Why are Vanessa Montoro's dresses expensive? Vanessa Montoro: crochet

Crochet is as old as the world. It is unlikely that anyone knows exactly when, where and for what purposes people began to crochet. It seems that this type of needlework is very outdated, and crocheted things cannot look modern. However, it is not. If the master has a delicate taste and his own style, then the products are unique, beautiful, refined, and most importantly, relevant. This is exactly the kind of clothes crocheted by Brazilian designer Vanessa Montoro.

A little about the designer

Vanessa Montoro became interested in modeling clothes as a child. Having learned to crochet, she set a goal to take it to the next level, to make it sophisticated, chic and fashionable at all times. Definitely, the designer succeeded. Today, many stars are happy to wear clothes created by Vanessa Montoro: dresses (diagrams will be below), skirts, blouses and coats are her creations.

Vanessa's clients love her clothes not only for their unique design, but also for their environmental friendliness. All models are made of silk or wool and are dyed by the designer at home according to old recipes. The range of outfits is always neutral: calm natural colors give things even more color and originality. Some dresses look like vintage ones, as if they had been lying in a grandmother's chest for several decades and were waiting in the wings to decorate a modern girl in the twenty-first century.

Dress models

The collections created by Vanessa Montoro are full of beautiful female names and “delicious” words. These are the names for example:

  • "Sofia". Skirt with layered lace frills, slightly above the knee length and 3/4 sleeves.
  • "Olivia". Textured knee-length pencil skirt and long lace sleeves.
  • "Jacqueline". Lovely button-down dress with an openwork skirt in a semi-adjacent silhouette and short sleeves.
  • "Zephyr". A textured hexagon mini dress with a mesh neckline and short sleeves.
  • "Duchess". Button-down, low-cut dress with long sleeves and puffy shoulders.

If you want to knit any dress from the designer's collection, then it is not necessary to completely repeat the pattern and style. View Vanessa Montoro dresses with diagrams, descriptions and combine them into your perfect dress, inspired by design ideas. Experiment with the length of the skirt and sleeves, the depth of the neckline and the fit of the silhouette.

Yarn and hook

Vanessa Montoro prefers crocheting, so she will need it for work. As mentioned earlier, the designer is dealing with natural silk yarn. Of course, you can also take silk, but if you are not yet very confident in your abilities, or the cost of yarn scares you a little, then you can choose to work:

  • 100% mercerized cotton. Such yarn has a slight sheen, a bit like a silk thread, the product is smooth and very durable.
  • Viscose. This is a durable shiny yarn. The advantage of viscose over cotton is that the finished product is much lighter in weight, but more difficult to care for, since it tends to stretch after washing.
  • in its pure form is rarely used, but it complements the yarn of natural composition well. Very strong thread, with a sheen inherent in silk.
  • Bamboo. It is a natural hypoallergenic yarn, soft, smooth and pleasant to wear.

It is better to choose a hook for work that is not the thinnest, No. 2.5-3.5 is suitable. So the product will turn out to be more loose and embossed, in the style of dresses that Vanessa Montoro knits.

What measurements need to be taken

Before you start knitting a dress for yourself or someone else, you need to take a few measurements, according to which the pattern will be built later:

  • Neck girth (OSH) - you will need this measurement if you have chosen a neckline dress model. If the dress is a bustier or with straps, then this measurement is not needed.
  • Chest girth (OG) - measured at the most convex points of the chest.
  • Chest height (SH) - from the base of the neck to the most convex point of the chest.
  • Waist circumference (FROM) - you need to measure at the narrowest point, you can pre-tie a belt or lace around the waist.
  • Bust to waist (WT) - measured vertically.
  • Hip circumference (OB) - at the widest point of the hips.
  • Product length (CI) - from the seventh cervical vertebra to the desired length.
  • Shoulder length (DP) - from the base of the neck along the circumference of the shoulder.
  • Shoulder width (SHP) - from the base of the neck to the armhole.
  • Shoulder girth (OP) - at the widest point of the arm. We measure only if the dress is with sleeves.
  • Sleeve length (SL) - from the end of the shoulder to the desired length.

Building a pattern

Almost all crochet dresses (Vanessa Montoro) have a tight-fitting silhouette, they tightly fit the figure, emphasizing all its advantages. If you have a perfectly fitting sheath dress in your wardrobe, you can use it as a pattern. Lay it out on a flat surface and apply related items to it.

If there is no such dress, then it is better to build a pattern, which can then be used for a long time:

  • Construct a rectangle whose height is CI and width is OB.
  • Divide the upper part in half and put point A, from it on both sides set aside segments equal to OSH: 4. These are points B and C.
  • From points B and C, measure down a distance equal to VG, connect new points horizontally, set aside OG: 2 between them. These are points D and E.
  • Smoothly connect points E, G and the lower right corner of the rectangle, as well as D, F and the lower left corner of the rectangle.
  • Connect B and C with a smooth line - this is the neck.
  • From B and C, set aside DP, put B 1 and C 1.
  • From B 1 C 1 measure down the SP. These are armholes.
  • Smoothly circle the entire pattern.

Features from Vanessa Montoro

Almost all models are knitted from separate sections, which are then joined together. They can go both horizontally and vertically. Each section is knitted in a specific pattern according to the scheme. Due to this, crochet looks very unusual, as Vanessa Montoro intended. Dresses, the schemes for which are presented below, keep their shape better, do not stretch out and perfectly “sit down” on the figure.

The finished pattern is divided into blocks, which are knitted separately. A beautiful lace trim usually goes along the bottom of the hem. Some models are made entirely of lace, and if you are not ready to wear them on a naked body, take care of the lining, or wear a dress with a solid matte combination.

Elements found in schemas

The diagrams often include:

  • Single crochet.
  • Column with one crochet.
  • A column with two or more crochets.
  • Lush column with three crochets (H) with a common top. We make H, insert the hook into the desired loop, pull out the working thread, again H, insert the hook into the same loop, pull the thread, and again H, pull the thread again. We knit all the loops of one air.
  • Embossed column (in the diagrams it is designated as a column with H with a “hook”). We make H, we insert the hook not into the upper loop of the column of the previous row, but behind the column itself. Then we knit like a regular double crochet. So knitting becomes embossed.
  • Crossed double crochets. We knit the first column with H into the second loop, again we make H and insert the hook into the first loop, after which we knit a column with H. The bases are crossed.

Lace binding

On the edge of the dresses that Vanessa Montoro knits (diagrams are attached), there are either frills or beautiful lace trim. You need to start it when all the details are already assembled, as this is the final stage of work on the dress. For a frill, you can use the proposed scheme or choose it to your taste. Also, openwork strapping can be along the cuffs of the sleeves and the neck. This gives the dresses a touch of vintage and makes them feminine and romantic.

Crochet is one of the oldest types of needlework, the popularity of which is unabated today. After all, a crocheted thing is a guarantee of uniqueness and originality. Of course, knitting requires perseverance and attention, since it sometimes takes more than one week to create a large thing. However, experienced knitters are able to create real masterpieces with a simple hook and thread.

And the most striking example to confirm what has been said is the work of the Brazilian fashion designer Vanessa Montoro, who managed to turn her passion for knitting into a real brand recognizable all over the world. So, let's get to know the amazing designer Vanessa Montoro and her unique dresses, the knitting patterns of which are extremely popular.

Vanessa Montoro: dress like a poem

While still a little girl, Vanessa mastered the technique of crocheting and knitting. And this passion eventually grew into the business of her life. Today it is one of the most popular handmade brands.

In her products, Vanessa has always been guided by her own ideas about fashion and style - and she did not lose. Her dresses are often called "silk poem", one can even say that the designer does not just crochet patterns, but draws - her collections are so amazing and unique.

How Vanessa Montoro Works

Vanessa's dresses are easily recognizable, her handwriting cannot be confused with anything. When creating their models, the designer is guided by several rules:

  • Favorite material for creating things is silk (sometimes even hand-spun silk). It is thanks to him that dresses seem flowing and especially feminine. Also sometimes Vanessa Montoro works with 100% wool.
  • In her works, she uses only naturally dyed threads. Yarn for creating patterns is dyed by hand at home. To do this, Vanessa uses old grandmother's recipes and natural pigments.
  • She knits from yarn dyed with natural shades that will be in fashion regardless of the season. This is mainly the color of coffee with milk, spinach, pastel gentle colors. However, in fairness, it should be noted that recently the designer likes to experiment: along with dresses of neutral shades, there are models made in quite catchy colors.
  • The patterns in Vanessa Montoro's dresses are quite simple, and their silhouette is concise. But the multi-tiered and lace, the use of unique author's patterns for knitting makes the dresses truly unique. By the way, the designer takes about a month to invent patterns and create a product.

Brand popularity: from catwalk to city park

Today, Vanessa Montoro's dresses can often be found on the red carpet, they are often printed in modern fashion magazines such as Elle, Vogue and Marie Clair. Of course, the price of products for the average buyer is too high, not everyone can afford to buy such a thing. In addition, the original models are created in just a few copies of different colors. Plus the use of natural expensive materials and an advanced brand. And I want to look beautiful and feminine!

That is why experienced knitters began to adopt Vanessa's style of knitting. It is clear that it is unlikely to achieve an ideal similarity, but it is quite possible to adopt the main idea. And they adapted to replace expensive silk, for example, with a wool mixture with the addition of bobbin silk.

Vanessa Montoro: schemes

Today, dresses inspired by Vanessa Montoro can be found almost everywhere: in the office, on a walk in a city park or in class at the institute. After all, dressing in such an outfit, you begin to feel especially feminine and unique.

Vanessa Montoro

"I'm trying to turn crochet

into knitting in a new language, but I always

I try to work in a neutral concept,

no matter what is fashionable"

Vanessa Montoro

Vanessa Montoro is a wonderful woman, designer and knitter from Brazil. As a little girl, Vanessa Montoro fell in love with crochet. Her love for knitting was instilled in her by her grandmother, who knitted beautiful dresses. Vanessa now has her own clothing brand, Vanessa Montoro. The company has established itself as a feminine, comfortable, eco-friendly brand. All collections are original, feminine and unique. The collection includes dresses (Vanessa's favorite), tops, coats, suits, blouses and more. Vanessa is very creative and demanding on products. This is reflected in the collections. Each product is created in several copies of different colors. Each of her dresses is unique, it is only one, it takes an average of a month to invent a model and create a dress.

Vanessa specializes mainly in knitting from silk threads, because it is thanks to silk that the special effect of light and flowing tiered lace is achieved, with which the designer likes to decorate her models. She managed to take the design of a knitted dress to a whole new level. Thanks to her creativity, it became clear how wide the possibilities are in a simple crochet technique.

Vanessa herself comes up with schemes for the product. They are quite simple, but give the dress a unique style. She turns the usual crochet technique into something more. Each new collection only confirms the boundlessness and diversity of her creative thinking. She has a bright author's handwriting.

Vanessa knits in natural colors such as coffee, spinach and mate, which are always stylish, no matter the season. Exquisite color combinations betray tenderness and femininity to products. She works with home-dyed yarns from old recipes revived by Vanessa. As dyes, for example, yerba mate, annatto (a shrub containing a red pigment), mulberry leaves, coffee and even onion peel are used. Therefore, the models are made in muted natural tones. Her favorite yarn is silk. She also uses 100% wool.

The multi-tiered patterns give the dresses their own unique look. Silhouettes are laconic, and thanks to silk, any dress looks perfect on the figure.

Vanessa is not chasing fashion, but keeps track of fashion trends. Exclusive handmade dresses are a luxury that not everyone can afford. Such things are always at the height of fashion. Vanessa Montoro's collections can be seen in leading fashion magazines, at high fashion shows. Her works attract with their singularity, femininity. Often the designer's dresses can be seen on the stars.

Montoro has his own small workshop. It can only be accessed by prior appointment. Clothes from Vanessa Montoro can also be bought in stores in major cities in Brazil, such as Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia. Products created by designer Vanessa Montorovne fashion boundaries! The collections delight and take you into the world of fantasy. The best motivator for knitters is the work of women like Vanessa. Maybe after viewing her products, you will knit something beyond your dreams!!!

Dress "Olivia"

Dress "Parisian"

Dress "Charlotte"

Dress "Mallorca"

Dress "Sofia"

Crochet is as old as the world. It is unlikely that anyone knows exactly when, where and for what purposes people began to crochet. It seems that this type of needlework is very outdated, and crocheted things cannot look modern. However, it is not. If the master has a delicate taste and his own style, then the products are unique, beautiful, refined, and most importantly, relevant. This is exactly the kind of clothes crocheted by Brazilian designer Vanessa Montoro.

A little about the designer

Vanessa Montoro became interested in modeling clothes as a child. After learning how to crochet, she set out to take knitwear to the next level, making it sophisticated, chic and fashionable at all times. Definitely, the designer succeeded. Today, many stars are happy to wear clothes created by Vanessa Montoro: dresses (diagrams will be below), skirts, blouses and coats are her creations.

Vanessa's clients love her clothes not only for their unique design, but also for their environmental friendliness. All models are made of silk or wool and are dyed by the designer at home according to old recipes. The range of outfits is always neutral: calm natural colors give things even more color and originality. Some dresses look like vintage ones, as if they had been lying in a grandmother's chest for several decades and were waiting in the wings to decorate a modern girl in the twenty-first century.

Dress models

The collections created by Vanessa Montoro are full of beautiful female names and “delicious” words. These are the names for example:

  • "Sofia". Skirt with layered lace frills, slightly above the knee length and 3/4 sleeves.
  • "Olivia". Textured knee-length pencil skirt and long lace sleeves.
  • "Jacqueline". Lovely button-down dress with an openwork skirt in a semi-adjacent silhouette and short sleeves.
  • "Zephyr". A textured hexagon mini dress with a mesh neckline and short sleeves.
  • "Duchess". Button-down, low-cut dress with long sleeves and puffy shoulders.

If you want to knit any dress from the designer's collection, then it is not necessary to completely repeat the pattern and style. View Vanessa Montoro dresses with diagrams, descriptions and combine them into your perfect dress, inspired by design ideas. Experiment with the length of the skirt and sleeves, the depth of the neckline and the fit of the silhouette.

Yarn and hook

Vanessa Montoro prefers crocheting, so she will need it for work. As mentioned earlier, the designer is dealing with natural silk yarn. Of course, you can also take silk, but if you are not yet very confident in your abilities, or the cost of yarn scares you a little, then you can choose to work:

  • 100% mercerized cotton. Such yarn has a slight sheen, a bit like a silk thread, the product is smooth and very durable.
  • Viscose. This is a durable shiny yarn. The advantage of viscose over cotton is that the finished product is much lighter in weight, but more difficult to care for, since it tends to stretch after washing.
  • in its pure form is rarely used, but it complements the yarn of natural composition well. Very strong thread, with a sheen inherent in silk.
  • Bamboo. It is a natural hypoallergenic yarn, soft, smooth and pleasant to wear.

It is better to choose a hook for work that is not the thinnest, No. 2.5-3.5 is suitable. So the product will turn out to be more loose and embossed, in the style of dresses that Vanessa Montoro knits.

What measurements need to be taken

Before you start knitting a dress for yourself or someone else, you need to take a few measurements, according to which the pattern will be built later:

  • Neck girth (OSH) - you will need this measurement if you have chosen a neckline dress model. If the dress is a bustier or with straps, then this measurement is not needed.
  • Chest girth (OG) - measured at the most convex points of the chest.
  • Chest height (SH) - from the base of the neck to the most convex point of the chest.
  • Waist circumference (FROM) - you need to measure at the narrowest point, you can pre-tie a belt or lace around the waist.
  • Bust to waist (WT) - measured vertically.
  • Hip circumference (OB) - at the widest point of the hips.
  • Product length (CI) - from the seventh cervical vertebra to the desired length.
  • Shoulder length (DP) - from the base of the neck along the circumference of the shoulder.
  • Shoulder width (SHP) - from the base of the neck to the armhole.
  • Shoulder girth (OP) - at the widest point of the arm. We measure only if the dress is with sleeves.
  • Sleeve length (SL) - from the end of the shoulder to the desired length.

Building a pattern

Almost all (Vanessa Montoro) have a tight-fitting silhouette, they tightly fit the figure, emphasizing all its advantages. If you have a perfectly fitting sheath dress in your wardrobe, you can use it as a pattern. Lay it out on a flat surface and apply related items to it.

If there is no such dress, then it is better to build a pattern, which can then be used for a long time:

  • Construct a rectangle whose height is CI and width is OB.
  • Divide the upper part in half and put point A, from it on both sides set aside segments equal to OSH: 4. These are points B and C.
  • From points B and C, measure down a distance equal to VG, connect new points horizontally, set aside OG: 2 between them. These are points D and E.
  • Smoothly connect points E, G and the lower right corner of the rectangle, as well as D, F and the lower left corner of the rectangle.
  • Connect B and C with a smooth line - this is the neck.
  • From B and C, set aside DP, put B 1 and C 1.
  • From B 1 C 1 measure down the SP. These are armholes.
  • Smoothly circle the entire pattern.

Features from Vanessa Montoro

Almost all models are knitted from separate sections, which are then joined together. They can go both horizontally and vertically. Each section is knitted in a specific pattern according to the scheme. Due to this, crochet looks very unusual, as Vanessa Montoro intended. Dresses, the schemes for which are presented below, keep their shape better, do not stretch out and perfectly “sit down” on the figure.

The finished pattern is divided into blocks, which are knitted separately. A beautiful lace trim usually goes along the bottom of the hem. Some models are made entirely of lace, and if you are not ready to wear them on a naked body, take care of the lining, or wear a dress with a solid matte combination.

Elements found in schemas

The diagrams often include:

  • Single crochet.
  • Column with one crochet.
  • A column with two or more crochets.
  • Lush column with three crochets (H) with a common top. We make H, insert the hook into the desired loop, pull out the working thread, again H, insert the hook into the same loop, pull the thread, and again H, pull the thread again. We knit all the loops of one air.
  • Embossed column (in the diagrams it is designated as a column with H with a “hook”). We make H, we insert the hook not into the upper loop of the column of the previous row, but behind the column itself. Then we knit like a regular double crochet. So knitting becomes embossed.
  • Crossed double crochets. We knit the first column with H into the second loop, again we make H and insert the hook into the first loop, after which we knit a column with H. The bases are crossed.

Lace binding

On the edge of the dresses that Vanessa Montoro knits (diagrams are attached), there are either frills or beautiful lace trim. You need to start it when all the details are already assembled, as this is the final stage of work on the dress. For a frill, you can use the proposed scheme or choose it to your taste. Also, openwork strapping can be along the cuffs of the sleeves and the neck. This gives the dresses a touch of vintage and makes them feminine and romantic.

All schemes are taken from osinka http://club.osinka.ru/topic-88084?&start=0

Dress Olivia
online -

Silver age dress

The main fabric of the skirt is crossed columns and columns with two crochets, in a circle

skirt Carolina

the main fabric of the skirt is knitted from crossed columns, after a certain number of rows 2 types of frills are tied.
Frill number 1 (if you count from the top of the skirt) is a braid of flowers with 6 petals. I took this as a basis and tried to connect without interruption, slightly changing the scheme
Frill number 2 is knitted in 2 stages (I numbered them on the diagram), well, and indicated where to cling to the main fabric of the skirt. And also - the "curl" of the frill can be adjusted by the number of columns in the shells, in the second stage - I drew 9 tbsp. s \ n (I saw so much on the topmost frill No. 2, and on the next I already saw 6 st. s \ n.).

dress Valencia, Clover, untitled and Vichy

Cloth from s1n.
Attach a new thread at the end of the first row С1н
1 row - and tie a row of sc with pico. I have 4sc, pico out of 3, (7 sc, pico out of 3) repeat to the end of the row, 3 sc ... Fastening directly in 2 half loops with! n. You can knit a fabric from C1n, capturing only 1 half loop, but I like it denser.
2 row - a column with 5 crochets in the 7th sbn, sbn in the 1st sbn, 8 sbn in the girth of the column with 5 crochets, sl-st in 7 sbn of the previous row; a column with 5 crochets ... You can also fasten 5 sc for the canvas C1n, as the first rapport is connected.
3rd row - sb with picot through 7, attaching with a broach to 5 sb from 9 sb of the bow.
Naturally, depending on the threads and the desired result, the number of loops from the posts varies as desired. To get more voluminous arches, you can replace the sc with half-columns.

Charlotte dress

(description from Jeannette) I started knitting from the top from the bottom up. A chain of air loops equal to the volume of a low waist. I knitted in a circle, but it is better to knit back and forth, because it can mow. Here is a diagram of the front with side part

. I knitted embossed double crochets everywhere, but you can also knit ordinary double crochets because I tied them on top anyway, though I didn’t tie them on the back, but left just embossed posts.
Fitted on the sides and back. On the back of the three crossed columns gradually made two.
I got somewhere on the back of 65 loops, and in front - 74 loops.

I tried on a dress 38 cm - before unfolded.
Tied in front of the back with one cloth, tied a skirt. The top of the skirt is 28cm. I knitted a row of double crochets 198 pcs. Any pattern can be used in this part. I alternated the embossed column with two columns with a crochet, a embossed column with a pattern. Then she added gradually and from two columns with a crochet it turned out 4.
Then she tied a border of their 8 rapports. The scheme is terrible ... at the end there are arches of air loops. But if you look at the diagram and the pattern, you can understand

I sewed a border along the bottom, tied several rows of loin mesh and already added frills to it.

Main ruffles 615 on the sleeve and on the skirt in three rows.
Sleeve. First tied the border. Then she knitted several rows of sirloin mesh and already tied frills on it. And the top was knitted with crossed columns, forming an armhole.

This is the pattern I used on the top of the skirt. This is the first and second row, then repeat. And, as I already wrote, the double crochets are gradually brought to 4, to flare the skirt.

dress vintage

Dress Vintage.
(description from Tonic) Threads Silk Tweed 50gr/200m (it took 700 gr), hooks 3 and 3.5
The scheme of the main canvas

Sleeve scheme

Back calculation:

Embossed comb on both sides of the shelf: 4 st / w / n in 4 base loops, pico from 3 ch.
Ruffles on the back:

I knitted in an uninterrupted way.
I knitted a regular row to the place where the ruffle should begin (the current row turns out to be untied). I unfold the knitting and knit with a single crochet back to the second end of the proposed ruffle (I insert the hook not under both loops of the previous row, but under those that will later be on the front side of the product, then use the remaining paired loops to knit the next row of the main fabric, and leave the ruffles on the front side)). Having knitted to the second end of the estimated length of the ruffle, I unfold the knitting and on freshly knitted single crochet stitches I knit either a small ruffle (st single crochet, ch, st single crochet in each loop of the previous row) or a large ruffle (7 st s / n in the loop of the previous row, skip 2 loops *, repeat until *). Having knitted to the first end of the ruffle (we returned to the previously untied row), we go down to the base of the row of single crochets and again continue to knit the main previously unfinished row.
And so every time. It turns out the whole canvas.

Mallorca dress

(description from kVitochka) I knit Mallorca from top to bottom. The beginning of knitting is a line under the chest. I scored 12 wave rapports (16 loops each) according to the very first wave pattern. I knitted 7 waves to the waist line. Tied 4 rows of sirloin mesh - 1 C1H, 1VP. I switched to a wavy pattern according to the 2nd scheme with a rapport of 19 loops. As a result, 36 loops were added. Knitted to the line of the hips, knitted 4 rows of sirloin mesh. In the next row, I added a repeat of the pattern to the front and back.
All my calculations are probably of no interest to anyone. I'd rather write the main theses.
Between the rows of waves, I knitted a loin net. It is very plastic and obeys the bends of the waves of the main pattern. The increase in loops must be done at this stage. The mesh is then tied with ruffles.

Miracle dress

Sofia dress

jacqueline dress

seam on the top of the dress

And one of the skirt stripes

The entire skirt is knitted by alternating CCH with turning rows in a circle and crossed columns. Merezhka is wider - crossed 3 CCHs (2 + 1) straight row to the left, reverse row to the right. In addition, I used a series of concave columns to form a horizontal strip and a frill of 3 CCH with pikoshki.
top frill

Bottom frill


Parisian dress
online -

Dress Hearty
online -


yoke top

strip connection

The center of the coquette is a fan between the hearts.
At the coquette we knit the first two circular rows, the third - connecting with the second strip. In the same row we form the transition to the sleeves.
How I calculated the sleeves: with pins, first, from the center of the front to the sides, I cleaved the loops of the first and second strips together in accordance with the diagram. The same procedure was repeated from the center of the back to the sides. As a result, armholes formed on the sides.
Connecting stripes when expanding the hem.
We connect according to the scheme for connecting the strips, only: each fan is connected to a pico heart (do not forget to initially place the strips so that the hearts are staggered in front)
Sleeves. hook number 2.5
Armpit. In the first row: dc2n with the pico of the nearest heart, dc2n in the column of the heart, ch 1, dc2n in the heart, dc2n in the pico of the heart. In the second row between ss2n (where there is ch) we knit a fan.
We knit five rows of fans (the fifth is connecting with the next ribbon of hearts). Each row has 14 fans. Fan: 2 patent columns, 1ch, 2 patent columns.
The first and second stripes of sleeves are connected by one row of fans; between the second and third - three rows.
On the sleeves in the upper two bands, the hearts are located one below the other, the lower one is in a checkerboard pattern.
Well, do not forget to finish the frills: 2ch, pico from 3 ch, 2ch, sl-st (you can sc). Ruffles can be made more magnificent

Venus dress
There really are 2 layers. I am now knitting a similar dress, only, unlike the author of the description, I knit 1 layer of the bodice with columns at the same time from the second ball with false flowers (it’s more convenient for me, but it’s worse from the point of view that if you have to dissolve, then you need to dissolve both 1 and 2 layers) and fasten a little differently - the base of the petals - in 2 loops of the 1st row of st1n of the base, the middle between the colors. - in the girth of the 6th c1n of the 3rd row of the base, the top - for 2 loops of the 4th row of the base. My flowers of 5 lep on st with 2 crochets and chains of 4 ch, are knitted in 1 row.
we fasten the thread in the girth of the 3rd st 1n of the base, 1 ch of the lift *, stbn in the girth of the same column of the base; 4 ch, 2 st 2n together in stbn of this row; 3c2n together in the 3rd c1n of the base; 3s2n together in the 9th st of the base; 4 ch, 1 s2n in a loop between the lower petals, sl-st in 2 loops of the 4th row of the 6th sts1n of 1 layer, 4 ch, sl-st in a loop between the lower petals; 4 ch, 2 s2 n; *, stbn in the girth of the 11th s1n 3 rows of the base.
Rapport on 10 st1n of the base.
In height 3 rows of the base c1n, fastenings: at the top of the 1st row (2 lower petals), in the girth of c1n 3 rows (ends of 2 middle petals), at the top of the 4th row c1n of the base.

(description from Luduchka) Part one: bodice.
I knitted the dress in circular turning rows. The seam is on the back, it is almost invisible. First, I tied the bodice with double crochets from the bottom up, tying the chain under the bust. I did not knit the armholes! On the front, I made an increase for the chest (two grooves). Then, from top to bottom, she began to knit the upper openwork part of the bodice. On the first row of double crochets on top, I attached an ordinary small ruffle (cling to the main canvas through 2 columns). On the second strip from the top, openwork began. Based on this diagram:

in the openwork part, I did not make any reductions; in terms of the number of loops, it is wider than the main one.
I started with the third row of this scheme. Instead of a lush column, I knitted a regular column. There goes "a double crochet, two airs"; I attached these posts through a post on the main canvas. Further, the entire openwork part was knitted simply from top to bottom. That is, the next row is flowers (instead of two columns with two crochets, I have three columns with two crochets), then three rows according to the scheme, then another row of flowers. And she knitted the next row, like the first, clinging it to the main fabric. (It was the second row from the bottom or the penultimate one from the top on the main fabric) The neck, the armholes are completely tied according to this wonderful pattern:

Part two: the body.
From the bodice down in a circle in turning rows: a row of crossed columns, then I calculated the vertical pattern. I made additions both in hems and in the canvas with posts. There was no increase system, I just tried on a dress every 2-4 rows. For the basis of the flare in the hemstitch, I took this scheme

Part three: lower tier. A strip of flowers from the scheme of the bodice. I honestly counted the number of rows of double crochets on Zhannashka's dress. I flared after 3-5 rows just evenly, I didn’t specifically calculate anything. The girls wrote that the more flared, the better, so there is nothing to fear. The diagram below is from here:

After I knitted the last shemka, I steamed the dress to understand the length. This scheme is convenient in that it can be further knitted down with a mesh to the desired length.
Next came the binding with dangling flowers. Then a row of dangling flowers under the chest and above the knees. Laughing Laughing Laughing Flower patterns liked and interpreted

Sienna dress (tricolor)
online - www.site/post/7782727/

As BabaNata said - "everything is simpler than a steamed turnip ..." The pattern consists of 6 rows that are constantly repeated - only the color of the yarn changes. The dress is knitted from top to bottom, the expansion of the fabric is, for example, due to an increase in c. n. in the arches in the 5th row (in the diagram 2, and in the place of expansion you need to do 3), well, in other rows. At the bottom of the hem, the pattern is slightly different - you can see it in the photo or tie it at your discretion (I think this is not so important). At the level of the hips, 3 mini-ruffles are connected, consisting of 1 row.
The crossed columns of the 1st and 2nd rows are connected as follows: knit a double crochet over the 3rd loop of the base (not counting the extreme one), attach the double crochet to the 2nd loop of the base behind the 1st column and the 3rd column with a crochet in the 1st loop of the base in front of the first two columns, etc.

dress cyprus

The top is connected approximately according to this scheme:

The hem is knitted from bottom to top:

I don’t know what about the frills on the hem - whether they are knitted immediately or knitted separately and tied in the process of knitting the hem.
Similar scheme

And the design of the neck, fasteners and sleeves is guided by the photo

maria dress

scheme for expansion, by increasing rapports

scheme with 7 knobs for a small expansion

Dress without a name

dress Silver, Jasmine and Grace

- online


Main drawing

leaves are knitted separately

frill - 2 sc, pico from 3 c. P.

frill A - two columns with 1n from one loop of the base, ch

Now about the rings. I replaced all single crochets with half-columns. I did not redraw the scheme, but the result can be seen in the photo of the coquette. In addition, the rings were crocheted half a size larger than the dress.

isabella dress

The scheme was invented and drawn by NadinBo, first I scored 200 p., Then the first row of st / s, 2 row - add 1 st s / n through every 5th loop, a row with a pattern of arches, a row of st / s, add columns, a row rings, etc. Knitted and laid out to make a circle, so as not to falter, based on patterns of patterns,





Flora dress

Anthony's dress and the Belle Epoque

Antonia's bodice is like the dress of Venus and Jolie (only there are sleeves)

we knit the hem according to the scheme, periodically adding double crochets in the middle of the track from the bars, convex bars, which are along the edge of the track, then we tie them with a mini-frill


The bodice is knitted in two layers, periodically both canvases are connected side by side from half-columns. You can knit the row to which the top layer is attached to the back wall of the loop or only every 3rd loop. I didn’t begin to draw the second layer along the entire length of the bodice, I think it’s understandable, especially since the Venus dress has already been discussed, and knitted, and the patterns have been laid out. Let's not forget about Vanessa's favorite frills in places where the pattern changes - under the bodice and on the hem.

Leonora dress

coquette patterns

and hem

On the yoke, the last 1 row of single crochets is drawn, the second row did not draw - when knitting it, it is necessary to tie the motifs to the main fabric (I drew their placement). About the hem - expansion must be done when knitting 10 double crochets - in the middle, first add 1 cell (1ch, 1st s / n, 1 ch), then 2 and 3.

Vincent's dress


Http://winter-cherry-.gallery.ru/watch?a=Nen-eLII - motifs without interruption


leticia dress

bohemia dress

Riviera dress

dress Adeline

bottom frill

Ariadne dress

dress ibiza

up - fans of 5 double crochet in 1 point, skip 2 loops, single crochet, skip 2, 5 double crochet in one point, etc.
in the next row, 5 columns are stuck into the single crochet of the previous row.
small frills - 3 picot in one loop, skip 2, again 3 picot. armhole and neck banding is the same.
large frills - a row of single crochets, then along this row any fans from two rows with a picot on the last.

dress Lady and renaissance

The top is crocheted, only in the transverse direction - a row of CCH, a row of embossed columns (as in Mallorca)

"flower" dresses

Zigzag dress

jacquard dress

Saint Tropez


the picture is clearly visible (thanks to the author of the post -)

Cote D'Azour dress

scheme verbally: 3rd row - column b / n, 11 c. n, 1 half-column in the first loop, column b / n in c. n. of the previous row, etc., 4th row - 11 b / n columns in each "petal", with the 6th column we attach motives to each other.

Aphrodite dress

Aphrodite's bodice is knitted with convex double crochets, with the girth of the lower column at the back.
Central pattern

or (only one repeat of the pattern is knitted vertically upwards, the rest is double crochets on the right and left)

pattern to the right and left of the center stripe first

The sides in the lower part are ordinary double crochets with a strapping through several rows. looks like vintage.

Jolie dress

Jolie's bodice, it seems to me, is knitted according to the principle of Venus,

The first row - arches of 5 air loops. The second is an arch of 5 air loops, then two double crochets together (with a common top), then with two air loops we go down to the arch of the first row and make a connecting column into the arch, then we go up with 3 air loops, 2 columns with a crochet together, with 3 air loops we go down and make a connecting column into the arch, then 2 air loops, 2 columns with a crochet together and a single crochet we fasten in the middle of the next arch.
skirt pattern

aurora dress

Knitted from top to bottom, in a circle.
First, the flower pattern. There are 24 of them on the neck.
Flowers "read" from left to right)))

Then from the neck down with crossed double crochets - 96 (two crossed columns) - 2 rows.
The third row of stobics, adding in a circle (focused on flowers. Each 4 flowers added in crossed columns. It turned out 96 + 6.
The fourth row - idle - without addition.
The fifth row is like the third, total +6=108. On this increase finished.
Further in a circle up to the 10th row inclusive.

Divided into back - 30, and front - 32, and sleeves (23 cross stitches each). In the armholes, I scored 20 air loops, for 10 cross stitches.
Through a row, I lowered under the chest on the sides, 1 cross st. from each side.
From the armhole 9 rows.
Then, according to the "Starburst" scheme - 21 rapports. Six rows.

And six rows of crosses st. = 69 crosses. Art.
At the waist, I separately tied an insert of 22 flowers. Attached to the top.
And again 6 rows of crosses. columns \u003d 76 crosses st. That. I did hip augmentation.
Then, according to the "Starburst" scheme - 23 rapports. Six rows.
And again 7 rows of crosses. columns \u003d 86 crosses. Art.
Further, according to the lower scheme, in a straight line without increases and decreases.
Bottom strapping - the third scheme. I did not draw the last row, I only noted where the pico was.

Angelica dress

description from katjona

, but you can, like in a skirt, one column is lush, the second is simple


small frills

big frill

Georgiana dress

description from DoroFea

Between the flowers I have 3 rows of crossed columns, I knit frills immediately behind the front wall of these columns - first a row of st. b. n, and then a pico shamrock. It turns out two rows of frills - in the first row of crossed columns and in the second row.

Duchesse dress

The bodice and the upper part of the skirt are knitted with a simple swoosh knit with an air loop between them.
the upper part of the sleeve, the flashlight itself. As I saw, the ruffles in it are imposed on the main pattern, and not on the grid. Accordingly, the middle part of the skirt is connected in the same way. ruffles like in children's dresses


the same madam, only without contrasting piping
the main pattern is FILEYKA with an offset. stripes with a pattern - these are the same leaves, but collected in a quatrefoil - 2 forward or two back

The main pattern is crossed columns, the skirt is similar to the Miracle dress, it joins the bodice through the parquet, as in Madame's dress, the placket with simple columns, the picot piping.

dress amazon





Juliet dress

main pattern - top and skirt

under lacing

The dress is knitted from the waist up and down.

marshmallow dress

Mademoiselle dress

description from Tonic

Wavy lines indicate rows consisting of * st b / n, 2 ch in each loop of the previous row. Repeat from an asterisk. Then leave this row on the face, and knit the next one not from the loops of the new row, but again from the loops of the base.
The sleeve is the main part. Then comes the binding with arches with leaves already along the entire armhole.

I drew my skirt pattern.
Increases st / n did through 3 rows. Otherwise, it turns out very magnificent.


cap ferret dress

description from Natalo4ki

It is necessary to knit 30 "pendants" on the yoke: 5 on the back, 5 on the sleeve, 10 on the front, 5 on the sleeve, 5 on the back (this is our second row). with the third row we connect everything in a circle and then I knitted everything in a circle, when knitting 4 rows, it is necessary to divide the dress into sleeves and the “torso” and tie a chain from c to underarms. p. of the required length and further in a circle, the 5th row is already knitting the "torso". There are places on the hem diagram where I did not draw similar rows. I numbered and it is clear that, for example, from the 12th row to the 28th we knit the same rows. Maybe an increase in the hem, which is not enough in my diagram, then you can add double crochets in the place where there are 3 of them on the entire hem remains unchanged (I hope I explained it clearly).
Let's not forget about the mini-frills that Vanessa loves so much - in the place where the yoke ends and where the border on the hem begins. We tie the armholes and the neck next to the single crochet with pico.

children `s dress

Lolita dress

In general, the dress is not very complicated:
- first, a strip is knitted across the bodice (probably CCH or single crochet behind the back wall);
- then - up and down from this element a coquette and a skirt, with different patterns;
- sleeves - from the shoulder down with a set of okat in the process of knitting;
- the element on the bodice (imposed) is also found in earlier dresses, it is also clearly visible;
- collar - another pattern similar to the coquette pattern.

shell pattern
in one loop, knit 2 double crochets, an air loop and 2 more double crochets. stepping back a little in one loop, she tied 5 double crochets and between them a pico of 5 air loops. far all over again. next row: big checkmark (I don't know if there is a scientific name for this - 2 double crochets, an air loop and 2 more double crochets). then I knitted double crochet stitches for the stitches of the previous row ... etc.


ruffles are imposed on the coquette through one relief column

Crochet is one of the oldest types of needlework, the popularity of which is unabated today. After all, a crocheted thing is a guarantee of uniqueness and originality. Of course, knitting requires perseverance and attention, since it sometimes takes more than one week to create a large thing. However, experienced knitters are able to create real masterpieces with a simple hook and thread.

And the most striking example to confirm what has been said is the work of the Brazilian fashion designer Vanessa Montoro, who managed to turn her passion for knitting into a real brand recognizable all over the world. So, let's get to know the amazing designer Vanessa Montoro and her unique dresses, the knitting patterns of which are extremely popular.

Vanessa Montoro: dress like a poem

While still a little girl, Vanessa mastered the technique of crocheting and knitting. And this passion eventually grew into the business of her life. Today it is one of the most popular handmade brands.

In her products, Vanessa has always been guided by her own ideas about fashion and style - and she did not lose. Her dresses are often called "silk poem", one can even say that the designer does not just crochet patterns, but draws - her collections are so amazing and unique.

Vanessa's dresses are easily recognizable, her handwriting cannot be confused with anything. When creating their models, the designer is guided by several rules:

  • Favorite material for creating things is silk (sometimes even hand-spun silk). It is thanks to him that dresses seem flowing and especially feminine. Also sometimes Vanessa Montoro works with 100% wool.
  • In her works, she uses only naturally dyed threads. Yarn for creating patterns is dyed by hand at home. To do this, Vanessa uses old grandmother's recipes and natural pigments.
  • She knits from yarn dyed with natural shades that will be in fashion regardless of the season. This is mainly the color of coffee with milk, spinach, pastel gentle colors. However, in fairness, it should be noted that recently the designer likes to experiment: along with dresses of neutral shades, there are models made in quite catchy colors.
  • The patterns in Vanessa Montoro's dresses are quite simple, and their silhouette is concise. But the multi-tiered and lace, the use of unique author's patterns for knitting makes the dresses truly unique. By the way, the designer takes about a month to invent patterns and create a product.

There are many examples in the world of handicraft, creativity, when people present their hobby, their art in such a way that it becomes their work and lifestyle.

Some of us doubt that the fruits of our creativity can please someone, and when we overcome our fear and insecurity, the world admires our creations.

Now I want to show, using the example of a simple girl from Brazil, that, in fact, everything is possible if you believe in yourself and try, try, try.

This is for inspiration today!

Vanessa Montoro... Who is this? Many crochet lovers know exactly her work, which is recognized in all corners of the world. But when I set out to find out about a person ... It's not easy, as it turned out. To tell the truth: very little is known about her personality on the Internet (no date of birth, nothing about her personal life ...) I don’t want to write another fairy tale for you with beautiful phrases. So I'm posting everything I can find.

In 2015, the brand, which bears the name of the founder, turned 10 years old. On this occasion, on October 8, 2015, Vanessa Montoro moved into a new studio in Vila Nova Conceição in Sao Paulo. It is decorated in an antique style.

She knits with author's patterns, many craftswomen, inspired by her work, try to create copies of such dresses, but this is not easy to do from photographs. The patterns are very intricate, perhaps this is the secret of their chic look. But, of course, the point is also that the master works mainly with natural silk yarn, sometimes he uses high quality wool, however, according to her, she considers silk to be her favorite material.

It takes about one month to create one dress, which is what the Vanessa Montoro brand is famous for.

Designer clothes from Vanessa Montoro have decent price tags. But this is not surprising: the time spent on production, expensive material. And also the yarn is dyed exclusively with natural dyes according to old recipes.

Here are some crochet dresses from Vanessa Montoro:
