How to create a client base and learn how to manage it effectively. and processing of personal data

How to earn client base and increase sales on it - for this it is important to apply the principle of rotation. Rotation of the client base is the systematic transfer of clients to managers in the case when there are no results for these clients for a long time.

Why do you need to redistribute the database

With such a redistribution of the client base, sales conversion is guaranteed to increase.
Why does a manager trying for a long time to establish contact with a certain client and eventually make a sale to him fail? There are several reasons and factors:

  • The manager failed to clearly identify the customer's need,
  • Manager couldn't find individual approach to the client
  • The manager pays little attention and time to this b2b or b2c client, as he is busy with his priority customers,
  • The manager does not conduct any activity on this client at all - he simply keeps him “just in case, he suddenly shoots” so that he can skim off the cream.

Of course, the sales manager is not interested in any of these behaviors. He needs to improve the manageability of working with the client base and achieve an increase in conversion across all indicators. An accessible and understandable tool used even without special automation is database rotation.

What is the rotation in the development of a client base

This approach is implemented in the following ways:

  1. Formation of a list of customers for whom there has never been a shipment. At the same time, these clients are registered with a certain manager for more than six months. In a number of businesses, this threshold figure can be adjusted in any direction, depending on the specifics of the company, the market, and the staff of the sales department.
    Similarly, you can create a list of customers for whom there were no repeat sales for a year or more.
  2. Transfer of each client to another responsible manager.
  3. Assignment of deadlines for the report on the study of customer data by the new manager

The specifics of the rotation of the client base

When implementing this approach, the following points should be taken into account:

  • It is better to transfer clients to managers who are equal in professional level. An exception may be situations where the client - big company. In such cases, you can transfer to a more status manager.
  • It is important that the previous manager provide full information on the situation with this client: interaction history, access to correspondence.
  • Principle: how much you take, give the same amount. So that managers do not feel disadvantaged, and in order not to provoke misunderstanding and conflicts in the team, it is important to transfer other clients from colleagues or a new base to the manager instead of selected clients.
    Assessing how to develop a client base, apply the principle of rotation. It will help increase sales efficiency and better control the work of managers.

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and by its own will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM Service" LLC) can obtain about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2. The use of the Services means the User's consent to this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insales" ), on the one hand, and

"User" -

or an individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or a legal entity registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such entity is a resident;

or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of implementation professional activity(including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; data on technical systems and equipment, including elements of software; business forecasts and details of proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information relating to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above) communicated by one party to the other party in written and / or electronic form, expressly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other assignments).

2.Obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2. Each Party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least with the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform their official duties for the implementation of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other government agency, or organ local government in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these authorities is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as defined in federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in the Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User on the subject of the Services, to protect the Services and Users and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Insales Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the operation of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User's account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User's account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements) . At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User himself, except for cases when the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations under the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notifications, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be made in writing and be delivered in person or by courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details:

A more interesting direction when opening a legal business from scratch today is the service of legal entities. This niche can be occupied due to the lack of a large number competitors. In the future, it remains expedient to offer a wide range of legal services to clients. Before you open legal advice, it is necessary to carefully weigh the material possibilities and draw up a detailed business plan. Promotion along the path from a narrow specialization to a wide range of services allows you to minimize the cost of initial stage opening a business, because otherwise the company will need a large number of qualified specialists. Formalities and documentation Opening a law firm from scratch does not require a license. Exceptions are provided for advocacy in criminal law, private detective and notarial activities.

Profession: lawyer


The question of the possibility of opening your own legal services firm sooner or later is asked by every lawyer. This type activity is not subject to licensing, therefore, anyone can do it.

The task of an entrepreneur is to hire smart staff and competently draw up a business plan for a law firm. An example with calculations is given in this article, it will help you properly organize a business in order to count on a quick payback of the project and a stable income.

How to find a client for a lawyer

Opening your own law firm is usually the dream of an experienced lawyer who works as part of the company's staff. The realization that one can receive more decent pay for one's work and recognition of one's abilities attracts this contingent to free bread.
In the meantime, to start own business enthusiasm is not enough. Market Peculiarities A law firm provides and offers services to clients relating to legal relationships.
The effectiveness of the management of a law firm is directly dependent on the understanding of legal services and the patterns by which the market operates, the conduct of legal business.

How can a lawyer build a client base?

The most promising areas include:

  • collection of debt obligations;
  • legal assistance in the field of construction, production of the execution of a decision, order, determination that have become legally valid;
    • support for foreign persons acting as private and corporate clients, assistance in finding employment, obtaining citizenship, paperwork;
    • support of financial and economic activities of companies;
    • appeal against the decisions of law enforcement agencies, regarded as
    • illegal.

Expenses Items of expenses include: Item of expenses Amount, thousand rubles Registration and purchase of a legal address 30.0 Furnishing and equipment 50-60 Rent of premises and its repair (office 10-15 sq.m.) 130.0 Expenses for communication, software 40.0 Stationery 5.0 Salary, 1 pers.



Not bad if one lawyer will work on duty on Saturday at least until lunchtime. Get ready that visitors will not come to you one by one.

Most often, 2 or more representatives come. Make sure everyone can be comfortably seated around the table. So there must be either big table or a private meeting room.
See also the video about opening a law firm pricing policy, making up the economic strategy of the future law firm.

How to open a law firm?

You will need

  • - marketing strategy;
  • - business contacts with colleagues.

Instruction 1 Develop a marketing strategy. Lawyers often advertise their services in newspapers, magazines and online resources.
Creating an effective advertisement is a separate task that requires a detailed approach. Try to study similar ads of your colleagues, and create a thesis list of information that should be displayed in the ad. 2 The choice of the publication itself depends on the target audience. Lawyer specializing in economic crimes and lawyer in divorce proceedings for obvious reasons, they rarely advertise their services in one publication. 3 Order a batch of promotional business cards. They must be different from personal ones.

Word of mouth is a great tool to attract customers. But there are two significant drawbacks:

  1. It is very difficult to manage customer recommendations
  2. It is difficult to predict the results.

To sum up, if you rely only on recommendations, you are dooming yourself to an unstable financial existence.

Let's figure out in practice how to make sure that the flow of clients into practice is stable? 2) Marketing before the start private practice So, you have firmly decided to open your own lawyer's office and start attracting clients on your own. Where to begin? It is better to start attracting clients before opening an office. Find answers to the following questions:

  • The name of your cabinet or Board. Is it good to remember? Are there any similar names on the market? Will it be easy to reserve a domain name on the Internet?
  • The location of your office.

How to start a law firm from scratch


In principle, the location of the office has no special significance, although the best option there may be a room in a business center, which is located in the central part of the city. A good option may be the presence of a good room located in a high-rise building of an industrial area on the ground floor is also not a bad option.

Buy a set of office furniture, which consists of tables, chairs, cabinets, a sofa, a coffee table. From the equipment you will need a personal computer, copier, fax machine, printer, scanner. As an attribute of any office, a safe in which documents and business papers will be stored. Registration, permissions To open a law firm, it is not necessary to have a legal education, it has the right to open any interested individual or legal entity under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
That is, advertising is not needed in this business? I am fine with advertising, but in the 2 years of my work I have never advertised myself as a person providing legal services, since I already had an established client base, which, like snowball, subsequently only increased, and is increasing to this day. The level of demand, of course, also changes daily. Sometimes I choose only those things that interest me.

And yet, if advertising, what kind? Any advertisement must be of high quality and attract attention. It should have a "flavor". As for the advertising of legal activities, it is possible to effectively leave your advertising booklets in various state institutions, in particular, tax inspections, notary offices, that is, in public places visited mainly business people who may potentially need legal assistance.

You will also need specialized programs and office equipment;

  • Phones, including landline;
  • Specialized literature - textbooks, codes, articles.

Services provided Standard service by a law firm individuals on general issues has its pros and cons. legal marriage and related issues, support of real estate transactions, legal problems and other services are always in demand. On the initial stage a lawyer can work for some time with individuals, building up a client base and establishing contacts.

In order to have the effect that you are counting on, it is important to take into account a lot of nuances. Big role not only the content and frequency plays, but also the analyzed customer base. According to the law, mailing can be carried out only to those customers who officially agreed to this, those who: filled out the questionnaire, indicated their phone number and confirmed the need for SMS informing. The Law "On Communications", which regulates the procedure for conducting SMS mailings, is silent about the form in which consent should be provided. Thus, the legislation leaves a loophole for business in the matter of database formation.

How to build a client base

The first issue that businessmen face is the need to create a list of contacts. You can get them in two ways:

Both options have pros and cons. Working with the Internet implies the possibility of organizing a special subscription, which will automatically provide the client with a kind of reward for the subscription. discounts, unique conditions purchases of goods and services, promotions for the elite - all this motivates the network user to subscribe. You will win over the client if you announce the terms of cooperation in advance. For example, delivery times. This will instill confidence, guarantee the location of the recipients and the absence of your SMS in the spam basket. Be honest and keep promises. If we were talking about discount alerts once a week, don’t overwhelm users with annoying SMS more often.

You can unsubscribe from the mailing list

  • Loyalty in this matter allows you to get rid of "dead" contacts;
  • Messages will be received only by interested persons who are ready to become clients;
  • The recipient will be maximally configured to purchase.

Give the client the opportunity to save time: leave the item on the site about subscribing to the newsletter. This will ensure the correctness of contacts and provide the addressee with the opportunity to make the right choice on their own. Trusting interaction guarantees comfort and benefit to both parties.

Getting contacts in real communication opens up a lot of opportunities for work pleasant experience, demonstrating the competence of the company and the quality of the brand. Educational activities such as courses, trainings and seminars will help to advertise a product or service and get valuable contacts. Distribute questionnaires at social events, and you will be sure that the potential recipient agrees to receive the newsletter.

Chips and life hacks for developing a client base

To collect a customer base in stores, restaurants and entertainment venues, you can come up with a lot of interesting moves:

  • A tiny souvenir will convince the client to fill out the questionnaire. He will give his phone and get a nice bonus - quite an equivalent exchange.
  • Offer discounts and bonus cards to those who fill out questionnaires;
  • Arrange a raffle among the people who left the information and offer prizes.

All these steps will attract interest, win the client's favor and gain the most valuable thing - personal contacts. Whether you prefer offline or online data collection, remember important nuance consent to their processing. Use all resources to provide up-to-date arguments in your defense if questions arise from the FAS.

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