Pressure and other wellness treatments. Wellness bath procedures

A treatment technique with a thousand-year history, in which acupuncture points are stimulated with a special needle. Acupuncture for the whole body is used in the treatment of painful conditions and functional disorders of internal organs, with vertebrogenic algic syndrome, neuralgia, tinnitus (extraneous noise in the ears). Ear acupuncture is used primarily as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of withdrawal, for example in the treatment of overweight, smoking habits and in other similar cases.
Contraindications: bleeding, ulcers at the needle site, fear of acupuncture
Biosolarium is used for cosmetic purposes, mainly for tanning. The tan is more stable due to the efficient use of ultraviolet radiation and its proper filtering. Irradiation time 6-12 minutes. Biosolaria also has a sedative effect on the body, enhances the functions of the immune system. Indications: strengthening of general immunity, postoperative conditions, psoriasis, certain types of skin diseases
Contraindications: tumors, conditions after radiotherapy, photodermatosis, severe atherosclerosis, skin atrophy, herpes zoster, open wounds
Alpine sun
This procedure uses ultraviolet radiation, which increases the protective reactions of the body. Irradiation is usually carried out 2-3 times a week for 0.5-3 minutes, depending on the reaction of the skin. The eyes are protected with special goggles. Visible reddening of the skin usually occurs after 4-6 hours, maximum 10-12 hours after the procedure. The doctor prescribes. Indications: chronic inflammations and their relapses, convalescence, some skin diseases, rickets and osteoporosis
Contraindications: acute diseases, photodermatosis, conditions after radiotherapy, tumors, taking drugs that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, bleeding, hyperthyroidism, skin atrophy, severe atherosclerosis, herpes zoster
Bath Air Jet
In the Air Jet bath, an intensive combined underwater and air massage is carried out with a gentle effect on the body. It has a general relaxing effect, and also improves blood circulation in the skin and muscles. Prescribed by a doctor, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, the temperature is 37-38 °.
Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, obesity, fatigue, insomnia
Contraindications: skin wounds, skin ulcers and mycoses, acute diseases with high fever, cardiovascular decompensation, special care in the presence of epilepsy
Combined therapy, which is based on the complex use of vibration massage, heat, relaxation music and aromatherapy. It has a positive effect on all body systems, helps to establish physical and mental balance, relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, speeds up metabolism and lowers blood pressure.
Indications: diseases of the motor system, muscle pain, the need to increase general immunity, the state of physical and mental exhaustion in case of overwork at work, circulatory disorders, overweight
Contraindications: all acute and uncompensated diseases, advanced atherosclerosis, epilepsy, oscillatory hypertension, conditions after strokes, cancer, extensive varicose veins, claustrophobia, the presence of a pacemaker
Whirlpool bath
General or partial whirlpool bath for the upper or lower extremities. Massage is carried out under water with water jets and water swirls. Improves circulation of limbs and metabolism.
Indications: conditions after operations and injuries of the locomotor system, with muscle atrophy and peripheral paralysis, diabetes mellitus
In a special box, an aqueous solution of Vitasol with Dead Sea salts is sprayed. From the resulting suspension through the patient's skin and respiratory tract, the drug mixture enters the body, where it actively reacts with free radicals, prevents cell damage, prevents premature aging and the occurrence of a number of diseases. The procedure is especially effective for chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, if necessary, to increase immunity, after acute infectious diseases and for skin regeneration.
Contraindications: claustrophobia
In this procedure, depending on the condition of the patient, six different types of hydrotherapy are used. An integral part of the procedure are exercises in the rehabilitation pool. Before the procedure, it is necessary to take a shower and then, in accordance with the prescription, perform all components of the treatment procedure. At the end of the exercises, a half-hour rest in a room with relaxation music is recommended. This procedure is quite tedious and time-consuming, after which rest is recommended.
Whirlpool bath for a group of patients with a general relaxing effect. It is recommended for diseases of the locomotor apparatus, overexcitation and fatigue.
Hydrotherapy according to the Kneipp method
Hydrotherapy according to the Kneipp method uses the alternating effect on the body of warm and cold water, which promotes blood supply to tissues and improves metabolism. During the procedure, the patient passes in the pool through zones of warm water with a temperature of 40-42°C and cold mineral water with a temperature of 10-16°C. When moving, hold on to the handrail and raise your knees. Always finish the procedure in cold mineral water, and after the procedure, rub the limbs with a towel.
The procedure is recommended for headaches, neurovegetative dystonia, cold feet syndrome, varicose veins in the initial stage, to unload the ankles and joints of the legs.
A course of internal injections that slow down the aging process, improve concentration and memory
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to procaine
In a special bath, an intensive underwater massage is performed with water jets saturated with air or oxygen.
Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, conditions after operations and injuries of muscle tissue and joints, functional nervous disorders, certain diseases of the veins, arthritis
Gas injections
Mariin gas is injected into the subcutaneous space in close proximity to large joints and the spine. The main result of the procedure is the reduction of pain, improvement of blood supply and rapid healing of wounds.
Indications: circulatory disorders of the extremities, ischemic heart disease, degenerative diseases of the joints and spine with pain syndrome
Contraindications: local inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous space at the injection site, bleeding
Mud vaginal (vaginal) tampons
They are a form of local thermotherapy. They are prepared from sulfuric-ferruginous mud, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. The mucous membrane of the vagina absorbs phytoestrogens, which are similar in composition and properties to female sex hormones. The procedure can be prescribed only after examination by a gynecologist and on his recommendation.
Indications: chronic gynecological inflammation, postoperative conditions in the pelvic area, female sterility, stress conditions against the background of infertility problems, menopausal syndrome
Contraindications: acute inflammation of the vagina or pelvis, benign tumors, pregnancy
mud envelope
Mud is used for compresses in case of disorders of the motor apparatus, gynecological diseases and diseases of the respiratory apparatus. In this case, first of all, we are talking about an effective form of heating. Heat, penetrating into the body, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and thereby accelerates the resorption of chronic inflammatory infiltrates, softens the ligaments, relaxes the skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of the internal organs.
Indications: for diseases of the locomotor system, gynecological and urological disorders, diseases of the respiratory apparatus and excretory system
Contraindications: not recommended for patients with heart and vascular disease, stroke, or with oncological complications
geyser bath
Produces a gentle massage of the skin and subcutaneous space with the movement of large gas bubbles, let into the bath through a special grate.
Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, menopausal dysfunction
Diadynamic is one of the most common electrotherapy devices that use the analgesic and antispasmodic effects of low-frequency currents for medicinal purposes, including improving blood circulation in body tissues. The procedure is prescribed by a doctor, the duration is 3-6 minutes (in acute conditions, daily from 3 minutes, in chronic conditions - 3 times a week up to 6 minutes).
Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (pain of the joints and spine)
Jacuzzi is a special whirlpool bath, which can be taken by several people at the same time, and in which there is an underwater hydromassage with water jets and air bubbles. Due to their effect, blood supply to the massaged tissues increases, metabolism improves, metabolites are excreted, lymph flow is stimulated, edema and mucus are absorbed. Take a jacuzzi bath alternate with swimming in the pool. The procedure is recommended after surgeries, injuries and other injuries of the locomotor system, after physical exertion for relaxation and relaxation, as a complementary procedure in the treatment of cellulite and obesity.
The procedure is contraindicated in acute forms of diseases, skin wounds and skin diseases, as well as for children.
For this procedure, mineral waters are used, which improve the functions of the respiratory mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove mucus and facilitate coughing. Medicines for the treatment of shortness of breath, natural salts for the treatment of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, or herbal decoctions can be added to mineral waters during inhalation.
interference currents
In this procedure, the apparatus of medical medicine Interdin is used. It produces currents of medium frequency, which, after passing through the tissues, it uses as low-frequency ones. It has analgesic and muscle relaxant effects, improves blood circulation in tissues, can also cause myostimulation and have an antispasmodic effect. The doctor prescribes, the duration is 12-20 minutes, depending on the type of disease.
Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Contraindications: pacemaker, tumors, sensory disturbances, metal implants in current flow, pregnancy, eczema, bleeding
Pulse magnetotherapy
Pulse magnetotherapy uses the effect of an electromagnetic field on the body; cylindrical or flat electrodes are used for the procedure. It has a vasodilating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effect. Accelerates the healing of bone and soft tissue. It is used according to the doctor's prescription, the duration of the procedure is 10-30 minutes, depending on the intensity of the electromagnetic field.
Indications: degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the locomotor system, functional disorders of the locomotor system, bone fractures and fractures, sterile and microbial inflammations, irritated bladder
Contraindications: pacemaker, tumors, pregnancy, bleeding conditions, disorders of the endocrine glands, severe cases of atherosclerosis, epilepsy, menstruation
Infrasauna is designed to heat the body with infrared radiation up to a depth of 4 cm. The skin is exposed to warm and dry air with a temperature of 45°C in the closed space of the sauna. Turning on thermoregulatory mechanisms lead to profuse sweating, while blood circulation in the subcutaneous space improves, muscles and ligaments warm up and relax. The recommended duration of the procedure for an adult is 20-30 minutes, but the patient can make a decision in accordance with his subjective feelings. The procedure is intended for general relaxation, rest, relaxation in case of muscle fatigue, muscle rheumatism, pain in the joints and spine, for warming up and relaxing muscles before a classic massage. Half an hour before the procedure and after it, it is recommended to drink a glass of pure mineral water. The procedure is not recommended for acute forms of diseases, for cardio patients, for patients with oncological diseases, epilepsy and bleeding. If your body reacts adversely to this procedure, be sure to consult a doctor who will recommend a suitable replacement for you.

Water is the basis of all life. A person can live without food for several weeks, but without water - only two or three days. Water has a variety of properties, and can not only support life, but also improve health, literally cure various diseases, correct the figure, and slow down aging. In fact, water is a universal medicine, you just need to use it correctly and on time.

For weight loss and body shaping, water is simply irreplaceable. The usual sitting on a diet, especially on the most cruel one, which involves rapid weight loss, ends with the formation of sagging skin folds (“extra” skin, from which fat leaves), small wrinkles (still the same “extra” skin), various irregularities, as well as with a sharp weight loss - a deterioration in health and a constant feeling of weakness (this is already a reaction of the vessels, which, unexpectedly for themselves, must switch to a different mode of operation and, accordingly, cannot cope with it).

Contrast baths are an excellent training for blood vessels with a sharp weight loss. This procedure is used as a wellness and for vegetative-vascular dystonia, since such a “vascular training” reduces vascular lability and improves well-being.

The usual scheme: ten sessions, each session - six changes of water. You need to start with a hot bath (up to 50 ° C), and finish with a cold one (up to 11-12 ° C). The residence time in a hot bath is 2 minutes, in a cold bath - 1 minute.

Such training for blood vessels can also be arranged at home, only these will not be contrast baths, but a contrast shower. This can be done even if there is no special shower with the appropriate functions, you just have to manually quickly switch the water from hot to cold and back.

Contrast baths (or contrast showers) not only train the vessels, but also tone the entire body. At the same time, the condition of the skin improves, sagging is tightened, sagging and fine wrinkles disappear. The skin becomes soft and tender. Therefore, contrast baths are recommended not only for those who are on a diet, but also for everyone else - as a tonic and rejuvenating agent.

With a tightening of sagging skin due to a sharp weight loss of the skin, various souls do an excellent job. Cascade - a stream of water falling from above (water under pressure, it's practically the same as standing under a waterfall), massages the neck-collar zone, and not only smoothes various skin folds and reduces unevenness, but also stimulates the work of blood vessels. Such a shower is very good for vegetative-vascular dystonia and osteochondrosis of the cervical-collar zone.

Circular shower - small streams of water, beating from all sides, stimulate blood vessels throughout the body, provide a light and pleasant body massage (for those who are afraid of tickling, out of habit, it may not be too comfortable under a circular shower, but the feeling of discomfort quickly passes).

Charcot's shower is familiar to many, and is perceived by many as a procedure invented by a sophisticated sadist. Nevertheless, Charcot's shower is an excellent tool for training blood vessels and tightening the skin. For those who do not like Charcot's shower (nevertheless, a jet of water under pressure, literally smearing on the wall, does not give much pleasure), there is hydromassage. In fact, this is the same Charcot shower, but the patient is in the water, which smoothes and softens the blows of the water jet.

But the most versatile tool, suitable for almost everyone, is a pool. Everyone at least once in his life saw how river and sea waves grind stones to an unprecedented, silky smoothness. The same thing happens with the human body. Swimming is a great sport that helps maintain good health, muscle and vascular tone. And water, gently flowing around the body, smoothes its contours. For those who lose weight, the pool is an indispensable procedure. Water prevents the formation of skin folds, smoothes wrinkles, removes irregularities. The constant and even pressure of the water during your stay in the pool provides an unobtrusive muscle training, tightens the whole body.

Those who use water procedures for healing (for example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, some joint diseases, with general weakness of the body after a long illness), it is better to start with a visit to special therapeutic pools. Of course, there is no need to talk about swimming in such pools. Usually they are quite small and not too big. But in such pools it is possible to do water gymnastics (for losing weight, this is also very useful). On the one hand, it is easier to move in water - water supports the body, on the other hand, water creates additional resistance to movement. The result is that with seemingly small physical exertion, muscle tone is perfectly restored.

Pools with natural mineral water are very good. This water has a beneficial effect on the skin and rejuvenating effect.

Of course, before starting to engage in water procedures, you need to consult a doctor. But in the vast majority of cases, doctors are not only not against water procedures, but even prescribe them as therapeutic for various diseases. Because in many cases, water is much more effective than all the medicines that can be purchased at the pharmacy.


The Great Encyclopedia of Health Paul Bragg A. V. Moskin

Wellness water treatments

Hydrotherapy - the use of fresh water for preventive and therapeutic purposes - has a thousand-year history. Water treatment was used by the Egyptians, ancient Indians, Chinese and Babylonians. In ancient Rome, public baths (terms) were the prototype of modern health centers. Along with the actual washing, they were used for treatment - contrast bathing in hot and cold water, massage, aromatherapy, mud baths.

After the long decline of hydrotherapy in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, interest in the healing properties of water began to grow again in the 17th and 18th centuries, and in the 19th century, scientific justifications for hydrotherapy already appeared. Pastor Sebastian Kneipp's work on hydrotherapy gained great popularity.

Hydrotherapy is based on several unique properties of water, as well as its accessibility to almost everyone and the relative ease of performing wellness treatments.

Hydrotherapy is a healing modality that is suitable for everyone, but it has some limitations.

Since the main healing effect of water procedures is based on the contrast of temperatures, and the body is subjected to mechanical stress, there are strict contraindications for hydrotherapy. Ignoring them can lead to serious consequences.

First of all, this includes any acute forms or exacerbations of chronic diseases, especially inflammatory ones. At this time, your body must be treated with extreme caution, because most of the forces are spent on fighting the infection, and excess stress can undermine the already weakened defenses.

Hydrotherapy is dangerous in the presence of malignant tumors or benign neoplasms with a tendency to grow. Blood diseases in the acute stage, diseases accompanied by bleeding exclude hydrotherapy procedures. The same applies to severe kidney disease, tuberculosis, glaucoma.

We have already said that the cardiovascular system experiences a significant load during hydrotherapy. Doctors strongly recommend to refrain from strong impact procedures (for example, a contrast shower) if the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases, with circulatory disorders above I degree.

The skin is directly exposed to water and other mechanical factors during procedures, and in the presence of certain skin diseases, contact with water can lead to poor health. This applies, for example, to weeping eczema - pemphigus.

Extreme caution should be applied to the use of water procedures during pregnancy, especially in the second half. It must be remembered that not only the mother's body is at risk, but also the health of the unborn child. When choosing a particular procedure, be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Women are also not recommended to carry out water procedures on critical days.

From the book Hardening and hydrotherapy author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

WATER TREATMENTS The following procedures, which are widespread among people, are water. They do not have a pronounced hardening effect, but are used for other purposes. First, let's get acquainted with the statements about the water of the ancient sages and healers. According to

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Wellness author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Water procedures The main mechanisms of the influence of water procedures on the human body - Water procedures complete the development of the body. This is one of the main mechanisms of the influence of water on the human body, which brings us closer to the prenatal stage of development with all its

From the book Human Bioenergetics: Ways to Increase Energy Potential author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Water procedures The main mechanisms of the influence of water on the human body Sebastian Kneipp, based on his 30-year experience in the use of hydrotherapy, spoke about the effect of water on the human body.1. What is a disease, what is the common source of all diseases? All

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Water procedures Today you had to spend the whole day on your feet - they are buzzing and filled with heaviness. Let's do a wet foot wrap. Wear wool socks over a pair of wet socks. Now you need to lie down in bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Make sure the room is not

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Physical activity and wellness Everyone knows how important an active lifestyle is for maintaining health. Regular physical activity, among other things, contributes to the restoration of the functions of the nervous system and blood vessels, which is of great importance.

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Water procedures The main stages of body skin care include cleansing (contrast showers, baths, bath procedures), toning, nutrition, moisturizing. Let's take a closer look at each stage. Cleansing Of course, in caring for your body, you must clean daily not

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Water treatments These include showers, baths and visits to the bath or sauna. Of course, each person regularly takes a bath or shower and from time to time visits a bath or sauna. However, even these familiar procedures can be turned into an effective means of combating

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WATER TREATMENTS Russian banya The most Russian way out of a hangover syndrome is a banya, with a broom, with herbal tea. The famous Russian historian N.I. Kostomarov wrote: “The bath was the most

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Water procedures Any water procedures can be called without exaggeration the most pleasant method of body shaping. What happens at this time in the body? First of all, rejuvenation of the skin, which after a bath or shower becomes smooth, elastic and silky. Except

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Water procedures Before proceeding to "water" training, you should consult an ophthalmologist, since such procedures are contraindicated for some eye diseases. There are several options for "bathing" the eyes, which have a beneficial

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Water procedures

From the book Vascular Diseases. The most effective treatments author Yulia Sergeevna Popova

WATER TREATMENTS Hydrotherapy is the most powerful tool for strengthening and healing blood vessels. This is largely due to the effect of water on both the skin and the entire body as a whole. Even the ancient luminaries of medicine were familiar with the following reaction principle

From the book We increase immunity without doctors and drugs author Yuri Mikhailovich Konstantinov

Water procedures They include showering, bathing (baths), washing, dousing, wiping and wet wrapping. The hardening effect in this case is due to irritation of the nerve endings of the skin by water.

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Chapter 3. Wellness procedures In addition to all kinds of wellness methods aimed at strengthening immunity, maintaining good physical shape, there are many little tricks that can help you maintain health and vigor for a long time.

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5. Water procedures Cool wraps for the treatment of gastric and intestinal ulcersCool body and leg wraps are used for inflammatory diseases of the organs of the entire abdominal cavity, as they improve excretory functions and skin nutrition. With this

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Water procedures The means of external cleansing of yoga include external water procedures, which are of great importance. If the skin is not regularly cleaned, then the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands becomes difficult, conditions are created for the reproduction of microbes and various problems arise.

You can’t start a romance at such a “resort”, but ...

A working person is entitled to a vacation once a year, and everyone wants to spend it in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for wasted money. Relax, improve your health. But in sanatoriums it’s boring, and “in the wild” harmful excesses are inevitable ...

And if you do the opposite: take wellness procedures at home so that you can relax more freely on a long-awaited vacation? Say, our capital has nothing to do with the resort? Wrong!

“We had a good rest, but we were very tired”
And the Dead Sea, and Karlovy Vary, and hundreds of other resorts, first of all, attract us not with marvelous landscapes, but with the unique properties of specific natural factors that contribute to the cure of many diseases. Mother nature in some cases is actually the best doctor.

Meanwhile, "health tours" to any resort area are not useful for everyone. Some vacationers can hardly endure both acclimatization and a sharp change in diet. And most importantly, the procedures themselves can cause unexpected side effects - sometimes the physiotherapist who blesses the trip cannot predict them. In addition, there is no such sanatorium zone where all ailments would be treated at once.

This means that the real benefit from the trip can be extracted only when the recovery adequate to the state of the body is guaranteed. Otherwise, “at the exit” we will get the usual vacation away from home, only too generously paid.

"Do you have fresh sea water?"
Physiotherapy procedures are good as a prophylactic. It's even better when they're on time. Radon baths, for example, would be very useful at the time of exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis. But going to the resort because of the six sessions prescribed by the rheumatologist is pointless, and it will take more than one day to arrange the trip. But in a specially equipped clinic, these procedures can be obtained immediately. Like many others from the arsenal of spa treatment.

Modern medicine, paying tribute to the possibilities of physiotherapy, reasoned sensibly: if the patient does not go to the resort, why not make the resort “come” to the patient? There is no need to stock up on canned sea air, but natural sea water is needed. As well as unique healing mud - peloids, and algae, which are widely used for rejuvenation and restoration of tissues. For suppliers of medicinal raw materials, this is a profitable business, for reputable clinics - prestige and expanding the range of therapy options. Only the climate cannot be brought from the resort, and therefore climatotherapy remains perhaps the only advantage of natural forges of health.

Bath consultation
In developed countries, there are many medical institutions that in urban conditions will give odds to any medical resort, offering a much wider range of medical procedures in the complex and volume that are relevant for any patient without exception. In addition, treatment or rehabilitation at "artificial resorts" in some cases is even more effective and ... safer. There is no paradox in this. When compiling individual programs, the specialists of city clinics reinsure themselves: the commandment “do no harm” in physiotherapy is no less relevant than in any other area of ​​medicine.

Even staying in solariums, which are now open at every turn, has contraindications, but what do sunbathing lovers know about them? And what doctors of resorts and sanatoriums sometimes turn a blind eye to (“A man traveled so far, paying a lot of money!”), Will alert the specialists of the city medical center. For example, being overweight can mean a latent endocrine disease. So, before immersing the patient in the bliss of procedures, it is imperative to conduct a thorough examination. And only after that, the coordinating doctor will determine the indications for their appointment, and the physiotherapist will adjust the program, dosing the loads and verifying the compatibility of methods and areas of application.

From mud to algae
For many, the first sign of the "resort" of the physiotherapy department is the presence of healing mud. The demand for mud therapy is stable. They are traditionally used in gynecologists, urologists, proctology, otolaryngology...

“Mud wraps activate numerous processes in the body, up to the resorption of fat cells,” says Zhanna Yusova, doctor at the Swiss Medical Center in Moscow. - For example, we use highly mineralized mud from the Crimea, "live", containing natural antibiotics - beneficial bacteria, antagonists of pathogenic microbes. They contribute to the restoration of human skin and flora.

Algae successfully compete with therapeutic mud in terms of spectrum and strength of impact. The most saturated with trace elements are those that grow in the Mediterranean Sea. They make hot and cold wraps. The first creates the effect of a sauna that enhances the penetration of active substances inside, helps to model the figure, improves skin tone and elasticity, dilates blood vessels and activates blood circulation. And with a cold wrap, capillaries and blood vessels narrow, blood and lymph carry toxins and waste products to the internal cleansing organs. Cold wrap is recommended for swelling, fatigue, heaviness in the legs - that is, for the most common ailments. It is effective as a rehabilitation after vein sclerosis.

Algae wraps give excellent results in the fight against cellulite. Body shaping is a very popular procedure among women. While some are even ready for surgical removal of body fat, physiotherapists offer a gentle "vegetarian" technique.

“During the first three days of wrapping, the volume of the waist and hips decreases, sometimes up to 2.5 cm per day,” Dr. Yusova assures. – Despite the fact that in the specialized literature more modest achievements are described with a larger number of procedures. And the best results are obtained after applying a comprehensive course of treatment or rehabilitation: natural ingredients plus therapy with the latest and unique equipment.”

Luxury - yes to cellulite!
Targeted massage - with the help of special equipment and in combination with an individually composed Euro-diet - easily eliminates cellulite formations. This is also physiotherapy. Today, in the best physiotherapy departments, a device with the exotic name "Yin-Yang" is used, which breaks down fat cells with low-frequency ultrasound - with the help of nozzles that are fixed on problem areas of the body. Split cells under the action of microcurrents produced by the apparatus are excreted through the lymph. Moreover, the lymph does not stagnate in the nodes, "Yin-Yang" effectively surges.

So that the muscles do not look flabby after being freed from fat cells, they are pulled up on special simulators. At the same time, it is possible to influence a muscle group, and even a single one, pointwise. And this is not just high-level physiotherapy - this is aerobatics. A steam bath, an infrared sauna, a wooden font, a Charcot shower, a vacuum roller and many other massagers - everything that is considered an unattainable luxury in an ordinary clinic is considered as a necessary accessory in specialized medical centers. Together with a bath for balneological procedures (bathing treatment) and an underwater massage shower. All this is really necessary so that the procedures with physical activity are replaced by relaxing, rejuvenating ones. In various combinations, they make up the very medical or health-improving complexes, the effectiveness of which, according to experts, exceeds the results of staying at a specialized resort.

Anyone who has ever been in a Russian bath and felt its healing steam will surely tell you that after visiting her, a bad mood disappeared somewhere, aching joints disappeared, and other sores that until recently literally poisoned life ceased to be felt. In this case, there is an invariable desire for such pleasure to last as long as possible.

From time immemorial, Russian people went to the bathhouse not only to take water procedures. For him, it was a place for ancient customs and rituals, as well as fortune-telling. Why do people go to baths today? Let's try to understand this issue.

folk healer

Baths have been around for centuries. And people prefer to wear them not only to have a good wash. There are many adherents of this invention. And all because bath procedures have healing properties that mankind has been familiar with since ancient times.

For example, Hippocrates often appointed a steam room for his patients. He believed that toxins and poisons that accumulated in the body and poisoned it during illness would certainly leave the body due to increased sweating. It is worth saying that this ancient Greek doctor himself used the methods of treatment he developed, which allowed him to live 110 years.

Healing bath procedures were offered to their patients by the healers of Ancient Rome. They rightly believed that water together with steam (both dry and wet) creates real miracles.

In Rus', they also knew that bathing procedures bring health benefits. Our ancestors believed that a well-heated steam room can heal any patient, even the seemingly hopeless one. For a long time in Rus', bathing health procedures have been used for diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. In the steam room they treated gout and colds, adjusted joints and got rid of skin diseases. It was believed that there is no such ailment from which a bath could not save.

Respiratory treatment

Often the only way to get rid of certain diseases are steam and hot air. That is why bathing wellness procedures are recommended for the treatment of respiratory organs. During their holding, hot steam gives the person its warmth. At the same time, the lungs warm up, pathogenic microbes lose the ability not only to multiply in the body, but also to penetrate into it.

In the Russian bath, a so-called heat stroke is created, which greatly enhances the therapeutic effect. This phenomenon occurs at the moment when liquid is poured onto hot stones located in a steam oven. And if you add various healing infusions and decoctions to the water, you can get a wonderful opportunity to inhale healing vapors.

A visit to the bath will help after an attack of bronchial asthma. In this case, it is recommended to use brooms made from tree twigs, densely covered with leaves. After all, it contains healing components that, evaporating, will cleanse the lungs of sputum, produce a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and will contribute to the disinfection of the bronchi.

Strengthening immunity

The use of bath procedures is a wonderful way to preserve human health. In order to feel cheerful and full of vitality, we all need good immunity, which will be strengthened by hardening procedures.

Even in ancient times, people paid attention to the fact that contrasting temperatures have a beneficial effect on human health. This has been confirmed by modern research. So, if a person heated up by a bath immediately plunges into the snow or into an ice hole, then the body reacts to this by releasing a huge charge of energy. At the same time, the strongest activation of vital forces occurs. Such bath procedures are useful for men and women with an inactive lifestyle. In addition, with regular conduct, such hardening will increase the body's immune forces, protecting it from colds and inflammatory diseases.

weight loss

A woman of any age wants to be slim and beautiful. But do not forget that the appearance of a person is largely influenced by his health. After all, many are unhappy with their brittle hair, poor skin condition, ugly complexion and overweight. And these are the components of health.

Bath procedures will allow you to get rid of many problems. For women, the steam room is recommended as an effective means to get rid of excess weight. Hot water enhances blood circulation, due to which a deep cleansing of the body occurs and metabolic processes are enhanced.

Baths are repeated in courses with a break of 2-3 days. They should be continued until the desired result is achieved. In between visits to the steam room, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of apple juice daily, excluding coffee or sweet tea from the diet. It is worth saying that bath procedures for weight loss are so effective that they allow you to get rid of 300 to 400 g of excess weight in one session in a steam room.

There is another way to make your body beautiful. It involves taking a cool shower after a five-minute stay in the steam room. Next, wrap yourself in a hot towel and return to the bath for another two minutes. This must be repeated at least 4-5 times. The contrasting effect of cold and heat will best destroy fat deposits under the skin, which will be excreted from the body.

Skin care

Taking a bath or shower, no doubt. However, the tap water in our homes contains chlorine, which has an adverse effect on the skin. Quite another matter - the water in the bath. It is much softer and better. In addition, the charm of this water lies in the atmosphere itself, saturated with the smell of oak trees and combined with clubs of steam and hot air.

However, water alone is clearly not enough for the skin. You need to perform this procedure with a bar of soap with the simple name "Bath". This remedy does not have special enchanting aromas, but it is most suitable for a steamed body due to the additions of natural extracts of medicinal herbs contained in it.

Many women believe that bath procedures are harmful to the skin. And to prevent exposure to hot steam, they rub oily creams into the body. However, this should not be done. A greasy cream will only clog the pores and prevent the skin from breathing normally. Bath air has the opposite effect. It cleanses the pores and therefore improves the appearance of the skin.

There is one old folk advice, using which you can get a feeling of unusual freshness. According to him, a little honey should be rubbed into the skin while performing a massage or self-massage of the body at the same time. Although simple, this procedure is very effective. It will cleanse the pores, as well as nourish the skin and relieve irritation from them.

Nail and hand care

During bath procedures, you can not only bathe. Many women use this time to take care of their hands. Of course, in public baths it is difficult to take care of yourself. But the facilities near a village or country house may well replace a small beauty salon.

So, it is recommended to use bath procedures to rejuvenate the skin of the hands, which often looks unkempt and rough. At the same time, in addition to moist and hot air, which expands the pores, it is necessary to use exfoliating and softening mixtures and compositions.

One of the simplest recommendations is an oil wrap. To perform this procedure, you will need either a fat cream or vegetable oil. After applying the product to the skin, put on cotton gloves on your hands.

The same procedure is performed for nails. Only in this case, a pinch of salt must be added to the vegetable oil. The beauty of the hands will be given by a mixture of milk and honey (1: 1) applied to their skin.

One of the anti-aging agents will be ordinary bath brooms. They are pre-soaked in water, into which they then lower their hands.

Feet care

Pleasant trips to the bath can be combined with very useful procedures. And among them there are those that are aimed at foot care. Often, all kinds of corns appear on our feet. Our feet also hurt from calluses formed when wearing uncomfortable shoes. The most suitable place to get rid of these growths is a bath. Here the legs are superbly steamed, which allows you to remove the keratinized layers from their skin.

The bath will also help those who suffer from heel spurs, which bring discomfort when walking. To eliminate such deposits on a sore spot, it is recommended to apply a compress from an alcohol tincture of lilac.

Bath procedures will help get rid of excessive sweating. This process is accompanied by a not very pleasant smell coming from the feet. To get rid of the problem after the bath, wipe the feet and skin between the fingers with an ice cube. But at the same time, it is enough to pour cold water over the legs themselves. Also recommended are foot baths with infusion left after soaking an oak or birch broom.

With overwork and muscle strain, coniferous solutions will help the legs. Baths from them will relieve the skin and bruises.


Bath procedures are not useful for everyone and not always. There are also some restrictions regarding general well-being and health. So, there are diseases in which visiting the steam room is strictly prohibited, and one of them is hypertension, which has reached the second or third stage. Indeed, in the bath, the body temperature rises to 38-40 degrees, and after it, blood pressure also rises. A similar condition for hypertensive patients can result not only in a worsening condition, but also in loss of consciousness, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, etc.

Doctors also forbid those who suffer from certain cardiovascular diseases to take a steam bath from the heart. After all, everyone knows that when visiting a steam room, the pulse quickens. And this indicates an increase in the load on the heart muscle. So, trips to the bath with endocarditis, pericarditis and myocarditis are prohibited. With such pathologies, sessions in the steam room sometimes end tragically. Hot air baths are also contraindicated for those who have suffered a heart attack. Caution will be required from patients diagnosed with "arrhythmia", "angina pectoris", "atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels and aorta".

What other bathing procedures have contraindications? With bursitis and other inflammatory diseases, you should seek the advice of a doctor. The choice of a specialist will depend on the degree and severity of the disease.

Doctor's recommendations regarding the possibility of visiting the steam room will be needed for anemia and infectious diseases. But a categorical ban on such trips exists in patients with asthma, dermatitis and eczema.

Falling asleep during bath procedures is also contraindicated. It will not bring health benefits and will significantly increase the load on the heart and blood vessels.
