Care for thin brittle hair. Haircuts and coloring

Each nation has its own ideals of beauty - but, regardless of ethnicity, thick, shiny and elastic curls are considered an adornment of any woman. Unfortunately, nature has decreed that European women are genetically predisposed to thinning hair. Strands are difficult to style, quickly lose volume and get confused when combing. Careful and regular care for thin hair can affect the problem. Its basics are a well-composed diet, the use of suitable cosmetics and intensive recovery.

Thin hair is especially prone to breakage, dryness and split ends, so care for them should be comprehensive. The appearance of a woman reflects the internal state of the body - only good nutrition with sufficient intake of protein, vitamins and trace elements will give beauty to the strands.

  • Oily fish. Salmon and mackerel contain polyunsaturated fatty acids known for their benefits to hair, nails and skin. Their deficiency leads to dry hair and peeling on the face. Doctors advise people living in an area of ​​scarcity of marine fish to drink fish oil in a course 2 times a year.
  • Whole grains. Whole grain cereals and bran bread are the main sources of B vitamins, including biotin and panthenol. A good way to enrich the diet with useful elements is to add bran to fermented milk drinks.
  • Nuts. Hazelnuts, cashews and almonds are natural sources of zinc and selenium, important trace elements for strengthening and shining curls. Omega-3 and Omega-6 will give strands elasticity and smoothness.
  • Eggs. The easily digestible protein and biotin contained in them are necessary for strengthening the hair follicles.
  • Dairy products. Calcium and protein, contained in large quantities in yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, prevent hair loss and thinning. Adding bran or nuts to them will bring additional benefits to the body.

Compliance with low-calorie diets for a long time does not benefit the curls and stomach. The lack of vitamins and micronutrients not only impairs the functioning of the hair follicles, but also weakens the body as a whole. It is possible to cope with thin porous hair, but only with the help of a thorough analysis and subsequent adjustment of the diet.

The choice of cosmetics

Daily care for fine hair includes gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Curls of this type quickly become dirty, losing volume, so you should take seriously the purchase of cleansing and caring products.

The best choice is an organic silicone-free shampoo that weighs down the strands, providing a straightening and smoothing effect. The product should be based on herbal ingredients that do not damage the structure of the hairs during washing. It is important to choose a shampoo that does not dry out the scalp - this will provoke itching and dandruff. Caring for oily and thin hair does not imply the use of "2 in 1" products - products of this type will not cope with thorough cleansing.

Major cosmetic manufacturers offer dry shampoo as an express cleanser for curls. The advice of professionals about their use is unequivocal - you should not resort to the help of such funds too often, but irregular use will not cause harm. When buying a dry shampoo, you need to pay attention to the composition - oatmeal, rice starch or corn extract should act as an absorbent.

Volume conditioners will add lightness to curls, but their frequent use can backfire. It is better to alternate the use of moisturizing rinses and volumizing agents.

home care

When caring for very thin and fragile curls, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • Cleansing hair with soft water. For these purposes, a filtered, bottled or mineral liquid is suitable. Salts and heavy metals in hard water coat the hair with a thin coating, causing additional damage. It is unacceptable to use too hot or cold water, you should choose an average temperature regime.
  • Carrying out a light massage of the root zone when washing. Stimulation of the hair follicles contributes to their saturation with oxygen and nutrients, preventing the loss of curls. Massage movements can be combined with head peeling - the procedure will perfectly complement the care of oily thin hair and give a long-lasting feeling of freshness.
  • Distribution of conditioner from the middle of the length. Do not apply the product to the roots - this will additionally make the curls heavier, giving an untidy appearance.
  • Rinsing with decoction or mineral water. A useful procedure for thinned strands is rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or linden. If you are concerned about the increased fat content of the roots, you can use an infusion of oak bark or a solution of apple cider vinegar.
  • Combing dry hair. Wet strands are easy to injure, in order to avoid this, you must wait for them to dry completely. Do not use combs with plastic or metal teeth - they cling to the scales of the hairs, violating the uniformity of their structure.
  • Shampoo as needed. The myth about the harmful effects of frequent hair washing has spread since the time when gentle and effective shampoos simply did not exist. Trichologists say that polluted, greasy curls bring much more harm to health than daily washing.

Fine hair styling

Even thick, well-kept volume curls are harmed by frequent thermal styling. Thin and sparse hair should be handled even more carefully, since their protective layer is naturally fragile and brittle. The main goal when laying curls is to create additional volume at the roots, without unnecessary traumatization by hot temperature.

An alternative to using a hair dryer and irons is to use soft foam-based curlers. As a result of winding, the hair will look lush and voluminous, and the traumatic effect is minimized. You should not buy curlers with Velcro or a plastic case for these purposes - the tools pull out the strands at the roots.

When choosing styling products, you should pay attention to light foams and mousses. They will lift the strands at the roots without weighing them down. Professional hairspray with soft hold will give the styling a long-term effect, visually thickening the structure of the curl. Gels and oils are incompatible with thin porous hair - such textures will stick the strands together, making them visually dirty.

Applying masks

You can supplement the care of rare curls with the help of homemade masks. Their use is aimed at giving thickness to the hairs and eliminating excessive production of sebum. The most common are the following types of masks:

  • Clay. Thin hair often accompanies problematic scalp. Clay has a high absorbent and disinfecting effect, eliminating oiliness and inflammation. For the recipe, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. blue clay and half a glass of yogurt, distribute the mixture through the hair, leave for half an hour to act. Rinse hair well with shampoo, rinsing with cool water.
  • Gelatin. Numerous reviews about the magical power of the gelatin mask confirm its result. A single application of gelatin gives the hair a mirror shine and smoothness, and a systematic application thickens the hair structure, gluing split ends. To make a mask, you need 2 tbsp. l. dilute edible gelatin with a small amount of water, heat in a water bath until a homogeneous smooth mixture. Apply to pre-washed curls, insulating them with a film. Wash off with water after an hour.
  • Oil. A classic mask based on oil and a spoonful of cognac nourishes the strands, preventing them from thinning due to improper care or heat styling. The basic recipe consists of 3 tbsp. l. olive, almond or castor oil mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cognac. The mixture is distributed along the length, aged for at least an hour. Washes off with warm water and shampoo.
  • Henna. Colorless henna is an ancient and effective way to add volume to hair. Its use does not cause difficulties - for the procedure it is necessary to pour a bag of henna with boiling water, leave for half an hour to brew. Distribute the thickened slurry along the length, rubbing the mask into the roots with light massage movements. Warm the curls with a film and a cap, leave to act for an hour. Rinse hair with warm water. Henna not only normalizes the increased fat content of the roots, but also nourishes the length.

Salon treatments and haircuts

Professional methods diversify the care of oily and thin hair, allowing you to act in several directions:

  • elimination of excessive oiliness of the scalp;
  • giving volume;
  • getting rid of brittleness;
  • return of brilliance;
  • hair thickening.

Procedures are prescribed by an experienced hairdresser, depending on the initial state of the strands and skin. Most often, lamination or cauterization is used - as a result, the hair shaft becomes stronger, and the hairstyle looks thicker. The disadvantage of the methods is the short duration of action - on average, the effect lasts no more than 3 months.

A specialist can prescribe a course of professional masks that can be used at home. In almost every salon cosmetics there is a specialized care for thin hair, the choice of which should be entrusted to an experienced master.

To visually correct the volume of thin hair, preference should be given to shoulder-length hairstyles. Long, thin strands, depressingly hanging down the back, will not add beauty to their owner. Multi-level hairstyles with torn edges will look spectacular, this form will visually add density to the hair. In addition, it is easy to install at home.

Bronding strands in light shades is an effective technique for thin hair. This method will work imperceptibly to others, giving the hairstyle a visual volume. Booking refers to a complex type of coloring, it should be entrusted to a professional master in a beauty salon.

In order for thin hair to always have an attractive appearance, you should constantly take care of them - eat right, use the right cosmetics, and do not abuse thermal styling. Love yourself and your curls, giving beauty to the world!

Millions of women around the world have fine hair. Day after day, they have to solve the problems of caring for them and try to make their hair look more lush and thick. It is very difficult to make thin hair look healthy, beautiful and shiny.

Yes, there is a lot of trouble with them: they often get confused, split, electrified, break, fit poorly, etc. If a woman does not pay due attention to her thin hair, then they begin to resemble dry tangled straw. Of course, making hair thicker is unrealistic, but with patience and the right approach, you can significantly improve their appearance, add volume and feel confident and attractive.

Thin sparse hair gets dirty very quickly, so they need to be washed as needed. For these purposes, it is best to use shampoos for volume, which are able to envelop each hair, strengthening it and making it heavier along the entire length. Thanks to the frequent use of such products, the strands will become lush and obedient.

Caring for thin hair should include a whole range of measures, which also include the use of a variety of masks, both for home use and professional ones. It is not recommended to blow-dry sparse thin hair often to prevent it from drying out. You should also give preference to gentle paints and constantly use masks and balms for this type of hair.

The most popular products for fine hair for home use: castor oil, olive oil, burdock oil, various masks made from natural ingredients, rinsing with herbal decoctions, etc.

Thin greasy hair is a very unpleasant combination, as such hair looks, to put it mildly, not important. Due to excess sebaceous secretion, a yellowish film forms on the scalp, which does not allow air to pass through and provokes dandruff and itching. Thin dry oily hair needs special care, which should begin with choosing the right shampoo. The composition of the detergent should not contain silicone and lanolin, which make them heavier and make them dull, sticky. Also, don't use shampoos and conditioners. In this case, it is worth giving preference to shampoos with sage, oak bark, linden, birch, horsetail, yarrow and St. John's wort.

In order not to overdry, it is necessary to wash only the roots, and treat the tips with conditioner. If necessary, you can wash your hair often. Owners of thin and oily hair should forget about thermal curlers, straightening irons, hair dryers and other electrical appliances for styling. It is best to use a warm towel.

So that the strands do not get confused, they need to be combed immediately before washing your hair. The comb should be of good quality with smooth, rounded plastic teeth. For rinsing, you can use decoctions of linden, birch, horsetail, burdock roots, yarrow, St. John's wort, etc. Also, homemade masks made from natural ingredients will help make curls healthier..

Hair can become dry and thin due to the frequent use of curling irons, hair dryers, as a result of perming, bleaching or dyeing with aggressive dyes. Poor nutrition and stress can also affect the condition. Lifeless thin hair can be made thicker for a while thanks to special tools and professional procedures.

To wash your hair, you should choose products for weakened and damaged curls. Movements when applying shampoo should be soft massaging. After the shampoo, apply a conditioner or a nourishing mask. If you have thin curly hair, then the balm should be an integral part of the care..

It is worth forgetting for a while about styling with a hairdryer and curling iron and start using masks, decoctions, balms.

Fine hair care products

In addition to home remedies and folk recipes, there are special procedures that allow them to quickly improve their health.

Cauterization is one of the latest achievements in the field of beauty, able to quickly and most effectively restore damaged, weakened hair.. Thanks to a special procedure, cauterization allows you to deeply clean, nourish and restore the structure from the inside and out. For this procedure, only natural preparations are used.

Lamination, in turn, strengthens the curls, making them thicker and heavier.. There are two types of this procedure: biolamination– the hair is covered with a resistant natural cellulose substance that allows the scalp and hair to breathe; illumination involves the treatment of hair with a special dye. Reviews about lamination are mostly positive.

Masks for thin hair

Obedient, soft thin hair is the result of regular care with a variety of masks.

Oatmeal mask

Oat flakes should be ground with a coffee grinder, and then soaked in warm water until gruel. The resulting mixture should be applied for 15 minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly under water.

black bread mask

Bread should be soaked in mineral water and rubbed into hair. The mask should be kept for 10 minutes, and then rinsed under warm water.

Mask with yolk

Recipes for masks for damaged strands often suggest using egg yolk, which nourishes the hair with beneficial vitamins. One of the most effective is a mask consisting of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and the yolk of one egg. The ingredients should be beaten well, and then applied to the hair and wrapped in a towel for 30 minutes.

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The hairstyle looks neat only with healthy hair. But they are constantly exposed to external influences that cause harm. These include washing, drying, coloring, curling. Also, curls are affected by ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. If the necessary care is not carried out, then the curls will look weakened. There are many cosmetics for this. How is fine hair cared for? Professional advice will help you figure it out.

Caring procedures for sparse, thin, dry, oily hair can be performed at home. It is important to be comprehensive. Only then will the procedures bring results.

Wash Features

Washing is the main care. Although it seems very simple, there are still a few subtleties. Due to improper washing, the strands become dull. Professionals advise to follow the following recommendations.

You don't need to wash your hair often. It is better to do it in 2 days. But it will not work with fatty ones, they should be washed after 1 day.

No experiments!

Caring for thin hair is a responsible matter, so there is no need to experiment.

  • Do not use new cosmetics. If the hair is damaged, then they require restoration. To do this, you must first consult with a specialist.
  • Shampoo, balm, conditioner should be chosen only taking into account the scalp and hair.
  • If the curls are colored, then special means should be chosen for them.

You need to exfoliate your scalp weekly. It can be used to remove contaminants. Hair will be enriched with nutrients necessary for full development and therefore will acquire a beautiful and healthy look.

Drying principles

The drying procedure also has its own characteristics.

  • No need to comb wet strands. Because of the comb, they can be injured. As a result, split ends appear, and the hair shafts become brittle.
  • Drying with a hair dryer is best done with cold air.
  • Natural drying is best.

How is installation done?

Fine hair care includes proper styling. It assumes the following rules.

  • If you want to create original curls, then you first need to process them with mousse, and then create a styling with a hairdryer.
  • The varnish can only be used with dry hair, as wet hair will stick together. If you need a voluminous hairstyle, then the hair needs to be lifted and the roots treated with varnish.
  • Varnish should be applied only at some distance from the head.
  • Styling made with wet hair will not fasten well. Therefore, before her hair should be dried well.

Subtleties of additional care

Quality care for fine hair should be performed using procedures that improve their condition. Every day it is necessary to perform a mask of restoring and vitamin action.

  • Masks should be done weekly. With dry, oily, sparse hair, this should be done more often. The composition does not need to be rubbed into the scalp, it must be applied to the strands.
  • Oils and masks can replace conditioner.
  • Revitalizing masks should be applied to the hair and washed off in the morning.

Care products

Now the stores offer a large selection of cosmetics for the care of oily, overdried, damaged hair. For your types of curls, you need to choose a reliable shampoo, balm, conditioner. They can be used all the time at home.

Professional care is carried out using special products sold in special stores. Each tool is designed to solve a specific problem.

Beautiful, healthy, thick hair is the dream of any girl. If nature has deprived you of a magnificent shock, do not rush to get upset. Not all owners of the fair sex got chic hair. It’s just that many people know how to properly care for thin hair, skillfully emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. In order for the care to be truly complete, it’s not enough to pick up one shampoo or mask, you need to adjust the diet of the menu, strengthen the nutrition of the hairs with home remedies. Do not forget that a positive result also depends on the type of vegetation, so when choosing care, this fact must also be taken into account.

Care for sparse thin hair

Often the cause is heredity, stress, poor nutrition, pregnancy, numerous staining and discoloration. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right care for thin hair, but also to stop the loss of hair follicles and enhance their growth. In addition, sparse hair gets dirty faster, which means that they should be washed more often. It is better to choose cleansers without silicates. The latter make the already devoid of volume curls heavier.

It is advisable to use a nourishing shampoo with natural extracts. Rub it in with soft, gentle movements. The water should not be hot, but warm. Be sure to use air conditioning. Dry gently, soaking the curls with a towel, in no case rub. It is advisable not to use a hair dryer, but if the situation requires it, you must first apply thermal protective agents.

In order to enhance the growth of hair, various oils are used, for example, burdock, olive, castor. They should be used no more than 1 time per week, evenly applied to the scalp, left for 30-40 minutes. A handkerchief or plastic bag will help enhance the effect. Then just rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Favorably affects their condition rinsing with a decoction of nettles, birch leaves. Healing herbs strengthen the roots, promote the accelerated growth of dormant bulbs.

Fine hair care products

Now most brands represent professional products to maintain the beauty and health of this type of vegetation. The well-known company L'Oreal produces shampoo with cocoa extract Natur Abondance de Cacao. It provides nutrition, tones, moisturizes, gives a healthy glow. The composition includes provitamin A, vitamin B, magnesium, sodium, calcium. The complex reliably protects the hairs from the harmful effects of environmental factors, tones and prevents peeling and dryness of the epidermis.

The Volume Expand L'Oreal mask is designed to add volume to the hair. Contains calcium crystals that envelop each hair, creating light volume and fluffiness. You need to apply after the main cleansing, evenly distribute over the entire head, rinse immediately. The mask is complemented by a light aroma of jasmine and bergamot, which allows you to turn the usual washing procedure into a pleasant ritual.

Volume Architect Lotion by L'Oreal is designed to thicken the structure of curls. Penetrating inside, it restores the keratin layer, making the hairstyle look neat. Apply to wet, washed hair from roots to ends, no rinsing required. The lotion has thermal protection properties, so you can safely use a hair dryer without fear of overdrying.

These tools are effective, but are relatively expensive. More affordable brands that produce a line for the care of thin hair are Natural Cosmetics and Belkosmeks.

Care for fine oily hair

In the previous part, we figured out how to care for thin hair, but what if the curls are oily? This is a rather nasty problem, and clarifying shampoos without sulfates, silicone and lanolin will help to solve it. The presence of these components in the composition sticks together, hides the volume, makes the vegetation dull.

Suitable products with degreasing components, for example, with an extract of horsetail, birch, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, linden. After washing, the conditioner is applied only to the ends of the hair. The main thing is not to overdo it with cleansing, so as not to destroy the natural sebum. You can rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice. Owners of this type are not recommended to use thermal curlers, an iron to straighten curls.

Care for long thin hair

Long hair needs more nourishment. To maintain their beauty and health will help products containing a large amount of magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron. Legumes, seafood, fruits, vegetables, eggs and cereals promote growth and beautiful shine. In autumn and spring, you will need to take vitamin complexes. Shampoos should not include aggressive surfactants, silicates, and should not be from the 2 in 1 series. It is better that they contain proteins based on egg yolks, silk proteins. Purification is performed 2 times. Rinse aid is applied only to the tips.

Masks containing amino acids, keratin and proteins will help to complete the care. Cosmetic products with silicone will add volume. Do not be afraid that they will weigh down the hair, to avoid this, you need to take a small amount of funds, about the size of a golf ball. Silicones envelop each hair, creating an invisible film, protect against external environmental factors, prevent brittleness and cross-section.

Care for thin brittle hair

Often, girls are faced with such a problem when the curls begin to break along the entire length. This happens, first of all, due to poor nutrition and the use of dyes. Blondes are especially affected by this. The hydroperite and ammonia that are part of the paints damage the keratin fiber, because of this, the curls break and the ends delaminate. This situation can be solved only by intensive care.

Proper care for thin hair at home will consist in the proper selection of nourishing shampoo for weakened and lifeless curls. The best are considered with aloe vera extract, proteins, glycerin, panthenol. One of the latest advances in beauty is cautery. The procedure is performed in the salon, aimed at deep cleansing, nutrition of vegetation.

At home, a homemade mask with egg yolk will help supplement care. For her, you need 1 egg yolk, or 2, depending on the length of the curls. Mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or olive oil. It is applied along the entire length, a plastic cap is put on top to enhance the effect. The procedure time is 20-30 minutes. In addition to egg yolk, masks with avocado, honey, kefir, banana, oatmeal perfectly nourish and protect hair. They should be used no more than 1 time per week, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect, and the hair will become untidy, greasy.

In conclusion, I would like to add, of course, it is more difficult to care for thin hair. To make the process less painstaking, you can choose the right haircut. Stylists recommend sticking to shoulder length. Haircuts of a bob, bob, page will look advantageous. You should not make a very short hairstyle in order to avoid the effect of "three feathers" on the head.

Thin hair is a big problem for women. Most Slavic girls have thin hair, but some have at least thick hair. Such a problem can be transmitted genetically, here it is already worth resorting to tricks, such as special styling and hair care. And the hair can become so from poor care for them, from frequent dyeing or daily drying with a hairdryer, especially with hot air. From such treatment, the hair becomes brittle and split ends. Also, malnutrition or frequent stress affects the hair negatively. The diet must necessarily contain such vitamins as A, C, H, all B vitamins. The norm in the body of iron, calcium and zinc is also the key to healthy hair. A lot of useful information about vitamins for hair can be found in the article:

Three main features of fine hair:

  1. thin hair gets dirty faster, that is, the roots become greasy faster;
  2. thin hair is very easy to overload, that is, masks and conditioners must be carefully selected so that they do not weigh down the hair;
  3. fine hair becomes dry and brittle easily.

Therefore, all your care should be based on these features of fine hair.

How to wash thin hair?

Thin hair is more likely to get dirty, and you have to wash your hair every day. The main thing to remember is that not every shampoo can be used. There are many shampoos that are suitable for daily use, there are also those that add extra volume. Be sure to use a balm, in order to comb it was easy, and the hair is less tangled. Tangled hair breaks even more and falls out. Going to bed with a wet head is simply contraindicated. Therefore, the first rule is to choose the right shampoo and hair balm. 2 in 1 shampoos are not suitable for damaged hair.

Brittle hair should be washed gently. Gently lather the shampoo and rinse with cool water. In no case should you wipe your hair, you can blot it with a dry towel or simply wrap a towel around your head and wait a bit until the water is absorbed by itself. Also a very useful procedure before washing your hair will be a light massage to improve blood circulation.

It is advisable to dry your hair without using a hair dryer. But if it is necessary, then necessarily cool air. You can lift your hair with a comb for volume and use a light styling foam. Various gels and foams are not suitable for such hair, they will look dirty.

If you do not want to use chemical methods to eliminate the unhealthy look of hair and help them from the inside, then you need to learn how to care for thin hair at home.

A good way to cure hair is to massage oils. Burdock oil for care is a very common and affordable remedy. Castor oil is a gentle way to promote hair growth. Olive and coconut oil cares for the scalp, moisturizes it. But we must remember that such hair masks can be used once a week.

Dried herbs are also a wonderful remedy for brittle hair. After washing, you need to rinse your hair with a chilled decoction of nettle, chamomile, string, hops or oats. The advantage of this method is that such a procedure can be done every time you wash your hair, that is, every day.

Masks for fine hair at home

There are also many masks made from natural products that will help cure hair, give it shine, volume, and prevent dandruff. There are a lot of recipes, but not everyone will like a particular option. You have to try it out for yourself to find the one that suits you best. Here are a few products that you can use for a mask: lemon juice, vinegar (you should be very careful), kefir, sour cream, clay (mostly white), mineral water, honey, egg yolk. You can also add various oils and vitamins to the masks.

Clay mask

  • 1 tablespoon of clay, blue or white;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of water (boiled), or mineral water, or herbal decoction;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

The mask is made before washing the hair. Dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask on the hair roots and insulate, hold for 15-20 minutes, no more, as you will see that the clay begins to dry out, the mask can be washed off. Then wash your hair as usual, but using a mask or balm for the length of the hair, otherwise the hair will be stiff. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Strengthening hair mask

  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger (you can take raw and grate, but dry ginger warms up more);
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe juice.

The mask is made before washing the hair. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the scalp from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The mask needs to be insulated: wrap it with plastic wrap and insulate with a woolen hat or a warm towel.

Mask for reducing oily hair

  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of alcohol or cognac;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 4-5 drops of mint or lemon essential oil.

In a glass bowl, first add honey, and essential oil to it, then the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask on the scalp, insulate and leave for 40-60 minutes. After I wash my hair as usual. The mask can be done twice a week.

Split ends mask

  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of argan oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil (sold in a pharmacy).

The proportions of oil can be changed depending on the length of the hair. We mix all the ingredients, heat in a water bath in a glass bowl. In a warm form, apply to the hair stepping back from the roots of the hair (although this mask can also be applied to the scalp, but I like it only for the length). We warm the mask and leave it for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night. The mask is washed off with shampoo (2-3 times). It is enough to do this mask once a week.

What you can do haircuts and hairstyles for short hair can be seen in the article. And learn more about tricks on how to add volume to hair in the article

The right combination of products and their proportions will help make hair healthy, well-groomed, more voluminous and strong. And proper care and a balanced diet will permanently get rid of split ends and hair loss.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.
