Chloe Ayling: This model was kidnapped to be auctioned off into slavery. The shocking kidnapping of a British model: the girl told what saved her from sexual slavery

20-year-old Chloe Ayling, a British model, was kidnapped and held in sexual slavery on an Italian farm for 6 days. Thanks to the police, the girl managed to get out and tell her incredible tragic story.

Chloe is an aspiring model and a young mother, a British woman raising a two-year-old son. At the beginning of July, the girl was invited to take part in a fashion photo shoot in Milan. The girl agreed, but she didn’t know that the “work” would turn into a nightmare for her. Instead of a photographer, her kidnappers were waiting for her.

The girl was drugged, handcuffed and taken to a dark room on a farm 120 miles from Turin. Eileen was registered on a website for selling people on the so-called “deep Internet”, forced to sell herself, and in case of disobedience, they were threatened with murder. According to Chloe, several Arab "clients" were interested in her.


The kidnappers also extorted £270,000 from Chloe's family to return her home. However, Eileen’s family contacted the police, who helped the girl get out of captivity.

“What I experienced is terrible. I was afraid for myself, for my life, I was very scared. A man in black gloves handcuffed me and also taped my mouth shut to keep me from screaming. Another person gave me injections, after which I passed out. I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was wearing a pink bathing suit and socks. I realized that I was in some kind of boat. I was inside some kind of hole, it was very difficult to breathe. They tried to sell me through the Dark Web to Arab clients. There, men can do whatever they want with their purchases, including simply feeding the girls to the tigers,” the girl told the press.

Glamorous 20-year-old model Chloe Ayling was lured to a fake photo shoot in Milan, where she was drugged and locked in a suitcase before being auctioned off on the Deep Web (a part of the Internet that is not seen by anyone). search engines). Its initial price was 300 thousand dollars.

In early July, the agent of the aspiring British model Chloe Ayling was approached with a tempting offer of casting and a subsequent lucrative contract.
According to the girl, having responded to the offer, she came to Milan from Paris, where she soon went to the office at the address she was given, not far from the central station.
Suddenly, an unknown person in black gloves approached Chloe from behind, who squeezed her throat with one hand and covered her mouth with the other so that she could not scream. And a few moments later another man appeared in a black balaclava, who gave the girl an injection in the right hand, after which she switched off.
When Eiling woke up, she found herself handcuffed in a suitcase in which a small hole had been made. And the suitcase was in the trunk of the car. As it turned out later, the girl was taken to a private house northwest of Turin, where she remained for 6 days.
There, Chloe was dressed in pink underwear and constantly given injections of ketamine, a narcotic substance that doctors use as an anesthetic or pain reliever. The girl thinks she was photographed.
One of Eiling’s abductors turned out to be 30-year-old Polish citizen Lukasz Herba, who lives Lately In Great Britain. Police believe that the man belongs to a dangerous criminal group that calls itself Black Death.
Criminals attempted to auction off a fashion model on the Deep Web. Moreover, its initial price was 300 thousand dollars. The auction was supposed to take place on July 16, but the kidnappers' plans changed when they learned that Chloe was a young mother - because this was contrary to their sales rules:
Image: Daily Mail

“All our girls are offered only at this auction and are held by us in Europe. At your request, we can kidnap any other one. This service will cost significantly more, especially if the object is located outside of Europe.

- All details, including age, name, nationality and physical data are in the profile of each girl
- A doctor cooperates with us, who checks girls for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases and guarantees their cleanliness
- The girl is clean, if her profile says so
- We do not sell girls who are even temporarily ill, as well as pregnant or young mothers
- Girls can be delivered anywhere in the world, we have special carriers. The service is provided for an additional fee
- Delivery within the EU is free, timing depends on the location of the girl and the delivery point
- We can help with organizing the receipt
- Auctions are usually held on Sundays and during the week after the abduction
- If a girl is sold, then she is sold, so check our offers regularly so as not to miss the property you are interested in
- Always make sure that you are visiting a genuine Black Death page. Photos of our girls must contain the logo of our group. There are too many fake offers on the Internet. Someone is trying to sell non-existent girls on our behalf, slipping in photographs taken from films or adult sites, and sometimes even without photographs at all.
- Always double check your email. Fraudsters often change one letter or symbol to make their addresses look similar to ours. We are not changing our e-mail. We recommend that you always type the address manually rather than copying it
— Fake sites ask for advance payment for participation in the auction. We do not do this and never reserve money on the cards of potential buyers. We don't need this because random people are not allowed into our auctions.

To participate in our auction, you must contact us and indicate which girls you are interested in, after which you will be sent a link that will allow you to participate in the auction. You must have previously participated in our auction to do this. If you are interested in it for the first time, we will require recommendations from reliable clients, otherwise we will cut off all contact with you.

We are not interested in expansion client base. We don't sell girls to just anyone. Our customers must be aware of the current regulations. Newbies ask too many questions and most often just waste time.”

20-year-old British model Chloe Ayling became a victim of kidnappers who threatened to sell her into sexual slavery. After being held captive for several days, the girl returned home and shared her shocking story with the press.

Chloe's words are quoted by The Sun.

Hell for the erotic model began after she flew to Milan on July 11 for a photo shoot. There she was kidnapped, injected, placed in a suitcase and taken away in the trunk of a car. According to the girl, when she woke up in a suitcase, she had handcuffs on her hands and a gag in her mouth. Because she was constantly screaming, the kidnappers threatened her with another injection.

Chloe was brought to Turin, wrapped in sleeping bag, where she spent six days. Her kidnappers told her they were going to sell her on the black market for sex slavery for £270,000.

Ailing said that one of the attackers practically slept in the same bed with her, but sexual harassment there was none, since members of this gang are severely punished for touching kidnapped women.

On the sixth day of captivity, the kidnappers learned that the girl had a child, and they were not satisfied with the abduction of mothers.

“It’s not a matter of nobility, it’s just that women who have already given birth are not suitable for sale. But they did not plan to release me because the photographs had already been published on the darknet for the purpose of sale. These photographs confirm the fact that I was in captivity, several users even expressed interest in purchasing. All the girls on this site were intended for the Arab market. After they were bought, they could be given to someone else or simply fed to tigers,” Chloe said.

One of the kidnappers turned out to be Pole Lukasz Erba. According to Italian police, he was horrified by his bosses' threats and took Chloe to the consulate himself. The man was arrested and police are looking for his accomplices.

Italian police believe they are dealing with a dangerous criminal group that calls itself the Black Death.

Soon Chloe was able to return to her homeland.

Note that Chloe Ayling is an aspiring model; she appears in candid photo shoots for men's publications.

Who became very famous not only for her beauty and body shape, but also due to the story of her abduction. The girl looks very impressive, appears in quite daring photo shoots, and therefore has gained great popularity and demand.

Firstly, it’s worth talking about her Instagram. The girl's account can be found at @chloeayling97. Here she posts beautiful pictures, which get thousands of likes. It is worth noting that Chloe Ayling became quite a popular star, and even worked with such famous brand, How Calvin Klein. To account spectacular blonde More than 40 thousand users subscribed. On her page in social network There is also information that this is her second account. The old page, which was deleted, gained 312 thousand subscribers.

Model Chloe Ayling was born on June 14, 1997. In 2015, her son was born. When she was 20 years old, she went to Milan for a photo shoot. Here she was kidnapped. The criminals of one of the groups kept her locked up for six days, intending to sell her, but after they learned that the girl had a child, they released her, as this was contrary to the rules of this group. The kidnapper was later caught.

Judging by the photos, model Chloe Ayling is a true professional. She takes good care of her appearance, Special attention focusing on the figure. The girl has an athletic build model appearance, which allows her to remain popular and very in demand.
