New Year's decoupage: creative ideas from handmade masters. Anticipation of the holiday that you can touch: New Year's pictures for decoupage

The New Year is just around the corner, which means it's time to start making exclusive decorations for the holiday. New Year's decoupage will help to breathe new life into old Christmas decorations, create unique accessories from champagne or candles.

This decorating technique is quite simple, but will bring maximum pleasure to everyone involved in the process. With its help, you can not only decorate your home amazingly, but also give decorated products to your loved ones.

What is a Christmas tree without Christmas balls? Boring or boring balls for many years can always be transformed by decorating them using decoupage technique.

Balls made of any materials are used as a basis: glass, plastic, wood, papier-mâché. You can buy new plain toys or take existing ones, breathing new life into them.

For decoration you will need the following materials and tools:

  • the base, it should be smooth, this is important, so when using old toys, they should be carefully cleaned;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • sponge or cosmetic sponge;
  • PVA glue (can be slightly diluted with water);
  • thin flat brush;
  • pictures with Christmas theme.

Pictures with suitable patterns can be printed on a color printer or cut out of decorative napkins, even clippings from books or music will do. For decoupage, it is better to use very thin paper so that wrinkles or creases do not appear on the finished product.

The first step is to prepare toys for further decoration. To do this, apply acrylic paint on them with a sponge, let it dry.

While the balls are drying, you need to cut out figures from napkins along the contour with a slight indent. Usually, decorative napkins have several layers; only the top one, on which the pattern is applied, is required for work. If the picture is printed, then the image is cut strictly along the contour or the required shape (circle, oval).

We apply the cut out image to the ball in the right place, carefully begin to smear it with glue with a brush, moving from the center of the picture to the edges. In this way, we cover the entire necessary area, and gently blot the excess glue with a soft cloth.

If the picture is printed, then before sticking it, you should try it on. Attach the picture to the toy, cut off everything superfluous and make small cuts along the edges of the image in those places where the picture will not suffer from them. This is done so that thick paper without wrinkles lies on a spherical base.

In the place where the picture will be on the ball, we make marks, coat this area with glue, after which we apply the fitted image and level it with a brush with PVA, as described above.

Important: Ink on printed images may not be permanent. It is advisable to first cover the desired picture with water varnish, dry it, and only then proceed to decoupage.

Let the glue dry and mask the edges of the pattern with paint and a sponge, carefully painting over the joints.

Decoupage of Christmas balls should be as effective as possible.

For further decoration, you can use:

  • Sequins. Lubricate certain areas of the ball, including the pattern, with transparent glue and sprinkle the toy with sparkles. A shiny ornament will remain only in those places where there was glue.
  • Glitters. Brilliant contour paints can be used to create original ornaments on toys. You can circle the picture or draw dots, snowflakes, etc.
  • Beads and beads. An image, especially a round one, can be decorated with beads along the contour by sticking them on super glue or transparent silicone.
  • Stencils. Acrylic paint is applied with a sponge through a pre-prepared template.
  • Shells, dried flowers, rhinestones, etc.

The finished ball does not have to be white, after the drawing is pasted, you can carefully use a brush to give the background the desired color.

Such New Year's toys can be effectively supplemented with ribbons or lace, hung on a decorative cord.

Decoupage bottles

You can decorate the New Year's table or create spectacular gift sets using decoupage champagne bottles. Even wine bottles can be decorated in this way, presenting exclusive gifts to colleagues or friends.

To decoupage champagne, you will need the same tools and materials as for balls. Additionally, use masking tape to cover the label for the period of work.

The bottle must be prepared by removing all unnecessary stickers and labels. You can put it in boiling water for a minute and remove the remnants of the paper.

Cover the top of the bottle with masking tape. With white acrylic paint, using a brush and a sponge, we coat all the areas where the drawing will be located. It can be either the entire surface of the glass, or individual places.

A pattern is applied to the dried soil and gently smeared with glue from the center to the edges. For large images, it is better to use a wide fan brush. If the drawing is soaked and begins to tear, carefully connect the edges of the picture at the break points; this will not be noticeable on a dried champagne bottle. If the defect is striking, then you can mask it with something: sparkles, paint.

When the glued picture dries, you can tint all open areas of the bottle.

Gently use a sponge to apply paint to all white areas. Suitable paint, harmoniously combined with the shades of the picture, gold or silver. If necessary, ready-made New Year's decoupage can be supplemented with spectacular details.

Congratulatory inscriptions or an original ornament should be applied with glitter, and with the help of white paint, semolina and sparkles, create realistic snow and emphasize individual elements of the picture.

In conclusion, you need to cover the entire product with a water-based varnish or a special one for decoupage. Tie a ribbon around the neck of the bottle for the finishing touch.

Such champagne can be a good gift for the New Year.

New Year's decoupage of champagne can be done in various ways, for example, by pasting a bottle with a thin cotton cloth. The glass surface is smeared with glue and wrapped in cloth. With the help of a brush and hands, the fabric is pressed as tightly as possible to the bottle, all kinds of folds, wrinkles and ornaments are formed. In advance, you can stick a pattern on the glass, and distribute the material around it.

Ideas for New Year's decoupage

New Year's decoupage is indispensable for creating holiday accessories or original gift design. You can decorate almost any object, the main thing is that their surface is smooth.

Tableware with Christmas decor looks spectacular. These can be individual plates, glasses, coasters, or entire sets, decorated in the same style. Glass, ceramic, plastic - any base material will do.

After decoupage, the dishes must be varnished. Such glasses or plates cannot be used for their intended purpose, but as an original accessory or gift they will come in handy.

Buy ordinary wide white candles and decorate them with decoupage. They will decorate any interior and will be a nice gift for loved ones. In addition, these are not only accessories, if desired, they can be lit, if it is not a pity to spoil such beauty.

New Year's decoupage can turn even the simplest box into a stunningly beautiful box or gift wrapping. You can paste over it all with pictures of the New Year theme and supplement it with congratulatory inscriptions. Or decorate in a vintage style, decorating with a Victorian style pattern, beads, braid, ornate ornaments.

To extend the life of products, it is best to coat them with decoupage varnish.

The decoupage technique allows you to change the look of familiar things, and the ease of implementation makes this decor accessible to everyone. Create a festive atmosphere in your home with cozy handmade decorations.

We complicate the task: decoupage of a Christmas ball using craquelure

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About popularity decoupage christmas balls may be evidenced by the fact that not a single article about manufacturing is complete without this quick and effective way of decorating. In fact, although such a craft has become fashionable with us relatively recently, decoupage has a glorious and long history, so you will get not only bright and fashionable Christmas tree decorations, but also those that could still hang on the Christmas trees of our great-grandparents. So in our today's article, we will separately touch on not only workshops on making such crafts, but also tips on creating a vintage style of balls.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of Christmas balls

The technique itself do-it-yourself decoupage of Christmas balls, in the event that you hear about it for the first time, consists in applying a thin layer of paper on the surface of the workpiece. When liquid glue impregnates a thin napkin or special paper, after drying it already forms a single whole with the surface, as if a skillful pattern had magically appeared on the ball. Technique gives us the opportunity to create highly artistic even if we do not have any painting talents.

To make it easier to understand right away, let's take a look at a small implementation decoupage Christmas balls master-class, paying attention to the photos of the main stages, which are located above.

I must say that you are practically unlimited in choosing a base, but you need to be extremely picky with the selection of a drawing or paper on which it is applied. Ideal, of course, are special motifs for decoupage, which can be bought in specialized stores and hobby centers, where they usually buy everything to perform.

But, firstly, they are not very cheap for the first pen trials, and secondly, you can’t always choose among their assortment the drawing that you like and is suitable for work. Therefore, high-quality multilayer napkins are often used for table setting.

The desired part of the drawing is torn out of them, only the thin top layer, on which the image is located, is carefully separated, and this fragment is already applied to the workpiece.

The workpiece is subject to mandatory initial preparation. When the paper is glued to the surface, it cannot have paint on top of it, you cannot sand or sand it. So first we paint and prepare the base, glue the drawing, and already on top of it you can apply a transparent varnish for fixing or a special craquelure varnish, apply shine, textured stripes, patterns using special stained-glass contours.

It is worth talking about the blanks in more detail, since the appearance of the toy will depend on their quality, and the task can either become more complicated or simplified. Wood is considered the ideal surface for decoupage, it is these balls that are most easily painted, glue dries quickly on them, they do not deteriorate for a long time, do not break and can serve your children faithfully. Glass looks very elegant, but for its processing you will not need any paints, but special, stained glass ones, which increases the cost of crafts, and gluing paper can be more difficult than with wood.

Styrofoam balls are a fairly cheap blank, but if their surface has a strong graininess, then the paper will stick unevenly. That is why the foam surface must be covered with an even layer of paint, and maybe not even one, but only then a paper motif is applied.

Decoupage Christmas balls master class

Let's look at a simple option decoupage of Christmas balls, master class which is below. Do not be surprised that classes in this technique are included in almost any program of children's early development circles, children from the age of 3-4 are not only learning to make decoupage balls, but also successfully mastering this science.

The best choice for children's crafts would, of course, be the image of a cartoon character, funny animals, birds. So the choice of napkins with cats for the lesson is more than justified. From the napkin we tear off a piece on which the image of a cat is located and remove the upper part.

The question may arise why it is advised not to cut, but to tear - the point is simply that the torn edge has a finer structure, when the glue soaks it, the transition from paper to base will be imperceptible either to the eye or to the touch, like on real ones. painted on canvas.

Whereas, if you cut the edge of the paper, it will remain the same density and form a fairly noticeable border of the pattern, which will not benefit the entire product as a whole.

The wooden ball, as we said above, is covered with a layer of base color paint, in our case it is yellow. We apply a piece of paper on a dry and even surface and gently paint over it directly on top of it with a brush well dipped in glue. Regular PVA is not suitable for work, it is too thick and forms a dense film.

So it’s better to either take a special glue for decoupage, or dilute the PVA in proportions that are easy to find on the Web. The most popular proportions without third-party additives are 1:1 or 2:1 (twice as much glue). It is necessary to prepare the adhesive composition at one time, do not store it, because after the time the water evaporates, it will lose its properties.

After all the motifs are glued and the glue has dried, you can cover the ball with a transparent top coat. As with the drawings, you need to understand that the protective properties of the adhesive film are not very high, if there is a mechanical effect on the surface, it will be scratched or peeled off.

Therefore, it is better to protect it with a transparent varnish or a special fixative. If you want to add details such as sparkles, glitter, textured stripes, then it is better to do all this in stages, and leave the varnish for last.

A few more ideas for you and your kids, what beautiful crafts you can make using the technique decoupage Christmas balls, video with classes on which you can even remove yourself and lay out for review.

Christmas balls in decoupage style

We have already mentioned several times with you about the use in working with decoupage Christmas balls a special stained glass contour for creating relief patterns. This material differs from ordinary stained glass paint in its thicker consistency and quick drying, thanks to which it is possible to work even on an inclined surface, and curls and stripes do not drain or deform. Plus, such a contour is usually packaged with small tubes or pencils, so it is convenient to apply it, draw rather thin patterns with it.

In the photo you can see another small master class, which shows, in addition to the decoupage main stages, the application of relief patterns. This is a great solution for a retro style, as it is vintage toys that most often have such a surface.

The contour is applied in two ways - these are golden curls on the main background, as well as underlining the lines of the drawing itself with a black contour. With this technique, the lines will become more expressive, the drawing will acquire volume, and the whole toy will look elegant and quite expensive, it will be able to successfully decorate any Christmas tree, even.

The decoupage technique is quite similar to the papier-mâché technique, the only difference is that there are more layers of paper impregnated with glue and because of this, the base is not required at all. The following ones are just inspired by the theme of papier-mâché, because they are decorated with sheets of paper, whether it be newspapers, napkins with ornaments or notes.

The execution technique will differ slightly in that the surface is completely covered with paper, even with a margin, and it is better not to immediately glue the material with a brush, but to soak it well with glue in a separate container so that it becomes softer and fits better on the ball.

Decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style

Difference in decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style from the usual ones lies in the choice of the main pattern, drawing, and in the design, which has peculiar canons, and in the use of decoration techniques, also characteristic of handicrafts 100 years old. Such work requires already an average level of skill and some investments in materials and tools. But in the end you will get the perfect Christmas decorations that will be nice to present as a gift to loved ones or keep as a family heirloom.

In the photo in this section, you can clearly see how retro toys differ from modern ones. Napkins in this case will not suit you, since very rarely you can find similar motifs on them. Rather, you should go to the store or to the page of the online store and choose from the options presented there. Pay attention to images of vintage photographs, postcards, Provencal flowers, and so on.

Also pay attention to the design, as already mentioned - this is an important part of the image of the entire retro toy. A fastening loop is necessarily elegantly decorated, it can be a small bow made of lace, organza, silk, complemented by an appliqué of beads, sparkling stones and the like.

The main surface may also be subject to decoration - often an application from a row of beads is allowed along the side parts of the ball, leaving the pattern only in the center, or they make out a kind of window on the front of the craft. Also, for applying patterns, we arm ourselves with our favorite contour material, only curls and patterns are best done not in contrasting shades, but close in color to the background shade. So you get the desired effect of antiquity, muffled, pastel.

New Year's decoupage is becoming more and more popular. A lot of different ideas are found in many master classes that require certain investments.

On New Year's Eve, not everyone wants to spend money, but many people want to make a beautiful New Year's decoupage with their own hands.

How to make decoupage saving money?

There is an answer to this question, and it is presented in my master classes.

I believe that using a minimum of materials, you can create extraordinary beauty, no worse than with expensive materials.

Someone may not like my innovation, but it is necessary to understand that in times of crisis and economic recession, people should not stop making art.

Christmas decoupage plates

Of course, for this we need wax. Where can I get wax? Of course, from small cheap candles that can be purchased for a very small cost in the amount of 100 pieces per pack.

Believe me, this is very profitable, because buying one large candle costs much more.

Yes, and at home there will certainly be candles that are a pity to throw away and ashamed to put on the table. That's exactly what we need.

Three old candles on a grater and melt in a water bath.

We take a magazine sheet and make a cone out of it. We cover the entire cone with tape, especially the top so that the wax does not leak out.

Pour the wax into the cone, first putting the wick inside or tying it to the stick. If you don't have a wick, you can soak several layers of thread in kerosene.

Put in the refrigerator and leave to harden. It will take about 2 hours to set, but I left the candle overnight. I got such a Christmas tree-candle.

If the candle came out not quite even, you can correct it with a knife (remove excess wax elements).

Such a candle is ideal as a gift, table decoration and interior decoration.

New Year's decoupage bottles of champagne

An easy and interesting idea that will give you a lot of pleasant emotions and will be a great gift for the New Year.

To decoupage a bottle, we need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • napkins;
  • gouache;
  • brushes.

For my master class, I took a 1.5 liter bottle of Soviet champagne. I want to make it for the celebration of the New Year with my family.

You can take any other bottle with or without the contents.

Preparing a bottle for New Year's decoupage

First you need to remove the labels. It is not easy to do this, because putting champagne into hot water is extremely dangerous (the bottle may burst in your hands).

To easily wipe off the label, I used a steel wool. She does not scratch the bottle and removes well.

There is nothing more festive, warmer and more magical than New Year's souvenirs - these are completely impractical gifts, but how much light these decorations give. And hand-made crafts are considered, perhaps, the best gift, the value of which will be realized even more over time. And it is difficult to find another type of needlework, decoration, which could compete with decoupage in elegance, simplicity, accessibility.

Surely this has happened to you - you look at New Year's cards, and you want to transfer the image from them to something else. Make a beautiful panel, decorate a box or transform a New Year's wine glass. It is not only the festive theme that attracts, but also a specific image, which, perhaps, for some reason, is especially dear to you.

Then make preparations in advance - these can be vintage New Year's paintings, and cute "snowy" backgrounds, all sorts of motifs. You can start with the decoupage of the New Year's glass, after all, you will hold this item in your hands in the first seconds of the New Year. So, the subject should, at least, outwardly not let us down.

Where to get New Year's pictures for decoupage:

  • Download ready-made collections on the Internet;
  • Stock up on sets of New Year's napkins;
  • Revise old magazines and books in search of efficient pictures;
  • View fabrics with Christmas prints.

Obviously, long before December, you need to stock up. And since there are a lot of drawings, napkins, pictures on this topic, the process of accumulating materials and ideas will be fascinating. While collecting, you can think about the decor of what you have to do.

Chic wine glass: New Year's decoupage

An ordinary glass goblet or a crystal wine glass can be turned into a small masterpiece. And all with their own hands. This wine glass is suitable for your New Year's table, and for gifts to friends and family.

What materials will you need:

  • wine glass;
  • Acetone for degreasing;
  • White rice paper;
  • Varnish printouts of drawings;
  • Glue varnish;
  • Sponge;
  • Crystal Paste;
  • Brushes and sponges;
  • 3D gel;
  • acrylic paste.

You will also need acrylic paints - it can be blue mother-of-pearl, light silver or Olympic gold. Acrylic varnishes may need the following - vitreous varnish, matte VGT. As you can see, preparation is serious. If you are just trying your hand at decoupage, perhaps the work should be simplified. But the result with great preparation will be brilliant, to be sure.

Glasses: do-it-yourself New Year's decoupage

So, first you need to degrease the glass, then stick pieces of rice paper on its surface. This paper is glued to the gel polish. Wait for the paper to dry well. And after drying, you need to wipe the edge with sandpaper, removing excess paper.

Then you need to take up the drawings and printouts. They should be applied several layers of varnish. The first layer must be smeared in a horizontal direction, the second - in a vertical direction, and the third layer is again in a horizontal direction. In this case, the pictures will not tear when stretched. After that, separate the desired layer, apply PVA glue to the surface of the glass.

Glue the layer with the pattern to the glass, stretching it a little in the thick part of the glass. And in the upper part, be sure to make cuts so that the drawing lies evenly. Make sure that nothing happens to the picture when you cut it.

Put the incised parts on top of each other, carefully glue the motif to the surface, smooth it. Do it better with a rubber spatula.

Then you act like this:

  • With a knife, cut off the part of the paper that has overlapped with a common layer, the edges move end-to-end;
  • Do the same with the bottom of the glass;
  • The next picture is overlapped;
  • The upper and lower parts of the second layer are glued in the same way, a cut is made on the junction line of two layers of paper;
  • The unnecessary upper part of the picture is removed, the excess part of the first layer must also be removed;
  • The excess is cut off along the edges of the glass;
  • All excess glue is wiped off with a damp cotton swab, after drying, the leg of the wine glass is primed;
  • Then you combine two shades of paint - Olympic gold and blue mother-of-pearl;
  • The leg is painted in the desired tone, and on top it is covered with pale silver.

Then the wine glass is varnished, the glass itself is glassy varnish, and the stem is glossy. A rough embossed paste is applied with a marine sponge. While the paste has not dried up, peaks are made. Using crystal paste, you can make an imitation of snow on the tops of the houses in the picture.

What are the fashion pictures for decoupage for the New Year

Always novice masters are guided by someone in their work. For people who are fond of decoupage, the name of the craftswoman Asket is more than known. Magdalena ascetic not only creates in her chosen direction, but also conducts training in her studio. See what skill the Polish needlewoman has achieved, it will inspire you to take your own steps in decoupage. In addition, there you can peep ideas, including for the New Year's transformation of things.

If you are afraid of something complicated, not confident in your abilities, start by decoupage simple CDs. You can stick festive dials on them, decorate them, and you will get beautiful unpretentious souvenirs for the New Year. Fast and cute!

How to choose New Year's napkins for decoupage

Even in any mass market, you will find a department full of holiday napkins. And, of course, craftswomen buy them in large quantities, then storing them in their treasuries until the right moment. And you can do otherwise, saving a lot of money. Using the practice of joint purchases, together with other craftswomen, purchase special napkins for decoupage.

On the sites you can see, choose the right napkins. It's cheaper than buying everything. But three-layer store napkins will work too. Only the top thin layer with the image is used for decoupage.

Christmas and New Year's decoupage: ideas for 2018

If you are right at a loss in guessing what it is to give using the decoupage technique for the New Year, try making a decoupage watering can. Numerous master classes confirm this. You can buy a metal watering can at a hardware store. And then it will be used as a decorative object or even as a vase.

Usually such a watering can is painted white, and then a New Year's image is applied on one side. You can make a voluminous decor that imitates snow, and even ordinary sea salt and PVA glue will help with this.

New Year's decoupage (video)

New Year's decoupage is not only an excellent result in the form of a chicly designed item. It is also the pleasure of the process, nourishment with a good mood, which by themselves program only positive.

Good results and magical ideas!

Soon the New Year 2015 will come to the house. Naturally, we all want to decorate our Christmas tree, and the walls, and the chandelier so that it is beautiful, but we hang the rain and so every year, lay out and cut out the tinsel on the windows. The Year of the Goat this time suggests using blue colors, but we already have a blue room, so what should we do? Decoupage of old Christmas balls will help, and we will do it in three very original ways. The first two are quite similar in their execution, but in the third decoupage it will even be possible to depict icicles on a ball so that they will seem alive.

Everything should turn out original, unusual, fabulous. Carefully study all three master classes and, if possible, apply knowledge in practice. And now, let's go!

Decoupage Christmas balls 2015: the first master class

We stock up on materials that we cannot do without.

  1. Two or three large plastic balls with a diameter of about 8 or 9 centimeters, preferably silver in color, and such that they also do not shed.
  2. Two New Year's, themed, decoupage napkins: try to find them with gnomes, Russian Santa Claus.
  3. White paint, only acrylic.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Lacquer, acrylic, for decoupage.
  6. Fan-shaped rough brush.
  7. Ceramic and glass plate.
  8. Soft foam sponge.
  9. Sequins are decorative for decorating products.
  10. Bamboo sticks, long

The working process is already in action!

  • The work itself begins with the fact that we cover the surface of the table with a plastic bag.

  • We remove metal fastening caps from New Year's old balls.
  • Pour white glass paint into a plate, dip the end of the sponge into the paint.
  • We decorate the ball, holding it by the protruding part.

  • We send to dry on a bamboo stick, which is already in a tall glass.
  • We carry out the same work with the second ball and with the third.
  • The first layer will dry for 60 minutes.
  • We apply the second layer, leave to dry, and then the third. Everything will take 2.5 hours.
  • While everything is drying, we prepare the napkins for work, for which we send them under the iron, heated to the state of ironing the nylon.

  • In a ceramic plate, dilute water and PVA glue in a one-to-one ratio, knead to get a uniform consistency.
  • We tear the napkin into fragments and immediately remove the top layer from the napkin.

  • You should have a lot of blanks.
  • We put the first drawing on the ball, with the glue mixture we pass over the surface so that the paper does not bubble, then we do the same with the rest of the fragments.

  • Let dry on bamboo sticks.
  • We carry out such work with the third ball and with the second.
  • While the balls are drying on sticks, we put on metal caps-holders and carefully cover the surface of the balls with varnish. 3 layers is enough to make the products shine.

  • While the varnish is not dry, sprinkle some parts of the ball with decorative sparkles.

As soon as the ball is dry, immediately send it to the place where it should decorate your New Year's interior 2015.

Decoupage Christmas balls: master class two

Look in the pantry for a box of Christmas toys that you haven't used for a long time, it is possible that there are balls with peeled sides, completely unattractive. Now we will make a work of art out of them, and bright, elegant, to the envy of the neighbors who buy New Year's toys every year.

We will work in the decoupage technique, so you have to be patient. A step-by-step instruction will help you do everything so that your heart rejoices.

  • We remove a metal clip from your old ball, then a loop.
  • All surface irregularities are sanded with a metal brush or fine sandpaper.

  • Now it does not hurt to prime the entire surface of the ball well.

  • We take a narrow vessel and insert a wooden stick for sushi or a bamboo pike into it.
  • We send a ball to them, so that later our hands do not get stained with varnish and paint.

  • We apply 2 layers of acrylic paint to the dried primer so that one layer is sure to dry.
  • We tear out an angel from a napkin (preferably the one Raphael painted).

  • Glue the angel to the surface of the ball with decoupage glue, smearing the pattern from its front surface. Paper folds are not allowed.

  • We let it dry: if small wrinkles have formed, then simply clean it with the back of a kitchen sponge.
  • We select paint for painting, for example, light gold.

  • We mix gold acrylic with silver to make a glow and gently press this paint into the drawing with a piece of washcloth.
  • Leave to dry overnight.
  • With a golden contour we paint the hair of an angel.

  • We take a 3D contour to give the strands volume.

  • With gold glitter we make a stroke of the inscription Merry Christmas.

  • Add glitter and draw dots and patterns with glitter.
  • We cover with acrylic varnish, wait until completely dry.

  • We put the clip with a loop in place, thread the cord into the last one - and call the neighbors!

Decoupage of Christmas balls: the third master class

And this master class in pictures, and very convenient for perception. Learn, don't be lazy. New Year 2015 should be celebrated in such a way that everyone remembers it not only with fun, but also with work. A goat is a gentle creature, so you can create a fairy tale for yourself from balls using the decoupage technique.

After you succeed, try to teach your friends to create a New Year's miracle in the same way, because it's not difficult to arrange a bachelorette party, where everyone does not just gather to arrange a pillow fight, but imagine yourself as hawthorn, to whom no work is alien.

This is how beautiful you should be!
