What are kindred spirits of loving people. How do you know you've found your soul mate? Relations between a man and a woman

As you know, the soul does not know death and is the basis of any human being. Timeless, it is a great value in the universe.

Kindred of souls. It often happens that people close to each other, relatives by blood, do not feel a spiritual connection with each other, at the same time, absolutely strangers to each other, friends or just acquaintances can be closer in spirit. After all, only people close to each other in spirit can be truly close.

Why does this happen, who is your soul mate

The concept of "soul mate" has an esoteric background. At the first meeting with someone, the first thing we always pay attention to is the appearance of a person, his physical shell, but in the process of communication, we capture his spiritual part, we feel him with our soul and heart. We feel and react to the external energy radiation of a person that comes from his soul.

It often happens that people who know each other for only 5–10 minutes feel as if they have known each other for a long time, and those who have lived together for many years feel a stranger nearby.

  • soul affinity- the relationship of two, and sometimes more people, which lasts for many reincarnations (reincarnations). The souls of people throughout their life path help each other to solve the tasks assigned to them in this incarnation.

What is a soul mate

We often call soul mates people to whom in the distant or relatively close past we experienced mutual feelings of love, friendship and warmth. With people who are close to us in spirit, we often feel joy when communicating, trust and sympathy, endless positive when communicating. In relationships with such people, we feel a connection, an understanding without words.

Soul mate- a unique immortal substance that does not know the boundaries between time and space.

There are other connections, some karmic knots that connect two or more people. In past incarnations, the relationship between these people was negative, hostility, betrayal, perhaps they even killed and cursed each other. On a subconscious level, in dealing with such people, we feel distrust, discomfort, negativity and sometimes fear. These karmic knots, sins in relation to another person, have to be redeemed sooner or later, even in subsequent incarnations of the soul.

Love or friendship between kindred souls can be considered a real “gift” from Above. Such "gifts" a person receives deservedly, thanks to self-development and good noble deeds. A person in life can meet with a kindred spirit only a few times, and sometimes not even once, if in this incarnation the person did not deserve it.

In the relationship between a woman and a man, their kinship of souls is extremely important. If a couple is close in spirit, their soul mates help them reach a completely new level in relationships, independent of material and other factors of human life.

Let's take a closer look at how the kinship of human souls is determined for each other?

Soulmates have:

1. Positive experience

Kindred souls have a common life experience, having passed through joint incarnations, human souls reveal for each other bright feelings, love, friendship, respect and devotion, as well as trust and gratitude. These feelings and merits before each other as common victories carry the experience of positive thinking and warm kindred feelings.

2. Equal position

Soul mates come from equal karmic classes. Equal souls are able to feel love as equals.

3. Common ground

Human souls that have common interests with each other, similar views and life positions, performing the same actions, are all kindred spirits. Such people seem to reflect each other's actions as a reflection in a mirror.

If a person knows all your shortcomings and at the same time is able to see in you, regardless of whether you are related by blood or not, the virtues that you possess, there is definitely some kind of relationship between your souls. The souls of such people have similar or identical views and life positions. It is quite easy for them to find a common language and interact with each other.

Remember! Our soul is like a guide, light in the darkness, and only through the soul passes the path to the truth and the heights of spiritual perfection. Realizing your soul, knowing yourself through esotericism, religions and philosophy, you will be able to realize the true "I".


People sometimes mistake empathy (acceptance of another person) for a kindred spirit. And the kinship of souls is a great rarity, a mysterious and priceless phenomenon that can happen by God's grace and only under certain conditions.

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) advises how to find a kindred spirit.

Christ in our midst

Most of the people around us are good and kind in themselves, and it is pleasant to spend time with them over conversations and a cup of tea, to take a break from work. But these people can be absolutely unbelievers.

Is it possible to become truly intimate soul mates with non-believers?

The fact is that kindness and pleasantness are not always the personal qualities of a person, rather, the fruits of good heredity.

True goodness is valued only in Christ, only through His divine love, and our goodness has value only when we do good in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Only love of God leads people to love of mankind. Without genuine love of God, humanity is a lie.

Often we choose the third option - selfishness, which is a wall separating us from God and man. The selfish person needs people only as a background, as an audience, listeners, as an auxiliary detail of the interior. For the purpose of self-aggrandizement.

A soul mate is first and foremost a soul that loves and seeks God. And it is this desire that brings people together.

The material world offers "kinship" on other grounds: social equality, origin, material wealth, education, common hobbies, objects of worship, etc.

Spiritual kinship crosses out all these components, status and origin, financial situation and circle of acquaintances are not important. All this is tinsel. What matters is how a person relates to Christ and whether He is present among you, in your society and in your fellowship.

Of course, common tastes and preferences, as a rule, are taken into account, but they are not decisive, but only decorate and complement communication.

Otherwise, in the presence and coincidence of all earthly interests, but in the absence of Christ in them, there can be no talk of any kindred of souls. It's an illusion built in the sand. Only the Lord can become the foundation for a deep and real relationship.

True Joy

One of the signs that you have met your soul mate is the presence of genuine joy in Christ in the relationship. The joy that you always want to share.

The inner nature of true joy is such that it needs to be shared, which is why the Apostle Paul in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians instructs: “Brothers, rejoice, be comforted, be of one mind, be at peace - and the God of love and peace will be with you” (13: eleven).

Gone to eternity

Kindred souls are given an unprecedented feeling of belonging to Eternity.

The Resurrection of Christ removes all boundaries between people and opens up the opportunity for us to become sons of our Heavenly Father.

Only faith in the Risen Christ is capable of inseparably uniting people both in earthly life and in eternity, which no other doctrine, no logic, no other philosophy can do.

There will always be few true Christians on earth. The Lord says to His disciples: "You are the salt of the earth" (Matthew 5:13). According to the thought of the holy fathers, in order for the world to exist, prayers and a few righteous people are enough.

However, we should not be proud that the Savior called us “the salt of the earth,” because if the salt deteriorates, nothing can fix it, as a result, it will only be doomed to trampling.

The words of the Savior should be taken as a reminder that meeting a true Christian in our life is a miracle, a feeling that this person is close to you in terms of views; it is doubly a miracle if you have met a soul mate, a person with whom you experience true joy in Christ, with whom all temporal and spatial boundaries are destroyed, and relationships pass into eternity.

This is the special grace of God. For it, one should sincerely thank the Creator.

Incredible Facts

When we talk about soul mates, we imagine the person we are all looking for. This is the person we meet and immediately understand that this is him. We fall in love, become inseparable and can understand each other without words.

While there is a soul mate that is our true love, we encounter other types of soul mates along the way. We meet them when we least expect them, but when we need them most..

And although these relationships can end and break our hearts, each of them can change us and teach us a lot.

At some point in your life, you will meet these five soul mates.

Man is a kindred spirit

1. Stranger Soul

A soulmate stranger is a person we meet by chance. Perhaps you were on the same bus, on a plane, or you were just walking down the street and bumped into him. When you meet a stranger with a kindred spirit, you you immediately feel that you recognize it, but you can’t understand where.

It is possible that this is someone from your past life. Your communication with him may be very short, but he shares with you the wisdom that needs to be heard. It can be words of recognition, a push in the right direction, or a feeling of comfort.

2. Soul-healing power

This person is a friend who appears for a specific purpose. It comes when you need it most and teaches you a valuable life lesson.

Your healing soul mate feels the pain you feel and stays by your side to help heal your emotional wounds.

This type of relationship or friendship develops very quickly. And even if the relationship is not meant to last, this person came to your rescue when you needed him so desperately, so you will always be grateful to him for that.

3. Soul-destructive force

This type of soul mate comes into your life, when you need a change. Its purpose is to shake you up. He challenges you, pushes you, and turns your perception upside down. When you meet this type of soul mate, you feel a sudden sensation of love and passion.

Such a person makes you take a fresh look at things and think about your life and plans. Ultimately, your destructive soul mate will disappear from your life. But you will learn a lot about yourself through these relationships. You will no longer be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your goals..

Friend is a kindred spirit

4. Twin Soul

Your twin soul mate helps you overcome emotional and spiritual barriers. it someone you can talk to for hours, and the topics of conversation between you will not end. You think alike and complete sentences one after the other. You can easily do everything together as a couple.

When you meet your "twin" you experience a sense of wholeness. You feel like you've known him all your life. Your relationship is natural and easy, and you rarely break up. Your twin soul mate is often your best friend.

5. Soul is true love

It is this type of soul mate that each of us is looking for. Your true love or divine soul mate is a person with whom you will spend your whole life, if you are lucky enough to meet him.

This soul mate is a combination of all of the above types. You experience a sense of similarity, a feeling that you have known him all your life, a strong connection, deep friendship and amazing love.

You understand each other on a deep level. Your true love is the passionate and amazing love you experience for the first time. If you meet your soul mate, you will always want to hold on to her.

The concept of "kindred spirits" can be interpreted in different ways. The theory of reincarnation, or multiple reincarnation, says that a certain group of souls are united by kindred ties long before they "arrive" on Earth. When they meet in the real world, a feeling of mutual sympathy and absolute harmony in communication instantly arise between them.

Similar feelings and thoughts, the same views on life, tastes and even gestures are just a small part of what is characteristic of kindred souls. According to the theory of reincarnation, the energies of like-minded people vibrate at the same frequencies, so they intuitively feel each other, understand perfectly and provide mutual assistance in overcoming obstacles that they encounter on the path of life.

How many kindred spirits does a person have?

There are two fundamentally different opinions on this matter. Some believe that there is only one true soul mate in the world. When she finds her "half", she forms an ideal tandem with her. It is figuratively called the "oversoul", which has two physical bodies.

Others say that a person can have several soul mates. In this case, we are talking about friends, parents, acquaintances and random people who help find ways out of difficult situations, provide internal support and energize. It is believed that each soul mate has a clearly defined task, therefore, at certain points in a person’s life, specific people may suddenly appear, who, having completed their “mission”, also suddenly disappear.

How to find a kindred spirit?

From birth, a person unconsciously searches for his soul mate. However, in order to meet her, you need to thoroughly study your inner world, your energy, because only in this way can you realize what your soulmate should be like.

First of all, a person must understand himself, understand what he really wants. It is important that he decides on how a soul mate can make him truly happy. Only then will he be open to new relationships and will be able to choose that very single soul among thousands of people he meets.

Sometimes it happens that fate independently presents gifts and brings loved ones together, in such situations they say that they were destined to meet each other. Initially, they may not even feel intimacy, but over time they will definitely merge into a single whole.

The importance of the phrase soul mate is often underestimated. It literally means a fellow member of your soul group who is your guide on earth, even if you are actually his or her guide.

You must not forget that your origin does not originate on earth, but somewhere in "Heaven" where souls reside. Strong ties develop between some of them, some kind of companies or groups are formed. They are different in number of members and in composition, and are in different dimensions depending on what binds them together.

These entities became "couple", companions or partners. They rely on each other when they need advice or guidance. When one of the couple separates to return to life on the planet, quite often someone from his own team takes on the role of a willing escort. Meeting with a kindred spirit on earth is a very exciting moment. With such a person, an amazing intimacy arises, completely unusual for ordinary earthly contacts. At the same time, one should not confuse the desire for a romantic love affair with the closeness of a soul mate. The fact that there is a connection between you cannot be denied. But it is not at all necessary that your soul mate should stay with you for the rest of your life. This person comes to help you, to calm you, to bring comfort from home. He or she comes to be around, to remind you of earthly lessons, and to bring earthly gifts. But it would be misleading to think that this particular person is the "one" you are looking for in your romantic fantasies.

"The only one," in the generally accepted sense around the world, has a rather abstract meaning. This is a romantic definition of what many are looking for and trying to find in life. But the concept of "the only one" is not always equated with a soul mate. In the second case, it would be more appropriate to talk about a “helping soul”, that is, about someone who is ready to support you on the path to fulfilling the mission with which you came to earth. Your soul mate is literally a friend from home sent to make you aware of Who is your Creator, Who is the Source of everything. Your soul mate helps you remember His light and infinite love. When you feel connected to a soul mate, you are drawn to their Divine qualities. Love for a soul mate is love for God.

Any partnership arises for some reason and for some purpose, and you will feel a special attraction of the heart to the one you love. This attraction is the basis of relationships. The task for which they arose can be accomplished in minutes or decades. But one thing is certain: when the goal for which the partnership was born is achieved, the attraction weakens. Partners may say that they "began to look in different directions." In fact, now they have new tasks and, most likely, they need to team up with other people. Their love will never fade, there will be a feeling of gratitude for each other, which is an important part of the task for which they were together. But there comes a time when you need to stop looking back and dedicate yourself to a new, more important goal at the moment.

It is possible that you will meet many soul mates on your life path and love them, no matter how big your group was and what dimension it was in, some soul mates are still on the spiritual plane and are waiting for their moment, ready to be born on the ground. You will teach many of them, and learn from someone. And eventually you will gladly return to your group. So why not enjoy happiness right now as you meet these wonderful creatures sent to you from Home?

When you find a soul mate, don't try to keep her close to you, just rejoice in the heavenly gifts that she will bring with her. Absorb them, this will give you additional energy to carry out the earthly mission. It doesn't matter if this relationship reaches the climax of togetherness. The main thing is the opportunity to see Heaven in the pure eyes of a person who is your soul mate, and a reflection of your own Sacred essence. Kindred souls, you are blessed. We angels kiss you with gratitude, because you illuminate each other with His highest mercy and love.

(From the book Messages from Angels by Doreen Virtue)

kindred spirit

It is ideal for a woman to follow the Spirit of a man (namely, for his inner Strength, not for his well-being, body, mind, intellect, humor, and so on). If a woman feels the Spirit of her Man and follows him, she found in him a source of constant Strength (and constant Happiness), lives for the sake of this Strong Man, then she receives from the Man and from her relationship with him those feelings that strengthen her. Moreover, when a woman follows the Spirit of a man, she becomes as strong as possible in her feminine qualities (beautiful, physically and spiritually healthy, devoted, real Woman); and both of them in this relationship will be happy. Even after the physical death of a man, in such a relationship, the woman continues to feel his Spirit, receive from him the Force and the inner source of existence.

For a woman, it is ideal to find, to see the power of the Spirit in her man (to find a man whose Spirit she feels). By nature, a woman is created for this, she is soft, receptive, absorbent. A woman can feel in her man what even he does not feel in himself.
A wise woman will tell her man: “You have a strong Spirit inside, you may not always feel it, because it is mostly directed outward, but I feel it well.” When she says this to a man, she strengthens him in this way, he really becomes stronger, and he himself begins to feel his Spirit.

For harmonious Relations between a man and a woman, their spiritual affinity (closeness in the Spirit) is extremely important. If a man and a woman are kindred in Spirit (have close Kin) or at least kindred spirits, then their relationship goes to a completely different level, they no longer depend on external, material factors of life.
In such a couple, people understand each other much better, a woman feels the Spirit of her man, knows that He is in him, his Spirit is dear and close to her.

Therefore, another key for evolutionary Relationships is the need to find “kindred souls” for relationships, and preferably a kindred Spirit (the Genus of a man and the Genus of a woman must be close), this will already be very close to their harmony.

Here you need to rely not on "worldly", stereotyped factors (status, wealth, etc.) - you need to learn to distinguish in yourself very deep inner feelings from this person.
When a woman from this man has close and dear feelings very deep inside (in the Spirit / soul), then his Family is close to her. And not just close, but somewhere in the mists of time - his Family is related to her Family!
