Casual daytime and beautiful evening makeup. How does daytime makeup differ from evening makeup?

One of the first rules that future makeup artists are taught is that makeup should be appropriate. Yes, beautiful. Yes, neat. Yes, emphasizing advantages and hiding disadvantages. But all the advantages of well-applied makeup fade if it is not appropriate. Therefore, the first thing to consider when thinking about makeup is the place and time. Makeup is usually divided into everyday and festive, as well as daytime and evening (night).

It is important to know and feel the difference between evening and daytime makeup. If you do evening makeup for school, the office, or going out on business, the look will be “loud” and even vulgar. If you apply daytime makeup while going to the club, you can get a “moth effect”, because in low light a lightly made-up face will seem blurred or, as makeup artists say, “disappeared.” That’s why “smoky eye” makeup is so popular for evenings, with which even in semi-darkness the eyes look bright and expressive.

What is the difference between daytime makeup and evening makeup?

In dim lighting and twilight, makeup errors are not so noticeable. Even if the makeup is “greasy” and “dirty”, this will most likely be hidden from the eyes of others. But in daylight, any inconsistencies and irregularities will be evident. The more products applied to the face, the more noticeable they are in daylight. During the day, a face with evening makeup looks rough and dirty.

Therefore, the main features of daytime makeup are moderation and naturalness. You should strive to keep your makeup as unnoticeable as possible. Preference should be given to natural tones, close to the natural shades of skin and hair. The lines should be neat and even, noticeable only upon close examination.

In the photo: the difference between daytime and evening makeup

What should be the makeup for the office and makeup for school? How to put on makeup during the day when going on business or to a meeting? Let's talk about the basic rules of daytime makeup.

How to apply daytime makeup: the basics

1. Either eyes or lips. In evening makeup, the emphasis can be placed on several areas, but when it comes to daytime makeup, you need to choose one thing. If you plan to paint your eyes quite brightly, then for your lips you should prefer a light peach or. You can get by with clear gloss or balm.

If your choice is a flashy lipstick, you should make up your eyes so that they look natural, as if without makeup.

Or eyes or lips... Photo: L’Oréal Paris

2. Natural skin color. You should select a foundation for daytime makeup especially carefully - it must exactly match your skin color. In any case, this is exactly what we should strive for. But for the area under the eyes, you should buy a concealer that is 1-2 shades lighter than your natural skin color - this way you can achieve the optimal result.

Before and after applying daytime makeup

The foundation must be applied in a very thin layer. To achieve the effect of “transparency,” makeup artists have a couple of secrets at their disposal. First: The foundation can be applied using a damp sponge, and then the cream-powder will not form a film mask.

Secret two: Before application, mix foundation with day cream (makeup base). You can mix 1 to 1. But if the skin has imperfections, the proportions can be changed towards increasing the tone: 2-3 parts of cream powder to 1 part of the base. Don't forget to apply a little on your neck to avoid a drastic transition.

If necessary, you can use a darker tone to highlight the area under the cheekbones and chin.

Blush is a must for daytime makeup! Their application makes the face fresh, giving it a healthy, blooming appearance. It can be either peach or bronze blush. Bronze blush should be applied to the entire cheekbone, and peach blush should be applied only to the apples (“hills” that appear when you smile).

Without makeup and with daytime makeup

Daytime makeup does not change the face, but makes it fresher and more attractive.

If desired, you can also apply powder to set your makeup, but under no circumstances should you use a sponge. Only a large soft brush! Only very light movements! Minimum powder! If there is no special need, do not apply powder on the forehead - here it is usually more noticeable, and it also settles in the folds when we wrinkle the forehead and emphasizes them.

3. Daytime eye makeup. As a rule, when creating daytime makeup, preference is given to neutral tones: shades of brown, gray, beige.

You can layer a little color on top of the neutral shadows, but the color should be a diffuse shadow or haze. Bright, saturated colored shadows are not suitable for daytime makeup.

Even light neutral shadows need to be blended well. It is undesirable to have clear shadow boundaries. Ideally, the shadows should lie so that there is only a hint of them.

Smokey eye makeup is a purely evening option. You can't use smokey eye as a daytime smokey eye!

Is it possible to line your eyes while doing daytime makeup? Should you use eyeliner? Yes, of course, when creating daytime makeup, you can line your eyes. It is advisable to draw a line only along the upper eyelid (the lower eyelid can be highlighted with neutral shadows). The line along the upper eyelid should be quite thin.

Makeup artists attach great importance to the color of eyeliner or eyeliner - if you are wearing daytime makeup, it is better to choose gray or brown, but not black.

Black lines - for evening makeup.

If you want your makeup to be very light, but you can’t imagine yourself without a line along your eyelid, try lining your eyes with wet shadows. You will need a very thin brush, dark brown or dark gray eyeshadow and a small container of water. Dip the brush into water, shake it off, take a little shadow on the brush and carefully draw a line. Using this method, it is very easy to create thin arrows. As a rule, the line turns out to be accurate, even, but not too clear and obvious. An excellent makeup option for the office, school, etc.

Daytime makeup: popular options

1. Nude makeup. Nude makeup as a daytime look is especially suitable for young girls and young women, who look fresh and attractive even without an abundance of makeup.

“Nude” means “naked” (from Nude - naked). Nude makeup should look as if it is not makeup, but natural face paints. Only those tones that are present in a person’s face are used: white, beige, light brown, light pink. Everything is shaded well, leaving only hints of the arrows and the color of the shadows.

Particular attention is paid to the skin - it should shine. In addition to foundation, bronze powder is often used, applying it over the foundation on the cheekbones and a little along the line of the nose.

Lipstick should also be “nude”: light peach, pale pink or beige.

The task of evening makeup is to complete your look, making it spectacular and festive.

By following simple rules, you will achieve incredible results and be noticeable at any party.

The primary task of evening makeup is to show a smooth, even skin tone. Remember the paintings of famous artists with portraits of women.

The first thing that will catch your eye is soft rosy cheeks, a velvety neck, a natural matte skin tone, a light powdery haze... As if the painter had used computer retouching.

The key to perfectly smooth skin is careful preparation of the face before applying cosmetics. It should be cleaned of dust and cosmetic residues (carefully read our article “Makeup Removal: How to Remove Cosmetics Properly”), cooled with a piece of ice, which narrows the pores, and moisturized with a cream with a light texture.

Evening makeup is multi-layered, like a fluffy Renaissance dress. First comes the base - a special cream (“primer”) that smoothes out unevenness and roughness. Small pimples, scratches and redness are masked with a concealer.

Then foundation is applied. It is most convenient to use the pads of your own fingers. This way you can distribute the tone evenly, without rubbing, but actually driving it into the skin. A special sponge is also a good option.

To give your face a soft, velvety haze and set your layers, use powder, loose, compact or in balls. Depending on the goals, it can have a mattifying effect or, conversely, give the face a shimmering glow.

Many people remember eyes and lips, but completely forget about eyebrows. But in vain! Beautiful, clear and well-groomed eyebrows are not only the trend of the season, but also a way to make a competent accent on the eyes.

Get rid of excess hairs, give them a flying shape, highlight them with a pencil or shadows. You can use eyebrow dye or get a permanent tattoo.

What is the difference between evening makeup and daytime makeup?

Evening makeup differs from everyday makeup in that it must attract attention to you in the gloom of a nightclub or restaurant. It is brighter, more saturated. At the same time, it is rare when the emphasis is placed on both the eyes and the lips at the same time. You'll have to choose one.

One of the leading trends this year is red matte lipstick. There are many shades - from carrot-scarlet to dark burgundy or garnet - and you can always choose the one that perfectly suits your type of appearance.

However, when applying red lipstick, do not forget the basic tricks.

Firstly, there should be a “base” on the lips, for example, powder, which helps the cosmetics not to spread over the edges.

Secondly, the border should be defined with a pencil one tone darker. Use it to shade the corners of your mouth.

Thirdly, apply a lighter shade of lipstick in the middle of your lips; this will visually increase the volume of your lips. With such a rich lip decor, decorate your eyes only with mascara and natural shades.

The second trend in evening make-up is smoky “cat” eyes, in professional jargon – “smoky eyes”.

To prepare this cosmetic masterpiece, you will need a set of shadows of the same color, but of different saturations, moving from the lightest to the darkest tone. First, apply the lightest shadows to the entire upper eyelid, then dark ones to its outer corner.

In the middle, blend the middle shade well, giving the look a smoky veil. Open your eyes with a dark liner (a pencil or eyeliner will come in handy), and complete your eye makeup with rich black mascara.

Not everyone, however, likes smoky eyes. And here inspiration from the distant 60s comes to the rescue. Colored arrows made with shimmering eyeliner in blue, yellow, green or purple will help add a retro twist to your look.

The main thing is that the tone matches the chosen dress. Glitter in the shadows or applied separately is also appropriate for evening makeup.

To summarize your efforts, do not forget to highlight your cheekbones - with blush, a special bronzer or powder a couple of shades darker than the base. Apply a little light concealer to the wings of the nose, the dimple above the upper lip and the chin.

Together, these secret manipulations will give your face a chic, graphic look worthy of a magazine cover and hide imperfections.

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Day makeup

Daytime makeup is makeup that a woman applies every day when getting ready for work, visiting a friend, or going shopping. A distinctive feature of daytime makeup is lightness and the use of neutral, calm tones of decorative cosmetics. In addition, daytime makeup should, if desired, easily transform into evening makeup. After all, it so often happens that immediately after work there is little time left to change clothes and touch up your makeup.

Classic daytime makeup is the calling card of any woman. If you often have to attend business meetings or negotiations for work, then it is important to learn how to apply cosmetics quickly and correctly. And simple but important tips will help with this.

How to apply daytime makeup correctly: secrets and tricks

1. Before applying any makeup, be sure to cleanse your face and apply moisturizer to the skin - this will greatly facilitate the procedure for applying cosmetics and make the makeup more durable.

2. When doing daytime makeup, make one accent: highlight the lips or eyes.

3. It is best to apply it in daylight. It is best to position yourself near a window to control how saturated the selected shades will be on your face.

4. When choosing cosmetics, preference is given to calm, natural, pastel colors.

5. The main secret is creating an even tone and complexion. First, you need to apply the corrector to problem areas, masking minor redness. Then apply a foundation with the lightest possible texture to match the skin tone so as not to weigh down the image. If necessary, the skin can be lightly powdered, for which loose powder is suitable.

6. Daytime eye makeup is performed using shadows or eyeliner. Use natural shades of shadows. If the setting of the eyes differs from the classic one, for example, the eyes are set close, far or deep, read on our website more detailed recommendations for applying cosmetics.

7. In daytime makeup, you can and should correct the shape of the face oval, but this must be done extremely carefully. Light tones of cosmetics make facial features visually wider and larger, while dark tones make facial features smaller and narrower. To make such an adjustment, you need to practice first, since there should be no noticeable transitions between light and dark areas on the face, which is not easy to achieve.

8. Eyebrows must be drawn with a special pencil so as to emphasize their thickness and length, but not to make them the only bright spot on the face.

9. Cheekbones are highlighted with blush in a natural shade.

10. Before applying lipstick, apply foundation to the lips, outline the natural border and apply lipstick, the excess of which is blotted with a napkin.

How to choose cosmetics for daytime makeup

The texture of cosmetics should not be pearlescent - there is no need for excess shine in daytime makeup. If you need to slightly lighten the inner corner or middle of the upper eyelid, use shimmering shadows.

As for the color palette, it is necessary to take into account the natural color of the eyes. Thus, brown-eyed girls are advised to choose shades of beige, pink or gray. For green-eyed girls or those with gray-green eyes, shades of light purple, brown and copper are suitable. Blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties are advised to apply eyeshadow in a golden, peach or beige shade.

Daytime makeup for brown eyes step by step photo at home

1. Apply foundation or beige shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

2. Along the eyelash growth line, draw a thin line with eyeliner or a sharpened pencil.

3. Apply light pink shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

4. Apply shadows of a dark gray shade to the outer corner of the eyelid and blend, erasing the border between shades as carefully as possible.

5. Apply one layer of mascara to the eyelashes.

Daytime makeup for green eyes step by step photo with description

1. Completely cover the upper eyelid with light (white, beige) shadows.

2. Apply peach shadows to the crease area, as well as to the outer corner, forming a beautiful “wing”.

3. Use dark gray shadows to decorate the outer corner, making it more saturated. We carefully shade the borders.

4. Use dark gray eyeliner to emphasize the line of the upper eyelid, drawing an arrow from the middle of the eyelid.

5. Draw the outer corner of the lower eyelid and connect the lines.

6. Apply mascara to the upper eyelashes with one stroke of the brush. To color the lower eyelashes you need to blink several times at once.

Daytime makeup for green eyes

Daytime makeup for blue eyes: step by step photos

1. Apply foundation to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

2. We decorate the area of ​​the upper eyelid up to the crease with soft pink shadows.

3. Using a blue pencil, draw the outer corner and shade the strokes.

4. Apply light (white) shadows to the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Carefully shade the borders.

5. We emphasize the lower eyelid with a blue pencil.

6. Use dark gray eyeliner to outline the edges of the eyelids and shade the edges.

7. Apply mascara in 1 layer.

Daytime makeup for gray eyes: step by step photos

1. Level the surface of the eyelid using foundation.

2. Apply light gray shadows to the upper eyelid.

3. Apply gray shadows in a gray shade to the outer corner and blend towards the middle.

4. Use white shadows to decorate the inner corner of the eye and the brow area.

5. Using gray eyeliner, draw neat arrows along the eyelash growth lines (upper and lower eyelids).

6. Apply mascara.

How to maintain daytime makeup throughout the day

The hardest thing is not to apply makeup, but to keep it in “shape” throughout the day. Of course, the higher quality the cosmetics, the more durable the makeup will be. But even the best quality products can crumble. The easiest way to refresh your face is with thermal water, which comes in spray form. Spray a little product onto your skin and let it dry on its own.

Avoid too frequent powdering procedures, since each time the layer of decorative cosmetics on your face will only increase, which will immediately “heavien” the makeup.

If you need to tint your lips, be sure to use a balm before each application.

Daytime makeup for blondes: features

Foundation. Maximum light texture with a moisturizing effect. Minor imperfections are pre-treated with a corrector.

Shadows. Blondes can avoid applying shadow at all or limit themselves to light beige, natural or creamy shades. Draw a light outline along the eyelash line with a gray or walnut pencil. Mascara should be gray, brown or blue.

Blush. Here it is preferable to pay attention to light pink or coral shades.

Pomade. The best option would be matte natural shades or light lip gloss.

Daytime makeup for blondes with blue-gray eyes

Daytime makeup for blondes with gray eyes

Daytime makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Daytime makeup for blondes with green eyes

Daytime makeup for brunettes: secrets and features

Foundation. Problem areas are treated with a corrector, then a cream fluid of the same shade as the facial skin is applied. From above, the face can be lightly powdered with loose powder, the excess of which can be easily removed with a wide brush.

Shadows. Plum is considered a universal shade for brunettes. In addition, brown-eyed girls can choose blue, silver, gold, light pink or white shades. For girls with green eyes, sand, blue and green shades are suitable. Blue-eyed girls should choose dark brown and peach shadows, as well as any shades of gray.

Blush. Look for peach or light pink cosmetic tones.

Pomade. Among the shades, the best options would be caramel, beige, coral or light pink.

Daytime makeup for brunettes with green eyes

Day makeup Reveals the beauty and individuality of every woman, allows you to look good and elegant throughout the day. Day makeup- a good way to emphasize the advantages and uniqueness given to us by nature.

Lighting plays a primary role in choosing the type of makeup. And in different lighting conditions there can be different effects: glare from shimmering particles in blush, soft or roughly shaped cheekbones. And this is worth taking into account.

The difference between daytime and evening makeup

The main difference between daytime and evening makeup is the intensity of lighting and how you look. The more light there is, the less makeup you should wear. During the day, in sunlight, give preference to subtle “no makeup” makeup. Sometimes you just need to even out your skin tone.

With evening lights, you can add a little more color to your makeup. In both daytime and evening makeup, we follow the same basic steps. The main difference is only in the color and intensity of the shades of the external image. Depending on the lighting, different makeup colors can add originality and uniqueness to your makeup, or vice versa, ruin everything and give an uneven complexion color. It is important to make the right selection of foundation and color of eye shadow, blush and lipstick.

What does Day Makeup consist of?

During the daytime, the sunlight fills your face and everything around with a golden glow. During the day is best stick to natural makeup in beige and brown shades. Since bright sunlight highlights your facial features, your makeup should highlight the same features.

Daytime makeup is good in everyday life and is perfect for office style for work. It is done in neutral shades so as not to overload the image, but to enhance your features and correct the shape of your face.

Neutral makeup helps define your facial features, and with the right color correction, you can attract attention and add pops of color. Daytime makeup should be light and balanced. Then you will radiate the naturalness and radiance of your skin.

Stick to brown and gray shades, add a light touch of blush and a little mascara to your lashes. If you plan to wear eye makeup, lightly draw a thin line with a pencil along the lash line and blend it well. Complete your look with lip gloss or a neutral shade of lipstick.

It is important to avoid thick eyeliner, as natural sunlight or fluorescent lamps can make your eyes look artificial and unnecessarily thick. Although everyone has different tastes, and there are girls who really suit thick eyeliner. But in this case, do not put additional emphasis on your lips. Avoid a style that is too vulgar.

10 steps for perfect daytime makeup

1. Always start by cleansing, toning and moisturizing your face and neck. Give the cream a minute to absorb.

2. Use a light-colored corrector (1-2 shades lighter than your skin) to remove dark circles under the eyes and hide small blemishes on the face. We use green corrector to mask red spots and pimples.

3. Apply a foundation that matches your skin tone with your fingers or a sponge. Distribute the foundation from the center of the face to the hairline and down to the lower jaw area. If the color of the neck is very different from the color of the face, then apply foundation on the neck.

4. Take a large fluffy brush and transparent powder, dip the brush in the powder and shake it off the edge of the jar, fix the foundation on your face. We remove excess shine in the T-zone with powder and lightly sweep the brush over the eyelids and lips. For age-related makeup during the day, you can use powder with reflective particles to visually even out the skin texture and get a smoothing effect.

5. Wipe the brush on a clean napkin, and with the same brush, lightly touch, apply soft pink blush to the very top area of ​​your cheeks. Maybe beige blush.

6. Shape the eyebrows. If you have very sparse eyebrows, then draw your eyebrows along the hairline with an eyebrow pencil, or even better, with dark brown or black-brown shadows. Comb them with a brush. If your eyebrows are well defined, then style them with a special eyebrow gel or you can do this with regular hairspray.

7. Apply light eyeliner with an asphalt gray pencil along the lash line. Shade the line well.

Use light beige shadows to highlight the inner corner of the eye and the area under the eyebrow. Next, you can work with shadows of brown and gray shades for the age option. Place a medium brown shade of eye shadow in the crease of the eyelid, shade the outer corner with a dark shade and blend well upward.

For young people, light pink-pearl shadows are suitable for almost everyone. We apply them to the entire moving eyelid. Place the same shadows with a light stroke on the “apples” of your cheeks and above the upper lip.

8. Use a pencil or eyeliner to line your eyes (you can skip this step). Always start from the outer corner of the eye and move to the inner corner. Make sure you draw the line almost into the lashes, otherwise there will be a gap between the lashes and the eyeliner. Do the same along the lower lash line.

9. Use an eyelash curler to curl your eyelashes. Only after this, apply mascara to the eyelashes, lightly touching it with the brush, without creating an intense coloring of the eyelashes (which I have never succeeded in, I always paint my eyelashes in 2-3 layers until I achieve the desired effect - “butterfly wing” :-))

10. And the last step is to apply pink or colorless gloss to your lips. You can try lipstick in a natural shade. If you use a lip pencil, it should exactly match the color of your natural lips.

P.S. Note!

Blue eyed women can use dark blue mascara in daytime makeup.

If you have dark brown eyes – Plum, purple or dark brown eye shadow will suit you.

For light brown eyes A dark brown eyeliner pencil and neutral beige eye shadow is enough.

Green-eyed beauties will look better with chocolate brown eyeliner. For a more dramatic look, add khaki eyeshadow to the outer corner of your eyelid.

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How to use and apply corrector/concealers

In 2016, the most calm and versatile type of makeup is daytime makeup. Due to its neutral palette, it goes well with any outfit and is convenient to wear to work and everyday events. Although it seems that it does not require much effort, in fact, achieving naturalness and appropriateness step by step is not easy.

Basic Rules

Daytime makeup is used much more often than evening or holiday makeup, so you should learn to apply it automatically, on a whim and without much thought. To do this, let's figure out step by step what the nature of such makeup is and what the rules of daytime makeup are.

  • Naturalness. The most suitable example is the nude technique, that is, it is so natural that it seems to be made without any shadows at all. To avoid mistakes, watch special lessons on correct application and look at examples.
  • Calm color scheme. You can afford muted tones, but a provocative bright shade of eye shadow or lips will look at least strange.
  • Clean skin. To look well-groomed, this is enough.
  • Neat emphasis on the eyes. When doing light daytime makeup, you need to emphasize either the eyes or the lips. Wearing bright lipstick to work is not always convenient; it will be difficult to check throughout the day that the color has not smeared. It's easier and more comfortable with the eyes.
  • Practicality. In everyday worries it is difficult to find a lot of time to correct cosmetics. Therefore, you need clear confidence that nothing will leak or smear.
  • Knowing of limits. A lot of shadows are appropriate for an evening out, but for daytime makeup it will only make the look heavier. In 2016, you can easily correct facial imperfections using foundation, powder and eye shadow when you are going to take a photo, but in life this mask will look different from different angles, sometimes too pretentious and completely ugly.

Keep these features in mind to successfully combine naturalness and elegance in your look. You can find lessons on applying cosmetics that will teach you step by step how to do quick and gentle makeup and show you all the stages in detail.


For nude makeup, the most important thing is clean and smooth skin. However, daytime makeup does not always require the perfect overall tone. If your skin cannot boast of natural velvety, you need to gradually improve it with masks and creams. But don't let cosmetic companies fool you: the job doesn't require a lot of makeup on your face.

The use of foundation is mandatory when applying cosmetics. It will not only protect the skin from external influences, but will also allow other cosmetics to last longer. Choose only the highest quality products; in 2016 you can find excellent creams and foundations.

The foundation will really even out the tone, but problems will begin to arise throughout the day, especially in the summer: something will smear, imperfections will appear, most often under glasses. You will want to take out the treasured box and fix your makeup, apply a little more cosmetics. Remember: foundation can only be applied to clean skin, and during the day it is no longer that way. Otherwise, you'll just clog your pores. Therefore, if you decide to do beautiful daytime makeup using foundation, then only in the morning when getting ready, preferably to a minimum.

Powder is an excellent fixative. In 2016, its quality is so high and the range is so wide that you can choose a box that combines several functions for application, including foundation. Remember about relevance and practicality, use powder in moderation.


When doing eye makeup, the biggest problem is quickly selecting shadows. We need shades that will look gentle and organic, but not flashy. Day and night makeup should be calm, like professional nude, but at the same time it can have a brighter and more varied color scheme.

  • Universal colors - brown tones, taupe.
  • Beige tones, as in nude.
  • A color scheme that matches your eye shade. Be careful: if you choose, for example, blue, try to paint in a muted tone.

Almost every cosmetic brand now has wonderful palettes with basic shades that are easy to combine and use in daily eye makeup.

In 2016, makeup artists have a lot of their own little secrets for everyday life, their own professional features. For example, buy a box of white eyeshadow: applying it to the inner corner of your eye will make your look cleaner and more radiant. To learn step by step useful options for using shadows and techniques, watch the video lessons and mk in advance. Such lessons will help you at home learn how to properly apply makeup for work, look elegant and charming.

Make no mistake with the eyeliner: it should be in harmony with the mascara. Black mascara will make your look more strict, but at the same time bright. Using black eyeliner you can slightly adjust the size and add neat arrows - a simple technique. Brown mascara creates a warm and gentle look. Brown eyeliner is easier to create smooth transitions, especially for nude makeup. The gray shade is as calm as possible. But it is better not to use such eyeliner for brunettes, so as not to get the effect of a gray mouse.

Try not to paint the lower eyelid with dark pencil or dark shades of eyeshadow. When you come to work in the office in 2016, you will look like a rebel. And it’s uncomfortable to wear such daytime makeup under glasses.


When figuring out how to properly apply daytime lip makeup, most girls are faced with two problems: how not to make the wrong lipstick tone and how to find a product that will last longer. After all, a lot of lip makeup is eaten during conversations during the day. If you miss the moment when there is a little lipstick left, your lips will look terribly sloppy.

A calm nude lipstick solves these two problems at once. It looks appropriate when going to work, it matches the shade of your lips, so if it smears a little, the loss will go unnoticed by others. You can also use neutral shades, also suitable for professional nude makeup. Matte lip textures will be most organic in the office, creating a spectacular look.

In 2016, long-lasting lipsticks gained popularity. They are easy to apply and last a long time. The only problem is that they can dry out your lips quickly. As a result, they will crack and look ugly, and quick makeup will be ruined. To avoid this, use a moisturizing lip primer or balm. Watch useful lessons, they will show you step-by-step examples of how to apply makeup correctly.

Light lipstick or regular lip gloss is a convenient option. You can hardly feel them on your lips, you can touch them up a little at any time and not worry that the color will smudge. Use them wisely so you don't overdo it.

Additional features

Daytime makeup has its own special properties that distinguish it from any other makeup. The main thing is easy transformation at home. In the evening, it can be easily upgraded to evening by refreshing the shade of the shadows and making it a little brighter, adding shine.

In a store, when buying different boxes with different products, be sure to pay attention to the quality. Remember: cosmetics will have an impact on your skin every day, let this effect be beneficial and nourishing, and not drying or clogging pores.

Choose cosmetics and figure out how to do your daytime makeup based on the type of work you do. Should you make a stern impression? Then frivolous pinkish shadows and bright techniques are prohibited; it is better not to wear them. Do you want to get along with people easily? Your face should literally glow, don’t forget a light blush. Do you move around the city all day in the summer? Make sure your cosmetics are durable enough to withstand sweat, tears, rain and wind.


This video tells and explains all the intricacies of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended to watch.
