What to feed a domestic chinchilla. The diet of a sick chinchilla

Wanting to independently deal with the issue of what to feed a chinchilla at home, you need to take care of its daily balance of nutrients. Proteins in the body of a rodent provide the production of antibodies in the immune system, are necessary for the formation of a shiny coat, strong bones, muscles, nails and teeth. The first external sign of the lack of this element is the dull coat. A useful source of protein will be: milk, egg white, dried peas, corn.

The chinchilla should also receive fats, but in minimal quantities, since the herbivore digests them very difficult, taking a lot of energy from the animal, and also causes obesity. The rodent will draw fat from seeds and nuts of any kind, their portion should not exceed 3-5 g per day.

Carbohydrates are the second most important element after protein. This is the main source of energy, since a pet will not be completely full from one protein meal. In the body of rodents, carbohydrates help to utilize fats, respectively, animals recover from them very slowly. A storehouse of carbohydrates for chinchillas can be called all grains, apples with a peel, whole grain bread without yeast, potatoes.

How to feed a domestic chinchilla to maintain its good health

Looking closely at what special food manufacturers feed domestic chinchillas, you can see that the mixtures they offer are enriched with additional components. This is entirely correct, in addition to the above basic elements, the chinchilla should receive a complete vitamin set. In packaged feeds, these vitamins can be found in the form of multi-colored granules. Caring owners, wanting to know exactly what the animal should consume, can provide him with these vitamins with regular food:

  1. Vitamin A. Its deficiency will lead to a deterioration in the condition of vision, skin, and the respiratory system. Chinchilla will get it from rose hips, raw red carrots, spinach, pumpkin, banana.
  2. Whole group B. Responsible for proper growth, rapid hematopoiesis and regeneration. You can draw B-vitamins from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, soy, millet.
  3. Vitamin C. The main assistant in the fight against viruses. The most appropriate carriers of vitamin C for chinchillas will be: sorrel, berries, tomatoes. The animal, due to the increased acidity of these products, will find it difficult to digest them. You can give such treats only 1 time in 7-9 days.
  4. Vitamin E - the condition of the skin and muscular system. Its source will be almonds, wheat germ, soybeans, corn.

What to feed and how to care for a chinchilla you will learn from this video

We must not forget such important trace elements as:

  • calcium (raisins, dried apricots);
  • potassium (dandelion leaves, pine nuts);
  • zinc (pumpkin seeds, sprouted wheat);
  • iron (vegetables with green leaves);
  • magnesium (prunes, beans).

Of course, a pet does not have to receive the entire vitamin and mineral complex in one day. The main thing is that these products are periodically given to the animal.

How to feed your pet chinchilla with food and hay

The best solution for feeding a chinchilla at home is to purchase food. As you know, these rodents in food are very capricious. Loose food, from which you can select the most delicious, and leave the rest, will not be completely eaten to the end. It is for this reason that owners should give preference to pelleted feed warrants, where all ingredients are compressed into pellets. Thus, the pet will not leave residues and will receive all the necessary nutrients.

The approximate calorie content of such products is 3100 kcal per 1 kg. Accordingly, it is quite enough for an animal to eat 2-3 tbsp per day. l. feed other than hay. Moreover, you should not pour out the entire daily supply of food at once, one spoon is given in the morning, one in the evening, even if the previous meal has not yet ended. In the case when the animal does not have a supply of food, he has a feeling of anxiety.

Separately, a rodent is bought mineral chalk or special stones, which he will gnaw when he needs salt or sharpening his teeth. A pet can also grind teeth with the help of tree branches, but not coniferous or species with a lot of resins.

Chinchillas love to gnaw something all the time, and so that he does not overeat and does not gain excess weight, they put hay on him. You can make your own food by drying cereal and meadow types of grasses (timothy, meadow fescue, meadow bluegrass, cocksfoot, bird's buckwheat, meadow goat). Or buy a ready-made mixture at a pet store.

The main thing is that the hay is not wet, otherwise bloating may occur in chinchillas, from which rodents sometimes die. After purchase, in order to disinfect and additionally dry the product, it can be heated in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

What is forbidden to feed a domestic chinchilla?

When giving an animal leafy green vegetables, check that they are slightly sluggish so that bloating does not occur. All types of cabbage for chinchillas are prohibited. If you want to treat the animal with your own food, you need to remember what you can feed a chinchilla at home, if the product from the table does not belong to this category, you do not need to take risks.

Rodents may not tolerate the consumption of food with the presence of flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes. No need to pamper your pet with sweets, especially chocolate. Rodents have a low daily calorie intake, and such a high-calorie meal will quickly lead to obesity. It will cause low mobility unusual for chinchillas, the result of which will be joint diseases. Another taboo is salty, smoked, spicy food.

What do you feed your chinchilla, share in

CHinchilla - BASIC "NO"

  • It is forbidden: bathe the chinchilla in water. The expression "chinchilla loves to swim" should not be taken literally. Chinchilla bathes(takes sand baths) only in specialized sand (zeolite, volcanic dust).
    The animal cannot be bathed in water, in quartz sand (ordinary river sand, which has sharp edges that cut and spoil chinchilla fur). If you are allergic, then keep in mind that the sand for bathing chinchillas is dusty.
  • It is forbidden: keep a chinchilla in a small, cramped cage designed for rabbits, mice or pigs. Chinchilla loves jump, move up and down and for this she needs enough space. The optimal cage height is from 0.8 to 1.0 meters, width is from 0.8 to 1.0 meters, depth is from 0.4 to 0.6 meters. If you do not have the opportunity to buy and place a large cage for a chinchilla, it is better not to start it. The animal suffers greatly if it is not able to lead an active lifestyle.
  • It is forbidden: squeeze, drag and constantly pull the chinchilla. The fur of the animal is very hygroscopic (moisture-absorbing) and deteriorates from touch. Chinchilla- this is not a cat, she does not like close contact with the owner.
    Especially in the event that she is forcibly taken in her arms.
    Stress provokes many diseases in chinchillas.
  • It is forbidden: let the chinchilla walk around the apartment. The most tragic and unpredictable consequences occur precisely when the chinchilla walks on its own where it wants.
    Your chinchilla on a walk can: fall into a container of water (pot, basin, toilet), gnaw on the wire and get an electric shock and burn the mucous membrane, eat objects that will lead to blockage of the intestines, poisoning, mechanical damage to the oral cavity, hang between two surfaces and suffocate yourself, climb into places inaccessible to you (under a refrigerator, a bathtub, a hole in the floor, etc.), get injured when closing a door or moving any objects around the apartment, break limbs, jaw, neck when falling from a height.
    Chinchillas are allowed to walk under close supervision or in a specially thought out and prepared room. If there is no such room, the best solution is big cage and a sufficient number of devices for the vigorous activity of the animal.
  • It is forbidden: food not specifically designed for them.
    Food for rabbits, ferrets, mice, degus, rats is not balanced for the individual characteristics of the chinchilla's body.
    Food from our table is also not a product that should be give to chinchillas.
  • It is forbidden: keep chinchilla at high temperature. That is, to allow an increase in air temperature above 25 degrees in a room with chinchillas. The animal can get heatstroke and die very quickly. As a result, it is impossible keep chinchillas in rooms without air conditioning.
  • It is forbidden: place a cage with a chinchilla on the sunny side of the apartment next to windows, a central heating battery, in places where there is a draft and an increased noise level (next to the TV, tape recorder, speakers, in the nursery).
  • It is forbidden: walk chinchillas on the street.
    Leashes, harnesses and other devices for chinchillas are contraindicated due to the very thin texture of the hairline. The street is a source of a huge number of infections.
    The consequences of such walks can be catastrophic.
  • It is forbidden: as a preventive measure graft chinchillas from various viral, fungal and infectious diseases. The protective mechanism of the chinchilla body is still poorly understood and vaccination against diseases that chinchilla does not get sick, will lead to a weakening of the immune system, which will have the opposite effect.
  • It is forbidden: keep in the same cage parents and babies who are more than 4 months old. Especially if the baby is a female - dad can cover her at a very young age.
    and early pregnancy are almost always negative.
  • It is forbidden: put chinchilla and other animals (rabbits, hamsters, pigs, and so on) in one cage.
    Their diet varies greatly, the animals can seriously injure each other, the mode of activity in different rodents does not match.
  • It is forbidden: collect grass and branches for chinchillas on the street, in the park and along the roads, as well as feed them homemade and purchased flowers and plants.
    Poisoning is very difficult to cure and your chinchilla may die because of it.
  • It is forbidden: put the male in a cage with the female. In the chinchilla family, matriarchy rules, so the female is planted on the territory of the male, and not vice versa.
  • It is forbidden: allow cats, dogs and other animals to come into contact with chinchillas without supervision.
    Someone can suffer greatly and the chinchilla will not always be the injured party.

    Full or partial copying and placement of information from the site is prohibited.

  • Feeding chinchillas is a very important stage of their maintenance. In general, feeding the animal is not so difficult, since the chinchilla's diet is very diverse. But it's important to do it right.

    Features of feeding. First of all, chinchillas are herbivorous rodents. But unlike their close relatives, guinea pigs, these animals eat very little. At the same time, irrepressible energy and chic fur require a large consumption of nutrients. The food for them should be high-calorie, contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates. It so happened that in their natural habitats, vegetation is sparse, food is not easy to obtain, but at the same time it is nutritious and varied. Therefore, in captivity, the diet of chinchillas must contain a sufficient amount of grain feed, as sources of complete proteins and carbohydrates, grass and hay must also be present. They have the so-called semi-concentrated type of feeding (you can read about what concentrates are in the article ).

    Chinchillas, it happens, are picky in eating food, they try new food with caution, and they often get bored with the old one. Therefore, it is desirable that the diet for them is not only nutritious, but also as varied as possible. It's good to have a wide range of products on the menu. It is rare to see that a chinchilla greedily pounces on food. Most often: he will eat a grain, come up to you, look thoughtfully, eat a nut, jump around the cage, eat a grain ... It is important that the cage always contains non-perishable food: grain, hay, tasty granules. If you provide the animal with a good spacious cage so that it can actively move, let it go for a walk, do not give a lot of fatty food and treats, then it will not have obesity. Chinchillas are very energetic animals!

    When choosing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the biology of chinchillas. Like all herbivorous rodents and rabbits, they have sensitive digestion. Firstly, due to the longer intestine (see article - about the biological characteristics of chinchillas). Secondly, herbivores get a lot of the nutrients they need from plant fiber. But, not a single multicellular animal, from a cow to a termite (including our animal), is able to independently break down fiber in the intestines, because this product is generally difficult to process. And herbivores call on the help of various microorganisms that do this for them. Animals, in turn, provide them with a secure habitat and a set of nutrients. In chinchillas, these bacteria live in large numbers in a well-developed caecum. This partnership is called symbiosis. All herbivorous animals are highly dependent on the vital activity of their intestinal microflora. So, for example, a cow, a rabbit, a guinea pig, and our chinchilla can use antibiotics inside only when absolutely necessary.

    In order for the population of bacteria not to decrease, it is necessary that the diet contains a lot of fiber and easily digestible carbohydrates. The last animal can get from grain feed. As for fiber, you need to remember that if for us vegetables, fruits, greens are good sources of it, then herbivorous animals have slightly different criteria. Therefore, in order to provide the animal with fiber, a bundle of good hay must be in the cage in winter and summer.

    Diet stability is also important for a chinchilla's well-being. And a person who has arrived in another country and switched too quickly to previously unfamiliar foods may develop a serious indigestion. Not only the stomach itself, the intestines and the immune system adapt over the years to strictly defined foods, but also various beneficial intestinal bacteria. They have already learned how to produce enzymes necessary for the processing of familiar products, but then the diet changes dramatically and they do not have time to adapt, their mass death begins. The empty place is no longer occupied by beneficial bacteria, but by pathogenic ones, which always have somewhere to come from, and they adapt much better than useful ones. This is how all the problems actually start. Chinchillas even more than people depend on the vital activity of intestinal microorganisms, because in addition to lacto- and bifidobacteria they have bacteria that process fiber, and for them this development of events is even worse. Therefore, even if you feed the animal with products suitable for him, but today give one oats, and tomorrow - only apples, you should not be surprised that he will have problems with digestion.

    When purchasing a chinchilla, these features must also be taken into account. When moving to a new place, it is important to ask the breeder about the nature of feeding the animal and feed it the same way for the first two weeks. Then you can gradually, within 3-7 days, transfer to your own diet.

    In very nervous animals, diarrhea can sometimes begin even simply because of the nervous reaction of the body. Such diarrhea, if timely measures are taken, passes without any special consequences for the body. In this case, it is advisable to show the veterinarian and serve only good quality hay and oak or willow twigs for some time.

    What foods can be given to a chinchilla.

    1. Rough feed. This is hay, branch fodder, tree bark. For chinchillas, the most suitable hay is legume-grass, containing a lot of clover, alfalfa and other legumes. It is not advisable to give legumes in their pure form. The hay must be of good quality. Chinchillas rarely eat large amounts of hay, but it should always be kept in a cage. In order for it not to get dirty, there are various hay feeders.

    Dry nettle brooms are very useful and contain many vitamins. For their manufacture, nettles are harvested during flowering and dried in a dry, well-ventilated area.

    It is useful to hang branches of fruit trees, linden, aspen in a cage for grinding teeth. Oak, willow, and cherry twigs also have astringent properties and are useful in mild diarrhoea. They also give the bark of all these trees.

    2.Concentrates. These are grain feed, legumes, seeds, cereals, bran, bread. Ready-made feeds for chinchillas can also be classified as concentrates, many of which contain other components besides grain.

    The easiest way is to buy ready-made food at the pet store. A fairly large number of good balanced feeds are now being produced. It is only important to determine which one your pet will like. There are feeds containing various grain mixtures, dried fruits, whole nuts and granulated ones. The latter are convenient in that the animals do not choose individual tasty grains from the feed, they have to eat all the granules. They are more economical. And the first version of the chinchilla is usually eaten more willingly. It is important that the food consists mainly of grains and grass flour and does not contain a large amount of delicacies: dried fruits, nuts, dried vegetables. Many of these chinchillas are simply thrown out of the bowl. You can choose your favorite delicacies yourself.

    It is advisable to purchase food only in specialized stores, and when buying, pay attention to the expiration date. It is useful to consider a small part of the food before giving the chinchilla: is there any mold, bugs. Various insects are not dangerous for animals, but they indicate improper storage of food and it is better not to give such food.

    If the pet store did not find food specifically for chinchillas, then you can buy it for guinea pigs or rabbits (but not for hamsters and rats). A chinchilla will not die if you give it such food a couple of times for lack of a better option, but it is better not to feed it all the time, because the nutrient needs of these animals, although similar, are still different. It is also not advisable to feed the animal with one food.

    Grain, if you decide to feed them, most often you have to buy it on the market. It is important to purchase it from trusted suppliers. Knowing what kind of grain is good for chinchillas is also important for those owners who buy ready-made feeds and read their composition. It's nice to have an idea of ​​what the money is spent on!

    Of the grain feeds for chinchillas, the following are suitable:

      Oats are a very valuable product that contains a lot of healthy protein, fats and at the same time does not cause obesity. But, unfortunately, chinchillas, like children, eat everything that is useful worse. Chinchillas can be given not only grain, but oatmeal, oatmeal, they are better perceived by animals. The mucous substances contained in oatmeal and decoction are useful for digestive disorders. Oats are commonly used as the basis for a grain mixture and can make up up to 75% of the total grain.

      Barley is also a very valuable grain product, but very hard. It is better to give it to adult animals and in ground form.

      Corn - contains even more protein than oats, but this protein is worse in composition, so you can’t feed it with corn alone. Corn, in the stage of milky-wax ripeness (only ripe) has a sweetish taste and is very liked by animals. It can be fed on the cob, but in large quantities it can cause bloating of the intestines, it must be given carefully. At the stage of grain maturity, it can be up to half of the total amount of grain feed. It is best to feed it ground. The most useful are bright yellow and red varieties of corn. They contain carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

      Millet is a very useful food, especially red varieties containing a lot of carotene. But chinchillas do not eat it very well, so it is better to introduce it into the diet a little. From economy.

      Wheat. It contains a high amount of carbohydrates and proteins, and a low amount of fats, B vitamins. In addition to wheat, wheat bran can be fed to chinchillas. They are introduced into the feed mixed with grain.

    Chinchillas should not be given rye. It is very poorly absorbed by all animals.

    Grain is fed dry to chinchillas. It is undesirable to constantly give one kind of food, it is better to make a mixture of different types of grains, legumes, seeds. The grain mixture, moreover, will be better eaten.

    In addition to grain, you can cook various crumbly cereals: corn, oatmeal, millet, rice, peas (naturally, without salt, oil and ketchup!). Kashi is usually fed as supplementary feed in a separate container. Keep in mind that they quickly deteriorate, and clean up leftovers after feeding. Chinchillas grow well on cereals, as they digest them better than whole grains.

    germinated grain very useful for animals, especially during the breeding season, as it contains a lot of vitamin E. This vitamin is responsible for the good functioning of the genital organs, affects the development of embryos. If it is not enough in the diet, animals can be sterile. In addition to this vitamin, they contain a lot of other biologically active substances. They usually germinate oats, barley and wheat, as they are more nutritious. To get such a product, you need to take grain of good quality. Germinated grain is usually prepared in small quantities. The grains are washed and poured in a thin layer into some flat container, such as a tea saucer. Then pour water at room temperature so that it does not completely cover the seeds. After 10-12 hours, the water is drained and washed again. The container is then covered to retain moisture. It is necessary to ensure that the grain does not sour and does not dry out, you can sprinkle it with water. After one or two days, it pecks and the product can be fed to animals. It is strongly not recommended to germinate, as in this case nutrients are lost. Germinated grain should be introduced into the diet gradually, preferably mixed with other food. Germinated grain also spoils quickly, and you need to make sure that it is eaten without residue.

    Oilseeds - most often these are seeds (sunflower seeds). They eat with great pleasure. Seeds contain many so-called essential fatty acids, which have a good effect on the condition of the skin and coat. Therefore, it is very useful to give them if you want to improve the appearance of the animal's skin, with various skin problems. Seeds can make up to 20% of the total grain feed. You can not give too much of them because of the high fat content. It is also necessary to monitor their storage, since this feed, if stored incorrectly or for a long time, deteriorates faster than grain. Rancid fats, which in this case can form in seeds, contribute to the development of a dangerous, almost incurable disease - liver dystrophy. Fried seeds are very dangerous for chinchillas, with which children sometimes unknowingly like to feed animals.

    Legumes. Peas, lentils, soybeans, beans are superior in protein content and its usefulness to all grain products. They must be included in the diet. But, at the same time, they should never be given in pure form, as they contain substances that can cause bloating in the stomach and intestines. They are included in the grain up to 10-15%. They are given in crushed form.

    Nuts! Delicious, love! Nuts of all kinds are very nutritious and highly digestible food. They are also classified as concentrated feed. The hazel is especially useful. It contains up to 70% fat, 20% protein, 8% sugar. But eating nuts in excess can cause indigestion and obesity. Peanuts, like a legume, also often cause bloating. Nuts are best given 1-2 times a week, quite a bit as a food supplement and treat. Agree, if you give nuts every day, then how to lure a chinchilla into a cage after a walk? They must be peeled (chinchilla is not protein!) and raw.

    In addition to the above feed, chinchillas can be given raw cereals: rice, buckwheat, barley; corn flakes without additives, a mixture of grated carrots and crackers, weed seeds, stale white bread - all this in small quantities and only as a supplementary feed, they can replace a small part of other concentrated feeds.

    Chinchillas can also be fed pumpkin, watermelon, and zucchini seeds. They are healthy and eat well.

    3. Juicy food. Juicy food contains a lot of moisture and vitamins. These are various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Here you have to choose those that your pet will like. Some of the succulent foods can become favorite treats, and some animals will not even be touched. Chinchillas are different.

    Chinchillas can be given cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, , kohlrabi, lettuce; from fruits - apples, pears, figs, bananas, grapes, berries. It is advisable to cut large fruits into small pieces. Greens: wheatgrass, clover, knotweed, dandelion, stinging nettle, alfalfa, tops of vegetables (carrots, turnips, Jerusalem artichoke, peas), twigs of fruit trees with leaves. All these feeds can be given in plenty, but it must be borne in mind that they deteriorate very quickly.

    When feeding vegetables and fruits, you need to make sure that they are not rotten and spoiled. They must be thoroughly cleaned before use. Buying, just like for your family, is necessary in verified places so that the products do not contain excessive amounts of nitrates and various toxic substances that are used to grow fruits. Like rabbits, it is undesirable for chinchillas to give white, red, cauliflower, red beets. These foods can cause gastrointestinal illness.

    When feeding grass, you also need to be careful. Chinchillas should not be given growing along the road, in walking areas of other pets. Care should be taken to feed very young grass in spring, young Jerusalem artichoke tops and all legumes (clover, alfalfa, chin, lupine, etc.). All this is very useful, but under certain conditions it can cause bloating, which is very dangerous for chinchillas. They should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small amounts, preferably mixed with other herbs or after feeding hay. Wet grass can also cause problems with the intestines. The grass is not washed before feeding, but for greater safety and better storage, it is advisable to slightly dry it. Poisonous herbs: bindweed, buttercup, euphorbia, raven eye, horsetail, sweet clover, lily of the valley, henbane, hemlock, etc.

    Juicy food and grain, bread often form dangerous combinations that cause fermentation processes in the intestines, so it is advisable to give them at different times.

    The best time to give succulent feed on weekdays is in the morning. Then, if something does not fit the chinchilla from the feed, you will be able to notice and fix the problem by the evening.

    4. Feed of animal origin. These feeds are especially needed for young, lactating females, especially if the offspring exceeds a couple of babies. Animal feed can be introduced up to 5% of the diet. These include whey, skim milk, curdled milk, meat and bone meal. Like succulent foods, they spoil easily. For them, it is better to use a separate container, which will be thoroughly washed after feeding. Chinchillas can be given powdered milk: it spoils less and can be mixed with grain. We use milk replacer milk for calves in small packages as a cheap option for powdered milk. Comfortable!

    5. Vitamin and mineral supplements. A mineral and salt stone must hang in the cage. It will be eaten by the animal as needed. Vitamin preparations are given with an insufficiently balanced diet, lactating and pregnant females, young animals, sick and convalescent animals. It is best to buy liquid vitamin preparations designed specifically for rodents and give them with water, or fortified food. It is difficult to give tablets and powders to rodents. For all other animals, you can simply enrich the diet with foods high in vitamins: red varieties of pumpkin and carrots, sprouted grains, nettle hay, rose hips and mountain ash. You can add dry yeast (2-5 g) to the feed, they contain protein and a lot of B vitamins.

    5. Don't forget dessert!

    Chinchillas should not be given cookies, sweet buns with vanilla, roasted seeds and nuts, muesli with a high content of various additives. All this animal can eat with pleasure and not even die after the first time. But subsequently feeding such goodies can seriously affect the health of the animal.

    Currently, many delicious treats are produced specifically for rodents. There is something to enjoy here. These are various sweet sticks, crackers, baskets with nuts, sweet hearts and circles, biscuits with berries - and all this without the content of various harmful substances. They can brighten up your pet's life, make a great food diversification, be used for training, and some of them are also fortified. The main thing is not to get carried away! A chinchilla is already difficult to feed to satiety, and in this case it will become even more difficult.

    Feeding rules. To summarize all of the above, we can say that the animal should always have concentrates in the form of a grain mixture, porridge or ready-made feed about 30 g per day for adult animals in the diet, and young animals and lactating females can have more and a small bunch of hay. All succulent foods are fed in small quantities as they are eaten, in summer they can be given quite a lot. Animal feed is provided as needed. The cage must have fresh water. It is best to use a special teat drinker. When feeding, you need to take into account the nocturnal lifestyle of chinchillas and give the main part of the food, but not succulent food, to give at night. You can feed as many times a day as it is convenient, but the main thing is that a small amount of food is always in the cage.

    A small, fluffy animal is able to win the heart of every person. Moreover, the sellers persuade the future owner, telling how unpretentious, omnivorous, affectionate the chinchilla is. What is there cannot be taken away. This is a charming creature, sweet and gentle. However, you need to think about what to feed your chinchilla long before you bring the fluffy home.

    Food for this animal is the most important pleasure from life. He is ready to give anything for food. But you can't feed it to everyone. However, looking at how much energy this creature has, the owner himself is ready to switch to chinchilla food.

    Some features of the diet

    Speaking about what to feed a chinchilla, it must be remembered that there are a number of rules that must be followed. First of all, in the bowl there should always be a grain mixture or ready-made food for these rodents in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons. If your pet scatters food, selects only individual seeds, then portions should be reduced. Do not forget that the bowl should always have fresh water, as well as soft hay.

    In a week, an ordinary chinchilla eats 100 g of hay and drinks 100 g of water. This is a large and mobile animal, whose needs are appropriate. If you are thinking about what to feed your chinchilla, immediately make it your responsibility to prepare a sufficient amount of fragrant hay. Chinchilla loves to steal it very much. Prepare some twigs near the cage and start cleaning. Surely the animal will not resist the temptation to drag a twig from the common pile and, running off to the side, sit down to gnaw it.

    Treats for your pet

    Speaking about what you can feed a chinchilla besides food, you must also talk about various tasty dietary supplements. As always, a good little bit. But these animals have a surprisingly well-developed sense of proportion. They themselves will not eat more than they should. Chinchillas are very fond of ripe bananas, it is also useful to treat pets with corn and flax seeds. In summer, you can bring your pet leaves of plantain, nettle and dandelion every day.

    Dried fruits are great for dessert. It can be an apple, carrot or pear (pre-dried). Once or twice a week, you can give one raisin berry. Chinchilla is a vegetarian, keep this in mind when picking up a treat. The entire diet consists of only natural products.

    Daily routine and feeding regimen

    Speaking about what to feed a chinchilla, it is necessary to remember the periods of its maximum activity. This is a nocturnal animal, so with the onset of evening, you can put a bowl of food in the cage. This will solve two problems at once: as soon as the animal sees that the bowl is already in the cage, he will run to the place himself, and no additional efforts will be required. However, it is rare to see that a chinchilla greedily pounced on food. Usually she will eat one grain and run to jump around the cage, then return to the cup and circle again.

    Do not forget that the stability of the diet is important for the well-being of the chinchilla. If you want to introduce new food into it, then this process should take no less than a week. It is always necessary to keep a mineral and salt stone in a cage. The animal will gnaw them as needed. Now we will take a closer look at how to feed a chinchilla at home.

    Food is rough and juicy

    It is the main source of trace elements and vitamins. Juicy foods include fresh herbs and tree branches, vegetables and fruits. Organic matter that is important for your pet's growth and development is a great addition. In the autumn, the chinchilla will be happy to gobble up root vegetables, it can be carrots, celery, parsley. From fruits, apples are very useful for these rodents, and from dried fruits - prunes, apples, rose hips, barberries. It is very good if you have the opportunity to collect meadow herbs, it can be alfalfa, garden lettuce, spinach, chicory and raspberries. It is better not to give other plants, since it is very difficult to foresee the reaction. Cabbage should not be given any, any varieties of it cause bloating.

    In order for fluffy animals to grind their teeth and at the same time enjoy goodies, it is better to use twigs of apple and pear, willow and acacia, birch and oak. It is these feeds that help provide the body with tannins and biologically active compounds that improve metabolism.

    Food is dry and rough

    Speaking about how to feed a chinchilla at home, it should be noted that she will need hay in any case, no matter how balanced the diet looks. It is best if you prepare it yourself. To do this, you will have to spend quite a bit of time getting out into nature, walking through the meadows and cutting off the tender grass. Upon returning home, it must be laid out in the shade and dried well. Good quality hay is green in color and has a pleasant aroma. Brown, damp, moldy hay should not be used even for bedding. The animal can try it on the tooth.

    If there is no opportunity to collect hay, then you can order it in the village or buy it at a pet store. Your pet will be very happy with such a makeweight to his diet.

    Nutrient mixtures

    They are sold in every pet store. Speaking about what you can feed a chinchilla, these foods can be put in the forefront. It is in store packages that a balanced mixture is contained that is necessary for the full functioning and development of the animal's body. At the same time, pay attention to the composition - the richer and more diverse it is, the better. But the use of any one type of grain is not recommended.

    The composition of the mixture should contain 20% proteins and 5% fats. Feed must be enriched with vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, it is very convenient to buy mixtures that are made at the factory - it is much easier to take into account all the features of your pet's body than to feed a chinchilla at home with various products and hope that a balanced diet will result. Granulated grain mixture is very convenient to serve - the animal will not choose one of the varieties of seeds that he liked the most, but will eat the whole thing.

    If the nutrient mixture is not available in the pet store

    This may happen, but do not panic - your pet will not go hungry. Now we will consider what you can feed a chinchilla at home. You will need to make a mixture yourself that will contain 20% oats, 20% wheat, 10% buckwheat, 10% barley, 7% peas, 55% crushed corn, 8% flax seed, wheat bran - 10%, dried nettle or alfalfa. In addition, the mixture must be necessarily enriched with special vitamin preparations. It can be Poltamix L or Poltamix F. Additionally, the mixture is enriched with ground calcium and methonine. The result is an excellent nutritional blend.

    However, there is one difficulty: unlike nutritional granules, in which all components are thoroughly mixed, here each grain is separated from the other. Your pet does not know that his diet must be balanced, which means that he will choose only what he likes. As a result, the chinchilla will quickly shake out the grains she likes from the feeder and beg for food again. This upsets the necessary balance.

    What not to give furry animals

    Not everything that you have in your kitchen will suit your animal. Let's talk in more detail about what you can and cannot feed a chinchilla. First of all, you need to eliminate all baked goods. Keep in mind that the animals are very fast, they can get into the kitchen and steal cookies or candy. Chinchillas should not be given white cabbage, cauliflower, red beets, persimmons, peppers. These foods cause intestinal diseases and disorders. There are poisonous herbs that should not get into your pet's cage. These are bindweed and buttercup, euphorbia and crow's eye, sweet clover, lily of the valley, henbane and much more. Don't forget that too much fresh fruit and vegetables can harm a chinchilla's delicate digestive system. It is better to give dried fruits in small quantities.

    Summing up

    Chinchilla is a funny and cute animal with its own character and passions. However, its nutrition must be carefully monitored, the only way your pet can live a long and happy life. Do not give your furry anything from your table, especially spicy, salty, baked and sweet. This is a pure vegetarian, and therefore you need to feed him exclusively with natural products. If suddenly your pet is poisoned, sick and began to refuse to eat - contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Chinchillas are unusual and quite popular domestic rodents, characterized by excellent health and a long lifespan. Feeding chinchillas at home is a difficult and very important issue, especially for beginner chinchilla breeders. Improper feeding negatively affects reproductive function, the appearance of expensive fur and the general health of animals, sometimes nutritional errors cause the death of furry animals.

    Before you start an exotic rodent, you need to thoroughly understand how to feed a chinchilla at home, what foods should form the basis of the animal's diet, what you can and cannot treat your beloved pet to.

    What do chinchillas eat?

    In the wild, chinchillas feed on bark, flowers, shrub twigs, and sparse, low-growing plants of the highlands, which is the natural habitat of South American rodents. The nutritional value of mountain grasses is much higher than the usual hay produced for chinchillas. Therefore, the diet of a domestic chinchilla should be more varied and balanced than that of wild animals, and include not only carefully selected grasses and hay, but concentrated feed, fruits, berries and vitamin supplements.

    The diet of domestic chinchillas

    The diet of pets is as close as possible to the composition and quality of feed that chinchillas eat in nature, given the need of small rodents for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Failure to comply with the proportions of nutrients, the norm of vitamins and mineral supplements in the diet of chinchillas has an extremely negative effect:

    • on the growth and formation of the skeleton of a domestic animal;
    • wool quality;
    • reproductive, digestive, immune and excretory functions of the body.
    In feeding a pet, it is important to maintain the correct balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

    Given the inactivity of pets, you should correctly calculate the amount of food consumed in order to avoid the development of obesity in cute animals. You can feed a chinchilla with a relatively small amount of food, provided it contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in the required proportions.

    At home, it is necessary to use not only hay and combined feeds that chinchillas eat to feed small animals, but also introduce mandatory additional products: fresh and dried herbs, berries and fruits, twigs, vitamin and mineral supplements.

    Balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

    When compiling a daily diet for chinchillas, it is necessary to take into account the daily need of the animal for proteins, fats, carbohydrates as a percentage, season, age and physiological state of the animal.

    Squirrels necessary for furry rodents to regenerate cells of all animal organ systems. Chinchillas have a relatively low need for proteins and amino acids, during the day you can give chinchillas about 20% of protein feed, which are responsible for the shine and elasticity of chic fur, it can be alfalfa flour or hay, oilseeds, milk, legumes, cereals and nuts . A lactating or pregnant female should consume additional protein foods of animal origin for proper formation of the calf's organ systems and breastfeeding. These include: cottage cheese, meat and bone meal, milk granules, milk, kefir.

    Fats in the diet of pets should be contained in a minimum amount, about 4%, they are responsible for the proper development of small chinchillas, the condition of fluffy fur and skin, and are a source of energy. To meet the need for fats, exotic rodents are introduced to the diet of nuts, cake and oilseeds.

    Carbohydrates- a source of energy and the main component in the diet of domestic chinchillas. They account for about 35% of the daily food and 30% of the crude fiber necessary to maintain intestinal motility and excretion of toxins. Feeding chinchillas is based on the use of cereal hay, grains, herbs, vegetables and fruits rich in vegetable fibers with a low content of protein and fat.

    The balance of vitamins and minerals is important for the proper development of the puppy.

    Balance of vitamins and minerals

    In addition to food, pets must receive vitamin supplements and mineral supplements. The lack or absence of which negatively affects the formation of the skeleton and muscle tissue of small animals, the quality of the fur and the well-coordinated work of all organ systems of rodents. Vitamin deficiency is often the cause of serious diseases in pets.

    Vitamin A (carotene)

    Required for:

    • proper formation of dental and bone tissue;
    • responsible for the work of the organs of vision;
    • immune system;
    • metabolism;
    • skin and fur condition.

    The lack of this vitamin in the diet of chinchillas leads to:

    • to the deterioration of immunity;
    • hair loss;
    • decrease in reproductive function;
    • frequent incidence of domestic rodents.

    To replenish vitamin A, you can feed the chinchilla:

    • corn;
    • alfalfa;
    • carrots;
    • pumpkin;
    • bananas;
    • green salad and spinach.

    B vitamins

    Thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid are involved in:

    • in metabolism;
    • the formation of a fatty layer;
    • regulate the functioning of the nervous system, liver;
    • in the development of a growing organism;
    • as a coat.

    The lack of these vitamins leads to:

    • to impotence and pathologies of pregnancy;
    • nervous disorders;
    • liver diseases.

    It is recommended to add to the main feed that the chinchilla eats:

    • germs of oats and wheat;
    • cereals;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • beans, peas, chickpeas;
    • bananas;
    • yeast;
    • milk;
    • offal;
    • coarse flour.

    Thick and even fur is an indicator of proper nutrition

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

    Required for:

    • responsible for the functioning of the immune system;
    • blood clotting;
    • cell regeneration.

    Vitamin deficiency is manifested by a decrease in the resistance of animals to diseases. To meet the needs of the animal in ascorbic acid, you can give the chinchilla:

    • parsley;
    • sorrel;
    • rose hip;
    • potato.

    Vitamin E (tocopherol)

    Responsible for the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems. Lack of tocopherol leads to:

    • aspermia;
    • impotence;
    • pathological pregnancy and childbirth;
    • congenital diseases of newborn puppies.

    Vitamin E is found in:

    • almonds;
    • celery
    • parsley;
    • corn;
    • walnuts.


    Calcium, phosphorus and potassium are involved in:

    • in metabolism;
    • building bone and dental tissue;
    • are responsible for the work of the immune, protective, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    The lack of minerals is manifested by rickets of young animals and diseases of chinchillas.

    Minerals contain:

    • bone flour;
    • parsley;
    • dandelion;
    • celery
    • apples;
    • wheat;
    • beans;
    • beans.

    trace elements

    The body of a chinchilla needs sulfur, copper, iron, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, the lack of which is manifested:

    • anemia
    • loss and deterioration of the quality of wool;
    • nervous disorders;
    • decrease in reproductive function.

    To fill the need for trace elements, a rodent can eat:

    • bran;
    • wheat and oat sprouts;
    • cereals;
    • various greens;
    • nuts.

    Nuts - a source of trace elements

    A good option is the use of vitamin supplements and mineral supplements designed for chinchillas, taking into account the daily needs of the animal.

    Some owners believe that everything that intelligent rodents eat cannot be harmful to the chinchilla's body, and fluffy animals are able to independently determine harmful and healthy foods. This insidious delusion sometimes turns into the death of pets as a result of eating prohibited foods.

    How to feed a chinchilla: feed features

    Particular attention must be paid to the quality of the feed used.

    Do not feed your chinchilla spoiled food, wet or moldy hay or grass. Such food causes disorder and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and often the sudden death of a pet as a result of bloating of the stomach or intestines.

    If you run out of food for chinchillas or special hay, you can feed the animal with berries, vegetables, fruits, self-collected and carefully prepared herbs.

    The pet menu should consist of the following main ingredients:

    1. Basis: homemade concentrated feed or, hay and drinking water.
    2. Vegetable dressings are used in doses: green fresh and dried herbs, berries, fruits, wheat and oat sprouts.
    3. Treats are used in minimal quantities to encourage small rodents during training or treats to a furry friend: nuts, corn rings, dried fruits.
    4. Vitamin and mineral supplements.
    5. In the pet's cage all day long there should be clean water, concentrated ready-made food and fresh high-quality hay, which is given to healthy animals in unlimited quantities.

    concentrated feed

    Concentrated food is the basis of the diet for small rodents, combining high nutritional value with a minimum content of fat and sugar. Concentrated feeds include legumes and grains, oilseeds. The ideal option is to use in the diet of chinchillas high-quality ready-made granulated feed from well-known manufacturers Versele Laga Chinchilla & Degu Pro, Vitakraft Vita Special, Vitakraft Pellet, designed specifically for chinchillas, taking into account the physiological needs of rodents for nutrients. An adult eats about 1 kg of granular feed per month.

    Granulated food for chinchillas is carefully balanced

    Granules are prepared according to a carefully verified recipe and contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, food is produced taking into account the age and physiological state of small pets.

    When using only purchased or self-made grain mixtures without the introduction of granular feed, the animals sort out the grains and do not eat all the ingredients, which leads to a lack of nutrients in the pet's body.

    Granular feed is recommended to be poured into feeders at the rate of 25-30 g per day per adult. When spilling or throwing away food, it is recommended to reduce the number of sweets fed, do not pour a new portion until the previous food has been eaten.

    Grain mixtures

    Grain mixtures are a very important component of the diet of domestic chinchillas, saturating the body of animals with vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. Fluffy pets are recommended to introduce the following cereals and seeds into the diet:

    • buckwheat- a complex carbohydrate that gives a long saturation of the animal's body, contains iron, protein, vitamins B and P, calcium, phosphorus and iodine;
    • wheat- is a source of vegetable proteins and carbohydrates with a low content of fats, trace elements, B vitamins, fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. The use of wheat is important for lactating female chinchillas, who require increased care and recuperation after childbirth;
    • pearl barley- made from barley, rich in a huge amount of useful macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, cobalt) and vitamins A, D, E and group B, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, maintaining the beauty of chic chinchilla fur and leather;
    • corn- contains amino acids and vitamins necessary for the rodent's body, which are involved in the pet's metabolism;
    • oats or oats- a healthy nutritious cereal rich in vitamins A, B, E, amino acids and carbohydrates, helps to remove toxins from the body of rodents, it is recommended for pregnant, lactating females and puppies;
    • flax seed- contain vitamins A, B, E and Omega-3 acid, necessary for the reproductive function of pets and maintaining the immune system, seed husks are an excellent tool for removing toxins from the body;
    • sunflower and pumpkin seeds- rich in fats, protein and vitamins, used in a minimal amount to prevent pet obesity.

    It is advisable to feed chinchillas not with one type of grain, but with a grain mixture. It is allowed to cook cereals from cereals - oatmeal, corn, buckwheat and millet, which are especially useful for feeding young animals.


    Hay is an important part of the furry animal's diet, which should be available to the chinchilla every day. It is best to buy hay for exotic rodents in specialized stores, the following brands have successfully proven themselves: Prestige, Fiori, Medow Hay, Biokraft.

    Before putting hay in a cage - check its quality

    For chinchillas, hay is best, consisting of alfalfa, vetch, clover, legumes contain a sufficient amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. Good animal, slightly inferior in nutrition to legumes.

    Hay should be dark green, uniform, fresh with a pleasant smell, free of dust or mold, wet or spoiled grass should not be given to the chinchilla.

    Hay is necessary for rodents to improve intestinal motility in order to avoid stagnation and fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to prevent the formation of hooks on the teeth. Hay is given to animals in small portions to avoid contamination. If the rodent scatters grass around the cage, it is recommended not to give hay for several days.

    It is highly discouraged to use hay as a bedding, a wet product is dangerous as a manifestation of intestinal disorders and deaths.

    If the hay is dirty, wet or dark, you must immediately remove the spoiled product from the cage. If the hay remains in the cage the next day, it is also discarded.

    An alternative option is to make your own hay with careful selection of herbs. Crow's eye, poisonous ranunculus, dope, white hellebore can cause the death of a little friend. It is necessary to mow the young grass to the stage of spikelet appearance and dry it in a dark, well-ventilated area to avoid molding of the product. It is recommended to store the self-prepared product in a dry place by placing hay in linen bags or cardboard boxes.

    Drinking water

    At home, suspended from the wall of a cage or aviary. Do not pour water into open containers to avoid rapid contamination and overturning of dishes.

    For fluffy rodents, bottled non-carbonated baby water or purified with a carbon filter is used; it is highly recommended not to give small pets raw water from the tap to avoid intestinal disorders.

    dried herbs

    Vegetable top dressings are given in very limited quantities, no more than 4-10 g per day. These include dry herbs and leaves, branch fodder, dried berries and fruits, cereal sprouts.

    Greens are rich in vitamins and minerals

    Green food is introduced gradually with a daily increase in the dose, feeding with herbal supplements has a positive effect on the development of young chinchillas.

    Starting in spring, you can treat small pets with a small amount of well-dried green herbs rich in vitamins and trace elements. As a green bait use:

    • dandelion grass;
    • horse sorrel;
    • plantain;
    • yarrow;
    • nettles;
    • burdock;
    • alfalfa;
    • crow's feet;
    • clover
    • parsley;
    • lettuce;
    • spinach;
    • tops of carrots;
    • chicory;
    • strawberry, strawberry and raspberry leaves.

    Dill should not be fed to small pets, dill or fennel seeds are great for bloating the intestines or stomach in chinchillas.

    It is very useful to feed rodents with barley or wheat sprouts rich in vitamin E.

    Sprouted grain is given to pregnant females daily for the successful course of pregnancy and the proper development of the cubs.

    Dry leaves are a source of fiber in the chinchilla diet

    Branches and leaves of trees

    Branch food must be present in the diet of fluffy pets. It is necessary for the proper grinding of teeth and a source of vitamins and microelements; dried tree leaves are also readily eaten by exotic rodents. following trees.

    Not all tree branches can be given to a chinchilla


    Birch branches contain vitamins, carbohydrates and phytoncides, dried young leaves are a source of vitamin C.


    The fruits of the oak branch have an astringent effect and are a highly nutritious food.


    It is advisable to feed chinchillas with nutritious willow branches cut in winter.


    For food, bark, leaves and young shoots are used, which can be given to animals all year round.


    Chinchillas are happy to feast on needles and berries of a useful shrub.


    Pine branches are cleaned of resin before feeding to pets, rodents also willingly feast on pine cones.

    Bark and branches of fruit trees

    Pears, apple trees, sea buckthorn are also actively used as branch fodder.

    It is forbidden to use for feeding chinchillas branches of apricot, almond, elderberry and bird cherry, containing substances toxic to pets.

    Berries, nuts, vegetables and fruits

    Juicy food is a source of vitamins, microelements and fiber necessary for the well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract. Chinchillas willingly eat delicious fruits, the owners need to accurately dose the feed in order to avoid the development of allergies and intestinal disorders.

    Berries in the chinchilla diet are strictly dosed

    Pets are dosed with treats:

    • carrot;
    • bananas;
    • fresh apples and pears;
    • grapes;
    • wild rose;
    • figs;
    • mango;
    • Jerusalem artichoke;
    • zucchini;
    • tomatoes;
    • apricots;
    • strawberries
    • blueberries
    • strawberries.

    It is forbidden to feed small animals with fresh cabbage, persimmons, beets, oranges, fresh cucumbers. Also, rodents should not eat food from the human table: cheese, smoked meats, honey, sweets, bread.

    Dried fruits contain a lot of sugar in a small piece of the product, so it is recommended to use them no more than once a week in minimal quantities. Chinchillas can be treated:

    • dried apricots;
    • raisins;
    • prunes;
    • dates;
    • dried apples.

    Therefore, they can be fed to a small pet in crushed form in an amount of no more than 2 pieces per week. Chinchillas are given raw:

    • hazelnut;
    • peanut;
    • almond;
    • Walnut.

    Pine nuts and apricot kernels are not recommended for pet feeding.

    Vitamins for chinchillas

    Chinchillas need vitamin supplements regardless of the presence of vitamin feeds in their diet. Ready granular feed contains vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the daily norm of a rodent when using ready-made feeds can be halved.

    Vitamin supplements must be purchased in specialized stores. Trademark preparations have successfully proven themselves:

    • Multi tabs;
    • Canina Petvital N 200;
    • Lebensvitamine;
    • Phytomins;
    • Vitamin Cal.

    Vitamin supplements are available as solutions, tablets, or powders. Liquid preparations can be dripped onto the animal’s favorite delicacies, tablet forms are hidden in a raisin, pieces of dried fruits are rolled in powders.

    Treats for chinchillas

    As a treat for encouragement, you can use what chinchillas love from food the most: dried fruits, nuts, berries, fruits, oats,. You can treat the animal with a scanty amount and monitor the reaction. With the manifestation of intestinal disorders or hair loss, it is worth canceling delicious food.

    You can buy special treats for exotic rodents of the brands Gryzunchik, Vitacraft and Life in specialized stores in the form of cookies, sticks, biscuits, rings, which should be used exclusively as a treat for your favorite animal.

    Overfeeding a rodent with delicacies leads to obesity of a pet.

    Feeding chinchillas with chips, crackers and other junk food is unacceptable

    What you can and cannot feed a chinchilla

    Inexperienced chinchilla breeders often make stupid mistakes when treating their favorite animals with pine nuts, chips or tangerines. As a result, absolutely bald animals with severe allergies are brought to veterinarians, sometimes nutritional errors cause the death of a pet. Chinchillas can be fed pellets, hay and water. All other products must be strictly dosed. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of products that can and cannot be used to feed your little friend.

    Table of allowed and prohibited products

    Product Can be done in small quantities It is forbidden
    Grains and cereals corn rye
    Greens and leaves dandelion raven eye
    horse sorrel ranunculus poisonous
    plantain dope
    nettle hellebore white
    clover May lily of the valley
    goose cinquefoil spurge
    alfalfa digitalis
    burdock marigold
    parsley fern
    salad Highlander
    spinach field mustard
    raspberry leaves larkspur
    strawberry leaves marsh marigold
    yarrow lumbago
    strawberry leaves hemlock spotted
    chicory carrot tops
    branches Birch apricot
    oak white acacia
    willow beech
    aspen elder
    juniper cherry
    pine cypress
    pear plum
    Apple tree maple
    sea ​​​​buckthorn chestnut
    Fruits, vegetables and berries bananas beet
    apples persimmon
    pears fresh cabbage
    figs fresh potatoes
    pumpkin orange
    tomatoes mandarin
    dried apricots
    rose hip
    Jerusalem artichoke
    milk corn
    Bell pepper
    Seeds and nuts linen apricot kernels
    Walnut Pine nuts
    Dairy products for lactating and pregnant females kefir
    curdled milk
    milk granules
    cottage cheese
    animal squirrels meat and bone meal meat
    Other tea cheese
    rose petals sweets
    smoked meats
    chips, kirieshki

    A balanced diet for domestic chinchillas is the key to its long healthy life and ability to reproduce. Take care and properly feed your furry pets.
