What to do if you want to call an ex-boyfriend? How not to text a man first. How to keep from calling your ex

How familiar is the time when not being nearby, you feel the presence of a loved one. But it happens that the relationship ends, and attachment to a young man can torment for some time. How not to call your ex when your whole being is reaching out to dial your favorite number?

Period or comma

First, you need to figure it out. Maybe there was a temporary quarrel, and communication has a chance to continue? Of course, it can be difficult to give a 100% answer. But, you should try to honestly figure it out, letting go of resentment and reducing the degree of tension.

If the initiative of parting came from you, and did not become the result of a violent showdown, but was the result of a calm and sober look at the situation, you probably won’t want to call. The situation is more complicated when he quit, especially if the circumstances of the incident are not clarified. A guy can be a coward and not want to reveal the true reason. Maybe he's driven by a desire to keep his ex-girlfriend in limbo and as a fallback. This, of course, is even more annoying. Does he recognize?

But, there may be an acute desire to call and talk with a former loved one. If the reasons for the discord are not clarified, of course, it is better to dot the “and”. This is necessary for a normal future life.

Well, when the decision is "amicable", and communication is maintained, the question "to call - not to call" simply does not arise. Is friendship necessary when love passes?

Separate couples at parting decide to maintain a friendly relationship. It happens that you can’t stop communicating even if you want to, when you have to deal with each other at work, study or in a company. It is easier for some to maintain friendship, for others it is better to burn bridges forever.

There is no universal and best method, people are different. In the case of continued communication, but if a friend does not call when you want to talk, you can easily dial a number and “pour out your soul” without fear of being misunderstood. But, when everything is over completely and irrevocably and there is no connection left - what to do if you really want to call, tell how you miss you, or, conversely, say various nasty things?

Maybe call?

  • After parting, what happens if you call when you want? In the case of a large number of such tortured calls, it is really worth deleting contacts on the phone, social networks and seeking psychological help, since this behavior is clearly not adequate and will definitely be repeated with another future young man.
  • Well, and if there is no torment, but once it just “rolled up” and I wanted to speak out. Why hold back? What does it matter now how he reacts? The main thing is to take care in advance so that the condition really improves, and not worsens. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for the conversation.

With a firm decision not to call, no matter how much you would like, the following actions will help.

  1. The first thing that is done: existing contacts are deleted. If a favorite number is remembered by heart, it will gradually be erased from memory if it is not fixed on a phone, computer or paper.
  2. It is worth taking a closer look at the surroundings. Much reminds him? At the final break, it is better to get rid of towels, shirts and other things left in the house. When performing the ritual, you need to “secure” yourself so that there is no desire to call.
  3. With a strong impulse, try writing a letter to your ex, where you describe in detail and in colors everything you want. And then take and burn with the desire to give to the fire, the emotions accumulated inside.
  4. “Trust” the experience paper. Write down the pros and cons, big and small, about your loved one. Sum everything up, considering the importance of each item, and decide whether to call or not.
  5. It can sometimes help not to call and one hundred grams of alcohol. The main thing is not to get carried away, not to get drunk and not to call him in such a state.
  6. Take a bath and go to bed, trying to push the thoughts out of your head. Then there are many things to think about. Nothing just happens. What happened is necessary in life. There are lessons to be learned from this connection. But think about everything later. Until then, sleep well.

When the decision to break up is made and relief is felt, you need to follow this and not look back. A lot of interesting things are ahead!

In the freed time, implement what it was simply not enough for before. If your favorite pastime is missing, you urgently need to look for it. Life does not consist only in the beloved, especially if he remained in yesterday.

There comes a time when you need to free yourself from the past, open up to the present and the future. The one who keeps anything in the past is ourselves. We can let go of the past and start life anew. It may be hard at first, but then you will feel the “wings”.

It's funny when at such moments you find on the phone that the ex-boyfriend called. It used to be the most desirable call in the world. And then the long-awaited event happened, but I don’t want to talk anymore.

This often happens. When a person suffers because of another, he consciously or unconsciously feels. It is unpleasant for him to communicate and think about the one who suffers because of him. But when you release yourself from suffering for an ex-boyfriend, and get distracted, he will definitely feel relief. You may then want to call your ex-girlfriend. If communication becomes already unpleasant, you should not reject, insult the person or refuse to talk. It is better to let them speak and leave on a positive and friendly note. This will be the key to a future good relationship with another guy.

What if it happens that love returns and you want to accept your former lover into your life again. Sometimes unforeseen surprises happen.

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Get busy doing something. This will distract from the desire to call the young man several times. If nothing helps, but the itching in your hands (to pick up the phone) remains, then turn on a good TV series or movie. Feeling for the characters can be so exciting that the guy will have to call you himself to distract you.

Block his number. Many modern phone models allow you to add a specific phone number to the "black list". You won't be able to call him. Of course, this is a weak way to protect yourself from yourself, but it's worth a try. Just a few days and you won't want to call so often anymore.

Delete your phone number. Of course, you can’t easily erase it from your memory, but once again you can get sick of typing a bunch of numbers. This option is only suitable if you want to completely break off relations with a guy, since the number can still be forgotten.

Every time you want to call a young man, paint your nails. With a fresh manicure, it is not very convenient to use a mobile phone. Of course, this option cannot help several times a day, but at least one call from you will become less.

If you have a bad habit of calling a guy for any reason and without him, then try to distract yourself with third-party problems at this moment. For example, washing dishes or talking with another person (mother, girlfriend, acquaintance). Such distraction helps to radically restart the brain: you just wanted one thing (call him), and now you are doing a radically different action.

Don't get hung up. To stop calling, you need to stop thinking about it. Do not try to count how many times a day you have already called. Relax, drink a delicious drink, have a snack, read a good book or magazine. Good music also helps to relax, to think about something abstract. The main thing is to put the phone away so that it does not catch your eye once again.

If you want to stop calling a guy, then just turn off your phone or leave it at home if you are going somewhere. When there is nowhere to call, then there is no need to call. Allow yourself one day without communication. On the second day, it will be much easier not to call, even if the phone is on.

Write letters. Just pen on paper. They don't have to be sent. Just say everything you wanted to say on the phone. By evening, reread everything that has accumulated during the day. Ruthlessly remove what is superfluous, stupid or obvious. Everything that remains useful can be told by phone if the desire does not disappear.


Should you call your ex?

There are simply no other reasons to call the former and cannot be. I never called the former: for me, this person disappeared without a trace, was - and now he is gone. To get rid of this obsession, hurt pride, for example, I used this technique. Very vividly imagined in my imagination the funeral of the former. She cried, suffered, but thought through every detail of the funeral. Yes, it is cruel and not suitable for everyone, more precisely, it is suitable for those who have a strong enough will. But it became easier within just a couple of days, and the urge to call and prove something to your ex after such an imaginary funeral did not arise for sure.

However, there was one time when I broke down. I just didn’t call, but so petty and sincerely spoiled. Being in one very important state institution, I suddenly ran into him, saw a bunch of very important people next to him. And she could not resist, sarcastically asked: “Oh, are you still alive? And no one else has beaten such a movie star, wow!” And, equalizing the back and step, with a proud and independent look, she followed on, while my ex mumbled something apologetic to his colleagues.

Take my word for it: calling an ex is taboo. You need to remove his number from your contact list, permanently ban him from all messengers - this is the first thing to do after breaking up. This begins your own therapy to restore self-esteem and other feelings that suffered as a result of the breakup, regardless of what the reason for the breakup was.

Very often, the real reason for any call is a simple insult. This person used you, your time, wasted your feelings and did not justify the hopes for a joint future. Is not it? Why keep wasting your emotions and time on this person? To prove to him that everything is fine with you, and his new passion is bad? Fi, not even worth the money spent on the call.

Out of sight, out of mind! Therefore, consider any impulse to call your ex in just one way: is everything in order in your life? I often noticed in my girlfriends a kind of transfer of their own problems to the former. Problems at work? We call the former. Problems with personal life - call again. They manage to start calling for perfect little things like a broken tap. They do not call for only one reason: when everything is really all right with them.

So, as soon as your hand reaches for the phone, stop! And carefully consider your life, what is wrong with it? And in this case, how can a COMPLETELY STRANGE PERSON help you in this case?

But it will not help in any way, like all other strangers - from the word at all, only gloat.

The former does not want to solve your problems at all; besides, you will make yourself look like a round and unfortunate fool. He's gone, he's gone, period. Call a plumber or a friend, there will be more sense. Otherwise, after such a careless act, devastation and disappointment will come, first of all, in oneself. Do you want that?


How to forget a man forever?

Many women have experienced a breakup with a man, which often causes painful memories. It is far from always that a break in relations occurs by mutual agreement and the former couple manages to maintain a warm relationship. In order for the separation to occur with minimal suffering, you should heed the advice of psychologists.

How to forget a man forever: 3 best ways to find peace

If the breakup occurred unexpectedly, due to the fault of the partner, the woman is guaranteed to receive a full set of negative emotions. As a rule, sleepless nights, a pillow wet with tears, confusion of thoughts, disgust for the male sex and unwillingness to build new relationships are provided for a long time.

How to forget the man you love without going to extremes, without provoking "random encounters", without increasing your own suffering?

It turns out that there are ways to move the gap with minimal losses:

Even if there is no close person with whom you can share your pain, you should look for communication, spend time with people who will make life more interesting. Perhaps a new love will come along with them.

Become a beloved woman again - why not!

After the first period filled with suffering, there will inevitably come a time when the woman will be in a state of slight prostration. Although the sharp pain of a breakup with a loved one will already pass, unpleasant memories can complicate your personal life. Negative experiences will constantly remind you of failure, subconsciously causing rejection of thoughts about being ready to search for new love.

In this case, psychologists advise using a simple technique that allows you to return to a positive mood. You need to purchase a diary or notebook designed to record pleasant events.

It is necessary to keep a diary daily, scrupulously writing down in it any little thing with a positive meaning. It doesn't have to be global events. It is enough to list things that are insignificant for an ordinary person.

For example, after a rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, a funny girl playing with a kitten met on the way home, she did not have to wait long for a bus after work, etc.

It has been noticed that already after 20-25 evenings devoted to describing positive moments, the woman's mood really begins to change. A positive attitude has a positive effect on the psyche and a new love no longer seems impossible. Therefore, it is easier to trust new relationships that can make a woman really happy.

There are effective ways to forget a married man, an affair with whom was doomed to parting in advance, or a guy who for a long time was the only light in the window.

But it all depends on the willpower of the woman herself. If she does not want to live with memories of the past, then she will definitely find the strength to get rid of thoughts about an unsuccessful period and find a truly worthy person.


👌 How to force yourself not to call a guy, man and woman

The question that I put in the title of today's topic was relevant for me at the age of 18, and even at thirty. Although there were no mobile phones in my youth, there was a landline phone available. I, as a very emotional person, have never had a good endurance. Even if it wasn’t me who was to blame for the quarrel, I still can’t sulk at my beloved for a long time and I start calling him first.

Should you be proud?

But if the man’s offense is serious, if offensive and evil words were spoken, then my quick wit and desire for a quick truce may look like a lack of pride. And a repetition of the incident is possible - if the young man saw that he was so easily forgiven. What is interesting: even if I understood that my quick call would harm our relationship, it was still very difficult to restrain myself. Sometimes I allowed myself to show weakness: “It’s better to dial a familiar number than to suffer all day.” But there were times when I was able to defeat my intemperance. But it works. And after all, as soon as I paused for at least half a day, young people immediately changed roles with me. I recalled the comparison of love relationships with communicating vessels: when in one the intensity of passion decreases, in the other, on the contrary, there is an increase in feelings. Now I will list the ways that helped me not to disturb the guy with my calls. 1. Do interesting work. For some reason, household chores, such as cleaning, did not have such a distracting effect on me. But, let's say, an interesting translation helped me to show character for several hours.

2. Do not have money in the account. This method is appropriate if there is no fixed telephone in the house. I had cases when I deliberately talked for a long time with Vika or Zoya, waiting until the connection was interrupted. Therefore, I was not able to make a call.

3. Leave the city. It would seem the best solution. And sometimes it was useful to me. But a couple of years ago, as I recall, a trip to my friends was not a joy for me. After all, I went without a loved one.

4. See a similar story in a movie. Then it becomes possible to look at yourself from the outside and understand how comical it looks. It immediately becomes easier to hold back, because I do not want to look ridiculous and even pathetic in the eyes of my beloved.

5. Send SMS. My boyfriend Vlad could not pick up the phone for a long time after a quarrel, however, as soon as I wrote a couple of gentle words - and here he is, again on the wire.

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After a certain time after breaking up, a girl may have an acute desire to call her ex-boyfriend, ask how he is doing, if he remembers her, if he has found another. Most often this happens if, after a breakup, it was not possible to start a new relationship, or if you can’t get the person out of your head. The women's portal Women's Time offers to figure out and find out what to do if you want to call your ex-boyfriend.

Reasons why you want to call your ex-boyfriend

First of all, it is necessary to find out what led to this desire. There may be several reasons. One of those is ordinary curiosity. You are wondering how the former young man is doing, whether he got married during this time. Especially if the gap was calm, without emotions, claims and resentment. Perhaps you want to make contact and restore friendships because you were interested in spending time with this person. In this case, it’s worth calling the ex-boyfriend, or you can write him a message, showing interest in how he is doing. And then you can invite him for a walk or in a cafe for a cup of coffee. However, keep in mind that during this time a man could have another woman who would be negatively disposed to such friendly communication.

Another reason is the desire to return the former young man back. You remember how good it was with him, you miss the time you spent together. No matter how long it's been since the breakup, you still can't get the person out of your head. It is likely that you hope that you can still improve the situation by returning the man and resuming a love relationship with him. Here the situation is more complicated. Your call may not live up to expectations and even worsen an already difficult situation.

Call your ex boyfriend or not?

It is important to understand what you expect from this call. If you just want to ask what is happening in the life of a former young man, this can be done without a call. For example, by asking mutual friends or going to his page on social networks. If you want to find out something for yourself, if you miss him and want to get your ex back, then you can call. But, first, you should prepare yourself for different scenarios of events. A man may answer the call and agree to a meeting, or may not answer, since you are on his black list. Consider this ahead of time. Before calling an ex-boyfriend, be sure to ask yourself why you need it. You can use technology

Psychologists recommend giving the desire a little “lie down”. Try to contain the impulse of emotions and do not let yourself call the former young man right now. If this is a sincere desire, then you will want to gain it in a week, and in a month, and even in a year. And if this is a rush of emotions, memories have come over you, then tomorrow you are unlikely to want to call your ex. These were moments of weakness, nothing more. To restrain the impulse, you can write a letter to a young man, but not send it, but, for example, burn it. Write to him how you feel, tell him how hard it was for you to break up, how you thought you could find a guy ten times better than him, how you miss him and want to return everything back, forgive him for his mistakes and apologize to him yourself . It really works. No need to think about how it looks from the outside. The main thing is that you feel better.

Tell me, did you want to call your ex-boyfriend? How long has it been since the breakup? Did you manage to restrain yourself then, or did you muster up the courage to call him? What came of it? Share your story with the readers and the editors of the Women's Time women's portal in the comments. You can also suggest ideas for future publications that might interest you and answer your questions.

Want to call an ex friend?

Your ex-boyfriend left you, but you still love him? Looking for an opportunity to get back together and continue the relationship? And yet you desperately want to call him? Take your time. Contacting your ex is one of the hardest things to do after a breakup. You must know exactly what time is right for this, and how to do it correctly.

The reason you want to call him is because you want to get back together. And in order for you to be together, you need to solve only one task: to make your ex-lover want to return to you. Of course, this is not easy to do. This takes time and patience, and the approach will be different for each specific case. But one of the first things you need to do is cut off all contact with him. No matter how unpleasant it may sound.

Disappearing out of sight is the fastest way to make your ex feel like he misses you. Therefore, do not send him emails, SMS, do not post anything on your page on Facebook or VKontakte, or anything else in the same vein. Any contact with him right after the breakup will always be a bad move for you, because you will still be within sight of him, but he will feel comfortable enough not to want to start dating you again.

If you want to bring it back, it is necessary that you disappear from its horizon. Your friend will not miss you if you are always somewhere nearby. Disappearing from sight, you will quickly become a mystery to him. At the same time, do not sit at home; go out, do your thing, and have fun. Meet relatives and friends, continue to live a normal life. However, forget about the places where you know your ex goes. You should not interact with his friends, you should not drive past his house, and you may not have any contact with him at all. After some time, without seeing and not receiving news from you, he will begin to be burdened by a break.

There is something that many women do not understand about men who leave them: in the eyes of a guy, a breakup is never final. Men love to fix things, including relationship breakups. We always like to be able to go back, leaving the door slightly ajar in a relationship. We also like to control this door. And if someone takes the handle and covers it? This creates noticeable discomfort.

As long as this door is under his control, your ex can do whatever he wants. Including dating other women. And if you are still walking around him, he knows that he can bring you back without much difficulty. You must destroy this illusion of his and pull him out of his comfort zone. You achieve this by cutting off contact with him.

When your former friend suddenly stops seeing you, does not receive news from you, he begins to make inquiries about you. This is a great way to make him feel like he has lost you. He starts to worry about how your life is going there. And he's terrified at the thought that maybe you've found someone else and you don't need him anymore. Although he was the person who initiated the breakup, this is not at all what he wanted. Eventually, he will begin to question his decision to end your relationship, and will want to make amends before you can go without him. Seeing an ex-girlfriend who now lives her own life? This is a guy's worst nightmare.

That's why you need to go out, have fun, laugh and enjoy in the company of friends. You don't see or call him, you don't send e-mails: nothing. You hurt his pride and make him want you again. And finally, you get a phone call, or a text message, or an email from him. Now you are in a much better position, and now you are holding the handle of that door. You can tug it open and surprise him, or close it even tighter, causing him to thrash about trying to get you back. And all of this without doing anything... just disappearing from view and having fun.

Only when enough time has passed can you call him again. But only once, and with a reason for it. Don't just call to say hello. If you must call your former friend, make sure you have an innocent reason for the call. Keep things casual and easy: don't ask hard questions or ask about who he's dating. Don't tell him that you missed him or thought about him unless he tells you so.

Instead, try to arrange some time and place to meet and chat again. Perhaps meet somewhere on no man's land and have lunch - let it be something fleeting and funny, without pressure. Your first post-breakup contact with your ex doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out date. It should end quickly, leaving you both wanting to meet again. This reunion meeting is a great start to getting your former friend back.

It is very difficult to find universal methods to keep yourself from calling your ex. And not because there are not many options in this case, it’s just very difficult to follow them if you can’t stop thinking about your ex. If the gap happened recently, it is almost impossible to refuse contact with him, but you yourself understand that it is better not to do this. I understand that it still hurts too much, you are too vulnerable to this situation, the most difficult thing is if this happened all the time before. There are a dozen reasons to resist temptation, and now I want to present you with some tips to help you cope with this craving.

1. Complicate the process

You will probably hate to hear this, but one of the easiest ways to keep from calling your ex is to erase his number and generally all contact information from your phone, computer, tablet - in general, from wherever they can be. If the number is easily accessible, be sure to call. If you have to work hard to get it, you will have a little more time to think and, therefore, most likely you will abandon this idea. And do not think that this method will not work, most often you did not physically dial the numbers that this number consists of, you simply selected a contact from the list. I dated my boyfriend for about 7 years, and still, it's very hard for me to remember his number.

2. Don't follow him virtually

Of course, even if you won't be able to call him, there is a huge amount of reaching him, for example, through social networks. And it seems like there is no actual contact, but you still do not let him leave your life and watch him. What if you see something you don't like? For example, that he is dating someone or even just talking. Don't do it, it won't get any better. Unsubscribe from his updates, remove him from your friends before you are tempted to write all sorts of nasty things in the comments.

3. Recall what happened in the last conversation

If you have already tried to talk to your ex, for example, on the phone, remember what it was like? Most likely, you spent all your time remembering old grievances, arguing about who was ultimately to blame, or just calling names and insulting each other? Wouldn't it be better to just avoid it? Remember how hurt you were during the last conversation and understand that there really is no point in repeating this nasty thing again.

4. Remember why you broke up

Use these memories to the fullest, remember why you really broke up? If you still broke off this relationship, then something definitely went wrong. Did he offend you or was not at all your type, or was, for example, too lazy? Even if you were not the initiator of the break, you probably had reasons for that too! Think about his shortcomings more often, this will be a great way to change your mind about calling him! The call may entail a return to the past. ?

5. Analyze your main motive for calling

Why are you so eager to call him? Do you miss his company or your friendship? If you really want to be just friends, give him time. In the end, you call him, but then the situation will no longer be so tense. Do you want to return everything as it was? This is not the best motive, now you are both too vulnerable. Is it just hard for you to accept the closeness and company of another person? It's hard, but you have to be kind and honest with yourself. Sleep in an embrace with your beloved dog. May you be well, do something nice for yourself.

6. Do something useful to distract you.

You should not go out, get into debt, fights and other unpleasant things. But you shouldn’t put on your cozy pajamas and spend all the time watching your favorite movies together and listening to songs of “that” time. Do not get carried away with gluttony and try to “seize” feelings. Find yourself, whether it's exercise, painting, photography, writing, whatever you enjoy. Find a new hobby, take a solo vacation, or take a class.
