How to make a beautiful clown costume. How to sew a clown costume? As well as how to make all the accessories for the costume and whether children need makeup

A children's holiday becomes truly interesting when clowns appear on it. Many children are very fond of this cheerful and mischievous image, and sometimes they themselves are not averse to trying it on. Therefore, if a children's holiday is planned, then the clown costume will come in handy for both adults and children.

DIY clown costume

If mothers and grandmothers sighed sadly when they learned about the child’s desire to see a circus comedian at a birthday party or become one, then we hasten to reassure them. A minimum of effort, a flight of fancy - and create a clown costume with your own hands in a matter of hours.

To facilitate the process, properly organize the process. And for this it is important to know what is included in an elegant and bright clown costume. Namely:

  • colorful tights or a wide blouse and pants, for clowness - a bright skirt;
  • cap, hat, cap;
  • jabot;
  • bright makeup or false nose, wig.

The beauty of the outfit is that clowns are different. There are no clothing standards. The main thing is that everything should be catchy, colorful and colorful. So let your imagination run wild and experiment.

Let's deal with all the details of the clown image sequentially. Making the main outfit is easy. To do this, use:

  • bright pajamas;
  • overalls on which sew multi-colored patches of fabric;
  • a shirt (preferably a few sizes larger) in saturated acid colors and wide trousers with unusual suspenders;
  • combine a striped T-shirt or golf with narrow breeches.

Complete the outfit with some significant accessory: an unusual umbrella, a whistle, a bright flower in the buttonhole, a huge bow, a stylish scarf.

Prepare an expressive headdress. In this detail of the toilet, the hypertrophied size and bright color are important:

  • to make a cap, fold a sheet of paper into a cone, glue along the joint, and glue bright tulle to the bottom;
  • decorate a rich-colored hat with a bow or flowers, dummies of birds or animals;
  • choose a cap of huge sizes and bright colors.

Buy a wig and false nose at the store. If this is not possible, then:

  • glue New Year's garlands and rain on an old hat. A great wig will come out;
  • cut a nose out of foam rubber and paint it with red hypoallergenic paint. After drying, thread the elastic.

A clown costume is not complete if there are no matching shoes. Use old shoes. If possible, paint them in a bright color that will contrast with the overall color of the outfit.

For clowness use:

  1. White golf and bright striped leggings or tights.
  2. Make a skirt from pieces of multi-colored tulle and small pieces of fabric. To make the skirt fluffy and impressively clown, follow these steps:
  • measure the baby's waist and make a small belt from a wide elastic band;
  • cut strips of fabric and tulle of the same width and double length;
  • bending over the elastic, fasten the flaps of tulle, and on top - the fabric.

Use the remaining pieces of tulle for the jabot: gather them near the neck and sew to the satin ribbon.

If you want to be as believable as possible, you will have to do clown makeup and get interesting and exciting jokes.

The presented options are suitable for both adults and children. But it happens that children want a classic clown costume. In this case, not only parents, but also the kids themselves will have to work hard.

Clown costume by child's hands

To make the process of creating a clown outfit captivate a child, invite him to make important attributes of the costume:

Bright outfit. Ask to sew multi-colored and not the same size shreds of fabric on old pajamas or leotards.

Jabot. Let him make a frill out of corrugated paper or a plastic disposable plate.

In the first case, the child must:

  • cut a strip of corrugated paper 25–30 cm wide and up to 1 m long;
  • fold it like a fan or pick it up;
  • glue a bright ribbon or a strip of bright colored paper to the neck;
  • glue the edges of the product.

For the second option, you will need a plastic plate of the largest diameter. Invite the child to carry out the following manipulations with her:

  • cut a circle in the center, which is 5–7 cm larger than the girth of the baby’s neck;
  • decorate the white base with bright applications or pompoms.

pom poms easy to prepare if:

  • cut out two identical circles from cardboard;
  • make a small hole in the center through which the child must stretch threads or strips of tulle;
  • wrap these circles so that the circle in the center is completely closed;
  • cut the threads from above, threading the scissors between the two cardboard bases;
  • stretch a thread between them and tie a pompom;
  • remove the cardboard forms and fluff the pompom.

Pompoms can also be made using a regular fork:

To make it, use multi-colored bright threads for knitting. By the way, let the child make more of these pompoms: they will come in handy for decorating the cap.

Clown hat. Here the child will have to help cut the workpiece - a semicircle. This can be done from colored double-sided cardboard or stick a bright fabric on the cardboard. The child will then do the following:

  • connect the edges of the cone-cap and glue them together;
  • decorate the cap with paints or tinsel;
  • glue pieces of tulle to the bottom, and pomopny on top.

False nose the child can easily make it himself from a cardboard cell for eggs. For this you need:

  • cut one cell;
  • paint it with red paints or gouache;
  • thread a thin ribbon or elastic band on both sides.

Help your child complete the face painting.

Clown outfit is one of the simplest options for bright and cheerful carnival looks. It is elementary to create from improvised and available materials. The main thing is to think over the image so that all elements of the costume look harmonious.

The clown costume must first of all be bright and combine all the colors of the rainbow. The image is complemented by an equally bright wig and a memorable round nose. Many adults and children have become very fond of this image in connection with the joyful memories that it evokes. The clown always gives joy, magic and comes to a holiday or a matinee.

In order to create a harmonious image of a clown, you will need, first of all, imagination. It is also important to properly organize the creative process so that the costume is ready in a matter of hours. The clown outfit does not have any specific standard of clothing, so you can safely experiment. We can distinguish the main elements of a men's suit, which may vary, depending on personal preferences:

  • colored tights or trousers;
  • wide shirt or t-shirt;
  • cap, cap, cap or hat;
  • frill - a special lining around the collar;
  • bright makeup;
  • false nose;
  • wig.

Choosing a style for a women's suit

The image of a clown, in contrast to the male image of a clown, is more sophisticated. Here you can use various options for skirts in combination with colorful leggings. It is not so difficult to sew a skirt with your own hands from tulle or mesh. You can buy a wig in a store or make your own. For example, as strands, you can use the "rain", which is usually used to decorate a Christmas tree. For such a wig, it is better to use several of its shades at once for greater splendor. It is also not difficult to make a nose for a clown yourself from foam rubber, which can be painted in hypoallergenic paint. Then, after the foam has dried, an elastic band is made to hold the nose securely.

IMPORTANT! The clown costume will be complete if you also choose the appropriate shoes. You can experiment with old shoes that you don’t mind painting in bright acrylic paint. Any colored shoes or boots will immediately enliven the image.


Fabric preparation, cutting

For a women's suit, it is better to make a spectacular tutu skirt. Material consumption will depend on the desired length and splendor of the products. It will take about 3 meters of tulle for a skirt of medium splendor. It is necessary to cut strips of fabric. Their length should correspond to the desired length of the skirt, multiplied by two. It is better to take the width up to 20 cm. Next, they take an ordinary elastic band up to 4 cm wide, and along the length equal to the waist minus a couple of centimeters. It is sewn into a ring and put on the back of a chair. The resulting strips are folded in half and attached to an elastic band with a knot. In such a simple way, you can cut and already “sew” a skirt. It is also easy to sew elastic straps to it and decorate them with pompoms.

REFERENCE! To make a fluffy skirt, buy several contrasting shades of tulle. In order for the skirt to have a more voluminous shape, you should take both soft and hard tulle and combine them.

If there is no experience in building patterns, then for a men's suit it is more reliable to take a ready-made pattern for pajamas, overalls or jackets. You can also trace the existing pants and convert them into a jumpsuit by drawing the top and shoulder straps yourself. Clown clothes should be wide, spacious, comfortable and even baggy. Therefore, to the details obtained, circled from simple clothes, you can safely add from 5 to 10 cm in width. It depends on the author's intent. There are no special requirements for the material. The main thing is that it should be bright, noticeable and easy to sew.

Since men's suits are most often multi-colored, the resulting pattern should be divided into its constituent elements, be sure to number them or sign each detail by color so as not to get confused in the future. Add up to 2 cm to the seams. Also, think over the design features of the product in advance: the presence of zippers, buttons, elastic bands, special pockets, etc.

Dress tailoring

If the suit is sewn at one time, then special attention should not be paid to the quality of tailoring. Tailoring includes the following stages of work:

  • After all the elements of the costume are cut out, it is necessary to start stitching with each other in order to obtain, for example, one-piece parts of the front or back of the overalls;
  • Next, the seams should be ironed well so that there is no excess thickness of the fabric and irregularities. It turns out a kind of combination of several fabrics;
  • Stitching the main elements with each other. In this case, it is necessary to leave room for fasteners;
  • Sewing in zippers or buttons, if provided;
  • Processing of sections of the product on the sleeves and legs. You can perform the usual hem of the fabric inside, or you can sew on elastic bands or cuffs;
  • Sewing on a collar, frill or straps for overalls;
  • Decoration of the product with decorative elements.

Sewing jackets is a more complex process, and is suitable for experienced seamstresses. Of course, you can always order a suit in an atelier or buy a ready-made one, but even beginners can make simple options.

Creating Additional Attributes

Add zest to the image will help interesting attributes or accessories. So, for example, the simplest attribute of a clown is multi-colored balloons or an umbrella, which can also be interestingly decorated to match the costume. A memorable detail will be a striped scarf, a bow for the neck, twice or even three times as wide as usual. An important accessory is also considered a headdress. It is worth noting here that the cap or hat should stand out as much as possible and be a rich shade.

You can make your own hands, for example, a cap. To make it, you need to roll a sheet of paper into a cone, then apply glue along the joint and connect the sides. And for greater showiness of the image, you can glue the tulle to the bottom of the cap. Experiments are easy to do with a regular hat by gluing bows or any other details that will go well with the image on it.

Thus, there are a huge number of options and opportunities to make the costume of your favorite characters on your own. We hope that this article will be useful and inspire you to create interesting things.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, parents are faced with the question of a fancy dress for a child. How to quickly and without special skills make a clown costume for a boy with your own hands? A step-by-step master class, fantasy and a little time - that's all you need!

We sew a Clown costume for a boy with our own hands

Any mother who knows what a needle and scissors are, without special skills, can make such a New Year's costume for a child. Detailed instructions and our tips will help her with this.

What materials will be needed for work:

  • fabric of any bright color (you can take an old mother's dress);
  • narrow elastic band - 50 cm;
  • bright threads for knitting in different colors - 2 balls;
  • threads for sewing to match the fabric;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or a special pencil for the contour;
  • pattern.


Step number 1 Building a base pattern

To sew a clown costume for a boy with your own hands, you first need to take measurements from the child and build a simple pattern. For those who do not know how to sew at all, you can take this pattern as a basis and increase or decrease it, according to the measurements taken.

To build a pattern, you will need several measurements.

  1. The length of the overalls in finished form. You can sew a suit to the knees or in full growth, as fantasy and desire suggest.
  2. Inseam length. You need to take this measurement from the inside of the leg. Unforgettable how long we sew a clown costume. If the suit is knee-length, then we take measurements accordingly.
  3. Waist. We measure the circumference of the child's abdomen with a tape, do not forget to make an increase in the freedom of fitting. After all, a suit should not be tight.
  4. Sleeve length in the finished product. Options are also possible here: ¾ or long sleeve.
  5. Sleeve length from the inside of the arm to the armpit.
  6. Desired sleeve width.

We put the finished pattern on paper and adjust it according to our measurements: we subtract somewhere, add somewhere. Cut out what we got. The finished pattern should look like a piece of baby overalls.

Step number 2 Transfer the pattern to the fabric

Lay out the fabric, pin the paper part of the pattern with pins. Trace around the outlines of the pattern, not forgetting the seam allowances. Cut out the details of the jumpsuit from the fabric. You can dream up and make details of different colors.

Step #3 Putting together the suit

We overcast all the details of the overalls and proceed to assembly.

We work first with the back of the jumpsuit.

  1. There will be a zipper in the middle seam of the back. We pin the zipper to the right half of the jumpsuit with pins. We sew on the machine. We try to work carefully, we lay the seam as close as possible to the zipper teeth (you can use a special foot or do without it).
  2. We combine the right to do with the left. We pin the zipper to the left part. This must be done carefully so that there are no distortions. We fasten the zipper, check whether everything is in place and sew it on a typewriter.

Let's move on to the front of the suit. In front we will make a beautiful frill, then we will additionally decorate it with pompoms. So, let's get to work.

  1. We combine the details of the front, cleave with pins and lay the seam on a typewriter.
  2. We take an elastic band, measure a strip of the desired length and cut it off.
  3. Baste the tape from the inside of the front along the middle seam, slightly pulling it. We love the result. Beautiful folds should form on the front side.
  4. We sew an elastic band on a typewriter, trying to get into the previous line, which connected the parts. We do everything carefully and without haste.
  5. Delete the basting and check the result.

We connect the parts of the costume together.

  1. We combine the back and front of the suit along the side seams. Place the pieces right side up. We lay the lines along the shoulder seams.
  2. Next, we mark the entrance to the sleeve. We cut off the details from the armhole to the bottom. We sew the side seams of the jumpsuit.
  3. We combine step seams and lay a line on a typewriter. At the same time, we hide the edge of the zipper in the seam of the product.

We collect and stitch the sleeves into the finished product.

  1. We connect the part of the sleeve along the middle part with the right side inward.
  2. Laying a line on a typewriter. We do the same with the second sleeve.
  3. Turn the sleeve piece right side out and the suit inside out.
  4. We insert the sleeve into the armhole, right side to the front side of the suit. We fix it with needles, combining the side seams. We sew the sleeve along the collar. Sew the second sleeve in the same way.

Advice! An elastic band can be sewn along the edge of the sleeve, forming beautiful folds.

We process the neck of the finished suit and attach a strip of multi-colored fabric (tulle), forming folds. This will be the frill of the clown. We turn the overalls on the front side and try on the child. Do-it-yourself clown costume for a boy is ready! It remains to decorate it with pompoms and a cap.

How to make beautiful pompoms from knitting threads

Let's start making pom-poms from threads. For this we need the following materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • multi-colored remains of woolen threads;
  • a compass or a glass with a round bottom;
  • scissors.


Step number 1 Building a blank for pom-poms

We draw circles on thick cardboard with a compass, you can simply put and circle the glass. Cut out blanks. In work, we need three large pom-poms for the front of the jumpsuit, a few smaller pom-poms for the jabot.

Step #2 Modeling a Pompom

We fold the cardboard blanks in pairs and wind the thread around them. This must be done carefully so that there are no empty spaces, and the thread overlaps. In order for the pompom to turn out to be dense, you need to walk a few circles with a thread. Threads can be used in different colors and combined with each other. For a fluffy pom-pom, you will need about 1 meter of thread.

Advice! Pre-wind the thread with a flagellum, as in the photo. This will make the wrapping process easier.

Step number 3 We form a ready-made pom-pom

We cut the future pompom along the edge of the workpiece. It should turn out like this.

After we have made the required number of pompoms, we decorate the clown costume. Sew on three large pompoms in front, along the line of folds.

DIY clown hat

For a bright cap, you need thick colored cardboard. Draw a large circle on the back of the paper. Cut out the blank and glue it with hot glue. Now you need to glue the ties to the cap. We measure the elastic band of the desired size and carefully glue it on the inside of the cap. We decorate the headdress with bright small pompoms.

Thread clown wig

What is a clown without a wig? Making a wig for a carnival costume is not difficult at all.

We will need:

  • prepared pom-poms from threads (one color);
  • children's knitted hat;
  • sewing threads.

We prepare in advance pompoms of the same color for the clown's hair according to the above scheme. For the basis of the wig, we take a simple knitted hat. For convenience, we pull the cap on a bottle or a large jar. We sew the prepared pompoms to the hat until we fill the entire space. Like this.

To complement the image of a clown, bright makeup and suitable shoes will help. It can be sneakers, moccasins or Czechs. Do not be afraid to create and embody your fantasies! Create an unusual clown carnival costume for a boy with your own hands.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, parents are faced with the question of a fancy dress for a child. How to quickly and without special skills make a clown costume for a boy with your own hands? A step-by-step master class, fantasy and a little time - that's all you need!

We sew a Clown costume for a boy with our own hands

Any mother who knows what a needle and scissors are, without special skills, can make such a New Year's costume for a child. Detailed instructions and our tips will help her with this.

What materials will be needed for work:

Fabric of any bright color (you can take an old mother's dress);

Narrow elastic band - 50 cm;

Bright threads for knitting in different colors - 2 balls;

Threads for sewing to match the fabric;


Tape measure;

Chalk or a special pencil for the contour;



Step number 1 Building a base pattern

To sew a clown costume for a boy with your own hands, you first need to take measurements from the child and build a simple pattern. For those who do not know how to sew at all, you can take this pattern as a basis and increase or decrease it, according to the measurements taken.

To build a pattern, you will need several measurements.

1. The length of the overalls in finished form. You can sew a suit to the knees or in full growth, as fantasy and desire suggest.

2. Inseam length. You need to take this measurement from the inside of the leg. Unforgettable how long we sew a clown costume. If the suit is knee-length, then we take measurements accordingly.

3. Waist. We measure the circumference of the child's abdomen with a tape, do not forget to make an increase in the freedom of fitting. After all, a suit should not be tight.

4. Sleeve length in the finished product. Options are also possible here: ¾ or long sleeve.

5. Sleeve length from the inside of the arm to the armpit.

6. Desired sleeve width.

We put the finished pattern on paper and adjust it according to our measurements: we subtract somewhere, add somewhere. Cut out what we got. The finished pattern should look like a piece of baby overalls.

Step number 2 Transfer the pattern to the fabric

Lay out the fabric, pin the paper part of the pattern with pins. Trace around the outlines of the pattern, not forgetting the seam allowances. Cut out the details of the jumpsuit from the fabric. You can dream up and make details of different colors.

Step #3 Putting together the suit

We overcast all the details of the overalls and proceed to assembly.

We work first with the back of the jumpsuit.

1. There will be a zipper in the middle seam of the back. We pin the zipper to the right half of the jumpsuit with pins. We sew on the machine. We try to work carefully, we lay the seam as close as possible to the zipper teeth (you can use a special foot or do without it).

2. We combine the right to do with the left. We pin the zipper to the left part. This must be done carefully so that there are no distortions. We fasten the zipper, check whether everything is in place and sew it on a typewriter.

Let's move on to the front of the suit. In front we will make a beautiful frill, then we will additionally decorate it with pompoms. So, let's get to work.

1. We combine the details of the front, cut off with pins and sew a seam on a typewriter.

2. We take an elastic band, measure a strip of the desired length and cut it off.

3. Baste the tape from the inside of the front along the middle seam, slightly pulling it. We love the result. Beautiful folds should form on the front side.

4. We sew an elastic band on a typewriter, trying to get into the previous line, which connected the parts. We do everything carefully and without haste.

5. Remove the basting and check the result.

We connect the parts of the costume together.

1. We combine the back and front of the suit along the side seams. Place the pieces right side up. We lay the lines along the shoulder seams.

3. We combine step seams and lay a line on a typewriter. At the same time, we hide the edge of the zipper in the seam of the product.

We collect and stitch the sleeves into the finished product.

1. We connect the part of the sleeve along the middle part with the front side inward.

2. We lay a line on a typewriter. We do the same with the second sleeve.

3. We turn the part of the sleeve on the front side, and the suit inside out.

4. Insert the sleeve into the armhole, right side to the front side of the suit. We fix it with needles, combining the side seams. We sew the sleeve along the collar. Sew the second sleeve in the same way.

Advice! An elastic band can be sewn along the edge of the sleeve, forming beautiful folds.

We process the neck of the finished suit and attach a strip of multi-colored fabric (tulle), forming folds. This will be the frill of the clown. We turn the overalls on the front side and try on the child. Do-it-yourself clown costume for a boy is ready! It remains to decorate it with pompoms and a cap.

How to make beautiful pompoms from knitting threads

Let's start making pom-poms from threads. For this we need the following materials:

Thick cardboard;

Multi-colored remains of woolen threads;

Compasses or a glass with a round bottom;



Step number 1 Building a blank for pom-poms

We draw circles on thick cardboard with a compass, you can simply put and circle the glass. Cut out blanks. In work, we need three large pom-poms for the front of the jumpsuit, a few smaller pom-poms for the jabot.

Step #2 Modeling a Pompom

We fold the cardboard blanks in pairs and wind the thread around them. This must be done carefully so that there are no empty spaces, and the thread overlaps. In order for the pompom to turn out to be dense, you need to walk a few circles with a thread. Threads can be used in different colors and combined with each other. For a fluffy pom-pom, you will need about 1 meter of thread.

Advice! Pre-wind the thread with a flagellum, as in the photo. This will make the wrapping process easier.

Step number 3 We form a ready-made pom-pom

We cut the future pompom along the edge of the workpiece. It should turn out like this.

After we have made the required number of pompoms, we decorate the clown costume. Sew on three large pompoms in front, along the line of folds.

DIY clown hat

For a bright cap, you need thick colored cardboard. Draw a large circle on the back of the paper. Cut out the blank and glue it with hot glue. Now you need to glue the ties to the cap. We measure the elastic band of the desired size and carefully glue it on the inside of the cap. We decorate the headdress with bright small pompoms.

Thread clown wig

What is a clown without a wig? Making a wig for a carnival costume is not difficult at all.

We will need:

Harvested pom-poms from threads (one color);

Children's knitted hat;

Threads for sewing.

We prepare in advance pompoms of the same color for the clown's hair according to the above scheme. For the basis of the wig, we take a simple knitted hat. For convenience, we pull the cap on a bottle or a large jar. We sew the prepared pompoms to the hat until we fill the entire space. Like this.

To complement the image of a clown, bright makeup and suitable shoes will help. It can be sneakers, moccasins or Czechs. Do not be afraid to create and embody your fantasies! Create an unusual clown carnival costume for a boy with your own hands.

Children's holiday should be fun and bright. A correctly chosen carnival costume is already half the success. The image of a clown - a funny and funny eccentric in multi-colored attire with a red big nose - is one of the most beloved by children and adults. No wonder everyone in the circus is waiting for the clowns to enter the arena. This image for the carnival is very successful, because you should not have any difficulties with making a clown costume.

The main components of the image

Clown costumes always amaze with their colorfulness, brightness, originality and unusualness. They are perfect for both a boy or girl, and for an adult.

A clown costume can be sewn according to a pattern, or you can be guided solely by your imagination. The main rule of this image is brightness, colorfulness, variegation and variety of details.

The main elements of clown costumes are:

  • one-piece overalls or wide trousers with suspenders plus a T-shirt;
  • for a girl, as the bottom of a clown costume, you can use a fluffy skirt with leggings;
  • an adult can wear a large multi-colored tie and an awkward jacket, from the pockets of which balloons, sweets and other miracles will appear;
  • bright sneakers / sneakers or funny huge clown shoes;
  • fluffy frill collar (optional);
  • curly colorful wig;
  • red nose and bright makeup;
  • headdress (hat-beret with a pompom, cap, bows) and glasses (optional).

However, your character can also be sad (like Pierrot). In this case, you will need to make a black and white clown costume and draw special makeup. But this image is more suitable for an adult than a child.

Ideas for creating a children's costume

To sew a clown costume with your own hands, you can even use old things: a bright T-shirt or jacket, pants or shorts, to which you only have to sew suspenders and decorate with patches of multi-colored fabrics and large curly buttons (you can also sew on large patch pockets).

Expressive details complete the look: a felt bowler hat with a flower, a red nose with an elastic band (or made using face painting), sneakers with bright laces or massive clown boots with rounded toes. If you opted for cropped pants or shorts, also take socks or leggings in contrasting different colors.

A clown costume for a girl can be made even more interesting and original.

  1. Pick up several multi-colored pieces of fabric (several meters each).
  2. Cut them into strips (the width is about 15-20 cm, and the length is twice as long as the length of your skirt).
  3. You can sew ribbons of a contrasting color on both sides of the fabric, then you will have beautiful ribbon curls along the bottom edge.
  4. Next, you need to sew a wide elastic band (according to the size of your child's waist). You will need to tie strips of fabric on it.
  5. Do this carefully so as not to overtighten or deform the elastic.
  6. You can even make two skirts from fabrics of different textures, and then put them on top of each other: this way you will get a more magnificent element of the costume.
  7. If you want, attach bright suspenders to the skirt or decorate it with a big beautiful bow.
  8. As the top of the costume, you can use an ordinary T-shirt, which is easy to decorate with colorful and fun details (homemade pompoms, shreds and buttons).
  9. It is also easy to sew such an ornament as a lace collar or jabot. To do this, you will need thirty strips of tulle fabric (dimensions 30 * 15 cm). Take a satin ribbon and tie a double-folded strip on it (into a loop knot). It is better to make the collar as voluminous as possible by tying the strips of fabric very tightly one after the other until the frill of the desired size is formed. Use a hot glue gun to glue the red pom-poms along the inside edge of the collar, and then tie off the ends of the ribbon.

Jabot and cuffs can even be made from colored paper. If the kid does not want to paint his face, limit yourself to a clown nose and some small touches-details: red dots on the cheeks, a big smile, painted freckles, etc.

Preparing outfits for older children or adults

For an older child or adult, you can use the same outfit options or make a more perfect costume. This is where patterns come in handy.

For the overalls, you will need a fabric of a different color (take two contrasting colors and combine them). The front of the clothes can be made in the style of "patchwork", and a zipper or fastener can be inserted at the back. Use either large original buttons or pompoms for decoration. Pockets, detachable collar and cuffs are also useful.

If you have massive bright shoes or shoes, use them as shoes, just decorate them with bows, pompoms. An interesting option can be covers (stuff pieces of fabric with a wire frame with foam rubber or cotton), which can be sewn and put on over the main shoes.
