Material for the work of a psychologist in kindergarten. What are the duties of a kindergarten psychologist

A psychologist in a kindergarten is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands the child, who understands not only the general patterns and age-related characteristics of the mental development of children, but also individual variations of these features.

The art of a teacher-psychologist is to help educators and parents turn their child's education and upbringing program into his own. And the main way to this is to involve the child in forms of activity that are accessible and interesting to him, which vary depending on the age, individuality of the child, and are largely determined by the experience, knowledge and skills of an adult.

Psychologists in a preschool institution are associated with the protection of the physical and mental health of children, with the creation of conditions that contribute to their emotional well-being and ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

The implementation of these functions requires the performance of a number of related types of work, both directly with children and with their parents and kindergarten staff.

Psychologists are called to help educators. Psychological individual examination of a child in kindergarten, as a rule, is carried out at the request of a teacher or parents interested in understanding the individual characteristics of the child and getting advice on working with him.

Previously, the psychologist talks with the teacher, finds out how the latter evaluates the child, what features of it cause anxiety or difficulties in his upbringing and education, and collects initial information about the child's family.

Monitoring the child in the group - his communication with other children and the teacher, the performance of tasks in the classroom, the observance of the regime - these are the main issues that the psychologist deals with in the children's team.

How does a psychologist work?

A child psychologist is a specialist who helps adults understand what is happening with their child and with them. Work is being done with both children and adults to identify problems and find solutions.

Psychological counseling for children is a special form of family assistance from a psychologist or psychotherapist, focused on overcoming the life difficulties of children and their parents.

The task of a child psychologist is to create conditions in which it will be easier and clearer for you to see yourself and the life of your family from the outside, to realize what attitudes and actions create problems.

The purpose of counseling is to solve the problem that arises in a child and (or) raising an adult by analyzing the current situation, finding a balance in relationships and restoring a favorable psychological climate in the family

A child psychologist works with the current state of the child and the parent, conducts primary diagnostics, asks questions about the life situation and family structure. In the process of communication, the psychologist creates conditions for the client (parent-child) to realize his problem, understand its causes and find a solution.

Forms of work of a teacher-psychologist:

individual (including play therapy, sand therapy, art therapy, etc.) and group (trainings for children);

psychological work in the context of the family (joint work of the child and parents)

What areas does a child psychologist work in?

Children's individual psychological counseling;

Psychological correction of children's personality disorders, such as capriciousness, aggression, isolation, etc.;

Developing classes, both individual and group. These are classes for the development of memory, thinking, attention, etc.;

Individual psychological diagnosis of the child's personality, the level of mental processes, as well as the level of preparedness for school and career guidance for high school students;

Counseling parents on the upbringing and development of children.

What problems does a child psychologist work with?

These are social situations: a child goes to kindergarten or school, divorce of parents, death of someone close, the appearance of a new family member, cases of sexual or mental abuse of a child, a serious illness of a child or someone close to them, moving to a new place residence, etc.

Aggression, isolation, capriciousness, obsessive actions, shyness, increased touchiness, stubbornness, etc.;

Fears and anxiety of the child;

School failure and failure: does not want to study, does not learn the material, underdevelopment of spelling vigilance, inattention, has difficulty in solving mathematical problems, has difficulty in retelling the text, restless, poor work in the classroom with excellent work at home, etc .;

Problems of adaptation;

Communication problems with peers;

Pathological habits: biting or biting nails, sucking objects, masturbation, etc.;

The level of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking) does not correspond to the age of the child;

Problems of a speech therapy nature (elimination of psychological consequences);

Mental retardation, autism, etc. - Helplessness of parents, loss of control over the situation.

The main activities of a preschool psychologist

The proposed content of the activity of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution is specified in two planes - mandatory activities and additional ones. This distinction is dictated by the fact that the workload of psychologists in preschool educational institutions is different (it can be 0.25 rates, 0.5 rates, etc.). Nevertheless, a minimum of psychological support should be provided in the preschool educational institution. If there is a request from the teaching staff, administration or parents, the psychologist can carry out additional types of work, or redirect those who have applied with a request to the appropriate services of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance that specialize in solving these problems. In the latter case, the psychologist must provide comprehensive information on where and how this counseling service can be obtained.

1. Psychological diagnostics

Purpose: obtaining information about the level of mental development of children, identifying individual characteristics and problems of participants in the educational process.

The choice of tools for conducting psychodiagnostics is carried out by the psychologist independently, depending on the level of professional competence and the range of developmental tasks to be solved.


Examination of children of the second younger group (3 years old) to determine the level of mental development and build an individual trajectory of the child's development.
Diagnosis of pupils of the senior group in order to determine the level of mental development for the organization and coordination of work in the preparatory group.
Diagnosis of pupils within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the regulation on PMPk.
Diagnosis of psychological readiness for schooling of children of the preparatory group.


At the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution and personal observations, the psychologist conducts an in-depth diagnosis of the development of the child, children's, pedagogical, parental teams in order to identify and specify the problems of participants in the educational process.
2. Psychological prevention

Purpose: prevention of possible problems in the development and interaction of participants in the educational process.

In connection with the increase in the number of children with borderline and pronounced problems in mental development, the psychological service is faced with the task of promoting primary prevention and integration of these children into society within the framework of the psychoprophylactic direction.


Work to adapt the subjects of the educational process (children, teachers, parents) to the conditions of the new social environment:
- analysis of medical records (card "History of the development of the child") of newly arriving children to obtain information about the development and health of the child, identifying children at risk who require increased attention from a psychologist;
- group and individual consultations for parents of newly arriving children;
- informing teachers about the identified features of the child and the family, in order to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process.

Identification of cases of psychological distress of teachers and development, together with the administration, of ways to eliminate the causes of this condition in a working situation.


Tracking the dynamics of the socio-emotional development of children.
Promoting a favorable socio-psychological climate in the preschool educational institution.
Prevention of professional burnout in the teaching staff.

When introducing innovations in a preschool educational institution, a psychologist can act as an assistant to the administration in planning, organizing and overcoming psychological resistance to innovation.

3. Corrective and developmental work.

Purpose: creation of conditions for the disclosure of the child's potential, correction of deviations in mental development.

If in correctional work the psychologist has a certain standard of mental development, which he seeks to bring the child closer to, then in developmental work he focuses on the average age development standards to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level of development for him. The latter can be both above and below the average.

The teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution carries out correctional and developmental work within the limits of his professional competence, working with children with a level of mental development corresponding to the age norm. The development of a child within the age norm does not exclude the presence of certain problems in the cognitive, emotional, motivational, volitional, behavioral, etc. spheres, which can be the object of the correctional and developmental work of a psychologist. It is important to remember that in the event that deviations are expressed to a large extent, the child must be referred for a consultation with specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or to psychological, pedagogical and medical and social centers. Further corrective and developmental work with these children is based on the conclusion and recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, with the participation of psychologists, speech pathologists, the attending physician and other specialists.


Building an individual trajectory of the child's development in the process of counseling.
Carrying out correctional and developmental classes with children of the preparatory group, in order to form educational-important qualities (taking into account the obtained diagnostic data of the senior group).


Conducting classes with children of other age groups.
When changing the status of an institution, development program, educational program of an institution (choosing a comprehensive program) - participation in an expert assessment of the designed social and educational environment.

4. Psychological counseling

Purpose: to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process and provide them with psychological assistance in building and implementing an individual program of education and development.

Psychological counseling consists in providing psychological assistance in solving problems that parents, educators and the administration of the preschool educational institution deal with. Counseling involves the active position of the counselee, the joint study of existing difficulties and the search for optimal solutions. The subject of consultations should not go beyond the professional competence of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution. If necessary, the pedagogue-psychologist directs the counselee to receive psychological assistance in the services of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance of the Yaroslavl region.


Advice on issues related to the optimization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution and the family in the interests of the child.


The psychologist can initiate group and individual consultations of teachers and parents.
The psychologist may initiate other forms of work with the staff of the institution for the purpose of personal and professional growth.

5. Psychological education and training

Purpose: creating conditions for improving the psychological competence of teachers, the administration of the preschool educational institution and parents, namely:

Actualization and systematization of existing knowledge;
- increasing the level of psychological knowledge;
- inclusion of existing knowledge in the structure of activities.
Psychological education should not be limited to general information on child psychology. It is necessary to rely on the results of studying the specific features of a given preschool educational institution, taking into account traditions and local conditions, the qualifications and characteristics of the teaching staff, and the uniqueness of children and parents.


Carrying out a systematic psychological education of teachers (possible topics - see "Indicative list").
Carrying out systematic psychological education of parents in the form of parent meetings, round tables, etc., with the obligatory consideration of the age of children and the relevance of the topics for parents in the subject (possible topics - see "Indicative list").


Creation of information corners of the type "Psychologist's advice".
Each of these areas should be built taking into account the age capabilities of children, the leading type of activity and, if possible, rely on gaming technologies and techniques.
An indicative list of topics for psychological education


1. Psychophysiological characteristics of children of each age group.
2. Patterns of development of the children's team.
3. Features of the teacher's work with problem children.
4. Styles of pedagogical communication.
5. Psychological foundations of work with the family.


1. Adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution.
2. Crises of 3 years and 6-7 years.
3. The most typical mistakes of family education.
4. Prevention of unfavorable development of the child's personality: infantilism, demonstrativeness, verbalism, withdrawal from activities, etc.
5. Education of arbitrariness of behavior and controllability.
6. Psychological readiness for learning.
7. Sex education and development.

Working programm

psychological and pedagogical support of children

preschool age

for 2015 - 2017

Designed by:

teacher - psychologist


Romashova I.V.

city.settlement Povarovo


  1. Target Section

1.1. Explanatory note…………………………………………………………….page 3

  1. Age features and neoplasms of preschool childhood:

Age from 2 to 3 years…………………………………………………………… 3-4

Age from 3 to 4 years…………………………………………………………… 4

Age from 4 to 5 years………………………………………………………………p.5

Age from 5 to 6 years………………………………………………………………p.5-6

Age from 6 to 7 years………………………………………………………………p.6-7

1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program……..………….……......p.7-8

1.4. Expected results………………...……………………………………… 8

  1. Content section.
  1. The main activities of a teacher-psychologist……………..…....p.9-10
  2. The content of the activity of a teacher-psychologist ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
  3. Interaction with the teaching staff ……………………………………………………………….p.11-12
  4. Psychological diagnostics ……………………………………………….....p.13-14
  5. Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Council (PMPk)…………… 14
  6. Developing work………………………………………………………...……p.15-16
  7. The work of a teacher-psychologist with parents……………………………………..p.16-17

3. Organization section.

3.1. Material and technical conditions ..……………………………………….….p.17

3.2. List of used literature……………………………………………..p.17-19

  1. Target section.
  1. Explanatory note.

The program of psychological and pedagogical support has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions in a general educational institution that contribute to the maximum development of the personal and creative potential of all participants in the educational process.

Organization of activities:the program is designed for 2 of the year psychological support for children attending a preschool educational institution; the main scope of work extends to senior and preparatory groups for school.

  • adaptation to kindergarten;

The program combines different areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist, which are combined into blocks:diagnostic, developing, advisory, educational and methodical.

  1. Age features and neoplasms of preschool childhood

Preschool age is a period of intensive formation of the psyche based on the prerequisites that have developed in early childhood.

Along all lines of mental development, neoplasms of varying severity arise, characterized by new properties and structural features. They occur due to such factors as speech and communication with adults and peers, various forms of cognition and inclusion in various types of activities (playing, productive, household).

Along with neoplasms, in the development of psychophysiological functions, complex social forms of the psyche arise, such as personality and its structural elements (character, interests, etc.), subjects of communication, cognition and activity and their main components - abilities and inclinations. At the same time, the further development and socialization of the child takes place, most pronounced at the psychophysiological level, in cognitive functions and psychomotor. New levels of mental functions are formed, which become inherent in new properties that allow the child to adapt to social conditions and the requirements of life.

With the participation of adults who organize, control and evaluate the behavior and activities of the child, act as a source of diverse information, the child is included in social forms of life, in the processes of cognition and communication, in various activities, including play and initial forms of labor. Adults, parents, educators largely determine the originality and complexity of the mental development of a preschooler, since they include the child in different spheres of life, correcting the process of his development. The development of the mental organization of the preschooler as a whole at all its levels and in its various forms creates psychological readiness for the subsequent - school - period of development.

Age from 2 to 3 years.

Continues to developsubject activity(correlative and instrumental actions develop), situational business communication child and adult; being improvedperception, speech, initial forms of arbitrarybehaviors, games, visual-effective thinking.

In the course of joint substantive activities with adultsspeech comprehension continues to develop.Active speech of children develops intensively. By the end of the third year of lifespeech becomes a means of communication between the child and peers.At this age, new activities are formed in children: playing, drawing, designing.

The game is proceduralin the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

Typical is the image of a person in the form of a "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.

Children can choose from 2-3 items in shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

main form thinking becomes visually effective.

Children of this age are characterized by unconsciousness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children develop feelings of pride and shame, elements of self-awareness associated with identification with the name and gender begin to form. Early age ends with a crisis of three years. The child is aware of himself as a separate person, different from the adult. An image of I is formed in him. The crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with adults, etc. The crisis can last from several months to two years.

Age from 3 to 4 years.

Communication becomes out of place.

The game becomes the leading activity in preschool age.

The main feature of the game is its conditionality: the performance of some actions with some objects implies their relation to other actions with other objects. The main content of the game of younger preschoolers is actions with toys and substitute objects.

In early childhood there is a transition tosensory standards. By the end of the younger preschool age, children can perceive up to 5 or more shapes of objects and up to 7 or more colors, are able to differentiate objects by size, navigate in the space of the kindergarten group, and with a certain organization of the educational process - and in the premises of the entire preschool institution.

Develop memory and attention. At the request of an adult, children can remember 3-4 words and 5-6 names of objects. By the end of the younger preschool age, they are able to remember significant passages from their favorite works.

Continues to developvisual action thinking. At the same time, the transformation of situations in a number of cases is carried out on the basis of targeted trials, taking into account the desired result.Preschoolers are able to establish some hidden connections and relationships between objects.

Begins to develop during early childhood imagination. Relationships of children: they are rather play together than actively interact. However, already at this age, stable electoral relationships can be observed. Conflicts between children arise mainly about toys.The position of the child in the peer group is largely determined by the opinion of the educator.

The behavior of the child is still situational.Self-esteem begins to develop, and their gender identity continues to develop.

Age from 4 to 5 years.

Role-playing interactions appear in gaming activities. There is a separation of play and real interactions of children.

Children can draw basic geometric shapes, cut with scissors, stick images on paper, etc.

The skills of planning a sequence of actions are formed.

Children are able to arrange groups of objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; select parameters such as height, length and width.

Arbitrary attention begins to take shape.

Imaginative thinking begins to develop. Preschoolers can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems.

Increased attention span. The child is available concentrated activity for 15 - 20 minutes. He is able to keep in memory when performing any action a simple condition.

Speech becomes the subject of children's activity. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational in nature, and when communicating with adults it becomes out of situational.

In communication between a child and an adult, the cognitive motive becomes the leading one.

Increased resentment is an age-related phenomenon.

Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, permanent play partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. There is competition and competition.

Age from 5 to 6 years.

Children can assign roles before the start of the game and build their behavior, adhering to the role.The speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech. Children begin to master social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various activities of adults. When distributing roles, conflicts may arise related to the subordination of role behavior.

This is the age of the most active drawing. The drawings acquire a plot character; the picture can be used to judge the gender and emotional state of the depicted person.

Constructive activities can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, by design and by conditions. Design appears in the course of joint activity.

The perception of color and their shades continues to improve, but also intermediate color shades; the shape of rectangles, ovals, triangles. Perceive the size of objects, easily line up - in ascending or descending order - up to 10 different objects.

Perception presents certain difficulties for preschoolers, especially if they must simultaneously take into account several different and at the same time opposite signs.

At the senior preschool age figurative thinking continues to develop.Generalizations continue to improve, which is the basis of verbal logical thinking.

Imagination willto develop actively only if special work is carried out to activate it.

The transition from involuntary to voluntary attention begins.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side.

Connected speech develops. Children can retell, tell from the picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

Achievements of this age are characterized by the distribution of roles in play activities; structuring the playing space; further development of visual activity, characterized by high productivity; application in the design of a generalized method for examining a sample; the assimilation of generalized ways of depicting objects of the same shape.

Perception at this age is characterized by the analysis of complex forms of objects; the development of thinking is accompanied by the development of mental means (schematized representations, complex representations, ideas about the cyclical nature of changes); the ability to generalize, causal thinking, imagination, voluntary attention, speech, the image of the Self develop.

Age from 6 to 7 years.

Preschool childrenbegin to master the complex interactions of people.The playing space is getting more complex. Children can comment on the performance of the role by one or another participant in the game.

The differences between the drawings of boys and girls become more pronounced. The image of a person becomes even more detailed and proportional.

With the right pedagogical approach, children develop artistic and creative abilities in visual activity.

They are fluent in generalized ways of analyzing both images and buildings; not only analyze the main design features of various parts, but also determine their shape based on the similarity with familiar three-dimensional objects.

Children continue to develop perception, but they cannot always take into account several different signs at the same time.

Figurative thinking develops, but the reproduction of metric relations is difficult. Skills of generalization and reasoning continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation.

The attention of preschoolers continues to develop, it becomes arbitrary.

As a result of properly organized educational work, preschoolers develop dialogic and some types of monologue speech.

In the preparatory school group, the preschool age is completed. His main achievements are related to the development of the world of things as objects of human culture; mastering forms of positive communication with people; the development of gender identification, the formation of the position of the student.

By the end of preschool age, the child has a high level of cognitive and personal development, which allows him to successfully study at school in the future.

  1. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program
  • The principle of an individual approach to a child of any age based on the unconditional recognition of his uniqueness and value.
  • The principle of humanism presupposes the selection and use of humane, person-oriented methods of psychological interaction based on universal human values.
  • The principle of prevention: ensuring the transition from the principle of "first aid" (responding to problems that have already arisen) to preventing the occurrence of problem situations.
  • The principle of scientific character reflects the most important choice of practical psychologists in favor of modern scientific methods of diagnostics, correction of the development of the child's personality. The implementation of this principle involves the participation of subjects of psychological support in experimental work, as well as in the creation and testing of self-created diagnostic and correction methods.
  • The principle of complexity implies the co-organization of various specialists, all participants in the educational process in solving the problems of support: an educator, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, a speech therapist, administration and other specialists;
  • The principle “on the side of the child”: the interests of the child are put at the forefront, the protection of his rights is ensured, taking into account the positions of other participants in the educational process;
  • The principle of the active position of the child, in which the main thing is not to solve problems for the child, but to teach him to solve problems on his own, to create abilities for the development of the child's ability to self-development;
  • The principles of collegiality and dialogue interaction determine the joint activity of the subjects of psychological support within the framework of a single system of values ​​based on mutual respect and collegial discussion of problems that arise during the implementation of programs.
  • The principle of consistency assumes that psychological support is continuous and is built as a systemic activity, which is based on internal consistency, reliance on modern achievements in the field of social sciences, interconnection and interdependence of individual components.
  • The principle of rationality underlies the use of forms and methods of psychological interaction and necessitates their selection, taking into account the optimal complexity, informativeness and benefit for the child.

Since the teacher is a significant figure for the child, he is responsible for the quality of interaction with children. Therefore, highly professional teachers should be next to preschoolers.

That is why it is very important for each specialist to help find his rightful place in the developing innovation system, to help break out of the cycle of behavior that has become traditional, to eradicate conservatism in himself.

Monitoring the mental development of preschool pupils showed the need for psychological and pedagogical support for children with various developmental disabilities, including behavioral (hyperactivity, aggressiveness, etc.), as well as the implementation of support during the child's adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

An important factor is the development of constructive interaction between the family and the educational institution, which can ensure the effectiveness of the activities of parents as educators, increase their level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, personal maturity and competence. Based on the foregoing, a psychologically comfortable educational environment should be created, within which the system of psychological and pedagogical support of the family is implemented from the first days of visiting a child in a kindergarten group until he enters school.

  1. Planned results

The effectiveness of psychological support is determined in the process of monitoring the development of the personality of children and the formation of various skills in them.

The criteria for the effectiveness of support are:

Pedagogical efficiency, which is associated with the correspondence of the child's personality and the level of his achievements to the set pedagogical tasks in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The following are considered and diagnosed as pedagogical tasks:

Active participation of children in the life of the preschool educational institution, initiative, creativity;

Conflict-free interaction with peers;

No conflicts with teachers.

Psychological effectiveness:

subjective feeling in children of comfort and confidence in preschool;

Adequate self-esteem

Formation of I - the concept of personality;

optimal development of his abilities.

  1. Content section.
  1. The main activities of a teacher-psychologist:

psychological support of educational activities;

development direction;

· psychological and pedagogical support of the process of education and socialization.

Types of work and content of psychological support activities:

1. Prevention and education.

Psychological preventionis aimed at preventing the occurrence of phenomena of maladjustment of children, developing specific recommendations for educators, parents to provide assistance in matters of education and development, taking into account age and individual characteristics, as well as maintaining, strengthening and developing the psychological health of children at all stages of preschool childhood. Psychological prevention implies responsibility for observing in kindergarten the conditions necessary for the full psychological development and formation of the child's personality at each age stage.

Psychological education.

Psychological education refers to the familiarization of adults (caregivers, parents) and children with psychological knowledge. The main task of psychological education is to acquaint educators and parents with the basic patterns and conditions for the favorable mental development of the child, to popularize and explain the results of psychological research, to form the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it in working with the child or in the interests of developing one's own personality, as well as to achieve an understanding of the need for practical psychology and the work of a psychologist in kindergarten and other educational institutions. Psychological education can take the form of lectures, discussions, seminars.

2. Diagnostics individual and group (screening) - identifying the most important features of the activity, behavior and mental state of preschoolers, which should be taken into account in the process of support.

3. Consulting(individual and group) - providing assistance and creating conditions for the development of personality, the ability to choose and act at one's own discretion.

Developing work (individual and group) - the formation of the need for new knowledge, the possibility of acquiring and implementing it in activities and communication.

Drawing up an individual educational route is a complex work of specialists of an educational institution and parents in compiling a forecast for the development of a child, taking into account individual and age characteristics, as well as organizing conditions for the implementation of an individual development route.

4. Development work (individual and group)- organization of work, first of all, with children who have problems in learning, behavior and personal development, identified in the process of diagnosis.

5 . Expertise educational and training programs, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists of an educational institution.

Teacher-psychologist in the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Provides control over the development of children;

Gives an assessment of the comfort of the educational environment, the level of its safety for children;

Takes part in the development of the educational program of the educational institution;

Conducts psychological design, examination and monitoring of the conditions and results of educational activities;

Predicts the social risks of the educational process, carries out preventive work;

Provides high-quality psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to all participants in the educational process.

2.2. The content of the activity of a teacher-psychologist



Contribute to the formation of the personality of the child

Determining the causes of personal and cognitive development

Overcoming violations in the development of the child

Creation of conditions for succession in the process of continuous education


Monitoring the development of the child (screening diagnostics).

Diagnosis of children entering preschool. Maintenance of the adaptation period (analysis of adaptation sheets). School readiness diagnostics

Diagnostic work in the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC)

Developing work based on the results of screening) and corrective work (by decision of the PMPK)


Group consultations (speech at parent-teacher meetings) on the age characteristics of children's development. Poster consultations on topical issues of child development.

Consulting on the results and course of the correctional process (coordination of interaction with the child and adults)

Advising parents on the further development of the child


Diagnostics of features of pedagogical communication. Training workshops.

Consulting on the results of in-depth diagnostics

Child Development Counseling


Consulting on the results of all types of psychological activity (analytical references). Consulting on organizational issues of psychological support for children in preschool educational institutions.

Participation in PMPK meetings. Consulting on organizational issues of overcoming violations in the development of children

Participation in the preparation of a child's medical record (psychological block)

  1. Interaction with the teaching staff

A necessary condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard has now become the psychological support of the educational process, one of the conditions of which is close cooperation with the teaching staff.

Direction of activity of the teacher - psychologist.

With administration:

1. discussion of current areas of work of an educational institution, together with the administration, planning their activities in such a way as to quickly achieve the goal set by the teaching staff;

2. clarification of the request for psychological support of the educational process, for the forms and methods of work that will be effective for this educational institution;

3. providing support in resolving disputes and conflict situations (teaching staff, parents);

4. participation in the placement of personnel, taking into account the psychological characteristics of teachers and employees (gives recommendations on the psychological compatibility of employees);

5. providing psychological support in the adaptation of new employees of the team;

6. providing psychological information for the MBDOU website;

7. provision of reporting documentation;

8. individual psychological counseling (upon request);

9. participation in the acquisition of groups, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of children;

11. ensuring the psychological safety of all participants in the educational process;

12. provision of emergency psychological assistance in emergency and emergency situations.

With caregivers:

1. Assistance in the formation of a bank of educational games, taking into account the psychological characteristics of preschoolers;

2. provision of advisory and practical assistance to educators in the relevant areas of their professional activities;

3. provision of advisory and practical assistance to educators in the problems of personal and social development of pupils;

4. assisting educators in developing an individual educational route for a preschooler;

5. advising educators on the prevention and correction of deviations and disorders in the emotional and cognitive spheres of pupils;

6. implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational activities of the educator;

7. participation in methodological associations of educators, their psychological support in the process of self-education;

8. providing psychological preventive assistance to educators in order to prevent their emotional burnout;

9. training educators in the skills of conflict-free communication with each other;

10. increasing the level of culture of communication between the educator and parents;

11. organization of psycho-prophylactic measures to prevent psycho-emotional stress in children (psychological aspects of the organization of children's sleep, nutrition, children's lifestyle);

12. introduction of health-saving technologies;

13. psychological and pedagogical support for children of senior preschool age (activation and development of the HMF), education of educators on this topic;

14. conducting joint trainings for parents in order to harmonize child-parent relationships and create a single family-educational space;

With a teacher - a speech therapist:

1. Carries out correctional and developmental activities with children who have deviations in speech development, in their self-regulation and self-control;

2. Participates in the examination of children with disabilities in order to identify the level of their development, the state of general, fine articulatory motor skills, as well as the characteristics of cognitive activity, the emotional sphere;

3. Develops an individual educational route for the psychological support of the child and his family based on the data obtained, together with all specialists;

4. Participates in joint diagnostics of children with developmental problems;

5. Selects material to consolidate the acquired speech therapy knowledge in various types of children's activities, namely: working with split pictures, exercises with didactic toys, playing with building materials, building simple buildings according to the model, etc .;

6. Advise and refer parents to various specialists in a joint decision with a speech therapist;

7. Participates in PMPk DOW (organization of work, drawing up conclusions) .;

8. Participates in integrative educational activities.

2.4. Psychological diagnostics

Psychological diagnostics is a psychological and pedagogical study of the individual characteristics of a person with the aim of:

1. identifying the causes of problems in learning and development;

2. determining the strengths of the personality, its reserve capabilities, which can be relied upon in the course of corrective work;

3. early detection of professional and cognitive interests;

4. definitions of the individual style of cognitive activity, etc.

It is carried out in the form of planned diagnostics or diagnostics at the request of the administration, teachers, parents and is considered as an important preparatory stage for individual and group counseling, psychological and pedagogical council, teachers' council.

Directions of psychological and pedagogical support.

· Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of adaptation of young children.

· Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children of early development.

· Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics for determining the level of mental development of children.

· Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personal and emotional-volitional sphere of children.

· Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of school maturity.

· Psychoprophylactic work with teachers and parents.

The diagnostic examination begins with an analysis of the following points:

  • the appearance of the child (tidiness, accuracy, negligence);
  • manifestation of initiative;
  • perseverance (or disinhibition)
  • interest in research;
  • performance and pace;
  • contact.

cognitive sphere.


Visual-figurative (operating with images, carrying out mental operations based on representation).

Logical (carrying out mental operations based on concepts that reflect the essence of objects and are expressed in words or other signs).

Memory: short-term auditory and visual; memorization, storage and subsequent reproduction of information.

Attention: resilience, focus

visual perception: the formation of an objective image of an object or phenomenon that directly affects the senses.

Arbitrariness: study of the arbitrariness of the child's behavior, the ability to act according to the model, the level of formation of fine motor movements, coordination in the "eye-hand" system.

Fine motor skills:muscle movements of the hands and fingers as the completion of the internal psychological process, mental activity.

Emotional-personal sphere.

Emotional comfort in kindergarten.

  1. Personal and volitional readiness for school.
  2. Increased anxiety.
  3. Manifestations of aggressiveness.
  4. Fears.

Communication sphere.

  1. status in the group.
  2. Communication skills with peers and adults.

The following direction of psychological diagnostics has been singled out:

Primary psychodiagnostic examination aimed at identifying developmental disorders.

The main methods of obtaining psychological information during an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination are:

  1. psychological tests and interviews;
  2. diagnostic interviews;
  3. observing the behavior of children in various activities;
  4. study of the products of children's activities;
  5. projective methods.

2.5. Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Council (PMPC)

aim PMPk is to provide diagnostic and correctional psychological, medical and pedagogical support for pupils with special educational needs and (or) with disabilities, including children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, based on the real possibilities of preschool educational institutions and in accordance with special educational needs, age and individual characteristics , the state of somatic and neuropsychic health of pupils.

The tasks of the PMPK are:

Identification and early (from the first days of the child's stay in the preschool educational institution) diagnosis of deviations in development and / or states of decompensation of pupils;

Creation of an integral system that provides optimal conditions for pupils in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the level of current development, the state of somatic and neuropsychic health;

Determination of the nature, duration and effectiveness of special (correctional) assistance within the framework of the opportunities available in this educational institution;

Identification of the child's reserve capabilities;

Prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overloads and breakdowns, organization of medical and recreational activities;

Organization of interaction between specialists of preschool educational institutions participating in the activities of PMPK.

Based on the goals and objectives of the PMPK, a teacher-psychologist conducts correctional and developmental work with children of senior preschool age in compensatory groups.

2.6. Development work.

It is aimed at identifying the special educational needs of children with disabilities due to shortcomings in their physical and (or) mental development; implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission); institution.

The psychological development of children with speech disorders has its own characteristics. In preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, higher mental functions that are closely related to speech suffer: memory, attention, thinking. The amount of attention is significantly reduced, instability is observed, and the possibilities of its distribution are limited. They forget the sequence of tasks, complex instructions. Preschoolers with OHP hardly master analysis, synthesis, without special training, lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking.

The emotional-volitional sphere often suffers: children are aware of their disorders, therefore they have a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes affective reactions to a misunderstanding of verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes, as well as:

  • pronounced negativism(opposition to the requests and instructions of all others or specific persons);
  • aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;
  • increased impressionability, getting stuck, often accompanied by obsessive fears;
  • a feeling of depression, a state of discomfort, sometimes accompanied by neurotic vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • increased resentment, vulnerability;
  • morbid fantasy.

aim Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child with speech impairment is the creation of psychological conditions for the normal development and successful education of the child.

Priority taskspsychological and pedagogical support for the development of children with speech disorders in preschool educational institutions are:

  • Creating an emotionally favorable microclimate for the child in the group, when communicating with children by teaching staff.
  • Assistance to children in need of special educational programs, special forms of organization of their activities.
  • Improving the psychological competence of educators, parents on the upbringing and development of the child.
  • Formation of positive self-esteem and acceptance of other people;
  • Teaching reflective skills;
  • Contribute to the growth and development of the child.

These goals can be achieved through:

  • Creating a situation of unconditional acceptance of the child, awareness by teachers and parents of his uniqueness.
  • Methods of psychological support: psycho-gymnastics, psychological, developing games, etc.

Expected results:

  • prevention of neurosis and neurotic reactions, behavioral disorders;
  • correction of emotional well-being, removal of emotional tension, reduction of aggressiveness and destructive forms of behavior, including negativism, anxiety, depression, anxiety, disinhibition, etc.
  • the development of the child's personality, the creation of a positive attitude, the strengthening of constructive behavior, the ability to recognize and express in words one's own actions, thoughts, feelings, the development of communication skills, successful integration into a general education school and peer society.

The main directions of corrective work:

  1. Improving movement and sensorimotor development:
  • development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;
  • development of graphic skills.
  1. Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:
  • development of visual and auditory memory;
  • the formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size)
  • development of spatial representations and orientation;
  • development of attention;
  1. Development of basic mental operations:
  • analysis and synthesis skills;
  • grouping and classification skills (based on mastering the basic concepts);
  • ability to work according to instructions, algorithm;
  1. Development of different types of thinking:
  • development of visual-figurative thinking;
  • development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events);
  1. Correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere;
  2. Expanding ideas about the world and enriching the vocabulary.
  3. Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

2.7. The work of a teacher-psychologist with parents

Achieving goals and solving problems in a corrective way- The developmental work of a teacher-psychologist involves the most active participation of parents.

When implementing an individual development program for a child with speech disorders, the main tasks The work of a teacher-psychologist with parents is:

  1. Establishing partnerships with the families of pupils, joining efforts for the development and education of children; creating an atmosphere of common interests, emotional support and penetration into each other's problems.
  2. Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

When organizing interaction with parents, the following rules are strictly observed:

  • show a benevolent attitude towards parents and children, respect the opinion of parents, their experience, avoid value judgments both on their part and on the part of parents in relation to each other;
  • describe psychological phenomena in an accessible, understandable language, avoiding the use of professional terminology;
  • follow the principle of confidentiality, not providing strangers with any information about specific children, diagnostic data, etc.
  • to focus the attention of parents on their own capabilities and resources, to support their positive assessment of themselves as a parent.

Forms of work of a teacher-psychologist with parents

· Individual, group and family consultations for parents.

· Speeches at parent meetings, round tables.

3. Organizational section.

3.1. Logistics conditions:

- The presence of a room, tables and chairs for classes, a sofa.

Availability of methodological, didactic and handout materials (manuals, literature, games, etc.).

Materials for classes: educational games; colour pencils; ballpoint pens; writing paper.

3.2. Bibliography:

  1. Abramova G.S. Age-related psychology. – M.: Academy, 1997.
  2. Antonova Yu.A. Games for the whole family, or down with boredom. - M.: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2010.
  3. Barkhaev B.P. Pedagogical psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.
  4. Belinskaya E.V. Fabulous trainings for preschoolers and younger students. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.
  5. Bodalev A.A., Stolin V.R. General psychodiagnostics. – M.: IMU, 1987.
  6. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology: A Reader. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  7. Veraksa A.N. Individual psychological diagnosis of a preschooler: For classes with children 5-7 years old. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  8. Veraksa A.N., Gutorova M.F. Practical psychologist in kindergarten: a guide for psychologists and teachers. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  9. Galiguzova L.N. Diagnosis of mental development of the child. Infant and early age: a methodological guide for practical psychologists. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2013.
  10. Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years. – M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
  11. Grabenko T. A fairy tale is the basis of salvation. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2011.
  12. Grishaeva N.P. Modern technologies for the effective socialization of a child in a preschool educational organization: a methodological guide. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2015.
  13. Gurianova Y. Getting ready for school. Intensive course: tests, games, exercises. – M.: RIPOL classic, 2008.
  14. Danilova E.E., Dubrovina I.V. Workshop on developmental and educational psychology. – M.: Academy, 2000.
  15. Dotsenko E.V. Psychodiagnostics of children in preschool institutions (methods, tests, questionnaires). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.
  16. Zashchirinskaya O.V. A fairy tale visiting psychology. Psychological techniques: fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg: DNA Publishing House, 2001.
  17. Kravtsov G.G., Kravtsova E.E. Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education: Textbook. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2013.
  18. Kruglova A.M. We train attention. Simple exercises and games. – M.: RIPOL classic, 2013.
  19. Kurazheva N.Yu. "Flower-seven-flower". The program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014.
  20. Kurazheva N.Yu. "Flower-seven-flower". The program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers 5-6 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014.
  21. Kurazheva N.Yu. "Flower-seven-flower". The program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers 6-7 years old. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014.
  22. Nagaeva L.G. We determine the child's abilities: Artist or champion? - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2013.
  23. Nekrasova Zaryana and Nina. Stop raising children - help them grow. – M.: Sofia, 2010.
  24. Nikulina F.Kh. Formation of the cognitive sphere in children 5-7 years old: developing game activities. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.
  25. Ovcharova R.V. Trainings for the formation of conscious parenthood. Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
  26. Ovchinnikova T.N. Personality and thinking of the child: diagnosis and correction. – M.: Academic project, 2004.
  27. Pavlov I.V. Communication with a child. Interaction training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008.
  28. Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  29. Prokhorov A.O. Methods for diagnosing and measuring the mental states of a person. – M.: PERSE, 2004.
  30. Prutchenkov A.S. Difficult ascent. – M.: RPA, 1995.
  31. Semina I.K. Life is like a miracle. Traveling with the Magic Feather. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2011.
  32. Smirnova E.O. Communication of preschoolers with adults and peers: Textbook. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.
  33. Starostina N.V. At the reception with a psychologist: the problem is a single parent. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2012.
  34. Teplyakova O.N. Educational games. - M .: Onyx Publishing House; St. Petersburg: Literature Publishing House, 2010.
  35. Timofeicheva I.V., Oskina O.E. "Okay". Developing games for young children. Abstracts of classes. - M .: UTs "Perspective", 2013.
  36. Chudnova A., Dyachenko S., Azarova Yu. Luscher's cards are the key to the secret layers of the human subconscious. – M.: AST, 2011.
  37. Churichkov A., Snegirev V. Puzzles and entertaining tasks in training. Piggy bank for the trainer-2. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2010.
  38. Shadrikov V.D., Dudareva V.Yu. and other Diagnostics of cognitive abilities: methodology and tests. – M.: Academic project, 2009.
  39. Shapar V.B. Practical psychology: tests, methods, diagnostics. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.
  40. Shapiro E.I. Fighting, biting, and even calling names! Psychological assistance to parents of aggressive children. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2013.
  41. Shmakov S., Bezborodova N. From play to self-education: a collection of games-corrections. – M.: New school, 1993.



Head of MBDOU No. 27

Kaychenova G.K.

"____" _______20___

Cyclogram of working hours

psychologist teacher

for 2015-2016 academic year

Day of the week



Parent Counseling


Organizational and methodological work (preparation for educational activities / psychodiagnostics / counseling of parents and teachers; preparation for developmental activities / psychodiagnostics of children)


Work with teachers (educational activities / counseling / psychodiagnostics / expert activities)


Screening observation of children's behavior and educational process



Individual developmental lesson / psychodiagnostics




Subgroup educational activity for children 4-5 years old




Parent Counseling


Organizational and methodological work (preparation for developmental classes / psychodiagnostics and counseling, filling out documentation; analysis of scientific and methodological literature)




Subgroup educational activity for children 2-4 years old


Individual developmental lesson / psychodiagnostics


Individual developmental lesson / psychodiagnostics


Individual developmental lesson / psychodiagnostics


Counseling for parents and teachers



Parent Counseling


Organizational and methodological work (preparation for developmental activities, educational activities / counseling / psychodiagnostics; filling out documentation; analysis of scientific and methodological literature)




Subgroup educational activity for children 5-7 years old


Subgroup educational activity for children 5-7 years old


Subgroup educational activity for children 5-7 years old


Working with parents (educational activities / counseling / psychodiagnostics)


Organizational and methodological work (filling out documentation, summing up the work for the week and planning work for the next week; filing folders)



Head of MBDOU No. 27

Kaychenova G.K.

"____" _______20___


psychologist teacher

for 2015-2016 academic year

(0.5 rate; 18 hours per week)

Day of the week

Organizational and methodological work


with a client














Teacher-psychologist: ____________ Romashova I.V.


Work plan

psychologist teacher


for 2015-2016 academic year

Prepared by:

educational psychologist

Romashova I.V.

mountains settlement Povarovo


Purpose of the OS: creating favorable conditions for a child to fully live in preschool childhood, forming the foundations of a basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing a child for life in modern society, forming the prerequisites for educational activities, correcting deficiencies in physical and mental development children.

The purpose of psychological and pedagogical support:creation of favorable socio-psychological conditions in a general educational institution that contribute to the maximum development of the personal and creative potential of all participants in the educational process.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • early detection and provision of psychological assistance to children with developmental, upbringing and learning difficulties;
  • consultative and informational psychological support for pupils, parents and teachers;
  • carrying out extensive educational work with teachers and parents on the development, upbringing and education of children;
  • creation of conditions for successful adaptation to kindergarten of young children and newly arrived children;
  • creation of psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of the personality of each child;
  • organization of work with pupils of senior groups and their parents on issues of preparation for schooling;
  • development, preparation and conduct of group classes with pupils of all age groups in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

Organization of activities:the program is designed for 2 of the year psychological and pedagogical support for children attending a preschool educational institution; the main scope of work extends to senior and preparatory groups for school.

Main maintenance cycles:

  • adaptation to kindergarten;
  • preparation for schooling.

The object of psychological and pedagogical support: All participants educational process.

Directions of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

  • Prevention. The peculiarity of prevention at preschool age is to strengthen the psychological health of children in the framework of adaptation to the conditions in kindergarten and familiarization with the social conditions of life, in creating optimal conditions for the physical, mental and personal development of the individual.
  • Diagnostics (individual, group), aimed at studying the psychological and pedagogical status of a preschooler, the personal qualities of children, the level of adaptation to the changed learning conditions; diagnosis of teachers and parents.
  • Consulting(individual, group), carried out according to the stated problems (parents, teachers).
  • Developmental work(individual, group), aimed at creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personal,creative and intellectual potential of childrenand providing individual assistance to children on identified problems.
  • Psychological and pedagogical education: the formation of the psychological culture of all participants in the educational process, the development of self-knowledge and self-control skills, the skills of conflict-free communication among teachers and parents; formation of motivation for an active and positive life position, a conscious attitude to the development and upbringing of children.

The priority area of ​​activity of a teacher-psychologist:developmental classes, counseling, educational activities.

The annual plan was developed on the basis of the instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 29 1886 6 of December 24, 2001.




Intended Forms and Means


and tasks



1. Diagnostics

Early age group

Diagnosis of children's adaptation to kindergarten

Screening diagnostics,

diagnostic methods,

interview, questionnaire,



and group form

The study of the psychological and pedagogical status of a preschooler, the level of mental and personal development in accordance with age; the study

behavioral and personality traits, determining the success of the adaptation process; identification of children experiencing difficulties in adaptation, in order to further develop and implement work programs for psychological and pedagogical development and support.

preparatory group

School readiness diagnostics

All age groups

Diagnostics of the level of mental development, cognitive abilities, personal and behavioral characteristics (on request)

During a year

All age groups

Diagnostics of the emotional state of children, psychological well-being in the group

(on request)

2. Individual developmental and correctional developmental work

All age groups

Individual developmental and work with children with difficulties in adaptation and learning (according to the results of psychodiagnostics and the request of parents, teachers)

Psycho-gymnastics, didactic, board and role-playing games and game exercises, classes using visual aids, music, fairy tales

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the mental and personal development of the child, prevention of social exclusion

During a year

3. Subgroup developmental work

All age groups

Classes with children on the development of the cognitive, emotional, communicative spheres of the child's personality

Story and

role-playing games, board and didactic games,

educational and play



exercises withusing visual means, music, fairy tales


for the mental and personal development of children, taking into account age characteristics,

skills development

communication and empathy

development of creative and intellectual potential of pupils;

psychoprophylaxissocial maladjustment.

During a year

Early age group

Classes with children on successful adaptation to kindergarten

preparatory group

Classes with children on psychological and pedagogical preparation for schooling


1. Diagnostics

Teaching staff

Diagnosis of styles of pedagogical communication and education

Testing, questioning

The study of styles of pedagogical communication, the emotional state of teachers, professional and personal qualities of teachers in order to develop their psychological and pedagogical self-awareness, to prevent emotional burnout

Diagnosis of "Burnout Syndrome"

A.N. Lutoshkin’s method of emotional-color analogy

2. Educational and developmental work

Teaching staff

"Burnout Syndrome"

Lectures, conversations, master classes, round tables using ICT, games, training sessions, self-presentations, creative tasks

Increasing the level of psychological competence of teachers;

creation of a unified strategy for the psychological and pedagogical support of the child; relieve emotional stress

"Styles of pedagogical communication and education"

"Age features of preschool age"

"Preparing Children for School"

“Communicate with the child. How?"

"Educator's Mission"

"Mistakes in the upbringing and education of children"

3. Consulting

Teaching staff

Individual and group counseling for teachers on:

- development, behavior, education and upbringing of children;

- interpersonal interaction of children in the group;

- conflict resolution in preschool systems of relations (with parents, colleagues, child);

- prevention of emotional burnout;

- questions of a personal nature;

- and other questions on request.


Increasing the level of psychological competence of teachers;

creation of a unified strategy for the psychological and pedagogical support of the child

During a year


1. Consulting

Individual and group consultations on:

- adaptation of children to kindergarten;

- age and individual characteristics of the child;

- upbringing, education and development of children;

- child-parent relationship;

- personal nature;

Individual, group, family consultation; conversation, advice

Informing parents about the problems of the child, obtaining additional information and information about the child; psychological and pedagogical education of parents and preparation of recommendations

During a year

2. Educational work

Parents of pupils of all age groups

Topics for parent meetings:

  1. Mistakes in raising a child
  2. Play is one of the main sources of child development.
  3. The role of mom and dad in a child's life

Topics of round tables:

  1. What to do, if….
  2. My secrets in raising a child
  3. What to do with a child at home?

parent meetings

in the shape of

lectures, conversations,

games, creative tasks, using ICT.

Design of information material on the stands and in the corner of the psychologist

Improving the psychological culture of parents in order to create socio-psychological conditions for involving the family in the conscious upbringing, education and development of the child; development of a situation of cooperation and the formation of an attitude of parental responsibility in relation to the problems of child development

Parents of junior students

  1. "Adaptation to Kindergarten"
  2. "Features of Age"
  3. "How to communicate with a child?"

Parents of senior students

  1. "Preparation for school"
  2. "Features of Age"
  3. "How to communicate with a child?"

P E D A G O G - P S I C O L O G

1. Organizational and methodological work

Educational psychologist

  1. Replenishment of the database on psychological support for children of different ages and categories.
  2. Update and replenishment of the database of diagnostic tools.
  3. Development, preparation and implementation of:
  • parent meetings,
  • lectures, round tables, master classes,
  • leisure and educational activities with children.
  1. Development, preparation and conduct of individual and subgroup developmental classes.
  2. Development, preparation and conduct of psychological diagnostics, processing of the obtained data.
  3. Development, addition, preparation and conduct of classes as part of the psychological support for the preparation of children for schooling.
  4. Carrying out educational work on continuity between school and kindergarten.
  5. Drawing up conclusions, recommendations, characteristics.

During a year

  1. Participation in the work of the RMS of educational psychologists, visiting the Creative Group of Teachers, seminars, round tables, etc. (TsPMSS Solnechnogorsk).
  2. Conducting Psychology Week, Health Week.
  3. Analysis of scientific and practical literature.
  4. Records management; design of the office, stands.
  5. Work on the topic of self-education« Personal and professional development of the teacher.

Drawing up a cyclogram, schedule and work plan for the current academic year.

Summing up the results of the year, drawing up reports on the work carried out; planning for the next academic year.

2. Expert work

Educational psychologist

Participation in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, consultations; organization of assistance to children through referral to PMPK

Preparation of materials

Organization of accompanying children

During a year

  1. Preparation of developing programs;
  2. Selection of methodological literature to help teachers;
  3. Attending classes in order to develop recommendations for working with individual children / groups;
  4. Development of recommendations for parents, teachers based on the results of counseling;

Records management

Observation, attending classes, studying documentation

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child




In accordance with the goals and objectives of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution No. 27, the teacher-psychologist provides psychological and pedagogical support to students in the following areas:

- psychodiagnostics (study of the characteristics of the emotional and cognitive sphere of the child, readiness for learning for school, etc.);

- developmental work (conducting individual and group classes that contribute to the harmonious development of the child and the removal of emotional stress, the development of various abilities and skills (creative, communicative, cognitive).

You can learn from a psychologist about the methods used by him in his work, about the results of the examination and the results of the current developmental work, and also refuse (in writing) to continue the psychological and pedagogical support of your child.

All personal information is kept confidential. Without your written permission, information about the child is not provided to third parties (teachers, administration of the institution).

The data of the examination of the child can be used to write a generalized conclusion about the developmental features of children of a certain age (or group) without mentioning the name and surname of the child (or in coded form). Only statistical data is used.

Also, a teacher-psychologist conducts consultative and educational work with parents (guardians). You can always seek the advice of a psychologist by making an appointment.

If you have any questions, including controversial ones, you can ask for clarification from a teacher-psychologist or the head of the institution.

This agreement is drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law on Education, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child, etc.), the Regulations on the Psychological Education Service, the Psychologist's Code of Ethics and assumes the personal responsibility of the psychologist for observing the rights and obligations agreed on his part .

Educational psychologist:

Romashova Irina Vladimirovna______________The date_______________

The main goal of the work of a teacher-psychologist is to make the life of a child in a kindergarten convenient, comfortable, primarily from the point of view of the child's psyche, the individual characteristics of its development.



A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands the child.

The main goal of the work of a teacher-psychologist is to make the life of a child in a kindergarten convenient, comfortable, primarily from the point of view of the child's psyche, the individual characteristics of its development.

The teacher-psychologist works in a preschool institution in the following areas:

The first is consultation.

Consultations "on request" - any problems that concern the relatives of the child. The educational psychologist will help the parents of the child to find and explain the hidden reasons for some of the children's failures, actions and behaviors. The teacher-psychologist will tell parents how to communicate with their children so that changes in behavior in the desired direction are consolidated.

The second direction is diagnostics

Planned diagnostics by age is carried out in order to determine the level of development of higher mental functions and the emotional state of the child - to help him if there are any problems. The psyche of the child is plastic, so one develops faster, the other slower. To help children, the psychologist conducts game correctional and developmental classes.

In addition to the planned diagnostics, which was discussed, “situational” studies are also being carried out. For example, a child has fears. The teacher-psychologist with the help of special tests can identify the cause. A separate type of diagnostics carried out by a teacher-psychologist is a comprehensive assessment of a child's readiness for school. Parents must be sure to delve into all the details of its results. First of all, to help your child. If he is not quite ready for school, then the psychologist will tell you what exactly you need to pay attention to.

The third direction is correctional and developmental work.

He is corrective. Children, as you know, are all different. One child develops faster, the other slower. Mental processes are also formed spasmodically. And sometimes it happens that the development of some mental function needs a little push in order for normal assimilation of knowledge or behavior to improve. To this end, the psychologist plans and conducts remedial classes with the child, during which programs compiled by specialists are used and include the following forms of work:

Individual remedial classes;

Group correctional and developmental classes.

The fourth direction is psychological education and psychological prevention.

Psychological education of parents is prophylactic, i.e. warning character. The main means of preventing relationships in the development of children is the awareness of parents, increasing their psychological and pedagogical culture. To this end, the preschool psychologist conducts thematic conversations and group consultations with parents. The psychologist also takes care of creating a psychologically favorable climate in the preschool educational institution. Particular attention is paid to the style of interaction between adults and children.

Thus, a teacher-psychologist is present in the kindergarten, first of all, so that all parties "observe the interests of the child." His work, as a rule, is not obvious to the parent, but believe me, the baby needs it.

What are the most common mistakeswhen contacting a teacher-psychologistin an educational institution?

A teacher-psychologist in an educational institution primarily deals with problems related to learning: memory, attention. The study of personality and character is carried out only in the light of the influence of these characteristics of the child on the process of learning and communication with peers and teachers.

Parents often fail to clearly define the problem. A psychologist is not a girlfriend with whom you can talk for a long time about your real and suspicious fears. We go to the doctor with a very specific problem: a sore throat, high fever. And the psychologist is waiting for a clear formulation: he cannot learn a poem, he is inattentive, lazy, whiny.

When you come for an individual consultation with a teacher-psychologist,when asking your question, tell us in detail about the child (toxicosis during pregnancy, birth trauma, isolation / openness, favorite toys, friends, etc.) Further). The more information there is, the more real the help will be.

It is very difficult to work with parents who want too much from a child. The child cannot always repeat their path, their abilities, that the child does not have any mental abnormalities, he is just different!

Parents whose children undergo psychological testing often worry that the results will become known to other parents.One of the ethical professional norms of psychologists, one of their commandments, is confidentiality.No names. All information on the results of psychological testing of the child is transmitted to parents in printed form or orally during an individual conversation.

Psychologist in kindergarten

The main function of a psychologist in a kindergarten is to accompany the mental development of children, track children with developmental problems and provide timely early assistance to children and parents.

Practice shows that parents' misunderstanding of the role of a psychologist in kindergarten leads to avoidance and refusal to meet with him.

I would like to clarify the situation:

psychologist and psychiatrist,(with which we are often compared) have significant differences in the type of activity.

Psychiatrist - a doctor who deals with deviations (disorders) in the mental sphere of a person. He can make a diagnosis, prescribe, if necessary, medication, give a referral to a specialized garden.

Psychologist (children)- a teacher who works with children who do not have deviations in the mental sphere. He does not make a diagnosis, but can make a conditionally variable forecast for the future. If necessary, he can offer to consult with other specialists: a psychiatrist, a neurologist, a speech therapist.

The main method of work of a psychologist is - monitoring the development of the child at all age stages, tracking the dynamics of the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional, personal spheres of the child. If necessary, the psychologist conducts individual or subgroup sessions with children with a developmental orientation. All classes are held in a playful way, often fairy tales, outdoor games, psycho-gymnastic studies, elements of art therapy (creative activity) are used in the work. Children are usually very eager to attend such classes.

Unfortunately, it is not enough to solve the psychological problems of children only in a kindergarten, in classes with a psychologist.

Without interaction with the child's parents, such work will be superficial, and the positive dynamics that will appear in the development of the child will very soon come to naught. Therefore, first of all, the desire of parents to interact with a psychologist, to help the child overcome problematic moments, is the most important factor on the path of change for the better.

Only joint fruitful work will give a successful result.

As you know, it is better not to wait for a problem, but to do everything to avoid it.Therefore, it is better to start interacting with a psychologist from an early age.

Starting from toddler age, each child falls under the close attention of a teacher-psychologist, who accompanies the process of adapting the child to kindergarten. Being in a group, the psychologist identifies children with complex adaptation, observes the peculiarities of his neuropsychic development, supports him in every possible way, conducts developmental and psycho-prophylactic classes with a group of children, usually in the form of outdoor games, finger gymnastics.

Parents who enroll their child in kindergarten, I recommend that you go through an individual consultation with a teacher-psychologist in order to get the most complete information about the characteristics of the child.

Conversation, observation, questioning are methods that will help the psychologist at the consultation to better understand and predict the options for the development of the child, to select the optimal conditions for revealing his intellectual and personal characteristics.It will be useful for parents to learn to look at their child from the outside and choose the best strategy for raising him, based on unconditional love and trust.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Rainbow"

Pedagogical event

"on the preservation of the psychological health of teachers"

Educational psychologist:

Trofimenko Natalia



Pedagogical event

for the preservation of the psychological health of teachers


Prevention of violations of the psychological health of teachers.


Creation of conditions conducive to the prevention of burnout syndrome;

Transfer of psychological knowledge about the syndrome of emotional burnout, its causes and ways to overcome it;

Development of communication skills, emotional sphere;

Removal of emotional stress;

Formation of skills of self-knowledge and self-development of the personality as a whole.

1. Introductory part.

Dear colleagues. Today our meeting is devoted to an important issue - the preservation of the psychological health of teachers. We want to invite you to relax and unwind, forget a little about work and think about yourself, your beloved.

2.1. Exercise "Draw a neighbor"

All participants stand in a circle. The host invites everyone to change places with their neighbors, and then choose the person who stands opposite them as a partner, forming a couple. Participants are invited to draw a portrait of a partner, but unusual: instead of eyes - what he likes to look at, instead of a nose - what he likes to smell, inhale, instead of a mouth - what he loves to eat, instead of ears - what he likes to listen to, and instead of hair - draw or write a cherished dream. You have 7-10 minutes to complete the exercise. After the porter is done, everyone introduces their partner.

2.2. Conversation about burnout syndrome

Every profession has side effects. Miners have sick lungs, riders and jockeys have crooked legs. There is no escape from this. Something similar happens with teachers, teachers, educators. With all those who have to constantly actively communicate with people. This is a work in the field of "man-to-man". Scientists have noticed and found out that work in this area changes a person, deforms him.


A feeling of hyper-responsibility and a constant feeling of fear that “it won’t work out” or “I won’t be able to”;

2.3. Color therapy.

Color therapy session (presentation accompanied by music on an interactive whiteboard).

2.4. Exercise "Gorge" (tendency to depression)

Teachers are offered a picture that shows the gorge. They need to draw a person, as well as create a background for him (sky, trees, grass, etc.). The drawing can be supplemented with whatever they need. You have 5 minutes to complete the test. The teachers read the interpretation, they compare the result with their drawing.

2.5. Exercise "Washing machine"

All teachers stand in a circle one after another. Under the guidance of the leader on the back of the person in front, they begin to perform movements that imitate washing.

3. The final part. Summarizing.

Today's goal of our event was the prevention of violations of the psychological health of teachers. Let's circle around to express our opinion about the last meeting. (Each participant takes turns expressing their thoughts, feelings and sensations.)

Distribution of handouts.

After the end of the event, all participants receive handouts with recommendations for avoiding stress, burnout syndrome.

Remember to say encouraging words to yourself every morning. Think of happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success!


  1. Klyueva N.V., Kryazheva N.L. We remove the psycho-emotional stress // Management of the preschool educational institution. 2003. No. 5.
  2. Shepeleva L.N. Programs of socio-psychological trainings. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.
  3. Yazeva A.A. Stress - no! // Educator preschool educational institution. 2007. No. 4.


How is it expressed? Now I will list a number of signs that accompany such a change. And you listen to yourself - maybe something similar is happening to you:

Decreased susceptibility, lack of curiosity in response to something new, lack of fear in response to danger;


Constant drowsiness and desire to sleep throughout the day;

Reduced emotional tone, feeling of depression;

Increased irritability to minor, petty events;

Experience negative emotions for which there is no reason;

Feelings of restlessness and increased anxiety (feeling that "something is not right");

Feeling of hyper responsibility and a constant feeling of fear that “it won’t work out” or “I won’t be able to”;

A general negative attitude towards life and professional prospects (like “no matter how hard you try, nothing will work anyway”);

Feeling that the work is getting harder and harder and harder and harder to do;

Constantly, unnecessarily, take work home, but do not do it at home;

Feeling worthless, disbelief in improvement, indifference to the results of work;

Emotional coldness, indifference to colleagues and children.

The above are signs of such a phenomenon as professional burnout. Where does it come from. There is an accumulation of negative emotions. And working with children (and their parents as well), we are in such conditions that these negative experiences cannot find their manifestation. We must always remain calm, attentive, understanding, caring. Always with a good face, because the children depend on us. The negative accumulates, it has no proportionate expression. This depletes emotional-energetic and personal resources. As a result, work becomes more difficult. We try to protect ourselves, not to work to the fullest, not to be fully involved in communication with children, not to empathize with each of them, but only to influence superficially. Such work is not a joy for the teacher himself, and it is not useful for children, and it is difficult for colleagues to do a common thing with such a person.

It doesn't happen instantly. This process starts from the very beginning of employment. Of course, it depends on the experience, on the time of work. But not only from this. From the properties of the person himself, too. Someone easily and effortlessly endures stressful situations, while for someone a few years (trial entry into the profession) is enough to exhaust themselves. And someone intuitively finds ways of a much-needed way out, releasing negative emotions. Every professional with extensive experience probably has his own "secret", his own solution.


  • DO NOT hide your feelings. Show your emotions and let your friends discuss them with you.
  • Do NOT avoid talking about what happened. Take every opportunity to review your experience alone or with others.
  • Do NOT let your feelings of embarrassment stop you when others give you a chance to speak or offer help.
  • DO NOT expect severe burnout symptoms to go away on their own. If you do not take action, they will visit you for a long time.
  • Set aside enough time for sleep, rest, reflection.
  • Be direct, clear, and honest about your desires by talking about them with family, friends, and at work.
  • Try to maintain a favorable routine of your life as much as possible.


Annotation to the work program

Teacher-psychologist, Trofimenko Natalia Valerievna

MBDOU d / s "Rainbow"

(2017-2018 academic year).

The work program was developed on the basis of the main educational program of the preschool budgetary educational institution kindergarten "Rainbow" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool children, based on the program N.Yu. Kurazheva "Flower-Semitsvetik".

The program determines the content and structure of the activities of a psychologist in the following areas: psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling, psychological education and support for the activities of preschool educational institutions in work with children from 4 to 6 years old, parents of pupils, teachers, narrow specialists, administration of the preschool educational institution.

The work program includes the organization of psychological support for the activities of the preschool educational institution in the main educational areas - socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development, as a result, the unity of the educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives of the educational process in the preschool educational institution is ensured, which ensures the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

Considering the specifics of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, a significant place is given to the prevention, maintenance and correction of developmental disorders in children.

Program goal:

Implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for children and families in a preschool educational institution.

This goal is specified in the following tasks:

  1. To analyze the level of development of the cognitive, communicative, emotional and personal spheres of preschool children, the degree of mastery of the prerequisites for educational activities by children; identify conditions that hinder the development of the child's personality.
  2. To promote the personal and intellectual development of pupils, the development of their communication skills at each age stage of development.
  3. Build an individual route to solve identified problems in child development.
  4. To promote the development of the communicative competence of teachers in interaction with preschool children and parents of pupils.
  5. To develop in the teaching staff and parents the competence of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the upbringing, education and development of children of early and preschool age.

1 Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities: play, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive (pictorial, constructive, etc.), music, reading.

2. Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments.

3 Independent activity of children.

4 Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education

Psychological support for the implementation of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution for the development of educational areas.

The form of control is the frequency of monitoring 2 times a year: September (initial), April (final).

Correctional and developmental workis planned and carried out taking into account the specifics of the children's team and the individual child. The object of correctional and developmental work are problems in the cognitive, emotional, motivational, volitional, behavioral spheres that ultimately affect the formation of integrative qualities in preschoolers and the development of the child as a whole.

Psychological and pedagogical correctioncarried out in cases where deviations and disorders are not the result of an organic lesion of the central nervous system or mental illness.

Remedial classes can be held in individual and group form.The individual form is due to the specific focus of psycho-correctional influences, as well as the presence of difficulties in interpersonal communication.

The psycho-correction complex includes three main blocks:

A) Diagnostic unit

B) Correction block

C) Block for evaluating the effectiveness of corrective actions.

As part of preventive work

modern methods and technologies are used:

  • relaxation and psycho-gymnastic exercises (M.I. Chistyakova, I.V. Ganicheva, E.A. Alyabyeva);
  • methods of gaming psycho-correction (G.L. Lendret and others);
  • music therapy (O.A. Vorozhtseva, A.V. Mayorova, S.A. Khatutskaya, N.A. Fudin);
  • methods of fairy tale therapy (T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva);
  • games with sand (Grabenko T.M., T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva);
  • introspection, discussions, role-playing games, dramatization games, creative tasks, dramatizations.
  • Game computer technologies of the All-Russian educational project "Mersibo", Moscow.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, it is planned to develop projects.

"Talented Fidgets"

Objective of the project : to promote the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, imagination, fine art; identifying the ability of children in the field of mathematics, drawing and literature.

Planned results: to teach children the skills of effective communication,

Using the programs: E.A. Alyabyeva "Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old",

Within the framework of the innovative project "Model of positive socialization of a preschooler in the conditions of the Far North", the subprogram "The best in the world - educated children".

Project “Tolerant personality. I!"

Objective of the project: Creation of conditions for the formation of a tolerant attitude towards the world around children of senior preschool age.

Project participants: parents and children

Planned results: to teach children the skills of effective communication, inter-conflict communication among peers.

Using the programs: E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina Complex program "Training of effective interaction with children", S.I. Seminak "Lessons of kindness", O.V. Zashchirinskaya "The ABC of communication", R.R. Kalinina E.O. Smirnova, S.I. Semenaka, I. A.Furmanova on the prevention of aggressive behavior in preschoolers, A.M.Prikhozhan, A.I.Zakharova in working with anxious children.


Project "Talented Preschoolers"as part of the implementation of the innovative project "Model of positive socialization of a preschooler in the conditions of the Far North"

Educational areas

The theme of the innovation project

"Talented Fidgets"


older preschool children

Kindergarten teachers, parents

Project summary

Purpose and objectives of the project.

Target - identifying talented children

creating conditions for development and learning.


This project provides for the development of talented children, the effective identification of talents in children, the development and implementation of programs based on

Project stages

Implementation timeline


Expected results:

Abilities and skills to be developed in the learning process to become a talented child:Cognitive abilities:possession of a large amount of information; transfer of learned to new material; establishment of causal relationships; dependency detection; ability to integrate and synthesize information; sensitivity to contradictions; use of alternative ways of information search; building hypotheses; high curiosity; rich vocabulary; the ability to draw conclusions; ability to capture complex ideas; the ability to reason; critical thinking.

Creative skills:the ability to take reasonable risks; divergent thinking; speed of thinking; the ability to come up with original ideas; propensity to invent; rich imagination; developed intuition.

Features of the personal sphere:realistic self-concept; respect for others; tolerance for the peculiarities of people; tendency to reflection; tolerant attitude to criticism; perseverance in completing tasks; competitiveness; sense of humor; Believe in yourself; intrinsic motivation.


Innovative project "Playing, learning to be friends!" as part of the implementation of the innovative project "Model of positive socialization of a preschooler in the conditions of the Far North"

Trofimenko Natalia Valerievna

Farkhiulina Liliya Marselievna

Educational areas

Integration of social - communicative, cognitive, speech development

The theme of the innovation project

“Playing, we learn to be friends!” Prevention of conflict behavior of preschoolers in the Far North.


Middle-aged and older preschoolers with behavioral problems

Doe teachers

Project summary

The origins of conflict behavior often lie in early childhood, in the assimilation by children of patterns of violent behavior of adults and peers. Analysis of aggressive and uncertain actions indicates their inability to positively resolve conflict situations. The inability to independently resolve the conflict causes internal discomfort, stimulates negative feelings. In the conditions of the Far North, a severe climate, prolonged light depression, territorial remoteness from other settlements, and long-term isolated residence often provoke the creation of conflict situations. Already at preschool age, it is necessary to explain to children the causes of conflicts. It is important to form a psychological readiness for a positive resolution of conflict situations. At preschool age, this can be most effectively achieved through a system of psychological exercises in the form of a game - the leading activity of a preschooler.

Purpose and objectives of the project.

Target -formation in children living in the Far North, the ability to positively resolve conflict situations.


Formation of the concept of conflict among preschoolers(in cognitive terms),

Develop a positive relationship with yourself and others(in an emotional way);

Teaching ways to show cooperation in conflicts, adequate use of various psychological methods of interaction and conflict resolution - request, advice, agreement, lot, etc.(in behavioral terms)

This project provides for positive socialization, effective social identification of children, development and implementation of programs based on

Project stages

  1. Preparatory (problem-oriented analysis, substantiation of relevance, information search, literature study, selection of diagnostics).
  2. Design (work planning, drawing up a work schedule, determination and analysis of resource support, monitoring).
  3. Project implementation (organization of the project implementation process).
  4. Control and evaluation (establishing the compliance of the project result with the original plan, assessing the degree of project effectiveness).

Implementation timeline

Expected results: results-products and social effect

Results - products

1. Development and approbation of a compiling correctional and developmental program for the formation of the ability to positively resolve conflict situations.

3. Development of consultations on the problem of conflict resolution for parents

3.Approbation of diagnostic tools for social and communicative development.

Results - effects

Indicators of change:

In the field of knowledge:the child's awareness of the goals and motives of his own actions and the actions of another person

Understanding the causes of conflict.

Awareness of possible ways to resolve the conflict

and their consequences for oneself and for others

In the area of ​​relationships:the ability to self-regulate emotional states and relationships with others. The manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize.

In the field of interaction:the presence of a setting for a positive resolution of the conflict; mastering the strategy of equality of positions; flexibility of adequate use of various techniques and methods of interaction in conflict.


What is behind "bad" behavior?

It happens that a child regularly demonstrates negative behavior: ostentatious disobedience, physical or verbal aggressiveness, cruelty, abuses his abilities.

Three things must be done at the same time.

1. Identify possible factors that determine the behavior of the child, and begin to change them.

2. Create an atmosphere of care, understanding, support and encouragement at home or in a kindergarten group so that children do not need to demonstrate defiant behavior.

3. Constructively intervene in situations where children behave badly, correct such behavior, teach self-control skills and self-respect.

Every bad behavior has a reason, although it can sometimes be hard to find.

Bad behavior "works" and the child gets what he wants (toy, attention).

Bad behavior can be "normal" - typical of what a child sees at home.

Bad behavior can be a way of expressing anger, fear, or other emotions. The child simply does not know the correct way of expression.

Loss of control can be caused by physical factors such as poor nutrition, poor health, allergies, autism, or developmental delays.

Children feel helpless, unnecessary and assert their strength and rightness.

Children don't know any other way to get what they want.

Understanding can be the main way to help a child.

An effective strategy for helping children exhibiting negative behavior is to give them self-reliance. Children should be able to make their own choices, take leadership and responsibility. It is important for children to be taken seriously and assigned difficult tasks.

Another way to prevent bad behavior is to make it clear to children what is expected of them. You should prepare children for success, and not catch them on mistakes and educate them on the denial of their behavior.

The least effective way to respond is punishment.

Most children who exhibit negative behavior already feel demoralized and weak. Punishment only exacerbates their feelings, worsens their reaction to the teacher, leads to rivalry between the child and the adult instead of trust and respect.



How and for what to praise the child?

We all want to be noticed and praised.What does the child want, who hands you a drawing he has just completed and asks: “Beautiful?” Perhaps he feels insecure, or he has low self-esteem, or he wants to establish contact, or he is looking for confirmation of the correctness of his actions, or ...

Maybe just say: "Well done, beautiful"? This is how we do it most of the time. Most of the time, this is not what you should do.

So, the child shows the picture that he just drew.

You (considering with sincere interest, with approval in your voice):

“You drew a big house here… thick smoke comes out of the chimney… and below I see something blue, there is still an empty place…”

When the products of the child's activity meet such without evaluationWhen attention to detail is shown, the child tends to forget the original question and becomes aware of his actions. You can hear how the child picks up the words of an adult, joins in the conversation and comments on the drawing: “I have three windows here - one for mom, the second for dad, and this is for me and Tuzik. And here is my river. There will be a car, I haven’t had time to draw yet, now I’ll draw ... ”Think about these words, feel how the state of the child is changing. If at the very beginning there was dependence on the word of an adult, then in the course of the conversation the child not only received the desired approval, but also felt an informal interest, established himself in his achievements, joined in communication, and saw the prospect of his actions.

Now the child is free and evaluates his own work.

It seemed to you, as always, too long?

Sometimes use a short phrase: "It's not what I think is beautiful, but what you yourself think about your drawing.""What matters is what you think."

Another example:

- Look what I'm doing.

You are playing with clay.

- What should I do?

- You can do whatever you want.

- Okay, I'll make a bird.

- You decided to make a bird.

Diligently sculpts, finally raises his hand with a sculpted bird.

- You like?

- You tried very hard.

Ultimately, what matters is what we think.


L.V. Svirskaya "76 recipes for proper communication with a child."


Psychologist in kindergarten Guidelines for the work of a practical psychologist

Tasks and functions of a psychologist in kindergarten

A psychologist in a kindergarten is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands the child, who understands not only the general patterns and age-related characteristics of the mental development of children, but also individual variations of these features. Being a specialist in child psychology, he must at least in general terms orient himself in the psychology of adults, understand and evaluate the position taken by adults in relation to the child, and analyze their joint activities.

The main functions of a psychologist in a preschool institution are related to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, to the creation of conditions that contribute to their emotional well-being and ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child. The implementation of these functions requires the performance of a number of related types of work, both directly with children and with their parents and kindergarten staff.

The success of the psychologist's work depends to a large extent on the place that he will be able to take in the team, on his relationship with the head and other staff of the kindergarten. In no case should he seek to replace management, his task is to act as a competent and benevolent consultant, whose recommendations are carried out thanks to his personal authority and recognized qualifications. In order to acquire such authority, it is necessary to systematically conduct psychological education of the team, to convince colleagues by their very activity of the importance of psychological knowledge for the successful fulfillment of their duties.

The tasks of a psychologist in kindergarten can be divided into two groups. Firstly, he must participate in the educational process as a whole, work towards its “psychologization”. Great importance here is given to the psychological education of kindergarten staff and parents: the transfer of knowledge about the psychology of children, about their age characteristics, the best ways to organize communication between an adult and children and communication between children of different ages, the principles of organizing children's groups, etc. Of course, psychological education cannot be limited to general information on child psychology: it must be based on the results of studying the specific characteristics of a given kindergarten and its staff, take into account national traditions and local conditions, the qualifications of staff and the individual style of work of educators, the originality of children and their parents.

The second group of tasks is much more complex and diverse; it is associated with individual work with children and should help to take into account their individual psychological characteristics in the educational process. With the help of observation and appropriate diagnostic techniques, the psychologist must, in the process of a long study of each group of the kindergarten, determine the characteristics of the relationship between the teacher and the children and the children among themselves, as well as assess the individual psychological qualities of individual children and their levels of mental development. The result of such work should be recommendations for educators and parents, including on the differentiation of education and upbringing, and in some cases, the development of methods for corrective work with children. However, it should be borne in mind that a psychologist cannot and should not perform functions related to the competence of medicine and special pedagogy. He only recommends, if necessary, to contact the appropriate specialist - a pediatrician, a child psychoneurologist, a defectologist, a speech therapist - or he himself attracts them for consultation.

This - the second - group of tasks also includes such an important function of the psychologist as determining the readiness of the child for school and carrying out appropriate corrective work. At the same time, although the formation of a child's psychological readiness for schooling is traditionally regarded as one of the most important tasks of preschool education, a psychologist must keep in mind that this task is neither the only nor even the most important one in his activity. In all circumstances, the most important thing is to ensure the emotional well-being and the best possible overall development of the child.


Psychological education of teaching staff and parents

The forms of work on psychological education are diverse: these are lectures and conversations held at methodological meetings and parent meetings, group and individual consultations, preparation of memos, selection and distribution of psychological and psychological-pedagogical literature, etc. Starting work in a children's institution, the psychologist must first of all tell the staff and parents about his functions and tasks, give an idea of ​​what kind of help he can provide. It must be clarified that child psychology is not a branch of medicine - it studies the patterns of the normal development of the child, and the main task of the psychologist is to ensure such development, to create the necessary conditions for this. This will immediately remove a negative or inadequate attitude towards the psychologist and establish partnerships with adult participants in the educational process. The topics of lectures, conversations, consultations may vary depending on the specific conditions, but some of them can be recommended for any children's institution. Here is a sample list of them:

1. The role of the natural properties of the child, the conditions of his life and upbringing in mental development;

2. Psychological characteristics of children of different preschool age groups;

3. Age-related crises of development and conditions conducive to their successful resolution;

4. The developing value of different types of children's activities - games, drawing, design, etc .;

5. The influence of family relationships on the mental development of the child;

6. Creation of conditions for the emotional well-being of the child;

7. Features of the approach to "difficult" children;

8. Adaptation of the child to the children's institution.

This list could, of course, be continued. But the main thing is not the topics of conversations themselves, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life and development of children, which the psychologist seeks to convey to educators and parents. It is necessary to convince all participants in the educational process that the child is not just preparing for a future life, but is already living, and the most important duty of adults is to make this life as full-blooded and happy as possible. (This does not mean at all that adults should always and in everything indulge children, go towards any, often unreasonable, and even impossible, their desires.)

Success in development largely depends on whether educators will be able to abandon the usual scheme with one, the only correct path of development, which is rigidly determined by the poor list of types of children's activities that exist in our children's institutions (allegedly providing "comprehensive" and even "harmonious" development personality). The psychologist should keep in mind that there is a wide mutual compensation between the developmental influence of different types of children's activities, and those of them that can be better organized by adults and to which the child himself is more inclined should be encouraged.

At one time, the remarkable Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky said that education at preschool age differs from school education in that the child learns according to our program only to the extent that it becomes his own program. The art of a psychologist lies precisely in helping educators and parents turn their child's education and upbringing program into his own. And the main way to this is to involve the child in forms of activity that are accessible and interesting to him, which vary depending on the age, individuality of the child, and are largely determined by the experience, knowledge and skills of an adult.

What are the central achievements of mental development in preschool age? The largest researcher of preschool childhood A.V. Zaporozhets showed that figurative forms of cognition (perception, visual-figurative thinking, imagination) and social emotions (empathy, love for close people, goodwill towards peers) should be attributed to such achievements. Along with these formations, children must also develop many other psychological qualities necessary for their successful transition to schooling, in particular, elementary forms of logical thinking, the ability to organize their behavior, and arbitrarily control it.

Humanization of educational work

One of the most important tasks of a psychologist is to do everything possible to ensure a real humanization of educational work in kindergarten, to replace the usual orientation of staff towards the implementation of programs with an orientation towards the child, his well-being, his needs and interests. Such a transition is extremely difficult in the context of general group classes, it means, first of all, the rejection of the disciplinary model of education and the transition to a personality-oriented model. The psychologist must look for and suggest to the leadership of the kindergarten ways to change the organization of the life of children in groups. So, it is advisable to divide them into subgroups, so that at the time when a lesson is held with one of the subgroups, the rest of the children can freely choose any activity that is attractive to them (play, build, draw).

What does a psychologist do in kindergarten?

All parents are well aware of what a pediatrician, speech therapist, educator and school teacher should do for a child. Does this list also need a child psychologist? And if so, how does a child psychologist differ from other specialists? Let's try to answer these questions.

A child psychologist should not be confused with a psychiatrist, or with a neuropathologist, or with any other doctor - this is not a medical specialty. A child psychologist does not diagnose, does not write prescriptions. He does not deal with the state of the internal organs and appearance of the child, but with other children's problems. The list of children's problems is very extensive and directly depends on age.

A child psychologist is a specialist who helps adults understand what is happening with their child and with them. The psychologist works with the current state of the child and the parent, conducts primary diagnostics, asks questions about the life situation and family structure. In the process of communication, the psychologist helps the parent (teacher or child) to realize their problem, understand its causes and find a solution.

The activities of the preschool psychologist are aimed directly at children, but for greater efficiency, other participants in the educational process are included in it - teachers and parents who are involved in solving children's problems. The psychologist gives them professional advice on working with the child and provides support.

Problems that are not within the professional competence of a psychologist are solved by forwarding a request to work with a child and his family to other specialists of a certain profile (speech therapist, doctor, social services, etc.)

Parents whose children undergo psychological testing often worry that the results will become known to other people. Know that one of the ethical professional standards of psychologists is confidentiality. No names. All information on the results of psychological testing of the child is transmitted to parents orally (or in writing) during an individual conversation.

Entering the preschool educational institution, parents (legal representatives) signCONSENT to the psychological support of the child . Parents have the right to refuse psychological support of the child in kindergarten. In this case, work with the child is possible only after the parent applies personally to the psychologist or the head of the preschool educational institution, having issued a new document for psychological support.

The purpose of the work of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution - the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children, their harmonious development in the conditions of preschool educational institutions, as well as the provision of timely assistance to children, parents and teachers in solving psychological problems of development that arise in various life situations.


  • Identification of the causes of violations of the emotional - personal and cognitive development of children through a diagnostic examination;
  • Overcoming violations in the development of the child, development and implementation of individual correctional and developmental programs
  • Forecast of the dangerous consequences of a particular difficult situation, if it is not competently pedagogically and psychologically worked out
  • Psychological support for children during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution and those who find themselves in difficult life situations;
  • Psychological support for children of preparatory groups, preparation for school, tracking development dynamics
  • Assistance in the development of the personality of children in the process of their upbringing, education and socialization;
  • Providing advice to parents and teachers
  • Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture and competence of adults involved in the upbringing of the child

The activity of a preschool psychologist is aimed for all participants in the educational process:

1. Providing psychological assistance to children:

  • Psychological diagnostics
  • Developmental work
  • Psychological support of the child

2. Cooperation with parents in solving the psychological problems of children:

  • Development consulting
  • Informing on the results of psychological diagnostics and developmental work
  • Psychological education on the upbringing and development of children

3. Cooperation with teachers and other specialists in solving the psychological problems of pupils:

  • Consulting and informing teachers on psychological issues of education and development;
  • Psychological education
  • Interaction with other specialists

4. Advising the administration on the results of the analysis of psychological screening data and other issues

What does a psychologist do in preschool?

Age group

What does a psychologist do?

I junior group

(2 - 3 years)

  • support of the process of adaptation, monitoring the psycho-emotional state of the child
  • maintaining an adaptation sheet together with the group teacher and the nurse
  • games with children, conversations, exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress
  • consultations with parents on the adaptation of the child
  • consultations with teachers of the group on the normalization of the adaptation period

II junior group

(34 years)

  • individual diagnostics of the level of development of the child (according to observations, at the request of teachers and parents). It is carried out for the purpose of early detection of deviations in development
  • individual consultations with parents on the results of diagnostics, recommendations for the development of the child.

middle group

(45 years)

  • consultations with teachers of the group on the organization of additional individual work with the child
  • individual diagnosis of the level of development of the child at the request of a speech therapist for PMPK

senior group

(5 - 6 years old)

  • individual diagnostics of the child at the request of teachers or parents.
  • individual consultations with parents on the results of the diagnosis.

senior group

(5 - 6 years old)

  • individual diagnosis of the level of development of the child.
  • individual consultations with parents on the results of the diagnosis.
  • consultations with teachers of the group on the organization of additional individual work with the child
  • correctional and developmental classes with children (individually or in small groups of 3-4 children)

preparatory group

(6 - 7 years old)

  • individual in-depth diagnosis of the level of development of the child (in case the child showed insufficient results in a group mode).
  • consultations with teachers of the group on the organization of additional individual work with the child
  • developing classes with children in preparation for school

preparatory group

compensatory orientation for children with mental retardation

(6 - 7 years old)

  • group diagnostics of the level of development of prerequisites for learning activities
  • individual in-depth diagnosis of the level of development of the child.
  • individual consultations with parents following the results of the diagnosis.
  • consultations with teachers of the group on the organization of additional individual work with the child
  • correctional and developmental classes with children in preparation for school (individually or in small groups of 3-4 children)
  • final diagnosis of school readiness of children

The activities of the psychologist of the preschool educational institution are carried out in the following areas:

Psychological diagnostics



Organizational and methodological documentation

working documentation
