What does a child need for appetite? Review of the best drugs to increase appetite in children

Some parents notice with alarm that their child has a poor appetite. Feeding such a baby is a difficult task and not always feasible. Often mom and dad try to force their offspring to eat, but achieve the opposite result - the baby demonstrates a persistent aversion to food. We will tell you below how to cope with this problem and what ways to increase appetite in children exist.

It is difficult to captivate a child with a poor appetite even with the most delicious dishes.

Why does my child eat poorly?

First you need to figure out what is the reason for a child’s poor appetite. In addition to the obvious - illness or some kind of shock, others can be distinguished:

Each of the listed causes of poor appetite can be corrected, but we will talk about hypovitaminosis. If there is a vitamin deficiency, other signs will tell you about it:

  • restless sleep;
  • fatigue unusual for a child;
  • absent-minded attention;
  • “jams”, dry skin, cracked heels;
  • poor condition of hair and nails.

Fatigue may be a sign of vitamin deficiency

Not all of the listed symptoms are always present in a child. However, if parents notice two, three or more signs, most likely it was a deficiency of vitamins that led to the baby not eating well. Moreover, these two problems are interrelated - poor appetite and sluggish digestion can also lead to hypovitaminosis. The child simply does not have time to absorb the nutrients that he should receive from food.

Vitamins that awaken interest in food

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What vitamins can correct the situation? And how to choose the right dosage? According to pediatricians and nutritionists, vitamins A, B, C and PP have a positive effect on appetite. It is their deficiency that can lead to loss of interest in food:

  • Vitamin A is needed to maintain immunity, as well as for vision and restoration of mucous membranes (we recommend reading:). Since the inner surface of the stomach and intestines is lined with a mucous membrane, its proper functioning and the absence of problem areas contribute to good digestion and better absorption of nutrients.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalomin) works to maintain the functioning of the nervous system, affects fat metabolism in liver tissue, and is also involved in the formation of blood cells. Thanks to its positive effect on the processing of fats and carbohydrates, and therefore on metabolism, cyanocobalamine helps increase appetite. Other B vitamins also play a major role in stimulating interest in food.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - in modern medicine, this substance is considered a medicine that normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. At the same time, vitamin PP participates in the body’s metabolic processes and helps produce energy.
  • Vitamin C is necessary for a child, because this substance improves metabolism and also helps the body absorb calcium and iron. In addition, ascorbic acid is a known immune stimulant.

Vitamin C is indispensable in the cold season, when children often get sick

Daily dosage

In order not to harm the baby, vitamins should be given according to age, preferably taking into account body weight. What are the daily doses of nutrients that can be given to children?

Child's ageA, µgC, mgB1, mgB2, mgB6, mgB12, mcgPP, mg
0-6 months375 30 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 5-6
6 months-1 year375 35 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 7
1-3 years400 40 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.7 10
3-6 years500 45 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 12

Finding the right doses of vitamins on your own is a rather difficult task, so you should take the issue seriously. The best solution for parents would be a vitamin complex that contains all the substances the child needs in the required quantity.

When choosing vitamins, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • You should not buy tablets for children that claim to contain more than 20 vitamins and microelements. Often they do not combine well with each other, as a result the child’s body will not absorb even the minimum.
  • Children's vitamins can be in drops, in the form of syrup or tablets (more details in the article:). Typically, syrup contains auxiliary substances that give taste, color and aroma. All this does not have the best effect on the child’s liver, kidneys and pancreas. In addition, you may be allergic to some types of flavors and dyes. The drops contain the least amount of excipients.
  • Some multivitamins need to be taken 2-3 times a day. If parents do not have the opportunity to control the intake of the drug three times a day, it is better to choose one that needs to be taken once a day.

The vitamins in syrup are not very good due to the presence of flavorings and dyes

Review of multivitamins that are on the market

We have collected the most popular children's multivitamins that are presented on our market - there is plenty to choose from. They all perform their function, but are not without their drawbacks. Before purchasing, you should decide which form of release is preferable, whether micro- and macroelements are needed in the composition. It is also worth taking into account the age of the child - children who are not yet a year old are rarely prescribed multivitamins; it is more often recommended to give vitamins A, C, B2-B12 separately, strictly measuring the dose.


Thick viscous gel intended for children 1-4 years old (more details in the article:). There is another form of release - tablets. Excellent composition - vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, D3, an ideal combination for children suffering from lack of appetite. Take a teaspoon 2-4 times a day, depending on age.

  • Cons: the gel contains auxiliary substances - sucrose, glucose, citric acid, flavorings and dye. The syrup is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.

Vitamins in tablet form are intended for children from 4 to 7 years old (see also:). Ingredients: vitamins A, C, E, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, nicotinamide and a lot of useful macro- and microelements: folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, selenium, chromium. Take one tablet per day after meals.

  • Pros: balanced vitamin and mineral composition, tablets in the form of animal figures.
  • Cons: contains sugar, flavoring, coloring.

Vitrum Kids in the shape of funny animals will definitely appeal to kids

Alphabet. Sachet bags for children from 1.5 to 3 years old

In this preparation, vitamins and essential elements are grouped in a special way. The child is asked to take three sachets of different colors per day, diluting the contents in boiled water:

  • in a red package a mixture containing vitamins D3, B12, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, calcium;
  • in green - beta-carotene, vitamins B2, B6, E, C, nicotinamide, as well as minerals - magnesium, zinc, iodine;
  • in blue - beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B12, folic acid, iron.

According to the manufacturer, the composition contains no dyes or flavors, however, the contents of the blue and green packaging will color the water bright orange, which is due to the presence of beta-carotene in the composition. The alphabet for children has advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: low likelihood of allergies, competent combination of vitamins.
  • Cons - there are 45 sachets in a cardboard box, which are enough for only 15 days. The course of administration is designed for a month, which means you will have to purchase two packages.

Manufacturers have grouped vitamins so that their combination in each sachet is optimal

Multitabs Baby

These raspberry flavored chewable tablets are intended for children 1-4 years of age. The composition is not bad: vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, nicotinamide, folic acid, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, iodine. Excipients are also indicated, the list of which is quite long, but they are all considered harmless: xylitol (sugar substitute), microcrystalline cellulose (powdered natural cellulose), silicon dioxide (approved food additive), aspartame (sweetener), strawberry and raspberry flavors, glycerol.

  • Plus, you need to take the tablets with food once a day, which is quite convenient.
  • The downside is the long list of auxiliary ingredients.

Sweet syrup with orange flavor and smell, available in a tube. The gel is intended for children from 1 month. It includes vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B12, C, D3, E, as well as calcium, sodium, manganese, lecithin. The drug is taken 1-2 times a day. An interesting property: biovital gel can be applied to mucous membranes for topical use.

  • Pros: convenient release form, different methods of application.
  • Minus: syrup, not drops.

The child consumes the sweet and tasty gel with joy; you don’t have to force him

Methods to stimulate appetite

There are folk methods that help increase a child’s appetite. Many of them are quite effective and should definitely be used along with vitamin therapy. These methods can be divided into two groups: in the first we placed products that increase appetite, in the second we collected other methods that are no less effective. Let's consider both options.

Products for appetite

  • Apple. Due to its natural acidity, this fruit stimulates the production of gastric juice. You can invite your child to eat half an apple half an hour before meals. A baby under one year old who has not yet acquired strong teeth can be given apple juice diluted with water.
  • Fruit tinctures. The following berries have excellent properties that stimulate appetite: rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, chokeberry. Tinctures or compotes (unsweetened) from these fruits can also be given to the baby before meals, but no less than 20 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • Honey. This product should be given in small portions because it contains a lot of sucrose. If the child is not allergic to bee products, it is enough to give half a teaspoon of honey once a day. Then wait half an hour and offer the child to eat.
  • Purified water. A necessary element of a healthy diet for a baby is plain water. It removes toxins from the body and helps cope with colds. In addition, water prepares the digestive tract for food intake and stimulates appetite. You need to give water half an hour before meals, preferably lukewarm - about 27-30˚C.

Of course, there is no need to give your child plenty of water or “stimulating” foods, because then there will simply be no room left in the stomach for regular food. In an effort to improve appetite, you also need to know when to stop.

An apple is not just a tasty snack, but also an opportunity to increase the production of gastric juice and stimulate appetite

Other methods

Teaching a child a culture of eating behavior, thereby achieving an improvement in appetite, is an important task for parents. In order for your baby to take a spoon with pleasure, you need to not only offer him properly prepared foods, but also try to present them beautifully:

  • The child will definitely try the interestingly designed dish. You can draw a funny face with jam on a plate of porridge. The puree can be shaped like a volcano - put in a mound and pour over sauce or sour cream.
  • You can hide a surprise in the dish - put a piece of cheese or strips of multi-colored sweet peppers into the cutlet. The baby will be interested in finding the “little secret” and there is a chance that he will eat the entire portion.
  • It makes sense to enroll your son or daughter in a sports section, or encourage him to play active games. After a fun game or walk in the fresh air, the child will certainly want to refresh himself.

In conclusion, I would like to note that appetite is not always worth adjusting. Remember your childhood - perhaps the baby adopted the character and habits of his parents at the genetic level? Each child is individual and the number of calories needed for normal functioning is different for everyone. Add vitamins to his diet, try to “let go of the situation” a little - don’t persuade or force your baby to eat, but let him decide for himself how much food he needs. If after two or three days there is no improvement, you can begin to gently influence the child with all available methods that we have tried to equip loving parents with. We wish your child to be healthy!

If your children are growing up, you have probably gone through the torment of “stuffing another spoon into the child.” On the one hand, everything is logical and correct: active games and growth require nutrition. On the other hand, screaming and crying are still ringing in my ears.

Even for an adult, it’s difficult to eat if you don’t feel like it at all. However, in the case of a child, special stimulation is needed. Otherwise, normal development may be disrupted due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Let's look at how you can increase your child's appetite.

Why does my child eat poorly?

First, let's filter out common mistakes made by parents:

1. Mothers really overfeed their children.

A baby up to a year old (for example, at 5 months) eats quite a lot for normal weight gain. However, after overcoming this growth mark, appetite decreases. Parents think that the child is malnourished and demand that the plate be cleaned. And the kid rightly considers lunches to be torture.

When force-fed, digestive juices are not produced. Your stomach may hurt and you may vomit. The child begins to be capricious because he is not able to put even half a teaspoon into himself “for his mother.”

2. Parents behave incorrectly at breakfast (lunch, dinner).

Constant lectures and scoldings of the child at the table very quickly develop into negative associations with food. If punishments and scolding have become part of any dinner, then it’s a matter of time before your child loses the desire to eat.

Remember: there is no need to worry about how to increase a child’s appetite and improve nutrition if the baby (1 year and 2-3 years) actively communicates and plays, develops harmoniously, gains weight normally and has regular bowel movements.

Ideal situation: from 1 to 3 years old, children eat 4 times a day, at lunch they consume 40-50% of the daily diet and receive 1500 calories daily.

Signs of a painful lack of appetite:
  • a significant decrease in growth rate or body weight;
  • obvious disruptions in digestion;
  • refusal to eat for several days;
  • weakness and irritability;
  • negative attitude towards eating.

This condition already requires consultation with a pediatrician and examination of a small patient.

Are you tired of lecturing your child about the benefits of porridge and coming up with new punishments for uneaten portions? If your methods aren't producing results, it's time to take a closer look at the reasons.

Psychoneurological sources

1. Severe stress. At any age (8 years or 34 years), negative experiences reduce appetite. Problems that seem “childish” to you can seriously put pressure on your child. A quarrel with a friend, discord in the family, changing schools or apartments, the death of a pet, an unhappy relationship. If you notice a severely depressed mood in a younger family member, the best remedy is a heart-to-heart conversation, not a plate of healthy broccoli.

2. Overwork. Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue also do not go well with an excellent appetite. Try to rearrange the student’s daily routine and reduce nervous stress.

3. Teenage anorexia. The age of 13-14 years is accompanied by significant changes in the body, including eating habits. Children begin to strive for established ideals of beauty and look for flaws in themselves. For teenagers, refusal to eat is psycho-emotional in nature. You need to have a serious conversation with your child (without pressure) or seek help from a psychologist.

4. Resisting constant pressure. From a certain point, the child begins to resist pressure from his parents. This behavior often appears at 4 years of age. The baby may be very hungry, but aggressively refuse food that is forced into it. Take into account the child’s taste preferences and begin to expand his zone of independence.

Health disorders

1. Allergy. Your baby may refuse to eat because certain foods make him feel uncomfortable. If allergic reactions occur (itching, redness, swelling), consult a doctor.

2. Dental problems. Teething, stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), and a wound on the gum increase pain when chewing food.

3. Colds. Lack of appetite accompanies ARVI, because the body devotes its main efforts to maintaining a protective reaction and helping the main cleansing organ (liver). In a state of “war”, the production of all digestive secretions decreases, food stays longer in the stomach. So the baby doesn't really feel hungry. After an illness, the desire to eat and restore strength will come on its own.

5. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis affect the body by a lack of desire to eat, stool problems and abdominal pain. If you have these signs together, be sure to visit a doctor.

Child's needs

1. Taste preferences. Many parents, when serving their children heaping oatmeal, forget that at one time they hated even the sight of this dish. Be lenient and try to create a healthy menu that your baby will like. Dislike for some foods is age-related (for example, olives), so you should not lead it to a negative reflex to food in general.

2. Activity during the day. Children with accelerated metabolism and high mobility eat a lot. A calmer child stays full longer. It is impossible to derive a common portion rate for everyone.

An important fact: increased excitability is combined with low salivation, so hyperactive children find it difficult to swallow dense foods (cutlets, casseroles).

3. Seasonal variations. In winter, energy costs are higher than in summer. Therefore, over the course of the year, the child’s appetite will change: in the heat, the desire to eat heavily decreases.

The question of how to increase your child’s appetite arises too often in your life? First of all, pay attention to the general condition of the child. Depressed mood? Talk. Health problems? See your doctor.

Do not resort to dictatorial methods of “I will feed at any cost” if the child is cheerful and healthy. Also, do not feed your baby foods that he hates. Try looking for analogues.

The process of eating for a child is not only about choosing a healthy menu. This is a whole family ritual that the baby needs to be accustomed to.

1. Set meal times clearly. Family members gather at the table at the same time. The main emphasis should be on eating dishes with appetite. The conversation is polite and calm, no quarrels or punishments at the table. You must set a constant positive example for your child.

2. Stop snacking. After hours, cookies, sweets and sandwiches are prohibited. You need to work up an appetite, and only sit down at the table when you are hungry. If a 6-7 year old child begins to be capricious and beg, ask him to help with serving to speed up the process. It should be forbidden for everyone to grab pieces before lunch, otherwise the baby will decide that only he is being deprived.

3. Don't force you to finish eating. You may have made a mistake and added too much. If your child can no longer eat, remove him from the table. However, then don’t indulge in begging for goodies because your baby is “hungry.” Such strictness and eating at a certain time will teach the child to be organized. Next time he might even ask for more.

4. Cook beautifully. If the food looks appetizing or funny, your baby won’t have to be forced to eat. Decorate a porridge dish with a cheerful face, cut vegetables in unusual ways, and use bright colored dishes. Until a child is 5 years old, everything seems like a game.

5. Do not entertain your child while eating. Hateful soup with cartoons or a tasteless cutlet in front of the TV? Urgently abandon such half-measures. They disrupt the digestive process, develop bad habits and lead to obesity.

6. Increase your walks outdoors. The more the baby runs, the healthier his appetite. The root of a child’s constant “fullness” may lie in a lack of outdoor activity. If there is an excess of energy, then there is no point in replenishing the supply. Set aside at least 2 hours daily for this activity.

7. Consider the child's opinion. Find healthy foods that your baby loves and cook them more often. Ask for wishes for lunch (the practice of “eat what you give” is not very constructive). Let us help you cook: your child will be happy to eat his own pancake.

This advice does not mean to encourage capriciousness and selectivity in dishes. If your child begins to manipulate you and refuses everything except chocolate, do not insist or argue. His best educator will be hunger until dinner.

How else can you positively influence your baby? You can increase your child's appetite with a number of products:

  • apples;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • black currant and chokeberry berries;
  • juniper and barberry berries.

60-40 minutes before meals, give your baby 50 grams of fruit salad with honey (has a beneficial effect on the digestive system). Or treat him to a slice of orange (half an apple) - acidic foods promote the production of gastric juice.

You can also brew berry tea with anise and caraway seeds. Or brew a glass of sweet drink with lemon.

Remember: the child’s body independently determines the amount of food needed for development. If the child looks bad and systematically refuses to eat, it’s time for you to consult a specialist (neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, pediatrician).

A child’s lack of appetite cannot but worry parents, especially if the baby stubbornly refuses his favorite food or is capricious after an illness, when he needs strength to recover.

Appetite is individual, it is determined by the characteristics of metabolism. In children, the need for food increases during periods of active growth and development - in the first year of life and adolescence. There is also a direct connection between appetite and energy expenditure - the more active the child, the better his appetite.

For an active child who is not lagging in growth, a short reduction in food portions is not dangerous. However, an unhealthy appearance and a lag behind the norm in weight and height should alert you. After consultation with the pediatrician, vitamins will be prescribed to increase appetite.

How to increase your child's appetite

Most parents would like their child to eat more, but complaints about poor appetite are not always justified. Inadequate nutrition of the youngest should be a serious concern, since for them a deficiency of nutrients can result in serious health problems and developmental delays.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude medical problems, and if there are none, parents can establish proper nutrition.

  • After a walk and active games in the fresh air, even the most notoriously unwilling people willingly eat.
  • Get your little one interested in the process of eating, and the ability to carefully eat porridge will come with time.
  • Fidgets cannot stay in one place for even five minutes - they talk, get distracted, try to run away and return to games. Accustom your fidget to table manners.
  • The other extreme is children who do not want to open their mouths and eat food. Adults stage theatrical performances, persuading them to eat another spoonful. There is almost no benefit from food swallowed without desire - without appetite, the secretion of gastric juice does not occur. All children in the world are extremely curious. Turn lunches into an educational process by telling interesting stories about products and dishes.
  • If one of the adults is sick and cannot eat or the mother is on a diet, do not be surprised if the child also refuses to eat. Children are impressionable and model the behavior of others on themselves.
  • Teach your little one that there is a certain meal time when everyone sits down at the table.
  • You will have to show character and learn to deny your child candy and ice cream at unspecified times.

The eating behavior of children can be different: some meekly eat everything their parents offer, others eat a little at a time, as if they were having a snack. Each person requires an individual approach, and you should focus on your well-being.

To improve appetite, especially in winter and spring, it is necessary to provide the child with vitamins.

What vitamins to give

Often the cause of poor appetite is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The situation is aggravated by the fact that even fewer nutrients enter the body. In such cases, the easiest way out is children's vitamins to increase appetite.

Vitamin preparations promote the absorption of other useful substances, activate energy production and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

The most important vitamins for restoring normal appetite:

  • Vitamin A. Necessary for strengthening the immune system. Deficiency is manifested by deterioration of vision, changes in the condition of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Vitamin B. All b vitamins are involved in metabolism, and the vitamin is also responsible for immunity.
  • Vitamin C is needed for the formation of bone tissue, the strength of gums and teeth. Ascorbic acid improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, appetite is stimulated by:

  • L-carnitine is a beneficial substance similar to B vitamins. Levocarnitine is involved in energy metabolism.
  • Zinc. Without this element, carbohydrate metabolism and reliable immunity are impossible.
  • Magnesium is needed to absorb glucose and maintain its level in the blood.
  • Iron is an essential participant in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Oligofructose is a prebiotic that normalizes intestinal microflora and digestion.

Pharmacy vitamins can be taken separately, but it is better to choose a complex with a calculated dosage of elements. The system starts the process of restoring appetite.

Excess of some vitamins can cause negative reactions from stomach upset and dizziness to vomiting and allergies.

How to choose the right one

At the pharmacy you can buy children's vitamins to increase appetite in the form of syrup, solution, powder, chewable tablets, dragees. When choosing vitamins, you need to take into account the child’s age and the doctor’s recommendations.

Popular children's vitamins:

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, the composition of the vitamin complex and the expiration date.

Foods that stimulate your appetite

Before vitamins, try to establish a regime in which the child will spend a lot of time in the fresh air, move and get tired. To increase appetite in healthy children, there are enough folk remedies.

  • Acidic fruits such as cherries, raspberries, apples promote the production of gastric juice. Offer your child something sour before lunch, this may be enough to stimulate his appetite.
  • Tea with mint or fennel is good for stimulating digestion. Children after one year can be given a spoonful of infusion before meals; from two years old, the portion can be increased.
  • If you are not allergic to honey, you can try to restore your appetite with it. Royal jelly, propolis, beebread and pollen are also suitable.

Vitamins that stimulate appetite can be obtained from foods:

  • Vitamin A is found in eggs, liver, milk, carrots, and broccoli.
  • B vitamins - in cereals, nuts, meat, liver.
  • Citrus fruits and most fresh fruits, cabbage, and salad are rich in vitamin C.
  • Zinc is found in veal, whole grains, and crabs.
  • Magnesium is found in nuts and legumes.

Appetite disturbance in a child

It happens that children refuse several foods or dishes, but this does not mean a lack of appetite. It is wiser not to force your child to eat unloved semolina porridge, but to replace it with something of equal value.

Pediatricians identify three reasons for lack of appetite in healthy children:

  • Imaginary. The child develops and grows normally, but parents feel that the portions could be larger.
  • Nervous. If a child is overfed and forced to eat, the baby begins to view eating as torture. Tears, whims, excuses, fictitious ailments are the result of the excessive zeal of the breadwinners.
  • Viral. The infection may not yet appear, and lack of appetite becomes the first signal of illness. After recovery, your appetite will be restored.

If the child feels well, problems with appetite are most likely far-fetched. The most difficult thing to deal with is infants, in this case you need to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Feed the baby not according to the clock, but according to the child’s demand, until the regimen is developed.
  2. If the baby was put to the breast outside of the schedule, you need to take a 4-hour break before the next feeding.
  3. Do not give an infant a drink before meals - the liquid will fill the small stomach and the baby will eat less milk.
  4. Weaning children lose their appetite after eating sweet fruit purees, and the baby may refuse milk.
  5. Mommy should not eat foods that change the taste of breast milk.
  6. Appetite decreases noticeably when the baby has a runny nose. Pain in the ears also greatly interferes with nutrition.
  7. When teeth begin to cut, children are reluctant to eat - increased drooling interferes.
  8. Children are often capricious when there are sudden changes in weather.

Vitamins will help stimulate interest in food, but you should not persistently force your child to eat food - feeding should not cause unpleasant associations in the baby. Healthy and cheerful children rarely plague their parents with food whims.

A child’s appetite is influenced by many different factors, which is why you need to understand the problem together with a professional doctor in a face-to-face consultation.

Causes of decreased appetite in a child

7. Avoid snacking. Fully! This is very bad for appetite, cookies, juices, cereals - all this gives the child a feeling of fullness. What can we say about candies and other sweets. It would not be surprising if a child at the table turns away from the soup. If the child did not eat well at lunch, firmly, again, without snacks, wait for the afternoon snack. Let your appetite arise, don't interrupt it!

8. Follow the feeding schedule, that is, try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day. So the body will “remember” these hours and after a while will even begin to produce gastric juice “in time.” And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on appetite.

9. Some mothers find a seemingly simple way to feed a child with a decreased appetite - while watching TV or a tablet. It is strictly not recommended to do this. This disrupts the digestion process and, from childhood, forms a very unhealthy habit of eating in front of the TV. As you know, this is a path to excess weight and other gastrointestinal problems. Also, you should not promise your child anything for eating a spoonful of soup, otherwise this bargaining will become a habit and will be perceived by the child as part of the meal.

10. Negative emotions have no place at the table, so it is strongly recommended not to push the child while eating, threaten, shout, insist and force. This way you can achieve the opposite effect - stress and, as a result, an even greater decrease in appetite.


Since ancient times in Rus', freshly squeezed cabbage juice or a sour apple half an hour before meals was used to increase appetite. Recipes containing coriander, anise or dandelion root are also effective. However, I would like to remind you that taking any of these drugs to increase your child’s appetite requires

The problem of being underweight is almost at the same level as the problem of being overweight. As they say, to each his own!

One of the reasons for lack of weight is lack of appetite, especially in children. What to do?

It is important to properly plan your diet. In case of decreased appetite and lack of body weight, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calories is calculated according to the upper limit of the recommended age norms.

Physical exercise, walks and outdoor games are of great importance for restoring appetite. They allow you to increase the overall tone of the body and “work up” your appetite.

Sometimes you need to use medicinal herbs or drugs, nutritional supplements. Do not forget that the selection of drugs is carried out as prescribed by the doctor. A large arsenal of medications is used - from digestive enzymes to anabolic steroids.

However, in children, the use of liquid forms of bitters is limited, since it is usually difficult to persuade a child to take a medicine that does not taste very pleasant. It should also be taken into account that alcohol forms of medications are not recommended for young children. Therefore, instead of the usual tinctures and balms with a bitter taste for adults, tablet forms of drugs and dietary supplements with bitters should be recommended to increase appetite in children. For a child, it is enough that the phytocomplex includes only one bitterness (for example, wormwood or dandelion). They should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals.

Many other medicinal plants, fruits and berries have the ability to restore lost appetite: juniper and barberry berries, anise and caraway seeds, black currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, strawberries. Therefore, children can be recommended special delicious teas with the listed ingredients and fruit salads (no more than 30-50 g) 40-60 minutes before eating the main meal. Aromatherapy with oils of chamomile, cardamom, hyssop, bergamot, wormwood, and juniper will also help restore appetite.

Parents who are concerned that their child is not eating well can also be recommended oral forms of drugs with citric and succinic acids. It is these two organic acids that have a selective effect on intracellular metabolism and stimulate appetite.

To compensate for the deficiency of essential nutrients and stimulate appetite, it is necessary to use products with essential nutritional factors. These primarily include amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Among the amino acids, methionine, L-carnitine, glycine, and lysine can be recommended for children with reduced appetite. These substances take an active part in the energy metabolism of cells, stimulate metabolism, and contribute to the physical and intellectual development of children. In the assortment of pharmacies they are presented both in the form of single drugs and combinations with other biologically active compounds.

For many decades, when children refuse to eat and develop weight deficiency, the dry substance of native royal jelly, obtained from the secretion of the pharyngeal maxillary gland of worker bees (apilak), has been used. The chemical composition of royal jelly is complex - it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements. In terms of nutritional value, it is significantly superior to many food products. For example, it contains 5 times more proteins than cow’s milk, 6 times more carbohydrates, and 3 times more fats.

Today, royal jelly is available in pharmacies both in the form of traditional sublingual tablets and complexes for oral administration - capsules, syrups, powder for preparing nutritious drinks. It is very important that apilak can be used in children of the first year of life.

Another beekeeping product necessary for “weak eaters” is pollen. It is collected by bees during the process of plant pollination and used to feed bee brood and ensure the function of the glands that produce royal jelly, enzymes and wax. Flower pollen is rightfully considered the most perfect natural nutritional product. It contains all the components necessary for life.

Combination preparations, which, in addition to royal jelly and pollen, include lysine, vitamins, minerals, and lecithin, are becoming increasingly popular among pharmacy visitors.

Traditional medicine also recommends other beekeeping products - propolis and bee bread (bee bread) as general tonics for children with decreased appetite. Propolis has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic effect, and beebread serves as a source of essential minerals and vitamins, especially potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vit. A, E, C, RR.

When making recommendations for taking drugs from this group, it is necessary to draw the attention of pharmacy customers that they are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to beekeeping products. They should be used with great caution if you are allergic to honey or bee stings.

Since nutritional deficiency in children is always accompanied by a decrease in the body’s defenses, it is advisable to use drugs from the group of adaptogens. Powder obtained from reindeer antlers - pantocrine - has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It can be recommended for children from 3 years old. Pantocrine should be taken in courses over 1-2 months. If necessary, you can resume taking it after 2-3 months. In Ukraine, pantocrine is available in the form of an alcohol extract and tablets. In other CIS countries, injectable forms of the drug are also used.

For teenagers with asthenia and decreased appetite, herbal adaptogens are suitable: ginseng, Eleutherococcus, aralia, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, etc. For children, drugs in this group should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since they actively affect hormonal levels.

Homeopathic remedies for appetite disorders in children include complexes with Cina, Colchicum, magnesium and calcium salts.

Treating changes in appetite in children requires time and enormous patience from parents and doctors. In many ways, the effectiveness of measures to restore appetite depends on how accurately the cause of the disturbance is identified and how consistent parents are in following the recommendations of doctors, pharmacists, psychologists and nutritionists.

A drug

Pharmachologic effect. Indications for use

Directions for use and doses



RHIZOM (Rhizoma Calami)

As a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion.

As an infusion (10.0:200.0) a quarter glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Centaury GRASS (HerbaCentaurii)

To stimulate appetite and improve digestion with reduced function of the gastrointestinal tract. Centaury herb is also included in the drug depuraflux

In the form of an infusion (10.0:200.0), a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.


HOME DROPS (Montanahomedrops)

Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, enhances the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a choleretic, laxative and antimicrobial effect. Decreased appetite, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines), discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, hypoacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid).

Inside with a small amount of water, 1-2 tsp. after meal; with decreased appetite - 10-20 minutes before meals. For constipation - 2 tsp. dilute in a glass of slightly warmed water and take on an empty stomach before breakfast.

DANDELION ROOT (Radix Taraxaci)

As a bitterness to stimulate appetite, as a choleretic for constipation. Dandelion root is also included in the composition of the Montana homemade drops.

In the form of an infusion (tsp per glass of boiling water), a quarter glass half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.

MORGUM BITTER HERB (Herba Absinthii)

As a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion when the function of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

Half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, infusion (10.0:200.0) in a tablespoon or tincture 15-20 drops.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.

BITTER TINCTURE (Tinctura amara)

Prescribed as a bitterness to stimulate appetite, for hypacidal (inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid) and chronic atrophic (inflammation of the stomach with thinning of the mucous membrane) gastritis, for anorexia (lack of appetite) associated with diseases of the nervous system, etc.

Apply 10-20 drops orally 30 minutes before meals.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.


Like bitterness to stimulate appetite. Wormwood grass is also included in the preparations aristochol, vitaon, tincture of valerian, wormwood, belladonna, tincture of valerian, wormwood, belladonna and peppermint, stomach tablets with belladonna extract.

In the form of an infusion (tbsp per glass of boiling water) 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.

WATER LEAF TREFOLUM (Folium Menyanthidis)Synonyms: Trifolia Watch Leaf, Trifolia Leaf.

As a means of stimulating appetite, with decreased function of the gastrointestinal tract and as a choleretic agent.

In the form of an infusion (2 tsp per glass of boiling water) a quarter glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), gastric ulcer with high acidity.


Increases appetite. Stimulates hematopoiesis. Lack of appetite (in weakened patients), anemia (decreased red blood cell content in the blood), increased need for iron.

Orally 1 hour before meals or during meals, 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day, for adolescents - 1 time a day.

Side effect.

Unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium (the area of ​​the abdomen located directly below the convergence of the costal arches and the sternum), a feeling of fullness in the stomach, constipation, diarrhea, black stool.

Contraindications. Diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Prescribe with caution to patients with diabetes, since 15 ml contains about 2.1 g of sugar.



Synonyms: Peritol, Cyproheptadine hydrochloride, Adekin, Apetigen, Astonin, Cypraktin, Cyprodin, Istabin, Pariaktin, Supersan, Vieldrin, Vinorex, etc.

It is an antagonist of serotonin and histamine, and has the ability to stimulate appetite (see also Cyproheptadine). To increase appetite (see also Cyproheptadine).

To increase appetite, adults are prescribed 0.5-1 tablet 3-4 times a day or 1-2 tsp. syrup 3-4 times a day; children from 2 to 6 years old - no more than 2 tablets or 4 tsp. syrup per day; children from 6 to 14 years old - no more than 3 tablets or 6 tsp. syrup per day.

Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), stomach ulcer, bronchial asthma attack, old age. The drug is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

PERNEXIN ELIXIR (Pernexin elixir)

It has a hepatoprotective (protecting liver tissue) effect, stimulates hematopoiesis in case of deficiency of vitamin Bp and iron, and increases the tone of the body. Lack of appetite, exhaustion, poor concentration, symptoms of B vitamin deficiency, recovery period, pregnancy and lactation, anemia (decreased hemoglobin in the blood).

The drug is prescribed to adults and children over 3 years of age, 1 tsp. (5 ml) 3 times a day, best with meals. Children from 1 to 3 years old - 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

Increased iron content in the blood and tissues, impaired iron absorption, cardiac decompensation, recent myocardial infarction, acute bleeding.

PRIMOBOLAN-DEPO (Primobolan Depot)

Increases physical activity and appetite, increases body weight, stimulates the synthesis of endogenous (formed in the body) protein, improves general condition, reduces urea excretion. To increase physical activity and appetite, increase body weight, after severe operations and severe chronic infectious diseases; cachexia (extreme degree of exhaustion), condition after radiation and cytostatic (suppressing cell division in cancerous tumors) therapy, breast and genital cancer in women, disorders of hematopoiesis (blood formation), long-term treatment with corticosteroids, osteoporosis (impaired nutrition of bone tissue, accompanied by an increase its fragility), slow formation of callus, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, muscular dystrophy (decreased muscle volume and strength), impaired growth and development of children.

Adults are prescribed 1 ampoule intramuscularly once every 2 weeks, then 1 ampoule once every 3 weeks, children - 1 mg/kg body weight once every 14 days, which corresponds to 0.07 mg/kg body weight per day.

Pregnancy, prostate cancer.
