Gentle compliments to a girl about her beauty. Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

We propose to consider examples of compliments in prose, in our own words, in the form of SMS and some others in this article.

Not unimportant factor is its relevance.

Compliments for a girl you like

Compliments for a girl you like

When young man likes a girl, but he doesn't know. how to express it. Suffice it to recall the first meeting. Scroll in your head why it was at that moment that she attracted attention.

For example, if at the first meeting:

  • The gaze fell on the bright defiant clothes, it is worth saying: “I like your vivid image. your skill stand out from the crowd, the first meeting drew my attention to you.
  • Maybe, on the contrary, the modesty of the girl attracted attention: “I really like your modesty and good breeding. It's such a rarity these days."
  • Or the demeanor of the girl attracted attention: “I am simply delighted with your subtle and graceful manners. In your every movement and spoken word, you can feel the notes of Princess Diana's upbringing.

Compliments to your girlfriend

Compliments to your girlfriend

When the heart burns with love, compliments are the most sincere and correct. You don't have to think long and hard about something. Just talk and talk and talk.

After all, it is so important for your beloved to know that she is the most, the most for you!

You are my love, you are my happiness, you are the dream of my whole life. More beautiful, kinder, I have not met anyone in the world. Love love love…

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

A compliment about beauty, any girl will cheer up. It will increase her self-esteem in your eyes and those around you. Here, more than ever, the appropriateness of the spoken words is important.

If a compliment is uttered in an intimate setting: “Your naked body is unusually beautiful. And a graceful mole on your beautiful chest just drives me crazy ”- your partner will be delighted.

Then, uttered these same words, in the presence of even the closest people, the most uncomplexed lady, will be put into a state of shock.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

Write to a girl about her beauty in prose The best way if you don't have the courage to say it out loud to her.

My dear man! When I met you for the first time, I was breathless from your extraordinary beauty. There is not a single flaw in your appearance. Beautiful blond hair, so sweetly emphasize the delicate and delicate features of your face. Curved clear eyebrows look so sweet when you are surprised. And your fabulous smile is like bright sun illuminates everything around. Not to say about your perfectly shaped figure is to say nothing. Thin fingers on perfectly well-groomed hands just ask for a gentle, modest kiss. I admire you every time we meet. You are the most beautiful girl our planet. These are not empty words. It's true, trust me.

Compliments to a girl in your own words

Compliments to a girl in your own words

Simple compliments in your own words can be said in any setting. After all, they are not obligated to anything.

Just a compliment should sound natural and at ease. And most importantly, deliver positive emotions to both you and the girl.

  • You rarely meet a girl who can communicate with a man on any topic with such ease. It's so easy and pleasant for me to be with you. There is something about you that I have never met in any girl. This evening inspired me to continue our further meetings. Do you mind?
  • Haven't seen you for a long time. You are also aware of all fashion trends. Perfectly matched wardrobe, hairstyle, manicure. Everything, as always, on top.
  • In the presence of such beauty, I never tire of being amazed at your business qualities and subtle practical mind. These two things are rarely compatible.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

Whenever I meet you, I want to say: “How beautiful you are!” But seeing you in Once again I'm at a loss for words. You can’t be so beautiful, otherwise, suddenly seeing you again, I will forget how to speak completely.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty are short

It's time to show attention and compliment the ladies

Best short compliment about the beauty of a girl, this is a comparison of her with the most famous beautiful girls:

  • You are beautiful and sexy like Lara Stone
  • Your bright outstanding appearance is like Megan Fox
  • Your angelic beauty surpasses even the famous model Olga Abramovich
  • Your incomparable figure reminds me of Kate Moss
  • beautiful oval, cat's eyes and plump lips - are you a girl by any chance Angelina Jolie?

Compliments to a girl are short

  • You look like a top model!
  • Did you happen to leave the beauty salon?
  • Just one look from you and I'm ready to dance all day!
  • Extravagance is your forte!
  • How do you manage to always be in great shape?
  • Your subtle and inventive mind is simply not compatible with your beauty!

Compliments to a girl are cool

Cool compliments for a girl

  • You may not have the best character, but your eyes and figure are perfect
  • And you are happy, it feels like fortune stumbles over you at every step
  • You look like a thousand bucks. Crumpled banknotes true
  • You are like the flu virus. Being next to you is impossible not to get infected with your cheerfulness and positive
  • You're always so happy, it's like you're winning a million every day!
  • Nightmare! Wherever you appear, all work stops. Everyone wants to admire your beauty. Are not you ashamed?

Compliments to a girl are cool

Compliments to a girl about eyes

Compliments to a girl about eyes

  • Your sparkling eyes as if two diamonds adorn an already impeccable beauty face.
  • Your insanely beautiful green eyes, every time we meet, they pierce my heart like fire.
  • Your sky-blue eyes are like clear transparent lakes that you want to plunge into again and again. Enjoying this bliss endlessly.
  • Such a miracle was created by the universe - your eyes. At every glance, my heart skips a beat with admiration.
  • From one look into your fabulous eyes, I feel great happiness and joy.

SMS compliments to a girl

SMS compliments to a girl

  • You are beautiful and beautiful, positive, good.
  • To the most beautiful girl on earth, I wish good morning. Wake up my dear. It's time to please the world with the presence of the kindest, gentlest and most amazing person.
  • The most wonderful and my own. Your sensitive heart and rich knowledge more than once rescued me from difficult situations. It's good that you exist!
  • Your sweet lips are still like honey on my lips. I miss you my fairy.
  • Sweet, smart, smart. You have so much charm and unpredictability. I'm just crazy about you!

SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • The sun pales in comparison to the brightness of your beauty.
  • Distant stars can't compete with the depth of your eyes.
  • Tender lips are more beautiful and juicier than even the most divine ideal.
  • Offer me a thousand gold coins, I will not exchange for anything for at least one more meeting with such an elegant and sophisticated girl. Intelligence, dignity and beauty are so harmoniously combined in you that I doubt to find even one such princess on earth.

Poems complimenting a girl about her beauty

You know, you're just beautiful!
Gentle, modest, sweet
Worthy of many gifts
Praise, royal compliments!

Video: Poem for your beloved

  • The best compliment from the heart.
  • A well-made compliment contributes to building relationships. If there were conflicts smooth them out.
  • A compliment in the form of flattery is not always pleasant for everyone. It can further aggravate the relationship. Or spoil the overall impression of the person who said it.

Video: How to compliment a girl on a date? Good and terrible compliments

What drives your loved one crazy? Here are 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, kind words and phrases that will make your beloved happy and make your cheeks burn with a bright flame of love.

Making an impression on a girl and harassing (in the sense of courting) her is the first and most faithful, time-tested way to charm, win a girl and be with her.

But the relationship of a man and a woman is somewhat more than a simple pursuit, the pursuit of the Predator after the Victim.

And than more love in the relationship of a guy and a girl, the most valuable signs of attention from lovers to each other are all the more valuable.

H gentle, beautiful words, pleasant and affectionate compliments the girl you love just needs to talk from time to time.

Aren't you flattered to hear sometimes a well-deserved compliment about your mind, strength, beauty, caring? Isn't it nice to hear a high assessment of your abilities and talents, especially from the lips of a dear, dear person?

So your girlfriend, too, sometimes just needs to HEAR that she is super, that she is the most beautiful of all, the most attractive, the most charming, the most delightful.

And even more so when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and heroic deeds are so important, sweet, sweet, good words, meaningful quotes about love, but, most importantly, real deeds and Attentive attitude, which again and again prove the love of a guy for a girl.

After all, we do not waste time on those whom we do not love, who are indifferent to us. We do not compliment a random passerby without a special reason. But the beloved girl is not random and not any.

It is necessary to invest in her not only with strength and time, money and energy, but also with words, a high assessment of her achievements - so that she wants to become better for you.

How to give a girl a nice compliment? Yes, very simple. Pay attention to what she is most proud of in herself - and praise it, whether it be talent, appearance or a special wardrobe.

And do not forget about 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, which I publish below - they will help you speak gentle and affectionate words at the very first stage of mastering a difficult science.

50 beautiful words for a girl, gentle and pleasant compliments to a beloved woman

These compliments will make your girlfriend feel special. These compliments to your favorite girls really work - and they work for "Excellent".

But, before using them as a weapon to cheer up your beloved lady of the heart, consider a number of important points Otherwise they won't work.

How to compliment a girl

  • Choose the right moment - when she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not busy with anything, not longing for loneliness at all costs.
  • Be truthful and don't lie: only say what you really have in your heart. Lying or making fun of romantic feelings will be perceived as a mockery and hurt your girlfriend to the core - especially if the first part of the compliment was true.
  • These beautiful words and compliments to a girl can be said eye to eye, hugging her, or you can send them via SMS, e-mail and other modern methods.
  • The most important - FEEL IT FIRST, SPEAK AFTER.

The most beautiful compliments for girls are affectionate and the best

  1. Thank you for making me believe that kindred spirits do exist.
  2. You gave my life meaning - you are now the meaning of my life.
  3. I can't imagine life without you.
  4. How do you always manage to look so beautiful, amazing?
  5. When I'm next to you, I feel lucky. All my friends envy me because of you.
  6. You always know how to surprise me and make me happy. Just read in my heart like a book.
  7. You are the reason why I think my life is perfect.
  8. You look so cool when you laugh.
  9. You light up my day every time I see you.
  10. I dreamed about you all last night.
  11. I thought of you and kissed my pillow before waking up. Can you imagine?
  12. I can look at you forever. And I always feel like I miss you all the time. I always miss you. Can't get enough of you.
  13. I like the scent of your body.
  14. I feel so happy when I'm next to you, and when you're not around, my heart hurts.
  15. Spending time with you is mine favorite hobby. At work, I only live in hope that I will see you later.
  16. You dance so well! You move so organically.
  17. You understand me so well - you directly read in my soul, as if from a book. Even I myself do not know myself so well and do not understand how you me.
  18. I can't wait for our wedding - I so want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I'm happy just because I have you.
  20. You are my best friend.
  21. Thanks to your beautiful smile all my stresses, troubles and problems disappear. You are like the morning dawn, like the sun that drives away the darkness.
  22. No, you're not fat at all. You are perfect - just the kind of complexion that I like. There is something to take on, it's nice to hold on.
  23. You could have any guy in this world, but you chose me - and I thank you for that.
  24. When I see you, I feel an incomprehensible tremor in my knees and irresistible desire touch you, hug you, caress you...
  25. When I'm with you, I want time to stop. But, alas, it flies too fast.
  26. I regret that I did not meet you much earlier, that I wasted so many years.
  27. Just hearing your voice in the morning, I get a huge boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.
  28. From your smile I melt, fly away, and ...
  29. When we part and you look at me when parting, my heart literally stops and I don’t want to go anywhere ...
  30. You made all my dreams come true perfect girl- and beautiful, and smart, and strong, and self-confident.
  31. I have never met such a wonderful person like you.
  32. I love you so much that I can’t even explain it to you, even though I tried many times. I love you more than any strongest love!
  33. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  34. I love touching your delicate skin with my hands - my hands enjoy giving you a massage.
  35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.
  36. Never change - I love you just the way you are.
  37. Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline rush.
  38. It hurts me a lot to see you sad.
  39. Do you have such expressive eyes and surprisingly deep, wise look... I adore you too, and I love your eyes.
  40. Because of you, I want to become better, change into better side- so I want to be worthy of your love.
  41. Butterflies flutter in my stomach when your hands touch my face.
  42. You look so chic and luxurious, and at the same time childishly naive that I'm afraid to touch you - you seem so airy and fragile.
  43. I don't think any other girl is anywhere near as perfect as you.
  44. You are exactly the person for whom I want to thank my fate.
  45. I love you.
  46. I like the way you tell me Good night honey" and kiss my cheek on the phone.
  47. I love it when your hair touches my fingers.
  48. I love it when you hug me and stroke me with your hands.
  49. I want to kiss every centimeter of your body.
  50. I got up in the morning with the thought of you and go to bed with a dream of you.
  51. I love you so much that I can't imagine life without you.

Do you want to check out these 50 affectionate and pleasant, beautiful compliments to your girlfriend in practice? Just tell the girl tender words from the heart, from the bottom of my heart right now - and share the result!

It seems that kindness is concentrated in your sweet hands: from your touch it becomes warm and cozy. Your amazing features attract me like a magnet and give me hope for a wonderful continuation of our story. Your sincere kindness captivates and disarms, forcing me to open up to meet you. Your unusually saturated inner world captivates and captivates. An amazing, perfect combination of beauty, and it's all you ... Before the beauty of your face, even the features of the beautiful Cleopatra fade. How are you fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in the best mood. You have no flaws, you are an example perfect woman, in which beauty and kindness miraculously combined - the rarest cocktail. It is not often that you meet an interesting person with whom it is pleasant to talk on any topic and who can find mutual language with anyone. But you pleasantly surprised me, it is impossible not to listen when you speak. Interesting people is a rarity and a highlight modern society Therefore, they should be valued and protected. There are very few in the world good people able to unselfishly come to the rescue, support and comfort. And it's great to know that you're that kind of person! Your hands give warmth, your eyes warm with kindness, and your voice consoles and sounds more melodious than classics. And the greatest happiness is to know you! You smile and it starts pouring rain from positive emotions And vivid impressions! You smile and this world covers patchwork quilt goodness and genuine happiness! It's getting warmer, the stars are lit up in the sky, a sweet haze is floating in the air... Smile more often, my love! I like a lot about you, but from your eyes, so piercing, bold and at the same time charming, I can’t take my eyes off. The depth of your two dark blue pools cannot be described in words, but believe me, I am absolutely sure that they are the most amazing beautiful eyes in the world. I look at you today and notice that you have changed pleasantly. Nice dress, new hairstyle, Nice smile. You are beaming with happiness. What can I say, you used to be like that, but especially today. I hope that your cheerful mood will be with you all the time. Compliments are words that give people positive and good mood. Both men and women love them equally. Today I want to give my compliment to you, because I like to do something nice good man. Well, you are already smiling, which means that the compliment worked. I can give you one more, and another, just you wonderful person and deserve a lot! It seems to me that you are a pretty young angel who, while walking through the stars, slipped and fell on my head.

It is always necessary and important to speak beautiful words to a person who is so dear to you. And all because only then can one reach the very heart. Today you just should not forget about your girlfriend. Just let her enjoy your beautiful words and be happy. Give her as many compliments as possible. Pick up the right words It does not always work. But, this is not a reason to stop at all. You just need to keep trying. On our website you can find a large number of suitable compliments that suit you anyway. Just choose the one that you think will best suit the girl. But, still, do not forget that it is better own words that will come from the very heart, there is nothing in the world.

Darling, I admire and am proud of you,
I feel so comfortable and warm with you
You are the best in the world,
Accept these compliments from me.

I'm ready to fulfill all your desires
If only you were happy
Everything to you best compliments, wishes,
Be happy, love, always.

You always look great
Sweet, charming, slim,
Let the sun shine brightly above you
Let it be lucky in everything, always.

Every day and every hour
I think of you,
Fate brought us together for a reason
I want to be with you always, everywhere.

You are the most beautiful to me
I love your sonorous, perky laugh,
You give me affection and warmth,
I am very lucky with you, my love.

You made me happy
My beloved girl
All my thoughts and dreams are about you
You deserve only admiration.

I sincerely thank fate
Because I met you
I love you and adore you
My one and only.

Gentle, kind, my dear,
All compliments today for you
I want you to be happy always
I will definitely take care of this.

You are the most beautiful to me,
Such a beauty is no longer to be found,
Your smile and your eyes
Always enchant, my love, me.

I always want to be with you
You are my other half
I can't imagine life without you
Beloved, my only one.

My sun is clear
You are the most beloved, the most beautiful,
Every moment is beautiful with you
You deserve only admiration.

I can no longer be silent about my feelings,
I want to tell the whole world
That there is no more beautiful girl on earth,
Like a magnet I am drawn to you.

You are my guardian angel, my dream
My beloved girl
I love you and adore you
I sing your image.

I'm ready to give you flowers every day,
And accompany you like a shadow
The most beloved, my dear,
You are everything in my life.

You were given to me by fate, my dear,
I love you and adore you
You give me happiness and love
I look forward to meeting you again and again.

You are the beginning of my love
And all sorrows - the end,
I want to sound in unison all my life,
Music of our hearts.

My best and kindest,
I can't live a day without you
I give you the best compliments
I love you more than anything in the world.

You found the key to my heart
I love you more than anything in the world
Gentle, sweet,
I will hug and kiss you.

You radiate kindness and affection,
With you, life is like a fairy tale
I love your voice, I love your eyes
Ready to fulfill your cherished dream.

Loving you makes me go crazy
You are my angel, my dream
I sincerely confess my love to you,
You are a royal gift of fate.

I can't live a day without you
The most beautiful girl my,
Make you the happiest person in the world, I promise
I adore and adore you.

You are given to me by God
My most beautiful girl
Be happy in everything, always
The only one I want.

Fate gave me you
The most beautiful in the world
You are my other half
The best girl on the planet.

All the beauty that is on earth
Everything is laid, my love, in you,
I give you my love forever
Thank you for being you.

You gave me the key to my heart
And she lit up with her love,
Gentle, sweet, glorious,
You are the most important in my destiny.

You, my love, I admire
And head over heels in love with you
I give you a sea of ​​​​compliments,
Serenade for you.

You are so beautiful, so sweet
So charming, so pretty
I call you guardian angel
I love you and adore you

You are my pure, bright love,
I look forward to meeting you again and again,
Affectionate, gentle, beloved,
Only with you I am happy.

Everyone knows that men love with their eyes, but girls love with their ears. The fair sex love attention from men and praise. In some ways, ladies are like cats. Listening to a man’s pleasant speech addressed to them, they “purr” with pleasure, but it’s worth saying one careless and tactless compliment, a woman becomes aggressive, like a panther.

To master such a difficult ability as to do the right compliments, not easy. But everyone can learn. After all, the most important rule is that the compliment must come from the heart.

Compliments given in time have great power. They are able not only to interest a girl, but also to reconcile a couple during a quarrel, give a lady confidence in herself, and diversify gray everyday life. Many men notice how, after just a few pleasant words, their companion has a sparkle in her eyes. That is why just a few compliments can make a woman happy. But it is important to know what to say and to say it from the heart.

All compliments can be divided into several types.

  1. As a comparison. For example, “You always manage to look great, but for this I need to make every effort.”
  2. Soulful. It is very important that a man periodically tells his beloved woman about his feelings: “You are my dream, my dear, only you always support me.”
  3. Concerning her personal space. Here you can talk about her interests, hobbies or work: “You are so smart and interested in everything! I don’t understand how you only find so much time and energy for this.”
  4. Fact statement. Compliments of this kind can be used on early stages dating, when you still have little information about her: “Wow! chic hairstyle have you been to a beauty salon? you have a beautiful a slim body, do you do any sports?".
  5. Poetic. Here you can compare the lady with the mythical or literary character: "You are my Aphrodite!". In some cases, a proud chosen one can be subdued with a similar phrase: “I will take a picture of your eyes and put it on my table to look at the clear blue sky every day.”

But do not forget that women's intuition is highly developed, so the lady will feel a catch if compliments are showered too often. They must be unexpected. Otherwise, she will push you away from herself, as insincerity will alert her.

It is important to remember that after a compliment, it is better to immediately change the topic of conversation. Move the conversation in a different direction, even if it seemed to you that she did not remember and did not have time to react. Ladies always remember both pleasant and unpleasant words. Let nice word will be said by the way.

Most of all, girls love compliments about their appearance, because before the meeting they always spend hours in front of the mirror, trying to look stunning. All these procedures: pedicure, manicure, makeup and hairstyle - take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, ladies are always offended if their efforts are not appreciated by male attention.

But before you say a compliment, carefully consider the phrase. After all, very often men, without thinking, make mistakes. Here are the most common:

  1. Ambiguity: "This blouse makes you look very slim." Such words can be offensive to a girl. Also, do not say: “You are such a curvy, I like those.” Such phrases will simply become an insult.
  2. Compliments of an instructive nature are also a serious mistake. For example: "You are very beautiful, slender legs why don't you wear short skirts? Phrases of this type cannot be said if you are not familiar with the girl.

How to compliment a girl in your own words

Girls feel the catch, especially if you constantly say something that has long been invented by someone.

But if you try to say it in your own words, it will sound sincere and very sweet.

So, what rules do you need to remember in order to make compliments in your own words:

  1. The compliment must be true in the first place for you. To convince a lady of your sincerity, you yourself must believe in it.
  2. Always show respect. Then you won't offend or upset her. After all, if you truly respect this person, then whatever you say will be a good compliment.
  3. Imagine yourself in her place and think about how you would feel after the words you are about to say. Think about whether it is appropriate to say this or that compliment at this stage of your communication.
  4. The time must be right. Most convenient time- when the conversation touches on the topic of what you can praise her for. It is also important to combine this with the situation you are in. Indeed, sometimes praise can even become unpleasant and humiliating, for example, you praised her appearance after she made a report or presentation. Instead, it's better to emphasize her clear intellect and how she put everything together correctly.
  5. Praise can be expressed in actions, for example, if she just worked hard on something, then instead of words, just give her a relaxing back massage. You can also cook dinner, bring coffee to bed and much more. After all, such actions will become a variant of the prelude for a verbal compliment. But in this case, you can do this if you have known each other for a long time.

It is important to learn how to respectfully accept rejection. Girls may not respond to your compliments the way you expect them to. No need to think and even more so to tell her that she was conceited. Otherwise, she will think that you said nice things only for the sake of profit. Instead, say that she is not obliged to believe you, but you sincerely hope that she will someday understand that your words are sincere.

List of phrases that will turn her head

Here are some of the most pleasant compliments to the fair sex. You can choose from the list, focusing on the period of your acquaintance.

  1. "Meeting you changed my life for the better."
  2. "You are capable of captivating and inspiring."
  3. “Despite such young age You are quite smart and quick-witted! It is commendable".
  4. “It seems to me that you are capable of much, even to save the world with your beauty.”
  5. "I'm seeing you for the first time, but I feel like I've known you for ages, you're beautiful."
  6. "It's so nice to see a princess in real life!"

The best beautiful compliments

Not everyone can come up with beautiful compliments girl on the go. After all, it takes time. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a couple of compliments in advance so as not to lose face in front of your chosen one.


  1. "My moon in the night!".
  2. "Charming, you can't take your eyes off!"
  3. "Your beauty is worthy of a golden crown!".


It is easier for your girlfriend to come up with everything in your own words, because you already meet her and know her well.

The girl in the photo

  1. “If only I could print it out, and put it in a frame!”
  2. “You look real in this photo, and that says a lot.”
  3. “In this photo, I see not a person, but an angel.”
  4. "I can't take my eyes off your beauty!"

In verse

Praise in verse is inherent creative people. Therefore, it must be said to those who will appreciate it.

Your hair is linen
I can, goddess, stroke endlessly.
Your beauty is pure and flawless
Intoxicates like strong wine.

Desirable and passionate
Airy, beautiful!
Strict, playful
My unique!

on the letter A

  1. Absolutely unpredictable.
  2. Angelic beautiful.
  3. Ambitious.
  4. Appetizing.
  5. Artistic.


It is important to understand that it is better to say them if you know each other well.

  1. "You're just a cupcake!"
  2. "You're petite and petite...the chihuahua is smoking nervously on the sidelines."
  3. "You sneeze so cute, just like a hedgehog!"
  4. “Tell me, how can you have such a figure at that age?”

SMS compliments

Compliments via SMS give a smile from a distance.

  1. “I have not met more beautiful than you and I know for sure that I will not meet again.”
  2. "Ordinary words for unusual girl- you are beautiful!".
  3. "Thinking of you, time slows down."

When making compliments, it is important to take into account many factors, the main of which are: the degree of your acquaintance, under what circumstances you want to do something pleasant. There is always a need to get to know each other better. Then the compliments will come out of your mouth.
