What is mother earth. Russian gods

Spring Makosh.
May 22 (grass) was considered Earth Day by the Slavs. In some regions, it was widely celebrated as the holiday of Spring Makosh. The rituals performed on this holiday speak eloquently about the significance of the Mother of the Raw Earth in the worldview of our ancestors. Mother Earth Cheese is not a poetic expression, as many people think, but a living being that gave life to everything that exists on Earth. The female hypostasis of God Sort.

The clan, through Perun, irrigates Mother Earth with its seed from heaven, and she gives birth to all living things from him. It is curious that similar ideas existed among many indigenous peoples of North America. They also idolized the Earth as a living being, and believed that the first man came out of the Earth, and everyone, after death, again finds himself in the Earth.

It is clear that such a worldview left a special imprint on the attitude of both Indians and Slavs to death. Death was not considered something terrible and tragic. Dying was followed by a funeral rite, which was just the starting point for life in another world. Birth and death were considered two hypostases of being, therefore we have contempt for death in our blood.

We are not afraid of death. If only she was red, that is. beautiful. It was considered honorable to give one's life for the sake of others, or in the name of something. It was especially beautiful to die with a weapon in your hands, defending your homeland - the Earth. For representatives of other peoples, such a worldview seemed shocking, and was considered a sign of savagery and backwardness.

A reverent attitude towards Mother Raw Earth can be found in folk art, and in the fairy tales of Russian writers. The tradition of taking a handful of native land before leaving for other countries is very tenacious, existed everywhere until the middle of the twentieth century, and still exists. It is believed that native land in a foreign land always helps.

You can remember how the heroes fell to the ground to listen to her advice. It is generally accepted that this is a metaphor, in fact, the soldiers listened to the clatter of the hooves of the enemy cavalry, but this is just a sign of ignorance. People have forgotten who Mother Earth is, and therefore they are looking for explanations that correspond to their concepts and their level of knowledge. That's why there are such ridiculous versions.

It is also unclear why, in order to turn into someone (turn into), the characters of epics and fairy tales had to hit the ground. Sometimes two or three times. Our contemporaries, without a moment's hesitation, believe that this is a kind of artistic turn of speech. It doesn’t even occur to them to think about the meaning of the expression “hit the ground and turned into ...”. But experience suggests that our ancestors knew much more than we do now, and put some specific meaning into this turn of speech. It wasn't a metaphor. It was an action that had its own goals, and with its help this or that result was achieved. And there is no doubt that Mother Earth Cheese was the main assistant in achieving this result.

The fact that we do not understand the meaning of this action does not mean that our ancestors were ignorant and superstitious, but that we have lost knowledge about the structure of the world, indiscriminately attributing everything incomprehensible to "wild paganism". At the same time, they replaced the worldview with religion, which is no different from sawing the branch on which we sit.

Imagine the following situation: - A group of students cannot master the topic of a physics lesson, for example. Well, it doesn’t fit in their minds what a potential difference is. Then they declare the teacher "an obscurantist, mired in the prejudices of the past", and put forward their own version, which is accessible to their understanding. And then they also issue a law that no one dares to question the correctness of their theory, and at the same time ban physics as pseudoscience, under pain of criminal punishment. Doesn't it remind you of anything?

But back to Mother Raw Earth. Celebrations and rituals on the Day of Spring Makoshya could not but shock the representatives of other peoples. Those descriptions that have come down to us shock even the Slavs themselves. Judge for yourself. The sorcerer leads the villagers to the arable land, and they begin to walk along the furrows, pour grain into them, pour beer, and bow on all four sides. They will stand facing east, bow to the Earth, and sing: - “Mother Cheese Earth! Kill the snake and every reptile!”

They turn to the west, and again pour grain, pour beer on the ground, bow and sing: - “Mother Cheese Earth! Swallow all evil spirits into your womb!

They will stand facing north, saying: - “Mother Cheese Earth! Satisfy your winds, midday, calm the crackling frosts!

And looking to the south, they sing: - “Mother Cheese Earth! Quench your midnight winds, calm the loose sands!

Then, an earthen jug of beer was broken and left on the edge of the arable land. Already this description is enough to understand with what horror the “enlightened” representatives of religious denominations looked at all this. But that's not all. The worst thing, according to the ideas of modern man, is that during the ceremony, couples who wanted to conceive a child were engaged in public ... Conceiving children, lying right in the furrows of arable land. And it was not considered a sin. It was completely normal. So did all the ancestors from generation to generation.

The essence of Earth Day was the conception of a new life. On this day, it was strictly forbidden to disturb the earth. Not only plowing and harrowing, but even sticking a stick into the ground was considered a grave sin. On this day, the earth was gratified by watering with beer and male seed. It was the day of the conception of the future harvest, and at the same time the day of the conception of future children. It was believed that children born after the second half of January were the messengers of Mother Raw Earth herself, and Makosh would patronize them all their lives.

As for the savagery of the external ritual side of Veshny Makoshya, we can recall that until recently, foreigners considered the Slavs to be savages because it is customary in our bathhouse for husband, wife and small children to wash together. Well... For Europeans, this is savagery, but for us, the fact that they did not have baths at all, and did not wash at all for years and decades, seems savagery. And if we take into account the modern customs that have taken root in the west, or rather their complete decomposition, then here the conversation about which of us is more wild is not appropriate.

Mother Earth Cheese

1. Earth is one of the main elements of the Universe, along with Water, Fire, Air and the "fifth element" that encompasses the other four - Space (White Light).

2. The earth, according to popular ideas, is the universal source of life, the Mother of all living things, including man, - Mother Earth Cheese. In Slavic paganism, Rodnoverie, the image of Mother Earth is intertwined with the image of the Great Mother Goddess, Mokosh or Lada, Whose incarnation She appears in the world of Reveal.

3. Ideas about the Earth are also closely connected with the concepts of the All-Father-Kind and Mother-Motherland - the Land of the Ancestors, the Native Land. So, they talk about the three mothers of a person - the Motherland-Motherland, the Mother Raw Earth and the earthly woman - the native mother of a person.

4. The very expression " Mother Earth Cheese” implies a connection with the element of Water: the Earth is “raw” because it is fertilized by rain (the Seed of God the Father) and is ready to give birth to a crop. Compare, for example, the dual-faith prayer, which was said, starting to sow the field, in the Oryol region: “ Father Ilya(in ancient times, probably, the appeal in such cases was to Perun), bless the seeds to throw into the ground. You water Mother Cheese-Earth with cold dew so that She brings grain, stirs it up, returns it to me with a large ear».

5. In Russian folklore, including in conspiracy formulas like " Earth is Mother, Heaven is Father" or " Heaven is the key, Earth is the lock»preserved ideas about Heaven and Earth (Svarog and Lada, Veles and Makosh) as a married couple. Compare: ancient Aryan hymns Rigveda represent the earth ( Prithivi) wife of Heaven ( Dyaus); Greek Gaia-Earth is also a spouse uranium-Heaven, all other Gods originated from this Divine Couple, etc. In the Old Russian “Tale of Bygone Years” (XII century), a Christian scribe “denounces” the pagans: “ Still, they say the earth as a mother ... Yes, if they have a mother earth, then their father is heaven».

6. In a conspiracy from the Nizhny Novgorod province, the Earth is presented as the universal Mother - both of all mankind as a whole, and of each person individually: “ Goy thou, raw mother earth! Mother to us dear. You gave birth to all of us...» In some Spiritual verses, the Earth is called not only the mother, but also the father of man: Mother Earth Raw! Everyone, Earth, you are our Father and Mother...»

7. Since ancient times, the Earth has been treated with special reverence and care. When in the early 1920s during a drought in Pereslavl-Zalessky district, some of the peasants began to break clods and blocks on arable land with mallets, then the women, reproaching them, said that they “ they beat the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself”(in the era of dual faith in Rus', the ancient pagan image of the Mother of the Raw Earth was associated with the Christian image of the Virgin). A special attitude towards the Earth was also manifested in the fact that when eating in the field, the peasants wiped their hands on it, attributing to it the same cleansing properties as water.

8. In folklore and ancient Russian literature, the suffering of Mother Earth and at the same time Her compassion for man is constantly emphasized. According to the “repentant verse” from the Vladimir province, a person is guilty before the Earth already by tearing Her chest with a plow, scratching Her blood with a harrow. In the bi-faith Spiritual verses, the Earth trembles, mourns, cries, turns with prayers to God and the Mother of God. In the years of national disasters or before bloody battles, She, like a mother or a widow, weeps for the dead and for those who are still destined to die.

9. According to folk beliefs, Mother Earth helps people who turn to Her with sincere requests, as can be seen from the following story, recorded in the 20th century. from the words of a peasant in the Dorogobuzh district of the Smolensk province: The peasant ... did not keep cattle, he died. One good acquaintance of a peasant, under great secrecy, advised the loser, secretly from everyone, to go out into the yard at sunrise and bow to the Earth three times without a cross and a hat. The peasant did this, and his cattle began to be kept from that time».

10. In folk beliefs, the Earth "closes", falls asleep for the winter and wakes up in the spring. 23 bloom / April-month Yarilo "unlocks" - fertilizes the Earth (according to other ideas, Mother Cheese fertilizes the Earth - creates Her Zarod- Thunderer Perun on a holiday, popularly referred to as the "First Thunder", that is, during the first spring thunderstorm). Also connected with the idea of ​​fertilization of the Earth is the cult of snakes crawling out into the world in spring, as well as the cult of ancestors arriving on “bird wings” from Iriy (the Heavenly Abode of the holy souls of the ancestors) and ensuring the fertility of the Earth.

11. On May 9, the Mother of Cheese Earth is honored as a “birthday girl”. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, on this day the Earth "rests", so you need to give it a rest - you can't plow, dig, harrow it, you can't stick stakes into it and throw knives. However, in different areas, the Name Day of the Earth was celebrated at different times. So, for example, in the Vyatka province this holiday was celebrated on Spirits Day (Monday after Trinity). In some other places, the Name Day of the Earth was celebrated on Simon the Zealot (Trawn/May 10) - the day after Veshny Nikola (Traven/May 9), the patron saint of agriculture in the era of dual faith.

12. One of the most reliable and terrible in Rus' was considered an oath in which they kissed or ate the earth. During boundary disputes, a person put a piece of earth or turf on his head and walked along the boundary with it. The border thus drawn was considered inviolable; if someone decided to deceive, then, according to belief, Mother Earth began to crush him with terrible severity and forced him to confess to the forgery. The oath, during the pronunciation of which the turf was kept on the head, is also mentioned in the Slavic insert in the translation of the "Word" by Gregory the Theologian (XI century) and dates back to pre-Christian antiquity.

13. The rite of repentance to the Earth also has archaic origins. Existed in Novgorod in the XIV century. among the heretics-strigolniks, it was preserved in some rumors of the Old Believers-bespriests in the 19th century. So, the Ust-Tsilemsky Old Believers answered the invitation of the priests of the dominant church to confess: “ We confess to God and Mother Raw Earth" or " I will put my ear to the Raw Earth, God will hear me and forgive me».

14. Forgiveness was also asked from Mother Earth in case of illness or approaching death. In the Spiritual verse “The Unforgivable Sin”, the Earth acts as the bearer of moral Truth, a special Law of Generic Life. According to the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, dating back to the era of Ancient Rus', the righteous Bosom of the Earth does not accept evil sorcerers, suicides and those who were cursed by their parents. Even Serapion of Vladimir in the “Word of lack of faith” (1270s) reproached those who dig up a drowned or hanged person from the ground, fearing natural disasters.

15. There are stories that the Earth throws out the bones of an evil sorcerer or a coffin with his body. In epics and spiritual verses, there is a plot when the Earth refuses to accept the blood of the Serpent spilled by the hero, and does this only at his request.

16. The funeral was interpreted by our ancestors as a return to the mother's Bosom of the Earth. In order not to defile the Earth, the Russian people put on clean underwear in case of mortal danger. The approach of death was judged by the fact that a specific smell begins to come from the patient - “it smells of earth”, and “the earth protrudes” on the body and on the face, i.e. dark spots appear.

17. According to folk beliefs, the earth from the grave helps to overcome fear, longing and illness, but can also be used in harmful magic. In order not to yearn too much for the deceased, they put earth from his grave in his bosom or rub his chest with it near the heart. To this day, the custom is to throw a handful of earth into the grave. The Swedish diplomat Peter Petrey (1610s) noted that, having lowered the coffin into the grave, those present weep and wail: “ You did not want to stay with us longer, so take this land for yourself and goodbye!»

18. Since ancient times, the Earth has embodied in the worldview of the Slavs not only the image of the mother of man, but the whole Genus as a unity of the living and those who have already departed to another world. Funeral rites with visiting and caring for the burial mounds and graves of ancestors, feasts, brotherhoods (joint meals) at the graves and at home, accompanied by the invitation of the spirits of the ancestors, are designed to support the unity of the Family and the continuity of generations. The ancestors lying in the Earth, as it were, merge with Her, become Her part. The fertility of the Earth and the abundance of rainfall depend on their goodwill towards the living, and they are also turned to for help in some other cases.

19. Comprehension of the Motherland is also primarily associated with the image of the Earth. From time immemorial, when leaving for a foreign land, Russian people took a handful of their native land with them, wore it on their chest in an amulet or a bag, and after their death they put it with them in the grave. Returning from exile, many of them knelt down and kissed Mother Earth.

20. Our ancestors revered Mother Earth Cheese as a living Goddess and called Her St(word holiness comes from the word light and means not carnal, but Spiritual Shine), cf. curse: " The holy earth would not accept him"or good wishes:" Buvai is healthy like a fish, good like water, cheerful like spring, working like a bee, and rich like a Holy Land».

21. Although for a pagan Slav - both in ancient times and now - the whole Native Land is equally sacred, our ancestors from ancient times distinguished on Earth "strong places" (or places Forces) and "dead places". In places Forces they set up temples dedicated to the Light Gods, and they tried to bypass the “dead places” dangerous to the health of living beings or used them to honor the Dark Gods.

22. In general, if we consider the Earth as a single Living Organism, then places Forces- these are the points of Her vital activity, like the acupuncture points of Chinese traditional medicine. These are the most favorable places for all living things, where the vital currents of the Natural Forces are manifested in a special way - where " Heaven connects with Earth».

23. With the advent of Christianity, alien to our Earth, to Rus', adherents of this cult began to desecrate and destroy all the ancient pagan shrines and put their churches in the place of the desecrated Temples. Destroying the Natural, Ancestral sanctuaries of our ancestors, the churchmen erected in their place necrophilic statues of their crucified, dead "god", poisoning the vital currents of the Natural Forces with the stinking spirit of carrion, thereby - literally killing Earth.

24. Thus, Christians are guilty of crimes committed not only before the Native Gods, our ancestors, the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family, but also before our Mother Mother Earth Herself ...

25. Nature-Motherland-People - Father-Heaven, Mother Earth and Man, not a Christian "servant of God", but a child of God - the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie is based on this trinity, the Ancestral Faith-Knowledge of our ancestors and the guarantee of the Life of our descendants. Let the Motherland be reborn! May the Native Gods protect Holy

Toporkov A.L. Materials on Slavic paganism (the cult of mother - damp earth in the village of Prisno) // Old Russian Literature: Source Studies. L., 1984.

Uspensky B.A. The mythological aspect of Russian expressive phraseology // Studia Slavica. 1983. T. 29; 1987. T. 33.

Fedotov G. Spiritual Poems. (Russian folk faith according to spiritual verses). M., 1991.

Mother Earth

mother earth mother earth

Merged or separate? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

See what "mother earth" is in other dictionaries:

    mother Earth- mother earth /, mother earth / ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

    Along with fire, air and water, one of the main elements of the universe. A significant part of the plots with the participation of the deified Z. is contained in cosmogonic myths that tell about the original divine pair of heaven and Z., the union of which served ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    Earth ... Wikipedia

    Earth Apollo 17 photograph of the Earth Orbital characteristics of Aphelion 152,097,701 km 1.0167103335 AU e ... Wikipedia

    Genus. and dates. mother, vin. mother, tv mother, suggestion about mother; pl. mother, her; and. 1. A woman in relation to her children. Mother's love. Lose your mother. Name someone. by his mother. Live with mother. Good, bad m. Reception m. Large ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Mother: The mother is a woman in relation to her children (see Relationships). Goddess mother, Mother Earth, Mother of the world in the mythology of different peoples, the progenitor of all things. The Mother of God Mother of the book in Islam is eternal and uncreated ... ... Wikipedia

    Exist., f., use. max. often Morphology: (no) whom? mothers, to whom? mother, (see) whom? mother who? mother, about whom? about mother; pl. who? mother, (no) whom? mothers, to whom? mothers, (see) whom? mothers who? mothers, about whom? about mothers 1. Your mother ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Elguja Amashukeli Mother Georgia ... Wikipedia

    Ukr., Blr. land, other Russian, art. glory. earth γῆ, ἔδαφος, ἄρουρα (Klots., Supr.), Bolg. land, Serbohorv. earth, Slovenian. zemlja, Czech. země, slvts. zem, Polish. ziemia, c. puddle, n. puddles zemja. Related Lit. žẽmė land, ltsh. zeme, other Prussian ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    MOTHER- a symbol of life, holiness, eternity, warmth and all-conquering love. The cult of honoring the mother, as the head of the family and the guardian, has been preserved in many cultures to this day. The image of the mother in world culture has at least four symbolic ... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia


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Hello dear students!
Today we will talk about the only Slavic goddess who was not persecuted by Christianity. At least I haven't heard anything about it. It was the most beloved character of Slavic mythology by the people - Mother Earth Cheese.

Herbs, flowers, trees and shrubs are her magnificent hair. Stone rocks are her bones. Tenacious tree roots replace veins. And her blood is living water oozing from her bowels. And, like a living woman, she gives birth to earthly creatures, groans in pain in a storm. And when he is angry, he causes earthquakes. It smiles under the warm rays of the sun and gives unseen beauty to all living things. Falls asleep in cold winter and wakes up in spring. The drought burns her, but she is reborn from life-giving moisture.

Mother Earth Cheese is always next to a person. She is his nurse and waterer, and a person always resorts to her help, as to the help of a mother, in difficult moments of life.
It is enough to recall fairy tales and epics, in which even the heroes fall to the damp earth in order to gain new strength. They will hit the ground with a spear, and it will absorb the black, poisonous blood of the serpent and return life to the ruined people.
Fairy-tale heroes hit the ground to transform into someone else and get his strength.

“What you get sick with, you get treated” - they said in ancient times and advised to take those who hurt themselves to that very place and pray to the earth for forgiveness.
The earth itself was considered the most powerful medicine. The healer moistened the earth with saliva and applied it to wounds or a sore head, while whispering a conspiracy: “As the earth is healthy, so your head would be healthy».

Mother Earth was sworn, and this oath was considered the strongest, it was sacred and indestructible. The earth will not wear an oathbreaker. “So that I can fall through the ground! ”- such an oath has still been preserved.

They kissed the earth, asked for forgiveness when they did a bad deed. And such a bow to the earth, traditional in antiquity, is also from the great veneration of Mother Earth.

The gods changed in the sky, others appeared in the place of some, and only Mother Earth remained the eternal breadwinner for people, giving life to everything that lived on it.

In ancient times, sorcerers knew how to tell fortunes from a handful of earth taken from under the left foot of someone who wanted to know his fate. “To take out a trace” from a person is now considered an evil intent. If you whisper skillfully over him, then you can bind the will of a person hand and foot. And then, in order to get rid of such a misfortune, they ask the Earth: “Mother is the nurse, the dear earth is damp, hide me from the fierce spectator, from any unintentional hardship. Protect me from an evil eye, from an evil tongue, from the slander of demons. My word is strong as iron. It is to you with seven seals, the nurse Mother - Cheese Earth, sealed - for many days, for many years, for all eternal life.

The ancient Roman historian Tacitus wrote about the Slavs who lived on the island of Rügen: “They give general worship to the goddess of the earth and believe that she interferes in human affairs, visits peoples. There is an untouched forest on the island of the ocean, and in it is stored the sacred chariot, covered with a veil: only the priest is allowed to touch it. He learns that the goddess is present in the sanctuary, and, being carried on a chariot by cows, accompanies with great reverence.

The image of Mother Earth goes back to very ancient times. Later, harmonious artificial systems were created, where God the Father certainly stands at the head of the divine pantheon, and the gods are predominantly male, but all this happened during the time of the long-established patriarchy. However, even through such artificial patriarchal schemes, the features of stable ancient ideas about a cosmic female deity, about the Great Mother of the World, are visible: be it Gaia, who gave birth to Uranus, or Cybele, the personification of mother nature, revered in Asia Minor.

In every mythology, there is sure to be such a female deity - the personification of all nature. However, it was among the Slavs that the veneration of the Mother of the Raw Earth was the strongest, which survived until the beginning of the 20th century.

Many beliefs are connected precisely with the native land. If a person went somewhere to a foreign land, then he would certainly take a handful of his native land with him. He poured it out on a foreign land and, stepping on it, said: "I walk on my own land." It was believed that even there, in a foreign land, in which case, the native land would help, give strength.

The earth was kept in amulets during travels as a talisman against evil forces.

Mothers had no greater grief than the news that their sons, who died in a foreign land, did not stock up on their native land and were buried without it.

The concept of "homeland, native land" for the Slavs was special. How many poetic works are dedicated to the motherland!

There is a special day, May 23, the birthday of Mother Raw Earth. The peasants, wanting to adequately honor the birthday girl, do not undertake any earthwork on this day: they do not plow, do not harrow, do not dig, and are especially careful not to drive stakes into the ground so as not to disturb the peace of the earth.
On this day, it is advisable to walk barefoot on the ground: this way you can draw from it the strength your body needs. It was also believed that on this day you can dig up healing roots for medicinal potions, because they gained the most strength.

All her life, the eternal Mother of Cheese Earth grows daily bread for the people living on it. Of course, these are not only grain ears, but also other plants edible for humans, various medicinal herbs. Just as the grass cannot grow without a handful of earth, so the Russian people cannot live without the land-breadwinner.

The sun's rays warm the earth, rain showers nourish it, and the earth, warmed and moistened, grows herbs, flowers, trees, gives food to animals and humans. And this natural phenomenon for man served as the source of the myth of the marriage union of Heaven and Earth. Since the Earth, of course, is a feminine principle, mother, then the sky was assigned to the masculine - it was the father-father. The summer sky encloses the Earth in its hot embrace, like a bride or spouse, scatters its warm rays over it and pours life-giving waters, and the Earth can then “give birth”. In winter, the earth turns to stone from the cold and becomes barren.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the worldview has developed in the minds of the Slavs that the wealth of the country and the people directly depends on the expanses of the Slavic land. It is these expanses that are the main wealth, both material and spiritual.
The epic hero Mikula Selyaninovich became the spokesman for this worldview. Strength was bestowed upon him by the earth itself, and he relies entirely on the earthly strength of Rus'.
Mikula is the beloved son of the Mother of Raw Earth, the first Russian oratay. Collective feasts-Mikulshchina celebrated in his honor, songs were sung in honor of the upcoming name day of the Mother of the Raw Earth:

Mikula-light, with mercy
Come to us with joy
With great grace...
Mother Cheese Land of goodness,
Give us bread
Sheep for horses
Cows of grass!

There is an interesting epic about Svyatogor and Mikul. Svyatogor is trying to catch up with a passer-by on a wide path, but he can’t. And then the hero said these words:

- Oh, you, a passer-by, stop not that much, I can’t catch up with you on a good field.
A passer-by stopped, took off his purse from his shoulders and put the purse on the damp ground. Svyatogor the hero says:
- What do you have in your bag?
- Get off the ground and you'll see.
Svyatogor got down from the goodness of the horse, grabbed the handbag with his hand - he could not even move; he began to breathe with both hands, only a spirit could let him under his purse, and he himself was buried up to his knees in the ground. The hero says these words:
- What do you have in your purse? I can’t take the strength to become, but I can’t even zdynut my handbag.
- I have earth thrust in my purse.
- Yes, who are you and what is your name, they call you as if from the countryside?
- I am Mikulushka Selyaninovich.

Mikula is the bearer of earthly thrust in the literal sense: he carries the power of the Mother of the Raw Earth in a knapsack behind his shoulders, easily overtaking the most powerful hero. The earth's thrust, when it comes into contact with the source, is fed by the immense power of the Earth, then it returns to Mikula's shoulders and is transferred to him in full.

With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the image of the Mother of the Raw Earth began to draw closer to the image of the Mother of God herself. The idea gradually spread that a person has three mothers: the first is the Most Holy Theotokos, who gave birth to the savior of the world, the second is the Earth, from which everyone was created and to which everyone will return after death, and the third is the one that she carried and gave birth in the womb.
And the holiday in honor of orata Mikula, Christianity translated into the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. That is why in Rus' the spring Nikola is so revered.

I think this is the end of our lesson about Mother Earth. In the next lesson we will talk about the possible spouse of the Mother of the Raw Earth, and now homework(you must choose questions that add up to at least 10 points):

1. Why is Mother Earth Cheese, and not just Mother Earth? And why did the heroes fall down on the damp earth? (0-1 point)

2. How do you understand the oath “May I fall through the ground!”? And what was originally included in it? (0-2 points)

3. Why was the sower always a man? (0-1 point)

4. Find fairy tales, epics (at least two), in which the hero resorts to the help of the Mother of the Raw Earth. Tell about them. (0-3 points)

5. Find riddles, proverbs, sayings, and just winged expressions associated with Mother Raw Earth (at least three). Explain how you understand them. (0-3 points)

6. Write a short essay (poetic or prose) about this deity or your native land in general. (0-4 points)

7. If you can draw, you can depict Mother Earth Cheese. (0-5 points)

8. You went to practice in Argemon (practice can be in any subject). Tell us how Mother Earth Cheese could help you. (0-5 points)

9. Find a poetic or prose work dedicated to the Motherland, native land that you like. Tell us about it and the thoughts that come to mind after reading it. (0-3 points)

10. Why did the Slavs develop such veneration of the Mother of the Raw Earth? (0-2 points)

11. In ancient Greek mythology, there is a character similar to Mikula. Find him and tell him about him. What similarities and differences did you find? (0-3 points)

Mother earth cheese... Spelling Dictionary

Mother Earth Cheese- Mythology: Slavic In other cultures: Demeter, Ardvisura Anahita, Zhemina Children: all living creatures Mother Cheese Earth personified earth in Slavic mythology. She was considered the mother of all living beings and grew ... Wikipedia

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The mother earth does not accept it.- (i.e. such a villain). See KARA LISTENING... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people


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  • Mother of the cheese earth, Nikolai Olkov. The story was awarded a Diploma and a statuette of the Ural Federal District Literary Competition in 2013. The village boy Lavrik Akimushkin and his brother came to the Tatar village and met the girl Leysan. The very…
