Beloved grandmother in prose from her granddaughter. Congratulate your grandmother on her anniversary in prose

It smells delicious pies, the cake is also on the table
This grandmother tried - she called her grandchildren to her.
We wish you happiness and health up to a hundred years.
We love, appreciate, respect, you always live without trouble.
Know that our congratulations are sincere and from the heart.
Don't rush to hide your gray hairs and wrinkles.
We promise to visit you more often,
Only here, next to you, you can be grandchildren.

Grandma, grandma! Bright man!
If only I could suddenly slow down
Time that rushes faster every day
Adds years to my grandmother.

Grandmother, dear, do not be discouraged!
Rest more often, don't forget me!
Cheerfulness, health, joy, warmth!
Let your life be like snow, bright!

You taught love and kindness
Strive and believe in your dream!
Today, grandma, we wish you
More health and joy in fate!

Always to be needed
Angel of help, sea of ​​warmth,
And know that we appreciate you like this:
Our best, dear!

I'm always so in awe of your pancakes!
I was lucky, no doubt, with such a cool grandmother.
Congratulations, dear, and I wish you not to know troubles
Let the strength be, my health will surprise me with food.

Never, my granny, do not be bored and do not be depressed,
Smile, be active, let the enthusiasm boil in your chest.
Let the grandfathers on the benches, as always, lose their minds,
Never let the weight of gray thoughts disturb you.

Grandmother, dear, congratulations!
Kind light of your beloved eyes
In a difficult moment, I imagine
I remember your wisdom well.

I wish you summer - shadows
And warm in the harsh winter,
Dear guests on Sundays,
Best friend, adviser, my angel.

Congratulations for grandmother in prose

My dear, dear and dearly beloved grandmother! Congratulations. First of all, I wish you health, there is never a lot of it, happiness, but not coming for a moment, but settled in your house forever. Love, respect and understanding, and not only from people close and dear to the heart. Peace, warmth, comfort, joy and prosperity.

Grandma is Magic word. From time immemorial, grandmother personified great care, wisdom and kindness. And our grandmother is endowed with all these qualities! We wish you, dear, that every day of your life be filled with meaning and warmth, that you continue to develop and maintain health and optimism. Know that you are unique and unique, and we are immensely grateful to you for being you!

Grandmother! Thank you for your care, warmth, for your golden hands and kind heart! I wish that your hands never get tired, that you do not need doctors and pills, that you are cheerful and young! Good health, boundless happiness, lots and lots of joy, optimism and strength!

Congratulations, my best grandmother in the world! Thank you for your care and warmth sweet Nothing, support and understanding. I want you good health, inexhaustible energy, stress resistance and active longevity. Always remain for me an island of peace, peace and love. May crafty sparks always sparkle in your kind eyes, and your soul always remains young.

Grandma, congratulations! With gentle but selfish love I come to you to drink tea with hot pies, get a portion of affection, feed on endless kindness.
The charge of your love is enough not to become limp in adversity, failures, to take a hit. Your house smells like childhood. Let it shine your face with a soft smile, let your hands remain dexterous, easy steps and keen eyes.

How nice to give something good native person- a little bit of happiness, which inspires and inspires so much! This is especially true of our closest relatives, and in particular grandmothers. From the early childhood we are looking forward to the birthday. On this day, the hero of the occasion is congratulated, they make him pleasant surprises. And with age, there is a reassessment of values: it’s not just an expensive present that pleases, but the meaning that the giver put into it, his attention and care. And the older we get, the dearer the sensitivity and love of relatives who gathered at the table for the holiday. This is especially true for grandma. How much affection and warmth in this word! These gentle hands with a mesh of wrinkles, delicious pies and cakes, and boundless adoration.

What is better - birthday wishes for grandma or a real gift from the heart? Of course, you can’t limit yourself to just cake, even if she loves sweets. The most valuable thing for the birthday girl will be if you can express your love in a festive greeting, tell how much she is dear to you. In general, congratulations in prose will be the most valuable among cakes, blankets and even resort vouchers, because these are words coming from the heart, talking about the most intimate and dear in life. No less successful surprise will be wishes in verse. The most important thing is that the lines of the work are saturated with your feelings. However, something more substantial should be attached to beautiful emotions: a beautiful bed sheets, slow cooker or ticket.

Prose for grandma

Grandmother, dear, beloved, I congratulate you on the holiday! Stay cheerful and cheerful, as today. We wish you not to be sad, to do what you love, not to get sick. May your family grow to your joy. May your relatives always adore you, you are our kindest, most beautiful grandmother. Be happy!

Dear Granny! It is on your birthday that I would like to sincerely admit something: every year that you lived was not in vain! After all, you always worked, tried and gave all of yourself to give each of us all the best! Therefore, I want to wish you to live many more years with good health and many wonderful moments from the creation of what you have built with love with your work!

In this significant date, I want to sincerely congratulate you grandmother, may you live for a very, very long time for your efforts. After all, two generations of the family have grown up before your eyes, so be happy for that.

Granny, accept our best congratulations! We wish you health like a bull, so that you can still conquer Everest. In your heart, always be a young twenty-year-old girl. A pension worthy of you, so that great time was not a burden. And we promise to be there for you, so that you feel our support. Happy birthday, darling!

My dear and dear grandmother! On your birthday, I want to say words of gratitude: for wise fairy tales before going to bed, for warm socks in winter, for delicious pies. For constantly forgiving my pranks and encouraging my undertakings. Your immense love for me is able to protect from all the sorrows of life. Good health to you and a happy life.

My caring and caring grandmother. On this wonderful day of your birth, I want to tell you the most beautiful and warm words. Although no words can convey everything that overwhelms my heart at this moment. On your holiday - your birthday, I want you to feel all the warmth that comes from me. May the joy of communication and the inalienable care of loved ones always be with you!

Grandma, there is nothing more tender than your hands. warmer than your embrace. Better than your fairy tales. I always hurry to your house, it smells so delicious of pies. So today I'm running to you with a bouquet to wish you a happy birthday. My dear grandmother, I wish you health from the bottom of my heart. And I will try to obey you and not be naughty.

Our dear grandmother, happy Birthday! We love you very much. You are special with us - the most intelligent, beautiful, young, cheerful, kind and there are many others positive qualities, but not enough days to list. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you longevity from God, respect from people and love from relatives. Grandma is always an example for us. Hugs and kisses tightly.

Who, tastier than grandmother, will cook soup,
Are the pies crispy? Who will fix the tooth?
Who will tell a fairy tale, sing a song?
Who will feed you porridge, sew a button?

You taught me a lot as a child
She told me how
It's been very helpful to me in my life.
Then I thought it was all nonsense.

Grandmother! Warmth of family and friends
Let me fill my heart again and again
And warm with radiant tenderness
Kindness, care and love!

May the mood always be cheerful,
You smile at the world every day
And open happy moments
In the eyes of a beloved granddaughter on the anniversary

Always in the garden and in worries,
Granny, you don't have time to sit down.
But it's better when someone is next to you
Still, dear, there is for support.

As a granddaughter, I will try more often
You, granny, to visit at home.
I want happiness to settle in my heart
To knock on the heart for a long time!

Fly like planes, anniversaries
And you follow them, grandmother, strive.
The soul, it is immortal, does not age,
And let the body support your life!

And appeasement.
Let, like a September day,
Moments are warm.
Today is the anniversary!

Grandmother will support with affectionate advice,
An oath to be support will give you at the same time.
There is no dearer, no kinder and more beautiful!
Dear grandma! You are our support!

So accept my confessions from the heart,
All your advice is wise and good.
I wish, dear, to always be like this:
Affectionate, beloved, dearest.

She gave her tenderness and affection to the end,
For the night good fairy tale always read!
Well, if they scold me for a prank,
You always managed to comfort me!

And when I was sick in the cold winter,
Day and night you sat next to me!
I'm only grateful to you for everything, grandma,
You are my main gift, I love you so much!

And today I'm getting ready to congratulate you,
I want to wish you many years and health!
So that you could at least a hundred such birthdays,
Celebrate, like today, in your native environment!

And every year brighter and stronger
I feel it's important to visit.
And with trepidation, today is a happy anniversary,
As a granddaughter, I will congratulate you!

You are my dearest grandmother,
I will always love and respect you.
Let me congratulate you on your birthday
Hug, hug, kiss.

Grandma you have a holiday today,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you happiness, joy, luck,
To always be healthy.

Who will help you quickly complete all the lessons?
Who will share all your worries with you?
And when the heart beats with love -
After all, grandma will have to find out first.

Who will sing us a song at night,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandmothers!

I have a beloved grandmother
Good, good, beautiful!
Only with her it's cozy, like in a nest,

Joy, delicious sweets!

In the soul of excitement and confusion,
I do not melt joy at all:
Happy birthday today
Congratulate your grandmother.

The poem is written, everything is ready,
Take it, grandmother, read:
Live a hundred years and be healthy
Don't cough, don't sneeze for a hundred years!

Who's in the kitchen with the ladle
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?

Who in the world is the tastiest
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?

Smile more every day
Like always so young
Stay the best in the world!
Let any day bring happiness!

Granddaughter, on this day I hasten to congratulate you on the day of jam! You are sunny and kind girl that everyone around loves. Always stay like this, don’t change, and if difficulties suddenly arise on your life path, then remember, my little blood, that I will always come to the rescue, just call!

My granddaughter is the best and brightest girl on the planet Earth. Today is her birthday and I want to wish her health and happiness. To make everything she planned come true. And all her dreams became reality. Congratulations, my delicate flower!

I am the grandmother of the most beautiful and obedient girl and I am proud of it! Granddaughter, on this day I wish you only joy and many smiles - you deserve it. Go through life with your head held high and remember that now you are still a princess, but when you become an adult, you will definitely be a queen!

My joy, my Hare, dear granddaughter! How wonderful that on this Day you were born and gave me a second youth! "There is you in this world!" - this thought warms my heart and instills confidence in tomorrow fills my life special meaning. Good luck to you and good, my Princess!

My sunniest little man, my fidget, my granddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday. This is the day of happiness and joy, this is the day of solar luck. The world has given me you. I wish you beautiful life, exciting trips and constant luck.

My delicate flower, my favorite creature, my granddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you always have a clear sky in your life, bright sun and a light breeze of confident victories.

Dear granddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that spring settles in your soul forever. So that every day you wake up happy, Every day ends with your personal victory. May everyone love you and fate carefully guards.

Let there be so much health that no instrument could measure it. Let there be so much happiness that it could not fit next to each other. Discover outer space for yourself. Happy birthday, granddaughter, just don't marry a humanoid, I want a normal earthly son-in-law.

You, like a tender feather, fly softly and try to surprise everyone with your purity and softness. Dear granddaughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to flutter over the clouds of happiness and luck, and the thunderclouds of failures passed by.

Dear grandmother, happy birthday,
Congratulations from your granddaughter
I wish you good health with all my heart,
May your dreams come true.
I wish you joy and happiness
Let the wind blow away all the bad weather
Let you be lucky in everything, always
Live long - long, my dear.

You raised me, tired of not knowing
For care, forgetting about yourself,
Thank you for everything, dear
You are the best grandmother in the world.
Accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
On your glorious birthday,
May all your days be bright
All the best to you, health and patience.

Personal holiday - birthday,
At my kind, sweet grandmother,
For endurance, care and patience,
God bless her bright days.
As a granddaughter, I am glad to congratulate you,
You are my reward and joy,
Let luck smile on you
Let everything be as it should be in life.

Grandmother, accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
On your beautiful birthday
Let the years be wealth for you
Let spring always bloom in your soul.
More health and strength to you
So that the Lord rewards you for your goodness,
May every day make you happy
In happiness, joy, live up to a hundred years.

I'll whisper in your ear
Happy birthday, old lady!
Hello my grandmother!
I came to hug you!
Happy birthday
wish you luck
And healthy for long years!
There are many grandchildren, the sun is light,
Joy is right on the doorstep
And a beautiful road
The house is cozy, the laughter of relatives,
And I give this verse!

There is no sweeter in the whole world
Good grandmother of mine!
You are my best friend
The embodiment of good.
And help if needed
And angelically generous.
I sincerely wish
Be healthy, young.
Never you - I know for sure!
- Do not grow old in soul!

Granddaughter (name) loves and pampers,
When he sees what he will buy without words!
When the grooms come to us,
That dowry is a hundred chests!
Believes in otherworldly powers
He brings us down with his faith.
But! Strangers blink -
Squinting cute coquettish eye!

Thank you, grandmother, for fairy tales,
What gave me as a child!
Listen to you with your eyes closed
It was nice under the moon!
You are so caring, patient
And give me your love!
After all, sometimes it is necessary
Return to the fairy tale of childhood again!

Grandmothers are better, I'm sure not!
Granddaughter will not forget you!
The main thing is long and joyful years,
And everything else will be!
May your birthday give you
Strength and health, of course!
Less worries, troubles in fate,
To please us forever!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I appreciate you very much.
I wish you happiness, grandmother
And health. I'll be honest:
Though you search all over the world
Millions and thousands of days.
One hundred percent - all over the world no,
There is no better grandmother than mine.

Grandmother! Happy birthday to you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart today!
May joy and fun
You are inspired for life!

After all, grandchildren need you, dear!
Affectionate, kind you are with us!
May there be many happy moments
And don't let them run so fast.

You are the best in the world!
Accept these congratulations!
Be happy, kind and sweet!
And always loved by everyone!

I congratulate you on have a great day birth,
My grandmother, wonderful, caring and beloved!
I wish you good health, excellent, you mood,
The most kind in the world, affectionate and very beautiful!

Great luck in everything and everywhere, care, attention,
Firm Faith, Hope, Love, lasting happiness,
A sea of ​​gentle smiles, respect and of course recognition.
May your cherished dreams come true more often.

Words of kind, beautiful, affectionate and gentle,
Events joyful, unique, bright and happy.
Days of light, successful, simply serene,
Obedient, caring and sweet children and grandchildren.

I love my grandmother very much, I respect
I congratulate you on your birthday,
As a granddaughter, I really appreciate the care
Thank you for your kindness.
May only good things come true in life
So that you live it without reproach.

My extraordinary grandmother
Happy birthday and love.
After all, you are not better on the planet,
For you, all poems and bouquets,
Wishes and songs for you
To be happy myself.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
My grandmother, glorious, kind, beloved!
In the soul of joy, good health, I wish you
The most affectionate in the world, caring and beautiful!

A sea of ​​gentle smiles, respect and attention,
Love, Hope, Faith, lasting happiness,
Sincere participation, care, understanding.
Let there be only peace and harmony in the house.

Joyful events for you are many and happy,
More bright days, wonderful inspiration.
Obedient, caring and beautiful children and grandchildren,
excellent, festive mood.

Happy birthday, grandma!
Even though you say
What is unnecessary to celebrate
So that there is grace and silence

I'll still come to you
I will bring gifts
I want your life
She was bright again!

Music and jokes
Congratulations, fun.
Not just ducks
And the birds outside the window singing

Good, kind grandmother!
Congratulations from your granddaughter
The same as you, hostess,
I want to be impatient.
Happy birthday, granny, you
I write in SMS, loving.

My grandmother is dear!
happy birthday congratulations
And you to live in the world
I wish for a long time!
Receive SMS
Well, granddaughter - hug!

Happy Birthday,
Grandmother, my dear!
So that you live up to a hundred years,
Sorrow not knowing.

I wish from the bottom of my heart
Health to you, happiness.
To visit us
More with grandpa.

I love you dear!
I know all your secrets.
You are my magician, golden!
I need your wise advice.

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
My grandmother, gentle, kind, caring and dear!
I wish you great luck and success in everything from the bottom of my heart,
The best in the world, affectionate and dear!

Good health, strong for your long years,
Spiritual joy, harmony, harmony and of course goodness.
May a wonderful spring surely sing in your heart,
Sincere participation, care, attention and warmth.

Love of light, good Hope and understanding,
Radiance of bright stars that do not go out for you in the sky.
Happiness of lasting, firm Faith and prosperity.
Let only good awaits necessarily according to fate.

Good and beautiful
unspeakably kind and sweet,
Congratulations to my dear granddaughter
I love you from the bottom of my heart
And how is grandma now
I wish you happiness now.

May your dreams come true
Let good things happen
All desires come true
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
My granddaughter, with the birth in the world,
May the boundaries of the world become wider.

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you eternal health
I wish you joy with a soul
Best of luck.

And to make life brighter -
Let there be many surprises
But only pleasant for you.
I wish sincerely, loving,

So that, granddaughter, grief and trouble
You are gone forever.
And there will be a glorious hero
Always be by your side!

Many miracles happen on a birthday and it is customary to make a wish. I wish you, my granddaughter, that all your desires come true, dreams come true and dreams become reality. As a grandmother, I wish you sincere female happiness, joy, peace, love, so that you find your place in life.

On my birthday, I want to wish my promising, smart and talented granddaughter promotion career ladder, unfading enthusiasm and unfading creative ideas. May success and luck accompany you all your life, and love and optimism live in your heart.

I wish you peace and warmth
And to make your head spin
And on your birthday, granddaughter,
So that you don't get bored.

I wish there were many miracles
I wish you happiness to heaven
To be on top
For success to come in fate.

Let there be everything that the heart yearns for
And may you find your destiny
Let there be an important man nearby,
Success will come on the fly.

With a soul on your birthday, I congratulate
I wish you great happiness with love.
And to melt away any sadness,
Let the whole world be filled with smiles.
And let the heart fill with joy,
I am always glad to you, granddaughter!

Divine joy, happiness, love.
I wish you wonderful moments in fate,
And let the rules of honor be in the blood.
I wish you a wonderful life
Do not poison your heart with trifles.

Oh how it smells
Your robe!
like a salad
And chocolate,
Smells like pike
And cabbage
Smells like dumplings
And cracklings
And Sunday
white plump
And sesame
And halva
In this smell
fit in
Our whole house

I will give you a riddle
And you guess it.
Who puts a patch on the heel?
Who irons and mends the linen?

Who cleans the house in the morning?
Who puts a big samovar?
Who with little sister plays
And takes her to the boulevard?

By whom the fringed rug is embroidered
(Sister, you can see everything)?
Who writes detailed letters
Soldier - my father?

Whose hair is whiter than snow
Are your hands yellow and dry?
Whom do I love and pity?
Who did you write poetry about?

I have a beloved grandmother
Good, good, beautiful!
Only with her it's cozy, like in a nest,
And light, as if from the sun!
Like girlfriends - we share secrets,
Joy, delicious sweets,
Be healthy, happy and joyful
I ask everyone to the table, for tea and sweets!

There is no sweeter in the whole world
Good grandmother of mine!+4 1

Powerless even the time when a person is young at heart. My dear grandmother, you, like decades ago, look stunning. The eyes are shining, although they have seen a lot of grief, the hands are gentle, although they have redone all the work, the smile is shining, although more than once it was necessary to hide bitterness and longing behind it. I wish you good health and always remain so wise, strong and generous. Happy Anniversary, dear!

Dear grandmother! Let your hair be silvered with gray hair, but the beauty and purity of your eyes, the kindness of your heart will not be overshadowed by the year. On your joyful anniversary, I wish you only health, and we undertake to give you joy, happiness and fun in full! Congratulations!

Good wishes in your own words for grandma's anniversary

Happy birthday, dear grandmother! Come on today, on this beautiful day, let's not be sad about what is left in the past, let's better look into the future together! I know for sure that the longest and most happy years in society dear people! My good one, keep spring in your heart, and in clear eyes- a cheerful mischievous light!

Today is not an easy holiday - today is the anniversary of the the best grandmother in the world. Granny, be as sweet, sincere and wise. It is these qualities that help us, your children and grandchildren, to go through life. We wish you endurance, health and patience, smile more often, and if you cry, then only from happiness.

Specially for the site

Congratulations from grandchildren in prose

Grandma, I congratulate you and love you very much! You are the most wonderful and young grandmother in the world! Don't change, smile more often and feel happy. May you have no reason to complain about the health and your restless grandchildren! Let life surprise you, but only from the good side.

Specially for the site

The second mother, the most close person- our grandmother. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you the main thing - live happily longer. Let vanity and grief forever forget the way to your house, and grandchildren, children and friends will gather there more often. Sincerely, your beloved grandchildren.

Specially for the site

Happy anniversary, Dear Granny! Love of relatives, heroic health, success in culinary experiments. You are such a great cook. Incarnations of all innermost desires. Let the new day bring only good mood and everything bad is forgotten forever.

Specially for the site

Grandma, look out the window - today the sun is smiling for you and flowers are blooming in your honor. Be always so bright, cool, cheerful and charismatic, young at heart. We all love you incredibly. Happy holiday - happy anniversary, dear!

Specially for the site

Touching to tears congratulations to grandmother on her anniversary

Our grandmother, sweet and dear. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to live 100 more times, as much as you have already lived on this earth. We really want your hands to get tired only from big bouquets flowers, and your eyes cried only from happiness and joy for friends, grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Happy anniversary to you!

Specially for the site

Grandma, happy holiday to you. Let anniversaries there will be a great many more in your life, and each one meets you with joy and in good health. I wish you never be disappointed in any of the people close to you and always remain happy. Congratulations!

Grandma, happy birthday! You are so good, kind and wise that all my friends envy me. In everything that I can, there is also a piece of yours worldly experience and it makes me so happy! Today I want to wish you - be the happiest in the world, may you always have enough strength for everything, and may every day bring you only joy!

There is no person dearer and closer to me than you, granny! Today, on your birthday, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. I wish you to feel great, not to succumb to the blues, not to get sick, to laugh more often, to be loved, and most importantly, healthy and full of strength! I love you very much!

On a sunny and bright day, I hasten to wish happy birthday to the sweetest and good man in the world! It's you, my grandma elder sister, girlfriend and mother. I wish you good health, because you can’t buy it for any money, happiness, I will give it to you, love and attention, which I will not deprive you of. Congratulations!

Grandma's love warms and protects like a prayer! I always need good advice and warm words. And I will definitely return all this in full, because my gratitude knows no bounds! Take care, dear!

Grandmother, dear, dear, happy birthday! It's good that I have you like this - caring, kind and understanding everything! Thank you for everything you taught me, for all your patience, for kindness and strictness. With all my heart I wish you joy, good health and long, long happy years!

Grandma, dear, on your birthday I want to say so much! When mom and dad have no time to answer my question, just listen - you do all this. And if you knew how much it means that in my life there is such a wonderful, loving, kind and sensitive person How are you! Happiness to you, smiles, sunny days and, of course, health!

Dear, beloved grandmother! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!
You always gave me your warmth, affection, tenderness and care! I wish you to always be healthy, enjoy life, keep cheerful for another long years and wait for the appearance of great-grandchildren!

Dear, beloved grandmother! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, care and tenderness, for your attention and kindness! I love you very much! I wish you joy of the soul, happiness and health, well-being, peace and good spirits!

Dear, beloved grandmother! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you to always be healthy, enjoy life, keep vigor for many more years. Be the happiest in the world, let there always be enough strength for everything, and every day brings you only joy!

Today in our family important holiday- Birthday of my beloved grandmother. Grandma, I want to wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! I wish you good health, happiness, long life and fulfillment of all desires. I know that one of your most cherished desires- so that the whole family gathers together as often as possible, because usually we see each other only on holidays. For my part, I promise that I will come to your house much more often and spend more time. We, your children and grandchildren, really want you to be happy and never be sad. Even if we are not physically next to each other, we are still morally and spiritually together. Happy birthday, dear grandmother! Be the happiest!

My lovely grandma's birthday is today! By the way, this is her favorite holiday. I won't say how old you are today because you don't like it. But I can only say that I am surprised at how much energy you have. You are constantly on the move, and not just at home. You constantly attend some events, exhibitions, go to museums and theaters, that is, you never sit still and lead a very active life, but at the same time you never complain of fatigue, unlike us. We wish you to continue in the same spirit and always find the strength in yourself to go towards your goals. I love you very much and want you to be happy, healthy and loved! Happy holiday, dear grandmother! Know that we are always there.

My most kind and understanding grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday! Today, people close and dear to you have gathered here to congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts and wish you all the best. We so rarely began to gather together, we only see each other on holidays, but the main thing is that we never lose touch. I want to wish you good health, which is definitely very necessary, happiness and long life. May all your grandchildren delight you with their successes and frequent meetings. We promise to gather at your house as often as possible and have fun. Thank you for the care and love that you always give to your children and grandchildren. Be the happiest, my caring and beloved grandmother. We love you very much!

My beloved grandmother, I am immensely proud of you! You had a hard life, you had to overcome many difficulties in order to finally find family happiness and tranquility. I consider you a real heroine who was able to cope with all the difficulties and troubles. You are a role model for us. We admire your fortitude, perseverance and patience. We hope that in later life only waiting for you good moments, joyful meetings And festive events. We heartily congratulate you on your birthday! You deserve to be the happiest, and we promise you to provide it. Good health to you and long life. We love you very much, our beautiful grandmother. Happy Holidays!

Today is the birthday of a man who modern technologies understands no worse than the youth. Our grandmother is well versed in the computer, knows how to use the Internet, tablet and smartphone. Grandma, I wish you a happy birthday! I love you immensely and consider you a very close person who devoted all his time to me when I was little. You taught me so many things, for which I am very grateful to you. I wish you good spirits, inexhaustible energy, good health, long life and boundless happiness. We all promise to work harder to make our family reunions much more frequent. We know that you miss us very much, as we miss you. But we promise to solve this issue. Happy holiday, dear!

There is no person dearer and closer to me than you, granny!
Today, on your birthday, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. I wish you to feel great, not to succumb to the blues, not to get sick, to laugh more often, to be loved, and most importantly, healthy and full of strength!
I love you very much!

Grandmother, dear, dear, happy birthday!
It's good that I have you like this - caring, kind and understanding everything!
Thank you for everything you taught me, for all your patience, for kindness and strictness. With all my heart I wish you joy, good health and long, long happy years!

Grandma cooks the best. Grandma can do amazing surprise that will be remembered forever. Grandma will teach you everything that is useful in life, and will reveal many little secrets that you must know real woman. Grandmother is the wisest, understanding, resourceful in the world. grandmother, with
Happy Birthday! Happiness to you, joy and all the best!

Grandma, dear, on your birthday I want to say so much!
When mom and dad have no time to answer my question, just listen - you do all this. And if you knew how much it means that in my life there is such a wonderful, loving, kind and sensitive person like you!
Happiness to you, smiles, sunny days and, of course, health!

Today is the birthday of my beloved grandmother. She became very old, her head was adorned with noble gray hair, but her love and care for her grandchildren will never run out and never go out!
Dear grandmother!
In that Holy holiday I wish you to live another hundred years and always remain cheerful and cheerful, enjoy every minute of a prosperous, quiet old age surrounded by people who love you!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
Come on today, on this beautiful day, let's not be sad about what is left in the past, let's better look into the future together!
I know for sure that long and happiest years await you in the company of dear people!
My good one, keep spring in your heart, and in your clear eyes - a cheerful mischievous light!

These are grandmother's bedtime stories and hot pies, this is warmth and participation in children's grievances, this is intercession before parents, these are splintered wrinkles that run away from the eyes and are caring good hands. Health and sunny days to you, dear!
On this special day, I congratulate
Happy birthday to you, grandmother, and I wish you pure heart you in your old age ... no! - in your best future years to be very happy!
Let your eyes see vigilantly, your back does not hurt, and your good mood shines like the sun!
And so that your happiness is complete, I solemnly promise that I will always take care of you, love and not forget a single moment that passed next to you in peace and comfort!
Sweet grandmother... Granny...
