey and starch. Distribute the resulting mass over all strands. Wrap your head, and rinse after 50-60 minutes.

Both the process of returning the natural color and the restoration of damaged hairline are associated with many difficulties. This is both the time spent and the cost of visiting beauty salons. That is why it is worth thinking several times before drastically changing your appearance under the influence of emotions.

Changing hair color is much easier than returning your natural shade later. It is important to choose methods that will preserve the structure and not spoil the hair. At home, this is more difficult to do, so professionals advise you to contact special salons. Correction unsuccessful painting can be done by coloring and mixing the compositions.

Ways to restore hair color

If a girl decided to become a blonde, and she did not like it, then it will be possible to return the hair color after dyeing for several times. The hairdresser will face a very responsible job, because you have to get exactly in the tone with which it all began. The natural color is returned not only by simple staining, as various pigments are added to the solution to obtain a certain tone.

The disadvantage of bleached curls is that their structure changes very much. They become dry, lifeless, porous, their own pigment is absent. Therefore, correcting hair color in one go is not possible.

In the first coloring, the strands will absorb the pigment to the maximum and the color will be dull. But for the second time, it will be possible to successfully correct the unsuccessful tinting by using special techniques, for example, toning.

There is an elementary check on the quality of the color coating. The color of the regrown roots should not differ in tone from the bulk of the hair. Unsuccessful staining will only emphasize the difference in shades between the roots and tips.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

Remove dark color from light curls much harder than it seems at first glance. It is even more difficult to restore the structure if staining was carried out more than once.

This issue is solved by lightening, which is preceded by washing off the dark pigment from the hair. Making a brunette a blonde is much harder, because this procedure is carried out in several stages. First, curls are discolored. The number of manipulations depends on how much the pigment has eaten. They can be from three to five. But, it is worth noting that they are all held at certain time intervals (several months). Can't sit in a chair dark strands, and stand up with light.

In between bleachings, curls should be treated and maintained. Their weakened structure needs to be nourished with compounds, oils, and masks should be made. Recommended salon care, which includes keratin straightening, lamination.

There are situations when it is not possible to return the natural shade. This is due to frequent staining in dark colors. Then only radical methods help, that is, a haircut.

If the client is set to return to ashy hue(in the presence of gray hair), then you need to completely wash coloring pigment. How older man becomes, the less important substances in his body, for example, collagen. This leads to the fact that the structure changes, the curls split, and the shine disappears. And that means radical measures to remove color or lighten it may not be transferred.

professional tools

Market by professional care loaded with a variety of products. But they all have roughly the same composition.

  1. Estel Professional is a corrective tool that affects the shade of the hair. It removes the old pigment only if very little time has passed after staining. Price - 455 rubles. Suitable for all types of hair. The advantage is that natural pigment remains intact because there is no ammonia in the emulsion. The tool removes the color, but does not make the curls lighter. Among the ingredients there are sprouted grains of wheat and soy, they restore the condition of the strands. The task of the emulsion is to wash off the pigmenting substance from the hair. The manufacturer claims that there will be no problems even after use black paint. How the tool works: pigmented correctors envelop the rods, washing off the particles of color from it.
  2. Brelil Professional Colorianne Remove Color System Kit is a means Italian brand, which not only decapitates the hair, but also brightens them. The cost of the set, which includes two tubes of 125 ml, is 1300 rubles. The system corrects the color, does not affect the structure of the rods, because it surrounds only the pigments that are on them. It is an alternative to all known bleaching powders. But the product cannot lighten natural strands, and decapitate direct dyes. It contains fruit acids that nourish the hair during the procedure. Any washes should not be used if the patient has serious skin diseases. To consolidate the effect, after the procedure, you need to shade the hair with an ammonia-free color.
  3. Nouvelle color back is another product from the Italian brand. It consists of two components that, when mixed, gently remove the color pigment from the hair. Its price is about 900 rubles. The principle of operation is to reduce the amount of color, while not violating the structure of the rods. The wash can be applied to certain areas of the hair. The main rule is not to use it if the curls were previously dyed with henna.
  4. Backtrack Paul Mitchel is a wash by the American concern Paul Mitchel, which has proven itself well as a lifeguard after unsuccessful stains. natural shade while remaining unchanged. The tool consists of three components (remover, color neutralizer, nutrient base), its price is 4900 rubles.

Manufacturers recommend using it for home use. It has many advantages:

  • flushing is safe;
  • ease of preparation;
  • suitable for all types of hair;
  • contains protective components.


During the bleaching process, the pigment inside the hair is simply destroyed. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided, especially for those who have dark, reddish or reddish hair. To return to your natural shade, you need to resort to discoloration.

The nuances on which it depends how lighten the curls:

  • temperature regime;
  • time;
  • base color;
  • the ratio of the dye used.

Even if you lighten your hair by half a tone, the structure of the hair will still worsen. It will become more brittle and brittle. For sealing, use tinting.

  1. Ammonia cream paints. They eat into the structure of the rods, retain their color for a long time. Indispensable for blondes who want to return a natural dark shade.
  2. Toning paint. It has a softer effect on the rods, but the pigment is washed out faster. It should be used after the bleaching procedure to fill the porosity of the strands.
  3. Detergents for hair with any tone. These are shampoos and conditioners. They give the curls a temporary shade.

A haircut

Sometimes it's the most best option, albeit the most radical. Here you need to choose a haircut master to cut your hair as much as possible, look stylish and fashionable.

There is another way. It lies in the fact that colored curls are cut off gradually. But the hairstyle does not always look beautiful, especially if the look of the natural color is very different from the dyed one. In any case, this is a way out for those who do not dare to radically change their image.

Growing hair is no easy task. The process is long and requires patience. But it has an undeniable advantage - efficiency. No need to spend money on expensive washes.
